Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I37A. Mushrooms are a defective object.

The mushroom is the ersatz of an authentic object: 1) defective, imaginary food (people ate mushrooms before hunting and farming; the character offers mushrooms instead of real food; real food occurs as a result of fungal metamorphosis); 2) harvesting for creating or imitating a full-fledged object (fish, birds, animals arise as a result of the metamorphosis of the fungus; a copy of a lost or a non-existent object is made of a mushroom); 3) low-status characters (lice, turtles) collect mushrooms; 4) the appearance of mushrooms is associated with a violation of the rules of relations between people. See motive I37.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Bulu [strange, thin people in the forest village don't know fire and only eat mushrooms].

West Africa. Mano [women lose ritual knowledge by passing it on to men, tempted to pick mushrooms]: Schwab 1937:449.

Western Europe. The hidden bread turns into mushrooms. Germans (Silesia, Austria).

Burma - Indochina. Khmers [the first people ate mushrooms first, then vine fruits, then rice; rice filled their bellies with excrement, they have two holes, P. divided into men and women, gave birth to real people].

Malaysia-Indonesia. Palawan [mushrooms are an imaginary Month].

The Balkans. The hidden bread turns into mushrooms. Hungarians.

Central Europe. The hidden bread turns into mushrooms. Ukrainians, Belarusians, Slovaks.

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks, Yagnobs, Turkmens [when Grandma knocks out trousers, lice fly to the ground, which grow a lot of mushrooms after spring thunderstorms].

Baltoscandia. The hidden bread turns into mushrooms. Lithuanians.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians [mushroom - "horse urine"].

Western Siberia. Keta [mushroom is the ersatz of the phallus].

Eastern Siberia. Sym Evenks (Narym): Shatilov 1927:11 ["They do not eat mushrooms at all, considering them filthy, since they allegedly gave rise to a "phallus". "It was a long time ago," says Sholeul, "there was no good man for a long time, the women cried, cried for a long time, and since the man found a mushroom, from him and... 'phallus'". Sholeul could not tell me anything more about this"]; 12 ["Sholeul, as I found out later, came here from Tym, and on Tym from Sym, a tributary of the Yenisei. You can also see here that Samoyeds in the area I observe also avoid eating mushrooms, especially old people, considering them filthy, but they do not know why mushrooms are considered filthy"].

SV Asia. Itelmen [having left his wife for fly agaric girls, Selkut is starving].

Subarctic. Koyukon [mushrooms are called mouse food; shaggy mane: crow spear, smoke: crow tobacco, crow bag]: Nelson 1983:56; tanaina [smoke mushroom (serves as medicine for burns) are called "Raven ocher", "tobacco {? smoke} Raven "]: Russel Karl 1977:181.

The coast is the Plateau. Sechelt [excrement]; Puget Sound [deer eats mushrooms; hero kills and eats deer; mushrooms are false eyes]; quinolt [real wife's ersatz; excrement].

Northeast. Seneca [man lies like picking mushrooms instead of fishing; nephew gives his uncle tree mushrooms instead of bear liver]; Tuscarora? [the hunter brings woody wood mushrooms, says it's venison or bear meat]; penobscot [tree mushroom turns into a burning path].

Plains. When the bison went missing, people ate mushrooms. Arapahoe; sheyens.

Southeast USA. Catavba [mushrooms are listed among other inedible things that feed dwarfs].

California. Mivok [frogs, mushrooms instead of commercial animals].

The Great Southwest. Hopi [mushrooms - maskiisi, "corpse-shade", "corpse shadow"; hopis don't eat mushrooms].

NW Mexico. Huichol [as long as there was no corn, people ate mushrooms].

Mesoamerica Kekchi, mopan [mushrooms have run away instead of animals that have become wild]; tsotsil [mushrooms instead of corn]; lacandons [mushrooms instead of corn].

Llanos. Sicuani [before the advent of cultivated plants, humans ate wild fruits and tree mushrooms.

Southern Venezuela. Yanomami [mushrooms instead of meat].

Guiana. Lokono [mushrooms - false cassava]; vapishana [mushrooms - false fire]; pemon [for Piaim√° forest people, wood mushrooms are their cassava].

Western Amazon. Sekoya and Maihuna [valuable fish made from priceless mushrooms]; aguaruna [a smelly character brings mushrooms instead of game; a Jaguar eats mushrooms first, cannot hunt].

NW Amazon. Baniva [beautiful mushroom toucan bird]; desana [mushroom - false penis]; witoto [before cassava, people ate ants and mushrooms; heroes supposedly cook mushrooms, not hearts]; yagua [mushrooms are not monkeys]; chikuna [the turtle only brings home mushrooms; the cannibal cooks the human liver, not mushrooms].

Central Amazon. Munduruku [wild tubers, mushrooms instead of agricultural products, meat; a tree stump with mushrooms on it instead of humans].

Montagna - Jurua. Kashinahua [mushrooms instead of meat]; capanahua [mushrooms instead of fish].

Southern Amazon. Rickbacza [mushrooms and tapir excrement are first-person food]; kayabi [lice picking mushrooms]; bororo [puma, mushroom jaguar].

Chaco. Matako [mushroom - woodpecker's false crest; excrement]; toba [excrement].