i59B3. The Milky Way is the road for those carrying salt. .17. (.27.) .28.29. (.34.).
The Milky Way is the road of salt traders, the "Chumatsky Way".
{Iraqi Arabs?} , (Bulgarians, Gagauz people), Belarusians, Ukrainians, Russians (Tambov), Kalmyks, and Adygs.
Western Asia. Arabs (Western Asia?) [Arabs call the Milky Way "Salt Road", in Syria, "Chaf Road"]: Yermolov 1905b: 407.
(Wed. The Balkans. Bulgarians ["Kiraji pet", "the road of caravans and carters"]: Mladenova 2006:178; Gagauz people [Araba yolu, i.e. the same as Bulgarians]: Mladenova 2006:178).
Central Europe. Belarusians, Ukrainians ["Chumatskaya Road": Southern Belarus and then Ukraine]: Avilin 2015:61, Map 18; Ukrainians: Kovalev 2002 (Eastern Ukraine) ["Chumatsky Shlyakh"]: 50; Kostyantin Rakhno, personal message 2007 (Poltava) ["my grandmother (originally from the village of Sviridovka, Lokhvitsky District, Poltava Region) knows Chumatsky Shlyakh (Milky Way), Viz (Ursa Major), Divka carries water - three words in a row" {obviously the Orion Belt}]; Russians (Tambov) [Salt Road]: Dubrovina 2012:85; (cf. Nekrasov Cossacks [Arbyanaya Doroga]: Serdyukova 2005:26).
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [Tengrin Haal - "heavenly road"; the village ran out of salt; the Shulmys demons guarded all roads; one of the batyrs drove across the sky, attached a bag of salt to his saddle, galloped; Shulmus's arrow made a hole in the bag, the trail of scattered salt remained]: Ochirova 1991:192; Adygi [Milky Way - Shygushene yagyou - "the way of those carrying salt"]: Kokov 1980a: 263; =1980b: 171.
(Wed. Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tobolsk Tatars [rainbow - caravan yul (caravan path)]: Giganov 1801:23 in Potanin 1883:742).