Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I40. Rainbow bow. .11.-.13.15.-.

A rainbow is a bow.

Tsonga, Yao (Mozambique-Malawi), Ila, Shona, Sukuma, Nyanja, Ila, Tonga, Sukuma, Embu, Venda, Ashanti, Hausa, Sanye, Tigre, Tigrinya, Amhara, Somalis, Arabs of Egypt and the Maghreb (and, obviously Libya), Berbers Rif, Berbers of Algeria, Kabilas, Portuguese, Spaniards, Catalans, Welsh, Ancient Jews, Arameans, Syrians, Arabs of Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, in general, all Arab groups, Mehri, all Aryan India, Rajastanis, Marathi, Bengalis, Kashmiris, Chero, Betul District (Mandla County), Koya, Maria, Muria, Kond, Gondas, Mutuwan, Sora, Telugu, Tamils, Sinhales, Veddas, Nias, Ancient Greece, Greeks, Croats, Slovenes, Macedonians, Poles, Kabardian and Balkarians, Ossetians, Ingush, Chechens, Kumyks, Tabasarans, Avars, Lezgins, Andians, Terekemens, Armenians, Turks? , Persians, Tajiks, Mountain Tajiks, Yagnobes, Shugnans, Pamiris in general, Parachi, Ormurs, Kafirs (Kati), Scandinavia, Eastern and Western Sami, Finns, Kalevala, Estonians, Lithuanians, Komi, Mari, Bashkirs, Kazan Tatars, Mordovians, Tuvans, Eastern Khanty, Northern Selkups, Evens, Kordalen, Assiniboin, Coastal Mivok, Zunyi, Tiva, Hikarilla, Yaki, Mayo, Chimila.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Tsonga [rainbow - "Nyandziyo bow (lives in the sky, rainbow is his bow, taught people how to use onions)]: Junod 1927:312-313; yao [rainbow - "Mulungu bow"]: Baumann 1936:42; nyanja [Leza's bow]: Baumann 1936:42-43; ilah [Leza's bow]: Smith, Dale 1920:220 (also quoted in Chaplin 1959:155; Werner 1933:232); Shawna [Dande directs his bow towards the rain show that the sky will clear soon]: Chaplin 1959:155; Tonga [Nyandziyo taught people how to hunt with onions and now lives in the sky and makes rainbows]: Chaplin 1959:155; sukuma [rainbow image called "hunting bow"]: Chaplin 1959:155; embu [uncle tells his nephew he will only occasionally show him his bow - west in the morning and east in the evening; his bow is a rainbow, she called "rain eel"]: Bernardi 198:184; wenda [rainbow - Vosinga-vadzimo ("bow of the gods")]: Gottschling 1905:383.

West Africa. Ashanti [heavenly god has sons Esum (Darkness), Ostrane (Month), Owia (Sun); each has built his own village; God loves the Sun more than others; the spider Anance replied that he knows God's thoughts; flew to the ground, feathered various birds, returned to God's village, sat on a tree; God said that if A. were here, he would know the name of this bird; that he had decided to appoint the Sun as leader; that he had collected the Kintinkyi yam , and whoever knows this name will receive a black chair (God's regalia); A. in the guise of a person comes to each of God's three sons, commands him to come to God; everyone is well fed; the Sun says the name of the yam so that when he utters it, he would get a black chair; the word cannot be forgotten, because when the drum is beaten, it will be heard; only the Sun answers correctly; God praises him, and when Darkness and Month, evil things will be done at this time; if the Month goes to the Sun, let there be a round rainbow around the Sun, drive away the Month; if rain clouds appear, the bow of heaven { obviously the rainbow} will be placed in the sky so that people are not afraid that water will flood the earth; let these words be known as "Anance speeches"]: Radin 1952, No. 21:87-89 (source: Rattray 1930:72ff, retelling in Retel-Lautentin 1986:99-100); Hausa: Mariko 1984 [Guizo-Guizo spider was a handsome man and lived in heaven with the Creator; made a bow from horizon to horizon, started shooting, killing everyone on earth; The creator brought him down from seventh heaven to the first, his bow is now a rainbow; G. began to make ropes to the upper tiers of the sky, but the angels cut them off; after G. found the angel, killed him and threw him to the ground, the Creator sent him there; G. continued to rage and the Creator turned him into a spider; he promises to catch the Creator himself in his nets one day]: 62-65; Tremearne 1913 [ Gajjimare, the rainbow is the serpentine god of rain and thunderstorm; other words for the rainbow are "water drinker" and "spider bow"]: 112.

Sudan - East Africa. Sanye [rainbow - "god's bow"]: Barett 1911:35; Somalis [degan-ti - "bow"]: Leslau 1988:429; geez ["God's bow"]: Leslau 1988:430; tigre, tigrinya, amhara ["cloud bow"]: Leslau 1988:431

North Africa. Maghreb Arabs ["water onion"]: Leslau 1988:431; Egyptian and Maghreb Arabs Berbers reef, Algerian Berbers (Mzab, Ouargla, Kabila) [Bow of Quzag, of Qadah (Quzah - an angel in the clouds, sometimes the devil)].

Southern Europe. Portuguese [arco da velha - old woman's bow]: Kuusi 1957:318; Spaniards [arco/cinta da vella - old woman's onion/ribbon]: Kuusi 1957:318; Catalans [rainbow - Arc de sant Martí ( also Arc de Bará); St. Martin and the demon competed to see who would make the best bow; St. Martin's, it turned out to be bright, made of glass and fire, and the demon's pale; a bright rainbow foreshadows good luck, a pale rainbow heralds illness and disaster; where the rainbow touches the ground, treasures are buried; walking under the rainbow will change gender]: Amades 1930:114-115; Romans [rainbow - "bow"]: A. Petrosyan, personal communication, 10.03.2010.

Western Europe. Welsh [bwa y wrach - old woman's bow]: Kuusi 1957:318 (=García Mouton 1984:183).

Western Asia. Ancient Jews [rainbow - "Jehovah's bow"]: Tolstov 1931:340 (cf. Allen 1899:478; Zach. 9.10 and 10.4 speak of a bow, but whether it relates to the rainbow is not at all clear); Arabs ["bow" as a designation for the rainbow was especially common among Semites (Jews, Isors, Arabs); Qaws Quzah 'Kuzah's bow" - an ancient Arab thunder deity, now a demon]: A. Petrosyan, personal communication 10.03.2010; Arameans, classical Syrian [qašta, qešta - "bow"]: Leslau 1988:249; dialect. Syrian. ["Our Lord's bow"]: Leslau 1988:430; Arabs of Syria and Lebanon ["Kuza's bow"]: Leslau 1988:430; Arabs ["God's bow"]: Leslau 1988:429; (cf. Turks? [according to Vamberi, Arabic word; "the bow of the cloud angel Kuza"]: Potanin 1883:742); Yemen ["Antar's bow" (poet and hero)]: Leslau 1988:430; mehri [rainbow-bow]: L.E. Kogan, personal communication. 21.04.2014.

South Asia. Ancient India [Indians called the rainbow as Indra's weapon or bow]: Vasilkov, Neveleva 1987:672; Hinduism [rainbow - Rama or Indra's bow]: Elwin 1939:336; Punjab Hindus [bow Ram Chandra]: Elwin 1949:102; Punjab Muslims [Bab Adam's bow]: Elwin 1949:102; Marathi or Gujarati (Bombay District) [Indra's bow]: Enthoven 1924:74; Marathi [ indrac āpa 'rainbow' (dosl. 'Indra's bow'); dhanuşya 'bow; rainbow']: Molesworth 1857:45, 247; Marathi [Indra-Dhanushy, "Indra's bow"]: Dr. Sunil R. Parab, Shivalik Institute of Ayurved & Research, Personal Communication. 04.06.2018; Rajastans (Rajputs, Marwari dialect, Jaisalmer) [rainbow - indradhanush ("Indra's bow")]: E. Renkovskaya, personal report 12.03.2017; mutuvan [Arjuna's bow]: Elwin 1949:102; Kashmiris [rainbow - Rām Badar/Rāma-bhadra bow]: Grierson 1932:231, 833; Bengalis [ indr āudha 'rainbow' (dosl. 'Indra's bow')]: Biswas 2000:138; Bengalis [rainbow - Ramdhonu, dhonu (dhanush) - "bow"]: Wikipedia, "rainbow"; chero [rainbow is Rain God's bow]: Elwin 1949:103; koya [Bhima threw at the sky is your bow, it became a rainbow]: Elwin 1954, No. 14:87-88: maria (Bison-horn Maria) [Bhimula's bow]: Elwin 1949:102; muria [Lingo's fire arrow; red is bowstring, blue is the bow itself ( stave)]: Elwin 1949:102; chero [rain god's bow]: Elwin 1949:102; kond (kuttia): Elwin 1954, No. 15 [when Bhimenja shoots his rainbow, there is thunder], 16 [Nirantali asked Bhimenja measure the world; he tied threads to arrows, shot in all directions, then compared the length of the threads; N. wanted to marry B., but he went to heaven, his bow was a rainbow]: 88, 88-89; gondas ( Betul District, Mandla County) [the rainbow is a "motley bow" that appears from a snake hole; two of these bows shoot at the same time, joining in the sky and forming an arc; {Dravidian word, so not a crust, namely gondas}]: Elwin 1949:102; Sora (Hill Saora) [Maru, Kittung's son, married in heaven, was later killed by his father-in-law during an argument; Kittung turned his bow into a rainbow; when M.'s widow cries, it rains]: Elwin 1954, No. 18:89-90; Tamils [gods were making sacrifices; the flame from Vishnu's sacrifice rose into the sky, a bow appeared, Vishnu started shooting at the gods, they ran; he fell asleep with his head on his bow; the gods took the form of ants, gnawed on the bowstring, the bow straightened, cutting off Vishnu's head; Shiva gave the bow to Indra, and when he places it next to the cloud, it begins to rain]: Shulman 1978:110, 1980:110-111; Telugu [rainbow - Indra's bow]: Brown 1903:133, 544, 1241; Sinhalese [rainbow - Sakra's bow]: Perera 1917:3; Veddas [when it rains, the "yellow onion genus" is visible in the sky; one of our women made a similar bow]: Seligmann, Seligmann 1911:322.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Nias [rainbow - bow]: Krappe 1938:180

The Balkans. Ancient Greece: Krappe 1938 [rainbow - bow of Zeus (Iliade, XVII, 547 et seq.)]: 180; A. Petrosyan [rainbow = "bow" - 4th century BC, fragment of Eschrion]: personal communication 10.03.2010; Greeks (Kefalonia)] ["old woman's bow": García Mouton 1984:183; Croats, Slovenes, Macedonians [rainbow - "god's bow"]: Belova 2009b: 387; Macedonians, Croats, Slovenes ["With the same "inner form" as + d ga, among the Slavs the term + l k b 'rainbow' is known. Its local distribution is noted among the southern Slavs in the marginal zones of distribution of the Serbo-Croatian language, in Macedonian dialects. According to the Zagreb Academic Dictionary, the phrase luk nebeski 'rainbow' appears in the dictionaries of J. Mikali (17th century, Chakavshchina mixed with Shtokavsk), I. Belostents (17th century, Kaikavshchina), A. Della Bela (18th century, Dalmatian-Bosnian Stockavschina), I. Stulich (early. 19th century) and by authors such as F. Glavinich (early. 17th century, Chakavshchina), M. Gazanovich (17th century, Chakavshchina), A. Bačić (18th century, Ikava Stokavschina - RHSJ). It is curious that B. Kašić (17th century, Ikava Stokavshchina) uses the phrase l ûk duge - Prikazati će se luk dugů moje (RHSJ). Often, the word l ûk 'rainbow' is a complex term, the first component of which is the word + bo žj b. Thus, on Susak Island (northern island Chakavshchina), b òžji luk (GOS, 153) is known. Slovenian fully corresponds to this term. b óžji l k 'rainbow' (O. Tzafa, as well as F. Erjavec from St. Peter, Pleteršnik, I), Slovenian Rezyansk. b óγu l óx 'rainbow' - dwa b öγowa loγ (Baudouin de Courtenay, 1966, p. 205), or, as noted in Slovenian 16th century texts, just lok 'rainbow' (Y. Dalmatian - Bible translation, Pleteršnik, I). It is also found in the Macedonian language: bozhilak 'rainbow' (PMJ; unfortunately, without specifying the area of distribution) and in a slightly modified form, the rainbow gozhilok (PMJ). The last word, in an even more modified form, is known in the Eastern Macedonian Debar dialect - bozhurlok 'rainbow' (p. Lukovo, Vidoeski, 1968, p. 82)"]: Tolstoy 1997:174; Macedonians [bozhilok n ije water (p. Lovrade, Kostursko)]: Tolstoy 1997:201

Central Europe. Poles ["the term l k b 'rainbow' occupies the western and southern parts of the South Slavic lateral zone, but is not recorded in its eastern part, in southeastern Bulgaria. Outside these areas, the form ł uk 'rainbow' is known in Poland in the North Lenčice zone (west of Warsaw; Reczkowa, 1967, s. 68), and in a single example not even found in" Small Atlas of Polish Dialects" (MAGP VI, Map No. 262, pp. 50-54)"]: Tolstoy 1997:175.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kabardian people, Balkarians [rainbow - dvazhankylych (from jan - bow and kylych - weapons, saber]: Akhmetyanov 1989:10; Ossetians ["Soslan's bow", "heavenly bow"]: Abayev 1990: 250; Libedinsky 1978:470; Potanin 1883:745; Chibirov 2008 [arværdyn ("bow of heaven"), Soslani ændur( "Soslan's bow")]: 105; Chursin 1925a [arvy-rdyn ("bow of heaven"); Digorans call the rainbow an onion Soslana (Soslani-änturä) {with reference to Miller, Ossetian studies 2:285}]: 81; Ingush: Aliroev 1976 [rainbow - "Stela's bow", lightning - "Stela's head"]: 223; Tankiev 1997 [rainbow - god's bow Seli (Seli Iad), lightning - arrows; after the rain Seli hangs a bow in the sky]: 33; Chechens: Dalgat 2004 [(=Dirr 1908:1072); rainbow - "sat down bow", lightning - "sat down"]: 168; Potanin 1883 ["heavenly bow"]: 745; Vainakhi [lightning god Sieli's bow]: Seferbekov 2000:10; Kumyks [enem jaya - "baba yagi's onion (Enem)"; red for the wheat harvest, yellow for barley, green for corn; both ends of the rainbow rely on a golden treasure]: Hajiyeva 196:329; Tabasarans [rainbow - bow and arrow]: Seferbekov 2000:8; Avars: Seferbekov, Shigabudinov 2006 [in the village of Batsada Chiorbuti - "onion"; in the village of Kudali - Budchior ("ladle of arrow"]: 52; Chursin 1925a [bulchor ("bow")]: 82; the Andians [rainbow - Bow (Arc) of the god Tsob]: Seferbekov 2000:9; Terekemen [gara nenin oh yayy ("Baba Yagi's bow"); where it began rainbow, must be Baba Yaga's treasure; the red stripe on the rainbow - for the wheat harvest, yellow - for rice and corn]: Hajiyeva 1990:197; Armenians: Petrosyan 2018 [mainly in the west of the Armenian Highlands, starting from the earliest Armenian sources, the rainbow - bow, archer, bow of Jesus, God, green-red onion, etc.]: 1014; Lilit Simonyan (personal communication, 23.10.12) [the rainbow is called "akhekhnak" (bow, bowstring)].

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks (Kanibadam) [rainbow - "Hasan and Hussein's bow", "Ali's bow"]: Tolstov 1931:340-341; mountain Tajiks: Andreev 1927c (Khovaling) [lightning because Kambar carves fire with flint and flint to burn your gun's wick while hunting for heavenly wild goats; rain - Kambar swims, splashes fly; snow rides on horseback on ice, pieces of ice fly from under the horse's hooves; rainbow - Rustem's sling or Rustem's bow; Kambar hangs his bow when returning from hunting]: 22; Tolstov 1931 ["Rustam's bow" (in the upper reaches of Pyanj)]: 340-341; Yagnobs [kamón-i Xasán-at Xŭsséyn - "Hasan and Hussein's bow"; in fact, the Yagnobs have not used onions for a long time and the same (kamón) word means "gun"]: Andreev, Peshereva 1957:270, 385; Shugnans: Zarubin 1960 [kamůni Rustam]: 359; Karamshoev 1991 [kamun 'bow; shot', kamuni Ristam (Rustam) 'rainbow']: 85; Pamiris: Andreev 1927c (Yah-Su) [rainbow - Gulak-i Rustam ("Rustam's sling") or "kamun-i" Rustam" ("Rustam's Onion"); also "this thunder Kambar hangs his bow when he returns from hunting"]: 22; Yusufbekov 2009 [the rainbow is "Kamoni Rustam"; after its appearance, you need to chew alfalfa and anoint it on your face, from your face spots will come off; a necklace falls out of the tail of the rainbow that cures all diseases]; Persians: Antonova, Chvyr 1983 [rainbow - Ali's bow]: 33; Donaldson 1938 [rainbow - Rustam's bow and arrow, Ali's sword, or "a reflection of the Kaf Mountains", consisting of seven peaks, each with gems of a certain color]: 99; Krappe 1938 [rainbow - "Rustem's bow" or "Shaitan's bow"]: 180; (cf. Pashtuns [ishakzai living west of Kandahar use the Persian term kamansal to refer to the rainbow {no literal translation given; 'bow' or something like that?}] : Dvoryankov 1965:175); parachi (b. Gochulan, Kapisa Province) [rainbow - "Rostam/Rustam's bow"]: Efimov 2009, No. 2-3:162, 164; ormurs [rainbow - "Rustam's bow"]: Morgenstierne 1929:398; kafirs: Abayeva 1978 (Upper Prasun) [earlier the sky was not separated from the ground and the earth was not yet built; on the highest mountain, Tirić Mir, there was a tree with seven branches; each branch had a separate sky; on the upper seventh branch lay the sky, called Alymeki-sur, and a disk of Suvu'su, the Golden Sun, was erected at the top of the tree; a lake formed in seventh heaven from the sun's rays; there lived the seven-eyed Vutr; her first son, Imra (Yimbro), built the land and became the master of all living things; Wutre named his second son Gishbro and gave him a heavenly rainbow, from which he made the first bow]: 107; Morgenstierne 1951 (Kati) [god of war Gyīs (y Western Kati Gywis) does not match other kafirs; lives in an iron castle, the rainbow is his bowstring (more precisely quiver-string); he fights Indra and plays polo with Sanu's head]: 163.

Baltoscandia. Scandinavia [rainbow is Thor's bow from which he shoots trolls]: Rheen in Holmberg 1987:59; Sami: Durylin 1913 [rainbow - "bow of Thunder" ("grandfathers bow")]: 61; Ivanishcheva, Bakula 2013 [ rainbow - Tirmes (Tirmas) yucks (from Tiermes - thunder god and Yukx - arc]: 53; Kharuzin 1890 [Ayeke (Thunder) throws his arrows from a rainbow; another name -" thunder elk", drinks ("measures") water]: 19; Czarnoluski 1962 [Thiermes (thunderstorm) throws lightning from a rainbow, chases the Mändash-Pyrre deer; when he catches up with the first arrow, the rivers will flow back and run out lakes; second, the earth will be covered by fire, the Old Man from the North will burn; when dogs rush to M. and T. stabs a knife into his heart, the stars will fall from the sky, the earth will turn to dust]: 80-81; Rydving 2010 [common everywhere the name is "thunder bow"; the northern Sami have "rain onion", "water onion"]: 99; Scheffer 1673 [rainbow - "Thor's bow", Aijeke dauge - "thunder god's bow"]: 96; Kalevala. Rune 3:52-65. Väinämöinen learns wisdom, becomes famous; Jukahainen goes to compete with him in knowledge; claims that he was at the creation of the world, but V. accuses him of lying; this is him, V., dug up the depths of the sea, put a vault of heaven and lights on it; then Ë. causes V. to fight with swords; V. turns YE.'s things into objects of nature with a song: sleigh - talnik, whip - reeds, horse - rock, bow - rainbow, arrows - hawks, dog - boulder, hat - cloud, mittens - flowers, jacket - cloud, belt - stars; V. drives the song YE. into the swamp; he promises to marry his sister (the rainbow episode - p.59); Finns [rainbow (taiwancaari) - bow, Ukko throws arrows from it]: Afanasiev 1994 (1): 349-351; Estonians (islands) [rainbow - amnukaar ("luka duga")]: Kõiva 2011:19; Lithuanians [rainbow - sky bow]: Afanasiev 1994 (1): 349-351.

Volga - Perm. Komi [Rainbow - j en wooj, "bow of God"]: Potanin 1883:943; marie [Yuma's sky has a rainbow (humon-puyge) and stones or arrows (humon-ki)]: Vasiliev 1907:9; Mordovians [Purgine Pass is armed with a rainbow bow and stone arrows; fights with devils who tease him; if Satan kills, his blood flashes, and the object in which he was hiding lights up; Satan is depicted as snakes]: Smirnov: 289 in Endyukovsky 1932:234; Bashkirs, Tatars [Bashkirs and Tatar dial. yaygor, etc. ("rainbow") had the original meaning of "bow and sword, bow and arrow"; Mordovian-Moksha atyamyongf ("rainbow") is most likely borrowed from Turk. ätäyim yanga - "father's bow" (grandfather) in the meaning of god thunder]: Akhmetyanov 1989:10.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans [rainbow is Jes-Madyr's bow, ainga (thunder arrow) is the arrow of the same hero; the rainbow is called solongo, and when striped (?) - Telesh; Tamdin (the ancestor of the Kams - shamans) descends to earth one strip of the rainbow, Agyr on the other, Telesh on the third; there are nine of them all]: Potanin 1883, No. 40:207.

Western Siberia. Eastern Khanty: Karjalainen 1995 [Tremugan represents Pai (thunder) if he is moving as a large, black, loud screaming and capercaillie bird, but usually as anthropomorphic creature; the Rainbow is his bow, the ancient stone weapon found in the ground is his arrow, which he shoots to kill the cantah-ot spruce screaming in the trees of Forest Cobald; when they break in a storm trees, dragging along caught Forest Cobald, who in trouble tries to cling to trees and at the same time breaks and pulls them out; whoever finds a thunder arrow becomes lucky fishing and hunting ]: 221-222; Kulemzin 1984 [rainbow - Thunder bow, Neolithic stone objects - arrows]: 169; Kulemzin, Lukina 1977 [thunder and lightning - rolling across the sky and screaming of a bird that looks like a female capercaillie with wings in in the form of two mallets; when she opens her red mouth, lightning flashes; not getting close to her, she screams loudly; Torum sends lightning from a rainbow to a tree where an evil spirit hides]: 124; Shatilov 1931 (b. Wah) [rainbow (chuga-ëgol) is a thunder bow; a lung (spirit) lowers it to the ground and draws water from rivers and lakes to it, then rain again]: 130; northern Selkups [lies on one of the clouds Oia's bow; its shadow is seen as a rainbow; there is a cloud of rain and hail nearby; Iy's bow shoots evil spirits when they come out of the ground through tree hollows; therefore, lightning often falls into thick hollow trees; thunder is the voice of angry Oia]: Prokofiev 1976:108.

Eastern Siberia. Evens [riddle: "The bow arched across the river" (rainbow)]: Burykin 2001, No. 57:117.

The coast is the Plateau. Kørdalen [rainbow - Coyote bow]: Teit, Boas 1930:178

Plains. Assiniboine [the giant chief decided to use the rainbow as a bow; reached it from the tree and tore it off, but the bow lost its color; angry, the giant threw it against the mountain at Lake Louise, the rainbow fell to pieces, they regained color and are now visible in the lake at sunrise (and the colours spread through the waters); after that, the spirit in the sky created a smaller bow, which can be seen after rain]: Clark 1960:96-97.

California. Shore mivok [rainbow - Coyote bow]: Merriam 1993:223

Great southwest. Zunyi [The sun sends its two sons to help people get out of the ground; they put their lightning arrows into rainbows, shoot down, go down]: Bunzel 1932:584; Cushing 1883:13; Parsons 1939: 218; tiva (Isleta) [a virgin gives birth to two boys; people tell them to be thrown into the spring; she only throws the older one; calls Wind, Sun, Month as potential fathers; men get together the baby must identify the father; he crawls towards the sun; both he and his brother thrown into the spring grow up; the brother comes to him, offers them to go to their father the Sun; the Spider shows them the way ; The sun makes them its helpers; the rainbow is the bow in the elder's hand; the youngest has a rainbow sky at sunset]: Parsons 1932, No. 14:392-403; hicarilla [Enemy Slayer (UV) hears about monsters; mother every time asks him not to walk; he goes, wins; a giant elk lives in the east; a woman gave birth to him masturbating with a moose horn when women separated from men; Moose paralyzes victims with his gaze, kills; UV wears four sets of hot clothes according to the number of directions and colors, each time the heat neutralizes Moose's gaze; Gopher digs passages in four directions; asks Moose to allow him to gnaw his hair from breasts to make a nest for the cubs; UV gets a rainbow bow from the Rainbow, a lightning arrow from Thunder; shoots Moose from below, sends four arrows in four directions; The elk runs every time smells of dug passages with a horn; spiders placed flints at the end of each; the elk is exhausted, dies; UV takes its right horn, fills its stomach with blood, and lets the huge Eagle grab itself; see motive I5]: Opler 1938, No. 9:57-77.

NW Mexico. Yaqui, mayo [black water snakes with wild sheep horns cause floods as they descend down the river; a dwarf shoots at them, producing thunder; the rainbow is his bow]: Beals 1943:64; 1945b: 199-200.

The Northern Andes. Cimila [the first people descend from heaven, don't know where to go; the Great Father takes a rainbow bow, fires three arrows, showing the way]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 145, no. 3:6.