I47A. Rainbow is a fox wedding. .14.15. (.27.) .29.
Therainbow is associated with a fox or jackal wedding.
North Africa. Kabila [rainbow - "jackal wedding"]: Lacoste-Dujardin 2005:85; Berbers of central Morocco and northern Algeria ['jackal marries']: Leslau 1988:432; Berbers of the district Ghadames ['The Jackal's Bride']: Leslau 1988:432
Southern Europe. Basques [the rainbow is sometimes called azeri-boda, literally "fox wedding", "fox wedding", but no one knows why]: Frank 2008.
The Balkans. Bulgarians [forest svadba 'rainbow' (in the southern Rhodopes - p. Startsevo near Madan and the village. Slaveino near Smolyan; Stoychev, 1965)]: Tolstoy 1997:193, 203 (cf. ["from a folklore, ethnographic and mythological point of view, the names lisiuka, lesichina zunka, lesichino platno, lisychashti bayrek and especially lesichina svadba are interesting . An explanation of this term is also possible only when referring to material that is not purely linguistic. To understand the original internal form of these terms, the childish exclamation that exists in the Rhodopes among Pomatsky (Bulgarian-Muslim) and Orthodox children is very important: Fox se zheny, fox se zheny! (recorded by X. Vakarelsky in 1955, Kuusi, 1957, S. 34). This formula is shouted when it rains "blindly", that is, when it rains in the sun. The idea that a fox wedding takes place during the "blind" rain is typical for speakers of a number of Italian dialects, for Greeks in Italy, Corsicans, Portuguese, Turks and Azerbaijanis, i.e. . for representatives of Mediterranean culture. Hindus, Pakistanis, and North African Berbers in these cases talk about a "jackal wedding", while Finns, Japanese and Ceylons also talk about a fox wedding (Kuusi, 1957, S. 27-35). Thus, the Mediterranean range, which is adjacent to the Rhodopan-Bulgarian dialect island, is quite clearly identified. The Rhodopes are known to be separated from the Aegean coast by a fairly narrow strip of land, which is between 30 and 60 km wide. The most interesting fact in the Balkan-Slavic perspective is the presence of the term lisiuka 'rainbow' in the Eastern Slavic Carpathians. In the absence of additional data, it is still possible to make a preliminary assumption that the Carpathian fox is the result of southern, Balkan-Mediterranean (or even Balkan-Slavic?) influences"]: Tolstoy 1997:215); (cf. Bulgarians [when the sun is shining and it is raining - "the devil (fox, bear) gets married]: Stoynev 2006:99).
Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Hunzakh Avars [in the village of Gortkolo, along with the commonly used name, called "The fox is being taken to the wife" in the sense of "The Fox is getting married"; among the Andalals of the village of Batsada, "they are taking a wife to the hare"]: Seferbekov, Shigabudinov 2006:53; (cf. [mushroom rain, but the rainbow is not specifically mentioned] Abkhazians [wolf marries, fox spying], Kurds [wolf and fox wedding]: A. Petrosyan, personal communication, 10.03.2010).