Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I60. The Milky Way is a celestial seam. (.15.) .

The Milky Way is a seam, a crack between the two halves of the sky.

(Latins), Seraiks (Multani), Miao, Chinese (Henan, Shaanxi), Kalmyks, Nogais, Turks, Buryats, Oirats (Karashar), Khalkha Mongols, Tuvans, Central and Northeastern Yakuts.

(Wed. Southern Europe. Latins [Astronomy by Mark Manilius (1st century); on the Milky Way: "This light that cuts through the darkness of the night makes the human mind ask about the divine: maybe the building of the universe is splitting New light enters the parts and into the resulting crack; what fears does a person feel when looking at damaged skies? Perhaps the sky closes, and where the edges of the hemispheres converge, a strange scar appears, a seam filled with air that has become a dense substance that holds the foundations of the high heavens together" (trans. E.M. Steerman)]: Manil. Astr. I. 716-728).

South Asia. Seraiki (multani) [The Milky Way is considered a crack in the sky ("a crack in the sky") or dust raised by Muhammad's horse's hooves when he was on his way to meet God]: O'Brien 1903:7.

China - Korea. Miao [a stone rolls down the mountain, in which baby San, an old man and an old woman raise him; two dragons fight over nine peaches in a tree in front of the cave, broke the sky, strong injured, the eldest lay down at the bottom, the youngest in the cave; rain is pouring through a hole in the sky, snow is pouring; the green-bearded old man tells S. to marry the daughter of the bear lord living on a mountain pole; gives his bast shoes , stomp them at the foot of the mountain; the two eldest daughters refuse to work and repair the sky, the youngest agrees; tells them to get a hammer out of the dragon's horn, nails; gives her bast shoes, stomp them at the foot of the mountain; two eldest daughters give him their dragon teeth; slightly alive dragons give him one their horn, the other their teeth; S. and his wife fly up to the sky on two rams; she covers the sky with a white wool handkerchief a large crack (Milky Way); stars - nails driven into dragon teeth during repair]: Tishkov 1957:15-24 (quail. Cherkasova 1961:232-242); Chinese (Henan, Wu. Shenqiu) [there was a mountain on the bank of the Yellow River, a cave in it, and people lived in the cave, including Brother Fuxi and Sister Nuiwa. They went to the mountains for berries and firewood and grazed cows and sheep. One day, a large turtle rose from the depths of the Yellow River and turned into an old man who came ashore. Fusi and Nuiva wanted to run away, but the old man stopped them and said that the sky would soon collapse, the earth would crack and a flood would begin. It can only save two people. To do this, Fusi and Nuiva must bring him a cake every day and throw him into the water, and when they have 999 cakes, let them wait on the beach. When there were 999 cakes, the ground shook, the sky darkened, a downpour began and a flood occurred. An old man appeared, turned into a turtle, opened his mouth and told F. and N. to go inside, sit there for three years and eat bread. They lived in the turtle's belly for two years, 11 months, and 28 days; Nuiva asked the turtle to release them. She let me go outside. Brother and sister went up the mountain. At this time, the flood waters were flowing south and east, and there were still cracks and holes in the sky. Nuiva collected five-colored stones, stood on Fusi's shoulders and stoned holes in the sky, and then sewed up the cracks with a bone needle. This is how stars and the Milky Way appeared. In the northeast, the sky wasn't strong enough, but Nuiva didn't notice it, so now as soon as the wind starts blowing from the northeast, it gets cold. After repairing the sky, Nuiva and his brother lived in a cave. The mountain in which this cave was located was named the Secret Turtle Mountain, and the cave itself was named the Secret Turtle Cave (Xuan-yuan). This turtle was also called the Secret Warrior (Xuan-wu). They later became known as Mount Xuan-Yuan and Xuan-Yuan (Yellow Emperor) Cave. Brother and sister grew up, Nuiva got married. Fusi refused, but Nuiva convinced him that there were no other people left and their marriage would meet heaven's wishes. After getting married, they began sculpting people out of yellow clay, teaching them fishing, hunting and cattle breeding. After F. and N. died, yellow clay men elected the Yellow Emperor as the new leader. He was called the Yellow Emperor of the Secret Turtle (Xuan-yuan), that is, the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan. Yellow clay people began to call F. and N. The ancestor of people and the Innermost Mother and say that they themselves come from the Innermost Warrior. Later, the Lord of Heaven found out that the turtle had saved people, and also gave Fuxi eight trigrams and helped Yu calm the flood. For this, he made her a heavenly spirit named the True Warlike Emperor, commanding the North to rule. This is the current Secret Warrior star (Xuanwu). Therefore, in temples, an image of a turtle is placed next to the statue of the True Warlike Emperor]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001b, No. 7:9-10; the Chinese (Shaanxi, wu. Lintong) [Once in ancient times, there was a terrible rumble and a piece broke off from the sky, the sun and moon lost their radiance, and the world became dark. One goddess decided to help people by patching the sky with molten stones, and to do this, she descended from the Sky Palace into the human world. Two daughters went after her and looked for red, yellow, blue, white and black stones in the rivers, collected them in Lintong and began to melt them. They melted them for 49 days, and the stones turned into gruel, from which they sculpted flat stone cakes that began to stick to the sky. The youngest daughter turned into a flying horse and seated her mother and sister, so the sky was patched up and the same as before. They were happy, lay down to rest and fell asleep, and when they woke up, they saw that everything around them was white and white. It turned out that there was a crack in the sky, through which snow fell. They made snowballs, got back on the flying horse, flew to a crack in the sky, and began throwing snowballs at it. After doing their job, they went back to earth and fell asleep again. They were awakened by an unusual sound, and when they opened their eyes, they saw a flood raging around them. It turned out that a fallen piece of sky destroyed the end of the earth, and groundwater poured out of the hole, and a black dragon came out and began to do mischief. The goddess and her daughters began to fight the dragon, rose from the water to the sky, descended into the water from the sky, called for help from the heavenly army, and then they defeated the dragon. After that, the flying horse took the survivors to high places and found food for them. The goddess and daughters threw the ash left from the melting stones into the hole in the ground, and when it was over, they melted the stones again, made flat cakes out of them, flew up to the hole on a magic horse, and began to fill the gap with them. However, there were not enough tortillas again, and the water kept coming. Then the older sister lay down on the ground, turned into a long dam and blocked the way for the water. The youngest decided that the eldest was tired and lay down to rest, so she lay down next to her and fell asleep right away, and the goddess decided not to wake her up. Waking up, the younger sister, who kept the appearance of a horse, saw how beautiful the world around her had become and decided not to return to heaven. It remained lying on the ground and after a long time turned into a mountain that people called Lishan ("Black Mountain"; the hieroglyph consists of two elements - "horse" and "beautiful"). The goddess patched the sky and earth, saved people, so people called her "the mother of Mount Lishan", and then built Mother's Temple in her honor, where she was erected a golden statue. It is still a custom in villages near Mount Lishan: every year on the twentieth day of the first lunar month, everyone eats steamed pancakes. After preparing them, one is thrown to the roof and the other to the ground, and they call it "the patting of heaven and earth"]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, No. 5:7-8.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [Tengrin Uidl - "heavenly seam"]: Basayev 2004:10; Nikonov 1973:374; Ochirova 1991:192; Nogais [a crack has formed in the sky - the Milky Way; it rained from the crack, water She flooded everything; several people escaped on the ship; after hitting the bottom, the ship split, and when the water descended, the double-headed Mount Elbrus formed at this place]: Khalidova 2012, No. 25:49; Turks [ the dialect name of the Milky Way is G ök yaru ğu 'Cleft/Fissure of the Sky']: Gyarmati 1993:226.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats: Burchina 2007 (Balagan, i.e. Unginsky) [references to the Heavenly Seam (Milky Way) in Uligers], No. I.1, III.1:35, 125; Potanin 1883 (Alar) [The Milky Way - Heavenly Passage]: 138; Sharakshinova 1980 (Unginsky) [the sky was a shapeless space that fell apart; the gods sewed them, the seam was the Milky Way]: 60; Oirats: Benningsen 1912 (probably the Oirats, not khalha, as recorded in Karashar) [the sky was not yet ready, slowly slid on both sides; the old woman became pregnant; years pass, the baby from the womb asks if the heavenly gate will close soon; mother replies that not soon; once she got angry, said that they closed; the child immediately came out through the left armpit as an adult man; because of this, people are short-lived; threw up a handful of ash, closing the unoccupied space is still sky; this is the Milky Way]: 6-7; Vladimirtsov 2003 [episode in the epic story: when Dalai Khan prayed at the altars and asked the spirits to give him a son, "along the white seam (milky ways) a black red hero came to the upper sky"]: 411; Khalkha-Mongols [Tengriin tszatyl (-jatyl, -oytyl) - heavenly seam]: Potanin 1893:340; Tuvans [Milky Way - Deertie," seam", probably tracing paper with mong.]: Anikin 1994:88 (=Gyarmati 1993:229).

Eastern Siberia. Northeastern (Kolyma) Yakuts [The Milky Way - the seam of the sky]: Seroshevsky 1896:667; the central Yakuts ["The Yakuts believe that the sky will be opened. They say "paradise has opened." The disclosure itself lasts no more than a minute. At this time, they pray, bow and ask God for whatever they want, and everything is given at will. Obviously, the concept of an opening paradise is borrowed from the Russians, but the very idea of the sky's ability to reveal itself is based on older ideas. The Milky Way - hallan sigya, i.e. the heavenly seam"]: Pekarsky, Popov 1928:3-4; Yakuts (no place of fixation specified) [Milky Way - hallaan siige - "heavenly seam", or ayyy waloon hayy h aryn suola - "a ski track laid by ayyy's son"]: Gogolev 1983:27.

Mesoamerica Tsotsil [be taiv 'The Milky Way (in winter) '(letters. 'road (of) frost'); be vo 'The Milky Way (during the rainy season) '(letters. 'road of water')]: Stross 1987:468; tseltal [be sik 'The Milky Way' (letters. 'road of cold')]: Stross 1987:468.