Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I50A. The severed legs of an assistant animal.



demon consistently tears off the legs of an animal that helps the hero (usually the horse that the hero rides).

Tuaregs, Palestinians, Syrian Arabs, Kannadas, Bulgarians, Russians (Olonetskaya), Balkarians and Karachays, Stavropol Turkmens, Ossetians, Abkhazians, Ingush, Nogais, Avars, Lezgins, Georgians, Turks, Persians, Baluchis, Tajiks, Pashais, Finns, Bashkirs, Kazakhs (Turgay, Syr-Darya), Dungans, Chelkans, Altaians, Tuvans, Oirats (Durbuts), Khalkha Mongols, Inner Mongolian Mongols, Evenks ( Sym, Baikal), Japanese, tundra (?) Yukaghirs, Asian Eskimos (Chaplino).

North Africa. The Tuaregs (central Niger) [a person wanted to see something amazing; came to a stream of oil, then to the buttocks, then to the eyes that were fighting with each other; djinnija (a genie woman) asked if this was surprising, the man replied that it was nothing special; Ginnia became a woman, invited her to her place, she had many children; she fed the traveler, he went to bed, she sharpened the knife, but sang rooster; when she saw that the man had gone on a camel, Ginnia rushed in pursuit; she was a giantess to heaven; he left the rooster, she ate it; then began to bite off and devour the camel's legs, one at a time; when she ate the last leg and the whole camel, the man climbed the tree; she tore off his penis, turned it into an ax, began to cut down a tree; the chameleon (considered a wise and good animal) asked for cut him down, told him to cut down, the tree was the same as before; the man called the dogs; one wife wanted to let them off the leash, the other said they should not; finally they let the dogs down, they came running they tore the woman apart; to go down, the tree had to be made below {it is not clear who did it}; the man divorced his wife, who prevented the dogs from letting down]: Rasmussen 1998:269-270 (retelling), 279-284 (subline).

Western Asia. Palestinians [the couple has three sons, the wife asks her daughter to even ghoul; gives birth to a girl; the sheep disappear every night; the brothers take turns guarding, falling asleep, the youngest sees his sister devouring sheep; parents do not believe, the young man leaves, lives with an old woman, helps the lioness to be born, she gives him two lion cubs; he decides to visit his native places, where the cannibal sister ate everyone, chases the last curve rooster; eats the horse's leg, the brother replies that he came on a three-legged horse, then on a two-legged horse, on foot; he is going to eat his brother, he asks him to bathe, he ties the rope from his belts to the stone, runs away, climbs a palm tree, she saws it with her hand, he calls his lions, they tear the cannibal apart; merchants ask to guess what they are taking, otherwise they will take the lions; sister's blood screams that they they are carrying sumah, a young man takes the lions given back]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 8:93-98; the Arabs of Syria [Muhammad ash Shater went to the mountains to collect edible plants for the family, they had no other food; a woman came up, called herself a sister, brought her to her place, fed her fried chicken; ordered her wife and children to be brought; the wife suspects that it was a gulya; one day she sees her husband's imaginary sister tied her husband up in the evening a rope to the younger girl's leg; when Gulya fell asleep, the woman tied the rope to the stone, and they galloped away with her daughters; in the morning, Gulya called for milk, which she gave the girl so that her drink would attract her back; but by this time the fugitives had already reached the land of humans; MS refused to run away with his wife, but is now frightened; Gulya asks how many legs the camel had; MS: 4; Gulya went and ate one leg; after that MS replies that there were 3 legs; then 2; when the camel is eaten, asks what to eat now; MS: my ears did not listen to my wife; as a result, Gulya ate it]: Abu Risha 2015:92-95.

South Asia. Kannada [a seventh girl was born in the family of an oil merchant; at night she turned into a monster, walked around the city, ate people; brother saw, they did not believe him, he left; in one city they offered jump through a hole; the young man succeeded, he got a wife; got a lion cub with a tiger cub; decided to visit his native places; told his wife to release his animals if they showed signs of anxiety; young man I came home, not a soul there, my sister ate everyone; left him in the kitchen, and she goes out, eats one leg of his horse and, when he returns, asks if he came on three-, two-, one-, legless horse; he every time says yes; while she was eating her torso, the young man ran away, climbed the tree; the sister released the animals and they tore the monster; the young man returned to his wife]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 7:27.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [a woman who used to give birth only to sons or is childless asks God to give her a daughter, even a lamia (vampire, plague); gives birth to a daughter, she is a lamia, eats horses; younger brother, when herding horses, injures her (cuts her finger off); leaves home, gets helper dogs on the way, lives in another village; decides to visit her native village; there the lamia ate everyone; the sister consistently eats the horse's legs , asks his brother if he came on a three-, two-, one-legged horse; The mouse answers his sister instead of his brother (beats the drum, sings); running away, the hero consistently climbs three trees (poplars, oaks, they were planted by him); when the sister has almost gnawed through the trunk of a third tree, the hero's wife, after learning from the behavior of dogs or by another sign that her husband is in trouble and releases dogs, they tear up a lamia]: Daskalova-Perkovska 1994, No. 315a: 117-118.

Central Europe. Russians (Olonetskaya) [three brothers went to St. Petersburg; sent home an employee Egibikha; ordered her sister to be sent to St. Petersburg; her parents send her accompanied by E. and a dog; on the way E. offers to swim; the dog says that the mother did not order to swim, told her brothers to make their way; E. hits her with a stick, one leg flies off; next time the second leg; the third; kills the dog; N. bathes, E. goes out earlier, makes her change clothes; N. is mistaken for a maid, sent to herd cows; brother overheard her complain to the Sun, brings her home; E. was shot at the gate]: Onchukov 1906, No. 218:486- 487.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Balkarians, Karachays ("Turks of the Kuban Oblast") [the prince had a daughter Jalmouth; on the very first night a bucket of water and a calf disappeared, and she grew fat; one of her brothers, Kiila, went to the Black Sea coast; found puppies in the caught fish, raised them; when he went home, he found only his sister and blacksmith there; the sister tears off one leg from his brother's horse, then the other, etc.; the mouse advises K. to run; he calls on his dogs, they tear J. apart, the head remains; one dog grabs his head by the hair, the other by the lower jaw, the head rises with them to the moon; once a year, dogs fall asleep, their heads devour moon, an eclipse occurs]: Potanin 1883:775-776; Stavropol Turkmens [the tsar has three sons with his first wife; she died, he remarried; the new one gave birth to a daughter; mares disappear in the herd at night; the eldest, middle sons fall asleep; the youngest comes, cooks dinner; an old woman comes, then leaves; disappears under a rock; a young man goes down there; 40 robbers sleep there; a young man hits one with a boot, hid; then said that he was the son of a thief and wanted to steal with them; promised to get the king's three daughters; killed the guard, went to the princesses; each had a sword; he hit his own, cut the first two, from hitting the sword his youngest sword crumbled; the young man took this sword; called the robbers and killed each one at a time, strung his ears on a string; killed an old woman, taking the keys to the pantry; shot into a black cloud, fell to the ground a child's finger was shot; at home, the queen says that her daughter's finger was cut off; the young man gave his finger and found it in the steppe; the king (the one who is the father of three princesses) convenes people, looks for a hero, only the young man's sword came to scabbard; three princesses are presented as three princes; the stepmother orders the youngest to be driven away; he came to the tree; the snake crawls to the eagle's nest, he killed her; for this, the eagle gave him two eagles out of three; the young man went then, he took the splinter out of the lioness's paw, who gave him two lions out of six; left the lion cubs and eagles to guard the horse, put on lamb skins and tripe himself, went to town; the youngest of the king's three daughters she realized that it was a prince; she invited the sisters to send three apples to the king: green, half-ripe, ripe; the king ordered all men to walk outside the window, let every daughter throw an apple at whoever she wanted to marry; the elders threw viziers at the sons, the youngest into an imaginary beggar; the king lodged them at the stable; the king fell ill, he needed chicken meat; the imaginary beggar in his true form, with the help of his lions and eagles, got a kulan, gave them meat to the elder sons-in-law, who allowed them to be stigmatized on the sacrums; what his older son-in-law brought to the king became worse; and from the kulan guts cooked by his youngest daughter, he recovered; at the feast, the prince in In his true appearance, he said that two slaves had run away from him, his older sons-in-law had to show stamps; the prince gave slaves to the king; everything was clarified; the prince decided to visit his home; let the eagles go, but the lions they said that they would still be useful, stayed with the prince's wife; the city was intact at home, there were no people; in the werewolf sister's hut, a thin father, stepmother, brothers and wives; the sister consistently asks if the brother came to a horse with three, two, one legs, whether he came on foot; tells me to play the balalaika; the fox volunteered to play for him, and let him hang up her boots, which can be seen from the kitchen - as if he is still sitting; sister pursues, the prince turned three arrows into trees, climbed the first one, his sister gnawed, it fell, the prince moved to the second, then to the third; the lions feel something, their wife released them, they tore them cannibal; they brought a lot of cattle; at home, the prince handed over power to his older brother; he himself began to live with two wives (it is not said how he married the first one)]: A.K. 1875, No. 1:1-13; Ossetians [(Zap. A.N. Gren, from materials from L.G. Lopatinsky); the old woman's three sons went to work; a daughter was born, she grew fangs, ate her parents; found two older brothers, offered to herd cattle for them, ate them themselves; the youngest quietly got out from under the burka, ran away; the shepherd hid him; he began to herd the herd, drove him into the gorge, killed the hero who attacked him; the same in two more gorges, took three huge dogs; came to his father's house; his sister began to treat him, ate half of his horse, asks why he came on half a horse; the mouse tells him to run, promises to play the harmonica himself; his brother hid in a tree, whistled, his dogs tore his sister apart]: Bagriy 1930 (2): 191-193; Abkhazians: Bgazhba 1983 [the prince has three sons; he begged God for a daughter; shot a wolf's finger, his daughter is crying at home, he put his finger to her hand , she was a werewolf; her sister chased her younger brother; the woodpecker did not help him, said that he should get food for the children, the young man made the rotten tree young and hard; the witch Arupap sent it on the way, he came to the moon, got married; went to look for parents and brothers, Luna gave a ring; everything is desolated at home, only his sister lives; consistently eats the horse's legs, goes to the blacksmith to sharpen his teeth; a rat tells the young man to run; woodpecker, A. send the witch down the wrong path, but she catches up again; the young man throws the ring to his wife in heaven; dogs rush at the witch, the young man climbs his wife along the moonpath; the witch tears off his brother's leg to knee; a one-legged man is visible on the moon]: 33-35; Chursin 1956:149-150 [A. Joakimov, 1874, No. 54; the family has three brothers; a daughter was born; on the same day she took her younger brother to the cloud, but he cut off her finger and escaped; after getting married, the sister ate her husband; the younger brother came to visit; sister ate his horse's leg, the other, third, the whole horse; tied her brother in a leather wineskin, went to sharpen her teeth; the rats gnawed at his wineskin, his brother ran away; threw a handful of wheat (forest), salt (sea) behind; sister she snuck in, swam across, grabbed her brother at the house, and her brother's wife began to pull him towards her; they decided that the sister would eat Brother of the Month, and the wife would fatten him], 150 [N. Janashia; 7 rich brothers wanted a sister, she was born, the cattle began to disappear; the youngest Amzu (Month) offers to kill her, others disagree; he leaves, marries Sun-Amra; comes to visit his brothers ; there was only one sister, his horse ate him, went to sharpen her teeth; brother ran, Amra was pulling towards him, sister to herself; God gave the Month for 15 days to the Sun Wife, and the devil's sister for the other 15 days], 150-151 [ Gudauta County; two single brothers, the third eldest is married; sees an invisible force carrying a ram from the sky every day; the middle one shoots, a bloody finger falls from the cloud; at home the older brother's daughter's finger in the cradle is torn off; the brother put a finger on her, he has grown up; the brothers are gone, the youngest is the last; asks the woodpecker to detain the witch; he replies that he needs to get food; the brother hits the tree , it becomes young; Baba Yaga tells you to go straight, he comes to the Maiden Moon; lives with her; goes to look for brothers, the Moon gives a ring; at home niece (var.: sister); eats one, two, third, fourth the horse's leg, the whole horse; puts the young man in a wineskin, goes to sharpen his teeth; he runs away; woodpecker, Baba Yaga help; he throws a ring to the moon, dogs rush at the witch; she manages to tear off his leg; on the moon he can see a man with a leg torn off below the knee], 151-153 [Gudauta County; the prince's 7 sons want a sister; a girl was born; at night the wolf took the lamb, the 4th brother cut off his finger on his hind leg; saw that he was lying a finger is cut off in the girl's cradle; leaves home; got married; went to visit her homeland; father-in-law ordered to take a boxwood branch, walnuts, coal; the husband gave his wife a ring; only her sister is at home, she eats consistently the legs of the horse, the whole horse; went to sharpen his teeth; the rat began to play the sripka; the brother throws a branch (forest), coal (mud), a nut (wood); the brother hides at the top; the witch gnaws on a tree; the wife looks at the ring, releases dogs, they tore the witch apart; the man stepped on her tooth, died; the Raven pecked his eyes; God gave the Hawk powder, he sprinkled it, the dead rose]; Ingush: Malsagov 1983, No. 8 [dying, old man tells his sons to guard the grave; the elder and middle brother ask the younger brother Ovdilg ("fool") to go instead of them; in three nights he catches three horses, each giving him his own hairs; the prince gives him three daughters, the youngest is Harsen Nars with a golden head and silver hands; O. jumps to three towers on three horses, takes and hides three girls; gives the elders to his brothers, XN takes for himself; Biydolg Bäare kidnaps her; O. comes successively to the son of the Sun, the son of the Month, the son of the Star; BB has a three-legged guling horse; BB asks him twice if we will catch up before lunch; he replies that we will catch up with everything; BB crushes O. with a free club, takes XN, the son of the Sun, the son of the Month, resurrects O.; the son of the Star tells him to go to the mountain where the mother of the gulings fights; tear the muscle off her hand, feed the wolf, otherwise he will wean the guling's leg; Now O. has a four-legged guling and BB has a three-legged; BB can't catch up with O., guling goes to the ground, BB dies; wives drive O.'s brothers out to look for him; O. kills three Enjal monsters; brothers put them in the doorway a sword, O. cuts off her legs, the brothers take the guling; blind and armless come to live with O.; while three cripples hunt, the fire in XN goes out; she comes to the yeshapyats; they give a sieve of ash, on top of the coals; in the ash trail, the yeshap mother finds a home, drinks HN blood; for promising not to kill her, eshapikha gives O. a bar, he cures the cripple; O. kills yeshapiha; O. kills and revives brothers, drives them away], 138 [in the family seven sons; everyone wants a girl; apples disappear after the girl is born; the thief is wounded in the finger; everyone is checked, the girl's finger is injured, the mother asks her not to kill; then the younger brother leaves; returning through for many years, finds an empty village; the ant says that the girl ate everyone, tells her not to agree to eat, ask her to bring a sieve of water; the sister eats her brother's horse's legs one by one, every time asks how many legs the horse had; the brother replies that three, two, one, that the horse had crawled; that he came on foot without a horse; while his sister was carrying water, the ant told me to take a comb, vitriol, coal; the brother runs; the comb turns into a forest, vitriol into a vitriol field, coal into a black mist; the brother asks the Month to save him; the Month picks him up, the witch manages to tear off one leg of the horse; The month and the brother are now together]: 55-71, 297-299; Nogais [childless spouses have finally had a son; one day the husband saw an old woman who turned into Elmauyz, demanded that in three days he give her son or kill him himself; boy stroked the foal, he became a tulpar; going up to Elmauyz, shot him in the eye and galloped away; he was chasing; he compartmented one and the other leg of the horse, the horse jumps two; when Baiterek is nearby, the horse tells the boy jump on a tree; Elmauyz began to dig the ground to knock down Yuayterek; crows, geese fly by, the swallow agrees to inform five samyrs (winged dogs); they scratched out Elmauyz's second eye, carried the boy came home; the daughter of Elmauyz came, the boy shot her in both eyes, the dogs drove her; the old Elmauyz hid behind the sun, his daughter behind the moon]: Kapaev 2012:314-217; Avars [wife gives birth to a son; after her second death gives birth to a daughter; she carries food to her brother in the pasture, eats everything herself; her brother sees her swallowing a sheep; asks her parents to drive this hart away, he himself is driven away; he lives with old people who blinded Ajdaha; kills Azhdaha, pulls two little ones out of his womb, brings up, calls Tavus and Havus; comes to his native village; his sister tears off his horse's leg, asks why his brother came in a three-legged one; so all her legs; after eating a horse, he chases his brother, T. and H. tore her apart]: Mazaev, Kasumov 1997 (1): 205-207; Lezgins [the Shah has three sons with his first wife, she died, the second gave birth to a daughter; someone eats up a horse legs; the eldest, middle sons are guarding, they do not notice anything; the youngest cut his finger, sprinkled salt, shot the monster's finger, it turned out to be his sister's finger; the shah decided to kill the daughter, the sons disagree, they leave; the eldest rides along the road "from which they return", the middle one - "I don't know", the youngest - "don't return"; changes his rich clothes for a lion cub; kills one-, two, seven-headed Azhdakh, freeing three princesses , promises to pick them up on the way back; comes to the mother of seven Azhdah, makes friends with them; they want to get a golden cockerel and a golden sieve, get a girl for them; the young man goes to get them; the ajdaha brothers they give a fat tail, a carpet, cotton wool; the young man gave the lion's fat tail, sent it back; laid the carpet on the bridge that goes down and rises; cotton wool on thorns; on horseback he jumped over the interpreting mountains, only hairs from the horse's tail was cut off; in that country there were only women; the young man stole a cockerel and a sieve, returned, took three princesses, found brothers; they pushed him into a well; the merchant pulled him out; the queen of the female kingdom came to brothers, they said that they got a cockerel and a sieve, she killed them; found a young man, made sure he got the items, became his wife; the young man goes to visit his father, there is only his sister; asks if the brother has come to the horse was about three, two, one horse, on the horse's carcass; she had already eaten them all; the brother became a dove, the sister became a fox, the dove sat on a tree, noticed a lion cub, he tore the fox to pieces; the dove became a young man, noticed a leaf with a drop of blood sisters, the leaf became a beetle, the young man threw the beetle to the chicken, she ate it; the young man returned to his wife; feast]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 31:301-304; Georgians [a daughter is born after a son, she has two teeth; brother saw how the sister gets up, devours the cattle; warns the mother; she does not want to kill her daughter; the brother leaves, gets to the one-eyed maiden; at night, the ram orders to dazzle the deva with a hot skewer, slaughter the sheep, pull on himself in her skin; the devil lets the sheep between his legs, the young man goes out; the devil promises to adopt him; tells him not to herd herds on the mountain of the black maiden; the young man kills the one, his deva is grateful; the same with the red devil; with the eagle; she asks to give birth to her; the young man hides the male; the eagle gives him both eagles; the young man comes home, sees his sister holding her parents' heads in her hands; she gnaws off the legs of her brother's horse one by one, he agrees that he came in three-, two-, one-, legless, came on foot; the sister goes to sharpen his teeth; the mouse wakes up his brother, talks about danger; he leaves a stone in bed, a bag of ash above him, climbs on poplar; sister cleans her eyes of ash, gnaws poplar; Fox offers to throw off the young man, touches the poplar with a branch, the gnawed one overgrows; the same with the Bear; the young man calls eagles, they eat the cannibal; three drops blood falls on the leaf, the leaf says that the young man will regret taking it and regret not taking it; the young man hides it in his bosom, his side dries up; merchants offer to guess what they have in their chests; the young man does not guess, he must give his eagles; the sheet says that in one cotton wool, the other is beautiful; the young man catches up with merchants, gets chests and eagles, marries a beautiful woman]: Kurdovanidze 1988, No. 46:182-187 ; Turks [the poor man has a young son; a daughter is born; immediately eats his father, then his parents; the brother runs, lives well, has two wives; leaving to visit the house, leaves the wives water and salt; if salt will turn into water and water into blood, his stallion must be released; the sister greets his brother, recognizing him by his ring; every day she goes to his horse, says that it has three legs, two, one leg; that there is no horse; brother climbs a tree, from it to the second or third; the sister gnaws and knocks down trees; the water turns into blood, the wives release the foal, which lies down the cannibal, kills her; the young man returns to his wives]: Stebleva 1986, No. 15:45-46.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [a youngest daughter is born in a large family; the kneaded dough disappears; the mother asks her youngest son to make sure that he sees his sister come out of his diapers; the young man leaves, plants on the way three peaches; a tigress asks him to help give birth, he leaves her one tiger cub, takes two, calls Zangi and Zarangi, lives with an old woman; goes home and tells her foster mother to let the tiger cubs down if the milk in the jug will turn blue; only her sister is at home; she leaves, each time she comes back and asks if his horse had three (then two, one) legs; he replies yes; the Rooster says his sister is gone sharpen your teeth; tells her to hang pants full of sand and salt on the edge of the chimney, run; the sister bites her pants, salt and sand fall into her eyes; the brother climbs the peaches he planted, the sister gnaws, the trees fall one by one; the milk turns blue, the cubs eat the cannibal, the young man tells a drop of blood to fall on the cotton bar; the man tells him to guess what his club is made of, otherwise he will take one of the cubs; the young man hears voice that is made of jar-jar wood; the man disappears; there is a snake in the young man's pocket, the cubs eat it; the young man with the cubs return to his foster mother]: Osmanov 1987:342-344; Baluchi: Zarubin 1932, No. 4 [ the newborn rips open the cattle's bellies at night; her brother has second eyes on the back of his head, he sees everything, asks to kill his sister, they don't believe him, he leaves; he comes back, meets three blind girls on the way, three goats sucking milk; sucks milk, they catch it; he kills buzlangs, brings magic leaves, restores girls' sight; leaves two dogs, tells them to let go if the feeder is covered rust; he finds a dead city at home, his sister leads him to drink his horse, eats one leg away, his brother in fear agrees that he came on a three-legged horse; the same episode with other legs, head, harness; he asks his sister to bring water with a sieve, his sister tells him to hit the cup; the mouse hits instead of him, he runs away; the sister eats the mouse, chases; he throws one or the other golden supports for the hearth, the sister hesitates, picking them up; throws an antimony brush, it turns into a tree, he's at the top, she gnaws on the trunk with her teeth; he calls the dogs, they kill her sister, she says the bead in her throat should be crushed; this He revives the dead with powder], 5 [option; the king has three sons, of whom Lalu is four-eyed; sees his sister get up from the cradle, gut the camels; bread falls from the sky to the house of three blind girls; L. He bites off them, drinks goat milk, they catch him; he goes to the buzlanga, he whips him, L. pretends to be pleasant; beats the buzlangi, who tells him to crush three beads in his throat before death, powder makes girls' eyes sighted; further as in (4); L. leaves his ash-filled clothes; three hearth supports; L. hides in date trees that grew from seeds he planted earlier; the end is like in (4)]: 52-60, 60-68; Tajiks [the padishah sends the eldest, then middle son to guard a thief stealing apples; only the youngest son from his youngest wife does not fall asleep, tears off the tail of a fiery bird; playing with money, breaks the old woman's spindle; she advises him to go looking for a thief like his brothers; chooses a skinny horse, a rusty dagger, catches up with brothers; the stone says that whoever goes to the left will return, but not to the right; the young man turns left, brothers to the right; the wolf eats away the front legs of the young man's horse, then the back legs, torso, head; each time he asks if the horse was bipedal, without legs, etc.; the young man says every time he was; the wolf brings him to the padishah Misra, tells him to take the bird without a cage, he takes the cage, is captured, the padishah tells him to get the horse out of the country of Chin; the wolf tells him not to take harness, the young man takes it, the padishah Chin tells him to bring him Padishah's daughter Machin; the wolf gets everything, puts the guards to sleep each time, the young man returns on horseback with the girl; the wolf is going to stab a girl, a horse, a bird with a dagger; everyone gets poison from his mouth; brothers they cut the young man into pieces, take everything away; the girl promises to marry the padishah when her severed braids grow; the wolf resurrects the young man, who wears a bull rennet, is hired as a servant to the cook; sister and bride they recognize him, drive his brothers away, the young man marries, receives his father's throne]: Amonov 1972:116-126 (=1980:115-125); Pashayas [the king has 7 sons, he asks God for a daughter, a cannibal is born; at night he gets up from cradles, gnaws off the legs of all horses; the youngest son watched, the king does not believe, expels him; he marries in another city, has dogs named Hangir and Bangir; wants to visit his home; the guest leaves a drop of blood and a drop of milk; says that if blood turns into milk and milk into blood, dogs must be unchained; gives seven grains of wheat, they must be abandoned in case of danger; everyone is eaten at home; sister asks how many legs the brother's horse had; eats two, then eats the whole horse; promises to go fetch water and eat his brother; the mouse tells the brother to run; the sister finds the mouse, eats it, chases it; the brother throws grains, seven plane trees grow out of them, he climbs one, his sister gnaws on the trunk, the tree falls, the brother moves to another; when the last one is left, dogs come running, the brother tells them to tear his sister]: Morgenstierne 1944, No. 4:19-23.

Baltoscandia. The Finns [when a mother is pregnant for the tenth time, her 9 sons go to the forest; one comes to find out who was born; he tells the mother to leave a spindle in front of the gate, if it is a girl, and an ax, if it is a boy; the mother left the spindle, the witch changed her with an ax; when her daughter grew up, her mother told her everything; the daughter cries all day; the mother collected her tears, baked a pie on them, he rolled, the girl with her the dog after him; the witch met him, offered to swim in the pond; the dog did not allow it, the witch broke her leg; the same at the second pond, the dog walks on three, then on two legs; then on one; at the fourth a witch killed a dog in the pond; she had to swim in the fifth pond; the witch told her to splash water into her eyes, splashed water into the girl's eyes herself, they changed their appearance and the girl was speechless; the brothers believed that the witch was their sister; when her sister grazed the cattle, her voice returned and she sang about her misadventures; the younger brother heard; the brothers agreed with her sister that she would return not in the evening, but in the afternoon, that her eyes hurt; they told the witch to splash water into her eyes, the sister and witch changed their appearance again; the brothers dug a hole outside the bathhouse, filled it with burning resin, covered it with a rug; the witch did not wanted to step on him, they forced him, she failed, the brothers closed the door; when she burned, the witch said that her eyes would be grasshoppers (Grille), her ears would be vorons, her hair would be magpies, her fingers would be crows, to torture people]: Salmelainen 1947:60-75.

Volga - Perm. Bashkirs: Barag 1989, No. 19 [the elderly have three sons and a daughter, the youngest is a bald lazy man; cattle disappear at night; brothers take turns guarding, the elders fall asleep; Bald sees the fire falling down, shot, shot his finger; in the morning his sister has a bandaged hand; his parents do not believe him; he leaves, marries two princesses in different kingdoms; they advise him to visit his family; he comes to Kuk-Tulpara, leaves at a distance, rides a mare, desolation is everywhere; by the stove, the sister flew down the pipe, returned, asked if the brother came on a three-legged horse; then on two-, one-legged, he came on foot; brother rushes away, rides Kuk-Tulpar, sister next, wives ready with sabers, hacked her down]: 116-117; Zelenin 1991, No. 103 (103) [mother-in-law - ubyr (witch); daughter-in-law {daughter-in-law?} bakes cakes to take gifts to her three brothers, each time her mother-in-law eats them while the daughter-in-law harnesses the horse; the daughter-in-law first harnesses, then bakes, leaves; the ubyr catches up, the daughter-in-law throws cakes, the loss eats them, wasts time; daughter-in-law consistently throws objects, swallows them: a whip, a cart wheel (goes on three), his three children, three wheels, a cart (then rides on horseback), a yoke, everything garments except a shirt; the ubyr swallows the horse's tail, one leg, the other, the horse; the daughter-in-law runs on foot; the brothers do not believe that the sister is knocking, the younger one tells her to go to the sheep's seat, the user eats it, The younger brother hangs his intestines on a pole, goes home; the middle brother makes strings out of his intestines for the violin, she plays, says that she is his sister Bibi Gaisha; the brothers called mother-in-law and her husband to visit, killed mother-in-law, father-in-law stayed with them]: 445-447.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Ethnographic materials 1898, No. 1 (Turgay) [rich Ablai had a daughter, Ai-Khanym, when he was 42 years old, and his son Khudaibergen 10 years later; Zhalmaauz Kempir grabbed A. at the well; refused to take horses, daughter, wife, agreed to let her go for promising to send her son; A. specially left the golden alchik at the well, with whom H. played, migrated; H. sat on the foal, he became argamak; teaches you to approach the LCD on foot, say "here's a red mouse running", grabbing an alchik, running up to the horse and jumping away; the LCD knocked out its tooth, threw it at the horse, he limped on one leg; the same - the second tooth; the horse went quieter, fell; next to an ox with a golden saddle; the LCD could not catch up with him, the abandoned tooth did not hit the ox; H. got off the ox and walked to the holy mountain, where the LCD could not climb; the ox disappeared; the LCD began to dig in the mountain; the fox offered to work for it, buries the dug it herself; H. asks the San Kar falcon to fly to his father to send dogs; Kara-It and Ak-It ("black dog", "white dog") came running; they bit to death LCD]: 1-9; Miropiev 1888 (Syr-Darya region) [the rich man went to water his horses, his lung swam on the water, he pushed him, it became a zhalmaus kempire ("voracious old woman"), she grabbed his beard, ordered to give her youngest son; taught him to leave the golden grandmother in the old place when migrating; the boy came for his grandmother on horseback, grabbed him, galloped away, the LCD after him, pulling out his tooth, turned him into an ax, cut off the horse's leg, pulling out the second or second; the boy climbed a tree, the LCD began to cut it; the geese agreed to call the boy's two dogs, they ran and killed the LCD]: 32-35; Sidelnikov 1962 (southern Kazakhstan) [ Mundybay sees blood in the well, the old man grabs it, tells him to give his son; deliberately leaves the boy's gold and silver grandmothers on the old nomad; the horse helps the boy grab the money, the old woman throws a braid under the horse's feet, cuts off one leg, then all of his legs; takes the boy underground, tells the cattle to herd; the cow reports that the witch's strength is in her braid; he asks the braid to drive the heifer, runs away, climbs on shore; mystan pulls out his tooth, digs the ground for it; the magpie offers help, takes it away; the same with the other three teeth, they are carried away by a wolf, a fox, a hare; the boy kills the witch with her scythe, frees the prisoners]: 25- 28; Tursunov 1983 [bay brought his horses to a watering hole, he shoved it in the water, he shoved it, it turned into Zhalmauz-Kempir, she grabbed his throat, demanded his son; he promised to leave a golden one at the place to sleep the boy's bat, he will come back for it; the boy takes an scabies two-year-old, he turns into a heroic horse; becomes low, the boy grabs the bat without getting off his horse, jumps away; the LCD pulls out alone, the second tooth throws, cutting off the horse one and the other leg, the horse on two legs jumps to the bayterek (poplar), the boy climbs it; the LCD digs up a poplar using the third tooth as a spade; The fox suggests to work instead of an LCD, throws a tooth into the river; so twice (Lisa says that she is another fox); the LCD digs his fifth tooth; the boy asks crows and ducks to convey the message to his wolfhounds, they refuse; swallow reports; dogs tore the LCD to pieces; her daughter went to look for her, the boy killed her with arrows, knocking out her eyes]: 143-145; Dungans [the emperor's wife gives birth to seven sons, but parents want a daughter; the werewolf fox hears their conversation, their daughter throws up, they are happy; when the girl reaches the age of seven, horses begin to breathe; on the advice of the teacher, the imperial son spies, sees her sister turn white with a fox, sucks the horse's blood; the next night her brother hits the fox with a sword, but only cuts off his fingers; the girl tells her father that at night her brother tried to rape her, but when he refused, he wanted to hack her; the emperor is preparing to throw stones at his son in the well; the teacher tells him to run; he helps the little tiger cub and the little golden eagle, which are pushed away by the older cubs from food; the young man becomes scribe, accountant, son-in-law of the emperor; the emperor allows him to visit his relatives; the young man leaves his wife a cup of tiger milk; if it turns red, she will lower the tiger and the golden eagle; the young man finds his country empty; the sister says that everyone was eaten by an ogre; eats away the horse's leg, asks why his brother's horse has three legs; goes out to boil tea; the mice tell him to escape; the young man climbs the poplar; the sister turns into a white fox the size of a camel; the sister chews on the trunk, the brother moves to another poplar; the wife releases the tiger and the golden eagle, after a long struggle they kill the fox; the emperor gives the throne to the young man]: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 16:126-133.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Chelkan people [after calling a shaman, the wife of childless Ak-Kaan gives birth to seven sons; after the second vocation, six-eyed Karagys; the eldest son Maka-Maatyr sees the girl getting up from the cradle, devours animals, lies back; MM runs away, marries the youngest daughter of the great khan; two other sons-in-law are persuaded to give MM difficult tasks, the wife explains how to do them; 1) get them golden eagle feather; MM cuts off the heads of a seven-headed snake coming out of the lake to devour the golden eagle chicks with an arrow; they hide it from their parents; their father arrives with sparse snow, their mother with heavy rain (this is golden eagles tears), carry deer in their claws; chicks explain that MM saved them, the golden eagle does not kill MM, but gives a feather; 2) get the tooth of a monstrous wolverine (one of its horns is stuck in the ground, the other supports the sky; MM jumps between horns, wolverine runs under the clouds, cannot shed it, gives two teeth); sons-in-law do not know how, MM makes a cauldron, working with these teeth as tools; 3) bring Altyn-Tan, the daughter of God; wife gives MM fur coats to have them, the AT brothers ask her to show MM face, drink araki from a thimble; AT loses consciousness, MM takes her away; brothers catch up, she sends them back; turns Khan into a fox, his people and property in the black ground; MM climbs the mountain, sees his camp, cries; says that the branch, the pipes, the wind hurt the eye; AT punishes them, the mother of the wind explains what's going on; MM gets to at home on a six-legged horse; six-eyed K. ate everyone, chases MM, tears off all the horse's legs one by one; AT tells her not to touch her husband, K. leaves]: Kandarakova 1988:44-72 (retelling in Sadalova 1989:86- 87); Altaians: Katash 1978:84-86 [Delbegen came down from the moon to swim, the old woman scooped it up with a bucket; promised a son for her life; migrated; her son Chalma found her; she said that his toys remained in the same parking lot; a plain foal offered to drive it; C. grabbed the toys, C. set off in pursuit; cut off the foal's hind legs, he rode on the front; cut off the front legs; H . climbed a tree; Lisa asked D. to cut down a tree, threw his ax into the lake; D. drank the lake; C. sent Magpie (refused, You called me glutton)], Tit for their dogs; they killed D.; H . returned to his mother, dogs howl at the moon at night] (options in Sadalova 1989:83-84]); Sadalova 2002, No. 17 [a man grabbed a felt floating on the river, it turned out to be Dyelbegen; the man promised for himself son; migrated, leaving his son's bow, he went after him; dismounted to pick up the bow, D. chased him, cut off the horse's leg, the boy (Joskuus-Uul) sat on the roe deer that offered himself; D. consistently cut off all her legs; E. throws D. twice in the face of her giblets, climbs an iron poplar; D. spends time wiping himself off; begins to cut poplar; The fox offers help cuts, cuts a stone, throws an ax at water; D. drinks the lake, pulls out an ax, cuts; The fox, pretending to be another fox, repeats the trick, D. pulls out the ax again; the Raven, the Magpie refuse to give the message to his parents, because he called them names; The goose reports that two dogs came running, tore D.; he managed to cut off one finger; the dog tells E. to bring food no later than three days; YE. brings seven, the dog became a wolf], 20 [after turning to to a shaman and horse sacrifices, the wife gives birth to seven sons, the elder Maka-Maatyr; next time she asks a girl, but donates not a mare, but a dog, gives birth to a six-eyed Karagys; MM sees how K. gets up from the cradle, eats the calf, lies back; then the foal, the goby; MM says he will leave for a while, leaves altogether; marries the youngest of three daughters, Ulug-Piy; other sons-in-law advise Tell MM's father-in-law to bring 1) the feathers of the Purush bird; the wife says that her nest is on top of one of the seven larches; a seven-headed snake crawls from lake to nest, MM kills seven heads with arrows, climbs into nest; chicks say that this snake always eats chicks; Father P. flew in with wind and light snow, then the mother, with wind and rain (these are her tears), gives two feathers; 2) the tooth of a wolverine living at the fusion seven rivers to make a tagan; the wife says that one horn is stuck in her ground, the other is raised to the sky, you have to cling to both; wolverine gives two teeth; 3) Kuday's youngest daughter Altyn-Tana; wife teaches make a home where K. takes water; his three sons will come; ask for half of his sister's face for a fur coat made from collected from the mountains; for a button under his arm sewn from the meadows; from rivers, let will drink araka from a thimble; AT is drunk, MM takes her away; the brothers who have received the fur coats catch up, AT sends them; turns the UE cattle into black ground, them into a fox; MM marries AT; she says that at her father's camp MM is left only six-eyed K.; AT gives him a six-legged trotter; K. swallows his parents' bones, sees MM on the chimney, chases, cuts off, eats the horse's sixth and fifth leg, fights with his brother; AT tells her to leave she returns home; AT and MM live on]: 147-153, 173-201; Tuvans (southern Altai) [at the watering hole, the rich man leans to the water, the jelbag grabs his beard; he promises to give her his son, leave him at his bow and arrow in the old parking lot; his father tells him to go there on a horse that does not look at him, his mother on the one that looks and stops; he does so; picks up a bow and arrow, jumps away; jelbege consistently interrupts the horse's four legs with a leather stick; the horse flies; she cuts the horse in half, cuts the neck, takes the boy's head, throws it on the poplar; the fox suggests sawing while the jelbege rests, throws her leather into the sea; she drinks the sea, saws again; the Raven and others refuse, the Eagle brings news to the dogs; they fight the jelbag in the depths of the sea; first the red one rises, but then black blood; dogs pop up, one leg is broken; the boy throws her, she becomes a wolf]: Taube 1994, No. 23:206-210; the Oirats [the old woman went on the water at night, scooped up with a bucket Telbeghenya; promised to give her son to Chalma; sent him to pick berries with a box full of holes, migrated herself with the old man; Chalma found her way back; then his mother said that his toys remained in the old yurt; thin the horse tells him to take it; an old man sits by the old yurt, saying that he cannot feed the toys; the horse tells him to grab them himself, run; T. throws his ax, cuts off the horse's hind legs, then the front legs; C. climbs to a tree; Lisa invites T. to cut for him while T. sleeps, throws an ax into the lake; T. drinks water from the lake; C. asks Magpie to call his dogs, she refuses, because he called it glutton; Tits fly and they say; T. hides from dogs in the lake; they fight him in the mud until night; black croch splashes to the moon, dogs come out alone with a broken leg; dogs howl at the moon at night; spots on the moon - T.]: Popov, Basangov 1936:32-35; Khalkha Mongols [the boy forgets grandmas (toys) at the old camp; the father advises sitting on a calm mare, the mother on an eight-legged stallion; a witch plays with the grandmothers; the boy grabs them, jumps; the witch catches up with the horse, (consistently?) breaks his eight legs, takes the boy to his yurt; the sheep tells him to gut her, ride a calf with her giblets; throws sheep droppings, guts, gum (each time the witch cleans herself for a long time); swims across the river on a calf; advises the witch to swim across her neck with a stone tied around her neck; the witch drowns; the calf tells her to kill the louse on her head (this dies), scatter his legs, go to bed in his womb; a boy wakes up in a yurt, around a herd]: Mikhailov 1967:167-170; the Mongols of Inner Mongolia (Chahars, Khoshun Shand) [the rich man watered his herd of horses from the well and saw something in the watering deck like a liver; he took it out and started stoning it; she turned into a humpback old man who was a mangus-a monster with twelve heads; the mangus said, "You'll give me your herd of eight hundred heads Or would you rather give me your son? If you do not comply with my request, I will swallow you"; the rich man decided to give his son and replied: "My son likes to play ram dice. It has one gold and one silver bone. Before I migrate, I will try to forget his two talus bones and leave them in the place of nomadic life. The son in the new place will want to play with his bones and will look for them, and they are forgotten in the old place. I'll make him go there to pick them up. That's when you'll grab him"; the rich man's family migrated to a new place; the boy asked his father where the bones were; the rich man replied that they were left on an old nomad, told his son to go pick them up on horseback about eight legs ; the horse told the boy to take with him a comb, a mirror, a bar, a bag of lice and a bag of nits; the boy listened, set off; arrived in the nomadic and saw a humpback old man sitting near the bones; the boy guessed it was a mango, grabbed the bones and rushed away; the mangus chased him; threw a stick at the horse and tore off one leg; the horse told the boy to drop his bag with lice; the boy did it, the mangus fell behind, busy collecting and destroying lice; after the mangus continued to pursue, threw the stick and tore off the horse's other leg; the boy threw the bag with nits, the mangus stayed a little longer, collecting and destroying nits; then continued his pursuit, threw his stick and tore off the horse's other leg; the horse told the boy to throw the bar; the boy did it, A rock appeared in front of the mangus; he overcame it, continued to pursue it; once again took out his horse with a stick and tore off his leg; the horse told the boy that he had thrown the comb; the boy did it in front of the mangus a dense forest grew; when the mangus crossed it, the boy threw down the mirror; it turned into an ocean, the mangus drowned in it; the horse said: "Your parents are rich people, but they care more and love their livestock than kids. When you get home, you call your father "Wolf Heart", your mother "Wet Eyes", and your sister "Between Two Fires (Letters. in ticks)"; the boy returned home, began to call his parents and sister as the horse ordered]: Todayeva 1981:102-104.

Western Siberia. Kety: Dulzon 1965, No. 47 [the old man does not tell his son to kill the seventh burbot - this is the devil's daughter; he killed; married the Sun; went to visit his parents; the devil ate them and his sister, put it on skin; cut off his horse's leg; he pulled this leg out of the fire, stuck the horse, drove to the Sun's well; the devil grabbed the horse by the leg; the young man dived into the well, the devil pulled it out, ate half, where heart; the Sun revives it, but every time he dies again, becomes a Month]: 113-115; Sangi 1989 (Prokofieva's recording) [brother goes further away from the plague where his sister lives; the Sunwoman takes him away to heaven; a week later he asks him to let go; she gives him a whetstone and a comb, sends him down on a winged horse; during this time Hosyadam ate his sister, took her form; he realizes this when he sees that she cooks the leg she tore off his horse; he sticks his leg back, rides his horse away, throws a whetstone, a comb, they turn into a mountain, a forest; H. overcomes obstacles; the Sun grabs him for one leg, X. after another, is torn in half; the Sun gets a part without a heart, it puts coal instead of a heart, revives a person, but he dies again and again; it sends him to the other side of the sky, turns him into A month, they see him once a year, they see each other's eyes; the month is cold because without a heart]: 142-144.

Eastern Siberia. Sym Evenks [the girl cut her hand with a knife, the bird advises her to lick the blood; the girl likes the taste, she eats her mother, younger sisters; the older brother runs away to Namelon 'e (decapod deer); the sister throws the ax, which consistently cuts off all the legs of the deer; the brother continues to flee, becoming a moose, a bear, a wolverine, a fox, a ferret, an ermine; when she becomes a mouse, the sister loses track ; breaks his scrapers and leathers, dies]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 45:55-58; Baikal Evenks (north of Transbaikalia, p. Chapo-Ologo, 1948) [damn Awahi marries Asatkan; she tells him to bring all her deer to him; he did it, she rode a deer past his home, the deer are responsible for her; realizing the deception, the Avahi are chasing, sitting on a shovel; tells deer A. to tear off one leg; the deer jumps three, A. orders a quarter of the Avaha shovel to break off; the second, third, fourth leg, the shovel also breaks; A. swims away along the river with foam, asks the swans to hide it, they hide the foam under their wings; the Awahi are frightened, he grabs foam with his mouth; the bird spins, interferes, the Awahi opens its mouth, the bird takes the foam to the tree, rushes down Avahi falls into the river in fear, sinks; the foam turns into A., the bird into a man who takes her as his wife]: Pinegina 2019:78-81 (=Pinegina, Konenkin 1952 to Koptelov 1956:252-255).

Japan. Japanese (central Japan /Gifu/ and south Kyushu - north Ryukyu) [Bokku boy notices that his younger sister Asekku goes somewhere at night; watches her; she drinks cow blood; he asks his parents to drive her away, they drive him away; B. bought a mosquito from the children who tormented him; pulled out a splinter to a tiger; the prince gives his daughter to someone who says how many bags of rice there are in the barns; mosquitoes say that a thousand, a young man is getting married; a tiger lives with him in an iron cage; B. goes to visit his home, tells his wife to let the tiger go if it starts rushing around; the sister says that everyone died from the pestilence goes out to cook rice, tells him to beat the drum; white and black mice say that they are his parents, that A. went to sharpen his fangs, remain to beat the drum with their tails; running away on horseback, B. cuts off the horse's leg, A. hesitates, devouring it; cuts off the second leg; B. climbs a pine tree, A. climbs after her; the tiger ran, bitten to death a werewolf]: Markova 2000, No. 56:225-228.

SV Asia. Russified, probably tundra yukaghirs [wife wants pike, husband brings it, wife cooks and eats it, discovers that she has iron teeth; gives birth to a girl who grows by the hour; her brother hears her promise to eat everyone; parents don't believe him, he runs alone; comes into the house, there's a naked girl; he marries her; wants to visit his parents, she gives him a six-legged deer; he finds him at home sister playing with her parents' skulls; runs away, she chases him, tears off and eats first two extra legs, then the fourth leg of a deer; brother turns his arrow into an iron pole, climbs upstairs; she gnaws at the pole with iron teeth; he asks the Kuksha to give his sister requests to send dogs; the kuksha refuses; petishka {bullfinch?} agrees; the sister sends bears and wolves; the pike girl turns into an ermine, but wolves and bears catch her; her brother cuts her to pieces, burns her]: Bogoras 1918, No. 10:65-67.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (Chaplino) [a man goes to his new wife from a shaman; a new one gives birth to a son; a vazhenka gives birth to a boy; a human son sees a man born in a vazhenka swallowing deer; then swallows parents; the young man comes running to an old woman; she gives him a deer with four legs on his stomach and four on his back; runs one by one; running away from his monster brother, the young man cuts off his legs one by one, throws, the brother devours them; when he cuts off the last one, reaches the old woman's house, runs in; the old woman bursts fire on the pursuer, killing him; gives the young man the same gift; he comes to the shaman, burns her in his house by breath]: Kozlov 1956:191-193.