I48. Locked in the underworld.
The character is unable to move, after which he acquires cosmic dimensions: he supports the earth (sky) or his movements cause earthquakes (less often storms).
Melanesia. Savi [Yahati and nine other men lived in the underworld; I noticed the light, went to the ground, shot a bird, missed, brought a leaf pierced by an arrow; everyone went up to the ground; I decided to go back for abandoned by the dog; others dissuaded him, but he went; then they failed the exit; when I tried to get out, earthquakes occur]: Yost 1988:57.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Tonga: Caillot in Williamson 1933 (2) [the owner of the dead Hikuleo lived in Bulotu (the Underworld); sought to exterminate humans to populate his world of the dead; he was tied in the center of the earth; one end Tangaroa holds ropes in the sky, the other in the lower world (Lolofunua) Maui; when H. is eager to free himself to take the souls of the dead to him, an earthquake occurs]: 212; Frazer 1930 [there was no fire, people ate raw food; Maui Atalonga (MA) went to Bulotu (the Underworld of Chiefs) every morning, bringing cooked food from there; his son Maui Kijikiji (MK) secretly followed him to the cave, walked along her; bit the fruit, threw it at her father; he ordered to weed the garden, not to look back; MK looked around, the herbs grew; MA ordered to bring fire from his father Maui Motua (MM); MM gave, MK put it in the sink, intentionally extinguished to come back again; MM offered to take the entire smoldering tree trunk; MK took it, MM offered to fight, MK threw it on the ground, breaking all bones; now when he moves, they happen earthquakes; MA banned MK from taking fire to the ground, but it brought it in a sash]: 59-61; Samoa [the earthquake god Mafuie in the lower world owned fire; Talanga went to the rock, told it to open, he went down and cultivated his own plot in the world of M.; son T. Ti'iti'i followed him, followed him; contrary to his father's warning, went to take the fire from M.; M. fired and then scattered the Talangi stove; Tiitii tore off his arm, agreed to return him to the fire; placed it in all the trees; when the ground shudders, Tiitias are praised - if M. had two hands, earthquakes would be stronger]: Frazer 1930:72-73.
(Wed. Australia. Wilman [Emu was taken to heaven; she tried to sit between the horns of the moon, but it became round; the sun's inhabitants drove her away because she chatted a lot; the stars agreed to let her in if she took part of the earth's load (the Stars held the ground); they gradually shifted everything to it, because Emu is afraid that she will be driven to (empty?) the sky; when it gets tired, shifts from wing to wing, the earth trembles; if it does so often, the inhabitants of the sun become angry, bring darkness; cries, suffering from heaviness, her tears rain; sometimes stars gather and they take some of the burden to get Emu to rest; but only a small part, because they are afraid that Emu will give them everything]: Hassell 1934, No. 3:239-240).
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kachari [Bangla ("Earthquake") married the Creator's daughter, lived in heaven, tried to subdue him; in a duel between him and the Creator, B.'s wife confused her husband's legs with her hair, her father won; bound B. was imprisoned in the underworld; trying to break the bonds, he produces earthquakes]: Sopitt 1885:55; (cf. lepcha [the earth floats on the water like a clay vessel or is supported by a turtle; below the water is fire, below the fire is the wind, there is a spirit that causes earthquakes, it has a big mouth]: Stocks 1925:336, 345); Sherdukpen [Yamraj, in the lower world, moves a finger to see if the creatures that inhabit the earth's surface are still alive; an earthquake strikes and people scream that they are still alive alive]: Pandey 1999:128.
Burma - Indochina. Khmu [7 years pregnant, gives birth to Aay Cet Reey ("Seven Wooden Steamed Rice Jars"); he immediately eats seven vessels of rice, fried buffalo, goes to his father, who has gone to cut down a wooden stupa; he cuts a tree for this purpose; A. orders the tree to be knocked down on it, drags it home; stops to swim in the river; livestock traders tie animals to the tree, hang the washed ones on the branches clothes; allow A. to carry it all with the tree if he can; A. takes it away; the father is frightened, tries to destroy A.; leads to cut bamboo; throws cut down bamboo at him from the mountain like spears, A. catches everything and takes away; tells the demons to collect the debt, supposedly they owe him money; A. takes seven helpers; they dig up a big grasshopper, but he kicks each with his foot, they fall into the water, they are swallowed by sturgeon; A. tears off the grasshopper's leg, eats, catches, cuts the sturgeon swallowed in the stomach wove 7 salt baskets; first demons, then A. eat iron; try to drive each other into the ground; the demon drove A . ankle-length, A. his throat; demons give money; father asks for the liver of banteng (Bos javanicus), an elephant; A. brings; the liver of the moon; A. puts iron rods on top of each other, climbs to the moon; when almost reached it, the mother greases the lower rod with fat, the father rubs salt into it; the rod rusted, fell apart, A. fell and crashed; earthquakes - the demon he drove into the ground is trying to move]: Lindell et al. 1978, No. 8:84-88.
South Asia. Kond (kuttia) [the sky was a meter above the ground; Koira and his wife Paira lived in a hole; K. put his hand out and raised the sky; seeing how strong and terrible K. and P. were, Rani-aru stuffed them back into the hole, crushed them stove; earthquakes happen when they try to get out]: Elwin 1954, No. 7:93-94.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Andamans: Nippold 1963 [earthquakes cause evil spirits of the dead (men) living underground in a forest where a palm tree grows; furious because they can't go to the ground, they shake the tree, causing the ground to shake]: 122; Radcliffe-Brown 1933 (Aka-Kede) [the dead in the underworld perform an initiation ceremony; during it, a screen is installed; The rainbow serves as a screen; when they shake it, they cause earthquakes]: 146-147; Engano [the victim was placed in a hole; he turned into a spirit and, to show that he is alive, produces earthquakes]: Loeb 1935: 217; SW Timor [earthquakes occur because the dead are trying to escape from the underworld]: Perry 1915:138.
Taiwan - Philippines. Ibanag [the boy is very powerful; he challenges God himself to compete; he invites him to tame two fighting mountains, he gets stuck between the mountains, his head out; trying to free himself, causes earthquakes; when free, the world will end]: Eugenio 1994, No. 152:264-265.
The Balkans. Macedonians [the ground is on a pole or three pillars; the devil is attached to the (middle) pillar, he breaks, the earth shudders]: Tsenev 2004:23-24.
Central Europe. Ukrainians [Petro treacherously pushed his brother Ivan and his infant son into the abyss; Petro is tormented in hell, and Ivan is also not allowed by God to enter the kingdom of heaven. "To this day, a wonderful knight stands on horseback in the Carpathians, and sees the dead gnawing in a bottomless failure, and senses how a dead man lying under the ground grows, eats his bones in terrible agony and terribly shakes the whole earth"]: Gogol 1948:74-75.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [God, afraid that the first sledge will not destroy the entire land, gradually lures him to the very center of the earth, where a huge massif binds its heroic members, and the first sledge remains forever in the depths of the earth. "Since then," the legend says, "the first sledge has shaken the ground when it wants to escape, which is why the earthquake occurs." This is one of the oldest legends that explains natural phenomena. However, the first sledge, before being bound to the ground, manages to leave its offspring on it]: Tuganov 1977:142; Ingush [Satan's mother named Pachi stands tied at the end of the world; if she freed, then destroyed the whole earth; on Judgment Day, God will release a strong wind from hell on Satan, Satan will forget God's hundredth name and find himself straight to hell]: Dakhkilgov 2006:450-451.
Iran - Central Asia. Shah-name [evil Zahok ruled Iran; snakes grew out of his shoulders, fed by the brains of young men; Faridun defeated Z., chained to the top of Damavand; his blood flows drop by drop; when in a volcano lava is bubbling, it's the moans and sighs of chained Z.]: Ulug-zoda 1989:40-41.
Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [aces pursue Loki, who staged the murder of Balder; the wise Kvasir was the first to enter Loki's house (who himself became a salmon at the time, to rush into the waterfall); saw the remains of a burnt net , thrown Loki into the fire; the aces began to weave the same; threw the net, Loki jumped over it, Thor grabbed his tail, so the salmon have a narrow tail; the dogs caught Loki's sons, turned Vali into a wolf and he tore Brother Nari; Loki was tied to three stones with his guts, these ties became iron; Baldra Skadi's wife hung a snake over him so that its poison would drip on Loki; Loki Sigun's wife stands and holds the bowl under drops poison; when it's full, Sigyun goes to pour out the poison; the poison drips, Loki breaks in pain, earthquakes occur]: Younger Edda 1970:51.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats: Khangalov 1959:282-291 [Lobsogoy, who lives on the NW side, turned to a star, studied Geser's magic, turned him into a tireless donkey and plowed him; Alma-Mergen Khatan took the form of L.'s older sister, begged for a donkey, restored G. to his appearance; going to war with L., G. and his warriors chase three wild bulls, sisters L.; two are killed, the eldest runs to L.'s palace, takes on a human form, swallows G.; he cuts her from the inside, making her say that her brother is immortal but can be defeated; G. kills her by cutting off her heart; with the help of AMH, sending arrows at L. defeats him, locks him in a stone tama for a thousand centuries; puts a stone battery to guard him], 323 [others say that G. threw L. into a hole and put two batyrs with iron hammers; when L. shows up from the hole, they hit him on the head; L. falls into the hole, which causes earthquakes; some say that the boys created by G. shoot at L., exhausting him, he falls back into the hole; var.: G. crushed L. with three mountains, nailed them with a spear; batyr pins his spear with an iron hammer; when the world ends, L. will rise and defeat Abay Geser Bogdo Khan].
Southeast USA. Chirokee [Thunder's son defeats an insidious Player; he tries to escape but is caught up; the Thunders tie him with a vine; from time to time he tries to escape (earthquakes?) ; beavers chew on a vine to free it; two crows sit on a pole; when it shakes, they drive away beavers]: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 10 [the vine grows out of the character's navel, wraps around the tree, growing on the seashore]: 393-397; Mooney 1900 [Thunders pierce the player's chest with a stake; fortify him deep into the sea; Player lies face up]: 311-315.
The Great Southwest. Diegueño [the sea first came from both the west and east of the hills; a man came up, opened his eyes to see the sun; the second came up, was blind; there were two foxes, silver and ordinary, silver belonged to a blind man; he touched the ordinary, the sighted said it was his, silver; but he knows not; the blind man created a coyote, ankle birds, the moon; fell into the lower world, and the sighted man climbed sky; when the blind moves, earthquakes occur, if he turns over, the earth will turn upside down; the sighted went down to where the blind man had descended, took red clay, made a man and a woman, left fire; one of the figures fell apart; so several times they finally came to life; the sighted said that the blind man could not make people, so he did; returned to heaven; one of the people, Tcikumat, was in the east, fell ill; He was brought home, he died; he was put on the funeral fire, the blue flies lit fire with their fire drills; the Coyote was sent away for this time; when he ran, only his heart was not burned; The badger was standing on the east side of the fire, the Wild Cat on the west; the Coyote grabbed the heart, carried it away, ate it; a drop of blood fell into the water, from which birds with red feathers appeared; the Wild Cat sent the Crane to bring the Crane Mattiawit snake, placed Tcikumat's property inside the fence, the snake lay inside in a ring, all set on fire; some of the snake flew back, other fragments flew back to people, became different songs; those who received them became by different groups of people, dispersed]: Spier 1923:328-331.
Mesoamerica If not otherwise: male character; earthquakes. Totonaki [San Juan is tied or nailed at the bottom of the sea; makes the earth tremble; always asks if Ivanov's Day (June 24) is near; he is told that he is far away or that he has passed; if San Juan Juan finds out that his day has come, he will escape and destroy the earth with a flood]: Ichon 1969 (mountain) [snakes and jaguars descend from the sky on a stone pillar there are people; Thunders can't destroy a pillar; San Juan is given vodka, he runs away, destroys a pole (the remains are Chicontepec volcano); after covering this place with clouds, San Juan is told that the pole is intact; he runs away again, falls into the sea; his arms and legs nailed to the bottom]: 113-115; Williams García 1954 (coastal) [an orphan opens a box of Thunder, a storm begins; he runs away; he is caught, tied up at the bottom of the sea]: 77; (cf. juice [old woman whose love rejected, turns into a volcano; causes earthquakes]: Baez-Jorge 1983:393); tseltal [evil Christ tied to a pillar on the edge of the world]: Chapman 1952:484-485; lacandons [Kisin pursues Hachä kyum (Hach Ak Yuma is Our True Master); killed and buried him, but he was only his double; K. began to guard the grave; 5 days later, by X.'s will, the earth split, K. fell into hell; when gets angry and kicks the pillars of the world, the earth shudders; Sukunkyum ("Our Master's Elder Brother") prevents him from bringing down the world; the souls of the dead go first to S., he sends them to K., who burns souls in Metlan for committed sins]: Boremanse 1982:73-77, 94-95; 1986:43-44; kekchi, mopan [persecutor of Christ locked in a cell underground]: Thompson 1930:162; ishili [God's jailers drink and quarrel; god locks them themselves; three days a year the doors are open, the sun is shining inside, the jailers are fighting again]: Colby, Colby 1981:213-215; quiche: Bunzel 1952 [there is a bound giant under the ground; his movements are produced earthquakes]: 428; Popol-Wuh 1959 [character named Earthquake bound and thrown into hell]: 31.
Honduras-Panama. Pech [the angry brother is bitten by a snake; asks to bury him half in the ground; the niece leaves only his little finger outside; the buried man moves, shaking the ground]: Flores 1989:49-50, 81-82; (cf. Bribri [ Shibyo gives her sister his rod; it turns into a snake, bites her, she dies; a giant tree grows out of her corpse; S. sends people to cut it down; after 18 days of work, their axes are broken, they are coming after others; the old woman gathers fallen chicks at the foot; the loggers ask her to support the tree; it falls on it, turns into the sea, the birds into fish; the old woman's movements cause excitement in the sea]: Bozzoli, Cubero Venegas 1987:20); Guaimi: Margery Peña 1990 [two boys live with their mother Evia; she goes to holidays, leaves her children in ash by the hearth; one day she meets two handsome men there, one in gold, the other in white (silver); tries to get their attention, they do not respond; someone says they are her sons, she does not believe; the same on the second holiday; for the fourth time watching sons, returns before them; when sons return in the form of beautiful men, both they and the mother pretend that nothing has happened; before drinking white and red cocoa, they go swimming in the river , tell the mother not to open the vessel; she removed the lid; there is a little girl (red cocoa) and a boy (white) boiling in butter; the butter burned her eyes; the sons come back, drink cocoa; they throw the mother at east, west, south, she comes back every time; thrown into the depths of the earth; her parrot is killed and followed; when she tries to escape, an earthquake occurs; she wants to get out to see whether the fruits (these are people) are ripe; The sun in gold, the month in silver themselves watch the seeds of the earth (=people) one day and the other at night]: 25-27; Séptimo, Joly 1986 [two little boys live with their mother Evia; they always sit in ash by the hearth; their mother goes to the holidays, sings well; one day she meets two handsome men there, one in a gold robe with a golden rod, the other in white (silver) with with a silver rod; puts on her best clothes and jewelry, tries in every possible way to attract their attention, they do not answer; someone says they are her sons, she does not believe; tries in vain to follow them after the holiday, she finds her sons sitting in ash at home; the same at a festival elsewhere; at the third; for the fourth time she pretended to go to the party, hid by the road; those two men they pass by; at home, the woman did not find her children; while she was waiting, she began to draw different shapes and lines with her fingers and NGOs - now they are rock carvings; when they come back in the form of beautiful men, and they, and the mother pretend that nothing has happened; they make white and red cocoa; before drinking it, they go swimming in the river, tell their mother not to open the vessel; she removed the lid; there are boiling in oil a little girl (red cocoa) and a boy (white), as if fried raw; butter burned her eyes; sons come back, drink cocoa; silver feels a little sorry for her, gold is not; they throw their mother at east, west, south, she comes back every time; thrown into the depths of the earth; her parrot is killed and followed; when she tries to escape, an earthquake occurs; she wants to get out to see whether the fruits (these are people) are ripe; {p. 20-21 missed, p. 22 discusses the meaning of the myth; it is obvious that the golden son became the Sun, the silver son became the Month}]: 11-22; kuna [the first man has been thrown into the river since then can't leave its underground tank, shakes the ground]: Chapin 1989:49-50
The Northern Andes. Earthquakes. Ambera: Chaves 1945 (chami), No. 6 [the girl has her first period, she was locked in the house; came two months later, it became large and heavy; a week later she had to dismantle the house, it could not fit in; under With her own weight, she fell through the ground into the lower world; now when she moves, earthquakes occur; if she moves strongly, the earth will fall apart; she is Awena; her sister used to swim in the pond every time I left for a longer time; my parents saw a lot of fish there, she told me not to kill the fish; one day she did not return, they came for it, saw that it had become a fish to the waist; she was the mother of fish - Betenabe; since then since the first period, girls are not locked up]: 152-153; Pinto García 1978 [as in Chaves; eats a lot, it becomes very heavy]: 222-223; Rochereau 1929 [God does not give incestuous brother and sister open their arms; their attempts to separate cause earthquakes; without specifying on or underground]: 101; paes: Bernal Villa 1953, No. 9 [at sunrise; people suggest that he try on the coffin and nail the lid ; he asks for two eye holes; the carpenter does one and the other eye gouges out], 13 [his sister Maria Santissima locks him in a bronze box]: 299-302; Nachtigall 1955, No. 5 [Chauté he did a lot of harm, people removed him to where the sun went down; there used to be only humans, and C. made animals out of them; Chiguaro was a priest (sacristan); the rabbit was a rogue, now running away from dogs, winding; the carpenter made large drawers; invited C. to go to the test; C. lay down, the carpenter covered it with a lid; C. asked for two holes to see; the carpenter did it, but the tool bounced into his eye, he became woodpecker; C. stayed in the box; when he moves, earthquakes occur]: 198; guambia [first the ground is flat; Pedro de Urdimales (Lendrí Beru) flooded the ground, everyone drowned; took a tambourine, put it inside a man and a woman, and a couple of animals, went on the water, hit a tambourine; made the earth dry, valleys and mountains formed; when he was old, he asked to bury him, tying a rope, one end of which will remain on the ground; people put him in a stone coffin with a thin blade of grass tied to his little finger coming out; when P. threatens people, he shakes the ground; if they tied a vine, he will completely turn it upside down would the earth]: Hernández de Alba 1965:197-108; pihao? [volcano appears at the place where a woman was walled up in a cave]: Lucena Salmoral 1962b: 146; muiski [Chimbchachub caused a flood, Bochica puts him to support the land for it]: Simón 1882 -1892 (2) [1627], ch. 4:289-290; (cf. Tunebo [(the situation is not described): a male deity lies in a hammock under the ground above the sea; earthquakes occur when it moves]: Stoddart 1962:150).
(Wed. Llanos. Guayabero [does god leave (of his own free will?) underground, produces earthquakes]: Schindler 1977a:220).
Western Amazon. Earthquakes. Zion: Chaves 1958:136 [the month turns father-in-law tapir into the father of the earth], 144 [like p.136, but mother of the earth], 145 [a month leaves his wife in the pond; whenever she approaches the shore, a storm begins]; sekoya [The month puts an unfaithful wife in the underworld; the motive for the earthquakes is not clear]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 4:50, 57; Ortiz Rescaniere 1975 [month puts his unfaithful wife and her thunder lover under the roots of the world tree; their movements cause storms]: 55 in Cipolletti 1988, No. 9:82; mayhuna [the sun places the hammock in which his mother lies in the middle]: Bellier 1991b, No. 5, 5b: 200-201, 203; napo (quiho): Oberem 1957:184 [twins drown an old woman and bury her, she moves in the grave]; 1963:34 [twins walled up a cougar man in a cave, he tries to get out], 35 [same as Oberem 1957:184]; shuar [the cannibal is bound at the bottom of the river; his groans cause thunder and underground roar]: Forno 1969-1970:44 (by Pelizzaro); Pelizzaro 1993 [turns into a rock on the shore]: 63.
Montagna - Jurua. A male character causes earthquakes. Amouesha [father-in-law invites son-in-law to sit on a bench; when he tries in vain to stand up, the ground shudders; he supports the earth]: Fast 1953 [wife runs away from the Inca to her father, the chief of the Amouesh; Inca comes for her; the motive for the earthquakes is unclear]: 115-116; Santos-Granero 1991, No. 6a [in the sky]: 189; Ashaninka (river camps): Anderson 1985 [a character who turned humans into animals fails to the lower world]: 53; Weiss 1975:266 [Pachakama supports the earth, shakes it when it moves], 324 [a man turned into a battleship falls into the lower world; Pachakama invites help him keep the ground; the vine around him prevents him from moving]; machigenga [Pachakama and his son are nailed to the ground; their movements cause earthquakes]: Baer 1984, No. 3 [if Pachakama will rise, the world will be destroyed]: 428; Pereira 1988b: 27-28
Bolivia - Guaporé. Moseten [shaman nails to a seated hero]: Nordenskiöld 1924:143