I46. Rainbow belt.
A rainbow is an ornamented piece of clothing, a bright fabric, an ornament, a belt.
Shauna, Bambara, Krachi, Oromo, Khambhata, Amhara, Tigrai, Masai, Nandi, Berbers of Algeria (northeast of the Algerian Sahara), Spaniards, Ancient Gauls, French (Dauphine), Ancient Germans, "Muslims of the Middle East", Babylonia, Hawaii, Rarotonga, Tagin, Kachari, Flores, Dongo, Tsou, Paiwan, Miao, Montenegrins, Bosnians, Croats, Serbs, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Gagauz people, Greeks, Greek Cypriots, Romanians , Slovenians, Russians (Vladimir), Ukrainians, Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Ossetians, Nogais, "Dagestan Tatars", Khinalugs, Svans, Georgians, Armenians, Talysh, Kurds of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijanis, Talysh, Turks , Kafirs (Kati), Tajiks, Mountain Tajiks (Obi-Garm), Livs, Estonians, Lithuanians, Veps, Eastern Sami, Swedes, Mordovians, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Pamir Kyrgyz, Kumandins, Altaians, Khakas, Tuvans, Mongols, Nenets, Ents, Nganasans, Northern (?) Selkups, Western Evenks (Podkamennaya Tunguska, Vanavara), Western (?) Yakuts, Nivhi, Ainu, Itelmen, Ojibwa, Montagne, Naskapi, Chiroki, Zunyi, Pima, Masateki, Makuna.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Shawna [rainbow - Goddess Dziwa's belt]: Chaplin 1959:155
West Africa. Bambara [rainbow - "red cloth"]: Vydrin, personal report, 02.09.2010; curls []: Cardinall 1931:.
Sudan-East Africa. Oromo: Bartels 1983 [rainbow - "Waqa belt" (heaven, God)]: 90; Foot 1913 [Sabata Wakayu: "God's belt"]: 97; Gragg 1982 [sabbata waaqayyoo: "God's belt"]: 452; flounder ["God's belt"]: Leslau 1988:431; amhara [rainbow - "Mary's belt"]: N.I. Steblin-Kamensky, field observations 2012; amhara, tigrai ["Mary's belt"]: Leslau 1988:431; silte, Gogot ["sky belt"]: Leslau 1988:431; harari ["camel belt"]: Leslau 1988:431; Masai [children call the rainbow "father's clothes"; they say they will give it to their father because he will love it]: Hollis 1905:277; nandi [rainbow is Thunder's garment thrown away by him]: Hollis 1909:100.
North Africa. Algerian Berbers: Basset 1910 (Oued Rir', Holy Algerian Sahara) [rainbow - "belt"]: 17; Leslau 1988 ['Fatima's belt']: 431; Berbers of central Morocco ['sky belt']: Leslau 1988:431; (cf. Tunisian Arabs [the princess promises to marry the one who will bring the best gift; a poor young man frees a dove from the trap; in a dream she tells him to give the princess a bouquet of flowers; in the morning he finds seeds on the carpet; plants with bright flowers appear from them; the neighbor asks one, the young man does not give it, the neighbor tells his father to pull out the flowers; the dove tells him to go give them; in the courtyard of the palace the young man stumbled, I dropped the chest, the wind carried the flowers, it rained; when it stopped, a rainbow appeared; the princess married the young man; the seeds scattered around the world, and a rainbow emerges from these flowers every time]: Ayadi 2008, No. 68:142- 148).
Southern Europe. Spaniards [cinta da vella - old woman's ribbon]: Kuusi 1957:318
Western Europe. Gauls [God Gu's Belt]: Afanasiev 1994 (1): 358-361; French: Joisten 2005 (Dauphine: Isere) [rainbow - "God's belt"]: 278; Tolstoy 1997 (Haute-Loire) [ceinture du bon) Dieu 'rainbow' (Sébillot, 1904, p. 68)]: 186; Krappe 1938 (High Alps): 182; (cf. Germans [in some places (Tajikistan), there is an idea that coincides with ancient German that the rainbow is a canvas that Grandma spread across the sky to dry after the rain]: Tolstov 1931:340).
Western Asia. Babylonia (Akkadian version of Gilgamesh) [{it is not directly mentioned about the identity of the Ishtar necklace with the rainbow, but given the biblical parallel, it is likely}; Utnapishtim escaped from the flood; his ship stuck to Mount Nitsir; on the seventh day, W. released a pigeon, then a swallow, both returned back; released the crow, which saw the water fall, returned, "croaks, eats and spoils"; W. sacrificed to the gods, "like flies they flew off, smelling the smell; Ishtar took off her neck and picked up the large necklace that Ana had made for her, saying that no matter how she forgot this necklace ("azure stone"), she would not forget these days; let all the gods come, except for Enlil, who tried to exterminate people by causing a flood]: Deacons 1961, Table 11, 145-154:76-77; "Muslims of the Middle East" [rainbow - "God's belt"]: Krappe 1938:181.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Hawaii [Ku marries Hina, gives her a rainbow as a loincloth]: Beckwith 1970:508; Rarotonga (South Cook Islands) [Tongoifare is Tangaroa's daughter; her husband is Manuahifare; they have three son Maui and daughter Inaika; younger Maui noticed that his father disappears in the morning, returns after dark; he put the end of his father's belt under him to wake up when his father gets up; sees how the father tells the pole of the house to open so that he can go down to the lower world; during the day he does the same; meets a blind old woman; she takes the coals out of the fire with forceps, thinking that it is food, and the food burns at the same time; she replies that her name is Inaporari (Blind Ina), she is Maui's grandmother; four trees nearby; Maui knocks on each one; the old woman every time says that this tree belongs to Maui Sr., then The middle, Inaika, is finally Maui the Younger; he replies that he is Maui the Younger; fruits immediately appear on the tree; after biting off a piece, Maui throws them into the eyes of the old woman, she sees the light; says that with fire Maui's grandfather owns Tangaroa-tuimata ("T. with a tattooed face"); after recognizing his grandson, the grandfather gives him smut, Maui leaves, extinguishes it; so four times; on the fifth, Tangaroa fires with two sticks, holds one Maui; blows out the fire; then the tern holds one; Maui understands how to make a fire; pulls out his grandfather's upper stick; the tern's lower stick, for this purpose he burns it above his eyes, spots remain; tern flies away; Maui invites Tangaroa to fly through the same hole; takes off wearing his rainbow belt; Maui pushes him, Tangaroa falls, breaks; Maui puts bones in a coconut, opens, Tangaroa comes to life; Parents who have descended to the lower world are told to visit Tangaroa only on the third day; he returns to the upper world himself, reveals to his brothers and sisters the secret of getting fire]: Frazer 1930:79-82; Mangaia: Gill 1876:44 [the "Tangaroa belt" rainbow that he descends from the sky], 118-121 [Tangaroa untied his rainbow belt, descended it to Ina-ani-vai, when she was swimming in the stream, she gave birth to Tarauri ( Sr.) and Turi Bald; Turi always lost to Pinga's seven short sons in cane throwing; Tarauri asked his father for help, who threw him a reed from the sky; P.'s sons stood around to place, but Tarauri threw one of them between his legs, the dart fell only 8 days later].
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kachari [pious Rab fell in love with Nagdi, the wife of the powerful Ram, took her away; Ram caught up with the fugitives, fatally wounded his opponent; repenting, promised that he would go to heaven; Rab promised in response what kind of kindness Ram is after his death, his colorful turban will be seen among the clouds; it's a rainbow]: Soppitt 1885:68-70; tagin [rainbow is the bride's colourful clothing swaying in the wind]: Pandey 1999:88
Malaysia-Indonesia. Flores [rainbow-the silk bandage of the spirit of the earth (or forest, water)]: Bader 1971:948; dongo (Sumbawa) [rainbow is God's shoulder scarf]: Arndt 1952:487.
Taiwan - Philippines. Tsou [hiōyu rainbow ("colored cord") is considered the motley headband of the "grandfather of heaven" (Thunder)]: Nevsky 1935:67; paiwan [when there is a beautiful rainbow in the sky, it is a Salavan woman washed her clothes, hung them to dry in the sun]: Egli 1989, No. 31:61; bicol [rainbow - hablón nin dawáni (hablón - woven fabric, dawáni - first woman, she figured out how to do it look like a rainbow and weaved it]: Mintz, Rosario Britanico 1985 {no pagination}.
China - Korea. Miao [sister Hua Bian ("patterned edge") is best at weaving edges on clothing floors and sleeve cuffs; the emperor takes her to the palace; at his request, she weaves a rooster, a partridge, a dragon; they they come to life, the dragon burns the palace, HB flies away on the dragon; the rainbow - HB hung her woven patterned edge for the sample]: Lin Lin, Ustin 1959:344-350.
The Balkans. Montenegrins ["St. Luke "]: Janković 1951:42; Bosnians (Lika) [" God's belt "]: Janković 1951:42; Slovenes ["bright Mary's belt"]: Belova 2009b: 385; Croats (Lika) [rainbow is a colorful belt that The Lord hung it out into heaven to teach women how to use a cloth made of colorful threads; God's belt]: Belova 2009b: 385, 387; Serbs [in riddles, the rainbow is like a towel (handbrake)]: Janković 1951:42; Bulgarians: Afanasiev 1994 (1) [rainbow - the belt of the Most Holy Virgin or Holy Week]: 360; Kovachev 1914 [the rainbow is God's belt, when it rains it washes and then dries it]: 64; Bulgarians ["The word belt The 'rainbow' is distributed in a fairly wide strip in southeastern Bulgaria, which begins east from the Tundzha River (Yambol and Elhovo), stretches westward between the Tundzha and Maritsa rivers, and continues southwest to the river. Struma in the zone south of the Sofia-Ikhtiman-Kalofer line and north of the Haskovo-Devin-Velingrad-Bansko line (BDA I, map No. 266; Koseska, 1972, map No. 20, p. 57). In the northern part of Bulgaria, two islands, two closed microareas of the term "rainbow" belt, are being identified: in the northeast, in the lowest reaches of the Yantra and Osym rivers (BDA I, map No. 266) and in the north- in the west - in the Vidin region (p Novo Selo, Mladenov, 1969, p. 265) and south of the town of Lom (Koseska, 1972, map No. 20, p. 57). IN. Koseskaya also notes the micro-area of the word 'rainbow' belt in Dobruja, but both points she noted are relatively recent (Koseska, 1972, map No. 20). It is also important to point out the small marginal range of the term 'rainbow' belt in the south-west of the Bulgarian language territory along the lower reaches of the river. Places and along the river. Tisovskaya north of the city of Drama (Ivanov, 1972, map No. 206)"; Lord of Poyas' rainbow '(a number of points between the rivers Tunji and Sazliyki), d'adof the Lord of Poyas and d'adogor'of poyas' rainbow' (a group of points on the lower reaches of the river Tunji south of Elkhovo, a group of points east of Kazanlak, three points near the Golyama River north-west of Grudovo in Strandzha and a small group of points in the upper reaches of the river. Sazliyki south of Kazanlak); Rodopsk. Lord of Poyas' rainbow '(p. Semchinovo, Pazardzhiksko), a belt on Uncle of God (p. Stransko, Haskovsko, s. Bolyarsko, Yambolsko, s. Gradina, Plovdiv); "The term babin belt 'rainbow' is represented in single, usually quite far from each other, points: one - s. Raspberries near the river. Golyama sowing. -zap. Grudova, the other - Egrek near the river. Krumovitsa (Burgasdere) south of Krumovgrad, three more northwest of Chirpan, then separate points near Targovishte and Plovdiv (BDA I, map No. 266; Koseska, 1972, p. 35) <... > V in the western part of the Southern Rhodopes and in the Central Rhodopes, in some points, babino was recorded for a fee 'rainbow' (St. Madan, p. Churka, Elkhovets, Mogilitsa, Sitovo - in the mountain area. Madan and Smolyan; Stoychev, 1965). In the same area near the mountains. Smolyan recorded the Maychin rainbow belt (p. Levochevo - Koseska, 1972, p. 50), and on the Danube, just above the mountains. Svishtova - poyasna 'rainbow' (BDA II, map No. 279)"]: Tolstoy 1997:182-183; Bulgarians [op ac (ops) 'rainbow' (p. Dolna Studena on the river. Yantra and four points near the Danube near the city of Yantra. Tutrakan), Upasn'e 'rainbow' (p. Sturman on the river. Yantre), 'rainbow' preparation (p. Dobroelavtsi north of Sofia), the Virgin's rainbow belt (Mladenov, 1951, without specifying the place of fixation); the rainbow is a self-made belt: self-make sa fear from the zunka (p. Deremahala, Kazyl-Agachko, now Malyk Voden, Elkhovsko)]: Tolstoy 1997:184, 215; Bulgarians, Macedonians ["The word Zuna, more often Zunka 'rainbow' (borrowed from Modern Greek. In Bulgaria, dial. "belt, sash") is distributed in Bulgaria in a fairly wide strip, running from east to west from Strandja (where the territory is bounded by the river. The Fakian and upper reaches of the river. Popovskaya), with a short break to the river. Maritsa and further east to Kyustendil and the river. Struma. In the eastern part of Aegean Macedonia, in the zones from St. Dramas before Butkovo Lake were known as Zunitsa 'rainbow'. The shape of the zun 'rainbow' is mainly recorded in northeastern Bulgaria near Moscow. Veliko Tarnovo, Gabrovo, then west of the city. Elena and further south of the city. Pavlikeni. In addition to the marked forms of zun, zunka, zunitsa, zunichka, zunichka, zunichka"]: Tolstoy 1997:185; Bulgarians [lesichina zunka, lesicino for a fee, a babino for a fee, a woman for a fee, a robe, n oiaca on St. Mother of God, zunka 'rainbow' (Rhodope dialects)]: Tolstoy 1997:193; Macedonians [in p. Patele (Lerinsko, Aegean Macedonia) is known for daga 'rainbow' - daga n ije water, along with nojac 'rainbow', cloud 'rainbow' and other names known in neighboring villages; the word zunka 'rainbow' is common in many Macedonian dialects - northern, central and southern: Zunitsi (Svetinikolsko), Zunitsa (Stip, Dojran, Gorno Brody and Conche - Radovishko), Dzunitsa (p. Bogomila, Veleshko, Kumanovo villages), Zunka (g. Kukush)]: Tolstoy 1997:173, 186; Macedonians, Montenegrins, Croats, Slovenes ["As a rule, on Slavic soil, when demonstrating the 'rainbow' lexeme +ro j as b does not act independently, but with an adjective definition of the type + b ožj b, + b abi p, + gospod b, + bogorodi čn b, etc. or a possessive definition in the genitive case. Names of this type are not typical for Western Slavic languages, and in South Slavic they appear mainly in the lateral zone, ranging from Slovenian dialects and Istrian Cakava dialects to Montenegro, southern Macedonia and southern Bulgaria. Cf. Slovensk. svete Marije p s c 'rainbow' (unfortunately, without specifying the location, Tentor, 1925-1926, s. 210), Serbo-Croatian North Istrian., Stokavsk. b žji pas ć (p. Vodice), b žji pasak 'rainbow' (p. Golac - Ribarić, 1940, s. 133), Čakavsk. on the island of Cres and in Croatian Primorje bo žji p s' rainbow '(Tentor, 1909, Tentor, 1925-1926), Kaikavsk. in the area Varazdina pasec, bo žji pojas, Marijin pas' rainbow '(Valjavec, 1863, s. 256), in the Highlands (south of Zagreb) bo ži pasa ć 'rainbow' (Rožić, 1907, s. 59), Stockavsk. in Lika bozh j and ps (Janković, 1951, p. 42), Montenegrin in Kuci ps Svetog Luka 'rainbow' ( Ducić, 1931, p. 332), Macedonian. Velessk. p ojac 'rainbow' (p. Smilovtsi; Reiter, 1964, S. 148), Aegean Lerinsk. by jac, babin n ojac, by jaco n and water (p. Strebreno, own recording 1961), god n ojac, bogof n ojac (p. Citizen, own record 1961)"]: Tolstoy 1997:181-182; Gagauz people [sash 'belt, sash; rainbow']: Baskakov 1973:301; Albanians ["The name of the rainbow as the Virgin's belt is also known in Albanians"]: Tolstoy 1997:186; Marinov 2003 [girls and brides decorate their wide belts with rainbow colors, which are called zuna, zunka, zunitsa]: 38; Belova 2009b [when the Lord unties his belt, the rain stops (Plovdiv); Adam threw his belt into heaven to save the human race (Rhodopes); rainbow is a self-made belt]: 388; Stoynev 2006 [rainbow - babino for a fee, Baba Zunka, belt, Lord's belt]: 99; Greeks: Tolstoy 1997 ["Borrowing zun, zunka, zunitsa from Modern Greek, dial. oña 'belt' It could also be direct, since these Greek lexemes manifest not only the 'belt' family, but also the 'rainbow' family. Cf. Modern Greek dialect, Nom t's Panagos (Eastern Greece, literally "Virgin's Belt"), nº t' Niο (Epirus, literally "God's belt"), brākōña t' Thio (Thessalia, literally "God's gashnik, strap")]: 186; Krappe 1938 [rainbow - "ceinture de la religieuse"]: 181; Kuusi 1957 (Crete, Peloponnese) ["old woman's belt"]: 318; Greek Cypriots ["St. Helena"]: Bähr 1931:406; Romanians: Beza 1928 [the rainbow is God's belt; the rainbow drinks water at both ends; whoever crawls to this place and drinks the same water will change sex]: 134; Gorovei et al. 2000 [rainbow is God's belt, priest's belt; drinks water with both ends; whoever drinks water from the same place as the rainbow is a baby (boy) for one month and the other a girl; when someone will crawl on her knees to drink water from the same place the rainbow drinks from, if it's a girl, she'll become a guy, and if a guy turns into a girl]: 86; Pamfile 2001:179 [rainbow (curcubeu, or curcub ău), also known as curcu - boului, Our Lady's belt (br âul Maicii Domnului), sky belt (br & #226; ul cerului), crown (?) sky (curuna (?) cerului), God's belt (br âul lui Dumnezeu), Kosynzyany belt (br âul Cos ânzenii) or butt belt (popovsky belt) (br âul popii), this is "N ăfram ă v ărgat ă, Peste mare aruncat ă" (Striped head cover Thrown across the sea)], 180 (Bukovina) [The rainbow is the daughter of a rich man who once grazed cattle by a stream; suddenly a cloud appeared ( cloud), which took her to the sky, and there it turned into a beautiful belt that we still see today].
Central Europe. Russians: Dobrovolskaya 2011a (Vladimirskaya): 207 [God's belt; when it rains, God washes his belt and then hangs it to dry], 213 [the rainbow is the Witch's Belt; the witch steals water from the ground, the belt gets wet and she hangs it to dry]; Potanin 1883 [rainbow - "Dobrynya Golden Belt", "Timonia the Golden Belt"]: 745; Ukrainians (Western) [in Transcarpathia, the terms of God's poyas' rainbow 'are recorded (p. Voditsa and s. Verkhne Vodiane, Rakhiv District, between the rivers Teresva and Shopurka) and Pris'aty i Di you poyas (p. Grushevo, Tyachiv district in the same interfluve); on the territory of Romania, in the Ukrainian dialects of Maramorosh, north-west of Moscow. Borsh recorded God's belt 'rainbow']: Tolstoy 1997:183; Ukrainians: Holy 1913 [in some places in Novorossia, the rainbow is the "belt of the Virgin"]: 110; Tolstoy 1997 (eastern) [East Ukrainian. (steppe dialects) haircut 'rainbow' (there is also a haircut 'multi-colored ribbon on the girls' forehead' - noted in b. Verkhnedneprovsky district of Yekaterinoslavsk. circa 1848 Boris Nesterenko)]: 187; Ukrainians, Belarusians [in Polissya (Zhytomyr, Rivne, Pinshchyna and Mozyrshchyna), the lexeme + ro j as b 'rainbow' is found rarely, sporadically: pojas (p. Skraglevka, Berdichevsk. district, Zhytomyr region; s. Kamenka and Fedorovka, Rovensk Oblast), Poiasca and Poyasnitsa (p. Sopachev, Rovensk Oblast), Mother of God (p. Yatskovichi, Rivne Region; Kabaida), Pojas (d. Mokhro, Ivanovsk district, south-west of Pinsk, etc. Rechitsa, Stolinsk district, south-east of Pinsk), pās in the sky 'rainbow' - v'asolka water b'ere (d. Shestovichi, Petrikovsk district, west of Mozyr)]: Tolstoy 1997:183-184; Belarusians [payas' rainbow 'is known in northwestern Belarus in the Braslav region in Lithuanian-Latvian-Belarusian borderland (d. Voynyunitsa, Cuties, Kushtali, Golubovshchina); god payas' rainbow 'was also recorded there (d. Murazh, Braslavsk. district) and haroshy payas' rainbow '(d. Ilantsy, Braslavsk. District)]: Tolstoy 1997:184 (cf. Poles [sto u ška 'rainbow' (g. Dolsk, Shremsk. pov, south of Poznan; cf. Polish literary writer. wst ążka 'ribbon, ribbon')]: Tolstoy 1997:187).
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [yagmur-khushagy, "rain belt"]: Potanin 1883:744; Ossetians: Tsgoev 2015 [rainbow - "sky belt", "Batradz belt", "Soslan belt"]: 59, 410; Chursin 1925a [rainbow - arvy-ron ("sky belt"), otherwise arvy-rdyn ("bow of heaven)"]: 81; Nogais [rainbow jacket" (letters. 'old rose'); or a rainbow appears when an old woman hangs her belt; when an old woman's two wineskins of water burst, thunder rattles and warm rain; tied sheep to the ends of her belt, their old woman milks]: Kapaev 2012:14, 265; "Dagestan Tatars" [Pyaygambardyn-Kushagi, "Prophet's Belt"]: Potanin 1883:745; Khinalugs [peigambardyn-kushagy' rainbow '(letters. 'prophet sashk')]: Ganiyeva 2001:236; swans [decilart q 'rainbow' ('belt of the heaven')]: Zavadsky 1890: LIV; Georgians, manholes (vats) [rainbow - "belt of heaven"]: Marr 1911:773; Georgians (Rachins) [rainbow - God hangs out scraps of different colors; if a man jumps over the rainbow, he will become a woman and vice versa; the one who jumps over dies in 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, at most 3 years]: Japaridze 1896:149; Svany [Rainbow - "Virgin's Belt (Lamaria)"]: Marr 1911:773; Armenians: Bagriy 1930 (3): 127-128 [rainbow is Prophet Noah's belt; sign of what is bigger There will be no flood; the red color shows the wine harvest, and the green color shows the bread harvest; (Artem Petrosyan, personal communication 10.03.2010: Armenians do not have the name "Noah's Belt"; apparently the informant or collector's mistake, contamination with the meaning of the rainbow as a sign that there will be no flood)]; Lilit Simonyan (personal message, 23.10.12) [The rainbow is said to be God's belt: Archangels Gabriel and Michael tie it to God's lower back and thus show us what you see, "You will not lack God's mercy," then they untie it again and keep it. For this reason, when you see the rainbow, you should cross yourself and thank God for His mercy (E. Lalayan, Javakhk, Ethnographic Review (EO), Book 1, Shushi, 1895, p. 349; Var. - G. A. Akopyan, Basen's Ethnography and Folklore, "Hayastan", Yerevan, 1974, p. 276)]; Karapetyan 1967 [mystery: The horse was saddled in the gorge and tied to the sky for an excuse; here he will kneel - he will get water in Baghdad]: 77- 78; Petrosyan 2018 [mainly in the south of the Armenian Highlands, starting from the earliest Armenian sources, the rainbow is the belt of God, God the Father, Mother of God, Mary, the Forerunner, the green-red belt, the golden belt, etc. in ancient texts, the Lord's belt, Aramazda (< Akhura Mazda; this form is found in Philo's translation of Alexandria, possibly tracing paper from Greek - the original is lost); the usual name ciacan means 'belt/ the armband of the god of heaven' (etymology by A. Petrosyan)]: 1014-1018; Armenians (Ashtarak, Javakheti, Surmalinsky District) [Rainbow - "God's Belt"]: Marr 1911:772; Azerbaijanis: Khalidova 2012 [Kyok Gurshagi - "Sky Belt"]: 230; Efendiev 1893 (Shemakha) [based on the similarity of the colors of the rainbow to Jejim's patterns when they appear rainbow people say: gari nän ishi uzaty ("the old grandmother stretched her weaving")]: 206-207; Turks: Gordlevsky 1909 [when they see the rainbow, the children exclaim, Here is the birth of grandmother's belt (Ebem kushay), begin to disassemble the colors of the rainbow; if a man walks under the rainbow, he will turn into a woman, and vice versa]: 98 (=1968:75); Holy 1913 ["Heavenly Belt", "God's Scarf"]: 110; Talyshi [ the rainbow predicts good weather; this is the holy grandmother Fatma Nanny, stretching her machine across the sky, weaving a carpet for saints living in the sky]: Bagry 1930 (3), No. XXVII: 19 (=Bayramalibekov 2012:204); Kurds of Azerbaijan [rainbow - Fatma anana kurshagi ("mother Fatma's belt"); if a man walks under the rainbow, he will become a woman if a woman is a man; the red stripe promises happiness, the yellow stripe is neutral, black foreshadows trouble; children, when they see the rainbow, shout, "My red!"] : Chursin 1925b:15.
Iran - Central Asia. Kafirs (Kati) [Gish is the god of war, the rainbow is his belt]: Yettmar 1986:95; Tajiks [in some places (Tajikistan) have an idea that coincides with the ancient German one that the rainbow - a canvas that Grandma spread across the sky to dry after the rain]: Tolstov 1931:340; Pamiris (western in Obi-Garm from evictors from Sarez) [the rainbow happens because "an old woman stretched out her sleeve "]: Andreev 1927c: 22.
Baltoscandia. Livs [wind is heavenly father's horse (taevataat), rainbow is heavenly mother's belt (taevaema); the answer to riddles about what a heavenly mother's belt is can also be clouds, air, roads; another mystery: grandfather's long belt (pikk taadi rihm), you can't stuff it into a tub]: Loorits 1998 (1): 48; Estonians (islands) [rainbow - jumala vöö ("god's belt")]: Kõiva 2011:19; Veps [rainbow - "god's arc" (umalanbembüu, jumalanvembeí), "god's sash" (jumalankušak), "god's horse" (jumalanheboine)]: Vinokurova 1992:18; Sami (West Kola) peninsulas) ["thunder belt" along with the predominant "thunder bow"]: Rydving 2010:99; Swedes [woman tries to weave a rainbow-colored shawl; punished with blindness or madness, for you can't try to surpass God]: Klintberg 2010, No. 123:47; Lithuanians: Afanasiev 1994 (1) [rainbow - sky belt, Lauma's belt]: 358-361; Kerbelite 2001 [Laume weaved canvas/ribbons; went up to heaven, became a rainbow]: 65.
Volga - Perm. Mordva [1) when Pirgen's thunder fertilizes the cloud, he wears a rainbow as an ornament; 2) the rainbow is the hem of the god Neske (Neske Paz), embroidered with colored paper by his mother Ange-pozai ]: Potanin 1883:742; Kazan Tatars [riddle: "Multicolored fringes were hung in the bazaar, but no one can afford it" (rainbow)]: Makhmutov 2013, No. 259:65; Bashkirs [Bashk. dial. "sky belt", "tengria belt"]: Akhmetyanov 1989:10.
Turkestan. Pamir Kyrgyz [rainbow - "kempir kusak" ("old woman rope" for tying cattle); explained as an old woman's canvas stretched out for drying]: Andreev 1927c: 22.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Kumandins [description of drawings on a shamanic tambourine; divided horizontally into top and bottom; the top is framed by white and red lines - Tegri Kury ("Heavenly Belt")]: Satlayev 1974:157, Figure 22; Altaians [Mystery: gray floss brought from Mongolia, red floss (rainbow) brought from China]: Ukachina 1984:24; Khakas [in Sagai dialect, the rainbow "tigir khury" ("sky belt"); a person who managed to walk under the rainbow (letters. "take over the heavenly belt") will change sex and become immortal]: Butanayev 2003:53; Tuvans [in paroemias, the rainbow is "girdle of the sky", "seven-color ribbon", "in a multi-colored colorful fur coat"]: Kurbatsky 2001:92.
Western Siberia. Nenets: Zelenin 1914, No. 44 (tundra) [from the manuscript by K. Shabunin "People and life in the tundra of the Mezen district. Samoyed Beliefs" (no later than 1871): "rainbow (Numbanu) - the edge of the Numb Mantle"]: 22; Kostikov 1930 [rainbow - the edge of Numa's cloak - numbanu]: 116; Lekhtisalo 1998 (Turukhansky District {i.e. forest} ) [The storm is humanoid, and the rainbow is her clothes]: 15; Potanin 1883 [the rainbow is the edge of Numa's thunder cloak to numbanu]: 742; Prokofiev 1953 [(Nenets. now (m) pan - god's hem]: 199-200 (same Potanin 1883:742); Startsev 1930 (tundra?) [rainbow - "high hem, God's clothes"]: 117; Khomich 1976 [rainbow - nouv'pan, "hem of heaven"; stripes of dyed rovduga were sewn above the fur hem of raspberries (men's clothing), now from multicolored cloth; in Yamal, the Nouves' Panu rainbow (panu is a wide strip of fur on the hem of women's outerwear; it was believed to be the edge on Noom'a's wife's clothes]: 20; Entsy [ The supreme god Nga, his wife Dya Menu'u ("mother earth"), grows herbs, trees, is responsible for the birth of children, is "on the first circle underground"; when she is in heaven with N., you can see a rainbow - the patterned border of D.'s fur clothing (ngā padde - "God's hem"; nganasany: Prokofieva 1953 [rgā hphantu)]: 199-200; Simchenko 1996 (1) [the rainbow accompanying warm rain is Cadu'o (Thunder) parks]: 155; northern (?) Selkups [Numa Nuwat Neel's daughter lives in his house in the sky; sews expensive clothes, decorating the hem with stripes of precious stones; sometimes wears a beautiful park, leaves the house to dance; patterned hem her dresses are rainbow (nutko)]: Pelikh 1998:73.
Eastern Siberia. Evenki (Podkamennaya Tunguska, Vanavara) [The Moon, the Sun and the Silver Woman (LJ) were three girls; the Storm and the Tree were workers (The storm still cuts wood); the Moon is a water carrier; the man goes to marry LF; at home - A tree, wearing LF clothes, pretends to be a mistress; a man marries her; LF returns, washes a person with deer blood, making him gold, takes him as a husband; ties the worker by the neck to a deer, lets him go; he spread the seeds across the ground, so trees appeared; LF does not tell her husband to go in the direction where the Moon and Sun live; he went, began to live with the Moon; LJ became a hawk, flies around the moon and Suns, asks to kill himself; a man hit his paw with an arrow, the hawk's legs have been red since then; the hawk woman flies, takes the others with her; throws her belt up, a rainbow appears from ground to sky; throws clothes - clouds appear in the sky; while chasing the sky, the owner of the upper world Ekshari leaves the Moon and Sun at home]: Vasilevich 1959:164-165 (quoted in Voskoboynikov 1981:225); Western ( Vilyuisky) Yakuts [olonkho episode: the hero of the "Pale Sky rainbow/collecting, /tied a sash around him... /heavy, ninety pounds, /has a hat, /fifty pounds of excellent iron/ has mitten gloves"]: Yemelyanov 1990:117; Popov 1936 (place of recording not specified; Vilyuisky?) [riddle: A handkerchief hangs in the sky made of red cloth (rainbow)]: 285.
Amur - Sakhalin. Nivkhi [rainbow - lyibetar (jewelry on the hem of thunder, walking around thunder decorations)]: Vyach. Kuleshov, personal Communication on November 10, 2013.
Japan. Ainu [rainbow-loincloth]: Ôbayashi 1999:412.
SV Asia. Itelmen: Krasheninnikov 1994 (2) [if the peals are rare and strong, Bilyuchey is angry, throws a tambourine to the ground; the rain is the urine of Bilyuchei and his gamules, and the rainbow is embroidery on the hem of his new one kitchens]: 167-168; Steller 1999 [Villukai (Willucey) rides partridges in the clouds in a sleigh; the rainbow is the border of his clothes]: 157.
The Midwest. Matachewan Indians of Montreal River [rainbow - thunder leggings]: Speck 1915d:79; Ojibwa (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan) [rainbow - woman's sleeves, who raised her hands above the sky with her fingers closed]: Hilger 1937:178.
Northeast. Montagnier, skapi ["rainbow" is "legging string" everywhere, but on Lake. St. John is a "sun string", so originally apparently "the tie of the Sun's greaves"]: Speck 1935a: 64; (cf. Abenaki (in the Wabanski text, perhaps a typo from Wanabaki, distorted by Abenaki) [chief M'Sartto follows his departed son along the road of souls to the Milky Way, enters the land of people with rainbow belts, this is the Northern Lights, they play ball; the local leader tells two birds to bring M. and his son back home, they return safely]: Judson 1997:143-145).
(Wed. Plains. Arapaho [rainbow is the Thunder forest where he catches hiintcäbiit water monsters; when lightning strikes the water, Thunder hits the monster; sometimes it is believed that the stream flows out of the monster's mouth; near Some people notice a lot of snakes sticking out their heads; in such places they tie clothes to trees and leave offerings]: Kroeber 1907c: 317).
Southeast USA. Chirokee [rainbow is God Thunder's beautiful vestment]: Mooney 1900:442.
(Wed. Big Pool. Northern Pyutes (Kern River, California) [Peace, Old Man, created the world; the Sun was evil, wanted to kill everyone with its deadly arrows; The month was good; Venus and Mercury were daughters of the Sun; Twenty men killed them, but they came to life 50 days later; the rainbow is P.'s sister, her chest is covered in flowers]: Judson 1994:48-49).
The Great Southwest. Zunyi [you could see Rainbow Women's colorful robes; the embroidery and coloring on these dancers were more beautiful than the Corn Girls robes]: Cushing in Judson 1994:116-119; pima [Big Brother with Warriors- The pima smash the Pueblo Indians in Casas Grandes; the pueblo chief throws soot, it turns dark, he runs away; the god of darkness dissipates it; the runaway shakes off his tears, creating a mirage; cigarette smoke is fog; accordingly, the god of the mirage raises it, the god of the fog turns the fog into clouds; the runner throws up his belt, it turns into a rainbow, he climbs it up; the rainbow god sends spiders, they They envelop the runaway, pull him to the ground; warriors kill him]: Russel 1908:227-228.
Mesoamerica Masateki [The rainbow is the bride who went out before the wedding to relieve herself and is missing; the colors of the rainbow are embroidery on the edges of the bride's outfit]: Incháustegui 1977:42.
NW Amazon. Makuna [Menery Yo, daughter of Father Peace, sees her brother Umakan ö (Month) making a vagina in the sand and inserting his penis into it (this is where papaya and cotton grow); she invites her brother into her hammock, but for the first and last time; but he continues to come to her; she paints his face; he cannot wash off the paint, he drowns in shame; he is revived and thrown into the sky; M. gets to the Jaguars, eaten, her son Umawad ö (Rainbow) avenges her; the colors of the Rainbow are his feather crown]: Trupp 1977:50-56, 63.