Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I53. The insect annoys the ground support.

.21.23.-.25. (.26.) .27.29.30.

An animal on which the earth rests is annoyed by an insect or other small creature, so the animal moves and the earth shakes (or, on the contrary, because of an insect, an animal afraid to move).

Aka, Muslim Bengalis, Barela-bhilala, Minangkabau, Toraja, Mandaya, Maranao, Atayal, (Gansu Chinese), Bosnians, Bulgarians, Abkhazians, Ingush, Avars, Muregins, Armenians, Kurds, Talysh, Turks, Uzbeks, Pashtuns, Kalash.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Aka (chrusso) [the world rests on the back of the Phum-Badra creature; his head faces east, his back to the west; from time to time, the Chunchi-Raba-Rubbu insect tells him that all humans and animals are on the earth is dead, it is crying with grief, the earth shudders; then people and animals are screaming, We are here, PB calms down]: Elwin 1958a, No. 7:88 (=1958b: 96).

South Asia. Muslim Bengalis (Sylhet) [the earth rests on the horns of a bull; when a bull shakes its head, an earthquake occurs; but the bull is immediately bitten by a mosquito and the bull freezes]: Elwin 1949:13; barela- bhilala [Pini meher decided to make earth, rolled mud off his chest, created a dove, gave him a letter, sent him to the Ocean (Dhuda sanat), he slept, the dove buried the letter in the sand, a plant with six or a family grew branches, it is a woman, the wasp became her husband, 5 fruits appeared; including 1) grains (seeds), 2) wild and domestic animals, 3) metals, 4) Kala nag (black snake), 5) Welu bai (Earth); Bhagwan told her to mold the ground on the potter's wheel; two frogs hit the tooth to make an ax and a shovel, she dug up ores to make the circle itself, the bird helped make it, but broke its beak; Duli raja made six or seven spools of earth, wasp them she took it away; he made a snare out of her hair, the wasp got caught, so her waist was narrow; but let go, giving her five pellets for Welu bai; she made the land and the earth grew; Kala nag couldn't hold it, the bull couldn't either so Bhagwan placed the ground on 6 pillars; Ram and Lakshman swayed the pillars, the ground staggered; then Welu bai placed fish below; cancer on the fish's tail, sometimes bites it; during hunger, the ocean dried up, the fish naked; people cut off pieces from it; only brother and sister were against eating fish alive; the fish told them to sit in the basket and sent the flood; everyone drowned, brother and sister to the grief man ( together with the female mountain they rose above the waters, but the man was taller); he asked who they were, they said brother and sister; turned them in opposite directions, asked again, they replied that husband and wife ; their excrement, urine, and saliva have become a multitude of people of all castes]: Stiglmayr 1970:161-163.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Minangkabau: Loeb 1935 [a flat Earth's disk rests on a bull's horns; a bull stands on an egg, an egg on a fish that swims in the sea; if an insect sits on a bull's ear, it tugs its head, causing earthquakes]: 129; Niemann 1870 (1): 292 in Pleyte 1894 [the earth rests on the horns of a bull; when a mosquito bites a bull, it drives it away, the earth swings]: 96; eastern torajas [the ground is supported by a buffalo; when a fly bites his ear, the buffalo moves, the ground shakes]: Adriani, Kruyt 1950, No. 1:370.

Taiwan - Philippines. Atayal [the ground shudders when a wasp bites an underground carp]: Yamada 2002:71; mandaya [the ground rests on the eel's back; when crabs and other creatures bother it, the eel moves shaking the ground]: Cole 1913:172; maranao [the world rests on the lumbong creature's back; the shrimp is with it and when it clings to it, the lumbong moves, shaking the ground]: Eugenio 1994, No. 151:264.

(Wed. China - Korea. Chinese (Gansu, Wu. Gaolan) [When Pangu separated the sky from the earth, they were still closely connected. He told the heavenly spirits to lift the canopy upstairs, and the earth was too heavy. He mixed his saliva with yellowsoil and sculpted a divine bull, breathed life into it, and sent it underground to lay it on his back. However, Pangu was afraid that the bull would become stubborn or fall asleep, and then the earth would collapse. So he made a rooster to look after the bull. After several tens of thousands of years, the bull was really tired and wanted to sleep, but the rooster, following Pangu's instructions, did not allow him to do so. Then the bull cried and blamed the rooster, but he did not give in. The bull closed loudly out of anger, waved his head three times and shook three times, and the ground on his back began to shake with a crash. The mountains and rivers moved and changed their appearance, and people living on earth said that the earth was an earthquake. In fact, Pangu's bull and rooster argued]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001, No. 1:3).

The Balkans. Bulgarians (Plovdiv, Rhodope) [a bull, buffalo, or deer that supports the ground shakes its head or horns when a fly sits in its ear; the result is an earthquake]: Plotnikova 1995:313; Bosnians [there is a fish in the sea, a bull on the head of the fish ("tour"), he has the ground on his back; if he moves his ear, the earth shudders; if he moves his foot, the world will sink into the sea; but Allah created a fly that flies before a bull's eyes and he is so afraid of it than he dares to move]: se-hor.blogspot.ru.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [the earth rests on the horns of a bull, twice a year it itches with horns, earthquakes occur (villages. Kaldahvar); at times, a fly flies up to a bull holding the ground on its horns and bothers him; the bull shudders, the ground shakes (sat down. Atara, Kodori County)]: Chursin 1956:157; Ingush [God created the land, but it hesitated; then God hammered nails into the center of the earth, their hats were mountains; the bull with the earth on its horns is to blame that she sometimes shakes; he is worried about a fly, then he shakes his head]: Dakhkilgov 2003:24; Avars [a bull lives in the depths of the sea, goes to land in the summer, the universe rests on its horns; when on it A horsefly sits down, a bull waves its head, an earthquake occurs]: Khalidova 2012, No. 7:33; the Muregins [the ground on the back (or on the horn) of a red bull; frightened by a big ant (mosquito), the bull froze; when the ant moves, the bull bounces, the ground shudders]: Khanagov 1892:152-153; Armenians: Bagriy 1930 (3) [1) the ground rests on the horns of a red bull standing in the water; he is bitten by gadflies, he scratches himself back, an earthquake occurs; 2) an ox stands on fish in the ocean, holds the ground on its horns; when angry, shakes its horns, an earthquake occurs]: 128; Melik-Shakhnazarov 1904 [land on bull's horns when flies they bother him, he moves, the ground shakes]: 91; talyshi [the world is established on the bull's back, one of its horns in the west, the other in the east; in front of the bull there is a wolf, so he cannot step; when a fly bites a bull, he moves his ears, earthquakes occur]: Bagriy 1930 (3): 23; Kurds [the ground rests on the back of a red bull; when he tugs his ears, waves his tail, earthquakes occur; others It is said that a fly flies near the bull, when it comes to the eye, the bull blinks, an earthquake occurs; if a fly sits on the bull's back, it will shake its back, the world will die]: Chursin 1925b:16; Turks [earth rests on the horns of the Yellow Bull (Sarah Okuse); under the bull there is a fish, even lower is the sea; when people's sins overwhelm God's patience, he tells the midge to tickle the bull's nose; the bull waves its head, shaking the ground; if only the midge in the bull's nose lingered, he would throw the earth off its horns; out of compassion for people, God does not allow this]: Gordlevsky 1968:74;

Iran-Central Asia. Uzbeks [Abdullah ibn Masgud, Muhammad's associate, asked him about the structure of the world, received answers; the land on the horn of a bull, which has 500 years of travel from head to tail, 250 years between horns; Satan invited the bull to relieve the burden; the bull shook his head; the Lord told the fly to crawl into the bull's nose and sting it; the bull roared, since then his name howler was bakar; the fly would sting the bull until resurrection; the bull wants to throw it off, the earth shudders; a bull stands on a fish that has 500 years to go from head to tail; fish on the water, water in the wind, wind above hell, hell on a platter, a dish in the hand of angel Daryail, an angel on a worm under the seventh tier of hell]: Ostroumov 1890:161-162 (retelling without reference to a source in Gornensky 2000:157-159); Pashtuns [people in the Khost area believed that the earth lay on the head of a huge bull, and a mosquito lives on his nose; when the mosquito moves, the bull starts to shake its head; this is what causes earthquakes; some believe that the earth lies on the bull's horns; when one horn gets tired, the bull throws ground to another]: Lebedev 2003:356; Kalashi [the world lies on the bull's horns; when flies tickle behind his ear, he moves, an earthquake occurs]: Ali Shah 1974:73.