Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I4. Thunder travels across the sky. .16.27.-. (.40.)

As the vehicle moves across the sky, thunder sounds.

Germans (Upper Palatinate), Marathi, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Gagauz people, Ukrainians, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Vladimir, Kostroma, Tver, Kaluga, Smolensk, Voronezh, Tambov), Belarusians, Adygs, Terek Cossacks, Kumyks, Lacks, Georgians, Megrelians, Armenians, (Persians), Lithuanians, Eastern Sami, Komi, Udmurts, Chuvash, Mari, Mordovians, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Nenets, northern Selkups, (Labrador Eskimos).

Western Europe. The Germans (Bavaria: Upper Palatinate) [thunder is heard when Our Lady rides across the sky in a horse-drawn wagon; hooves carve lightning]: Schönwerth 1858, No. 8-9:123, 125.

South Asia. Marathi (Bombay District) [Bhagavan rides across the sky in a chariot during a thunderstorm]: Enthoven 1924:76 (quoted in Elwin 1949:89).

The Balkans. Macedonians: Tsenev 2004 [Thunder - Elijah the Prophet rides across the sky in a chariot, fights lamias; if a child is born with wings under his arm, 9 women must weave and sew for him in a day clothes; otherwise the boy will become a snake and the girl will become a lamia]: 134-136; Douma 1893 [during a thunderstorm, Ilya rides across the sky in a chariot of fire and fires lightning arrows at the lamia so that it does not destroy crops]: 284; Bulgarians [when Elijah the prophet rides a chariot, there is thunder, and when he whips his horses with a scourge, lightning flashes; thunder (lightning) is a fiery arrow with a flintlock tip, Ilya marks them as sinners]: Marinov 2003:51-52; Gagauz people [St. Ilya rides through the clouds on three white horses in a fire cart; thunder is the noise of the cart's wheels, when it intensifies, St. Ilya is angry; lightning is the fiery arrows that St. Ilya throws devils at; they hide behind humans, cattle and dwellings; cats and dogs are driven away from themselves during a thunderstorm]: Moshkov 1901:56.

Central Europe. Ukrainians: Abramov 1914 (Novograd-Volynsky) [thunder - God strikes an evil spirit with a fiery arrow; lightning - Ilya on a chariot of fire with three angels; one supports him, the other rules horses, the third cuts through the clouds with a sword; then you can see the real sky - fiery (lightning)]: 381; Ivanov 1898 (Belokurakino Starobelsky settlement near. (Kharkiv governorate) [The least route is the road from Kiev to Yurusalym, along which St. Ilya carries his thunder. Yurusalym is the navel of the earth]: 461; Kravchenko 1920 (Volyn) [during a thunderstorm, Ilya rides across the sky in a chariot]: 5; Savchenko 1906 (Kiev) [The constellation of the Ursa Major is called a "cart"; this is the cart on which the prophet carries Ilia went to heaven and with which he drives across the blue sky during a thunderstorm; the sound of the wheels of this wagon produces thunder]: 105; Fedorov 1903 (Voronezhskaya, Zemlyansky u., pp. Eater, Latanoe, Shumeiki) [Thunder - when the Lord goes across the sky to wash, and the Mother of God runs after Him to milk the cows and with the pomelo, which produces lightning, throws the pomelo and protects the bread; the prophet Ilya rides across the sky in a chariot of fire - the wheels knock, that is, thunder, and the chariot makes fire, or lightning. At this time, unclean souls leave the sky in the form of a flying serpent; whoever a serpent flies will be killed by thunder, and if into a tree or a house, lightning will be lit]: 258; Koenig 1936 (Hutsuls) [God first gave thunder and lightning Satan; he abused his trust; God froze the sea and commanded St. Ilya pick up thunder and lightning; Satan slept under the ice, woke up and gnawed through the ice, tried to pull St. Ilya by the legs; but he brought thunder and lightning to heaven; during a thunderstorm, Ilya rides a chariot and carries thunders with him]: 373; Russians (Arkhangelskaya): Efimenko 1874:171 (Pinega) [thunder from what Ilya Prophet rides the sky on fire horses], 185 (Shengursky district) [thunder comes from the fire chariot of St. Prophet Elijah riding in it across the sky, and lightning comes from the horseshoes the end of St. Elias]; Russians: Andreeva 2003 (Tambovskaya, p. Gavrilovka, Rzhaksinsky District) [The Milky Way is considered the road of St. Elias: "The Milky Way is Yavo Daroga, he (Ilya) goes to Kalyasnitsa"]: 141; Belova, Kabakova 2014, No. 101 (Vologodskaya, Kaluzhskaya, Vladimirskaya, Kostromskaya) [thunder from Ilya the Prophet riding a chariot across the sky]: 257-258; Dubrovina 2002 (Tambov) [It is said that Ilya the Prophet rides his chariot along the Milky Way. Molonya sparkles all around. And the thunder from the wagon can be heard on the ground]: 31; Kolchin 1899 (Tverskaya) [The Lord sends the Prophet Elijah in a chariot of fire to disperse evil spirits, which causes thunder (chariot) and lightning (fire arrows or sparks from under the horse's hooves); Ilya does not go anywhere in winter, so there is no thunder]: 13; Belarusians [thunder - Ilya the prophet travels across the sky]: Boganeva 2010:59.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi [when Thunder Shible jumps across the sky on a black stallion, thunder sounds]: Shortanov 1992:115; Terek Cossacks: Baranov 1899, No. 2 (v. Troitskaya) [demons try to penetrate into heaven; Ilya the prophet does not allow them to do so, chases them in a chariot and hits them with arrows; the roar of the wheels of his chariot causes thunder, and the flight of arrows causes thunder lightning; demons try to hide from Ilya on the ground: they enter animals or run along the road, so during a thunderstorm, in order not to be killed, you should not stay near animals and walk along the road; arrow, launched by Ilya, can also hit a person]: 171; Vostrikov 1907 (v. Naurskaya) [thunder is the tramp of Prophet Elijah's horses and chariot; Ilya sends rain and throws arrows in all directions, defending himself from evil spirits and the machinations of the witch; his arrows sometimes fall into homes, trees and people; lightning is Ilya's arrows that hit evil spirits; the sky opens during a thunderstorm and sends its lightning arrows to help Ilya in order to quickly cope with the spirits that dare to fly across the sky and interfere the rain; the tramp of Ilya's white horses and the sound of his chariot of fire makes a rumble throughout the universe]: 8, 10; Gusev 1893 (v. Ardon) [the thunder in the sky is because Ilya the prophet rides a chariot and beats unclean spirits; lightning sparkles because of a fast ride: when Ilya the prophet rides through heaven, the wheels of his chariot they hit the hard sky and carve sparks]: 319; Kumyks: Hajiyeva 1961 [Jabrayil jumps across the sky, whipping clouds; whip strikes are lightning]: 329; Khalidova 2012, No. 26 [angel on her chariot travels around heaven and is angry that the clouds are in no hurry to return from the sea with water; at the same time, he whips the horse with a whip, which sparkles with lightning, and the sound of the chariot thunders thunder]: 49; Lucky [Ass rides along sky in a phaeton; sparks from under the hooves of horses - lightning, hooves knocking on rocks - thunder, road - Milky Way]: Khalidova 2012, No. 24:48; Georgians [1) prophet Elia on a chariot drawn in gold (or fiery) horses, jumps across the sky, the flat top of which is covered with ice; thunder and lightning come from the sound of wheels; 2) Ingiloys: the prophet Elia jumps across the sky on threshing boards (kevri); small ones hammered into boards and sharp stones grind against the vault of the icy sky]: Janashvili 1893, No. 6:148; Megrelians [God summoned St. George to heaven, sending an angel after him; seeing that St. George eats a whole bull, and at night he reduced his stomach because they don't eat so much in heaven; during a thunderstorm, St. George jumps across the sky; lightning is the arrow with which he hits the line; and he hides in the sea or with a fly under a tree]: Fähnrich 1997:79-81; Armenians: Bagriy 1930 (3) [1) Thunder - Prophet Ilya rides across the sky on a chariot of fire; 2) an old woman fills buffalo skins with stones, runs with them through the wavy mountains of the sky; when she climbs the mountain, the stones fly out of her skin, and when she descends, they fall back into them ]: 127; Melik-Shakhnazarov 1904, No. 6 (Zangezur County) ["The thunder comes from the sound of the Prophet Elijah's chariot, or from the rolling of stones by an old woman"]: 92.

(Wed. Iran - Central Asia. Persians [to rain a certain place on earth, God sends a little angel the size of a bee; he rides in a cloud; if she is stubborn, he hits it with his scourge, causing lightning and thunder]: Donaldson 1938:84).

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians (Samogites) [Perkunas rides in a chariot above the clouds; when he hits the clouds, thunder thunders and sparks fall, lightning]: Veckenstedt 1883:127; Lithuanians [Perkunas/ St. Ilia/Lucifer rides across the sky/ through rocks, thunder is heard]: Kerbelite 2001:113; Lithuanians [during a thunderstorm, Perkunas rides a cart with stones and throws stones down; or St. Peter, St. Paul and St. Jacob goes to judge people, but they quarrel]: Vaiškūnas 2007:119; Lithuanians [during a thunderstorm, Perkunas's wagon rattles over the rocks of the heavenly desert; stones in the wagon rumble or start fall and roll]: Laurikene 2019:295; Lithuanians [The shepherd, when the thunder rattles, says that it was his father who drove the cart. My father says he has a big pipe, because he smokes it, everything gets dark, and it rattles because the wagon knocks on its wheels. The shepherd is not afraid of thunder, he mocks him, defames Perkunas. Thunder hits a shepherd, kills to death]: Velus 1989:66; Latvians [when thunder rumbles, it's God driving across the sky with a carriage of stones; when the wagon turns over, thunder strikes]: Laurikene 2019:295; Eastern sams [when the Devil rattles, God is chasing, bumping into trees and breaking them; God has a cart or chariot with all his possessions, he runs and it thunders]: Kert, Zaikov 1988, No. 11:129.

Volga - Perm. Komi [during a thunderstorm, Ilya Muromets, kneeling, rides across an iron bridge in a cart drawn by four pairs of horses; sparks from under the wheels are lightning, his bow arrows are lightning; Leshy tries take refuge under fir, in pine roots, on the border - where they argue]: Limerov 2005, No. 24:36 (starting with Fokos-Fuchs 1951, No. 40:245); Udmurts [Ilya Prophet and his son ride tarantas and sometimes they will meet and argue; lightning: Ilya the Prophet shoots at Sheitan; if he hides behind the best man, he still shoots, so the person killed by lightning is considered righteous; eggshells cannot be thrown at the whole view on the ground, because shaitan hides in it during a thunderstorm; if lightning strikes a tree, you can see a flame at the top - this is Sheitan's blood burning]: Moshkov 1900:198; Chuvash: Egorov 1995:116 [ the giant Ul ă n returned from hunting tired, climbed into the sky like a polati, fell asleep; his four brothers did not wake him up, supported the sky from four corners with their shoulders, lifted him up; sleeping woke up, went to look for his brothers; the vault of heaven shook under his feet, a rumble rose, sparks (thunder and lightning) flew; when he realized that he would not be able to go down to earth, it cried, rain; became God by the god Tour ă], 121 [Tour ă rides across the sky in a chariot drawn by white horses, tracking down Shuittan, hits him with a whip (thunder and lightning), drives him back to hell; pursues other monsters and evil spirits]; Marie [Kyuderche-yumu rides three horses in a chariot, produces thunder, throwing stones at evil spirits; if evil spirits if you get into the water, you can't get into it there]: Moshkov 1900:198; Mordovians [during a thunderstorm, Ilya the prophet rides a chariot across the sky]: Harva 1952:159; Kazan Tatars [riddle: "From the top of the mountain Buruslan, a troika drawn into a cart, rushes" (thunder)]: Makhmutov 2013, No. 242:63; Bashkirs [during a thunderstorm, Tengri rides his arb loaded with barrels of water; so everything in the sky rumbles]: Khisamitdinova 2010:159.

Western Siberia. Tundra Nenets: Nenyang 1997 [when heavenly spirits argish on copper sledges on stone heavenly mountains, thunder is the roar of their sledges, lightning sparks from under the skids]: 236; Popov 1944 [Hae Ru rides on the upper iron ground; thunder from the roar of his sleigh runners]: 85; Startsev 1930 (tundra?) [thunder is the noise when lightning god Xehe rides a sleigh drawn by several deer and shoots evil spirits]: 117; northern Selkups [thunder is a horse running through the sky where Icha descends to the ground] : Prokofiev 196:66 in Tuchkov 2004:120.

(Wed. The Arctic. Labrador Eskimos [when the spirit in the north blows, a blizzard plays out; spirits from the east and west bring summer; women spirits live in the south, send flowers and summer rain, which they keep in bags; when you run across the sky, you can hear thunder, and splashing water is rain]: Hawkes 1916:153).