Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I5. Thunder is an animal. .10.-.13.19.-.

Thunder (lightning, rain) looks like a four-legged mammal - a pig, buffalo, camel, anteater, tapir, dog, cat, leopard, monkey, etc.

Luba, Kuba, Tetela, Kuta, Mbala, Lamba, Luango, Songe, Mbundu, Pangwa, Yoruba, Ijo, Ekoi, Dagomba, Hausa, Zande, Kakwa, Melpa, Yap, Lepcha, Karen, Vieta, Bontok, Bagobo, Tingyan, Ancient China, Chinese (Guangxi, Guangdong, Anhui, Shaanxi), (Hainan - Lee, Miao?) , Norwegians, Kalmyks, Armenians, Kazakhs, Mongols, Darkhats (?) , Oirats, Ketas, Central Yakuts, Eyak, Takelma, Shikuani, Yanomam, Yanomami, Mura, Takana, Siriono, Gamella, Kreñe, Matako, Toba.

SW Africa. The Bushmen (san) [one of the first ancestors (Early Race) shot at the canna antelope, followed the trail, found it dead; people began to fry the meat, but it disappeared; it turned out to be Rain; then the navel Rain shot them {lightning strike?} ; humans turned into frogs]: Lewis-Williams 2000, No. 37:222-223.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Luba: Colle 1913 [thunder is an animal like a black goat with a peacock tail; when it opens it, sparks (lightning) fly; usually lives in a cave, it rises during the rainy season]: 719; Frobenius 1983 [Nsashi, a thunder animal like a dog, lives in the sky]: 293; cube: Frobenius 1983 [(2 texts about how the Turtle, with the help of the Spider, visited the sky by the thunderous animal Nsadi)]: 290, 291; Werner 1933:226-227 [Lightning is a black leopard-like animal by Tsetse Bumba; one of the first nine creatures (including humans) created by Demiurge Bumba; for violating prohibitions and evil deeds, B. expelled him from the ground, he went to heaven; because people needed fire, B. allowed TB to return to earth sometimes; lightning began to light torches; (retelling in Kotlyar 2009, No. 102:101)]; aunt [thunder Njadi's animal tried to make friends with various animals, trees, everyone was afraid of him; the Turtle agreed, the Spider helped her go up to heaven and return]: Frobenius 1983:292; Kuta [Thunder - winged dog covered with sparkling scales, rarely a rat]: Andersson 1974:36-37; songe [Thunder is a goat with fiery thighs]: Andersson 1974:36; lamp [descends when lightning strikes the ground an animal that looks like a goat, but with hind legs and a crocodile tail; descends on a rope that looks like a web, then comes back along it; if the web breaks off, the animal screams, people gather to kill and burn him; at the same time, you must take the drug, because it is dangerous to approach a lightning animal]: Doke 1931:225 (retelling in Werner 1933:226, in Kotlyar 2009, No. 101:100-101); mbundu [sudika-mbambi - "an antelope galloping in the sky", designation of lightning]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1975:169; mbala [Thunder is a black leopard]: Andersson 1974:36; pangwa [animals wanted to eat the first tree (see motif) G6), people did not allow them, a war between humans and animals began, pets are captured wild animals; during the battle, pieces of land flew off, became the sun, moon, stars; Sheep became god, fought against trees, once stuck in a trunk, struggled to free herself; since then, lightning has not hit trees of one particular species]: Beier 1966:44-46; Luangu [a man met a dog, brought home, brought him home to warm up; there was an explosion, neither man nor dog; it was Nsasi's lightning dog]: Werner 1933:227 (retelling Kotlyar 2009, No. 104:101); lower Congo [lightning - red or Nsashi's black shaggy dog with a curved tail; when it goes down, barks, then goes back and barks again; var.: Nzazi's lightning hunts with 12 pairs of lightning dogs]: Werner 1933:227 (retelling in Kotlyar 2009, No. 103, 104:101, 104).

West Africa. Yoruba [Thunder is like a dog, loves palm oil; lightning is a dog or a rooster]: Thomas 1919:182-183; ijo (kalabari) [thunder was a sheep and lightning was its lamb; at times, a lamb crushed houses and even killed people, and the sheep called him in a loud voice; people complained to the king; he told thunder and lightning to live in the forest, but lightning often set fire to the forest, the fire reached the villages; then the king told them to live in in the sky; but lightning still hits houses and trees, and thunder calls her]: Dayrell 1910, No. 19:70-71; Dagomba [Wuni (apparently the Sun) has a courtyard (compound) in which he holds a goat; when it hits hoof, thunder can be heard; lightning is a goattail trembling, rain is fur falling from the tail; when the Sun runs around the yard, a strong wind blows; a solar halo is a market around the Sun's compound]: Cardinall 1931:23; ecoi [some believe Thunder is a giant that walks across the sky and others that it is a sheep in Obassi Osaw's house running around in his house; lightning is either Thunder's servant or they enemies]: Talbot 1912:73; hausa [thunderstorm - two rams clash for supremacy over the world; clouds foam from their mouths; rams throw lightning at those who look at them on the ground]: Mariko 1984:.

Sudan - East Africa. Sande: Andersson 1974 [Thunder is a giant sky dog]: 36; Lagae 1920 [thunder is a beast like a dog; if a person does something wrong, God lets his dogs down, there are many]: 146-147 , 153; how [Thunder has a calf's body and a lion's face and teeth]: Scheub 2000:176.

Melanesia. Melpa [a thunderstorm is Ngkukngkakla; if lightning is a spotted boar, his penis pierces the air in a zigzag; from the ground to meet him, a red boar; when their genitals meet, lightning strikes; "lightning ate people and roaring back into the sky"; the rumble is Ngkukngkakla's voice; but some say it's not a boar that comes down, but a humanoid creature.]: Vicedom 1977, No. 8:8-9.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap [there was no fire, a Deneman woman was baking a tarot in the sun; a thunder in the form of a dog fell to the top of the pandanus; asked the woman to lower it, he was afraid of scratching himself against the thorns; saw her tarot, asked, she gave it raw, he put it under his arms, returned the baked goods; he also dried pieces of wood under his arms, made a fire drill; then taught him how to sculpt and burn clay vessels on fire; a woman with With her two children, she hid the fire from people, using it only at night; people followed the woman, took the fire; they paid her for pots but not for the fire]: Müller 1918, No. 75:604-607 (retelling in Frazer 1930:90-91).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [an orphan fell off a cliff, fell into a pigsty on the pig's back; a terrible thunderstorm immediately began, he was thrown back onto the rock; because the pig is responsible for the thunder, it cannot be laughed at; A horse, a dog, a cow, a goat are the same (if you laugh at them, there will be thunder and lightning); but Buddhist altars depict a lightning demon as a dragon with three gems in its claws]: Stocks 1925: 462-463.

Burma - Indochina. Karen [Thunder is an animal like a pig with bat wings; thunder is his voice, lightning comes from flapping wings, lightning - cubs try to take off but can't voice yet]: Mason 1865:217; Viets [after the thunder struck, people saw white animals coming out of the ground, like piglets; their meat was dry and tasteless]: Landes 1886, No. 87:212.

Taiwan - Philippines. Bontok [thunder is a huge wild boar that craves rain and roars; lightning is also a boar that gathers thunder]: Jenks 1905:216; Tinghian [Kadaklan created a flat earth, sun and the moon that chase each other underground; sometimes the Moon almost grabs the Sun, but gets tired, lets go; the Sun and the Moon are Cadaclan's light, as well as the stones that are stars; his dog - lightning]: Cole 1915, No. 62:189; bagobo [Kilat is four-legged like a horse, maybe a buffalo; runs across the sky, causing thunder; when the rumble is loudest, people think K. fell to the ground brought illnesses with him]: Benedict 1916:39.

China - Korea. Ancient China [(The Book of Legends); the deity of thunder, the Ugly Dragon (Kui), appeared as a one-legged bull]: Yangshin 1984:65; Chinese: Eberhard 1968 (mostly Guangxi , Guangdong, generally southern China; also Shaanxi) [stories of Thunder falling to the ground; he has a pig's head, two fingers and toes each; looks like a big monkey; looks like a "pig bear" with fleshy wings; whoever eats pork with goldfish meat will kill Thunder; Thunder has red hair, an animal's body, a monkey's head, he's horned and a winged dog; fell on the roof of a woman in labor's house and could not get up ( Thunder is afraid of women in labor); Shaanxi: a man beat Thunder, whose eyes are like mirrors, red lips, a soft horn 10 cm tall, a monkey's face; Anhui: The thunder fell into the house, he was doused with urine to make him He could not get up any more, he cried like a bull; the thunder fell from the sky in the form of a cat (Hainan)]: 253-255.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks: Basayev 2004, No. 18 [during a thunderstorm, Lou's dragon rushes noisily across the sky, firing fire arrows at white sky doves; power is given to him by a talisman (mirda) in the form of a wand with precious stones; when he loses it, he falls to the ground, looks like a camel and with kind eyes and a long neck], 51 [during a thunderstorm, the merkit drove the horse, felt that the dragon was throwing at it arrows; after a powerful blow, the thunder will stop, saw a helpless camel on the ground: the dragon did not calculate his strength, fell to the ground; asked Merkit to help him rise to heaven; he helped, since then the dragon He does not touch the Merkits; only a member of the Merkit tribe can be touched first by a member of the Lightning tribe], 176 [Erlik Nomin Khan sends the Shulmus to destroy the Merkit Mazan Batyr; he pretends to be sleeping in a yurt, throws a boiling pot over the shulmus; next time he lies down in the steppe, putting grass in his ass, a cake under his arm; the shulmus do not hear a heartbeat, M. undress, decide that the corpse is already overgrown with grass, leave; E. asks for help from the dragon Lou; S. beats him off, breaks his lightning arrows, Lou crashes into a mountain, falls, appears as a camel; M. whips him three times so that he remembers him, returns him the amulet- myrda]: 49, 102-103, 288-294; Basangova 2019 [riddle: a bare camel yawned, the end of the rope flashed]: 79 Kotvich 1905, No. 182 (Astrakhan) ["A dark gray stallion yawned - 99 worldly mares necklace" ( thunder thunders, it's raining)]; No. 184 (Astrakhan) ["Noise is approaching, the reins are lowered at the brown reins" (rain, wind, thunder)]; No. 270 (Don) ["When the meadow roan stallion lit, mares have up to a billion heads udders immediately appeared and they immediately necklaced" (thunder thunder, it was raining, grass and bread were growing)]; No. 271 (Don) ["The bare camel yawned, the end of the rope flashed" (thunder and lightning)]: 36, 56 (English translation in Taylor 1954, No. 161, 254, 254c, 256:327, 331); Armenians [a thunderstorm is a cow with giant horns that drinks water from a heavenly milk spring and moos from the depths of the purple (crimson) sea]: Harutyunyan 2007:26.

Baltoscandia. Norwegians [mystery: a cow stands on a wide back (of the sky) and roars so much that you can hear (thunder) in the seven kingdoms]: Rochholz 1862:52.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [we have heard about the first thunder (a well-known formula) that "the celestial stallion laughs"]: Valikhanov 1985:59.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Mongols: Potanin 1883, No. 2.4 [lu is a heavenly camel with three people; one sits between humps, hits a tambourine, which causes thunder; the other waves a white flap, on which the Tangut prayer (lightning) is written; the third sips the occasion, water flows from the camel's mouth: it's raining]: 139; Mongolian expedition of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Western 23.08.2007 [The thunder is due to the fact that two dragons fight with each other; luu used to be a fish, and then rose to heaven; lived in a lake, sea; luu waves its tail, and so lightning appears; a falling luu turns into a wet camel]; darhats (? ; it is not clear whether this is a local Darhat tradition or the influence of the Khalkh; 03.08.11, Somon Muren aimaka Huvsgel, Yarimpiliin Gomb, Khalkhasets, born in 1924, shepherd raised sheep, was born in the Idyr Gol somon, lived all his life in Morena) [Lou growls when the sky sounds. Lou hangs (but doesn't fall) from the sky like a little camel, then rises. I don't know the stories of how anyone found this camel]; oirats (olets) [thunder emits the luu dragon, which has a camel's head and which, like a snake, penetrates everywhere, has with great strength and magical powers]: Erdenebold 2012:16; Trans-Baikal Buryats (Agin) [riddle: "The castrated camel yawned, the end of the lasso flashed" (thunder and lightning)]: Bazarov 1902a, № 2:23 (English translation in Taylor 1954, no. 161:327).

Western Siberia. Kets [people lived in one horde, began to starve; Thunder fell from the sky into the forest, like a horse (the image of a horse, in other words, an elk, is associated with the idea of Thunder as a winged creature with hooves and swan head); people ate that horse, became pregnant; men died from this, women gave birth; children were divided into two exogamous halves that occupied different territories (known since the 17th century)]: Alekseenko 2001, No. 14:74, 264 (note).

Eastern Siberia. Central Yakuts: Pekarsky, Popov 1928 (Boturussky District, 1880-1890s) ["Thunder is attributed to a monster that looks like a foal that is completely naked, that is, skinless, with a long tail; when it hits the clouds last, the monster produces thunder. This message stands apart from the ideas of most Yakuts about thunder"]: 8; Tolokonsky 1914, No. 7 (the place of recording is not specified, the mediation of A. Kulakovsky; probably central) [riddle: "The stallion of the universe laughs, the bull of an important country roars" (thunder)]: 33.

NW Coast. Eyak [eyak doesn't know that lightning hits trees, they attribute it to another character; sometimes you can find an animal with transparent skin in a split (lightning) tree; if you bring it home, good luck]: Birket-Smith, De Laguna 1938:223-224.

The coast is the Plateau. Takelma [to stop thunder, dogs are pinched and made to bark; it is possible to scare off a raccoon type animal that produces thunder by hitting a tambourine (producing by his) drumming the noise of thunder]: Sapir 1907:49.

Llanos. Sicuani (Únuma communities on the outskirts of Puerto Gaitán, Department of Meta, Colombia, and Walabó on the banks of the Meta River further east) [a flying two-headed jaguar; also called Maakoko (also known as Maakoko called the giant nightjar, it appears in one of the myths); Maakoko shaped still makes tapi stools (heads are located at different ends of the body); the descriptions of the head contain one in the usual place, the second on the stomach; no wings; the chest is red, the back is darker than the chest, the back of the body is spotty (tapi are not colored for traditional use); lives in the clouds; wants to fly down - exhales forcefully with his upper head, upwards with his lower head; appears on the ground with a strong wind; kills livestock (zebu cows); can be dangerous to humans, as he is very strong and brave]: Andrey Shlyakhtinsky, personal e-mail, 03.06.09.

Southern Venezuela. Yanomam [Thunder was a tapir, lived on earth; people are tired of listening to his voice, they kill him; his son-in-law Lipaugus vociferans is allowed to eat his liver; he throws it into the sky, which turns into Thunder, he himself - into a bird, she screams in response to thunder; humans can't kill Thunder, other Thunders come from him]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 4:31-33; Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 5 [man He kills Thunder Tapir; he is given only bile; in anger he throws a liver into the sky, it turns into Thunder], 6 [a person kills a tapir, throws it up; it turns into the sky, he himself turns into a bird]: 34.

(Wed. NW Amazon. Chikuna [wife is dead, husband grieves, one day sees her in the forest, she tells him to close his eyes; when he opens them, he finds himself in heaven; on the way to home ta-ë' turtledove screams who has come; T. tells the dead to greet the new, they lead him to them; before reaching the turtledove, two horizontal logs move in different directions; the soul asks that "the grandfather open his mouth"; if the soul is sinful, the logs move fast, prevent them from passing; the tree from which the logs are not used for fuel; in T.'s house, there are two animals with a tapir body and a dolphin's head, one of them licks the soul, cleansing from sins; if it is sinner, they tear it apart; when they see the soul, these animals swim across the heavenly river and return; if thunder is heard in addition to roaring, then they have tore their soul; there is a hornet's nest in the house, they bite the one who looked at the genitals of a person of the opposite sex]: Nimuendaju 1952:110).

Central Amazon. Mura (piraha) [thunder is the sound of a large anteater falling to the ground and thrown from the sky by Igagai]: Gonçalves 2001:172.

Central Andes. Everywhere in the mountains and on the coast (except, apparently, in the far north) [(generalized version: Koa (Koacha, Titi, etc.) there is a cat predator flying in clouds near springs, from whose eye flies out lightning; it also produces thunder and rainbows, rain is its urine); then examples from the folklore of southern Peru and from the iconography of almost all pre-Hispanic cultures]: Kauffmann Doig 1991:1-34; Palomino Flores 1971:244; the Cuzco district [Ccoa - produces hail and thunderstorm, a patron of sorcerers, fortunetellers and thieves; once a shaman distracted K., and six thieves and a widow returned the soul of a man killed by lightning; Vicuna - Lama K., Condor - Rooster, Puma - Cat; Servants in Palace K. - People killed by lightning; corn, potatoes, chunya swim on the surface of four lakes in front of the palace; whoever takes it will be killed]: Mishkin 1940:237-238.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 208 [the father wants to sleep with his daughter, who runs to the old woman Eaua Quinahi (Keeper of the Earth); the old woman hid her under a rock in front of her hole, sat on a rock; The stalker agrees to have the old woman turn him into a flying Ebaquie Iba ("Top Jaguar"); she attaches pieces of skin and the tail of an anaconda, two large leaves, to his body; he will fly north, where it is hot and damp; when he gets tired or dies, the earth will end; at the edge of the world he will help two men prop up the ground; when he gets up, the day on earth, when it falls, it's night; he flew away, the old woman turned his daughter is in another flying jaguar; she will fly north, collect water, on the way back from December to April she will pour this water to the ground (rainy season); the wings will dry out, fly south, bring water from there (second rainy season in September-November); at this time it will growl, hail and snow in the mountains], 209 (Sciamas) [mother does not feed her two sons; they decide to leave; wings grow on her shoulders, they turn into flying jaguars Iba Bana; the owner of jaguars and other animals made them guards at the entrance to his house; var: father is back, his two sons became flying jaguars], 210 [eight men went to forest for honey; Ebaque Iba flew in; the face of a jaguar, but the eagle's beak and body, each feather like a banana leaf; he ate everyone, threw the burning smut of the fire into the stream], 211 [three people went fishing with poison; Ibaque Iba ate two, the third hid in the river, told the story], 212 [Ebaquie Iba's nest on the south end of the earth in the Mapajo tree; four people found two eggs in the hollow, three ate, fell asleep deeply; the fourth did not eat, heard EI drink blood and eat the flesh of the sleepers, skin and bones were left; this man ran away]: 333-335, 335, 335-336, 336; siriono [there are three explanations for thunder and lightning; 1) A month throws bakers and jaguars from the sky; 2) A month bamboo pulls across the sky; 3) when Yakwadusu's heavenly jaguar blinks, lightning flashes when it shakes off, thunder rattles]: Holmberg 1969:119.

Eastern Brazil. Gamella [people shot the tapir, the shooter immediately fell dead; the tapir was Thunder]: Nimuendaju 1937:70; krenje [Nimuendaju 1914:635-636; animals used to talk; humans met an animal in the forest that was mistaken for a tapir; when he was shot, there was a thunder; some decided not to shoot, others shot again, they were thunder, the Thunder rose to heaven in anger; The village chief told people to ask him before shooting; animals have since stopped speaking human language]: Nimuendaju in Wilbert 1978, No. 94:248.

Chaco. Matako [Thunder is like a lamb; asks a man to make a fire to rise to the sky with smoke]: Alvarsson MS, No. 311:146; toba [like a matako; brings good luck to his savior]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 14-16:62-65; 1989a, No. 45 [sometimes Kasogonaga falls to the ground and cannot return; looks like a pig; asked a man to put him on the fire, got up with smoke, told him to run right away home because it would rain; another time the lake dried up and the rainbow snake was on land; the man took it to the river, she promised him a plentiful catch of fish; each time the water flowed ashore, leaving the fish], 46 [ Kasonaga looks like an anteater; a man put it on a fire, helped him return to heaven with smoke; the storm immediately began], 47 [Kasonaga fell to the ground, it looked like an animal; asked the man to put it on the fire, rose with smoke]: 71-72, 73-74, 74.