Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I46D. Rainbow noop..37.41.


rainbow is a hunting loop, a trap.

Nanai people, atna, tagish, hea, slevy, (chipewayyan).

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais (riding) [agdi poikini - "thunder loop"]: Smolyak 1976:136.

Subarctic. Atna [rainbow - sabiile' (sun snare)]: Kari 1997:107; tagish [rainbow is a thunderbird snare, at the end of it you can find a lot of game]: McClelland 1975 (1): 79-80; hea [at the beginning of the world, two brothers lost each other; ran around the sky in different directions, met as adults; the elder said he was the one who made the earth grow; created the mountain, told the younger to enter it; the mountain split, the youngest came out as a child; the eldest, both younger; decided to destroy monsters; saw a rainbow (this is a web of a huge spider in which he is trying to catch the sun), went to it; on the mountain the old man gave them arrows, told them not to pick up the ones fired, they would return to the quiver themselves; the youngest shot the squirrel, the arrow was stuck in the tree, the brothers climbed after it, the tree was getting higher, the arrow stuck to their hands, they found themselves on a mountain in the sky; there were a lot of people there; the brothers made a fire, the mountain became a plain, people dispersed speaking different languages]: Petitot 1886, No. 9-10:123-130); slevi and other northern atapascas [on Dene's "rainbow" means "web"]: Moore, Wheelock 1990:60; (cf. chipewayan [the hunter falls into a giant trap made of sunlight; pretends to be dead; the giant carries it to his home; the hunter throws ash into the mouth of the giant's children, runs away; his giant pursues]: Goddard 1912, #4:53-54).

(Wed. Plains. Grovantre [rainbow is Thunder's fishing line]: Kroeber 1908b:280).