I4C. The thunder in captivity. .
TheStormbringer's opponent temporarily overcomes and captivates him.
Ancient Greece, Zhuang, Java, Yao (Guangxi and Vietnam), Eastern Sami (Inari, Skolts, Kola Sami), Western (?) Sami, Seneca.
Burma - Indochina. Chuang (Yunnan) [the sky was close to the ground, since then the tops of bamboo have been crooked as they rested against the sky; the thunder god emitted lightning, blinking his eyes, creating gusts of wind with his wings, blows legs - thunder, an ax and a chisel in his hands, destroyed everything with them; came to visit a man named Bubo; after eating and drinking, he decided that he should collect tax from farmers; B. offered him a choice of tops and roots ; he said that he was a celestial, so he chose the tops; B. planted a tarot, the thunder got rotten leaves and dry stems; the following year he chose roots, and B. planted rice; the following year the thunder promised to take both the tops and the roots, but B. planted corn and took the cobs; the thunder told his General Lumeng not to send rain anymore; B. told people to open the locks of the heavenly river, water irrigated the fields; then the thunder raised the sky higher, leaving only the sun and moon tree to communicate; B. led the people to take water from the underground dragon, but he was the thunder's brother and refused; then B. grabbed him by horns and told him to pluck his beard; the dragon gave him water; but in the third year there was drought again; the thunder sent General Lumang to repair the locks; B. climbed a tree into the sky, pushed L. into the river; one of the warriors, Qigao, warned that the thunder was going to kill people by drought; B. put his sword to the thunder's throat, making it rain; the thunder descended to take revenge, slipped on wet mats, caught and tied; B. went to get salt so that, after killing the thunder, he would pickle his meat; telling his children not to let him go, not to drink him, not to give him an ax; the thunder persuaded them (they gave him water with indigo paint, so he turned blue ), gained strength, flew out; gave his tooth, telling him to plant it: during the flood, only Fuyi and his sister will be saved; the thunder opened the locks of the heavenly river, and the dragon released the waters of the underground lake; B. swam in an inverted umbrella; the thunder wanted to hack him with an ax, but B. cut off his legs himself; the thunder was afraid that B. would be in the sky with the waters of the flood, threw off the water; B. fell with his umbrella on the mountain, crashed, his heart bounced to heaven and became Venus; F. and his sister escaped in a pumpkin (which grew out of a thunder's tooth); came out when the waters came down; turtle, bamboo: you must marry; brother and sister: if you come alive, let's get married; they killed a turtle, cut bamboo, they were reborn; Venera-B. also told them to marry: light fires on two mountains, if the columns of smoke merge, then you can; sister gave birth to a piece of meat; they had it cut and scattered, people came out of the pieces; the thunder attached cockclaws to his feet instead of the severed feet; after the dragon's beard was pulled out, two pieces were left: his carp children had them ; Qugao has become an earthworm; when it crawls out, the thunder tries to cut it in half; if worms crawl out, it means a thunderstorm; shamans begin to know the future through turtle shells and bamboo stalks]: Miller 1994:137-150.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Java [when Sesela was working in the garden, lightning struck; S. grabbed Old Thunder, brought Demak to the Sultan of the region; he put Thunder in an iron cage, S. ordered not to give a drop water; an old woman came, she was Thunder's wife, gave him coconut milk, he melted the cage, and returned to heaven with his wife]: Knappert 1977b, No. 14:51.
China - Korea. Yao (Guangxi, Wu. Yongxian City Luocheng; by Chang Zhenxia, "A study of images on stone sarcophagi from Shapinba", magazine. "Showen Yuekan", vol. 1, No. 10-11. Lu Zhenyu. Beijing: Zhongguo Shehui Shigan, 1962) [before the storm, a boy and a girl watched their father start repairing the roof; the father became angry with the thunder god Lei-gong and placed an iron cage under the roof eaves; L., holding a wooden axe, he went down, flapping his wings; the man stuffed it with his horn into the cage and told the children not to let him drink; L. begged the children to give him a few drops of water; breaking the cage, He pulled out his tooth and ordered it to be planted, and flew away; when he learned of what had happened, his father began to make an iron boat, and the planted tooth grew a gourd pumpkin; when the pumpkin was opened, countless teeth were inside; the children threw them away and climbed inside themselves; the rain poured in, the water covered the ground; the father sailed in a boat to the iron gate and began to knock; the spirit of heaven ordered the spirit of the waters to drive away the waters; they immediately subsided, the boat fell, crashed, the man crashed too; the children in the pumpkin escaped; the boy's name was Fuxi, the same as Paosi ("pumpkin brother"); the children grew up, the brother invited his sister to marry; she offered to catch up with her; but F. ran the other way and ran out to meet his sister; they got married; the wife gave birth to a lump of meat; they cut it into pieces, began to go up to the heavenly gate; the wind blew, unfolded the bundle, pieces of meat fell and became human; the person who fell on a leaf received the surname E ("leaf"), on a tree - Mu ("tree"), etc.]: Yuan Ke 1987:39-43; yao (man of Vietnam, border with China) [Lightning spirit Leung Kung descended to set fire a banana leaf house of Tiang Lo Ko's spirit; TLK caught it, turned it into a rooster, put it in a cage; if you give the Rooster even a drop of water, he will become a thunderstorm again; LC gave his beak for water, TLC filled him with water, LC flew to the sky; his beak became a tree with one fruit; to catch up with LK in the sky, TLK blocked the river, caused a flood; on the advice of the birds, the young Fu Hai and his sister sat in the fruit, escaped; LK destroyed the dam, the fetus from the FH descended on the mountain; Turtle, Bamboo advise brother and sister to marry; FH hits them, now they have stitches; FH still marries his sister, she gives birth to a fetus; people have grown out of seeds; After the flood, 12 suns, moons and stars appeared, God told them to dry the earth; Luong Vung shot the stars, leaving one sun and one moon]: Karpov, Tkachev 1958:260-262; Yao (Vietnam) [Chang Lo Co built a house, Thunder in the form of a rooster came down to destroy it, slipped, was caught, put in a cage; Phuc Hy (this is Shang Luo Ko's son) gave him wine, he regained his strength, broke the cage, gave the boy a tooth, told him plant, a pumpkin will grow; PI and his sister climbed into the pumpkin during the flood, covered the hole with wax, took food and a couple of pets with them; Shang Lo Ko got on a raft, but the water suddenly slept, it crashed; the turtle advised PI to marry her sister; he broke her shell with a stone in anger, he grew together, but the traces remained; the same advice and episode with bamboo (knife marks); brother and sister went to bed on different on the banks of the rivers; two trees grew out of their bellies and intertwined; after three years, three months and three days, their sister gave birth to a pumpkin; their brother ordered them to sow seeds everywhere; when they came to the mountain, there were only three seeds left so there are few highlanders]: Dang Nghiem Van 1993:326-327.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Gaia was combined with Tartar, gave birth to Typhon in Cilicia; his head touched the stars, his arms stretched from sunrise to sunset; part of his body below his hips consisted of writhing rings serpent; the gods fled from him to Egypt, taking the form of animals; Zeus wounded him with a crooked sword, but T. snatched his sword, cut his tendons, locked him in the Coricia cave in Cilicia, and hid him there the tendons, telling the dragon Dolphin to guard them; Hermes and Egipan stole them, inserted Zeus; in pursuit of T., Z. threw Mount Etna at him, and because of the peruns thrown there, flames burst out of it]: Apollod., I,6,3 (Apollodorus 1972:10).
Baltoscandia. Eastern Sami: Frog 2011:81 (Inari) [1906 dictionary; Lake Inari has "Old Man's Island" (i.e. the thunder god Termes), where jettanas (the same as the jotuns in Edda, "eaters", tied him up and they were imprisoned in a cave; famine and drought began; T.'s servant frees him, T. rises in the sky and sends rain for 7 weeks to wash off the jettanas]; the Sami Skolts [devil (tsuartt) tied up the thunder ( Tiermes); a man who became a servant of the devil opened the forbidden room, freed T.; hereinafter "a magical escape"]: Itkonen 1931:37-47 in Frog 2011:81; Yermolov 1959 [three hunter brothers take turns preparing; came in the old man, tied the youngest by his hair to the ceiling, ate everything himself; the same with the middle man; the eldest beat the old man; then came to him in his hole, said that he had come to help; the old man is happy with the worker, but tells him not to unlock one door; the guy opened the doors - there is Thunder in chains; asked to cut the chains, the young man did it, there was a thunder; the young man tells the old man that this roar from cow hooves when the cows ran; Thunder to the young man: when you finish the third chain, sit on me; the old man is chasing, the Thunder tells me to take his hair and throw it back; a rock appeared to the sky; the old man came home, brought a drill, drilled a hole; when the young man threw second hair, a stormy river appeared, and fire above; the old man fell into them and disappeared]: 69-71; Charnolussky 1962:35-40 in Frog 2011 (Kola Sami) [the girl was kidnapped by an ogre bear; forbids her to enter pantry; she comes in, frees the Thunder bound there; they run away ("magic escape"), Thunder brings her home; promises to return for her and marry her when she grows up]: 81; Western Sami: P. Högström, p. 63 (mid-18th century, Norrboten) [Perkel made iron chains, tied Ubmel (later became associated with the Christian God) and piled up a high mountain on him; Yu for a long time lay under the mountain and could not escape; (after all) Yu tied P. and also threw a mountain over him; P. escaped from the mountain so that stones and smoke rose to the sky]: Kharuzin 1890:195; Klaus 1995 [at the Swedish the king's three daughters are missing, the man volunteered to find them; on the way he meets two more consistently; each takes turns cooking; comes Legless Armless (BB), presses down the cook's hair with a log, all eats; when the hero remains, he offers food to BB himself, he promises to help; all three want to move the stone, when the hero calls, BB shifts, under the stone, the hero goes down; the kidnapped queen tells change barrels of strong and weak water; hell comes, the hero defeats him; the same with the second royal (two-headed line), with the third (three-headed); the hero sends the queens upstairs; rises, sees that companions swear who will take which one; when they see the hero, they cut off the rope, he is again underground; he is hired as an employee, the owner does not tell him to enter the same room; the hero comes in, there is Thunder, he orders to take with them an iron chair, a flint flint, a crest; they run away, the devil chases, the abandoned crest turns into a forest, the devil returns for the ax; the flint is the mountain, behind the drill; the chair is a river of fire; The thunder brought the hero to where the companions were quarreling, took the most beautiful queen, others are still arguing who to get who]: 39-46.
Northeast. Seneca [girl rejects suitors; marries a handsome stranger; this is a water serpent; a ball of snake hearts is hidden under the bed; the Thunders ask her to help them; the hearts of the Snakes she has taken away amaze, those they die; she gives birth to snakes, the Thunders kill them; the Serpent, holding one of the Thunders captive at the bottom of the lake; she kills the Serpent with an arrow, the prisoner is released; the woman returns to the people]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 4:86-90.