I4E. Thunder is two fighters. (.12.)
The hero and his opponent fight and are still fighting in the sky. This is thunder.
House, bull.
West Africa. Hausa: Abrahams 1983, No. 15 [a man can turn trees, tells his wife that he is a husband of husbands; his wife warns him not to brag, he may have to run away from someone who is stronger; goes to get water, cannot collect water with a heavy bucket at the well; a woman with her young son meets her young son, who easily lifts a bucket, collects water; a woman says that she is her husband's wife from her husband; an imaginary husband from husbands tell his wife to take him to the house where that woman lives; hides, sees the giant return, eats several elephants; runs away at night, the giant chases; three groups of people are ready to shelter first a person, but when they feel a hurricane wind, they tell him to run away; another giant eats elephants, keeps a person; two giants fight, go up into the sky; thunder is the sound of their struggle]: 86-89; Olderogge 1959 [Audu goes to try his strength; along the way, he consistently takes three more strong young men with him; they hunt, leaving one to guard the property; each time an evil tree comes out of the roots spirit, wins, binds the watchman; when A. remains, neither he nor the spirit can win; they rose to heaven and are still fighting, it's thunder]: 229-230; bulsa [10 women gave birth to one son, his name is the Common Son of Ten Women; he grew up hunting; defeated the demon Beard Covering the River in martial arts, who became his companion; they left animal meat to dry on a stone; God sent a bull from heaven with one eye, one back, one front leg; he swallowed the meat and returned to heaven; so several times; the demon began to guard, the bull trampled on him; then the young man remained on guard; he and the bull fought three days; after that God dragged them to heaven; there they sometimes fight, at this time of thunderstorm]: Schott 1993:51-57.