Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I49. Earthquake runner .


earthquake is an anthropomorphic character (or category of characters) who moves to shake the ground.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Bugun [Apuphulma's wife complained on the riverbank that he was old, married by a water spirit; A. married a girl with one ear, one eye, no nose, no chin; she gave birth to strange children whom the couple threw away; when thrown away, everyone said who he was and what he would do; 1) a stone (they would build on it, it also has rivers, they will have fish); 2) Thunder (will fight with a sky snake that delays the rain; lightning is its burning smut); 3) Earthquake; 4) Rain (will send rain from the sky): 5) Wind; 6) The rainbow (this is a serpent, it will live in rivers, will appear in the sky in drought call rain); 7) poisonous snake (mother bit, A. revived her, the snake began to live in the forest in a hole); 8) Diseases (parents fell ill, the hornet cured them); 9) Death (parents died, son went to other people, everyone brought death); some kids were good, others were bad because their mother was good at one half, bad at the other]: Elwin 1958a, No. 4:10-13.

SV Asia. Itelmen [Thuille rides his dog Kozeye in a sleigh; when he drives underground and when his dog shakes off snow or fleas, the ground shudders]: Steller 1999:157.

NW Coast. Nootka [Yahlua follows a group of supernatural creatures into the cave; when they are about to dance, he puts a large wooden drum with his foot and feels the tremors; with this drum these spirits caused earthquakes; I became Earthquake Man and wherever he walked, the earth shuddered]: Curtis 1916 in McMillan, Hutchinson 2002:47. (See text_scn/nootka.doc for dancing dwarfs at Nootka and Quakiutl)

Coast - Plateau. Upper chehalis [see motif A23; The earthquake is the mother of the Month; wanders the world, shaking it; covers his son's face with his hands, causing the lunar phases to change]: Adamson 1934:160, 172; modoc [old man whose name is" The sweet root is a glutton" is furious that her daughter-in-law hid some edible seeds from it; falls underground, causes landslides and earthquakes]: Curtin 1912:122-124.

Northeast. Mikmak [three brothers come to Gluscap; one wants to be above everyone else, the other wants to live in his own land, the third to live a long time; the earthquake lives in a nearby teepee; when he walks, the earth trembles; Gluscap tells him to turn three petitioners into trees]: Leland 1968:95-97.

California. Yurok [Earthquake is Comrade of Thunder, competes and talks to him]: Kroeber 1906c: 322; 1976, No. B5, C1 [when playing a ball with the Earthquake, you have to run right behind him, because the ground does not tremble there]: 174-175, 216; villote [a woman was told (not clear by whom) to dig up only tubers with two leaves; under a tuber (with one leaf?) she finds a boy; he grows up, defeats Thunder in the ball run (shinney); plays with the Earthquake, loses to him, wins again]: Reichard 1925, No. 13:163-165; hoop [like vilot]: Goddard 1904, No. 2:147; patvin [An earthquake decides to shake the earth; mountains arise, water splashes, drowning people (without details)]: Kroeber 1932a, No. 2:305; yokutz [Earthquake and Thunder compete to see who more powerful; everyone hides the other's children, but both find and free their own]: Kroeber 1906c: 323.

The Northern Andes. Bari [ñankú creatures, like other spirits, arose from the ashes of a burnt cannibal (see motif H28); they carry heavy burdens and when they run, the earth shudders; the spirits of the dead basunchimba they shoot them with bows to rob them; they respond as if with guns, but B. immediately revive]: Villamañan 1975:14.

Montagna - Jurua. Kashibo [Bari comes to our world; it has only water; throws the earth onto the waters, creating red, yellow, white layers of the earth; these layers are his sons; asks the Earthquake to run; he runs, the earth cracks ; B. reinforces the ground with log fittings; The earthquake is running around again; reports that the earth is strong]: Frank et al. 1990, No. 1:44.