I51B. Earth is an animal.
.14.21.-.23.29.34.-.37. (.42.) .
The earth or sky is perceived as a large mammal or created from parts of its body.
Ancient Egypt (sky), Bori, Bulang, Kond, Karachays, Altaians, Southern Selkups, (Kets, Khanty), Nganasans, Ents, Trans-Baikal Evenks, Far Eastern Evens, Orochi, Udege, nivhi, (inner tlingits), arikara, takelma, kato, yuki, yanomami (sky), siona, yukuna.
North Africa. Ancient Egypt [the sky is a cow with stars scattered over her body; the sun is her golden calf]: Mathieu 1956:16.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Bory [first only water, buffalo (younger) and elephant (elder) live in it without knowing each other; they meet, quarrel, kill each other; the buffalo's flesh has formed earth, bones trees, from grass wool; rocks formed from the elephant's bones, mountains from its flesh; after that, Sedi-Melo was born, determined where mountains, rivers, plains should be]: Elwin 1958a, No. 2:8-9, =1958b: 94.
Burma - Indochina. Bulang (blang, south of Yunnan) [at first only the sky and clouds, among them rhinoceros-like li runs; Gumiya made the sky out of his skin, stars from his eyes, earth from flesh, water from blood, from wool - all kinds of plants, from the brain - humans, from the bone marrow of animals, birds, insects, etc.; four legs - four pillars of the sky; placed the earth on a turtle; as soon as the turtle tries to move, Gumia's rooster bites her eye; if she falls asleep, the turtle moves, shaking the ground; then people pour rice on the ground to wake up the rooster; 9 sun sisters and 8 month-old brothers decided to destroy G.'s creation; the earth is unbearable heat; at this time, crabs lost their heads, fish lost their tongues, snakes their legs, frogs lost their tails; before leaving the shelter, G. smeared the straw hat with wax, but the wax melted and flowed into his eyes; from G. made a bow of wood with green bark, a bowstring from wild rattan, arrows from bamboo, moistened the tips with poison from the reservoir in which the dragon was swimming; climbed the hot stones to the top of the mountain, struck 8 suns and 7 months with arrows; their blood poured into the earth, cooling it; the remaining Sun and Month fled; tired G. fired the 18th arrow, it hit the Month, which survived, but lost his heat; it became dark and cold, people plowed, tying their lanterns to the horns of oxen, the rivers stopped; G. sent a swallow to look for the sun; when she returned, she said that the Sun and the Month hid in a cave in the east; G . sent all the animals and birds to ask them to return; he did not go himself, because those who hid were afraid of him; two partridges, with a black tuft and a white tuft, did not go; the first smeared her tail with red, supposedly having diarrhea; the second smeared her head white - she is in mourning for her parents; all of them were banned; there is a swallow in front, followed by fireflies; birds are headed by a rooster, animals are a boar; in the cave, the Sun and Month spouses are starving, but afraid go out; the rooster called them, the others promised that G. would not shoot them; the rooster: from now on, go out after I had drunk; cut the knot, threw half to the Sun and the Month, and made a comb out of the other ( a cut knot is a sign of the conclusion of a contract); daughter G. Gumishafema feeds the Sun three times a day with golden juice and the Month with silver juice; she is a young girl in the morning, a young wife in the afternoon, an old woman in the evening; the Sun and the Month are allowed at the end of each month return to the cave to connect (the moon is not visible at this time); the Sun is a shy wife, the Month gave her needle rays to stab the eyes of those who glanced immodestly at her; the entrance to the cave was blocked the stone, only the boar managed to push it back; all is well]: Miller 1994:88-93.
South Asia. Kuttia [when Nirantali and half of the people came out of the hole in the ground, the cannibal wolf also appeared from there; N. smashed his head with a stick, he fell back into that hole, jamming the door; N. cut off his head, turned him into an anthill; his eyes turned into stars, his tongue into the sun, his legs four mountains, his tail a vine, his ears turned banana plants, his intestines turned into river snakes, blood the Kambell River, his liver rice field; people left underground were never able to get out]: Elwin 1954, No. 12:432.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachayevtsy: Karaketov 1995:60-61 [the surface of the earth was a desert with a black ox lying on it; the sand was brown, becoming redder and lighter as the ox grew stood on the ground; when the ox did not fit on the ground, a stone fell from the sky, entering the ox's back, moving it; the ox hooked the heavenly shell with its horn, it cracked around the perimeter; the water from cracks flooded the ground; two half-human half-birds, Father Jokkai and son Elleger, fell for water; they skinned the ox for 999 years; when removed, instead of an ox, the serpent Apu-Jilan appeared on the surface of the ocean; they Akbii-Teyri (god of heaven) pigged to create life; the water has receded, the earth has become the same as it is now, the serpent went underground; the Shonai Terek tree grew at the place where he left; this land left because of the actions of the crow upstairs and inhabited by the holy men of Shonai Adamla], 62-63 [the ground was covered with asexual water ('a sea where there was no female water and male water'), the Saryubek dragon lay in the middle, his legs did not touch bottom; in 999, S.'s legs reached the bottom; the stones began to melt, turn into karajeks (see motif B3A for karajeks); k. They were divided into women and men, Dauchu-Katyn was the toastmaster for women, and Shyrray for men -Tairi; the karajeks climbed to the surface of the sea, on the dragon's back, women began to fight men, the dragon's skin began to burst, he began to drop karajks; DK asked the SHT for peace, but he continued the war; then she put the skin removed from her chest on his head, he turned into a blue stone; ordered the servants to make a sword out of the stone, cut off the dragon's legs; cut off her head with a sword 99 hairs and ordered the hairs to be stuck in the dragon's crown, into his only, closed eye, bandaged; when they wanted to pierce the dragon's eye, the eye opened, everything on earth sparkled; DK she stabbed the dragon's back, her back split, mountains grew out of the vertebrae; on the left side everything was covered with darkness, and on the right side everything sparkled; karajeks with DK remained on the dark side, 47 on the bright side karadzheks and a sword; the sword grew the Kalaupelya-Terek tree; the strip separating the dark part from the light part was called Assy-Syz; the mountains separating Transcaucasia from the North Caucasus were called to recently Assy-Taula], 64-67 [the dragon Azhdagan-Jelimauz lay in the middle of the sea; Ala-Kaz ('Scarlet Goose') and Kara-Kaz ('Black Goose') nests on its crown; they did not have eggs; In the thousandth year, Jelimouth's legs began to grow, he began to move; the goose, afraid that the dragon would throw them off his back, dived twice before reaching the bottom; on the third, she fell into darkness; reached a bright spot , there the black creature Kara-Pooh advised him to go to his older brother Kaiyr-Khashkhy ("The Angry Lord") for advice to give a gift; the Goose gave the right wing; the KH sent one-legged Obur- Katyn ('Werewolf Werewolf'), took her left wing; OK sent Erk-Jilan to her older brother, told her to go until the ball made of her hair stopped; ED sent Kart-Chopp to her oldest brother, took his other leg, gave some of her skin, she carried the Goose to the goal; "Our father is Kara-Kuzgun ('raven'), and our mother is the Turtle, they were the rulers of the sea surface, but the dragon cut their bellies, stripped them of power; to pacify the dragon, you must summon Kart-Choppa; to do this, you have to cut off the dragon's gallbladder, cover its middle eye with it; you can cut it off with a hair which grows on the crown of the dragon under your nest"; everything was done, the dragon roared in pain, the vaults of heaven opened, an old man in a green robe came out with a golden staff; the geese dived in fear, emerged After 9 months, dirty; Kart-Choppa sat on their nest, scraped off the dirt from the geese feathers, told them to make a cake out of it, eat one half, soak the other, grease the dragon's back; that's why the dragon's body began to rot, his spine appeared; KC plunged his staff into the dragon's crown; he screamed, the sky shone; KC hit the dragon's middle eye with a three-hepatic stem, it burst, the other two opened; from A smelly liquid poured out in the middle, and the sea turned white; if the dragon's eyes close again, everything will darken; when thunderclouds appear, May Allah save the Dragon from closing his eyes ], 68 [when it became light on earth from the discovery of the heavenly vaults, the black raven (Kara-Kuzgun) settled on a huge mountain (probably Elbrus), where the Mingi-Közleu spring ran; Kyily-Oguz was born from the sea ( Sinner Ox); the flying raven caught its wing on the ox's horn and bleed; one drop of blood gave rise to the Kumarrai-Chypchyk bird, and the other tree Jurtda-Jangyz-Terek; next to the tree was a swamp from mud supposedly intended to lubricate the surface of the dragon's body; it is the unhardened mud of the Kumarrai-Chypchyk bird].
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians [the land was once presented as an animal; myths of this kind have not been preserved, but the Altai epic mentions the neck, shoulder blades or armpits of the earth, mentioning it mouth, navel]: Potapov 1983:102-103.
Western Siberia. Nganasany: Gracheva 1983 [Mother Earth sometimes acts like a moose or wild deer with Nganasans living on its back; in summer and winter it sheds like a deer; its head is turned west, she goes there after the sun; the Nganasans were born from her fur]: 21; Long 1976, No. 35 [adopted son, aka the son-in-law of the father and mother of wild deer, meets headless people with eyes on their shoulders, mouths on their stomach; kills many; the ridge on which he and his wife ride is the back of the father of wild deer]: 135-137; Popov 1984 [there was only ice; a white man lived in the ice plague; came to a woman; she gave him their child - a branch a pot with one leaf; the man stuck her in the ice, waited for her to grow up; The disease spoiled the leaf, sent worms and reptiles; the man brought from the woman their second child, a deer; the father did one mammoth horn, the other made of stone, a deer killed reptiles; the peel fell from the horns, forming the northern (Middendorf) and southern (Byrranga) ridges; the branches of the northern horn were a red cloud, northern lights; southern lights; storm clouds and snow clouds; we live on the back of this deer; his father is Syrede Nguo (white deity), mother is Nema Nguo (the deity that gives us eyes [Moon])]: 42-43; Simchenko 1996 (1) [all informants agree that grass, trees, and other flora are the wool of Mou-Nama, a female; but no one knows exactly what she looks like]: 15; Entsy [nganasanam and The Ents imagined the earth as a huge creature on which all animals live like insects in the skin of a beast]: Simchenko 1976:251; Southern Selkups [mother earth is a living being, beast, or bird; the forest is its fur (feathers), the river is its gut, the mouth of the river is its mouth, the source stream is its tail, the tributaries of the left bank are the legs, the opposite bank is the back]: Pelikh 1998:9; (cf. kety [Lyamich Dmitry Georgievich, pos. Bor (place of birth: village. Sulomai), September 1, 2009; the Chum salmon used to live on deer antlers; he shook his head, they scattered, now they live absently]: A.I. Davletshin, E.N. Duvakin 2009, personal message); (cf. Khanty: Golovnev 1995 [in legends, the land of myg is endowed with the epithets sogon, punyn ("leathery, woolly land"); the earth "is like an animal body, in the furrows of which rivers flow, on whose skin trails go; fish, animals, people swim or roam along rivers and trails, and all this together life goes on"]: 260; Lukina 1990 [the epithets of the goddess of the earth are "leathery land, hairy earth"]: 15).
Eastern Siberia. Trans-Baikal Evenks (Zap. A.A. Makarenko, 1913, archive of the Russian Ethnographic Museum, REM 6-1-216) [Everything was by sea; Buga and Khyrga chased the beast. They lived in a boat and everyone went and went. "And when will it be over," asks each other. Another: "we must make the land of the dunna." One left, wait, says I'm three years old. He brought Mount Gudynytsy, took out the middle of Gurrykachan (deer) from it and threw it into the sea - so the land became. He threw it in the other direction and became the other. They went to Dunna land. The land began to grow, grass, animals and birds appeared. Pike went to get water, where it will swim there, rivers and mountains form. Three pikes seem to hold the ground. On earth, you can see three gods with your eyes: Doing sun, light and warmth gives, Running gives light for a month, Togi gives fire, gives warmth and nutrition. The sun and the month stand in the sky, they do day and night. In the underground world of the dead, Buni is the owner of Hyrga. It's dark, and there's no running and no running. However, the dead live the same life there as people on earth. It's bad to see them]: Sam MS; Far Eastern Evenks (Uchursky or Amur) [every time Tenenge does not give roe deer to hunters; once they beat him terribly with twigs; he weakened and called roe deer; she tells me to go to the lake, geese will arrive, take off their wings, we must choose the best ones; geese are trying to take away their wings, T. she hardly overcame her, she gave birth to a boy, took her parents to the upper land; her the father tells me to go to bring the scattered flour; the roe deer shows where it is, tells squirrels, chipmunks, birds to collect; then the roe deer tells you to go to the lake, collect moss, give the elk that will come in the middle lakes; T. gave, climbed the horns, they became earth; T. went, two boys shoot a bow; T. opened his mouth, caught one arrow with his mouth, and the other boy missed; T.: this is my son (whose arrow he caught); T. he gave flour to the old man; he does not give his wife, tells him to bring the lost prison; the roe deer brings, T. took the prison; he made the raft, pierced a huge huchen with a jail, and he hit him; T. fell into the water and died]: Myreeva 2009:150-154 (=Bulatova 1980:102-104 (=1987, No. 7:125-128); Evens [a girl expelled from the sky descends to the sea surface on an octopus deer; on the advice of a deer, she scattered scraps on the water wool, they turned into logs, she made a raft; at the request of the deer, she killed it, cut it as he ordered; the skin turned into earth, the skull and bones into the mountains, the wool into the forests, the lice into wild deer; the crunch from broken bones became thunder, the dying sigh became the wind; the heart turned into a hero, the lungs into a boy and a girl]: Robbeck, Dutkin 1978:157.
Amur-Sakhalin. Orochi: Aurora, Kozminsky 1949 [=Aurora, Lebedeva+ under moose ground is still the same - the afterlife (buni nani)]: 326-327; Aurora, Lebedeva 1978 [our continent is a moose with eight legs; when gets tired, changes from foot to foot, earthquakes occur; the spine is a mountain range that divides the earth into two equal parts; trees - wool, grass and shrubs - down, animals - parasites, birds - insects flying around; moose is subject to all natural phenomena related to land; around is the sea; on the sides of our continent there are two more in the shape of a fish (Sakhalin) and a dragon]: 28, 35; Bereznitsky 1999 [land - eight-legged hornless elk; mountains - dorsal ridge, skin - shrub and grass, lice - animals and birds; when it changes from foot to foot, earthquakes occur; America is the Mudur dragon, Sakhalin is a fish]: 20; ( cf. Khorian Udege [earth is a stretched dragon lying on a floating dragon]: Podmaskin 1991:55 (LOIE Archive, f. 5, op. 6, p. 6, l. 1); Ivanov 1954 [same as in Podmaskin, without reference]: 377- 378); nivkhi: Kreinovich 1929:90; 1973 [Sakhalin is a beast, lying head north, feet south; it feeds on fish, there is more of it where its head is; the forest on it is wool, people are lice; when it moves, Earthquakes occur; mud is pouring on him - he shakes off like a dog]: 54-55; Sternberg 1933 [Sakhalin is a living creature lying on its side with its head north, feet south]: 49.
(Wed. NW Coast. Inner Tlingits [The Raven calls someone, the Porcupine comes out, the Raven rejects him because of his thorns; Lynx does not know much, the Deer - the Raven takes him as a friend; makes a thatched bridge over the canyon, helping itself with its wings, pretends to cross it; The deer steps, falls, breaks; the raven eats it, makes it earth; fat has become white rocks, meat turns black]: McClelland 2007, No. 168a: 733-734).
Coasts - Plateau. Takelma [the earth is an animal lying on its stomach with its head to the east; the east is the "back of the earth", the west is the "tail of the earth"]: Sapir 1907:36.
Plains. Arikara [Mother Corn takes people out of the underground cave; The Mole or Long-nosed Mouse, Skunk, Badger are digging a way out; everyone goes west to the water barrier; the fish swims, the waters part, the people dry, the waters close behind them; the Owl makes its way through the forest, the Kingfisher through the abyss; the horns of the giant bison reach the sky; the Mole, the Skunk, the Badger dig holes, the Fish rushes down the Bison's throat, When he comes to drink, cuts him from the inside with his fins, he runs, falls into holes, dies; his skin is grass, his horns are trees with bark, there is a sunflower on his nose, he looks like Mother Earth; his blood is glass, has become stones, they are used to make smoking pipes; its meat has been divided into sacred bundles; everyone goes further west; animals decide to separate themselves from humans]: Dorsey 1904d, No. 5:23-25; (cf. Osage (fratria vazhaje) [people lived in the sky (sometimes stars); the Sun told them that it gave birth to them; the Moon said it gave birth to them from the Sun; that they should go down to earth; but there is only water below, people hung in the air; asked for help, the elk fell into the water, began to sink; the winds called, they began to blow, the waters came down; first only stones, then soil appeared; the elk happily began to lie on it; his wool adhering to the soil has turned into beans, corn, potatoes, wild tubers, trees and herbs; people meet members of other Osage units and decide to live with them]: Fletcher, Lafl & #233; sh 1911:62-64 in DeMallie, Park 2001:1066 and in Erdoes, Ortiz 1984:119).
California. Kato: Curtis 1976 (14) [first one water; Jenesh finds a baby in the upper world; this is Nagai-cho, he grows up, C. He gives him a woman; sends the Deer into the water, he goes east, stops; C. puts a tree under his forehead, puts two stones on the sides of his head, turns it into the ground; when the Deer moves, the earth shudders; the wife runs away from N.; he sends the dog to put a huge horned rattlesnake across the path; N. finds his wife dead, revives; C. is wise, N. only pretends to be knowledgeable, cannot walk on water ; C. goes to the upper world, produces thunder]: 165-166; Goddard 1909, No. 1 [the first world is flooded with water; horned animal land comes from the north; where it lies, Nagaycho puts clay between him eye and every horn, then reeds, grass, trees]: 183-184; kato (? ; California North Coast; =Goddard 1909?) [the first world sky is made of sandstone; Thunder and Nagaicho stretched it eastward, walking along it; they put a rock at every angle; they created flowers in the south, clouds in the east; from clay crushed red stone and grass made a man; they took one of his legs, cut him lengthwise, made a woman; they created the sun and the moon; it rained, the earth was flooded; the sun, precipitation, wind disappeared; the thunder disappeared because there were no trees to strike them with lightning; from the north, a horned dragon earth entered the water; N. placed clay and pebbles between his eyes and on his horns; vegetation and mountains appeared there; animal people appeared (after the appearance Indians they turned into animals); N. paved riverbeds with his foot; went north with his dog]: Gifford 1930 in Erdoes, Ortiz 1984:107-109; Yuki: Foster 1944 [the land is supported elk (milatehen), uk-milatehen ("water elk") and mole; when one of them moves, an earthquake occurs; clouds are their breath]: 233; Kroeber 1932b [Taikomol makes the ground on the surface the sea, weaving it like a basket; puts pillars; puts something like moose below to hold the ground]: 914, 916.
(Wed. Mesoamerica Popoloka [the earth is like a person; water is its blood, its heart is in the south; others say the earth is an iguana whose movements cause earthquakes (San Felipe residents don't eat iguanas)]: Jäcklein 1974 : 285).
Southern Venezuela. Yanomami [Hai-Yome-Riwe (the bird) was big; killed the tapir, threw it up, the tapir became the sky]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 6:34.
Western Amazon. Zion: Chaves 1958:134-136 [He lived with Tapir's two daughters for a month; he led them to a juansoco palm tree, they ate fruit, got drunk; they had animals like fish in their vulvas, the Month took them out, threw them into the river, they became fish; joined both women, wanted to put in pieces of a fragrant vine; the bird frightened him with her scream, he climbed back into the tree; the girls woke up, the eldest kicked the trunk , it grew tall; the monkey ate the fruit and fell asleep; saliva flowed from her mouth, became a vine, N. went down it; shot the turkey, put thorns in it, told his father-in-law to pick it up, he stabbed his leg ; turned into a tapir, sank into the ground; he, the Father of Earth, moving, causes earthquakes; The month has come to a village where people drank chicha, beat drums; you do like pigs; they turned in pigs; What are we going to eat? He answered; other people made spears - you'll be cerrillos; etc. (turned groups of people into monkeys, bears, pauhil birds, turkeys, etc. - depending on their clothes and colors, the color of the feathers); menstruating women - red monkeys], 143-145 [Ñañagüé Nianyague (Month) did not like his wife because she had to look in his head; climbed a juansoco tree, threw fruits at them, they became intoxicated from them and fell asleep; N. pulled piranha teeth out of his wife and sister's vagina (further as in 134-136); on the way he took the trapped birds, put rotten leaves in them, sent them father-in-law check the traps; father-in-law returned, asked his daughters to remove the thorn from his leg; N. told him to lie not in a hammock, but on a bark bed, to become a tapir; the tapir ran, leaving a trail - the Milky Way; N. ordered he will become Mother of Earth; when he moves, there will be an earthquake; N. changed his appearance, came to his wife; she fell in love with him, smeared his face with soot at night; he washed her away; then with a genipa, these spots are still visible pores; Turtle hid all the water; N. cut down the bamboo, the grove turned into a river, both women swam; N. did not let his wife go ashore, her sister came out; there was a palm tree in the water, the wife went to her; M. If you approach the shore, storms will begin; he told the turtle to eat rot; his wife's sister, to be the mother of the living, the patroness of the dead, sent him to the land of the dead].
NW Amazon. Yukuna [the gardens have dried up, people were starving; Kanuma consistently marries Dyatlikha, some green bird, the Parrot; they are not suitable; then the Rat, she finds out that food owns He'echú ("tapir" ="sky"); stole cassava from him; at midnight, a fisherman Chuurumi saw an Inérukaná woman sailing on the river in a boat, carrying food to her children; she gave him cassava, told him not talk to K.; the same to her sister He'echúmero, a mother of piranhas, who is sailing in a boat in half an hour; C. does not take cassava from K.; he notices that ants carry crumbs from C.'s hammock; C. talks about a meeting with women in boats, K., hiding behind C., catches the first woman; she tells her to let her go, take her sister; sister invites K. to copulate, he refuses; then gets into a half-flooded boat, tells her to quit poison, piranha comes out of the vagina; the woman tells you to throw piranha into the river; K. sends a flea into the vagina, which is bitten; the episode with poison and piranha repeats; sent picón, bitten; removed the third piranha, the last little one remained, bit off K.'s penis; the woman went with him to him; the former wives turned into birds; the woman went to her father He'echú, brought yams from him, taught him how to cook; told K. eat a lot, stepped on him, the penis reappeared, they copulated; she waved her club, formed a plot with all varieties of cassava on it]: Herrera Ángel 1975a, No. 2, 3:394-405.