I41B. The rainbow is drinking water.
. (.55.) .63. (.65.) .66.
Therainbow drinks (draws in) water (and living beings).
Fioti, Acholi, Latins, Spaniards, Basques (?) , Bretons, French, Germans (Swabia), Lushi, Himachal Pakhari, Javanese, Negrito, Ancient China (Han and Song eras), Ancient Greece, Slovenes, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Serbs, Bosnians, Romanians, Kashubians, Poles, Slovaks, Western, Northern and Eastern Ukrainians (Carpathians, Volyn, Galicia, Kiev), Belarusians, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Vladimir, Smolensk, Tula), Abkhazians, Terek Cossacks, Armenians, Swedes, leaders, Estonians, Karelians, Eastern Sami, Komi, Chuvash, Udmurts, Yellow Uighurs, Central Yakuts, Masateks, (Embera), Mura, (Quechua District of Lima), Kanamari.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Fioti [a rainbow is a bridge between earth and sky; a snake that draws in water]: Pechuël-Loesche 1907:134.
Sudan - East Africa. Acholi [the rainbow is harmless; it goes down to the river to drink water; if a person is nearby, his body will turn red; this is not dangerous, but it disfigures]: Grove 1919:179.
Southern Europe. Latins [Virgil's Georgians (1st century BC) "A downpour will never unexpectedly/It will not harm: how it breaks out, a resident, a crane, hurries to the deep/Air; the cow looks at the sky/Looks and pulls the air into itself with swollen nostrils. /Or ringing A killer whale flies around the lakes, /Or lies will begin their eternal complaint in the mud. /Often, an ant carries testicles out of secret chorus, /Cleansing a narrow path for itself, and drinks huge water/The rainbow drinks" (trans. Sergey Shervinsky)]: Verg. Georg. I. 374-381; [Ovid's "Metamorphoses" (line of er): "He chose a different punishment - the human race under water/He decided to destroy {Jupiter} and overturned heavy rains from heaven. /He immediately imprisoned Aquilona in the caves of Aeol/I blows are all that clusters of clouds drive away. /Note released. And Note carries out his wet wings, -/The frightening face is hidden under the tar black mist, /The brad's moisture is heavy, streams flow through the gray hairs, /And the clouds on his forehead; and his wings and chest are in drops. /Only he clutched the clouds hanging extensively with his hand, /There was a crackle, and the rains, locked until now, poured out, /In her rainbow dress, Juno is a messenger, waters/Iris began to pick up and feed the clouds with them" (trans. Sergey Shervinsky)]: Ovid. Met. I. 260-271; [Lucan's Farsalia (1st century): "The rainbow hugs the sky in an open circle, barely glowing with its multi-colored color, /Drinks the Ocean wave, carries streams into the clouds/And returns from pouring heaven, seas back" (trans. L.E. Ostroumova; reference to this data in Basset 1896, No. 13:532)]: Lucan. De bell. civ. IV. 79-82; Plavt 1997 [Curculion, Act I, Scene 2, bibit arcus, plug hodie; (about an old woman): "You see! Drinking like a rainbow, bending in an arc, it'll rain today, I'm sure!"] ; Spaniards [particularly in Asturias; the rainbow drinks water, bringing it to the sky]: García Mouton 1984:179; frets [arco bevudo, arcobuan - "drinking arc"]: García Mouton 1984:179; Galicians [rainbows drink sea or river water to nourish clouds]: García Mouton 1984:179; Basques [Asturian proverb: cuando la perdiz canta y el arco iris bebe (when the partridge sings and the rainbow drinks) {but it is not explicitly said that these are Basques}]: Zelikov 2018:29.
Western Europe. Bretons: Sébillot 1904 (Lannion) [a rainbow is a big snake descending to the ground to drink water; some claim to have seen it have burning eyes or the head of a horned bull]: 69-70; Maclagan 1897 [a rainbow is a snake that descends to refresh itself when it does not have enough water at the top; when they see it, peasants say it is drinking from such a pond]: 238; Luzel in Bittremieux 1935 (Cô Tes-du-Nord) [rainbow is a snake that came down to drink because it did not have enough water in the sky]: 243-244; French: Chesnaye 1902 (Vendée) [the rainbow drinks water from water bodies and then, along with the rain, on fish falls to the ground]: 138; Switzerland (Bern) [arc-noit, "drinking arc"]: García Mouton 1984:179; Germans (Swabia) [the rainbow drinks water, scooping it in bowls - gold and silver; when it throws them from of the sky, they break, pieces can be found]: Meier 1852b, No. 2-4:227-229.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Better [the rainbow is God's lip when he's thirsty and drinks]: Shakespear 1909:395.
South Asia. Himachali plowmen [a rainbow is an old snake that drinks water in one place and releases water in another]: Mazurova et al. 2014 (reported by Anastasia Krylova, July 29, 2016).
Malaysia-Indonesia. Javanese [a rainbow is a snake with deer or cow heads on both ends; stretching out in an arch over Java, it drinks water from the Java Sea with one head and drinking water from the Indian Ocean with the other]: Hooykaas 1956: 305 in Blust 2000:525.
Taiwan - Philippines. Negrito (Zambales) [the rainbow pumps water from one sea to another; it is pumped from the "navel of the sea" to other bodies of water; from the sea to the sky to rain]: Garvan 1963:205.
China - Korea. Ancient China: Yangshina 1984 (Han era) [the rainbow seemed to be an evil deity drinking water from rivers, wells, and reservoirs; divination bones say that it went down to drink water in Yellow River; "The Story of the Early Han" reports: "The rainbow descended into the palace and drank the water from the well"]: 62; Blust 2019 (Song Age) [Koh Shen Gua, 1031-1095, Mengxi Bitan (Recordings of Conversations in Mansi"); people say that the rainbow drinks water from the river; the author himself saw the end of the rainbow fall into the water]: 177.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece ["Philosophers' Opinions" by Pseudo-Plutarch (probably 2nd century): "Homer (says): "It's like a crimson rainbow stretching before mortals (Zeus)." That's why some people have invented that she has a bull's head and drinks rivers" (dikah kah) 949; satn taron kephalan ; phen tos potamos; per. V.B. Chernigovsky)]: Ps. -Plut. De plac. phil. III. 5 (German translation in Schwartz 1862:133); Bulgarians: Moshkov 1900 [where the rainbow sucks water, it leaves a silver bowl; whoever finds such a cup knows the future, and whatever it is wished everything would come true]: 208; Tolstoy 1997 [zunkat pie od ut rakat (Gyumurzhinsk.), zunitsata pee water one two rivers (St. Kyustendil); "Daga, or zuna, contains a "second force", God's power. It can turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man. This is how it happens: if someone wants to change their sex, they must go to the river when it rains and where the rainbow "drinks" water, they must drink in the same place, and then they will turn from men to women and from woman to man" (p. Geravina, Kyustendilsko, s. Tarnovo near the village. Seimen, Chorlensko, Thrace, as well as Gabrovsko-Marinov, 1914, p. 16); "if a woman who had only girls goes to drink water in the place where the rainbow "drinks", then after that she will already have boys" (p. Saparevo, Dupnishko, western Bulgaria - Kovachev, 1914, p. 65)]: 200, 206-207; Macedonians: Tolstoy 1997 ["Macedonsk. daga 'rainbow' is recorded in central Veles dialects (p. Rashtani - Reiter, 1964, S. 148), but it must be assumed that it can also be noted in other dialect zones. So, according to my notes, in p. Patele (Lerinsko, Aegean Macedonia) is also known for daga 'rainbow' - daga n and je water, along with nojac 'rainbow', cloud 'rainbow' and other names known in neighboring villages"; cloud 'rainbow', se pu cloud, - water pi j e (p. Zeljovo, Lerinsko), cloud water pi j e (p. Zupanishcha, Kostursko); by jac, babin n o jac, by jaco n and je water (p. Strebreno); gozhilok n ije water (p. Lovrade, Costursko)]: 173, 181-182, 201; Tsenev 2004 [the rainbow drinks water in streams, it rains in two or three days]: 123, 170; Romanians [the rainbow at the end of the world will drink water from all seas and then bring down water fire on us, then the world will die and we will burn]: Niculiţă-Voronca 2008:212; Serbs [arc n uje water; "Who manages to go under the rainbow where she "drinks water", he will change his sex, that is, a man will become a woman and a woman a man <... > the rainbow is most willing to drink water at watermills and therefore you can't swim near them" (Gruza, central Serbia - Petrovic, 1948, p. 334)]: Tolstoy 1997:200, 207; Bosnians [rainbow is a dragon ("azhdaja") drinking water from the sea, which later turns into rain (p. Zabrdje); the Bosnian belief is also known that the rainbow is a snake that sucks water: it was "seen" by the Bosnians on the river. Save, and then they found fluttering fish on the shore]: Tolstoy 1997:206; Slovenes [vedno pije kakor bo ž ja mavra, literally "always drinks like a rainbow", i.e. 'drinks like a shoemaker']: Tolstoy 1997:206.
Central Europe. Slovaks [If there is a living being in the place where the rainbow touches the earth or water, the rainbow will drink its blood, suck its heart, stretch it to the sky]: Botík, Slavkovský 1995, D. 1:112 ; Poles [Stoilov 1924:39; Georgieva 1993:137, note 42; the rainbow is a grass snake drinking water on the ground and transferring it to the clouds where the rain falls]: Izdimirski 2020:99; Kashubians [ the rainbow drinks water from the sea, lake or swamp and transfers it to the clouds]: Hilferding 1862:74; Poles, Kashubians, Western and Northern Ukrainians (Boykovshchyna, Galicia, Bukovina, Polesie), Belarusians, Russians (Smolensk Gubernia) [the idea that the rainbow collects ("drinks", "takes", "sucks") water from a river, sea or any body of water is expressed in the form of separate cliché formulas: Polish. tenca ije vode (p. Zhabnica, Żywieck. poveta, southwestern Malopolsk. dialects), tynca to wode bzierze popsić na drugi desc (p. Czarnotrzew, Ostroleck. poweta, northeastern Mazowieck. dialects), tonż pije ode (g. Schlesin, Eastern Greater Poland dialects), tnca vodua (Rybort village east of Krakow), Kashubsk. tąga oda iie, tenča piie, tąga piie dešč, tąča b'eře v se vodka, Ukrainian. the beauty of pye water (p. Orov, Boykovsk.), Veselitï water pe (p. Naguevichi, b. Drohobychsk. povet), arc p'e water, arc p'e water with a stavu (p. Romankovtsi Sokiryansk. district, bukovinsk. dial.), visilitsa pye voda, visilitsa pye z dn'istra water (p. Prilipche, Doroshevtsi, Vikno Zastavnitsky district, s. Golubovka Novoselitsk. district, Bukovinsk. dial.), in the water at the river bêre (p. Listvin near Ovruch, Polesskoukrainsk. dial.), Polessk. -Belarusian. radavitsa water bar (d. Veluta Luninetsk. district), Belarusian. aselka vadu bare, krasulya bare voda mory, p'ets (d. Krasnitsy Chapgaitsk. District, east of Minsk), in the sky, the rainbow is the water of Nab'iraya (d. Machulino, Volkovysk district, Grodno region), on the rainbow vadu b'are (d. Ostrovo Slonimsk. District, Grodn Oblast), Velikorussk. look, take a rainbow to collect water (b. Yelninsk County, Smolensk Gubernia)]: Tolstoy 1997:199-200; Belarusians [pās in the sky 'rainbow' - v'asolka water b'ere (d. Shestovichi, Petrikovsk. district, west of Mozyr); rain idze i vyaselka water bare - znachyts, nyanasce budzits (g. Kostyukovichi)]: Tolstoy 1997:184, 211; Western and Northern Ukrainians: Belova et al. 2019 (Sumy) [God pours water raised in the rainbow to the ground through a sieve]: 331; Yermolov 1905b [Rusyns: a rainbow with such a He sucks water out by force, that if anyone goes to the place where the rainbow pulls water, it will suck it in and release it from the other end; Galicia: the rainbow swallows water, and with it fish and toads; so those find themselves in closed water bodies]: 197 (quoted in Svyatsky 1913:108); Kravchenko 1920 (Volyn) [the rainbow swallows water, and with it fish and toads; then they find themselves on the shore]: 6; Franco 1898, No. 1 (Galicia, p. Podgorye, Drohobych, Kolomyisky, Stryisky districts) [The rainbow always stands at one end on the ground and collects water. Most often it takes it from a well, but sometimes it also takes it from a river or pond, and then also takes with it fish, toads and what is in the water. Therefore, when a heavy downpour comes, you can often see fish in the field in puddles that fell with the rain. If a person drank water from the very place and at the very time when the rainbow is collecting it, he would become a pig]: 161; Rulikowski 1853 (Kievskaya, Vasilkovsky y.) [the rainbow is called veselka; it is held like a well crane and pulls water from waters, lakes and rivers into clouds]: 173; Western Ukrainians (Hutsuls) [when a rainbow appears (veselka, veselichka), rain it will run out quickly, but as it drinks water from the river, it can therefore go again; if a person gets up where the rainbow drinks water, he may be drawn in with the water; the rainbow gives it to at its opposite end, but in the form of a woman, and vice versa]: Kindl 2003:111; Russians (Vladimirskaya) [the rainbow is a drunkard, drinking water from all bodies of water, gets drunk and wobbling; go out under the rainbow impossible: it will suck and throw it away it is not known where]: Dobrovolskaya 2011a: 208-209; Russians (Tula) [the rainbow drinks water and clouds form from this water, from which it rains]: Kolchin 1899:11; Russians : Svyatsky 1913 (Arkhangelskaya) [the rain arc raises water to the sky for people living there], (Kaluga) [the rainbow raises water to the sky with seven colorful pipes]: 109; Terek Cossacks ( Nauru station) [At one end, the rainbow is buried in the Black Sea (Terek), the other in the Khvalynsky (or "Arctic") Sea; this is how it collects water; the prophet Ilya lowered it into the sea; the rainbow is a huge intestine, which takes huge amounts of water from the seas; it happens that fish, worms and stones fall to the ground along with the rain - this is what the rainbow drew in when it took water from the seas or from the Terek; sometimes it also takes people to heaven; a rainbow or whirlwind carried one boy to heaven; when he heard "Glory to God in the Highest", he brought this singing to earth; since then this singing has been sung in churches and monasteries; the same The prayers "Holy God", "Holy, Holy, Holy Lord of Hosts" and others have history]: Vostrikov 1907:9, 12.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [say: "the rainbow drinks water"; they say that they saw her drinking water from a bucket, had ears, then believed that she was "visiting", conducting a family prayer]: Bartsyts 2005; Terek Cossacks (art. Ardon) [when it rains, the river arrives and plays out; a rainbow appears and draws in excess water like a pump]: Gusev 1893:320; Armenians [mystery: The horse is saddled in the gorge and for the reason to the sky tied up; he'll kneel here - he'll get water in Baghdad]: Karapetyan 1967:77-78.
Baltoscandia. Swedes [The rainbow drinks and swallows fish along with water. Sometimes this fish falls from the sky to the ground]: Balzamo 2011, No. 15:25; counselors [The rainbow drinks water from the lake or the sea with its ends; the girl went to the well to get water, the rainbow drank from there, sucked the girl; now it can be seen with a rocker arm and buckets on the moon]: Ariste 1974, No. 3:5 (=1977, No. 19:175); Estonians [a rainbow is a snake with a bull's head that drinks water]: Holzmayer 1873:50 in Holmberg 1927:444; Karelians [the rainbow draws in water and rains it]: Pentikäinen 1978:300; Eastern Samas [rainbow is Thunder drinks water, then pours rain; when it thunders, God is chased by the Devil, stumbling upon into trees and breaking them; God has a cart or chariot with all his possessions, he runs and it rattles]: Kert, Zaikov 1988, No. 11:128-129.
Volga - Perm. Komi: Fokos-Fuchs 1915, No. 25.V [Yong created a rainbow, she went down to the river, began to drink water; when she drinks a lot, clouds are obtained, it rains]: 221 (=Limerov 2005, No. 25:37); Konakov 1999, No. 7 [son Parma land Pera asks the Rainbow why she drinks water from its river; she promises to take it to heaven for this; he sits on its horns, visits the upper world, marries Zaran, the daughter of the Sun, descends with her to earth; the sun tells her daughter to return, threatens to burn everything; Parma did not let her children with her; Pera and his seven sons shot the Sun with bows, beat off a piece; dew - tears of Z., crying from separation from children; Komi are descendants of Pera and Z.]: 433; Udmurts: Moshkov 1900 (Sarapulsky y. Vyatka Gubernia) [the rainbow drinks water from lakes, ponds, and rivers to make up for the loss of water in the sky; it can be reached by walking 200 steps without breathing, and if a person can reach it, they can get plenty of gold there things: crosses, scoops, plates, etc.; one person tried to reach the rainbow and did not reach 10 steps; he saw that gold was burning there, but at that time he almost fell because he had not breathed for a long time ; sighed, and everything was gone at once]: 199; Potanin 1984 (Yelabuga Territory) [rainbow - woo ("drinks water"]: 226; Chuvash (1906-1908) [God created the rainbow to draw water from the ground into the clouds so that there would be a place for rain to come from]: Meszaros 2000:79.
Turkestan. Yellow Uighurs [mystery: a goat drinks water from a stream, its two ears are green, if you get closer, everything will be white (rainbow)]: Malov 1967, No. 11:162.
Eastern Siberia. Central Yakuts: Kulakovsky 1979 [rainbow is a celestial tube that draws seawater; if there is a bright and large rainbow, it will be a rainy season]: 14; Pekarsky, Popov 1928 ["rainbow" it seems to the Yakuts as a pipe that takes water from the sea and pours it where they need it. Sometimes frogs can also get into the pipe along with water. Therefore, when water pours out of the sky in the form of rain, frogs also fall. This explains the appearance of frogs in a place where they were not"]: 20.
Japan. Japanese (unspecified) [the name of the rainbow is "drinking rain"]: Yanshina 1984:62.
Mesoamerica Masateki [a rainbow is like a pipe that pumps water from the sea]: Incháustegui 197:41.
(Wed. The Northern Andes. Embera (chami; {a European source is likely; Indians do not have seven-headed snakes; exceptions in Mexico, but also likely Spanish influence; see motif L19b}) [rainbow is a seven-headed snake; lives on the mountain, went down to the river, causing a landslide; drinking water at both ends; swallows people; they come out from the other end, changing sex]: Turbay Ceballos 1998:13-14).
Central Amazon. Mura [the rainbow is a sucuriju snake that stretches its body from heaven to the human world to drink water]: Gonçalves 2001:172 (=1990:6).
(Wed. Central Andes. Uarochiri (dep. Lima) [the Yacana constellation is the prototype of all lamas; it moves in the middle of the sky and drinks water from the sea; it is visible in a dark silhouette against the background of the river {i.e. the Milky Way}; it is very large, has two eyes and a long neck; as he approaches, it turns blacker; Yakana drank water from all sources; if a person has a happy fate, it falls on him; he is covered with hair {llama}, falls under its weight, and other people collect it; when morning comes, those who have collected wool see that it is of different colors: blue, white, black, brown; all colors together (de todos colors mexclados); then that the lucky one should buy a couple of llamas and from them he will receive a herd of two or three thousand heads; it is said that Yakana drinks the waters of the sea at midnight when no one sees her; if she did not, the sea would have flooded everything; Yakana is followed by Yutu (partridge) - a small black spot]: Avila in Zuidema 1976:60; Cuzco's Quechua [the "llama's eyes" are a Centaur's α and β; a llama cub behind her head back]: Urton in Zuidema 1976:81; Aymara [Holguin writes about Aymara]: Zuidema 1976:83).
Montagna - Jurua. Kanamari [a rainbow is a sky serpent that comes down to drink water when it rains; through it, fish from the sky fall to the ground; during the dry season, the rainbow drinks water, pulling it to the sky, and during the wet season overflows]: Carvalho 2002:275.