Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I4B. Thunder in trouble: fights against the enemy.


A person helps thunder defeat the enemy.

Miao (Chuan), Western Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Hurons, Onondaga, Seneca, Sarsi, Assiniboin, Mandan, Crowe, Hydatsa, Arikara, Chirokee, Chikasaw, Screams, Tseltal, Tsotsil, Chol, cituchil, juice.

China - Korea. Chuan miao [a person waits for a thunderstorm in the forest under a rock; sees a horned snake sticking out of the cave with a red crown and a red pearl on its head and how lightning cannot reach it; shoots at the snake; after a new blow, the thunder is over 10; runs back, sees that the snake is cut into 9 parts, the ground is covered with blood; realizes that Thunder thanked him by suffering from the blow lightning]: Graham 1954:129.

Central Europe. Western Ukrainians (Podolsk Gubernia, Ushitsky County) [the hunter hides under a rock during a thunderstorm, the Devil also hides there; every time God throws lightning at the Devil, he hides under a canopy rocks; the hunter shoots the Devil with a gun, finds a puddle of resin in this place; Archangel Michael comes to thank the hunter; he persuades him to exchange guns, Michael reluctantly agrees; hunter kills any game; realizing that he is shooting thunder and lightning, he changes back]: Chubinsky 1872:19-20.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [a man shoots a panych/goat/drake/cat; a voice from the sky thanks the man: he caught him for nine years; for shooting a devil, a hunter/percunas gives him a gun /gunpowder, man hunts successfully; because a person kills an enemy of percunas, he kills a man's enemy, master]: Kerbelite 2001:237.

Northeast. Hurons [warriors throw a wounded comrade; the old man promises to cure him if he hunts for him; the Thunders ask the man for help; he lures the old man into the open to drag the carcass bear, lies as if the sky is clear; Thunders attack an old man, who turns into a huge porcupine, is killed; Thunders give man cloud clothes with wings, he flies to his mother's garden; finds a pond, in where the giant larva lives; Thunders kill it]: Hale 1888-1891:290-293; onondaga [the hunter did not get anything, rushed into the lake, married the Water Serpent; the Thunders ask his friend to lure him out together with his wife ashore, they are killed with lightning; a friend is given good luck]: Beauchamp 1888-1889:44-47; Seneca: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 4 [girl rejects suitors; marries a handsome stranger; this water Serpent; a ball of snake hearts is hidden under the bed; the Thunders ask her to help them; the hearts of the Snakes that she has carried away are struck, they die; she gives birth to snakes, the Thunders kill them; they cannot kill the Serpent holding in captivity at the bottom of the lake by one of the Thunders; she kills the Serpent with an arrow, the prisoner is released; the woman returns to the people], 28 [an old man and a boy are boating across the lake, reaching the Thunders; they have a lot of corn, beans, pumpkins; Thunders ask for help kill giant porcupine, sunfish, butterfly; boy easily kills monsters with a bow; Thunders come to people, dance; return to heaven, taking a boy; now he is alone from Thunder], 119 [a group of young men goes to the horizon, then reaches the sky; the thunders cannot kill a squirrel, one of the people kills it; for this they are made the Warm Spring Wind; his flesh is crushed like a grain of corn; his companions descend to earth; they have been away for many years]: 86-90, 162-166, 622; Marriott, Rachlin 1968 [one of the three brothers breaks his leg; others carry him first, then throw him into the gorge; they say his mother, that his son was killed by enemies, that he was buried; a gray-haired old man heals an abandoned man, tells him to hunt, forbids him to leave the gorge; chasing a bear, a young man leaves the gorge; four Thunder ask him lure the old man here; the young man leads the old man to the bear, the old man raises the carcass on his back, tells him to warn him if a cloud appears; the young man lies that the sky is clear; Thunders kill the old man with lightning, he is in front of He becomes a porcupine by death, throws his needles at Gromov; the Thunders give the young man cloudy clothes, he flies to his mother; in the spring he puts these clothes back on, flies with the Thunder; drinks from the lake, remains on his lips a brilliant raid; this is how the Thunders know that their mortal enemy, a giant larva, lives in the lake; they kill it; since then, people begin fieldwork only after the first thunderstorm, when the Thunders clear the fields from pests]: 34-40; delaware [an old man and a young man go traveling; a well-dressed stranger brings them to the house of the Thunder, who ask them to help defeat enemies; the young man has the power to kill 1) a huge porcupine, 2) sunfish, 3) a flying creature the size of a cloud that spreads diseases; the old man returns home; the young man stays with the Thunders; after the voice of the old Gromov, he hears his tall voice]: Bierhorst 1995, No. 42:37.

Plains. Sarsi [a blue-horned serpent emerges from the lake; it is attacked by the Thunderbird; both asking a man for help; he gives food to the Thunder, the Snake takes away the Thunder]: Goddard 1915:225-227; assiniboine: Lowie 1909a, No. 25b [on the way home, two brothers find a piece of burnt snake meat; the elder eats it, turns into a snake, crawls into the river; the Thunderbird comes to the youngest, asks him to sit on her tail , brings to his house on the mountain; a person sees a pile of bones, these are the remains of the Bird's chicks; she asks a man to kill an iron monster that devours her children, promises to help return her brother for this; only a mouth monsters are vulnerable; man equips arrows with Thunderbird feathers; hits the monster with an arrow; the serpent brother turns into a turtle, then goes ashore, becomes human again], 25c [Thunderbird brings Sitkonsky to the top of the mountain; S. sees the bones of the baby bird; they are devoured by an iron monster with horns and a second person on the back of his head; only his neck and mouth are vulnerable; S. hits him with an arrow, Bird throws the corpse down the mountain; S. and his friend meet a huge snake blocking the path; burn a passage in his body, his friend eats meat, turns into a snake; orders those passing by to throw him at the river of gifts, otherwise it will eat; Thunder unsuccessfully tries to kill a snake; S. creates frogs, they kill the turtle that the snake has become]: 181-182, 182-183; mandan [see motif K39; two hunters get married on the daughters of Thunder (= Eagle); father-in-law cannot kill a snake, a huge beaver, a red rabbit; hunters kill them easily; all birds flock to peck snake and rabbit meat; hunters return home after receiving lightning clubs]: Beckwith 1938:57-62; Crowe: Lowie 1918, No. 1 [after touching something in the grass, the hunter feels hit, finds himself on a rock near the Thunderbirds nest; two chicks cover it , when their mother and then their father arrive, each brings a rain cloud with them; a bald-headed eagle brings a deer to a man to eat; explains that the chicks are swallowed by two monsters crawling out of the lake; a person kills monsters by throwing hot stones into their mouths and pouring water on top; Thunder summons all birds, asking them to cut their bodies; Blue Heron succeeds; birds eat monsters], 2 [touching something- then in the grass, the hunter feels hit, finds himself on a rock in the middle of the lake; two chicks tell him to hold on to their wings; first their mother arrives with rain, then their father with hail; the condor brings him a deer; The male thunderbird explains that every summer chicks are devoured by two snakes crawling out of the lake (letters, "long otters"); further as in (1); Thunder invites man to become a condor; one day an elk drags him into the river, where it is beaten by underwater inhabitants, made him human again; he returns home]: 144-145, 146-148; hidatsa [like a crowe; Thunderbirds bring the hunter to a nest on a rock in the middle of the lake; chicks it is said that every year a snake crawls out of the lake with heads at both ends of the body, devours chicks; a person hits both heads with arrows, hitting vulnerabilities]: Beckwith 1938, No. 7:92-94; arikara [while a person is sleeping, Thunderbirds chicks (male and female) carry him to the top of the cliff; lightning comes out of their eyes, sparks from flapping their wings; they give him two arrows asking him to kill a snake with heads at both ends of the body, which comes out of the lake and eats thunder chicks; told to aim at the spot under the jaw of each head; a person kills a snake, Thunderbirds tell them to cut the corpse into pieces, their birds they eat; they also ask to kill the snake, which is the man who ate snake meat (see motive L28); but he swallows the person; lets him go home, but deprives him of almost all his strength; in summer, when a thunderstorm approaches, this no story was told]: Parks 1996, No. 15:209-215.

Southeast USA. Thunder and snakes both ask man for help; he helps Thunder; Thunder gives him his strength. Chirokee [Thunder and the sea monster both ask man for help; man helps Thunder; he gives him his power]: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 8:391-392; chikasaw [sint-holo horned snakes (" sacred serpents") live in caves along rivers (creeks); usually invisible, but if a boy sees such a snake, he becomes wise; horned snakes call to move from one river to another rain and water rise; their voice is like thunder, but they are harmless to humans and livestock; the hunter saw a horned serpent fight with Thunder, both asked for help, the man shot the snake, ran, followed by thunder; he escaped on a hill from the stream of water that was chasing him]: Swanton 1928b: 251; screams [like chirokee; Thunder and boa constrictor]: Swanton 1929, No. 3, 4:7-9.

Mesoamerica Tricky: Hollenbach 1980, No. 10.6 [The thunder was swimming in the sea, the crocodile snake was about to swallow it; the man gave him his explosive belt; the thunder smashed the snake to pieces]: 470-471; Hollenbach 1988 [Thunder man lived in the mountains and Thunder Woman lived on the coast; the man's corn did not grow well; the woman helps him, but he only grows on the tops of his cobs; the harvests are better on the coast; he hit a tree, stuck for a year; the rains have stopped; a hunter comes to the tree, Thunder asks for his ax; gets, frees himself, it rains; one day Thunder hits the coast, swims, the snake lizard tries it swallow, it gets stuck in her throat; asks a man to give him his explosives; kills a snake with an explosion; now lives only in the sky]: 15-17; tsotsil: Guiteras-Holmes 1961 [Thunder lives in a cave; he almost swallowed by a snake, a man brings him his drum (= lightning); after receiving it, Thunder kills the snake]: 191-192; Relatos Tzotziles 1995 [a person sees the Master of the Forest (HL), whom the crocodile begins to swallow; that asks him to run to his cave, ask his daughter X'Anton for a gun and some cotton; the young man sees only a toad by the cave, comes back, HL says this is his daughter; the young man turns to the toad, she does beautiful, gives a gun and cotton; HL turns cotton into a cloud, a shot is a lightning strike; the young man loses consciousness, HL sends a fly, then another one to bring his blood; revives the young man; gives a daughter as a wife; they are son and daughter; after a couple of years, the husband begins to treat his wife badly, beats her; she leaves, hiding food for the children; the husband finds her every time, eats everything himself; X'Anton turns the children into squirrels, her husband into a fox]: 60 -81; tseltal [two fishermen see a man sitting on a branch above the pool; he explains that after swimming he got out to sunbathe, but the Water Master noticed his shadow; asks him to go to his grandmother, she will help ; fishermen find a frog, this is the grandmother; she gives a bunch of cotton, malacate and calebass; Thunder asks to hide, hits the river; one fisherman collects fish, another died because he looked out to see; his thunder revived; he came back to that frog, asked for a job; the frog told him to sprinkle water with his finger, and he scooped it up with his hand; it rained; man cannot cause thunder, only lightning flashes; thunders suspended him from work; when lightning without thunder is him]: Montemayor 1996 (2): 73-77; chol [Our Grandfather (thunder, Chajk) came down to the ground and was grabbed by a water animal; he asked people to go see him bring his hat and shirt home; one went, found nothing; Thunder: there was my wife at the entrance; the man went again and saw a big toad; she gave what was needed; having received a hat with a shirt, Thunder told the people to go away ; two walked away and one stayed watching; lightning struck, the water and the water animal disappeared, the curious one died; the other two were told by Thunder to recruit fish into the boat before the water returned]: Hopkins, Josserand 2016:71-76; tsutuhil [angels (=Thunders) have the right to visit women every 15 days; one breaks the rule; takes off his clothes, puts his weapon on the ground, climbs a tree to eat fruit; the snake wraps around him, sucks his tail blood; the angel asks the merchant for help; he shoots an Angel with a weapon, lightning kills both the serpent and the Angel; brings the merchant to the king of Angels in a whirlwind; the killed Angel comes to life; the king beat both the merchant and the Angel]: Mendelson 1958, note 5:125; juice [a person sees how in a pit of water Thunder, grabbed by the snake, cannot reach his rod, asks him to serve it, hide himself; after a thunder strike, a person sees that the hole is dry, there is no one]: Sulvarán López 2007:56-57.