Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

i41B1. The rainbow swallows fish. . (.65.)


rainbow drinks, swallowing fish, people, etc. along with water. Sometimes this fish falls from the sky to the ground.

Bretons, French, Croats, Poles, Ukrainians (Carpathians, Galicia, Volyn), Russians (Arkhangelsk, Vladimir, Terek Cossacks), Swedes, Livons, leaders, central and north Eastern Yakuts (?) , (amber).

Western Europe. The Bretons [the rainbow goes down to drink water and sometimes swallows frogs and fish along with the water]: Sébillot 1904:70-71; the French (Vendée) [the rainbow drinks water from water bodies and then along with fish fall to the ground by rain]: Chesnaye 1902:138

The Balkans. Croats: Plotnikova 2009a [curse: "Let the rainbow suck you in"]: 387; Tolstoy 1997 (Polica, Northern Dalmatia) [curse: duga te š mrknila ! , dosl. "let the rainbow suck you in!"] : 205.

Central Europe. Poles (p. Mazily of the Tomashevsky district, Lublin region) [recorded a performance that is contaminated by the belief of passing under the rainbow or drinking water from a place where the rainbow "drinks", leading to a change of sex, and the belief that a rainbow can suck a person into itself: t ů n č a e ś e ko ńč y , to tym ko ń cem ije wode ii putraφi c ł oeka wyi ć, a drugim ko ń cem jag wyj ʒ e, to ju š odana s tym c ł oekem nastumi, ale m ł ot š e s tego ś e ejo , ń e e ž o]: Tolstoy 1997:208 (referring to Kupiszewski 1969:81); Western Ukrainians (Hutsuls) [when the rainbow appears ( fun, funny), the rain will end quickly, but since she drinks water from the river, she can therefore go again; if a person gets up where the rainbow drinks water, he may be drawn in with with water; the rainbow gives it away at its opposite end, but in the form of a woman, and vice versa]: Kindl 2003:111; Ukrainians: Yermolov 1905b [Ruthenians: the rainbow sucks water out with such force that if anyone goes to the place where the rainbow draws water, it will suck it in and release it from the other end; Galicia: the rainbow swallows water, and with it fish and toads; so they find themselves in closed water bodies]: 197 (cit. in Svyatsky 1913:108); Kravchenko 1920 (Volyn) [the rainbow swallows water, and with it fish and toads; then they find themselves on the shore]: 6; Franco 1898, No. 1 (Galicia, p. Podgorye, Drohobych, Kolomyisky, Stryisky districts) [The rainbow always stands at one end on the ground and collects water. Most often it takes it from a well, but sometimes it also takes it from a river or pond, and then also takes with it fish, toads and what is in the water. Therefore, when a heavy downpour comes, you can often see fish in the field in puddles that fell with the rain. If a person drank water from the very place and at the same time when the rainbow is collecting it, he would become a pig]: 161; Russians: Dobrovolskaya 2011a (Vladimirskaya) [the rainbow is a drunkard, drinking water from all water bodies, gets drunk and staggered; you can't go under the rainbow: it will suck and throw it away, it is not known where]: 208-209; Svyatsky 1913 [Arkhangelskaya: the rain arc raises water to the sky for people living there; Kaluzhskaya: the rainbow raises water to the sky with seven multi-colored pipes]: 109; Terek Cossacks (Naurskaya st.) [At one end, the rainbow is buried in the Black Sea (Terek), the other in the Khvalynsky (or "Arctic") Sea; this is how it collects water; the prophet Ilya lowered it into the sea; the rainbow is a huge intestine, which takes huge amounts of water from the seas; it happens that fish, worms and stones fall to the ground along with the rain - this is what the rainbow drew in when it took water from the seas or from the Terek; sometimes it also takes people to heaven; a rainbow or whirlwind carried one boy to heaven; when he heard "Glory to God in the Highest", he brought this singing to earth; since then this singing has been sung in churches and monasteries; the same The prayers "Holy God", "Holy, Holy, Holy Lord of Hosts" and others have history]: Vostrikov 1907:9, 12.

Baltoscandia. Swedes [The rainbow drinks and swallows fish along with water. Sometimes this fish falls from the sky to the ground]: Balzamo 2011, no. 15:25; the Lives [the rainbow sucks the fish and sometimes the fisherman in the boat]: Loorits 1926, no. IV.5:37; counselors [the rainbow drinks water with its ends up drinking water with its ends from a lake or sea; the girl went to a well to get water, drank a rainbow from there, sucked the girl; now she can be seen with a rocker arm and buckets on the moon]: Ariste 1974, No. 3:5 (=1977, No. 19:175).

Eastern Siberia. {Russian borrowing is possible} Central Yakuts ["the rainbow seems to the Yakuts as a pipe that takes water from the sea and pours it out where they need it. Sometimes frogs can also get into the pipe along with water. Therefore, when water pours out of the sky in the form of rain, frogs also fall. This explains the appearance of frogs in a place where they were not"]: Pekarsky, Popov 1928:20; Verkhoyan Yakuts ["A few decades ago, a rainbow (kustuk) dragged a girl out of Verkhoyansky ulus and lowered it somewhere near Irkutsk"]: Gorokhov 1882:39.

(Wed. The Northern Andes. Embera (chami; {a European source is likely; Indians do not have seven-headed snakes; exceptions are in Mexico, but there is also likely Spanish influence; see motif L18b}) [rainbow is a seven-headed snake; lives on a mountain, goes down to the river, causing a landslide; drinks water at both ends; swallows people; they come out from the other end, changing sex]: Turbay Ceballos 1998:13-14).