Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I59A. A thief in heaven

Astral objects or moonspots are associated with a story about the theft of certain items, and the value of the stolen items is low (straw, firewood, cabbage, etc.).

Arabs and Berbers of Morocco [straw], kabilas [hay], Basques [wood, brushwood, oxen], Catalans [coal; figs; firewood], Italians (Switzerland? , Trentino, Puglia) [cabbage; straw; goat], frets [milk from cows], British [thorny brushwood], Irish [brushwood, cabbage, bull and cow], French (Upper Brittany, Lower Normandy, Perche, Dauphinay, Burgundy, Ile de France, Lorraine, Hers), Bretons [brushwood], Flemish [brushwood], Dutch [vegetables], northern friezes [cabbage, twigs], wallons [cabbage], Germans (Rügen Island) [coal], Germans ( Black Forest) [brandenburg], Germans (North Rhine-Westphalia) [beets and straw], Germans (brandenburg) [dried vegetables/fruits], Germans (unrecorded) [cabbage, water buckets], Hindi (dhuri caste) [ funeral stretchers], Hungarians [straw], Slovenes [straw], Croats [straw], Bosnians [oxen], Montenegrins [straw], Serbs [straw], Bulgarians [straw], Macedonians [straw], Greeks [straw], Albanians [straw], Romanians and Aromanians [straw], Gagauz [straw], Slovaks [straw], Poles (German border) [pea straw], Czechs [peas; sheaf], Luzhitans [eggs], Belarusians [straw], Ossetians [straw], Armenians [straw], Azerbaijanis [straw], Turks [straw], Kurds [straw], Ishkashim [straw], Wakhans [straw], Swedes [calf head; not specified], Western Sami [sheep; not specified], counselors [not specified] indicated], Estonians [not specified], Livons [not specified].

North Africa. Arabs and Berbers of Morocco [The Milky Way is an adobe road; a thief loaded chopped straw on a camel; on the way, the wind scattered it and all the straw was in the sky; on a clear night on the Milky Way camel tracks are visible]: Lagercrantz 1952:64-65; kabila [the devil stole a haystack, went up into the sky, started throwing armfuls of hay, they caught fire - they're shooting stars]: Arezki 2010:135.

Southern Europe. Basques: Barandiaran 1962b, No. 149 [the thief stole firewood, the owner cursed it so that he could not rest on the ground or in the air; he is visible on the moon and runs forever]: 13; Camarena, Chevallier 2003, No. 760E [a man was carrying stolen wood; the moon came out; he told her to escape (not to be noticed); the moon grabbed him and now he can be seen carrying a bunch of firewood]: 129; Krappe 1930 [two thieves stole two oxen a peasant; he sent a servant in pursuit; when he did not return, the maid, then the dog, then went by himself; when he could not find it, he began to swear; as punishment, they all found themselves in heaven, became the constellation Ursa Major; the first two stars are oxen, the third and fourth are thieves; servant, maid, dog, peasant - four stars of the bucket handle (it's clear that Alcor is included)]: 264 (=1938:149); Valriu 2015, No. 5 [man stole for firewood the thorns, and because he did not want to be seen, told the moon that it did not need it; the moon drew him towards him and now he can be seen there with a bunch of brushwood]: 13; Catalans: Amades 1930 [Mallorca: man stole coal; swore that if he was a thief, let the Moon take it; ended up on the moon; Barcelona: the man stole {figs? figures}, swore to the judge that it was not his fault, Luna was a witness; the Moon took him]: 245; Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 751E (Mallorca included) [under cover of night, a man carried a bunch of stolen firewood; the moon took he is punished and now he can be seen there {apparently like the Basques}]: 147-148; Italians: Kabakova 2006, No. 4 (Trentino) [stupid Tonio envies Giovanni that cabbage is better; he goes to steal, the old woman asks what he is doing; the first time T. runs away, the second time threatens the old woman; she asks the moon to go down and pick him up; since then, his face can be seen on the moon], 5A (Puglia: Bari) [=Volpati 1933b: 40-41; St. Peter stole a bag of straw from a Jew; he told the authorities; Peter ran, forgetting to tie his bag, and the straw scattered across the sky, forming the Milky Way; this is "St. Peter's Way"]: 11-16, 16; Volpati 1933a ( Switzerland?) [G. Salvia in Archives de Traditions Populaires XV, 37; Ursa Major - "Seven Brothers"; one day seven brothers went to the field to steal a goat (cavriola); Jesus punished them by turning them into stars, as well placed a goat in the sky in the form of a star]: 461; ladins [on the moon you can see a man milking a cow; he used to walk at night and give milk from other people's cows; once the moon was full and he cursed her; for this, the moon took him home]: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 101:267.

Western Europe. The British [12th century; the man on the moon brings them stolen goods (thorns)]: Harley 1885:27; the Irish [at night, the poor man went to get firewood to light the fire; found nothing else but a thorny bush that plugged a hole in the fence; he put it on his back and carried it home; the cows found a hole in the fence and ran away; the man wanted to put the bush in place, but did not have time - he was transferred to moon; this is how everyone knew that whoever stole from a neighbor would be punished]: Muller 2006, No. 7:22; Bretons: Kabakova 1998, No. 16 [evil spirits gather on Saturdays chanting, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - Thursday, Friday! Only an outsider can say the names of Saturday and Sunday; one day a rag walked by, heard, shouted, then Saturday and Sunday; he was carried to the moon, where he stands, holding his bag with his back; he will be replaced by someone who repeats his words on the same day and hour], 19 [you can see voleur de landes avec fais de landes on the moon behind his back; he was summoned to court, he replied that if he stole, let the moon would swallow it; so it happened]: 30-31, 33-34; Sébillot 1904:14 (Côtes-du-Nord) [Pierrot stole brushwood from his neighbor and did not allow anyone to come warm by the fire; Jesus came up in the guise of an old man, then 12 apostles in turn, P. refused everyone; after his death he was told that he did not deserve paradise, did not sin enough to go to hell, and was warm enough in life to find himself in purgatory; will now stand with its brushwood on the cold moon], 17 [Bazin stole hay; a ray of the moon fell on his face, the owner recognized him, Bazin began to scold the moon; for this she drew him to her where he was now seen with an armful of hay]; French: Bosquet 1963 (Dauphine) [lazy Bazin, when his wife asked for firewood to cook, went and stole firewood prepared for the fire on Ivanovo night; moon drew him to her and he stayed there; now he is not a Buzen thief, but Bazin Moon]: 242-253; Joisten 2005 (Dauphine): 355 [the greedy man on the night of Ivan Kupala (Saint-Jean) went to steal what others had prepared brushwood for fires, I climbed the mountain, the moon swallowed it there, it is now visible on it on the full moon when it is red)], 157 [on the moon a man with a bunch of stolen brushwood (paquet de buisson)]: 14; Kabakova 1998, No. 23 (Gers) [thieves stole a bull and a cow from the barn; he sent a servant in pursuit, he did not return; then the maid and the dog were the same; he began to swear; God turned them into a Big Bear; the first star of the bucket is a cow, the second is a bull, the third and fourth are thieves, the first pen star is a servant, Mitzar is a servant, Alcor is a dog, the last star of the pen is the driver himself]: 36-38; Sé billot 1904:15 (Perche, northern France) [a man with brushwood on the moon-the first thief to be edified there], 15 (Haute-Brittany) [God went out to meet a man carrying stolen firewood, offered the choice to be in the sun or the moon; he chose the moon], 16 (Lower Normandy) [on Saturday night, a man dismantled someone else's fence to make his own; when carrying brushwood, the people he met accused he was stealing; he swore not, otherwise he would be on the moon; and he found himself], 18 (Lorraine) [barber Bazin went to steal cabbage from his neighbors; when he took the car, it creaked; he wrote to it, thinking that the creak attracts the light of the moon; he was on the moon with the wheelbarrow], 19 (Burgundy, Morvan) [Judas with brushwood is visible on the moon: Judas can be seen on the moon with a basket of cabbage (which he apparently stole)], 21 ( Ile-de-France) [on the moon, a man holds stolen cabbage in his hands; if he hadn't blocked the moon, it would shine as bright as the sun]; wallons [a man named Pharaoh went to steal turnips from a neighbor at night; To prevent the moon from shining on him through the holes in the wattle fence, he picked up a pile of brushwood on his pitchfork and tried to cover it; God placed him on the moon]: 18-19; Flemish [mother sent her son for brushwood, and he cut green branches in the forest; the forester accused him of stealing; the young man said that he had collected everything on earth, and if he was lying, he would be on the moon; and he was immediately there; on the moon you can see a man with with a bunch of branches]: Van den Berg 2000, No. 3:10-12; Dutch [a man with stolen vegetables is visible on the moon]: Grimm 1883 (2): 718; northern friezes [a man stole a neighbor from the garden at Christmas] cabbage, spotted and sent to the moon, where he is seen with cabbage; every Christmas turns around; or he stole willow twigs]: Harley 1885:23; Germans (North Rhine-Westphalia) [visible on the moon a man named Rastock, placed there for stealing beets and straw]: Schell 1896, No. 17:199; Germans (Rügen Island) [on a dark night, a thief stole coal; when carrying a bag of coal, he grabbed a month him and now he will stand on the moon for eternity, bent under the weight of the burden; or on the moon, the man who cut wood (Dornen)]: Haas 1903, No. 157:145-146; Germans (Brandenburg) [outside the village there were ovens for drying fruits and vegetables; two thieves came to steal what was drying; one: the moon is round, it will betray us; the other: I will cover it with a pile of peas while you get what is in the stove; this man is right there disappeared and has since been seen on the moon with a pile of peas]: Engelien, Lahn 1868, No. 61:95-96; Germans (no recording location specified): Grimm 1883 (2) [on Sunday, a man stole cabbage; now visible on the moon with a head of cabbage]: 718; Wolf 1929 [1) the thief stole two buckets of water at night; ran away from the pursuer, saw that it was his own shadow; scolded the moon that cast this shadow, splashed water into it; the Moon took it with the buckets; 2) Wardenburg: On the moon, a man with a head of cabbage under his shoulders and a bucket of water in his hands; he didn't like the moonlight, he wanted to put it out by pouring water on it]: 55 and Baring-Gould 1914:194 in Isis 1998:20-21; the Germans (Black Forest) [on Sunday, a man stole firewood from the forest, carried him home; God met him, suggested that he choose his own punishment: stand in the sun or on the moon; the man replied that it is better to freeze on the moon than to burn in the sun; now he is visible on the moon with a bunch of brushwood behind his back; to prevent man from freezing, God has set fire to firewood and it burns forever]: Meier 1852b, No. 2 : 230 (=Hubrich-Messow 2006, No. 57:39)

South Asia. Dhuri (Middle India, including Chattigarh) [Big Dipper is a stretcher owned by an old woman; three thieves decided to steal them, God placed them forever with a stretcher on sky]: Krappe 1938:149.

The Balkans. Bulgarians, Gagauz people, Croats, Albanians, Greeks, Romanians, Aromanians, Meglenorumins [kum stole straw from their godfather]: Mladenova 2006:165; Serbs (Choka) [on the Milky Way lies straw that one godfather stole from another]: Kálmány 1893:29-30; Greeks, Bulgarians, Albanians, Romanians (1 entry) [pop stole straw] : Mladenova 2006:165; Hungarians, Romanians [Gypsies stole straw]: Mladenova 2006:165; Romanians (Transylvania) [a thief is visible on the moon; when the moonlight illuminated him, he said that if he is guilty , let him be on the moon; the moon took him along with the thorny bush near which he stood; now he is visible there as a reminder to all thieves]: Müller 1857, No. 229:177; Bosnians (Velika Kladusa) [The greedy man had 7 oxen and needed one more to pair the number of oxen; when he learned that the poor man had only one ox, the man decided that there was nothing to do with one and stole an ox; when the oxen were given hay, the stolen one did not eat the pile they were intended for him, but went to the seventh; the thief understood this as a promise of punishment in seven generations; later, when the thief looked into the barn, it was empty: his seven oxen took to heaven and became the Pleiades (Volovi)]: seb-hor.blogspot.ru; Hungarians: Nikonov 1980a [The Milky Way is straw stolen by gypsies; replaced the previous idea of the "bird road"]: 246-247; Dähnhardt 1909 [St. Peter was carrying straw, his horse was blind, ran into a gypsy wagon, the straw crumbled; the gypsy was Altair]: 83; Kálmány 1893 [1) Jesus (or St. Peter) was driving along the Milky Way, straw fell out of his wagon and stayed there; 2) St. Peter was driving along the road (along the Milky Way) in a wagon, collided with a drunken man's wagon; from St. Peter fell out straw; 3) St. Peter stole the straw and loaded it onto the wagon (Gönczöl's Wagen = Big Dipper); the guard rushed after him, St. Peter quickly left, but lost the straw that is still visible in the sky (this is the Milky Way); 4) the gypsy went to the threshing floor and stole straw; the watchman began to chase him and does so to this day; the gypsy lost straw on the road (on the Milky Way); gypsy - Altair, threshing floor - round constellation near Albireo, watchman - Vega]: 28-30; Bulgarians: Potanin 1883 [Milky Way - Hymen, hay cut by a thief who stole it from his godfather; to denounce his great sin (godfather cannot be offended), it is recorded in the sky]: 741; Stoynev 2006 [Milky Way - Slamata, Slamen Pat, Popova Slama, Pat on Greshinicite; 1) merchant came to the bones to the godfather, stole a bag of straw, carried it to his house, the bag was full of holes, the straw crumbled along the way; in the morning, on the trail, the godfather found the culprit, cursed that the straw path would never go out as a reminder; 2) pop stole straw]: 176; Macedonians [a godson stole straw from his godson and carried it; God ordered it to be abandoned immediately, he did so, the Milky Way was formed]: Ortenzio 2008, No. 22:22; Serbs , Bulgarians [The Milky Way - Straw Stolen and Scattered Along the Road]: Asimov, Tolstoy 1995:119; Serbs, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Slovenes [The Milky Way Stolen straw that the thief (godfather, godfather, pop) scattered, and God put in heaven as punishment and set fire to remind of the offense; dark spots on the Milky Way are the traces of the kidnapper's horse]: Belova 2004a, No. 231 : 129-130; Montenegrins [Milky Way - Kumova Slama; a godfather stole straw from a godfather; God left a sign in heaven to shame a thief]: Avilin 2015:63-64; Slovenians [one godfather stole straw from another; this interpretation was already known in ancient Greek literature {no reference}]: Šmitek 2001:131; Serbs: Belova 2004a, No. 231 [the Milky Way has two sleeves, as two godfathers stole straw from each other other]: 130; Jankovich 1951 [Milky Way -1) "Kumovska Slama"; two godfathers stole straw from each other; 2) straw woke up by St. Peter when he was persecuted by Jews; 3) awakened by St. Andrew]: 149-151; Croats (Herzegovina) [a godfather stole straw from a godfather; God placed a trail of crumbling straw in heaven, for stealing from a godfather is a serious crime]: Krauss 1885:617-618; Greeks ["straw path"; straw stolen from godfather; stolen by pop]: Mladenova 2006:156; Gagauz people [The Milky Way (Saman Yelu) - the path by which a person dragged straw he had stolen from his godfather]: Moshkov 1901:55-56.

Central Europe. Poles (Polish-German borderland) [a thief on the moon with an armful of pea straw with which he covered the moon that prevented him from stealing]: Gura 2004:151; Czechs: Gura 2004 [A thief stands in the Month, going out on a moonlit night to steal peas]: 151 (=2006:463); Grohmann 2010 (Moravia) [on the moon, a man with a sheaf behind his back that he tried to steal for Easter]: 44; Lusatians [on the moon there is a woman with with a basket of stolen eggs on the back]: Gura 2006:463 (=2004:151); Slovaks [The Milky Way is the "gypsy way"; it has straw stolen by the gypsy]: Kálmány 1893:29-30; Belarusians (1 (recorded in 2007) [one brother stole straw from another in the winter; crumbling straw led the way to the thief's house]: Avilin 2015:63.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians: Chursin 1925a [The Milky Way - Ærfæny fæv, Arfäny fät ("Harfan's footprint"); A. stole straw from God's threshing floor, straw crumbled along the way]: 81 (retelling in Chibirov 2008 : 88-89); Armenians: Bagriy 1930 (3) [in winter, the poor man did not have enough food for camels; neighbors did not give it; he stole adobe from a neighbor, on the way he was overtaken by a hurricane and raised adobe to the sky; the adobe crumbled, leaving a trail]: 126-127 (similar text with great details in Harutyunyan 2007:21); Ganalanyan 1979, No. 329 [Armenian ancestor Vakhang stole an armful of straw from Assyrian ancestor Barshan during the cold winter, scattered along the road; the Milky Way - "Solomon Thief's Road"; (=Harutyunyan 2007 [names Vahagn and Barsham]: 21; =Potanin 1883:741 with reference to Caucasian antiquity, Tiflis 1873, No. 4 and 5, p. 117)], 330 [rich man looked at the straw stored by the widow for her only goat; the angel made the straw wake up, the Milky Way formed; =Harutyunyan 2007:21], 331 [the godfather stole straw from the godfather, carried it away in an apron; he noticed that the godfather rose to heaven out of shame - the Milky Way; =Harutyunyan 2007:21], 339 [the miller was carrying stolen flour, it woke up, the Milky Way was formed]: 124, 127; Lisitsyan 1992 (Nagorno-Karabakh, records from the 1920s) [The Milky Way - "The Way of the Thief Who Decorated the Adobe"; the man did not have enough adobe for oxen (according to another version, for camels, p. Mardakert) and no one wanted to lend it to him; then the man stole the adobe from his neighbor, but when he was carrying the bags home, a storm arose and he was taken to heaven; the adobe scattered along the way: his trail is now visible in the sky (p. Atherk); this explanation is given in Khachen and Jraberd districts; in Varandin and Dizak districts, the Milky Way is called the "Saman Way" and at the same time as the story that someone stole adobe and scattered it along the way, it is said that a werewolf woman, who turned into a wolf at night, washed the guest's feet and noticed how fat they were; at night, when everyone was sleeping, she climbed into his room to eat it; the guest, defending himself, wounded her with a dagger in the chest; milk splashed from her chest - the trail is still visible in the sky (p. Sos)]: 169; Mladenova 2006 [Armenians have had the name "straw path" since the 7th century at Shirakatsi]: 164]: 741; Russel 2004a [according to Anania from Shirak, Vahagn stole straw from someone else's god Bela in winter]: 373; Abeghyan 2012 [brief mention of various "straw thief" variants]: 772-773; Azerbaijanis [saman ogrisi ("straw thief")]: Mándoki 1965:133; Turks: Gordlevsky 1968 [Milky The way is Saman elu; three thieves took the neighbor's straw; it began to fall on the ground, leaving a trail; they asked God not to reveal their transgressions; God raised straw to heaven; var.: to discover them stealing, scattered straw from the cart]: 72; Potanin 1883 [according to Wamberi, Eastern Turks call the Milky Way Hazilar-joli (pilgrim path), and Western Saman ogrisi, "Solomon thief"]: 740; Kurds: Jalil A.J. . [The Milky Way - "The Way of Scattered Stolen Straw"]: Personal Communication 2005; Mándoki 1965 ["Straw Way"]: 134.

Iran - Central Asia. Ishkashim, Vakhans [Milky Way - "Scattered Straw" (a thief stole straw)]: Andreev, Polovtsov 1911:35.

Baltoscandia. Swedes: Balzamo 2011, No. 9 [every time an old man and an old woman were going to steal, the moon was shining; they decided to smear it with tar; when they climbed onto the moon, they stayed there; you can see a bucket of tar on the moon and two figures on the sides], 11 [the first thief stole a calf's head; it can be seen on the moon with a calf's head in his hands]: 19, 21; Krappe 1938 [two old men decided to tar the moon to make it easier to steal in the dark; stayed on the moon with a bucket of tar brought there]: 120; Western Sami: Billson 1918 [evil Hatsjaedne decided to steal the only sheep from a good neighbor; to prevent the moon from shining brightly, told her daughter become a bird, take a bucket of resin, cover the moon; the moon has attracted it, it can be seen there with a bucket and a brush]: 188-189; Pentikäinen 1997 [the moon god is Mánnu; it used to be light as day in the moonlight; thief I climbed to cover it with a bucket of tar, but it stuck and can still be seen there with the bucket]: 108; counselors [three thieves were prevented by moonlight; they climbed to the moon to cover it with resin, and stayed there]: Ernits, Ernits 2012:94; Estonians: Jõeveer 1972 [Saarema: In winter, two thieves went to steal, the moon was shining brightly; they took a barrel of resin, began to paint over the moon; stuck to the resin; you can see there, a barrel with resin between them]: 30; Kuperjanov 2003 (the motif of a thief who hit the moon throughout Estonia) [out of harm or to cover up a crime, a thief smears the moon with resin to reduce its light, sticks to resin, or drawn to the moon as punishment]: 72; Livs: Loorits 1926 [the thief and his wife began to cover the moon with resin; God stuck them to the moon with a brush and a bucket of resin]: 81.