Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

i4D1. Stolen Thunder Strings, ATU 1148B. .27.31.

The enemy steals the thunder's tendons (heart and eyes), who returns them and prevails over the enemy. Cf. motif L57A, "A hero's companion returns his organ."

Ancient Greece, Hittites.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Gaia was combined with Tartar, gave birth to Typhon in Cilicia; his head touched the stars, his arms stretched from sunrise to sunset; part of his body below his hips consisted of writhing rings serpent; the gods fled from him to Egypt, taking the form of animals; Zeus wounded him with a crooked sword, but T. snatched his sword, cut his tendons, locked him in the Coricia cave in Cilicia, and hid him there the tendons, telling the dragon Dolphin to guard them; Hermes and Egipan stole them, inserted Zeus; in pursuit of T., Z. threw Mount Etna at him, and because of the peruns thrown there, flames burst out of it]: Apollod., I,6,3 (Apollodorus 1972:10).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Hittites [The Serpent defeated the God of the Storm, took his heart and eyes; then BG married the daughter of a mortal man, Poor; she gave birth to a son, who grew up, married the daughter of the Serpent; asked the Snake for a heart and father's eyes, brought him; regaining his former appearance, BG defeated the Snake; son: Do not feel sorry for me either; BG killed the Snake and his son with him]: Ivanov 1977:52.