Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I47. The rainbow is like a stream of secretions. .12.18.19. (.20.) .21.24.29.



rainbow smells disgusting, is associated with malodorous animals, is a stream of secretions, is associated with the bodily bottom, causes inflammation or skin diseases.

West Africa. Baule [rainbow is the breath of Voi's red snake; if it rains in the rainbow, it's Voi's saliva; it causes leprosy, so children are not allowed to go outside at this time; you should not point to the rainbow hand - leprosy wears off your hand, you can point with a nod of your head]: Himmelheber 1951b: 19-20 (trans. Himmelheber 1960:43; quoted in Kotlyar 2009, No. 112:103).

Australia. The cockatoo [the rainbow is the spit of a big snake that stops the rain; when the rainbow disappears, it returns back to the snake]: Waterman 1987, No. 360:36; Cape Bedford [rainbow - huge shark excrement]: Waterman 1987, #370:36.

Melanesia. Vatut (Melanesians west of Huon Gulf) [rainbow - "snake urine"]: Fischer 1963:99; bukavak [rainbow is the blood of the dead; or where it comes from, there is human bile and splashes into the sky; either the rainbow ends against a butterfly or a huge snake with iridescent skin]: Lehner 1931b: 110; (cf. buin [souls of the dead create rainbows when they are angry]: Thurnwald 1910:134).

(Wed. Micronesia-Polynesia. Truk [the rainbow evokes negative associations and is associated with death]: Bollig 1927:12).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Rengma [rainbow is a breath of perfume rising from humid places]: Mills 1937:245.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Flores [rainbow - penis (by Arndt, Mythologies, Religion... S.52); pregnant women should go around where the rainbow rises]: Bader 1971:949.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [a rainbow is a snake drinking water from the river; at this time you can't collect water from springs and show your teeth to the rainbow: they will fall out and turn yellow; curse: "For the rainbow to appear here" (or "hit here"); if you swim in the water from where the rainbow drinks, your body will be stained; if you show your finger to the rainbow, it will dry out or your nails will turn black and fall off; if the boy is not yet sitting on a white horse, shows his teeth to the rainbow, they will turn black; anyone who comes close to the rainbow will get sick and recover if he prays to her]: Zukhba 2007:62.

Iran - Central Asia. Kalashi [Nhois a monster living in the spring, the rainbow is his breath]: Morgenstierne 1951:165

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats [rainbow - unegen-ezi shege ("female fox urine")]: Khangalov 1958a: 322.

Eastern Siberia. Central Yakuts: Pripuzov 1885 (West-Kangalassky ulus) ["The Yakuts explain the phenomenon of the rainbow to bad weather, it is called Sasyl igya - fox urine in Yakut"]: 62 (quoted in Alekseev 1975:35); Pekarsky, Popov 1928 ["the Yakuts have a very peculiar idea of the rainbow, expressed in the term sucked iigya - fox urine"]: 11; Böhtlingk 1851 (2) (no place of recording; central? [sucked igä 'rainbow' (dosl. 'fox urine'); sucked ictbit 'rainbow' (dosl. 'the fox urinated ')]: 34, 158; Evenki (southern Yakutia) [in the dictionary of A.V. Romanova and A.N. Myreeva (The Evenki Dialectological Dictionary) in Tommot, Uchur and Chulman dialects (they distributed downstream of the river. Aldan i.e. this is primarily the south of Yakutia), p. 144 sulakia chikenin is a rainbow (dosl. "fox urine"). This is not typical for the rest of the Tungus]: E.V. Korovina, personal report, 2011.

The coast is the Plateau. Skokomish [Fox and Stuhe compete to see who will continue to stream urine; at S. she reaches the other side of the bay, Fox only walks half; these are rainbows]: Adamson 1934:391.

Plains. Blacklegs [rainbow - Napi (Old Man)'s penis used as a belt to bandage clouds]: Wissler, Duvall 1908:28 (note 2); throw off pawnee [young man mourns at the bride's grave; creature in The form of a skunk or a rainbow leads him into the world of the dead; he is told to throw lice on the girl's head; she itches and comes to life; he returns to earth with his bride, marries her]: Dorsey 1904b, No. 20:71-73.

California. Yurok [rainbow - penis]: Driver 1939:343; shasta [after coloring, the Sun sometimes washes and splashes out dirty water, so you get a rainbow; if you point your finger at it, your finger becomes curve like a rainbow]: Holt 1946:327; Maidu [rainbow-Coyote urine]: Dixon 1905:265 in Riddell 197:383.

The Great Southwest. Mojave [a rainbow emerges from a kangaroo mouse burrow that has a long, hairy tail]: Bourke 1889:183.

NW Mexico. Tarahumara [The rainbow comes to us from evil underground inhabitants; when he drinks blood, the victim does not feel pain; it smells worse than a skunk; the double rainbow is male above, female below; the woman is fat and fair-skinned; if a man copulates with her in his sleep, he won't have children]: Bennett, Zingg 1935:325.

Mesoamerica Otomi [rainbow - vellos de mujer (female pubic hair), associated with female genitals, sewage, stench, disease]: Galinier 1990:513; Sierra Norte Nahua [ The rainbow is extremely dangerous; whoever sees it may inflame her stomach, blood will flow; one woman washed, saw a rainbow, died of bleeding]: Báez 2004:85-86; Maya Yucatana [rainbow - stream]: Báez 2004:85-86; Maya Yucatana [rainbow - jet demon intestinal gases; comes out of dry wells - Demon Metal's anus]: Redfield, Villa Rojas 1962:206; Milbrath 1999:32; (cf. Tlapaneca [Cassiopeia is a scorpion, the Milky Way is its flow poison]: Schultze-Jena 1938:157); kakchikel [children are not told to point their fingers at the rainbow, otherwise the hand will become crooked; nor should you walk between ravines, for the rainbow comes from there; a big snake in the cave produces a rainbow yawning, opening its mouth; if you are near, you can disappear, rainbow you jalar á]: Petrich 1997:126.

The Northern Andes. Kamsa [if you swim the day after the full moon, the rainbow will write on this person and he will be covered with warts; sometimes the rainbow appears as a young man you can ask for a bridge over the river]: McDowell 1994:79; paes [the rainbow appears after the rain; it's Rain urine, it causes skin diseases]: Bernal 19..: 224-227 (RCA 2 (2) :224-247) in Turbay Ceballos 1998: 17.

Ecuador. Otavalo [Rainbow (Kuchi) stalks those with a green fringed red poncho as well as pregnant women; causes abscesses and skin diseases]: Buitrón, Buitrón 1966:71-72; Cayambe [if a woman has abdominal pain, she has got hold of the Rainbow Spirit; smoke it; throughout Ecuador, the rainbow is considered an evil spirit that causes illness and death]: Parsons 1940b:222.

The Central Andes. Dep. Cuzco [there are two types of rainbow - kuichi and the especially dangerous vaikar kuichi; seen in the sources as multi-colored threads; attacking people, they take human form; men try to enter through mouth, into women through the vagina; mestizos are not dangerous because they are afraid of the smell of soup; the patient's urine becomes seven-colored; the patient is treated with a steam bath by adding herbs to the water]: Casavedre Rojas 1970:171-172 in Toro Montalvo 1990:195-196; Misminai (dep. Cusco) [neither men nor women should urinate in the rainbow, as it can crawl underground and get inside through a stream of urine, causing abdominal pain; according to Lira 1946:34, the water in the spring, from which the rainbow rises, contains small, multi-colored particles that can penetrate the body; in this case, the urine will take on a rainbow color]: Urton 1981:89.

Montagna - Jurua. Ashaninka (river campa) [the rainbow is associated with a demon in the form of a river catfish; its sewage and urine are a reddish film on the water; it causes abdominal pain and diarrhea; or the rainbow is smoke from the fire a demon or his clothes; always something disgusting]: Weiss 1975:490; kashibo [the rainbow is dangerous, it covers; skin disease is considered a rainbow burn]: Frank et al. 1990:93 (note 5).

SE Brazil. Botokudo [Nyukuadn is the serpent, the owner of the waters; causes floods; the rainbow is his urine; a sign that indicates the beginning of the rain]: Nimuendaju 1946b: 111.