Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I50. The multi-legged beast, B15.6.3. .

An animal (horse, elk, deer, bear, etc.) with six, eight or more legs is described or depicted.

Irish, Tibetans (Amdo), Ancient India, Kashmiris, Ancient China, Bulgaria (Thracian art), Hungarians, Ukrainians (Transcarpathia), Nogais, Karachays, Persians, Scandinavians, Gotland, Bashkirs, Chuvash, Mari, Kazakhs, Khakas, Chelkans, Tubalars, Altaians, Shors, South Altai Tuvans, Buryats (Alar, Balagan), Khalkha Mongols, Mongols of Ordos, Mongols of Inner Mongolia, Oirats (Durbuts) ), Dagurs, Nenets (Yamalo-Nenets District) [including bear], forest Nenets, northern, eastern and southern Khanty, Mansi, central (?) and northeastern Yakuts, Sym and Turukhansky (Yerbogachen) Evenks, Evens, Orochi, Manchus, Tundra (?) and Forest Yukaghirs, Markovo, Chukchi [bear], Asian Eskimos, Northern Alaska Inupiate [bear], West Greenland [some monster].

Western Europe. The Irish [prince lives with his father and young stepmother; one day he hunts, they see three swans on the lake, they threw off their hats, became girls, approached the hunters, the most beautiful to the prince; when the hunters returned, the Queen heard from one of them what they had seen; asked this guy to put a sleeping pin in the prince next time; the swan maiden did not wake up to the prince and said that will come only once more; the same the next day; the swan maiden asked me to tell her that the prince would not see her again; the prince went to look for her; came into the house, the nine-legged horse hid it; three seals entered, became young men; first: I have an apple, if you throw it, I will have a lock; I have a ring: it will blind and kill enemies; third: I have a nine-legged horse; everyone would like to give it to the prince; the prince opened, got everything ; horse: first I must throw you to the ground three times; the prince has passed the test; now the horse will carry it where it needs to go; brought you to the king; he will give his daughter if the young man meets the conditions; clear the island of Owases; the horse jumped to the island, the prince slaughtered Owases (some demons or cannibals); when the prince returned, the servant (butler responsible for food and wine) exchanged clothes with him; the king is about to give daughter for this deceiver; they all lost their way in the fog; the king promised a daughter to the young man, believing that he would be a servant if he saved them; he was not going to keep his promise; the young man threw an apple, and a castle appeared; the princess says that she will marry someone who rides a 9-legged horse; the servant tried it, the horse immediately killed him; the same with others who tried; the prince easily saddled the horse; the princess recognized the young man, dressed him up -royal; the horse turned into a princess, those three young seals were her brothers; witchcraft fell apart]: Larminie 1893:219-231.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo) [when the boy is 15, his favorite ram says he will be slaughtered tomorrow, tells him to keep his two knee bones; one is yellow, the other is white, the boy calls them golden and silver; the cannibal grabs the boy's father, he promises to give his son for himself; deliberately leaves both bones in the old camp, tells her son that he has forgotten them; the boy rode his eight-legged mare; the witch says that it is difficult for her to get up; the boy dismounts, takes the bones, jumps away, but the witch takes it out, throws the sickle, cutting off the horse's legs; says that today he will eat the horse and tomorrow the boy; sends the boy for firewood; the dove says that tomorrow he will arrive and carry him away; in the morning the witch cuts off the pigeon's wing with a sickle: today I'll eat the pigeon, tomorrow you; the insect promises to become a bull tomorrow, carry the boy away; the bull rushed, the old woman did not throw the sickle, chased herself, did not catch up; he would go to the village, people loaded him with a lot of food, he ran away, brought it to the boy; said that he was the ram the boy was talking about cared for him since childhood; ordered him to be slaughtered, his red, white, faithful hair scattered around the villages; put his legs on 4 sides of the world, put his intestines around them; head in the middle, heart in front of his head, kidneys along the edges; cut the meat, scatter it around; the village, where white hair is thrown, is full of sheep, where black is yaks, where red are horses; head is a palace, legs are four gates, intestines are an iron fence, heart is queen, kidneys - two ministers, pieces of meat - people; boy became king]: Kajihama 2004, No. 25:103-108

South Asia. Ancient India [sárabha (śarabha) had eight legs, was compared to a camel, sometimes a goat, but was more often classified as a deer; it is impossible to catch up; mentioned in Atharvaveda; in The Rigvede is connected to the celestial sphere, one of the rishis]: Bongard-Levin, Grantovsky 2001:108-112; Kashmiris [the king reviews the troops, the seminoid beast appears, the king is chasing him, the beast turns into genie, eats the king; the prince inherits the throne, everything repeats itself; the angel tells you to aim an arrow with two tips at the genie's eyes (if a drop of blood falls to the ground, it turns into a new genie); cutting off the dead genie's head, the young king hides it in the back room; his mother goes there; the genie says he is her husband, and her son is a genie who is going to eat her; offers to pretend to be sick, send for 1) with a tigress's milk; the king hits an abscess on the tigress's chest with an arrow, the pain goes away, the tigress gives him milk, promises to help him; 2) a princess from a distant castle (her touch will heal); the tigress helps Break an iron beam at the entrance to the castle, milk a cow guarded by genies, make the princess fall in love with the king; he brings the princess, mother and son talk, both learn the truth; the king's wedding with the princess]: Knowles 1888:1-7.

China - Korea. Ancient China (Mountains and Seas Catalog): Yangshina 1977:43 [Western Mountain Catalog; Mount Heng; Qiong demons live, each with one hand; the Yin River flows there; Heavenly God resides there; he looks like a bull, but it has eight legs, two heads and a ponytail], 101 [East Overseas Catalog; The Lord (Uncle) of the River lives north of the Rainbows; it looks yellow-green with eight heads (each with eight heads human face), eight legs and eight tails; the kingdom of the Green Hills is north of it; Fox has four legs and nine tails].

The Balkans. Bulgaria [a Thracian silver bowl (or rather a goblet) of the 4th century BC from the Rogozen treasure, Dobruja, depicting an eight-legged deer among other ungulates]: Marazov 1996 in Petrukhin 2010: 134, Fig. 3; Hungarians [when he dies, the poor man tells his three sons that, according to the sorcerer, one of them will return the stolen sun and moon, but he does not know who exactly; the king found out about this and called on the brothers to himself; promises to make the heir to the one who will cope with this task, and make his assistant viceroy; the younger brother is Kiss Miklos (KM), the elders laugh at him; the king orders to choose horses and weapons; the elders take the best horses and swords, the KM take a seedy and dirty skate, a rusty sword; the horse turned out to be a six-legged horse conceived by the wind that eats hot coals, the sword by itself; brothers come to the country for 49 kingdoms, across the sea of Operentsia, behind a glass mountain to the silver bridge; KM tells them to hide under the bridge and wait for the 12-headed dragon, whose moon is tied to the saddle; horse the dragon stumbled for the first time, the dragon realizes that it will fight KM; KM ordered the sword to cut off his heads, he cut off; KM gave the horse with the moon to his middle brother; the same at the golden bridge, the 24-headed dragon; KM ordered cut off the dragon's heads with the sword, but they grew; KM began to fight on its own, but cannot defeat it; the dragon: will become a blue flame, and the dragon will become red; when the red rose above the blue, the KM brothers threw it at him as the KM asked them in advance, a piece of sulfur, the red flame went out; sending the brothers with the moon and sun home, KM took the form of a gray kitten and climbed into a house where the mother and wives of dragons overheard their conversation; wife of a younger dragon: I will turn into a spring, if the brothers take a sip of water, they will die; the elder's wife will turn into a pear with poisoned fruits; the mother of dragons asks to support her eyelids with an iron beam weighing 1,200 pounds for her to see; promises to turn into a mouth such that the upper jaw is in the sky and the lower jaw is on the ground: swallowed KM and his brothers; the kitten rushed out, the dragon threw a beam at him and she immediately went blind, because her eyelids closed her eyes again; KM reached her brothers on his horse in two jumps and went home together; on the way, KM cuts a spring and a pear with a sword, bleeding from them; brothers they see an open mouth approaching, hide in the house of the lead melter (Lead Friend, SD); they pour molten lead into the mouth of the dragon, who is dead; now SD offers KM to fight; with the little finger drove KM into the lead floor; lets go for promising to get the Green Daughter of the Green King for him; let the older brothers go; they claim victory over dragons, marry princesses, the elder becomes king; they let the moon and sun horses go to heaven, but they began to shine sadly; KM goes in search, meets, companions Runner, Drinker, Obedala, Freezing in fire, Seeing far away, A strongman throwing an iron club; the Green King (ZK) demands that Pluto bring his daughter's wedding dress faster than the local runner; but ZK sent his old witch mother to run in the evening, and the Runner ran only in the morning; he overtook her, received a dress from Pluto, but on the way back the witch persuaded him to take his time and go together; put him to sleep, grabbed the dress box and ran; Seeing this saw the Strongman throw his club, knocking out the horse skull from under the Runner's head, on which the witch placed his head; the Runner overtook the witch again, took the box and handed it to ZK; he demands to spend the night in iron oven; Freezing oven cooled; ZK demands to eat and drink incredible amounts of meat and wine (Oat and Drank performed); KM got the princess, but as soon as he admitted that he had got her for another , she disappeared; The seer saw her in the whale's belly, Vipivalo drank the sea, the Runner brought the whale, KM took the princess out of his belly; the princess was gone again; the seer saw her in an apple hanging in ZK's garden, Her runner brought; for the third time, the princess in a cocoon hanging in the sky; the strongman knocked down the cocoon with a club, the Runner ran and caught the princess; KM let his companions go; told the princess that she should find out what the power of SD was; while he talked to KM, the princess magically opened 7 iron doors to the basement, took gold out of the lead barrels and told the jeweler to gild the threshold; SD was furious and beat the princess, but she changed herself with a line and lay down on the bed; promised not to gild anything else if SD said what his strength was; he refused; then she gilded three more thresholds; still the same; 7 thresholds; after that SD confessed that in a silk meadow under the seventh bush there is a hare, he has an egg under its tail, a hornet in its egg, it has its strength; at night, the princess reported this to the KM; he became a hound, caught a hare, then a hornet that flew out; SD died; KM and the princess arrived in the KM kingdom in a luxurious chariot; the sun and moon immediately shone brightly; the sage explained everything to the old king; KM said that as heir to the realm of SD and ZK, he leaves this is a kingdom for their brothers; the KM and her wife still rule two kingdoms if they did not die]: Curtin 1890:477-516; Hungarians [the queen says that if God gives her a son with golden teeth, then His wife should be the Beauty of the World Sharkan Roja; his son was born, spoke immediately, mastered all the sciences, became extremely strong; asked his mother what she promised him before he was born; she says she does not remember; then he split the pole and clamped her hair in it; her mother remembered that he had let her go; going in search of SR, he saw and pulled out a stuck wagon drawn by six white squirrels; in it the Queen of the Wonderful countries whose daughter is SR; she says that the SR was stolen by the Dragon King; gives three hairs and a piece of flax; they have become a six-legged horse that eats fire and a golden saddle; the horse will bring to to a spring, bathing in which will increase strength, and next to a magic sword; gave three bottles of strengthening water; across a copper bridge, a young man drove into the dragon's kingdom, "The cloud is ahead, the cloud is behind me, so that no one is me I did not see"; SR brings the young man a goblet of strong water from the barrel from which the dragon drinks; he came and offered to fight; crushed the stone with his hand; the young man also crushed and squeezed water out of the stone; they slaughter each other a friend into the ground, and when the young man hit the dragon to the very nose, he could not get up; he agreed to give it to the SR, but as soon as the young man took it and went out of the castle, the dragon got out, drank strong water, and decided again fight; the young man won again; SR turned the palace and treasures into an apple; they returned to the boy's parents; wedding]: Curtin 1914:79-90.

Central Europe. Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [the fisherman caught a goldfish, took it to the tsar; the cook fried the queen, tried it herself, gave the rest to the dog, all three gave birth, the dog's son Ivan was the strongest; left the knife in a tree, if blood flows, the brothers go to the rescue; on the bridge they fight a 12-headed serpent who came on a 12-legged horse; the severed heads of the snake all grow back, blood flows from the knife, the brothers come, they hide their heads, the serpent dies; the mother of the Serpent turns into an iron rope, I. does not tell you to touch it, cuts it, blood flows; does not let the brothers drink, cuts the spring - blood flows (it was a snake); the 18-headed Serpent pursues brothers, they hide at the blacksmith, the Serpent gets entangled in chains, I. tells him to open his mouth, throws hot iron, the Serpent dies]: Verkhovyna's Tales 1970:203-206.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Nogais: Kapaev 2012 [when he died, Biy told his sons not to go south; the eldest went with his men, they found an empty house where food and drink stayed overnight, everyone was killed; the same with middle brother; younger Kenzhebay did not fall asleep, hid in the yard in a barrel; a rider on a six-legged horse arrived, killed everyone; considered that there were 41 horses and 40 dead, but did not find K. and left; K. followed the trail; came to the old woman Elmauyz, she has nose to door, she swallowed and regurgitated K., now he is her son; her real son does not know where the six-legged horse has rode; her sister has the same (old women's sons fly in and they are called karakus, but then they are not birds, but people); another sister's son explains that this is a rider Altynshash (gold-haired); you need to dig into her house, tie her hair, beat her with a kamcha until she agrees give the horse and wealth; A. agreed and invited K. to become his wife; they live well; A. dropped a curl of her golden hair into the river; the fisherman found it, the khan sent old woman Azazil to find the owner; K. greeted her; she persuaded A. to find out where K.'s soul was; he replied that A. cut the bowstring in the bow, but K. replaced it; then K. admitted that his soul was in a gold box braided in a forelock on his head; the old woman quietly untwisted her forelock, threw away the box, K. died; the old woman brought A. khan; Elmauyz looked at the spindle, blood was flowing from it; the son of the first elmauyz rules the animals, the second birds, the third fish ; one pike complained of pain; it turned out that she swallowed the box, it was removed, K. came to life; he came to Khan's country, threw the ring into the jug of the maid who came to the spring; A. recognized him, K. took it away from weddings with Khan on a six-legged horse]: 53-64; Nogai 1979, No. 20 [the eldest daughter was passed off as a Bear, the middle daughter was given to Fox, the youngest to Eagle; when he died, the old man ordered his sons to shoot arrows; the eldest's arrow hit his father's gravestone, the middle one shot to the west, the youngest to the east; his arrow pierced the turtle; he stayed in a hut in the reeds; someone was cooking; he waited for a girl, it was the Turtle; the old man hired him, took the girl away; the young man found her, took her away; the old man's six-legged horse told him everything, the old man caught up with the young man, killed him; Eagle's wife told her husband to assemble his brother from pieces, revive him; Eagle ordered to catch a sixth horse at the watering hole; the young man tamed him, killed the old man, returned his wife]: 106-109; Karachays: Aliyeva 1994, No. 53 [Debit wants to marry 19 sons to 19 sisters; witch Bayrymkyz says that the Emegen family is ready to give 18 daughters, but starting with the eldest; the emegenshi are one-eyed, their lips hang down to their breasts; each one is enough for D. and his sons, the youngest Alaugan remains; B. says that Mingi Tau has an eight-legged double-headed iron-hoofed huge horse; on this horse and with the sword of the ancestors of the sledges A. will win Emegensh; he must marry Y.'s daughter; at night he spies on his wife, she puts on eagle feathers, flies away, brings a man; A. kills her, makes B. say what to do; taking a sword of sledges and fat from a jug, A. flies an eagle towards the eagles- Emegensham, blinds them with fat, cuts through the rocks that blocked the entrance to the cave with a sword, frees their father and brothers], 123 [about the same as in Stamboliev 1896]: 396-399, 555-558; Stamboliev 1896, No. 10 [ten-year-old Yetsemei offends the other boys; the mother of one of them says that it is better for him to try his hand at Cuba, his father's killer; E. asks his mother to hand hot fried corn, clamps his hand, forcing him tell the truth; the mother shows where the horse stands in the tower behind the iron doors; E. tames him; meets his father's sister, hijacks and gives her herds of K.; K. comes on a six-legged horse; they shoot at each other for four days, every night K.'s wife takes bullets out of him, heals him; K. brings the killed E.; his wife revives him, says that in the twentieth chest there is a knife that can kill K.; E. cuts off his head, takes his wife; on the way back, Snarth Sosruk demands a woman for himself; E. dies in battle]: 76-88; Dirr 1922, No. 59 [Qahirman has a son Rustamsal; K. denies that his sister was kidnapped 40-headed divas; K. goes to another king, calls K., they admit that Aunt R. has been kidnapped; R. rides a six-legged tulpar; the old man tells how to avoid dangers (do not drink cow's milk, don't converge with a girl, etc.); R. frees seven kings bewitched and captured; K. flies to him on a bird; (then many adventures)]: 219-236; (cf. Adygi: Maksimov, Kerashev 1953 [=Kerashev 1957:194-209; Psha Zedem has only son Zedeb (Z.), his father holds him for a lazy and a fool; hearing his father's words, Z. tamed the best horse and became the first among young people; his father married; according to custom, Z. (with his wife) left his father's house for a year; his father also left; when Z. returned, found the doors of seven rooms locked, asked his mother for keys; she gave the keys to six rooms, which were empty; Z. broke the door of the seventh, there three doves asked them to be released, Z. released them; when he found out, the father ordered Z. to be thrown into the steppes; Z. realized that his father kept pigeons and left him for Suret (Su-Isuret, "written beauty" in Nogai), whom no one can force him to speak; after killing a bastard who was about to eat eagles, Z. lost consciousness; the chicks told the eagle that he was their savior; the eagle carried Z. and his horse to a distance that Z. I would have passed in a month and then come back because she could not leave the eagles without food; in an empty village, the old man says that a creature with 8 legs and one eye in its forehead ate ate people and cattle; it crawled out from the swamp, Z. hit him in the eye with an arrow and killed him; the old man warned that S. had already planted 99 stakes on stakes, the last one was left; Z. lay down under the apple tree, those three pigeons flew in; they told S. to tell S. the story of how the carpenter carved the figure, Goochips (the name for blacksmiths) revived it, the cutter wore - who owns the created person; only S. can answer - let him say; second question: only S. can know who stole the belt gouache (maids were searched, no drovers were found); third question: pshi fell ill, and two people did not cry, one whispered to the other that there was half an oxalis from which to cook the broth for treatment; half-deaf the old woman heard that the farsighted saw oxalis in the gorge, the quick-footed delivered it, the doctor made medicine, the pshi recovered; only S. knows who to reward for this; on the way Z. stopped at the khan's place, amazed everyone playing the violin and making a leather saddle overnight; Khan gave companions; Z. asked S. the first question; three pigeons flew in: 1) the animated figure will serve each of the three for the same number of days; 2) the person being searched quietly transfers the belt to the one who is not being searched; 3) the fee should be divided not between four (farsighted, runner, doctor, old woman), but between 6 participants (including whispers); S. every time he is silent, but after the third time, after changing clothes, he throws Z. the ring and promises to be a good wife; on the way home, Z., while taking S., also took the daughter of Khan and the daughter of an old man who lived in a monster ravaged by a monster village; father invited Z. to play checkers: the winner will blind the loser; Z. wins many times, but does not want to maim his father; the old woman advises Pshi to force Z. to spend the night with him; Z. will think about wives and will be distracted; the father won, blinded Z., ordered him to be thrown into the forest; tried to take his son's wives, but they destroyed his army; Z. hears the pigeons talking: if Z. breaks the fetters and tears off the oxalis, he will see the light; Z . he did so; his wives did not let him in until he told him how he married them; tomorrow it was S.'s turn to fight with psha; Z. will help, but the son cannot kill his father, let S. do it; she cut off her head, Z. took his father's men into his service]: 91-116; Huth 1987 (shapsugi) [Prince Zedem considers his son Zedeb worthless; he tames the horse; in the absence of his father, he takes the keys to the locked rooms from his mother; at six empty; he hacks the seventh; there three tied pigeons ask them to let them go; he lets go; the father tells him to take his son away and leave him asleep; three pigeons invite him to marry Silent Suret; she will marry someone to make her talk; Z. kills a snake that eagles; the Eagle takes him under his wing, flies with him part of the way to MC; in an empty village, an old man says that an eight-legged monster devoured everyone, you have to get into his only eye; Z. kills a monster; three pigeons teach you to ask the MC how to resolve three disputes; in the presence of the MC they give answers themselves; the MC is forced to say that the answers faithful; Z. returns with MC and two other girls married along the way; his father plays with him, wins, gouges his eyes out, throws him tied up in the woods; three pigeons teach him to eat an apple, he sees the light; kills his father with his wives]: 96-111).

Iran - Central Asia. The Persians [the father orders not to hunt the mountain after his death; the elder, middle brothers go, the green rider kills them; the younger puts a wooden figure on the horse, sneaks into the mountain after the rider; the ploughman is afraid to talk to him, MM harnesses two lions; the fish in the well gives water in exchange for the girl to be eaten; MM kills the fish, refuses the crown and the padishah's daughter, asks for help to return home; the padishah tells her to turn to Simorg; MM kills the dragon crawling to her nest; Simorg carries the MM up, he feeds and water her, cuts off a piece of her thigh, on the ground she puts meat back; MM penetrates fortress, ready to kill the green rider, he turns out to be the daughter of Padishah Peri; they fall in love; the divas takes her away, MM burns Simorg's feather, she tells me to ask the horse for eight legs at the stone on the seashore, not agree to the six-legged; MM takes the six-legged, the peri sends him back, he brings the eight-legged (meanwhile the divas grabs him, MM replies that he wants to be thrown into the mountains, he throws him into the sea, he swims out ); Peri's father takes her away; MM takes Soleiman's flying carpet, invisible hat, magic bow and arrows from the divas; Peri's father returns his daughter to him; her relatives tell him to instruct his son-in-law to find out the secret Sad and Sanoubar; MM gets the job done, gets a wife]: Osmanov 1987:109-124.

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians: Younger Edda 1970:23 [The Beauvrest-Rainbow Bridge, built by the gods, leads from earth to sky; aces ride along it; everyone has their own horse, the best is Sleipnir [sliding] - octopped Odin's horse; only Thor comes on foot], 39-40 [when Midgard was being built, the master came and promised to build walls that would resist mountain and frosty giants, but demanded that Freya, the sun and month; on Loki's advice, the aces said they would agree if he built walls in winter, before the first day of summer; Thor was not there then, he fought giants in the east; the master carried huge stones on horseback Svadilfari; three days before summer, all that remained was to make a gate; the gods said they would painfully execute Loki if he did not figure out how to deceive the giant master; Loki turned into a mare and ran out towards the giant's horse; he rode after the mare into the forest; then Thor came and killed the mountain giant with a hammer; Loki the mare gave birth to a foal, the gray eight-legged Sleipnir, Odin's horse]; Andrén 2013 (Gotland) [drawing on a rock from Ardre on Gotland, ca. 800 AD; above, Alone on an 8-legged horse, probably approaching Valhalla, where the Valkyrie has a goblet; in the middle case, a Wayland blacksmith (Vö) lund); he compartmented the heads of King M's two sons in the forge flies away in the form of a bird]: 849-950, fig. 52.1; Strömbäck 1956 (Gotland) [two stones, probably from the 8th century AD, depict a rider on an eight-legged horse, obviously entering the world of the dead; on one of the stones in front of him is a woman (Valkyrie?)] : 219, fig.1.

Volga - Perm. Bashkirs [Trout asks the Old Man how to escape from Pike - Move to a mountain river; Capercaillie to escape from the Berkut - Live not in the mountains, but in the forest; two Roe Deer run away from the Wolf; Old Man ties them with their backs - When one runs, let the other rest; the running Roe Deer jumped to the moon, the Wolf behind her; they always run there; the beast has eight legs in front (double Roe Deer); (Western 1963; fragment of the book in the late 19th century. Lossievsky)]: Barag 1987, No. 3:32-33; Nadrshina 1985, No. 2:9-10; Chuvash [Exrem Patsha dreams of a 12-headed serpent on a seventh horse; orders to build a tower, a mirror above, whoever sees him in it horse, will receive half the kingdom; Ivan Batyr sees, receives soldiers to help, goes to the bridge; soldiers sleep, I. guards; every night he consistently kills 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-headed snake; crushed by the carcass of the latter, the seminary horse frees him, makes I. a fly so that he knows what snake wives are preparing on the shore of a bloody lake; one will become a meadow and a river, the other will become an apple tree, the third will rest one lip against the ground, the other in sky; I. cuts a meadow, an apple tree; the horse teaches to ask the third snake to let his comrades pass, lower his upper lip, jumps himself, I. cuts the snake; the old man Chige-Khursukhal himself from his elbow, the beard teases from the fathom, jumps on a seed horse, promises to give it back if I. brings the daughter of the bird Maxim Patsha; I. meets, takes a cup of water, Frost, Glutton as his companions; M. requires 1) to cook and eat lots of bread, 60 bulls (Glutton eats), 2) sit in a hot bath (Frost cools, a cup collects excess water); I. takes away daughter M., Glutton and a cup stop the chase by regurgitating swallowed water; daughter M. Mary tells her to be given to C. with her feet forward; she quietly turns into a needle, I. brings her home on a seventh horse; E. wants to take Mary away, she makes sure that a bullet from his gun kills him; I. gets the kingdom]: Eisin 1993:64-77 (=Sidorova 1979:58-67); Marie [when dying, the king orders three sons to give their three sisters the first to marry; three beggars come successively old man; older brothers refuse, younger gives sisters; they were the Eagle King, Tsar Koschey and Tsar Razhim; the king also warned his sons not to hunt on the west side; the elder takes people, goes east, north and south, no prey; it goes west, the game is abundant; a cloud appears, people came out of it, killed his older brother and everyone with him; the same with his middle brother; the younger Ivan tells us to hide in the hollow; his men shoot themselves, killing those who come; then I. follows the bloody trails; comes to the house, called a healer; a woman the size of a haystack says that her son was wounded by 14 bullets; I. orders to boil a big one a cauldron of resin with fat; let the old woman help pour it on the patient and sit on the cauldron herself; I. scalded them to death, cut off the old woman's head; came to the house, where she was beautiful; he showed her the dead old woman and her son ; then she put him in a silver wagon and they flew; the wind blew out, I. fell out, fell; when she wakes up, she comes to her older sister; she turned it into an apple, hid it in her pocket; asks her husband to he did to her older brother; eagle: would swat; the same with the middle brother; he would greet the youngest; says that his missing girlfriend was taken away by the "Magadey"; sends to his middle sister; her husband is also afraid of C. refers to the youngest; her husband Razhim explains that his six-legged horse must first be kidnapped from C.; on his order, the birds brought this horse two days later; I. rode it to C.'s home, freed him from fetters the girl, took her away; but C. has a 12-legged horse; C. caught up with I. on it and ordered the horse to crush him into pieces the size of oatmeal; R. tells the birds to bring all these remains, fold them, bring them to beaks of living water; I. revived ("How long did I sleep"); R. birds: Can you deliver a 12-legged? birds: no; R.: is everyone here? birds: one old bird is gone; it was delivered, it teaches you how to get a long lasso, make a huge pen, tame that horse; I. tamed, took away C.'s daughter, he chases a 6-legged horse, I. tells the 12-legged horse crush C. into pieces the size of a grain of sand; R. I. marries his daughter C.; they go back - she is on a 6-legged horse, I. is on a 12-legged horse; they stop in a clearing; I. wants to get together with his wife right away; she tells him to wait 14 days; I. tries to act by force; his wife slaps him in the face, he dies, she sits on a 12-legged horse, and the 6-legged runs after him; R. finds out everything, the birds bring living water again; the other two son-in-law have arrived; all three told I. that now let he is looking for his wife himself; I. comes to the old woman, she indicates where his wife's house is in the forest; I. tries to climb the stairs into it, she broke, I. got killed; climbed the other stairs through the window; on the wall swords, they will cut off his head if you try to enter another room; I. climbed into the barrel and rolled in, his swords did not notice him; his wife sleeps there for three days without waking up; he takes her key, then finds second; unlocks the closet from where the heron flies out; finds her horses in the stable; the wife wakes up and asks why she released the heron; everything is fine, they have children]: Beke 1938, No. 47:424-457.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Potanin 1972, No. 1 [Bulat-Pai had horses that ate people; people avoided him, he took a hundred horses, migrated, leaving nine sons at home; horses flew away like birds, he held one by one tail; his 70-year-old wife became pregnant, ate this mare's tostyuk (breast), gave birth to a son Yer-Tyustyuk; people ask why he is not looking for his nine brothers and nine thousand horses; he clamps his thighs parents, makes them tell the truth; comes to nine brothers, takes an eight-legged horse; the youngest, then the rest of the brothers recognize E.; the brothers return to their father, now he is rich again; they put him in jail on the sixth horse, they are told to find ten brides-sisters; the old woman indicates where to look; B. and nine sons take the brides home; the youngest is Kenjackay; the old woman warns not to stop at the Bai- tree Terek; B. stops, sees a lung in the water, hits with a stick, it turns into an old woman (kempir), grabs B. by the beard, lets go for promising to give E.; K. asks E where his goldmoney is; he thinks what is left by the Bai-Terek tree; K. talks about the old woman, gives the chain mail she took from home, the horse; E. grabs the grandmother, the old woman chases him, he falls into the ground with the horse, there 80 old women promise it let go if he brings the khan's golden braid; on the way, E. takes as companions a mountain raising a mountain, drinking a lake, finding out fate; the khan tries to burn them in an iron house, drinks the fire; in another The knowledgeable person in the house says that an iron mountain will be thrown at them, he can catch it; the khan tells them to get the cauldron out of the well; they take it out, he gives his daughter; E. cuts off his head, brings him to the old women, they let him go; The young birds of the Alyp-Kara-Gush bird are crying in the Bai-Terek tree; the dragon (Azhdagar) is approaching, E. kills him with a sword; the cubs say that the mother will arrive with a storm; she swallowed and regurgitated E.; raises him to the upper the world, he gives her water and feeds her, finally cuts off the meat from her thighs; on the ground she regurgitates meat, puts it back, gives her a pen; the man in whose house E. stayed dug a hole, E. fell into it; burned the pen, the bird took him upstairs; E. returns, his wife is the first to recognize him, everyone is happy]: 104-116; Sidelnikov 1971 (1) [after starving horse toast, the old woman gave birth to a son Yer-Tostik; he injures a sizhik, that tells him to better look for his missing 8 brothers, who starved cattle to the south; he goes to look for brothers; finds, leads; their father Yernazar marries them to 9 sisters, ET to the youngest Kenzhekei; Peri Bector wants ET for herself; tells Baba Yaga to grab E., he promises her a son; leaves the sharpener at the old camp, ET goes after him on a six-legged horse, takes the lead; wife K. gives him her father's horse as a dowry; ET, grabbing a sharpener, runs away from Baba Ega, falls into the lower world of the snake Khan Bana; he promises him a daughter if ET gets Temir Khan's daughter; ET meets, companions Thief, Windropod, Sensitive Ear, Gorokat, Lake Swallower, All-Seeing Eye, thanks to them, wins competitions, gets a woman; grateful Bany Khan points the way up; on the way, the wife dies, ET goes with her slave Kunka; kills a boa constrictor crawling to the chicks; a double-headed eagle (one human head, the other a bird's head) carries him and K. to the ground; peri throws him into the well, the double-headed eagle saves; ET saves Kunkey, married to Shoin-Kulak (the son of Baba Yaga), eavesdrops where the soul of the ShK (in the goat, in the box, in the chicken); kills the SC; returns to Kenzhukei]: 7-33.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakasy: Potanin 1883 [in the tales of the Minusinsk Tatars there is a centipeded bull (Kyrk-Miyuz), which Katai Khan rides]: 737; Troyakov 1995 [Tanachakh's girl goes with her mother for berries to the six-legged Elk- grief, disappears; she was taken by the owner of the mountain; she returns to her mother once, says that now they will hunt many taiga animals]: 15-17 (original source?) ; Shors: Dyrenkova 1940, No. 15 [A lonely guy (OP) changes a sheep for a pike caught by people; it falls out of his bag, he throws it into the water; the owner of the water sends for him, offers a reward for the rescued son; OP takes the little dog, feeds her at home; in the morning his dishes are made golden; at night, OP spies, grabs the copper-haired beauty; she says that now the owner's son will come for her (CX, i.e. her brother?) ; CX tells her father to return the girl; 1) offers OP to play hide and seek; the girl indicates that CX has become a ram with twisted horns; turns her husband into a comb, CX does not find him; CX is a bull, OP is a thimble; CX - a bird with a comb on the seashore, OP is a needle; 2) bring a golden table; his wife tells me to follow her ball; he sleeps with three girls, in the morning a copper-eared old woman wants to eat it; he shows her the one given to him wife a book, she recognizes him as a son-in-law; gives another horse, sends him to her older sister; she has the same episode, she gives him a six-legged horse, tells him to go for a black cloud; OP takes the table, the shaman cannot catch up; stops in an empty house; asks for food, food appears; he asks the invisible to share the meal; the grateful invisible follows him; OP distributes horses to the horses that helped him, etc., returns home; there are no doors and windows in the house, they appear when the wife finds out OP; The master sends soldiers, the OP releases the birds he brought with red crests, they destroy them, transfer the property to the OP]: 237-251; Ivanov 1954:670 [animals with six or more legs are found on tambourines (predators rather than ungulates); interpretation varies], Fig.110; Chelkan people [after calling a shaman, the wife of childless Ak-Kaan gives birth seven sons; after the second vocation, six-eyed Karagys; the eldest son Maka-Maatyr sees the girl getting up from the cradle, devouring animals, lying back; MM runs away, marries the youngest daughters of the great khan; two other sons-in-law are persuaded to give MM difficult tasks, the wife explains how to complete them; 1) get the golden eagle's feather; MM cuts off the heads of a seven-headed serpent coming out of the lake with an arrow, to devour the golden eagle chicks; they hide it from their parents; their father arrives with sparse snow, their mother with heavy rain (these are the tears of golden eagles), carry deer in their claws; the chicks explain that MM saved them, the golden eagle does not kill MM, but gives a pen; 2) reach the tooth of a monstrous wolverine (one of her horns is stuck in the ground, the other supports the sky; MM jumps between the horns, the wolverine runs under the clouds, cannot shed it, gives two teeth ); sons-in-law do not know how, MM makes a cauldron, working these teeth as tools; 3) bring Altyn-Tana, the daughter of God; the wife gives MM fur coats to have them, the AT brothers ask her to show MM face, drink araks from a thimble; AT loses consciousness, MM takes her away; brothers catch up, she sends them back; turns the khan into a fox, his people and property into black land; MM climbs the mountain, sees his camp, cries; says that the branch, the pipes, the wind hurt the eye; AT punishes them, the mother of the wind explains what's going on; MM gets home on a six-legged horse; six-eyed K. ate everyone, chases MM, tears off one by one all the horse's legs are different; AT tells her not to touch her husband, K. leaves]: Kandarakova 1988:44-72 (retelling in Sadalova 1989:86-87); tubals (black Tatars) [Aksar-Atty Altyn-Tana (AT) has no children; goes to Kara-Muke Kara-dor-Atta (KM) to take away his wife; cannot wear a heavy chain mail; KM picked him up and killed him; AT widow Altyn-Sabak just gave birth; KM came to kill the boy; the more he hits the baby is on a stone, the faster he grows; this is Altyn-Chobe (AH), he grabbed the KM and threw his wife in the bosom of 9 heavens; the mother gives AH his father's horse; he goes to look for his sister Altyn-Aryg; sees how heroes try to jump on horseback to the palace standing on a rock, fall and break; the horse tells AH to tear him to the bone, brings him to the palace; the girl has a transparent body, you can see how the brain in her bones shimmers ; she was created, not born; the book says that she must marry Karador Atty Karadas, the son of Charakrachta-Karagat Cherezi (a one-eyed black woman, an earthen mistress); the girl fed him (before that he had nothing did not eat), his chain mail burst, he himself grew stronger; the girl sent Sarakarakhta to her sister; S. lies, covered one tit under her, and covered the other on top, dust accumulated on her by a quarter, her eye about the size of a month; when she finds out who is in front of her, she says: your father was my friend; I took your sister to feed her, but she was stolen by Akkoyatty-Altyn-Kartaga; suck your right breast; if you suck half, it's better come back, and that's it - go ahead; AH sucked everything; she tied the hairs from her horse's tail to the tail of the ACH horse, which has become strong and can now carry its owner; there are 9 identical girls in the Altyn-Kartag house; ACH took out his handkerchief and dried himself off; then her sister recognized her brother; (fights and fraternities); Kurubash (empty head) robbed ACH's house; Sarakarakhty tells her to cut off one tit, take it with her; died herself; sucking milk from tits, AH cut Kurubash's iron house; he tells me to come to the fight later; ACH went home to pick up his wife, who rides a five-legged horse; (further confused episodes)]: Potanin 1883, No. 174 (Zap. Adrianov): 566-577; Altaians: Potanin 1916, No. 59 (west from a baptized Altai to the village. Onguday in the river valley. Ursul) [Altai-Buchi went to fight Demichi-ter; his wife Edil-Jebil and sister Edil-Kojil wrote a letter with the duck to Aranai-Charanay, Elden-Chaldan's son, that they would be better off without Ab; they gave Ab wine with sweat workers and a horse; Ab fell into a hole; AH ordered Ab's sixth horse to be tied, his thumbs cut off; three more horses, two dogs and two golden eagles Ab were also confused and taken away, but Demichi-Jeren's horse (DD) tricked them into freeing them, becoming a sparrow, took Ab's thumbs away; Ab's wife gave birth to Kan-Sorysh, DD, becoming a sparrow, carried him through the smoke hole in the yurt; the mother cut off her son's leg, but DD stole his leg; from the sky from the milk lake, where the birch tree is in bloom, brought the girl Temene-ko, she revived everyone, put the cut back, married the COP; Ab tied his wife to the tails of nine horses; went underground to fight with Aranai-Charanay; fished with a fishing rod with a bait of 6 bulls, this fish is gone; marries Kan-Jackpay's sister; goes to look for his missing son; the serpent climbs into the nest of the Kan-Gerede bird, Ab kills him; the chick replies that when his mother arrives, it will rain a little, there will be wind; the bird sends Ab to Yerlik to look for Altyn-Gerel; the wife gave needles (open it in front of two camels, have time to pass between them) one hundred eyes (let two crows and two magpies bite), threads (give two girls so that they do not tear them out), coals (give coal burners so that they do not burn themselves), iron (to blacksmiths, so as not to split themselves); a woman, a goat and a foal in front of her, she stole them from a mare and a goat during her lifetime; it is not enough for some spouses to hide 9 sheepskins, others feel good under one; children who looked sideways at their parents are hooked for eyes; the woman who killed the child is hanged by the navel; who condemned people, and freestyle himself, the soles are pinned with iron; the woman has a male bone, the man has a female bone, both freestyle; the murderers boil in sulfur; Ab beats E. with twigs that have grown out of her hands, she promises to help him; Ab made a live head go to Kutai, dead to Yerlik; (etc.); Kan-Jackpay nailed Jergenis-Boko's lower lip (boko is a strongman) to the ground, lower to heaven; Kan-Sorysh cut his stomach inside and got out]: 181-186; Sadalova 2002, No. 20 [after addressing a shaman and sacrificing a horse, the wife gives birth to seven sons, the elder Maka-Maatyr; in next time she asks a girl, but donates not a mare, but a dog, gives birth to a six-eyed Karagys; MM sees K. getting up from the cradle, eating a calf, lying back; then a foal, a goby; MM says who will leave for a while, leaves altogether; marries the youngest of three daughters, Ulug-Piya; other sons-in-law advise her father-in-law to tell MM to bring 1) Purush feathers; the wife says that her nest is on at the top of one of the seven larches; a seven-headed snake crawls from lake to nest, MM kills seven heads with arrows, climbs into the nest; chicks say that this snake always eats chicks; Father P. flew in with with wind and fine snow, then the mother, with wind and shower (these are her tears), gives two feathers; 2) the tooth of a wolverine living at the confluence of seven rivers to make a tagan; the wife says that one horn is stuck in her ground, the other is raised to the sky, you have to cling to both; wolverine gives two teeth; 3) Kuday's youngest daughter Altyn-Tana; his wife teaches how to make a home where K. gets water; his three sons will come; for a fur coat made of collected from the mountains, ask to show half of his sister's face; for the button under his arm sewn from the meadows; from the rivers, let him drink araka from the thimble; AT is intoxicated, MM takes her away; brothers who received fur coats they catch up, AT sends them; turns UE UE's cattle into black ground, them into a fox; MM marries AT; she says that only six-eyed K. remains at MM's father's camp; AT gives him a six-legged trotter; K. eats parents' bones, sees MM on the chimney, chases, cuts off, eats the horse's sixth and fifth legs, fights with her brother; AT tells her to leave, she returns home; AT and MM live on]: 173-201; South Altai Tuvans [Bai Nasar's 8 sons drove 800 horses and did not return; when BN and his wife ate horse breast, his wife gave birth, their son was named Er Töstük ("brisket man"); he grew up; one old woman wove, he stepped on the thread and tore it; the old woman told him to look for his brothers better; the father said he had no brothers, he was deceived; another old woman's grandson pulled ET's bow, ET hit him, the boy died ; and this old woman told him to find his brothers better; ET found brothers first and then horses, they returned home; BN went to look for nine sisters to marry; found them; their father did not tell them to spend the night with them on the way back Chushurlug Chuduk, but BN did not heed the warning of her younger sister destined for ET and spent the night there; she sent a man to her father asking her to give her hemp for ET a shirt and the best mare and camel; he did not want to, but gave it away; in the morning there was no mare; BN went to the Saltwell for the night: the mare was there, and next to the jelbege, covered her with one ear, put the other under himself; BN asks to give the camel; Jelbege says he can't get up, let BN come by himself; he comes up, she grabbed it, threatens to eat it, refuses to let him go in exchange for his 8 sons, for 800 horses, agrees to let go if he gives ET; BN promises to leave Jelbig with his son's triangular file, with which he sharpens arrows; says he forgot and sends ET for him; the bride talks about everything ET; he asks father which horse to ride; BN: sit on a six-legged and take an eight-legged with you; bride: no, sit on the horse my father gave me, wear that hemp shirt; 8- and 6-legged horses don't They will last 6 and 8 years; when ET sits on his horse, he tells Jelbig to shout: What kind of children do you have behind you? she will look around, grab the file and jump away; they run away and find themselves in the underworld of the serpent Bobbuk Khan; the horse tells you not to be afraid of snakes that crawl inside ET and go out; because ET was not afraid, two snakes turned into khans; ET says he came to get Temir Khan's daughter for Bobbuk Khan; he is happy and lets him go; ET meets people, everyone answers (at first not understanding who is in front of him) that he would like to become ET's companion; the first knows how to catch birds on the fly; the second hears everything; the third eats a lot; the fourth drinks and pours the sea back; T. will give his daughter to the winner; ET the mare wins the run; the mountain carrier wins the fight; eats the most; drinks three sips, but the sea level has fallen by only three fingers; the ET horse dives: if black blood flows, he died, and if colorless, he took out a cauldron; first colorless blood rises, then black blood rises, but then the horse swam out, brought a cauldron; the listener heard that T. was going to burn the heroes in the house; a mountain raiser turned the house upside down, they went out unharmed; T. ordered to serve the poisoned meat, the heroes changed their portions and portions of the khan's subjects, they died; ET brought daughter T. Bobbuk Khan; he gave a girl to Chünkee and five men in return; on the way, the men died; ET and her girl spent the night under the larch; it rained, and Khan Gärdi birds in a tree A snake crawled; ET shot the snake with a bow; in the morning hail began and Khan Gerdi flew in; when she found out what had happened, she carried ET with girl S. and the horse to the ground; but Jeelbege's son Schojun Gulak (SG) was already waiting there; he took C. and the horse and pushed ET into the hole; the horse managed to throw a flint into the pit; ET cut out the fire, burned the pen given to him by Han-Gerdy, who appeared, lowered its wing into the hole, and ET got out of it; ET and C. agreed that ET will hide under the cradle in which C.'s son is from SG; she will stab the baby, he will cry, SG will begin to ask why; C.: the baby says he is ET's son, not SG, since SG does not want to leave him around with him his soul (the receptacle of life); SG whispers to the baby (and ET hears) where his soul is; 70 moose will come to the Saltwell, inside a brown box, in a shower box; ET is waiting (moose are afraid to approach, but SG calms down: he killed ET), ripped open the brown man's stomach, 9 birds in the box; he killed 8, left one, came to the SG, began to fight him, ordered C. to kill the ninth; there were 9 birds in the box again, but C. killed everyone and SG died ; his son jumped up, but ET threw him into a 70-planted hole; when ET returned home, making a camel, as predicted, gave birth to a camel; the bride waiting for ET became 15 years old again; holiday]: Taube 1978, No. 37:192-206; Buryats: Galdanova 1987 [in epic and shamanic appeals: "The eight-legged Sun is the mother, the nine-legged month is the father", "Father Yuuren has nine strong young men frolicking, mother Nalkhan has nine strong young men, mother Nalkhan Eight beautiful girls frolic"; under the name Yu, the sun, then the month, but more often the sun appears]: 15; Dugarov 1990 [a rich man was surprised why cattle come to the water but did not drink; hit the water with a pole To catch the horses, an old water woman grabbed the pole, agreed not to eat it if he sent her 17-year-old son; the rich man told his son to look for a place for a new camp; the eight-legged horse warns of dangers: the old woman waits, throwing gold dice; you must ask them to throw them higher, grab them and run; the old woman chases, consistently cuts off with a knife and eats a pair of legs; a legless horse turned into a tree, she knocked it down, sends the guy to the forest to make a spit to fry it; the red-and-white poroz tells you to ask the old woman for a knife to cut off the branch, takes the guy away; tells him to go too far through the right knee (the old woman injured her right leg), through the left (left), break and throw (the old woman was cut, scattered); poroz tells him to be stabbed, in the morning the guy wakes up in a yurt, a girl near the hearth, at horseback riding an eight-legged horse, around the herd; came to his father, where two wives beat his father to death, the guy took them home]: 282-291; Sharakshinova 1980 [(Ts. Jamtsarano in the Alar and Balagan Departments); The Sun and Moon are the daughters of Tengria Esege Malan; his son is Fire; depicted in the form of eight (Sun) and nine (Moon) concentric rings with eight and nine legs, respectively (sometimes in the form of spokes and rays); these stars have eight and nine legs]: 42, 45, 51; Khalganov 1960, No. 129 [man got lost, fell into the dog kingdom, where men dogs , and women are beautiful; the king's daughter told him that her father told him to eat three days later; the man and the king's daughter are running, hiding in a tree; a man kills a dog king with an arrow, dogs run away; a wife at home gets sick, loses weight; a relative also follows his wife to the dog kingdom; a woman sends him back, gives a bag for the sick; it contains dried and crushed meat of an eight-legged horse; the patient recovers]: 362 -364; darhats [young Tseiben forgot his two gold-silver ankles at the former camp, returned for them on his eight-legged horse, saw a mangyska, grabbed his ankles; pursuer- mangyska consistently cuts off the horse's 8 legs, its back, front, head, C. climbed onto the golden aspen; The fox twice offers to cut down aspen instead of mangyska, seals her eyes; C. runs away on a goby, he splashes droppings into the eyes of the mangysk; C. finds a fragment of his father's sharpener, a comb, a mother's needle; throws behind, a forest, a mountain, a river appear; C. replies to Mangyska that he crossed the river, tying stones to his feet , the mangyska drowns; the goby tells him to be stabbed, C. refuses; orders to kill a red louse on it, dies immediately; in the morning at this place a yurt, woman and herds]: Sanzheev 1931, No. 7:96-98; Mongols [boy liked to play money, one of them gold and the other silver; the money was gone, the father said that his son forgot them at the camp; the father tells me to take the horse calmer, the mother the fast stallion; he has eight legs; the camp is an old woman, the horse tells me not to get down, grab the money on the move; the witch caught up, interrupted the horse 8 legs, dragged the boy into her hole, forced her to work on the housework; the sheep tells her to gut, take everything, what's inside, sit on a calf, run; the boy throws sheep droppings, giblets, gum; the witch stops every time to wash off the dirt; the calf swam across the river; the boy answered the witch that moved with a stone tied around his neck; the witch tied and drowned; the calf tells him to be killed, the boy does not want to; the louse presses on the calf, he falls dead; the next morning the boy in the yurt, around the herd and trees]: Mikhailov 1962:155-157 (=Mikhailov 1967:167-170); Oirats (durbuts) [the old man drives horses to the lake for a watering hole; the shulum (devil) living in it agrees to let him go for promising to give his son; son on his eight-legged horse comes to the old camp to pick up his gold and silver grandmothers (bones); the shulum chases him, consistently tears off all eight legs of the horse; the young man climbs the larch; the shulum cuts him, brings him to himself; the bull saves him; see motive L72]: Potanin 1883, No. 85:348-350; the Mongols (Ordos) [see motive E9; the boy gets a puppy, he becomes a girl; the khan wants to take it away, offers to compete whose horse is faster; his wife's father sends an eight-legged horse to the boy from the sea, this horse wins]: Potanin 1893, No. 8b: 152-156; Dagurs [in the north Chunjina is the older sister Hungduledi Mergen; his fiancée is Tarelan, third daughter of Tulamir Mergen; in the south, Archuni Mergen with three wives; while XM is not at home, A. took his sister; she wrote about it in blood; XM jumps to save her; the horse orders to kill the guards and spies AM - a boar, an owl, a snake; the snake must be hit from the inside by cutting his heart; XM jumps into his mouth, hurts his heart, but the snake's blood poisoned him, he lies breathless; the horse resorts to TM for help, he rides his 8-legged horse, but cannot defeat AM; his daughter unsuccessfully tries to revive XM; he is revived by a heavenly maiden; XM marries both; kills AM sons, after a difficult battle - himself, then his three wives; brings his sister home, but during this time her heavenly wife and two children were taken to heaven by her heavenly father; XM climbs there from East Mountain when he grew up to sky to deer horns; finds sons and wife; wife gives a hat to protect her head and feather to moderate heat or cold; father-in-law offers challenges; strongmen hit XM on the head with iron sticks (the hat protected); he is put in icy, then into a hot cellar (the feather is warmed and cooled); he gets a wife, and their children go back to the ground through the antlers of the deer; they live well; XM's sister married a good hunter]: Bender, Su Huana 1984:69-82; Inner Mongolian Mongols (Chahars, Khoshun Shand) [the rich man watered his herd of horses from the well and saw something like a liver in the drinking deck; he took it out and began to hit it with a stone; she turned into a humpback old man who was a mangus-a monster with twelve heads; the mangus said, "Will you give me your 800-headed herd or would you prefer to give me your son? If you do not comply with my request, I will swallow you"; the rich man decided to give his son and replied: "My son likes to play ram dice. It has one gold and one silver bone. Before I migrate, I will try to forget his two talus bones and leave them in the place of nomadic life. The son in the new place will want to play with his bones and will look for them, and they are forgotten in the old place. I'll make him go there to pick them up. That's when you'll grab him"; the rich man's family migrated to a new place; the boy asked his father where the bones were; the rich man replied that they were left on an old nomad, told his son to go pick them up on horseback about eight legs ; the horse told the boy to take with him a comb, a mirror, a bar, a bag of lice and a bag of nits; the boy listened, set off; arrived in the nomadic and saw a humpback old man sitting near the bones; the boy guessed it was a mango, grabbed the bones and rushed away; the mangus chased him; threw a stick at the horse and tore off one leg; the horse told the boy to drop his bag with lice; the boy did it, the mangus fell behind, busy collecting and destroying lice; after the mangus continued to pursue, threw the stick and tore off the horse's other leg; the boy threw the bag with nits, the mangus stayed a little longer, collecting and destroying nits; then continued his pursuit, threw his stick and tore off the horse's other leg; the horse told the boy to throw the bar; the boy did it, A rock appeared in front of the mangus; he overcame it, continued to pursue it; once again took out his horse with a stick and tore off his leg; the horse told the boy that he had thrown the comb; the boy did it in front of the mangus a dense forest grew; when the mangus crossed it, the boy threw down the mirror; it turned into an ocean, the mangus drowned in it; the horse said: "Your parents are rich people, but they care more and love their livestock than kids. When you get home, you call your father "Wolf's Heart," your mother, "Wet Eyes," and your sister, "Between Two Fires (Letters. in ticks)"; the boy returned home, began to call his parents and sister as the horse ordered]: Todayeva 1981:102-104; (cf. Kumandins [image on a tambourine with comments from shamans; in the center of the lower part the tambourine depicts ker-bos (aka ker-balyk, ulu-arjan; ker is "huge, monstrous") - a woolen monster with an open mouth in which sharp teeth stick out; painted with four or six legs, sometimes without legs; closes a hole leading to the lower world, from where evil spirits could penetrate the ground]: Ivanov 1954:660; tubalars [drawing on a tambourine; in the lower part shows a monster with eight (?) legs; (resembles the image of the Kumandins)]: Ivanov 1954:677, Fig.120; Tuvans [serpentine six-headed, eight-legged and two-eyed image of the Amyrga-Eren dragon, made of felt ( length 130 cm; fees 1903); above the main big head there are five small ones with open mouths; each head has three opaque bead eyes; Amyrga-eren was a family guardian, made by or under the guidance of a shaman and hung from the yurt bars]: Gorbacheva, Solovyova 2006:84-85).

Western Siberia. Nenets (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug): Pushkareva, Khomich 2001, No. 1 [old man Tirniy-Vesako (Universal Old Man) quarrels with an older woman, go in different directions; the old man cuts down a spruce make a boat, it turns out to be the meta of the top of the head of the plague Yandey-Wesako (Old Man of the Lower World), they fight, Y. wins, T. buys his life, promising to give up his son, to do this, leave his knife for which the son will come; at this time the old woman comes to the lake with rejuvenating water, drinks, becomes young, brings the old man (both have now returned home), who drinks, is also getting younger; says that he has forgotten his knife, sends a son; the son was gone before, now he has appeared as a young man from under his mother's yagushka (women's fur swinging clothes); I. takes the young man who has come to the lower world; promises life if he will bring him the Daughter of the Wind King; he goes, wants to kill Lisa, she becomes his assistant, drives the Six-Legged Huge Moose to the cedar she told the young man to climb, he jumps Moose on his back, he carries the young man and the Fox; the Thunder boy suggests that their dogs (Bear and Fox) and horses (horse and six-legged elk) fight; the Fox kills the Bear, the Moose chases the Thunder Boy's horse; the Fox tells her to exchange it for Young Thunder on Syromyatnaya-Korovya-Shkura, who carries the hero to Tsar-Wind; the partridge lures the servant of the daughter of the Wind, who calls the girl, the skin takes her to the Fox's land; the fox turns out to be the god Numgypa, the eldest the son of an old man and an old woman, the hero's brother, the hero's name Yav-Mal is the main character of fairy tale myths; he leaves the woman he got to Old Man Lower Mir, who promises to eat him anyway, but lets him go; he comes to the plague parents, hears the Old Man saying that he went beyond seven heavens, and the old woman went down the seven permafrost, that the youngest son separated them; when he wakes up, he is in the house, his wife is the Daughter of the Wind-Tsar, he is Yav-Mal], 4 [y The Russian Merchant has three sons; the eldest earned money, the youngest is a fool; someone stole all the gold, killed the cows; there is larch in the garden, gold grows on it at night, someone eats it in the morning; two sons they guard, fall asleep; the fool filled his pockets with gold, sees a bird pecking gold, pulls out its golden pen; his father praises him, the family is rich again, the older brothers go to look for the golden bird, disappear; the fool goes looking for his brothers, he is covered with snow; the Eight-eyed Mother Bear with eight legs flies in, saves him, they turn to each other like mother (grandmother) and son; he climbs her back for three days; she brings him to church in the air, where he takes a bird; when he wants to take a cage, the bells ring; he is grabbed, brought to the Fire King, who agrees to change the bird to a gold-shaped horse; (the same when he takes it bridle, bells ring); The Tsar agrees to change it to the Beautiful Sun; contrary to warning, he also takes a ring; tells her father to the Sun King that he himself is the son of the King of Heaven; he orders to bring the Beast, this An eight-eyed Mother Bear with eight legs; she is locked in a chest, he gets a wife, leaves; she catches up with them by air, they change to her; she takes the form of a Beauty Sun, changes herself to a horse; the same with a bird; at the bus stop, the brothers cut off the fool's head, the Bear revives him, makes him a snotty boy; he comes to his wife's wedding, opens to her; the brothers are expelled]: 89-109, 177-219; forest Nenets (Nizhnevartovsk District) [Tyaptukage (a heavenly goose with anthropomorphic features) chased a seminoid moose along the Milky Way; after catching up, he tore off his three legs; the seminoid elk became Ursa Major, and humans can now catch moose]: Semenov 1994:115; Mansi: Ivanova 2009 [elk lived in the sky in the constellation Yangui ("big beast", i.e. "elk"); Northern Mansi Ursa Major called the Moose constellation; he had six legs, he could not be caught up; Moses Hume made him accessible to humans by cutting off his two hind legs]: 79; Lukina 1990, No. 110 [Mos-Hum heard menky being driven six-legged moose; jumped out of the cradle, drove himself, cut off two hind legs; the road he drove along was the Milky Way, the elk was the Ursa Major; when the moose had six legs, people could not catch up with him]: 297; Kannisto 1951, No. 7 [the elk was six-legged; the winged Poaster cut off two of his legs; if he wants to be six-legged, let him be Ursa Major in the sky; you cannot let the elk touch the clothes of a menstruating person women and a vessel containing raw fish]: 22-24; Soldatova 2008, No. 11 (Berezovsky district) [a woman without a husband gave birth to a boy with wings, this is Tovlyng ("winged") Pastor; he flew to Berezovo, brought mother's bread; mother took stepfather; TP and stepfather drove a six-legged moose, TP cut off his two legs: when there were people, they would not catch up with the six-legged; TP returned to his mother without a stepfather; she began to hang on her son the remnants of yarn and any rubbish to make it heavier; TP began to cross the river, the ice broke, it drowned]: 115-116; northern Khanty: Gondatti in Potanin 1893 [a six-legged elk lived in the sky; Numi sent the hero Mos-Hum, who cut off two legs, threw him to the ground; the heavenly elk - the Big Dipper, the Milky Way - along which he drove the elk M.]: 385; Lukina 2010 (Kazimsky, A.M. Moldanov) ["Ho Power - our people too. He was chasing a six-legged elk, now stars in the sky. I cut off two of his legs with a sword so people could catch up. Kurng Voy is the Big Dipper, the song is about her." The power of ho hot - Pleiades (A.M. said: "Where there are many stars". T.A., who knows the starry sky well, explained that these are the Pleiades]: 222; Eastern Khanty: Kulemzin 2000:81 [Elk is the Big Dipper; there are legends about the six- and eight-legged moose he was chasing fur-ski hunter; his trail is the Milky Way], 238-243 [Powerheh catches up with a sixth moose, cuts off two legs so that a future ordinary person can catch up with the beast; The elk turns into a Big Bear, M. - Milky Way ski track]; Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 1 (Vasyugan) [boy created an eight-legged moose; sees that the hunter is chasing him (and cannot catch up); God's son put on skis, drove an elk, cut off 4 legs to make it easier for the hunter to catch up; ski track - Milky Way], 2 (Vasyugan) [God's son Torom-pah drove a six-legged moose, took off two legs, four remained; a trail remained in the sky, as T. killed an elk with an arrow; arrow remained in the sky; once T. missed and the mistake was visible], 3 (Vasyugan) [Torom-pah drove a six-legged moose, cut off two legs; said that people would be small as a finger, how would they catch up; the people began to be born with little finger; where T. ran after a moose, there is a ski trail - the Milky Way; there is a six-legged elk nearby, each star is a part of his body]: 15; Honti 1978 in Lukina 1990, No. 8 (Tromoegan River) [father-in-law laughs at his son Toruma believes that he is a bad hunter; T.'s son is struggling to catch up with a six-legged moose, cuts off a pair of legs so that future people can catch up with moose ("Be four-legged, four-armed, six-legged, with I even exhausted me with six hands, but what should a future person do?") ; spread the meat on the water of the lake, only took his heart and tongue; attached the skin to the sky ("When white dolls, black dolls appear, you will mark dawn"); the moose trail he walked along was nailed to the sky with the tip of an onion to make people navigate (Milky Way); brings language and heart to his father-in-law - let him eat and then get lost and die]: 67-69; Barkalaja 2001 (Eastern?) [a huge cannibal pike with seven legs walked on the ground; God sees that people will be gone soon, hooks pike, throws it on larch; worms fell from the corpse, turned into current pikes]: 148-149; southern Khanty: Karjalainen 1996 (Irtysh) [the six-legged elk lived in the sky; Tun-pachased him, his moose and calf on skis; the runners fell to the ground, T. cut off two legs of the elk, he became available to an ordinary person; zodiac - ski track, Ursa Major - elk, two stars next to each other - severed legs]: 22; Patkanov in Okladnikov 1950 [Tunk-Poh chased a six-legged moose across the sky, cut off two hind legs; Ursa Major is an elk, the Milky Way is a ski track]: 299.

Eastern Siberia. Central (?) Yakuts [in fairy tales there is the beast Mack Tuguy with three rows of legs]: Ergis 1974:226; northeastern (Verkhoyan) Yakuts ["Fairy tales mention the extraordinary myak-tugui beast Kyl is a one-horned animal with seven legs located along the body"]: Gorokhov 1882:39; Sym Evenks [the girl cut her hand with a knife, the bird advises her to lick blood; the girl likes it taste, she eats the mother, the younger sisters; the older brother runs away to the Nemelon 'e (decapod deer); the sister throws the ax, which consistently cuts off all the legs of the deer; the brother continues to flee, becoming moose, bear, wolverine, fox, ferret, ermine; when she becomes a mouse, the sister loses track; breaks her scrapers and tanners, dies]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 45:55-58; Yerbogachen Evenks ( upper reaches of Nizhnyaya Tunguska) [the giant has a wife and daughter; in his old age, his wife gave birth to a son Manga-Dyromgo with three eyes in his forehead; he curls the beasts' necks, brings them home alive so that the meat does not deteriorate; sister asked to take her hunting, she was dull, MD twisted her neck, brought it like prey; her father wanted to cook her for dinner, but her mother straightened her neck, and MD ran away from home; decided to go to heaven; goes skiing to holes in a transparent cap above the ground, walks across the sky; catches up with two hunters; Hurry (extreme star B. Bears) hurries Khvastun (middle star B. Bears) to catch up with the moose (four stars of the bucket) before it disappears from view in the morning; The bragger, with a bowler hat (Alcor) behind his back, says in advance that he will be the first to catch up with the moose, will cook meat; Mangy- Döromgo (Orion) walks with them, overtakes them, crosses the sky on skis, kills a moose with an arrow (three stars from Orion to B. Bear) under the shoulder blade; calf (first star B. Bears) fell, found himself on the ground, the current moose come from him; MD comes to the tent in which an old woman and her daughter; marries her daughter; longs for the earth; walks to the edge of the sky and cries; answers his mother-in-law that his eyes are red because the peaks of the earth's forest hit his eyes; his mother-in-law goes to punish the forest, the trees explain that they are not to blame; the mother-in-law gives MD to an eight-legged horse with sharp hooves, who brings him to to her native camp; there is sister MD, who ate her parents and became a cannibal; at night she hides an ax under her headboard, but MD sees it with her third eye; sealed her sleeping sister's eyes, galloped off, but sharp the horse's hooves get stuck in the ground; manages to slip into a hole in the sky, where it jumps easily along the smooth surface of the sky, and the pursuer slides; the mother-in-law melted metals in the boilers, pushed the giantess into them- pursuer, kept in everyone; she rushed to the ground, crashed; since then there have been placers and deposits of gold, silver and other metals on earth]: Pezhemsky 1936, No. 2:273-275; Evens: Robbeck 1986 [in many myths (in particular Olyutorsky and Srednekolymsky districts), the means of transportation is an octa-legged deer that catches up with any other animal]: 80; 2005 [people lived in the sky; the girl died parents, she hired a rich man, who decided to marry her off as an old man, and she wanted to be a young man; for this she was expelled: they put her on her eight-legged deer, sent her to the ground; when she was hungry, the deer gave her her horn, she sucked, full; below was the sea, the deer began to fall down, told him to rip out his hair, throw it down, the wool turned into logs, the girl made a raft out of them; from the deer's neck hair weaved nets, caught fish, this is how they fed; the deer ordered him to be killed, his skin should be laid on the water - there will be earth, wool - forests, put his head in the middle, the bones, broken, along the edges; they will not kill lice deer; put your heart to your left, your lungs to your right; the deer's last breath became the wind]: 212-213; Robbeck, Dutkin 1978 [a girl expelled from the sky descends to the sea surface on an eight-legged deer; on the advice of the deer, she scattered scraps of wool on the water, they turned into logs, she made a raft; at the request of the deer, she killed it, cut it as he ordered; the skin turned into earth, the skull and bones into the mountains, the wool in forests, lice into wild deer; the crunch of broken bones became thunder, the dying sigh became the wind; the heart turned into a hero, the lungs into a boy and a girl]: 157.

Amur - Sakhalin. Orochi [our continent is an elk with eight legs; when tired, earthquakes change from foot to foot; the spine is a mountain range that divides the earth into two equal parts; trees - wool, grass and shrubs - down, animals - parasites, birds - insects flying around; moose are subject to all natural phenomena related to land; around - the sea; on the sides of our continent there are two more in in the shape of a fish (Sakhalin) and a dragon]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1978:28, 35; Manchus [tsursun (from whale. tsun-tsun) is the name of a dog-like animal with six legs and a long tail]: Zakharov 1875:1127.

SV Asia. Russified, probably Yukaghirs [the wife wants pike, the husband brings it, the wife cooks and eats it, discovers that she has iron teeth; gives birth to a girl who grows by the hour; her brother hears how she promises to eat everyone; parents don't believe him, he runs alone; comes into the house, there's a naked girl; he marries her; wants to visit his parents, she gives him a six-legged deer; at home he finds his sister, playing with her parents' skulls; runs away, she chases him, tears him off and eats first two extra legs, then the fourth leg of a deer; her brother turns his arrow into an iron pole, climbs upstairs; she gnaws on a pole with iron teeth; he asks the kuksha to give his sister requests to send dogs; the kuksha refuses; petishka {bullfinch?} agrees; the sister sends bears and wolves; the pike girl turns into an ermine, but wolves and bears catch her; her brother cuts her to pieces, burns her]: Bogoras 1918, No. 10:65-67; forest yukaghirs: Gogolev et al. 1975 [hunter sees a daring lamouth running and killing an eight-legged moose]: 54; Zhukova, Chernetsov 1994 [the hunter sees how the giant caught up and killed the eight-legged moose]: 19; Nikolaeva et al. 1989 (2), No. 34 [there are few moose; a hunter kills a six-legged man, a little man riding it jumps off and disappears; it was the Moose Master; the elk ran on one pair of front legs and then on the other; since then people have left on the storage shed, peeled leg bones, hooves, elk skull]: 3-5 (quail. Zhukova, Chernetsov 1994:17-18; Zhukova, Shadrin 2004:42-43); Markovo [six-legged, for some reason six-legged elk; four-legged and six-legged]: Hakkarainen 2000 (without pagination); Chukchi [Kocatko - a giant cannibal bear with a hard bone body, sometimes depicted as eight-legged; on bad nights, lures passers-by with a crying voice, imitating a traveler who has lost his way]: Bogoraz 1939:37.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (Chaplino) [a man goes to his new wife from a shaman; a new one gives birth to a son; a vazhenka gives birth to a boy; a human son sees a man born in a vazhenka swallowing deer; then swallows parents; the young man comes running to an old woman; she gives him a deer with four legs on his stomach and four on his back; runs one by one; running away from his monster brother, the young man cuts off his legs one by one, throws, the brother devours them; when he cuts off the last one, reaches the old woman's house, runs in; the old woman bursts fire on the pursuer, killing him; gives the young man the same gift; he comes to the shaman, burns her in his house Breathing]: Kozlov 1956:191-193; Northern Alaska Inupiate (Cape Barrow): Burkher 1989 [lazy Kigak, Dena threatens to kill him if he doesn't go hunting; emerges from a hole in the ice instead of a seal decapod polar bear; K. runs away after going into a crack in the cold; the bear follows the trail, gets stuck in the cracks, K. kills him; becomes a good hunter]: 3-7; Hall 1975, No. PM102 (Noatak) [people disappear, they are killed by a six-legged polar bear; Siitakuyuk flees from him between two Asbergs, the bear gets stuck, S. kills him with a spear]: 325; Jenness 1954 [from Wales to Cape Barrow, stories about a decapod polar bear; it is so large that it can break through ice as thick as a person]: 9; Smelcer 1992 [as in Spencer, hunter's name is given; Smelcer knows no other versions of the motive]: 61-62; Spencer 1959, No. 171 [Kutsirak meets a huge decapod polar bear; gouges out both eyes for him with a spear, runs away through a narrow fashion show in the rocks where the monster gets stuck; K. kills him; now he and his wife have a lot of meat]: 425-426 (quail in Norman 1990:239-240); West Greenland [kiliffat lives in the interior near the glacier - 6- or 8-legged scary animals; if the hero succeeds kill such an animal, the meat eaten grows three times on the bones]: Grønnow 2009:197.