Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

I37B. Mushrooms are connected to the dead world.

Mushrooms are associated with the dead, the afterlife, evil spirits, and diseases. See motive I37.

Melanesia. Keva [a returning deceased should only eat mushrooms growing on rotten trunks]; Fiji [dalinga ni kalou (ear of spirit/ghost) 'ghost ear']: Blust 2000b: 694.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lakher [for the spirits of the dead in Athikhi, bamboo leaves are fish, large hairy caterpillars are bears, their fishing net is the big athipaso mushroom; the best mushroom is called phungsahmim ("perfume bag"]: Parry 1932:395.

Western Siberia. Keta [chasing a person, Kolbasam's daughter throws a mushroom at him, but does not get it].

Eastern Siberia. The mushroom is the trap of a cannibal giant, passers-by stick to it. Northwestern Yakuts (Deer) [Charchahaan wants to pick wood fungus from larch (it serves as a medicine); his arm, second arm, legs, forehead stick; Angaa Mogus takes him away, C. cuts through the bag, runs away, puts bark under his fur coat; AM finds him, kicks him, thinks his bones are cracking, brings it to the children, leaves himself; C. promises to make them a spoon, tells them to give them a sharp sword, cuts off their heads, puts meat on their bed cooks, digs out; AM felt that it was the meat of his blood relatives, wanted to catch C., could not stick his head into the move; C. offers to climb backwards, pierces with a hot foot; he orders from Make oars with your two hands, make a boat out of your back bones, make your ankle with a pole in the booth, a cauldron from the skull, cups from the eye sockets] Ergis 1964, No. 39:118-120; Western Yakuts (Vilyui) [at Lyybar silver boat, golden oars; someone calls him, he comes up, it's a mushroom, he kicks him, hits him, sticks, Angaa Mongus brings him to him; L. asks him to fatten him first; sends him for a knife; the owner of the knife - to the owner of the sharpener, the sharpener must be taken away by stallion, you need a rope to bridle, a rope across the river, AM falls into the water, sinks; orders his pelvic bones to become a pestle, his tibia to become a stupa]: Illarionov and others 2008, No. 15:173-177; Yakuts: Ergis 1967, No. 83 (summary of several texts, including references to archival materials) [fisherman Lyybyrda (var.: Aigyn-Taigyn or old woman Tebenekeen) , old woman Yuchei) hears a man's voice in the forest; goes and sticks to a mushroom (horse skull); Mongus picks up a fisherman and fattens him to eat him; it is impossible to slaughter a fisherman, because the knife is blunt; the fisherman sends M. to Bolona for a large knife, that to Haranay for a grindstone, and the last one for Alanay's horse to transport the stone; A. sends M. across the river for a bridle, M. drowns], 84 (no place of recording, link to archive) [smart and strong Chaarchahaan stuck to a mushroom in the forest; he was caught by Angaa Mongus, put him in his bag and went home; on the way Chaarchahaan put measles under his dress; when he got home, M. beat C., ordered his children to cook dinner with it, went hunting himself; C. made a large knife, sat the children side by side, and cut off everyone's heads. he cooked them in a large cauldron, dug a hole for himself; M. came and tasted the meat; feeling that it was the meat of his blood relatives, he wanted to catch C., but he killed him with a hot foot (icebreaker); To the dying will of M. himself, C. made oars from his hands, a boat from his body, pillars from his hips, a bowler hat from his skull]: 177; Evenks of the Baikal region [mimics those passing].

Amur - Sakhalin. Nivhi [mushroom - penis or ear trait].

SV Asia. Chukchi [fly agarics lead an intoxicated person to the land of the dead]; Koryaks [mushroom is the trap of a cannibal giant].

The Arctic. Eskimos Fr. Wrangel [when the Eskimos came to the trading post, they liked our food, except for dry mushrooms), which they called "damn ears"].

Subarctic. Inhalic [if you touch the fungus, you will have ulcers on your arm].

NW Coast. Bellacula [connection with the eclipse of stars].

The coast is the Plateau. Quinolt [monster wives].

Southeast USA. Saponi tutelo [a monstrous old woman judges the dead while sitting on a mushroom]; catavba [mushrooms are the food of forest dwarfs].

Big Pool. Northern paiyut [a means to ward off illness and evil spirit].

The Great Southwest. Hopi [mushrooms - maskiisi, "corpse-shade", "corpse shadow"; hopis don't eat mushrooms].

Mesoamerica Lacandons [mushrooms eat in the world of the dead]; tsotsil [if you smell mushrooms, your nose will be covered with spots and warts].

Llanos. Cuiva [mushrooms are evil spirits].

Southern Venezuela. Yanomami [the first race turned into scorpions, mushrooms, vultures].

Guiana. Mushrooms avert a hunter's luck. Varrau; lokono; kalinya.

Western Amazon. Sekoya [the mushroom grows on the forehead of a dead woman]; canelo [pervorasa turned into mushrooms]; shuar [mushrooms in the ears of a dead owl].

Montagna - Jurua. Machigenga [1) before the sun, the spirits of the dead lived with people, and mushrooms flew through the air and stuck to people; 2) the disease is a mushroom]; kashibo [the demon's corpse does not rot, but grows with mushrooms].