Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I55. Stars are holes. 11.-.


Stars are holes in the sky; or holes in the veil, in the roof of a dwelling, appear to be stars.

Fioti, Como, Karanga, Tswana, Xhosa, Dan (Joe), Somalis, Germans, Malays, Mentawai, Clementan, Kayan, (Tetum), Miao, Chinese (Sichuan, Shandong), Hungarians, Bulgarians, Eastern Ukrainians (Kherson), Armenians, Estonians, Lithuanians (Samoites), Swedes, Mari, Komi, Nenets (all including forests), Nganasans, Mansi, Eastern Khanty, Kets, all Yakuts, Evenks Sym, Northern Baikal, Amur, Aldan, Evens, Negidals, Nivkhs, Manchus, Tundra and Forest Yukaghirs, Chukchi, Itelmen, Kodiak, Central Yupik, Nuniwak, Inupiat (Northern Alaska?) , McKenzie estuary, caribou, netsilic, igloolik, tutchoni, thompson, seri, totonaki, chikuna, tupari.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Fioti [The spider weaved long threads, the wind carried them into the sky; the woodpecker climbed them, punched star holes in the sky; then a man climbed in, brought fire from the sky]: Pechuël-Loesche 1907:135 (= Fraser 1930:117); como [stars are holes in the stone sky through which fire is visible]: Mahieu 1975:236; karanga [stars are holes through which you can penetrate the sky; also fires or torches, eyes of the dead, dead children, etc.]: Sicard 1966:42; tswana [stars are holes in the stone sky through which you can see the light of the sun moving east at night, so that in the morning ascend]: Clegg 1986:34 (quoted in Warner 1996:309, in Koekemoer 2007:75); braid [like a tswana, the author heard from his gardener]: Warner 1996:309.

West Africa. Dan [in joe and the second groups, stars are holes in the sky, where you can see the centers of heavenly people]: Schwab 1947:413; (cf. Northern Ghana (casena?) [The boa constrictor ate the baby; the parents called four men; one knew how to track down the snake, the second how to kill, the third how to rip it off, the fourth how to revive the swallowed one; four began to argue who should get the skin of a boa constrictor; the child's father offered to throw the skin - let the one he falls on get it; the skin rose, became the sky, the head became the sun, the tail the moon, the spots on the skin became stars]: Cardinall 1920 : 24).

Sudan - East Africa. Somalia [the sky was low, protecting people from the heat and cold; two women were millet in mortars, pestling through the sky; the sky tried to stop the women, they did not obey, then rose to current height; rays shine through holes - stars; when a heavenly girl carries a bucket of water home, water overflows and flows down through holes, it rains]: Hanghe 1988, No. 1:110-111 (=Capchitz 1997, No. 1:15-16, retelling in Kotlyar 2009, No. 36:56).

Western Europe. The Germans (Bavaria: Upper Palatinate) [giants first lived on earth; they threw stones into the sky and pierced holes; this is how stars appeared]: Schönwerth 1858:263 (=Balzamo, Kaiser 2004, No. 1:14).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Malays [stars - holes in the stone sky]: Skeat, Blagden 1900:5; mentawai [the sky was close to the ground, the heat of the sun burned children and women going swimming; men started shooting at the sky, it moved away; arrows pierced star holes]: Schefold 1988:71; (cf. The Andamans (Onge) [the sky was low; then the Sun and the Month were created, they changed places (interchanged their positions), the earth was unbearable, it cracked, people did not could leave the house; decided to shoot at the sky with bows; as a result, the sky returned to its previous height, the Sun and the Month moved away; the arrows did not fall back to the ground; when the arrow hit the sky, it flashed fire, this is how stars appeared]: Roy 2001, No. 27:67-68); clementan [stars are holes made by the roots of trees growing in the upper world]: Hose, MacDougall 1912:142; kayan [stars - holes made by the roots of plants growing in the upper world]: Hose, MacDougall 1912:214; (cf. tetum [it is dark on earth; God sent a Rooster to tell the first man to poke the vault of heaven with a spoke (nimm Speichel an deinen Finger und bestreiche das Firmament); this is how the stars appeared; sent The rooster again to tell him to draw the disc - the moon; the third time - draw the sun in red (die roten Speichel des Sirihpriems and Firmament zu streichen)]: Vroklage 1952:142-143).

China - Korea. Miao: Schotter 1908 [the sky made the Basket Spirit look like a roof; the clouds look like this because he used bamboo of different colors; by piercing holes in the sky mat, he created stars, planets, and 12 suns]: 420 (retelling in Ets 1960:107); Bender et al. 2006 (Guizhou) [episode of the creation of the world, see A2A motif; Grandma Yu attached suns and moons to the sky; then pierced holes in the sky with a needle and she put a star in each one; harnessed a cow and plowed the sky so that it was even and nothing interfered with the movement of the suns and moons]: 66; Chinese (Sichuan, wu. Pingshan) [The sky was created by King Pangu, and the earth was created by King Biangu. Before creating heaven and earth, they agreed that whoever would finish the work first would be the big brother, and who would be the second the youngest. Pangu was more capable than Biangu and could easily finish earlier, so he worked and slept. Biangu was a simple man and knew that Pangu did not take him seriously, so he worked non-stop and finished the land in a few days. Pangu saw that Biangu was about to finish his work, waited for him to fall asleep, and called Ganshangao (Pole that controls the mountains) to wrinkle the ground. He took the bamboo pole that ruled the mountains, waved it three times, and the flat ground wrinkled. This is how mountains, gorges and plains appeared on earth. Biangu woke up and saw that the wrinkled earth was the same size as the sky and realized that King Pangu had deceived him but said nothing. At night, he invited Tezhugan (Iron and Bamboo Pole) and told him to pierce the sky. He took up arms and made many holes in the sky, so stars and the moon appeared in the sky, and heaven and earth have looked like this ever since]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 1c: 23; Chinese (Shandong, Wu. Liangshan) [heaven and earth were not separated, there were no people; Pangu slept between heaven and earth; grew rapidly in his sleep, reaching ninety thousand in length and width; woke up, opened his eyes and saw darkness; I groped and came across an egg, broke it with one blow, the world changed; heaven and earth split; the squirrel turned into clear sky and white clouds, and the yolk into the ground; P. laughed, and his pores turned into stars, body hairs into forests and grass, eyes into sun and moon, eye sockets into oceans, arms, legs and head into five mountain peaks, bones into mountain ranges, and sweat into rivers; when P. was angry, then he began to breathe intermittently, and his breath turned to wind and rain; sometimes he would stretch out his legs and clap his hands; this was the cause of thunder and lightning, as well as the earthquake]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, No. 1:3.

The Balkans. Hungarians [lightning is a crack in the sky, you can see the true sky; its light can be seen through star holes]: Sebők: 107; Bulgarians [stars are holes in the sky through which God looks to the ground; candles (a person is born - a new one appears); splashes of dirt, clay played by the Christ child; stones that God and the devil threw into the sky]: Stoynev 2006:132.

Central Europe. Eastern Ukrainians (Kherson) [sky is a vault of transparent material, stars are holes in the sky]: Yastrebov 1894:3; Russians or Ukrainians (no location specified) [sky - God's tower, stars are windows from which angels fly out]: Petrushevich 1866:9; A.A. Plotnikova [2004a: 291] calls the idea of stars as windows common Slavic, but specific examples, except for specific examples, Bulgarian, does not cite).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Armenians [the starry sky is associated with a sieve or colander for straining dairy products; so is the Pleiades {but no specific examples are given for the Pleiades}]: Abeghyan 2012:769.

Baltoscandia. Estonians [consider stars to be holes in the sky or nails that nail the sky]: Kuperjanov 2003:125; Lithuanians (Zemaites) [stars are holes in the sky through which they break through heavenly light; (either lights equal to the number of people on earth or angels in heaven)]: Veckenstedt 1883, No. 52.2:238; Swedes [when God was old, he walked with a staff, making it the end is sharp so as not to slip; every time you touch it, the staff made a hole in the sky through which light breaks down; these are stars]: Balzamo 2011, No. 8:18.

Volga - Perm. Marie [a canopy-shaped curtain hangs on the edge of the earth; stars, sun, moon can be seen through these holes]: Akzorin 1991, No. 26:59-60; Komi: Ariste 2005, No. 136 [mystery: a wide blanket, yes a lot holes (sky)]: 163; Nizovtseva 2016 [mystery: big veil, but everything is in holes (sky)]: 171.

Western Siberia. Nenets: Lehtisalo 1998 {apparently all groups} [stars are holes or hair in the skin of the plague of the sky]: 12; Lehtisalo 1947, No. 50 (forest, western in 1914 on the river. Maykovskaya) [the son of an old woman (Sohn der Mütterchen; SS), contrary to her prohibition, goes up the river, meets an ogre giant; they tie each other to larch, the SS breaks off the fetters, the giant is not, but then she uproots the larch; demands to get him the daughter of the Sun woman; the mother says that this giant killed the SS father; the SS goes, meets, does not kill, takes Fox, Wolverine, Wolverine, Wolf, Bear as companions, Eagle; The Sun agrees to give her daughter if the SS finds her; he sees a chest attached to the sky in a star hole (stars are holes in the sky); knocks him down with an arrow, the Eagle picks him up, drops him into the sea, a bird kari dives and pulls out, there are three eggs in the chest, they contain the daughter of the Sun; everyone goes back; the fox steals the egg, hides in the hole, the Bear catches it; the SS comes to the mother, she is barely alive, he brings her to life, takes an egg in bed, I'll give a woman in the morning; the cannibal giant went underground]: 132-147; Nenyang 1997 (Taimyr; =Nenyang 1996:90, 95) [riddles: 1) sparks hit the spring deer skin; 2) sparks of fire are all nuke made a hole (stars)]: 214, 224; Startsev 1930 (tundra?) [riddle: "acne (subcutaneous larvae) wild deer skin" (sky and stars)]: 150; Helim 1982 [visible sky is a skin that covers the real sky, shining through holes in it with stars]: 399; nganasans: Popov 1984 [two heroes competed in archery, one standing in the sky and the other on the ground; the latter's shots formed holes in the sky; sometimes stars count and large lakes]: 45; Simchenko 1996 (1) [mystery: a nuke woman (plague coating) shakes out, a completely leaky nuke - stars]: 191; Mansi (Berezovsky district) [above the roof of the house there is a bull skin with gadfly larvae (night sky, stars)]: Kumaeva 2015:141; Eastern Khanty (b. Tromyegan) [father-in-law laughs at Torum's son, believes that he is a bad hunter; he has difficulty catching up with a six-legged moose, cuts off a pair of legs so that future people can catch up with moose; he attached his skin to the sky, ordered to mark the dawn; he nailed the moose trail he followed with the tip of an onion to the sky so that people could navigate; brings meat to his father-in-law, tells him to get lost and die]: Honti 1978 in Lukina 1990, No. 8:67-69; chum salmon: Dulzon 1966, No. 2 [the woman and Sausages went to cut the insole; began to look for lice from each other; K. put a wand in the woman's ear, killed her; at home told her daughter that her mother would come later; the girl the plague closed the smoke hole with holes (like stars), ran away; K. threw Kleinitsa, she showed where the girl had run; by the sea, the girl asked her grandmother to transport her; she transported her; sent the front olatines behind K., told them to shake up in the middle of the sea, K. drowned; sent the back pancakes, they transported their grandmother's grandchildren; the girl took the porridge from the shovel, the devil took it to his shovel; when I ran out of food, wanted to eat it, but the hawk took it away, saved it]: 15-17; 1972, No. 75 [cousins live together, one is married to a woman, has two daughters, the other to colmas, has one daughter; calls colmas a friend to prepare an insole (honeysuckle bark); suggests looking in her head, pierces a twig into her ear, carries the corpse on a sledge; the eldest daughter of the victim notices her mother's legs, realizes that the colmas is eating her; she promises his daughter that they will also eat the children of the victim; they put a flat blanket with pierced holes on the icy roof of the dugout to the colmas, Ermine, Fox, Wolf, Bear carry them on their backs; thinks he sees stars, goes out at noon, Kleinitsa points her direction; old man Ekhorot carries the children to poles; tells his grandchildren to overturn the pole when they transport colmas; she drowns]: 83-86; Alekseenko 1976 [commentary to Dulzon: the sky was thought to be made of Rovduga, so the rovduga with holes is especially similar to the starry sky]: 79; 2001, No. 133 [=Dulzon 1972, No. 75]: 240-244.

Eastern Siberia. Central Yakuts (Kachikat Nasleg of Khangalassky Ulus) [Ilya Boroosku grabs a swan, which lifts it to the sky; he sees that it is made of suede, the stars are wormhole holes; he cuts out belts from suede, goes down; there are not enough belts, he ties his own guts to them, safely reaches the ground]: Ergis 1967a, No. 129.1:134; Western (Vilyui) Yakuts [moon - a round hole from the first sky to the second; the spirit covers it, causing the phases of the moon; stars are holes in the sky through which heavenly light penetrates]: Popov 1949:260-261 (=Ergis 1974:134); northwestern Yakuts [stars are considered lakes or holes in the sky]: Gurvich 1977:199; northeastern (Kolyma) Yakuts [stars are vents in the sky, through which heavenly light penetrates]: Seroshevsky 1896:667; Severobaikal (Baunt) Evenks [mystery: big skin covered in holes (sky)]: Voskoboynikov 1960a, No. 68:296; Evenks: Vasilevich 1936, No. 102 [mystery: the skin (of a wild deer) is perforated - stars]: 135; 1959 [the idea of the sky as a skin thrown on the ground has been preserved in the mystery of the multax queen? - nyakgnya (letters. "Is wild deer skin perforated? "Sky"; i.e. the sky at night seemed like a skin with holes left by gadflies); this idea of the sky was included in the heroic tales of the Amur Evenks, who had an idea of the sky as a carpet thrown on the ground. There is a hole in the sky - the entrance to the upper world. This is a fixed polar star, which the Evenks call buga sangarin (letters. "sky hole", "sky hole")]: 161-162; 1969 [Sym, mystery, "the skin is perforated" (Sky); Aldan, "nuke {what is this?} with holes" (Sky)]: 210; Evens [mystery: black tire with many holes (night sky)]: Burykin 2001, No. 24:114.

Amur - Sakhalin. Negidals [stars are holes in the sky made by tree roots]: A.M. Pevnov, personal report, field materials from the 1980s; nivkhs [brother went to the taiga; red one came into his sister's houses the dog, the sister poked her with a knife; the dog: why did she prick me; ran away; the sister fell ill; the man shouted in the outlet: prick the little finger, then you will recover; the sister pricked her little finger and died; the brownie grandfather speaks brother, that the sister was carried away by a heavenly man; tells him to sit on a toad, she will raise her to heaven; the brother flew on a toad to the stars-holes, but the heavenly shamans cut the toad; the guy fell on the island; the water arrives; the dragon tells me to sit on it, brings him to the stars and holes; he was also cut, the guy is back on the island; tells the seal to take him to the master of the sea; becoming a needle, fits between her eyes; the guy asks the owner of the sea is a flying white horse; she tells the guy to become a needle and hide in her ear; heavenly shamans counted all the horse's hair, there were no extra ones, they missed it; the guy went skiing; hell offers to walk along the edge of the boiling pot; the guy asks him to go by himself, pushes him into the cauldron; then two wolves show each other how they will bite a man; the guy became ash, rushed between wolves in a whirlwind; a woman asks to come in, a guy passes by, a woman rolled his skis with her hair; he cut them off with a sword; a fox appears, threatens to raise his tail, the guy swings, the fox raised its tail, the guy was carried under a rock in a whirlwind; had to agree to marry a woman; he has been living with her for a year; when she leaves, she promises to help; he enters the house of his sister and her husband; they start fighting, sister and her husband cut the guy with sabers, laughs; a fox came in, raised her tail, the sister and her husband immediately froze; the fox revived the guy; the guy turned his son-in-law into larch, his arms and legs up, his legs grow up, his legs grow up; sister turned it into a dolphin; the wife made figures of birds, tied them to the barn, the birds came to life, they flew to the barn to the sea owner; he gave a daughter and a flying white horse; they flew to the guy's house, he's good healed with two wives]: Medvedev 1992:113-121; Manchus [Nadan Usiha - seven stars, Ursa Major; a dark wind blew from seven holes - the stars of this constellation; seven brothers shut them up]: Baker 2004: 42 (Bäcker 2000:7).

SV Asia. Tundra yukaghirs [The Kolyma word jurgud'ieje 'star' is derived from jurguu 'hole, slit' and homonymously jurgud'ieje 'awl'." Tundra Yukaghir has two words for a star: paad'iid-iečii and paad'iid-ekuu. Both are compound words with the first component paad'ii () 'awl, drill'. -iečii is clearly related to the verb ieči- 'pierce, make holes (something sharp); pierce. ' In paad'iid-ekuu, the second component of ekuu is 'hole, hole', i.e. literally 'hole (from) awl']: M.A. Zhivlov, personal communication 13.11.2016; forest yukaghirs []: Spiridonov 1996:52; Chukchi [ the sky is a canopy, a tire made of smoky rovduga (suede), light falls through the holes in it, they seem like the sun, moon and stars to people]: Bogoraz 1900: ix-xiii, 158-161 (quoted in Ergis 1974:134); itelmen : Menovshchikov 1974, No. 196 [Ivlikelchen lived; a female came to live; he was going to eat it at night; she asks to tell a fairy tale, at this time she digs out; ran away; I. chases after him; the female caught the bird, began to swing as if it were her child, made a house; I. did not recognize her, stayed overnight; the female covered his face with a rovduga, in which she pierced holes; I. thinks that it is still night and stars are visible; I. again chases; the female teases him, says she is a girl; I. did not catch her, returned home, began to fix his pants; the mice roll down the yaranga past the window; I. thinks that it is his cheeks that block the light, cut them off; then his nose; when he saw the mice, he invited them to roll into his pants; found a tree, told him to bend down, hung his pants, told the tree to straighten; the fox heard screams; the mice taught her what to say to make the tree bent down and straightened; the mice trained rotten in their pants; at home, the fox asks the mice to cook alder bark and chew it; I. came; the fox says that she is sick, there is blood in the trough, asks to pour it off the mountain and does not look around; the fox crept up and pushed I., he died]: 575-579; Jochelson 1961, No. 9 [Elthehenai's children ask for a fairy tale; she replies what old woman Ivlikelhen will tell; I. sings, trying to put to sleep E., to then eat; she digs a dig from home, runs away with her children; the youngest knot stays, lives with I.; contrary to the ban, she unties the bags, all birds and animals fly away from them and scatter; I. chases a knot; she turns herself into a woman caught by an ermine into a baby; I. does not recognize her, stays overnight; the knot cuts off the back of I.'s pants, pierces star holes in them, covers I.'s face, I. He sees the Big Dipper, the Pleiades, Orion, thinks it's still night; the hat falls, I. continues to pursue; the cuckoo Kekukemtalhan carries the knot in a boat across the river, marries him; says I. she crossed after drinking water in the river; I. drinks, bursts; when she learns that his wife eats crap, the Cuckoo kills her]: 71-74 (translated into Menovshchikov 1974, No. 201:583-586).

The Arctic. Kodiak [two girls spend the night outside to see the Month, wish it to be a husband; he goes down, carries them to heaven; one opens his eyes, falls, the other becomes the wife of the Month; walking across the sky, meets stars; each is a lying person with one bright eye, with his face on the ground; violates her husband's ban on entering two houses; in one she sees half, a quarter and a small sickle of the moon; in the other she sees a full moon, almost full and slightly more than half of the moon; puts almost full to his face, can no longer take it off; since then she has been sharing her husband's work (the growing month is a man, the decreasing moon is a woman)]: Golder 1903, No. 5:28-31 ; central Yupik [a shaman visits the sky; stars are holes in the sky through which light from above penetrates; through them he reaches the third heaven and enters kashim; there he sees the decorations of the ritual the ideas that local people set in motion by the ropes; they depict a heavenly world with stars, snowflakes, etc.; the shaman is so amazed that he drops a dish of meat offered to him and wakes up; this shaman and another see in a state of trance how they are ordered to arrange porridge according to this pattern, offer food and drink to images of spirits; happy spirits turn figures into real fish and animals sent to earth]: Nelson 1899:495 (quoted in Lantis 1947:65); Nuniwak [stars are holes in the upper world through which shamans enter]: Lantis 1946:197; inupiat ( northern Alaska?) [stars are holes in the sky; rain and snow fall through them]: Ostermann 1952:128; McKenzie estuary: Ostermann 1942:56 [stars are holes in the sky; rain and snow fall through them], 58 [ the dead are in the sky, the stars are windows (in their homes)]; caribou [stars are holes in the sky]: Rasmussen 1930b:79; netsilic (Utkuhikhalingmiut) [The month takes the dead to heaven; the windows of their homes - stars]: Rasmussen 1927:197 in MacDonald 1998:33; igloolik (Pallirmiut) [the sky is a big country, it has many holes, it's stars]: Rasmussen 1930:79 on MacDonald 1998:33.

Subarctic. Tutchoni (and possibly neighboring atapaskas - tagish, helmet) [stars are holes in the sky through which light enters]: Ukjese van Kampen, personal report, 15.05.2010.

The coast is the Plateau. Thompson: Boas 1895, No. II.5 (ntlakyapamuk) [=2002:87-88; Coyote's son has two wives, Coyote wants one for himself; sends his son to the tree for a bird; the tree grows; when the son jumps to heaven, Coyote makes the tree low again; the young man wants to pull out the roots; it turns out that these are holes in the sky = stars; turns two old women into birds; spider spouses lower it to the ground in a basket; wife and son meet him; he kills a deer, sends a Coyote after it; a Coyote sinks in a river; turns into a piece of wood; two women make a plate out of it; it eats food; they throw it into the fire; it turns into a baby; they make his servant; they keep fog and wasps in the vessels; left alone, the Coyote opens the vessels, releasing fog and wasps into the world]: 17-18; Teit 1898, No. 2 [at the beginning of time, the Coyote makes a son out of clay; he bathes, dissolves in water; from resin - melts in the sun; from white stone - lives, his name is Nlixentem; Loon and Duck give him daughters as wives, one dark-skinned, the other is light; Coyote turns their excrement into chicks an eagle, asks his son to climb a tree after them, tells the tree to become tall, comes to his wives in clothes and in the form of a son, takes a bright one, drives away a dark-skinned one; N. walks along the heavenly plain, pulls out the big edible rhizomes, the wind blows from the holes, these rhizomes are stars; he goes into an empty dugout, takes the basket, the baskets attack it; he puts the basket back, tells the baskets to become people's servants; the same episode in a dugout of mats; awls; ridges, birch bark vessels; N. comes to two blind old women; they eat rotten wood, pass food to each other, N. intercepts it, old women quarrel, accusing them each other; they feel a man, they say that he smells bad; N. turns them into two types of hazel grouses; comes to the spider spouses, they call themselves his grandfather and grandmother, they lower them to the ground in a basket; N. finds a faithful wife and son; Coyote's people are starving, Raven finds N. back, gets meat for his children; people force him to confess where the meat comes from; they return to N., celebrate, ask him take his second wife back; N. sends the Coyote for the carcass of a dead deer, the Coyote falls into the river, swims to the dam, followed by two sisters holding salmon; turns into a wooden plate; eats food, a plate they throw him into the fire, the Coyote turns into a baby, the sisters adopt him; in their absence, he breaks the dam, releasing salmon into the rivers; goes downstream; asks three or four girls if they want salmon, the youngest answers, Yes; he sends his penis to her across the river, the end stays in the vagina, the girl gets sick; Coyote carries salmon across rivers; a group of girls replies they want meat mountain sheep, not salmon; in this place, the Coyote creates rapids; under the guise of a shaman, he comes to the sick person, asks everyone to sing loudly, leave him with the girl in the steam room, copulates, removes the end of the penis, the girl recovers; the Coyote creates fake berries on the bushes, negotiates with the Grizzly to eat her supplies first, then him; runs away, the berries dry up]: 21-29.

The Great Southwest. Seri [azoj 'star' is related to the verb (toii) ccazoj 'have a hole, perforated (with one hole) '. The vocabulary of the 19th century series notes the phoneme /w/, which has disappeared in the modern series. In particular, the word 'star' is written with the initial /w/: vasoh, etc. The verb 'have a hole' is not in the vocabulary, but we can show that its root also started with /w/. At the beginning, /w/ fell out without leaving a trace, but after the consonants /w/ was assimilated to the previous consonant, so that the consonants were doubled. The verb ccazoj belongs to a class of verbs before which consonants of prefixes are doubled (cc-azoj in a verb name, tt-azoj in reality, etc.). So we can say for sure that the root of this verb started with /w/, just like the word 'star'. In addition, the name and verb have the same plural base: 'stars' - azlc, plural number from 'have a hole' - tt-azlc]: M.A. Zhivlov, personal message 13.11.2016.

Mesoamerica Mountain Totonaki [the world is square like a house or a temazcal (steam bath), four Catholic saints support it in the corners; the earth is round like a frying pan, surrounded by water; the sky is like a stove vault, stars - holes]: Ichon 1969:36.

NW Amazon. Tikuna [the tree covered the sky; Dioy shoots through the foliage with a slingshot, star holes appear; together with Brother Epi and ants and termites, cuts the trunk, the tree remains hanging; D. promises Sister E. to the one who cuts the vine holding the tree; Big Squirrel cannot, Malaya discovers that it is not a vine, but a Sloth; the squirrel poured ants on him, he let go of the tree; when it falls, it hit The squirrel is on the tail, it is now bent]: Nimuendaju 1952:123-124.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Tupari [stars are holes in the sky; the inhabitants of the upper world look at the ground through them; it rains through them - the urine of celestials]: Caspar 1975:188.