Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I39. Rainbow Bridge, F152.

A rainbow is a bridge, a road, a ladder.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Lunda [Nzambi slipped down the rainbow to the ground, created animals and plants, then man and woman, who gave birth to humans; N. told me not to sleep when the month rises; at this time people were awake; one grew old, began to see badly, the old man did not see the brilliance of the month in the clouds, fell asleep; since then people have been mortal]: Feldman 1963, No. 37 in Zhukov, Kotlyar 1975, No. 16:60-61; (another retelling in Melland 1967:164-165; same brief in White 1948:34); fioti [rainbow - bridge between earth and sky; snake drawing in water]: Pechuël-Loesche 1907:134; nyatura [Matunda created earth, descended from the sky on a rainbow; created a man and a woman, a bull and a cow, two elephants; the rest of the animals scattered across the earth in fear]: Sick 1915:45; ganda: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010 [at Kintu the cow was gone; when he climbed the rainbow, he came to heaven to look for it; God Gulu told him 1) to bring a piece of heavenly rock; lightning struck the rock, split off a piece; 2) identify his cow in the herd; a fly first buzzed at K.'s ear, then flew up to the cow; K. got a cow and daughter G. Nambi; her brother Walumbe warned her not to return to heaven, otherwise he would kill her children; N. forgot food for her favorite bird, returned across the rainbow; V. did not catch up with N. on the ground, disappeared underground; since then sometimes comes out, kills her sister's descendants; three sons K. and N. give rise to rulers, farmers and craftsmen, slaves; but V. kills everyone]: 409-410; Baskerville 1924:37 in Wright 1960 [woman dug trap pit to catch the thief; the chief's cow fell into the pit, broke her leg; the chief demanded that she give him her next child; if a girl is born, she will become a slave, if the boy is killed; a woman pretends to have given birth to a daughter; when the truth turns out, the young man climbs the rainbow to the moon]: 108; kaonde [Nzambi descended to earth on the rainbow, created trees, animals, ordered them to multiply; ordered not to sleep when the moon is in the sky; once the moon is behind the clouds, a person has fallen asleep, since then people have been mortal; it is impossible to stay awake when the moon is in the sky]: Melland 1967:164-165.

West Africa. Dogon [the supreme god Amma created Nommo; he descended the rainbow with water to earth]: Griaule 1938:45.

Southern Europe. Basques: Bähr 1931 [Eomako zubi (a) - "Roman bridge", (el) puente de Roma]: 404; Zelikov 2018 ["Rome Bridge", "Sky Bridge", "Santiago Bridge", "Santiago Road"]: 28; Galicians [" old woman's bow (arc)"); also "witch bow"; it is also believed that an old woman descends from heaven down the rainbow to carry a boy or girl; therefore they shout: Arco da vella, vaite de aí, que as nenas bonitas non son pra tí; also gancho da vella ("old woman's hook")]: Galipedia (https://gl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arco_da_vella; access time 10.02.2019); Italians (Emilia Romagna: Bologna) [when he died, the father left each of his three sons an equal portion of money; the average Fiore went to look for work and hired a bishop with an agreement: whoever gets angry first will give the other his money; (the contract is valid until the first cuckoo - this follows from the future); F. went to the field in the morning, food and wine were brought to him only late in the evening, and the pot and bottle were sealed so that they could not be opened; F. returned home, losing his money; the same with his older brother Giovanni; the younger Pírolo takes his own food, and in the evening beats off the edge of the pot and the neck of the bottle; the next day he is told to sell 100 pigs; he sold them to the first person they met, cutting off their tails and sticking them into the ground, the pigs fell into hell; left one pig and buried it whole; when the owner began to pull, the tails broke off, and P. pulled out the whole pig; the next the day is to sell the sheep; P. took the money, placed one sheep on the top of the poplar and said that the sheep went to heaven by rainbow; the next day, the bishop tells P. to go to mass with him; began it was raining, the bishop sent P. to bring him a pair of wooden shoes; P. said that the master told him to kiss both maids; P. shouts: isn't it true both? owner: yes, both {I mean both shoes}; to get rid of P., the senior maid put feathers on, climbed onto the roof and started cuckoo; P.: March, and already cuckoo; and shot the "cuckoo"; the owner drove P. and gave all the money; P. returned to the brothers what they had lost, opened a business, got married, and healed well]: Calvino 1980, No. 56:179-184.

Western Europe. The French: Bähr 1931 ["St. Peter's", "St. Bernard", "St. Martin"]: 404; Krappe 1938 [rainbow - "St. Bernard", "The Bridge of St. Spirit", "Silk Bridge"]: 182; Sébillot 1904 (different districts) [St. Bernard, Holy Spirit Bridge, etc.]: 68; Germans: Ginsburg 2012 [rainbow mystery song: "There is a wonderful bridge in the world, /All of the colorful bright drops, /It is inaccessible to man/And he has no foot on it He will step. /Birds fly through it/And the clouds swim quietly, /He is not afraid of anything/And he will wait out the thunderstorm with dignity. /Oh, what a bridge the genius built! /For you for a few moments/The peacock tail opened here.../It will disappear in the blizzard winter, /But you won't be charged taxes,/And you don't have to pay for travel"]: 160; Grimm 1883 [the rainbow is the bridge along which angels take the souls of the righteous to heaven]: 733; Germans (Bavaria: Upper Palatinate) [the rainbow is the bridge along which the dove traveled from Noah's Ark]: Schönwerth 1858, No. 12:129-130.

Australia. Yualarai [Diriri (wagtail) and her four young daughters were afraid of Bibby's courtship (nuthatch); he created the rainbow as a road from earth to the stars; promised, if D. refused, to create something It's terrible that it will destroy the earth; D. agreed; after death they became wagtail and crawled; the nuthatch runs through the trees as if it wanted to build other roads to heaven]: Parker 1965:103-104.

Melanesia. San Cristobal [the rainbow is the road of spirits-ataro; if you see a rainbow, then spirits are approaching, people are hiding in their homes]: Fox, Drew 1915:182.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Hawaii: Beckwith 1970:36-37 [Lono descends from heaven to earth on a rainbow, marries Ka-iki-lani, makes her a goddess], 37 [Oro descends from heaven on a rainbow, marries Vai-raumati], 220-221 (Fr. Maui) [Hina was doing tapa, she was tired, she took a calebas with her possessions, climbed the rainbow, heading first to the sun; it was hot, she stayed on the moon, you can see calebas next to her]; Best 1982 [In Hawaii, the rainbow "The parth of Tawhaki"]: 307; Makemson 1938 [in Hawaiian cosmology, you can climb the rainbow to the sky]: 371; Putilov 1990 [sources not specified, apparently, the national version; Hina all life was doing tapu, tired; she climbed the rainbow into the sky beyond the clouds, it was hot, she slipped to the ground; in the evening her husband returned from the spring with calebasa, scolded H.; she climbed to the moon on moon path; now visible there; near a calebas or a tapa mallet; clouds around the moon - tapa prepared by Hina]: 594-595; Atiu (South Cook Islands) [Ina took her husband (to the moon) from the ground; when he was old, she told him to go back so as not to desecrate the sky with a corpse; created the rainbow he descended]: Gill 1976:46-47; Mangaia [the "Tangaroa belt" rainbow, on which he descends from heaven]: Gill 1876:44; Tikopia [rainbow - the path that gods take to drink cava]: Firth 1970:90; Easter Island [Ana Vaero was inhabited by the chicken Vovo, daughter of Aoro Ngaru; chief Tangaloa from the Mira tribe and the Honga family met her while she was sleeping; fishermen killed a chicken; old Nuahu heard a baby crying, found a baby in chicken giblets in a puddle; the boy grew up asking about his father, N. replies that he does not have a father; he comes to his father's other sons; they can no longer slide on the waves, realize that they are being looked at; he has been beaten, thrown into the sea; he hid in a cave; he swam, hollowing out a hollow in a tree trunk; two women saw him; he lived with their father, worked in the garden; after that, the plants began to bear fruit well, fish were caught; people realized that he was the leader, and carried him to Hang -Roa; on the way he killed enemies; arranged a holiday in honor of his father, and took to heaven by rainbow]: Fedorova 1993:200-201.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibet [la (vitality, soul) of saints goes to heaven after death on a five-color rainbow]: Ogneva 1982:511; Tibetans (Ham) [king falls in love with Gongmo girl; queen sends her to herd yaks to a valley where dangerous spirits live; G. asks Guru Rinpoche to save her; she manages to escape from the power of spirits; god Kemzo descends to her down the rainbow, gives her a drink of water that reflects the image Thubpa Gawa bodysatva; she will give birth to Geser, who will be the incarnation of a bodysatva on earth, will save the world from evil forces]: Hyde-Chambers, Hyde-Chambers 1981:30-32; sema ["leg of heavenly spirits", apparently in meaning "heavenly spirit bridge"]: Mills 1926:304, Hutton 1925:120; angami [rainbow is "God's path", it is deadly to approach where it begins]: Mills 1926:304, Hutton 1925:120-121 ; kachin (jinpo): Elwin 1958a, No. 17 [the land of the dead Sawaka is between heaven and earth; souls of those killed by violence go there; the rainbow is the staircase for souls to climb], 18 [in In the Lunar Country of Sitamung, the god Jaukun-Tukung and his wife Nang-Susita made a road from moon to earth, visible at night; while making it, JT fell and crashed; sometimes his spirit climbs into heaven to his wife by rainbow stairs]: 79, 80; tripuri [the sister asked her brother to cross the river first, but he insisted that she go first; when she entered the water, the sister lifted her skirt, the brother saw her genitals and wanted to marry her sister; the grandmother asked her grandson what he cared about; when she found out that he wanted to marry, she offered different girls, but the grandson refused; then asked if he wanted to take his sister, the grandson nodded; the grandmother allowed it; scattered rice to dry, the chickens began to bite it, my grandmother began to scold the chickens: this rice is for cooking for my grandson and granddaughter's wedding; my granddaughter heard; at night the girl heard a voice who advised planting a chhethuan shoot and tell it to grow up; she climbed a tree, it grew taller; parents and grandmother promise to abandon their plan, but the girl tells them to slaughter them first the trees of all the chickens and pigs prepared for the wedding feast; at first they slaughtered only a few; and when they saw that the girl could not be fooled and slaughtered everyone, she refused to go down and climbed to heaven; when her brother climbed after her, she shoved a tree, her brother fell and crashed, and the top of this tree is now flat; the rainbow is the staircase that a girl takes down from the sky to collect water]: Mandal 2009; 95-97; tagin [Buru-Gudu lived in the water, and Doje-Karngu lived in the sky, both daughters; decided that everyone would marry the other's daughter; they made a rainbow bridge to go from water to heaven and back; agreed to comply a ban on work, communication with his wife, hunting; Wiyus (the first ancestor gods) were afraid that the ground would remain flat, told DC that BG violated the ban; he rained in anger, streams of water enslaved the crossed relief; everyone but a banana and an earthworm came to the wedding; for this, HD removed bones from their bodies]: Elwin 1958a, No. 19:80-81; upper tagin [Dozing - spirit of heaven, Buru - water; Yanyia, daughter of D., came out for Tanya, B.'s son; a silver rainbow bridge was made for them to meet]: Elwin 1958a: 81 (note 5); vancho [heavenly god Rang loves fish; descends the rainbow to the ground to catch it]: Elwin 1958a , NO. 22:82.

Burma - Indochina. Ede [Dam Shan comes to the Sunwoman to marry her; a rainbow staircase leads to her abode]: Nikulin 1970b:90; buoys (from three informants, two of whom spoke Chinese); [young man Liuliu plowed, saw a shrimp in the well, brought it home; at night he had a dream: the moon was looking for her daughter who had come down to earth; when she returned from the field, she found a girl; she gave birth to a son, Prince in Heaven (in Chinese: tian wang), the boy immediately grows up, helps with his work; the emperor sent an army to take his wife; she tells her son to look for her on the moon; L. returned from the field, went to pick up his wife; the old man says that I saw how the warriors brought a woman to the river, she told the river to wash them away, took to the sky by the rainbow; Ransu, a close associate of the emperor, tries to kill TV to seize the rich harvest from his fields; 1) lowers it into a well in an iron cauldron; 2) ties a tiger to a stone to be eaten, 3) to a spruce; the TV returns unharmed every time; the servants let him go; he turns into an old man, then into smoke, rises to heaven; a stone in the form of a human figure remained at the site of the ascension; after learning about the injustices, mother TV began to send insect pests, drought, etc., and people began to make sacrifices before that stone on sixth day of the sixth month]: Miller 1994:97-101.

Malaysia-Indonesia. The Andamans [the rainbow is a reed bridge from the ground to the world of the dead; the dead descend it to visit relatives]: Radcliffe-Brown 1933:145-146, 169; Malays [in Perak, the rainbow is a trail spirits coming down to earth to drink; in Penang, "danu snake"]: Skeat, Blagden 1900:14-15; bataks [rainbow is the path that oak spirits take to communicate with gods]: Frazer 1939:369; dusun ( Tpassuk) [people from the plateau put up a rainbow, walked along it to the lower country, brought their wives from there; (the story is half forgotten, it is not explained why they no longer build a rainbow bridge)]: Evans 1913:425-426 (= 1922:178-179); Toraja: Teselkin 1959:14-18 [God from heaven settled on earth, told his wife and seven sons to go down to him; sons did not work, only played top; mother hid the tops, she put them where she used to leave lunch for her sons, the sons were hungry; the brothers decide to go back to heaven, everyone chooses to do something for themselves, they turn into thunder, lightning, storm, rain, flood, earthquake; the seventh does not want to harm people, turns into a rainbow; this rainbow brings their parents back to heaven; (retelling the same or similar text in Kruyt 1938, No. 8:355; sun - golden top], 72-77 [Deatanna descended from the sky on the rainbow, Polopadang grabbed her, promised not to say bad words in front of her; their son's top hit P. on the knee, P. cursed, D. took son, returned to heaven across the rainbow; on the seashore, P. pulled his spear out of the buffalo's back, who brought it to the horizon; the Sun could not take it because it was too hot, her younger brother Month takes it; P. throws a golden top into the bucket of a slave who has come for water; the son recognizes the toy; the servants promise P. to return his wife if he 1) brings a basket of water (the eel lubricates the basket with mucus), 2) irrigates the garden (crabs dig a ditch), 3) fill four baskets by grain (mice fill), 4) eat all the sweet potatoes in the field (pigs eat), 5) get to know the wife in a dark room (the cat meows at D.'s feet, the firefly sits on her hair); P. returns to earth with his wife and son]; Western Toraja [the fisherman noticed that the water in the reservoir was cloudy; he remained guarded, seven moon maidens descended in the morning and began to swim; the fisherman hid clothes alone, married, the name of the virgin Topitoe, she gave birth to a son; she cooked red food, her husband said she was cooking blood; this was not the case, the wife was offended, asked her parents to lower the stairs for her, told her husband to take care of the child, climbed the rainbow; the husband took the child, climbed the banyan tree, which grew up to the moon; the wife allowed her husband to stay only overnight; when he woke up, he found himself on the ground; the child stayed , T. began to breastfeed him, he got dirty, his bowel movements were grasshoppers; T. took her breast away in fear, milk spilled across the sky, became the Milky Way; the banyan now grows on the moon, can be seen there]: Kruyt 1938, No. 40 : 390-391; Western Toraja: Mabuchi 1969:40 (Sigi) [Sawerigading (name borrowed from boogie) and his sister descended from the sky on the rainbow, brought people cultivated plants], 42 (Bada) [two brothers- orphans were left without property; the baby saw seven heavenly maidens swimming in the pond; climbed into the sky with them along the rainbow; found rice there; the rice owner did not allow it to be taken; the young man stole rice, became go down, but the owner caught up and wounded him; in the sky, the young man rested, hid the rice in the wound, went down, brought rice to the ground]; Eastern Toraja [the dead rise up the rainbow to the sky]: Adriani, Kruyt 1950, No. 36:407; boogie: Kruyt in Mabuchi 1969 [the heavenly gods Patoto' and his wife Datu-Palinge have nine sons; the underground couple Gururi-Seleng and Sinau-Toja have nine daughters (both couples are connected kinship through cross-cousin marriage); it was decided to send Batara Guru (he is the eldest son of a heavenly couple) to marry the eldest daughter of the underground couple We-nyi'li-Timo'; he was placed in bamboo along with cultural plants, they lowered the rainbow from the sky; decided to settle the young on the ground, the groom's father sent seven axes to clear the forest; when everything was ready, the bride left the sea east]: 48; Kruyt to Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965 [Sangkuruwira is the god of heaven; his younger brother Gurusisileng is the god of the lower world; each has a twin sister; S. and G. are married to each other's sisters; G.'s wife's name is Sinau-Todya ("Living under water) "); S.'s wife's name is Datu-Palinge ("The Creator"); S. and DP send their eldest son Batara Guru to the non-existent land; he is killed by putting land in his hand, placed in bamboo, lowered down the rainbow into the space between the upper and lower worlds; HD comes to life, abandons the land brought, land emerges; daughter G. and ST Njilitimo (Born from the Foam of the Waves) with five princesses emerge from the sea, HD takes them all wives; slaves who come with HD from heaven marry princess maids, their children inhabit the land; the daughter of one of the princesses dies on the seventh day, turns into rice; HD and N. give birth to twins, a son and daughter; son and wife become the new rulers of the lower world, and daughter and her husband become the new rulers of the upper world; the earth's connection with the upper (rainbow) and with the lower world ceases; later from heaven to The ancestors of the leaders of YuZ Sulawesi descend the earth]: 95; Flores [the souls of those who died during the dry season first go to the mountain and wait for the dead there during the rainy season; then they all go together to the world of the dead across a rainbow bridge; when it rains, the god Guru Giwa rides a horse on a rainbow bridge; the rainbow bridge consists of colorful snakes; people used to climb the rainbow bridge to heaven and gods descend to the ground; his leper cut, communication broken; the remains of the bridge are visible in the form of a rainbow]: Bader 1971:951-952; bunak [six people with two dogs descend the rainbow from heaven to earth; locals don't allow it at first they are then allowed to fish; two of those caught become women, marry two out of six men; the other two marry Besi Kusa -Mau kua; the last two they find two parrots pecking their betel and areca, they turn into two women, becoming their wives]: Berthe 1972:75-78.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tagaly [Bathala lived on earth, decided to visit the sky; rides a horse capable of jumping over mountains; a rainbow bridge appears; B. warned that those who see him should not point to him; those who point to the rainbow with their finger have a crooked finger; children are not told to point to the rainbow - the finger will become crooked]: Eugenio 1994, No. 140a: 253-254; igorot [someone ruins the rice field; the owner sees three female stars descending; they take off their wings, he hides the wings of one of them; the wife gives birth to a son; finds wings, flies away with a son; the god Lumawig lowers his rope; says that his wife is who will be bitten by a bee; eats the wings of one of them; wife gives birth to a winged - The morning husband finds his wife and son; L. makes a rainbow bridge so they can descend to the ground]: Eugenio 1994, No. 142:256-257; negrito (Ragay, SE Luzon) [rainbow is a bridge through which good spirits move from one place in heaven to another]: Garvan 1963:205; Western subanon {many Muslim borrowings} [the Sultan has a son LagyaBunsu; he heard a noise at dawn, found footprints in the sand; on the seventh morning, he waited for women who went down to swim in the river (listeners understand that they had descended the rainbow); younger Putli ("princess") was the last, LB hid her fan (the narrator knows that there is a version in which women take off their feather clothes; the fan is an Islamized version); the elders flew away, LB brought P. to his father, married her; a boy was born; LB hid the fan in a flute under the roof; when cooking rice, you can't pour out excess water, it must be preserved, given to children, etc.; P. poured water, then saw the flute, found her fan; aimed milk to the child, told the LB parents that she was returning to her home, because her husband was always absent, flew away; three days later, the LB returned; taking her son, went to look for his wife; at the foot of the dry tree, the Lizard told him tie yourself to her back, taking pieces of fern; on the seventh night she lifted herself to the top of the tree, ate one piece each time; left her forehead at the top; there are eagles in the nest; the sky darkened, the Eagle flew in- cannibal; ordered the LB to tie himself and his son to their claws, brought him to the river 7 days later; there two maids came for water, the forehead quietly threw the ring into their vessel; the LB went up the river, there was an old woman Kobayan ( Manobo is a female deity in the 7th tier sky); she says that LB's wife is now marrying someone she has been promised since childhood; you can hear the sounds of gongs; P. found a LB ring in the vessel, said that she was the wife of the LB; he appeared in a golden dress given by old K.; after the heavenly wedding, P., LB and their son returned to earth, and to their first fiancé P. K. gave the daughter of another sultan]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 15:171-189; atayal, saisya, tsow, rukai, paiwan, ami [rainbow is a bridge, mostly a bridge, whose souls cross a dangerous river on their way to another world]: Yamada 2002:67.

China - Korea. Koreans: Choi 1979, No. 205 [(=Ząng 1952, No. 11:21-25; the rainbow episode at p.23); the lumberjack saved the deer from the hunter; he indicated the place where the heavenly maidens bathe; the lumberjack hid the clothes alone , got married; the rest of the fairies returned to heaven by rainbow; the deer warned the logger not to give clothes to his wife until she gave birth to four children; the husband gave the third after the birth; the wife and children flew away; the husband pumpkin throat behind her to heaven; after living with his wife, he wanted to visit his mother; the wife gave a dragon horse, told him not to get off him; the husband spilled porridge on his back, he was frightened, flew away; the husband died of grief, turned into rooster; var.: do not return clothes until the third child is born; in heaven, his wife's parents give difficult tasks; he did not complete the last thing - to descend on a dragon horse], 451 [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter; sends bring greenery in winter; she comes to the cave, finds herself in another world; meets a young man, he gives her fresh greens; the stepmother followed, killed the young man, burned down his house and field; the young man managed to give the girl bottles with elixir; she revived him; they rose to heaven by rainbow; the young man was a servant of the Heavenly King, responsible for the rain]: 62-63, 194-195; Cho 2001, No. 81 [=Pack 1991:42-46; the lumberjack saved the deer from the hunter; he indicated the place where heavenly maidens descend from the sky on the rainbow and bathe; the lumberjack hid his clothes alone, got married; the deer warned not to give up clothes until his wife gave birth to four children; the husband gave after the birth of the third; the wife and the children flew away; the deer says that now the fairies do not go down to the pond, but collect water with a bucket on a rope; advises to sit in a bucket, he will be taken to heaven; after living with his wife, he wanted visit his mother; the wife gives a winged horse, told him not to get off him; the husband spilled the soup served by his mother on his back, the horse rushed, threw off the rider, flew away; the husband died of grief, turned into a rooster, still Shouts, calling his wife and children]: 127-130.

The Balkans. The ancient Greeks [the rainbow is the bridge over which the messenger of the gods Iris moves]; the Greeks [the "bridge arc"]: Bähr 1931:404; the Serbs [rainbow is a path or bridge from heaven to earth]: Janković 1951:38; Croats: Belova 2009b [golden bridge (including to paradise)]: 387; Tolstoy 1997 [Croatian Serbian kaikavsk. zlatni mostek 'rainbow' (Varazdin district)]: 192; Hungarians [rainbow is a bridge between heaven and earth]: Sebők: 107; (cf. Romanians [it is possible that the bridge that the Sun Groom should build is a rainbow]: Beza 1928 [The Moon agrees to go beyond the Sun if it builds an iron bridge across the Black Sea and a staircase to heaven; he he did it, Adam and Eve showed him heaven and hell in heaven]: 16-18; Mailand 1886 (Transylvania) [1) a shining young man asks his mother to allow him to marry his sister; she agrees if he builds a wax bridge across a world with a cold spring in the middle; anyone who drinks from it will ask for atonement; 2) the young man asks his mother to allow him to marry his sister, for after going around the world, he did not meet a more beautiful girl; she agrees , if he makes iron shoes and goes around the world in them; makes a copper bridge above the ground and a silver bridge over the world; he fulfills the condition, leads the bride to church, she asks to let go of her hand, rushes into The Danube; 3) the sister answers the Sun that she will marry him only if he builds an iron bridge to it, silver above the ground]: 3); Niculiţă-Voronca 2008 (Bukovina) [rainbow is the road of snakes (balaurs, b ălauri), they go along the rainbow to the water]: 212; Pamfile 2001 (Bukovina) [a rainbow is the road that balaurs (snakes) [b ălauri] take when they carry water to heaven, for rain]: 180.

Central Europe. Russians: Dobrovolskaya 2010 (Vladimirskaya) [the rainbow is the road to heaven, and the Milky Way is the road to hell; or vice versa]: 147; 2011a [rainbow is God's bridge, along which souls go to heaven or hell]: 207; Kolchin 1899 (Tula) [angels ascend to heaven along the rainbow bridge with the souls of the righteous; this bridge rests at its ends on earth's water wells, from which seven multi-colored pipes draw water and conduct to heaven]: 11; Ukrainians (Kholmskaya Gubernia, Hrubeshov County) [the rainbow is the path that angels descend from the sky to collect water, which is poured into the net to produce rain]: Chubinsky 1872:27.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Balkarians [people asked Tairi to be able to walk across the sky too; T. created a multicolored bridge, but only gods walk along it; people who came close burned; among sledges they could walk only Debet, Yoryuzmek, Satanay and Sosuruk]: Malkonduev 2017:133-134; Tabasarans [rainbow is a bridge connecting heaven to earth; a bridge where brother and sister who have lost each other will meet (Month and The sun?)] : Seferbekov 2000:9.

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens [in the Hyrcan steppe Vamberi heard the name Chidr koprüsü, "Prophet Elias Bridge"]: Potanin 1883:742.

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians: Younger Edda 1970 [The Beauvröst Bridge (or Billröst [shaking road] leads from ground to sky), a rainbow; it will break when sons gallop on it Muspell; under the root of the aces of the Yggdrasil tree is the Urd spring; aces come to it along the rainbow; each has its own horse, the best is Sleipnir [sliding], Odin's eight-legged horse; only Thor comes on foot; The rainbow is red because it is from flames; otherwise frosty giants would have entered the sky]: 22-23; Tolley 2009 [Snorri identifies Beavrest with the rainbow, but the association with the Milky is also possible By]: 325.

Volga - Perm. Comey [Pera asks Rainbow why she drinks water from his river; she promises to take it to heaven for this; he sits on its horns, visits the upper world]: Konakov 1999, No. 7:433; Chuvash: Ashmarin 1984 [the old Muslim view is reflected in the belief that the soul of the deceased crosses the rainbow to the next world; (=2003:301)]: 28; Vardugin 1996 [(=Sidorova 1979:9-10; =Shurtakov 1984:3; =Eizin 1993:6-7); giant Ulyp herded the herd; during a thunderstorm, water began to flood the meadows; blacksmith Azamat bound him a seven-color bridge, along which U. drove the herds to the high shore; now this bridge visible only when the weather is clear after the rain]: 246-247; Meszaros 2000 (southern, 1906-1908) [after a big funeral (fumilka), the soul of the deceased goes to the next world to God; to get there, it must cross the rainbow (asamat perry - "the bridge of God's greatness"), but through it it can Only an honest and kind person in life will pass completely; but a sinner will fall and fall into hell]: 199-200; Yukhma 1996 [a man ran away from wolves; dyer Azamat threw pots of paint across the river, they turned into a rainbow; a man ran across this bridge to the other side]: 109; Marie: Kitikov 2006, No. 354 (Morkinsky District) [riddle: "I am building seven roads in the blue field" (rainbow)], No. 355 ( Morkinsky District) ["I'll make a bridge across the lake, but I don't dare to step" (rainbow)], No. 359 (Gornomariysky district) ["The seven-colored bridge has risen to the sky. I thought to run, look - it disappears" (rainbow)]: 65; Mordovians [rainbow is Thunder's Road (Purgin times]: Devyatkina 1998:71; Kazan Tatars: Makhmutov 2013, No. 257 [riddle: "People don't go to a beautiful bridge they step, horses don't go in" (rainbow)]: 65; Potanin 1883 ["bridge of prayers", "Last Judgment Bridge" (according to Vambury)]: 744.

Turkestan. Dungans [(retelling Abrahamic myth, but with local details); Adan and Haowa were angels, should not have eaten anything; they smelled the scent from the Garden of Eden; they came there by the rainbow bridge ; A. picked two fruits, gave them to H., she immediately ate them, he only bit them himself; at that moment God found them and sent them to earth; they had been in darkness and cold for 500 years and prayed; Allah took pity, separated the sky off the ground; they fell on the ice, prayed for another 500 years, rinsing their mouths and washing hands to wash off contact with the forbidden fruits; God finally forgave them, but Eve's belly became big (she swallowed the fruit whole), the man got Adam's apple, the man's knees and the woman's buttocks became cold after both fell on the ice]: Shujang Li, Luckert 1994:73-75.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tobolsk Tatars [rainbow - caravan yul (caravan path)]: Giganov 1801:23 in Potanin 1883:742; Khakas: Alekseev 1980 (Kachins) [rainbow (Kyugyurt Chely - Thunder Road); during thunderstorms Thunder makes this way for itself in the sky]: 87 (=Butanayev 2003:52, =Potanin 1883:943); Blagova 2008 [nanmyr choly (HRS 2006, 277; letters. 'rain road']: 162; Altaians [prayerful appeal to the mistress of the fire, 30-headed mother fire, 40-headed mother girl; cooking everything raw, thawing all the frozen, descending the rainbow like a month, descending a rainbow like the sun]: Karunovskaya 1927:27-28; Teleuts [appeal to Mai-en: "... when you descend from heavenly Ulgen, go down with the sun together to the Sacred leaning on the rainbow, go down, on the blue silk thread, slide down "]: Funk 2004:169; Tuvans: Alekseev 2010, No. 56 [the hunter saw a maral with 18-branched horns shining like gold climb the middle color of the rainbow; since then, the hunter has not shot marals]: 141; Vatagin 1971 [going north to marry the daughter of the terrible Kavynda Khan, Tevene-Møge rides along thirty-three-layer rainbow to the upper world to drink arzhen water; descends back along the nine-color rainbow]: 16-17; Potanin 1883, No. 40 [rainbow - Jes-Madyr's bow, Ainga (thunder arrow) - arrow the same hero; the rainbow is called solongo, and when striped (?) - telesh; one strip of the rainbow descends to earth Tamdin (the ancestor of the Kams - shamans), on the other, Agyr, the third Telesh; there are nine of them all], No. 84:207 [see motif K27; to bring Tengri Khan's horses, Yer-Sara rises to heaven on the rainbow]: 341-348; Taube 1978, No. 39 [=Hadahane 1984:18-22; Öskus-ool herding Karaty-Khan's herd, lamb broke his leg, O. is afraid that K. will kill him; Lisa {Dilgizhek, i.e. "Fox"} promises to marry him to Bilig, the daughter of Kurbusta Khan; rises to heaven on the rainbow, tells Kurbustu Khan that Karaty Khan wants to give his daughter for him; O. bathes the ground in warm water, making him handsome; leads him to Kurbustu Khan; says that the groom is wet from the rain, Kurbustu Khan gives him new clothes; Lisa teaches O. to call himself Chechen-Tazhi ("smart prince"); runs to Karaty Khan, says that Kurbusta Khan is angry and will strike with lightning; advises him to hide in a hole with his retinue, fill the entrance with a stone; tells the rest that the new Khan's son is O.; he and B. go down, He lives well; lightning broke the stone and everyone who hid under it]: 212-216.

Western Siberia. Northern Selkups: Prokofiev 1976 [the rainbow is a bridge connecting heaven and earth; the Milky Way is a "night rainbow" (bridge) that delays the evil beginning of the night, darkness; it is formed from smoke and sparks from the hearth the plague of the Heavenly Old Mother]: 108; Tuchkova 2004 [rainbow - "red carpet" and "spring road/trail"]: 111; chum salmon: Alekseenko 1976 [rainbow is the road of thunder, along which they go to the lake, drink water in a stream, then put it back on the ground in the form of rain or fog]: 93; Anuchin 1914 [the rainbow is called "thunder drinks water" or "thunder road"]: 16; Donner 1933 [rainbow is the road of thunder; thunder travels along the rainbow ]: 83.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nivkhi [a child sailed on a floating island along the Amur River, holding an arrow and an oar (signs of heroism); Nivkh Pletun adopted him, called Azmoun; he immediately grew up; the fish disappeared; A. went to the sea old man Tyrnádzu; seagulls send him to an island in the Sea of Okhotsk, where they can't fly; A. sees guys playing with sabers; these are killer whales, the saber is a fin; hides one sword; while the owner is looking her, A. gets into his killer whale boat, sails to the island; explains that he himself is a killer whale, changed from fear, losing his sword; throws beads to seal girls; while they collect them, he goes down to T.'s house; plays the bone buzzer; T. wakes up, dances, the storm begins; releases salmon, A. gives him a buzzer, returns ashore in the rainbow, gives his sword to the killer whale; now there are plenty of fish; during the storm, T. playing the buzzer]: Nagishkin 1975:5-18

Japan. See motif B3A ([at the beginning of time, seven generations of gods appear, the first two are alone, the rest are in pairs, brother and sister; the last couple is Izanagi and his younger sister Izanami ; they stand on the Heavenly Floating Bridge (rainbow?) , from a drop of water that falls from their spear, an island emerges; they marry, give birth to Japan's islands, mountains, trees, etc.); Nihon Shoki 1996, scroll 2:150-151 [the grandson of the goddess Amaterasu descends from heaven to the ground; descends to Takatipo Peak, then steps from the Sky Floating Bridge from the double peak in Kussipi to the plain]; Japan [the poet's tank of the 12th century. Saigë: As if a humpback bridge had been built again, wofusa hung over the mountain; perhaps a scribe's mistake: naφusa - Elaphis virgatus snake]: Nevsky 1933:373; Ainu: Arutyunov, Shchebenkov 1995 [rainbow ( Ryan) was considered a heavenly bridge]: 185; Batchelor 1927 [rainbow is a bridge; gods gather on it to talk]: 308; Etter 1949 [Japanese and Ainu believe that the rainbow is a bridge]: 27.

SV Asia. Chukchi: Bogoras 1902 [You can enter the upper world by walking on the rainbow or going up with the smoke of a funeral fire (=Bogoras 1907:331)]: 591; Bogoraz 1939 [walking on the rainbow, you can enter the upper world]: 41.

The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate (Tareumiut) [Sun Woman and Month-Man rest on the rainbow; were married; quarreled over the weather; husband wanted cold, wife warmth; husband cut off his wife's chest with a knife; wife ran across the rainbow to heaven; her husband chases her but can't come up because of the heat; when close, you can see them both at the same time; if the Sun is red, it's her bleeding chest]: Spencer 1959:258; Baffin's Land [The souls of the dead walk across the rainbow to the month near which there is a lake rich in fish and waterfowl]: Boas 1888:590.

Subarctic. Tsetsot [the man disappeared, was in heaven; the chief burned him at the stake all day, the man was red hot; married the leader's daughter; went down the rainbow with his wife to earth; when he went to his first wife , the heavenly wife immediately found out (her tube drowned in the water), returned to heaven by rainbow; the next day the sun began to burn so much that the whole camp burned down; only this man and slave girl remained; she hid under a tree and he doused her with cold water)]: Boas 1897, No. 9:267.

NW Coast. Tlingit: Emmons, de Laguna 1991 [rainbow is a ladder, the path that takes the souls of dead warriors to the upper sky]: 428; Swanton 1908b [the souls of the dead rise up the rainbow to the upper world]: 452.

Southeast USA. Yuchi [four days of souls walk east on the rainbow; a huge cloud hits the ends of the earth; some souls are crushed, some are returning to earth, some going to the abode of souls]: Speck 1909:97.

California. Yuki [the rainbow is white, blue, and red; red is the menstrual blood of all women; the rainbow is the bridge that girls who die during their first periods go to heaven]: Foster 1944: 207-208; Maidu [a young man chases a deer, he runs to heaven; he asks the clouds for help, they create a rainbow bridge; a young man climbs it, kills a deer, throws it to the ground, descends himself]: Dixon 1902, № 4:61; achomavi [two Beaded girls live far at sea with their mother; she sends them to marry Cocoon's son; he is hidden from people, eats nothing; the girls do not find him, they marry Marten; sending them back home, Marten creates a rainbow bridge; while the girls are walking, Laska plays their flute]: Curtin 1909a, No. 1:283.

Big Pool. Washo [see motif L61; Nentusu, who escaped from cannibals, comes to the Caress Brothers with two boys; the elder Pewetseli, he is taller, the youngest Damalali; P. takes N. as his wife, hides her and the boys from D., tells him that they were crows, birds, they flew away; D. finds one boy, kills, leaves his head; N. and another go to the lake, turn into ducks; D. says people should marry women, not ducks, should eat ducks; from the current territory, the brothers come to your land; P. sees her first; warns D. not to touch the Spider; D. does not believe, the Spider kills him; P. comes along the rainbow to the Sun; he replies that he saw nothing, sends it to the Month; the Month eats frogs, not fish; says he sees only at night, sends them back to the Sun, giving two porcupines that the Sun fears; Sun admits that he saw Spider drag D.; gives the phone, tells him to smoke first; when he comes to Spider, P. smokes, Spider dies, P. revives his brother, tells him to hunt deer, but he chases Beaver, Beaver kills him; P. kills Beaver, revives his brother; the same goes for Ground Hog; D. kills Water Baby, scalps him, the lake overflows, D. hides on the mountain; P. tells him to scalp, water descends, lakes remain in the mountains]: Dangberg 1927, No. 2:401-415 (=1968, No. 2:49-68).

The Great Southwest. Navajo: Coolidge in Edmonds, Clark 1989 [The First Woman conceives one son from a ray of sunlight, the other from drops of water; replies that their father is the Sun, sending him four ways in succession light; admits that the Sun God and the God of Water live in the ocean; the Spider helps the twins; the interpreting walls of the gorge let them through; they cross the Grand Canyon, then the sea across the rainbow bridge; they come to Turquoise Home; their fathers greet them]: 85-89; Matthews 1907 [The young man of Dawn climbs the rainbow from the ground to the White House (this way is impossible to use now); as he climbs, the wind raises dust and catches his eye Guardians in the House's four doors; each door has a pair of guards: lightning, bears, red-headed snakes, rattlesnakes]: 26-27; Newcomb 1940 [Monster Slayer throws a rainbow rope across the gorge crosses it to the other side]: 69; O'Bryan 1956:33 [The First Man and First Woman planned to throw the rainbow as a bridge over a river or gorge], 40-44 [12 hunting brothers have a sister Ataed'diy ini; she promises to marry only the one who kills the giant; the giant walks slowly, he rarely manages to catch a person and put him in his basket; the Coyote tells the giant he will make him the same fast-footed like him; in the steam room, both drink vomit, each regurgitates into their own vessel; the Coyote has grasshoppers, the giant has meat; the Coyote replaces blood vessels, explains to the giant that because of these grasshoppers, he walks slowly; quietly puts a deer on his leg, cuts it in half; lets the giant feel his severed leg first, then his whole leg, the giant believes that by cutting and growing his leg, the Coyote has gained strength; She lets her leg be cut off, Coyote takes it away, says A., that he killed the giant; she sets a new condition: first she kills Coyote, then he must come to life; Coyote hides his heart and lungs in a hole under the hill, Wrapping them in a black wind; she kills him, he comes to life; so 4 times (heart and lungs are wrapped in blue, yellow, white winds, holes lead east, south, west, north); Coyote marries A., teaches all his tricks; A. hides the Coyote under the blanket, the brothers smell it; the brothers leave the house for his sister and Coyote, build a hut for themselves; the brothers cross the canyon on the rainbow, are forced to transfer and the Coyote; mountain sheep had horns full of bone marrow; one of the brothers killed a ram, the Coyote wanted horns for himself (the one who killed them gets them); when the brother cut off the horns, the Coyote made the horns become bony; traces of trying to cut them off are circular rings on the outer surface; (option: Coyote tries to cut off the horns himself, hits them furiously on the ground, and canyons of the Mesa Verde region form); brothers they roll the meat into a small ball, tell them to take it to their sister, not to put it on the ground on the way; the Coyote puts it, the ball turns into a pile of meat, the Coyote does not know what to do; insults swallow people; two spiders they quietly weave the wall behind the Coyote, he can't jump over it, the swallows kill him, make stripes of his forehead bandages, since then the swallows have a stripe on their foreheads]; J.Stevenson in Judson 1994 [(explanation to drawings in the sand); The rainbow goddess, on which gods often travel, borders and completes the image]: 138; Pepper 1908 [Atsoshi Bagani is one of the gods, poor, alone; others advise taking as the wife of two virgins who are not allowed to see the sun; AB goes through bird villages, taking their form, descends the rainbow to the virgins house, becoming a butterfly, luring both out, they follow him in his world is the same way he came; first they are happy to receive turquoise clothes and shells, then they get tired of the food their husband feeds (not corn, but fried larks); want to visit the house; the husband gives them four types of weapons that cause hail and thunderstorm; at home, people try to beat girls to death with reeds; they use weapons, many are killed; girls return to their husbands; disappear when they go down to the source]: 178- 183; Wyman 1970 [The Farmer Deer sees corn in the lake; throws a rainbow bridge across the lake, walks over it to get corn; the bridge falls; the hero is swallowed by the Big Fish, taken to the world Pisces people; he gets corn, learns the rituals performed during sowing and harvesting]: 36; Zolbrod 1995 [Holy Ones walk on the rainbow]: 35-48; hopi [girl conceives from water and from sunlight, gives birth to twins older Pöqangwhoya and younger Palöngawhoya; they go to look for their father, Old Spider brings them to the Sun; he tests them; 1) smoke a huge pipe (gopher puts reeds in their ass, removes smoke out through its hole); 2) sit in a hot steam room (The Spider gives a means to moderate the fever); 3) sit on the fire (the same); 4) stand at night without sleep (Spider puts sticks in their eyes so that their eyelids do not close); The sun gives them bows and arrows, takes them on a day trip, stops to rest at noon; brothers descend to earth on the rainbow; with arrows they kill the So'yoko monster who kidnapped people in quartz clothes, cover his scarecrow]: Malotki, Gary 2001, No. 24:224-235; Zunyi [gods of war (twins, sons of the Sun) want to get off with corn girls; they run west into the sea; Eagle, Owl, Hawks can't find them; only ne 'w kw finds them; asks the twins to fast for six days, brings the girls; but they agree to leave only their images, corn cobs with people forever; Duck calls his father Rainbow and on it he and the corn girls return to the west; thanks to the girls, summer is eternal there]: Parsons 1916:392-394; western ceres (Laguna) [The wolf and the Coyote went east; the wolf stopped at the foot, the Coyote climbed the mountain, came to the Sun's house in the morning; offers himself as a performer the duties of the Sun; the Sun puts him on the rainbow, sends the Maseewi and Uyuyewi twins to accompany the Coyote, warns him not to go low, otherwise people will burn; getting to the top (i.e. at noon) Coyote sees women on the ground, goes down to them, halfway the earth lights up; the twins (again) turn the rainbow bulge upside down, returning the Coyote; at noon they ate; the twins tell their mother- The sun about what happened; it tells the Coyote to feed on bugs and carrion from now on, tells him to be thrown to the ground; he lies motionless, then comes to life]: Boas 1928a: 31-33; oriental ceres (Sia) [twin gods of war walking down the rainbow to their Father Sun]: Parsons 1939:201; Stevenson 1894:56-57; teva [Cloud Boys walk the rainbow when they care for Corn girls or other girls]: Parsons 1939:201; teva (Hano) [girl rejects suitors; accepts the courtship of the Cloud Yellow Boy (yellow is the color of the north); he travels on the rainbow; they visit his parents, return to her on their way the earth is irrigated by rain; she is kidnapped by Taiowa (the inventor of the flute in the lower world, the founder of the phallic male union and the corresponding women's union); he has many kidnapped women; Cloudy the young man comes to him, T. offers tests; 1) smoke a pipe without releasing smoke (the gopher digs a stroke through the mountain, the smoke goes through this hole); 2) racing, the first to run cuts off his head Left behind; Cloud boy wins, takes women back to earth; does not want to stay with his wife after she was with T.; after taking his son, returns to his parents]: Parsons 1926, No. 10:217-222; tiva (Picuris) [Yellow Corn goes to sorcerers at night; her husband Magpie's Tail watches her; sorcerers take out their eyes, separate their noses, ears, legs, cut themselves in half; then climb the rainbow; the owl finds Corn's hidden husband; sorcerers leave him on the cliff's ledge; see motif K1]: Harrington 1928:297-313.

Mesoamerica Mountain Totonaki [Old Thunder tries to drown the world, because all people, animals, and even trees destroyed by water will serve him; men become his peons, women become his wives; his abode is associated with with our world as a rainbow bridge]: Kelly 1966:39; the northern lacandons [Our Father's two eldest sons are trying in vain to destroy the youngest; decide to go to heaven to their father but do not know the way; walk, lighting the cloud, the rainbow is their road]: Boremanse 1986:52, 80.

The Northern Andes. In addition to the rainbow bridge motif, the rest of the episodes are of European origin. Kamsa, ingano [the stepmother kicks the boy and girl out of the house; the cannibal feeds them; the ant advises to pour boiling water over her and run away; the cannibal pursues them, holding her intestines in her hands; a man dressed in a rainbow kushma agrees to lie on a bridge over the river in exchange for a girl to lie down with him; the same episode with the cannibal; but when she reaches the middle of the river, the rainbow disappears; the cannibal falls, sinks]: McDowell 1989:116-117; ingano (San Andres, Zap. S.H. Levinsohn) [after his wife's death, the father took an angry woman; she smears soup for the children's clothes, says they have already eaten; promises to leave if her husband does not get rid of the children; he leads them to cultivate the plot and plant them there are plants; leaving quietly, leaving the calebasses hanging from a tree, they knock, the children think their father is working; when they run out of food and the fire goes out, the children climb the tree, see the smoke, come to the house; the rats say that there is a witch; the first time they quietly carried away the fire; the second time the girl laughed, the witch caught them, began to feed them; the rat sticks its tail, the witch thinks that the children are still skinny; then decides to cook them anyway; rats help throw a pot of boiling water over her; severed breasts turn into two dogs - Faster than the Wind and Jairo; the rest is burned, but the witch does not matter revives and haunts children, tells them to return their breasts; a man by the river makes a "Voy a extenderme" bridge - {see McDowell 1989 is a rainbow man}); when a witch crosses, he removes the bridge, she falls into the water, swallowed by a snake; brother and sister came to people; one person wants to take possession of his sister, kill his brother; they run again, dogs hunt for them; at the bridge tied to a six-headed sacrificed snake princess, dogs are killed by a snake; princess advises cutting off tongues as proof; after her wedding with a young man, dogs turned into doves, disappeared into the sky]: Weber, Meier 2008:21-36.

Guiana. Varrau [Dauarani is the Mother of the Forest; her soul is on South World Mountain, and her body is on Yuz-oh; her companion is a snake bridge from its zenith to her world; he is as straight as an arrow, his mouth is always open, eight horns, four in front and four in the back; two pairs on the right are red and green, two on the left are yellow and blue; a psychopomp leads the souls of the dead across this bridge]: Wilbert 1975b: 166, 175; 1976:338.

Ecuador. Otavalo [a shepherd in the mountains enters a cave; a beautiful woman appears and becomes his lover; this is Mount Cotacachi, Maria Isabel Nieves; one day her former lover Manuel Imbabura comes and beats a shepherd; he sees Cotacachi building a bridge to Mount Imbabura; this bridge is a rainbow]: Buitron, Buitron 1966:59-60.

NW Amazon. Bora [two sisters fled to the river; one stood with her back to the river, bent back, formed a rainbow bridge (the origin of the rainbow); the other, pregnant, crossed it]: Matusovsky 2012:236.

The Central Andes. Aymara [the woman did not tell the author to look at the rainbow above the pond (pozo); it is the devil who lives in bodies of water linked to snakes and metals; the rainbow is also a bridge from the lower world to the sky]: Albó ; 1988:344.

Montagna - Jurua. Kanamari [when a person dies, Kohana gods descend the rainbow from heaven to take his soul]: Costa 2006; Kashinahua: Ans 1975 [Yobuyonavaboshka comes to a parallel cousin at night Buyoran Tsai; she smears his face with a genipa; Y. goes hunting in the morning, but his sister guesses who slept with her; Y. and Botop's relative go to kill dwarfs, who kill him; hang him a live head on a rope, arrange a holiday; B. depicts a ghost, smeared with a glowing mass received from fireflies, takes her head away; she asks for a drink, water spills through; the head does not lag behind B.; people hide behind a fence in the village; mother and sisters name objects that the head can turn into (tree, house, river, earth, sun, night, sky); he decides to become a month that does not exist yet; asks for threads, he is thrown six colorful balls, he throws them into the sky, an early-colored road appears; warns that he will be in the sky in three days; I must say, "This is Y"; if they will say "Month," a parrot will pierce the girls' genitals with its tail; you can't point your finger at the rainbow and say "Rainbow", otherwise people will die; a young girl says, "This is a month" , she starts her period; when the rainbow first appears, someone points a finger at her and says "Rainbow", since then people die; spots on the month are still visible]: 113-121; d'Abreu in Koch-Gr ünberg 1921, No. 85 [a rolling head thinks what to become; does not want bats (people kill them), in the sun (warms people), rain (fills rivers, grows grass, people will fish , hunt), night (people will sleep), morning; decides that his blood will become the Road of Enemies (rainbow), his eyes will become stars, his head itself will become a month; on a full moon, women will also lose blood, material for Enemy Road]: 239-240.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Tupari: Caspar 1975:195 [snakes that take souls to another world - colorful rainbows], 199 [on their way to the land of dead souls approach the river; two giant snakes form a bridge; souls walk along it first, then on the backs of two caimans]; chacobo [rainbow means "blue sun" or "blue trail"]: Kelm 1972:206 (approx. 146).

Southern Amazon. Paresi [all relatives have died; his brother's soul in the guise of a maned wolf comes after him; they cross the river over the anaconda bridge, with a black snake as the railing; this bridge is visible to the west in the shape of a rainbow; if you point your finger at it, you will die; a wide path leads to bad places, a narrow path leads to good places; at night souls turn into snakes; a man copulates with his brother's wife, she becomes a snake, wraps around around his penis; his brother turns her back into a woman; when he returns to the world of the living, a person is bitten by snakes, a centipede, he dies]: Pereira 1986, No. 21:305-308.