I54. The aquatic creature is filled with fish.
Inside a snake or other aquatic creature there are aquatic animals or live fish; a water monster produces fish, owns fish, and turns into many fish.
California. Pomo (porridge) [men kill a whale in the river; salmon (salmon origin) falls from its ripped womb]: Oswalt 1964, No. 19:127-129.
Mesoamerica Lacandons [Shock water monsters pair with turtles and spawn all fish]: Boremanse 1986:232.
Llanos. Kuiva [a rainbow water monster swallows a person; live caimans crawl inside; a person who has taken yopo cuts his belly with a knife, comes out as a frog]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 131:197; shikuani [the sky was low; Kuwait caught Kwepi, entangled in the sky, he fell off the hook; three types of Ducks heal him, but he is dying; the body is fried, crushed , they put flour in a vessel to populate the rivers with fish; Sikirii lies to the Seagulls that he is K.'s brother, asks him to be buried next to the vessel with his head out; eats flour; does not give his sister, she complains to Tsamani; he arrives in the form of a Hummingbird, throws flour into the water, all kinds of fish emerge; corn grows from flour poured into a hole in the ground; Kahuyali takes a vessel of fish into the boat to populate everything with fish rivers; S. tells his son to show where his father's harpoon is, otherwise he will eat him; harpoons the biggest fish; she breaks the vessel, jumps into Orinoco; they try to detain it (the origin of the rapids); fish now unevenly distributed]: Yepez 1984:13-16.
Southern Venezuela. Makiritare [all fish and all aquatic animals come out of a bursting giant snake]: Civrieux 1980:53; sanema [fish in a giant snake's mouth]: Barandiaran 1965:15.
Guiana. kalinya [Tïrïtïrï is a first-ancestor caiman, produces earthquakes; protects access to celestial waters and is considered the owner of all water inhabitants]: Goeye 1943, no. b24:48.
Western Amazon. Sekoya [all fish are children of a river monster]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 37:176-177.
NW Amazon. Baniva (hohodene) [Kufali's ancestor receives a basket full of all types of fish and aquatic animals from his father-in-law; opens it before reaching home; the fish ends up hanging on trees like leaves; he collects these leaves, puts them in two decks at home, lowers them into the river; decks turn into great snakes filled with fish (fishing boats)]: Wright 1995:47; (see J35C motif {mistake, like this no!} baniva [fish, turtles, caimans emerge from pieces of the body of a killed water snake]); tarian: Brüzzi 1994 [there were few ancestors on the river island; then they became jaguars, spirits; one young man raped a girl; they decided to kill him; when everyone became falcons to catch flying ants (saúva), everyone attacked him; he tried to escape, turning into different creatures and objects: a bird (like a swallow), a tree with large roots, a macaw parrot, a monkey; when he became a monkey, others became jaguars and ate it; on the other island lived an old man and an old woman; an old woman sent her husband to get a piece; the old man got little fingers with three bones; the little finger fell into the river and became three fish P otamorrhaphis guianensis; others accused the old man of saving a piece, but the old man convinced them that he was innocent; the old woman caught the fish and peppered them, but they became crickets; the old woman put them in the pot, put them on the fire, but they became boys; the old woman began to raise them ; they threw pepper in the old man's eye; he took them to the site to burn them, but they jumped out of the fire unharmed; they left a turtle on the path, the old man came across and fell; scolds the old woman - because of her, these unbearable boys; an old woman took them to the site; there women pluck unripe fruits, they turned into agouti; brothers climbed a tree, an old woman sent ants, brothers fell, died, came to life; an old woman died of a spider bite, they revived her; turned into beautiful birds, girls after birds, birds became young men again, got together with girls; the relationship continued, one said; jaguar people are trying kill the brothers, but they easily turn into anyone, elusive, do not drink poisoned kashiri; the opossum killed the inamba, but ate the inamba harpy eagle; the relatives of the victim sent the brothers to kill the harpy eagle: let they will decorate it with feathers if they want to become shamans; they have caught eagles in strong nets, they have become shamans; the dabucuru festival needs fish; one brother has become a woman, the Big Serpent has come to meet her two others killed him; the brothers cut the body into pieces, and fish appeared out of them (p. 125-126); the brothers went out and returned, increasing in number; they answered the jaguars that their name was Bitter Jaguar, The Broken Teeth, etc.; they tried to bite - bitterly, teeth break, etc.; it is not clear which of the audience are the real three brothers; the brothers went to heaven to steal the Thunder club sword (lightning is its shine); Thunder gave fake; while Thunder was sleeping, they replaced his real club with a fake; from the lightning of Thunder, the brothers fell apart and came to life, and killed him with their lightning; revived; with this lightning they killed all the jaguars, but also the old woman ; climbed to the uppermost tier of the sky]: 114-134; Moreira, Moreira 1994 [three Diroá brothers swim with their grandfather; they catch anacondas in different places, cut them into pieces, and the bushes turn into different species of fish] : 30; (cf. Moreira, Moreira 1994 [the boy has ulcers on his body; the discharge from them attracts fish; the boy's father kills only as many fish as necessary every time; another man took the boy, began to beat the fish greedily, the boy warned him not to do so, he did not listen; the anaconda swallowed the boy; his father chased her, made dams, she turned into small fish, slipped; she was killed by the Diroá brothers; large scales became pirarucu fish, small scales became traíra]: 38); barasana [the character pulls an anaconda from the bottom and throws all types of fish into the boat]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 4D, 6A: 277, 288.
Central Amazon. Mura (piraha) [the sky was low, the moon was shining brightly like the sun now; one man shot at her, blood poured, the moon disappeared, darkness came; the sky began to fall; people rushed to prop it up with tree trunks; this helped, but in the dark, jaguars, wild boars, packs, deer from the depths of the forest came to the village, and people climbed the trees to escape them; the rivers dried up, the fish died, and the animals also disappeared; the only thing left was the paba snake, which had enough moisture in the forest; people drank the juice contained in the tynnanthus elegans vine and ate the meat of this snake; enemies came, almost all people died in battle, stayed three women; their weeping was heard by the heavenly deity Igagai (or rather? igagaí); he threw animals into the forest, but could not throw the fish - they fell by, not in the river bed; then I. ordered the river dolphin (boto) to fill the rivers with fish; I. created a new moon, and an underground moon Aitoe's assistant was told to make stars and place them in the sky; the moon and stars are made of shiny white clay (terra); I. made a hole in the sky and the waters of the upper world filled the rivers again; but women they still cried without men; I. began to throw fruits from the sky at them and they became pregnant; gave birth to sons, but without penises; I. weaved penises for them from palm leaves; then returned the fire to the people and threw off their stem cassava]: Gonçalves 1990:4-5 (=2001:135-137).
Eastern Amazon. Marajo Island [in Dalcídio Jurandir (published in Belem), an Afro-Brazilian woman says that at normal times a big snake sleeps at the bottom; during a drought, it wakes up, crawls away, taking everything with it fish; members of the Afro-Brazilian community on the Gurupá River said that there were two snakes in the river; when they breathed in, the water rose, when they exhaled, it fell; now the level in the lakes falls all the time and there are fewer and fewer fish because one of the snakes crawled away; she was frightened by those who grow açaí palm trees and harvest wood]: Schaan 2010:197-198.
Central Andes. The sea monster's body is filled with fish. Pacasmayo (dep. La Libertad), Chimu culture [picture on ceramic vessel]: Baessler 1902-1903 (2), fig.271; Levi-Strauss 1963, fig.23; Moche or Chicama, dep. La Libertad, Mochica Culture, Period V [an anthropomorphic character accompanied by his usual companion Iguana defeats a character associated with the underwater world by grabbing him divided into two strands of hair; a process resembling the body of a catfish leaves the character's belt; shrimp and fish are depicted inside the process and the fins extending from it on both sides]: Donnan, McClelland 1999, fig.5.53; dep. Ica [vessel images of early Nazca culture]: Anton, Dockstader 1968:181; Levi-Strauss 1963, fig.22; Schmidt 1929:217, fig.4; Yacovleff 1932, fig.6c, 9.
Montagna - Jurua. Konibo [all fish are born from the mouth of a snake]: Illius 1988:711; 1992 ["Ronin" is the Great Anaconda; lives in every river and every lake, and from time to time gives birth to a new generation of fish, while publishing thunderous sound; "ron" is the sound of thunder, "nin" is a suffix for odd-numbered words meaning "c"]; shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987 [all aquatic animals and fish are inside Ronin's water snake ]: 39; Roe 1982 [The anaconda snake was the mother of all aquatic creatures, including a freshwater dolphin; everything was in his belly; it was a bridge that people crossed the river; when it went a menstruating woman, blood dripped, the anaconda shook off all the people; there is no more bridge like this]: 120-121.
Southern Amazon. Kamayura [see E5D, J58, M8A motifs; the girl is in her first period, told to wash in a ritual hut, not go to the river; she walks and loses her lace (an ankle-tied ornament) there; The sun finds it, turns a giant snake, it demands boys to eat them to perform the ritual of drilling their ears; people make a chain of arrows, go up to heaven; the girl is afraid to climb; when A snake crawls, it cuts it to pieces; the Sun throws them into the water, and they give rise to various snakes or fish]: Agostinho 1974, No. 6 [without turning into fish or snakes]: 182-185; Münzel 1973 [into fish]: 150-161 ; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [in snakes]: 98-104.
Chaco. Toba: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 82 (toba pilaga) [in the forest, the water monster Lik asks to be carried to the water; The face is light, the person takes him to the lake; immediately a lot of fish appear in it; a person talks about this to Carancho (anthropomorphic hawk), both come to the shore; Like is angry that the person has broken the ban on talking about what happened; Carancho explains that everyone needs fish; Like sympathizes with people, makes sure that as soon as an animal shouts in the voice of an animal, it comes; Carancho says that this way people will kill everyone, makes animals shy], 83 (for Argentina) [many the reservoirs are dry; the rainbow serpent asks the man to carry him to the river; the man carries it, the serpent turns out to be light; throwing the snake into the water, the man runs, the water follows him; he looks around, the water leaves, leaving him lots of fish; whenever he later asked for fish, a rainbow serpent would give it to him], 84 [Koomonaló's rainbow serpent was on the shore; one man carried him into the river; K. caused the water to rise, which carried for the savior and left the fish on the shore]: 175-176, 177, 178; nivakle: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 229 [downstream lives a huge snake that brings fish; one boy missed the caught one ( wounded?) fish, the owner of the fish punished him with earache, shot him in the ear; therefore it is very dangerous if the fish falls off the kukan], 230 [Zaxečitáx is the owner of the fish, where it appears, there is fish; he has fish skin and he huge; the Aeštiitináx man knew how to call fish with a song; after death, people like him will become water spirits; if wounded fish fall off the kukan and go into the water, such a spirit was led by fish, piranhas, Z. or a water child to drown the culprit]: 545-546, 546-548.