I55A. Stars are lakes. 35.36.40.
Stars are lakes on one of the celestial levels.
Nenets, Ents, Nganasans, Western, Northwestern and Northeastern Yakuts, Northern Alaska Inupiat (hall. Kotzebue).
Western Siberia. The Nenets [stars are lakes on the land that serves as our sky; they rotate along with this upper earth]: Khomich 1976:18, 20; Ents [stars are lakes in the lower tier of the sky; these are Irio-Casa people; the Sun is a woman, he has a daughter; Month is a man; spots are Moons, a husband with a tambourine mallet in his hands; his people are stars]: Gemuev et al. 2005:534; nganasans [stars are considered lakes]: Dolgikh, Feinberg 1960:51.
Eastern Siberia. Western Yakuts (northwest of the Vilyui District) [the stars appeared to be holes, and only a few of them, the most striking in appearance, were said to consist of fire lakes]: Popov 1949 : 261; Northwestern Yakuts ["Stars were sometimes seen as lakes, sometimes as holes in the sky"]: Gurvich 1977:199; northeastern (Kolyma) Yakuts ["stars are nothing more than the gleam of lakes in the sky"]: Seroshevsky 1896:667.
The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate (Kotzebue) [a shaman has been in the sky; there are many small lakes there are stars]: Nelson 1899:515 (quoted in Fitzhugh, Kaplan 1982:192, MacDonald 1998:38).