Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I58. The Milky Way is the birds' road .28.-.

The Milky Way is called the bird route and is associated with migratory birds.

Luzhitans, Kashubians, Poles (Mazovia), Belarusians, Ukrainians (Volyn), Russians (Vologda, Vladimir, Tula, Kaluga, Smolensk, Vyatka), Nogais, Turkmens, Sami, Finns, Estonians, Setu, Livonian, Latvians, Lithuanians, Mari, Chuvash, Mordovians, Udmurts, Komi, Bashkirs, Kazan Tatars, Karakalpaks, Kazakhs (and Kipchaks), Kyrgyz, Mansi, Southern (and others?) Khanty, Northern Selkups, Middle Amur Evenks, Forest Yukaghirs, Southern Tutchoni, Ojibwa (Georgian Bay, Timagami), Northern Solto, (Eastern Swamp Cree).

(Wed. The Balkans. Hungarians: Nikonov [1980a: 248] gives a deaf reference to Erdödi, pointing out that Hungarians retained the designation of the Milky Way as a "bird road" until the 16th century. Erdödi 1968, quoted by Nikonov in other cases, does not have such data).

Central Europe. Poles (northeastern Poland), Belarusians, Luzhitans, Russians [The Milky Way is the path of human souls flying in the form of birds to Ireas, or paradise {"human souls" - authors' interpretation}]: Azimov, Tolstoy 1995:118; Dobrovolskaya 2010 (Vladimirskaya) [bird route (but it is not said that they are flying to Irey); Bausenkin corpse (one case in the south of the region); if Milky The path is bright, which means spring is near; The road to Crimea - birds fly to warm countries along it]: 150-151; Poles ["Bird Road" (all sources in masuria}]: Niebrzegowska 1999:149; Avilin 2015, map 19 [ only Mazovia and adjacent areas in northwestern Poland to the west and east of the administrative border of Masovia]; Poles, Luzhitans ["Bird Route" - among the residents and in northern Poland]: Gł adyszowa 1960:77; Lusatians [bird route]: Jankov 1951:150; Kashubians: Gulgowski 1910 [birds navigate the Milky Way ("sky road") when flying to foreign countries]: 24; (cf. Stegemann 1934-1935:368 in Nikonov 1980 [in the German dialects of Pomerania and Oldenburg: Wildbahn is the "game road" {i.e. wild birds?}] : 250); Russians [The Milky Way is called goose road in Vologda, Vyatka, Perm, Tula, Smolensk, Kaluga Gubernia; also in Siberia]: Ruth 1976:48 (=1987:13; =Gura 1997:671); Belarusians: Avilin 2015 ["Birds fly to Vyry and back along the Milky Way"; "Crane Road"; "Goose Road"; "The Road Where Sparrows Fly"; "Bird's Road"]: 59-61, map 19 [full Belarus]; Gura 1997 (Pinsk Polesie) [the departure of storks is sometimes associated with the appearance of the Milky Way - the bus road in the sky]: 658; Pyatkevich 2004 [Milky Way - Molochnaya or Goose Road; The milk yield of dairy cows decreases when the Milky Way is less visible in the sky; "When all the milk flows down Goose Road, it will turn so white that every alien bird knows where she should fly to warm regions"]: 283; Ukrainians: Avilin 2015, map 19 [Volyn and along the entire Belarusian border; one entry in Kharkiv]; Moshkov 1900 (Lutsk Volyn, nowhere else) [The Milky Way - the road along which birds fly to the outcrop]: 205; Chubinsky 1872 (Volyn Gubernia, Lutsk Uyezd) [The Milky Way is a road drawn across the sky and serves to show birds the way to Vyry, the place where they are fly away for the winter]: 15.

Caucasus - Ma Laya Asia. Nogais: Bulatova 1999 [Kuus yol - Bird Road (along with the names Mecke Yol, Kaaba Yol - Road to Mecca, Road to Kaaba, Aji Yol - Hajiyev Road)]: 106; Kapaev 2012:11 [Ku-yoli (Road Swan), Kus-yola (Bird Road); there is a legend that this path turned out to be the fluff and feathers of a space swan; Bird Route because migratory birds flew from north to south in this direction], 257 [Aku-kuv yols are "the path paved by the white swan"; clusters of stars along the way were considered swan down].

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens [uślar joli, "bird trail"]: Vámbéri 1879:155-156 (Vamberi data in Svyatsky 196:124 and Nikonov 1980b: 293).

Baltoscandia. The Sami [lod'd'e rähttis (lod'd'e raidârâs), lodde-raiddaras - bird road (ladder)]: Nikonov 1980:248; Napolskikh 1992:5; Harva 1933 [Lodderaiddaras - "stairs {more precisely, "steps"} birds]: 138; Porsanger 2005 [The Milky Way - Lodderaaidalas ("bird trail" to Baarbmu' country near the Sami Sea - Muohtabaalggis ("snow route")]: 26-27; Toivonen 1937:123; Finns: Erdödi 1968 [ tarkoitettaneed linnurataa]: 110; Napolskikh 1992 [linnurata; at its southern or southeastern end is lintukotola (birdland), an island in the warm sea where dwarfs fight birds; at the same time this is the edge of heaven, so taivaanääreläiset dwarfs (living at the edge of the sky)]: 5; Karelians (Livviks) [Linnunrada]: Boyko, Markianova 2011:157; Estonians: Desert 2002 [Milky Path - linnutee - a god-drawn white sheet to show the way to migratory birds]: 268; Kuperjanov 2003:150 [The Milky Way - Linnutee (Bird Road), Linnurada (The Bird Trail, Saarema), Kuretee (" Geese Road", Harjumaa), Sirgutee (Bird Road, Võrumaa], 151 (Keila) [Birds fly south and back along the Bird Route; ahead is a white swan-like bird with a girl's head; eagles and hawks are hiding from she is in cloud cliffs; in summer she lives on a northern cliff, birds feed her sweet northern berries; a sailor saw her lead birds over the sea, and a big hawk rushed to the side in fear (=2001:109 -110)]; Toivonen 1937:123; seto [Tsirgutii - "Bird Road"]: Kuperjanov 2003:150; Livs [līndad rada]: Toivonen 1937:123; Latvians, Lithuanians [Milky Way - Bird Road ]: Gładyszowa 1960:77-78; Lithuanians [Milky Way - Bird Road, Crane Road]: Vaiškūnas 1999:173; Lithuanians [Milky Way - Bird Road]: Kerbelite 2001 [no birds have seen roads, God made a "Bird Trail" for them]: 57; Moshkov 1900 [paukśzcziå kielês]: 205; Potanin 1883 [Paukszcziu kielés]: 742.

Volga - Perm. Marie: Akzorin 1991, No. 22 [when flying south, some geese fell behind; then the strong left their fluff in the sky, which others can find their way]: 55-56 (this text is quoted from an archival source, MKO: 55-56, Yuziyeva 2016 [In ancient times, severe cold began to come. Thousands of wild geese flew from the cold to warmer regions in the afternoon. They were followed by cold and dark nights. Some geese were tired from the long flight and lagged behind their pack. For tired and straggy brethren to find their flock, strong flying geese would leave their white fluff in the sky. This is how the Wild Goose Road (Milky Way) was formed. Relaxing geese, guided by these fluffs, caught up with their flock. This is how they found the main flock in midday countries]: 110); Vasiliev 1907 [Yumon-Kombe-Korne - (God's) geese road]: 12; Moshkov 1900 [Goose Road]: 197; Shkalina 2003 [ Kayykkombo Korno - Wild Goose Road]: 81; Chuvash: Ashmarin 1984 [Wild geese fly along the Milky Way in spring and autumn]: 26; Zolotnitsky 1874 [Kaik-khor Svole: "Wild Geese Road"]: 22; Rodionov 1982 [swans live near Milk Lake, fly there in autumn along the Milky Way]: 168; Holmberg 1927 [bird trail]: 434; Meszaros 2000 (1906-1908) [In autumn, wild geese fly south along the Milky Way to the Caucasus Mountains (Kapkas); the Milky Way is called the Wild Goose Road (South Chuvash. Kayăk hur çul, North Chuvash. Kaiăk çol choir)]: 88; Mordovians: Devyatkina 1998 [Kargon (kargon (moksha, erzya) - "crane"; ki - "way") - "crane road"; stars in the form the stones were below; Shkai collected them, scattered them across the sky by the Milky Way so that birds could check the road along it]: 118; Evseev 1931:98 in Nikonov 1980a: 247 [Erzya: Kargon ki, "crow's road" (obviously mistake); moksha: Vyr matsyna ki, "wild geese road"]; Udmurts: Vereshchagin 1886 [The Milky Way is the road that birds follow when flying; if this reference point did not exist, geese would have been transferred]: 85 (=1995:81); Moshkov 1900 [Goose Road]: 197; Potanin 1883 [Lud Zhiazhek Shures, Wild Goose Road]: 740; Toivonen 1937 ["geese road", "wild geese road"]: 123; Komi : Batalova, Krivoshchekova-Gantman 1985 (Komi-Permyaki) [Dzodzog Tui, Kai Tui 'Milky Way' (Dzodzog 'goose, goose', kai 'bird, bird')]: 121, 162; Gribova 2013 [Milky Way: Tui Duck, Dzodzog Tui, Kai Tui, Turi Tui (Road of Ducks, Geese, Birds, Cranes)]: 13; Potanin 1883 [Kaj lebzan tuj - the road where birds fly]: 943; Napolskikh 1992 [at the southern end of the Milky Way - warm island where geese fly]: 6; Gyarmati 1993 [Potka-lebźan-tui - flying birds path]: 227; Toivonen 1937 [Zyryans - "goose road"]: 123; Bashkirs: Barag 1987, No. 4 [cranes flew south , a storm rose; cranes began to wander in the sky, fall; adult cranes scattered feathers across the sky, marking the road - Kosh Yuly; Western 1967 (=Nadrshina 1985, No. 1:9)]: 33; Rudenko [kosh yuly (kaz yuly) is the "bird road" ("geese") along which they fly south] 1925:316; 1955:315; Tatars [Milky Way - Kiek kaz yuly (" Wild Geese Road")]: Berkutov 1987:29; Vorobyov, Khisamutdinov 1967:316.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Abishev 1949 [Milky Way - Kus Zholy (Bird Road); in southern Kazakhstan - Saban Kholy (Chaffaw Road), as birds are believed to cover their way with chaff when flying]: 23; Valikhanov 1985 [Milky Way - Kush jol, "bird road" because migratory birds fly in the direction of the Milky Way]: 57; Karutz 1911 (Mangyshlak) ["The Milky Way is the Kyrgyz road for birds to fly to Mecca "]: 135; Potanin 1881 [Kus-jol - bird road]: 126-127; Sidelnikov 1962 [migratory birds find their way at night]: 268; Kipchaks [in the Arab-Kipchak dictionary of the 14th century. (Al-Bulgat..) The Milky Way - quš jol( "Bird Road")]: Clauson 1964:360; Karakalpaks [Kus-Joli - Bird Road]: Baskakov 1967:432; Nikonov 1980a: 248; Kyrgyz [Milky Way - Kush Zholu, Kustin Zhul ("Bird Road"), Zymran Kushtik Zhul ("Simurg Bird Road")]: Abramzon 1946 [The Milky Way - Kerben Jol ("Caravan Road"), Kush-Jolu ("Bird's Road")]: 65; Potanin 1881:127; Fielstrup 2002:217, 227.

Western Siberia. Mansi: Erdődi 1968 ["wild duck road", they navigate it at night]: 110; Holmberg 1927 [Southern Bird Road]: 434; Munkácsi 1908:254; Nikonov 1980a [Potleong, wild duck path]: 248; Napolskikh 1992 [Waterfowl Route]: 8; Khanty? {Erdödi and Holmberg mention the Khanty along with the Mansi without specifying the groups and without referring to specific sources}; the Southern Khanty [tōkpălo'k (rare), tōź⸺- ( Upper Nedemyan dialect): "die Straße Noahs", Tierkreis [Milchstraße?] (demselben folgen die Zugvögel, wenn sie in die warmen Ländern fliegen)"]: Karjalainen 1948 (II): 1067; northern Selkups (records by K. Donner, 1913) ["Weg der Sommervögel |=die Milchstraße|]" {Donner's notes contain the Selkup original and the translation "summer bird road"; identification with the Milky Way seems to have been made by the compiler Dictionary}]: Alatalo 2004, № 2683:379.

Eastern Siberia. The Middle Amur Evenks [The Milky Way seemed to be a hunter's ski trail (Haglen or Ma i) for almost all Evenks, and only the Middle Amur ones represented it "bird's road"]: Vasilevich 1969:210.

SV Asia. Forest Yukaghirs [The Milky Way - "The Road of Migratory Birds"]: Spiridonov 1930:211 (also link to Vrtanesyan 2020:?)

Subarctic. Southern Tutchoni [The Milky Way celebrates the flight of a loon that cured a blind man]: McClelland 1975 (1): 78.

The Midwest. Northern Solto [The Milky Way - "Summer Bird Route"]: Hallowell 1934:394; Ojibwa timagami [migratory birds navigate the Milky Way]: Speck 1915d: 79; Ojibwa (Parry Island in Georgian Bay) [The Milky Way is a road for migratory birds; a great spirit told the Turtle to make one for them]: Miller 1997:60; (cf. Eastern Marsh Cree [when the sky trail, Milky Way) turns from north to south, migratory birds fly away]: Bird 2007:22.