I61. Milk on the Milky Way, A778.5.
The Milky Way is a trail of spilled milk.
Latins, Italians (Friuli, Abruzzo), Sicilians, French (Dauphine), (Irish?) , Western Torajas, Ancient Greece, Bulgarians, Romanians, Hungarians, Belarusians, Ukrainians (Yekaterinoslavskaya), Russians (Vladimir, Tula), Terek Cossacks, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, (Chuvash?) , Turkmens, Kyrgyz, Baikal Buryats.
Southern Europe. Latins [Ovid's Metamorphoses (line of er): "There is a road to heights, in a clear visible sky; /It is called the Milky Way, it is noticeable in its whiteness. /For the supreme gods, the road under the shelter of the Thunderer, /V Jupiter's royal house" (trans. Sergey Shervinsky)]: Ovid. Met. I. 168-171; [Astronomy by Mark Manilius (1st century); on the Milky Way: "I will not hide another old legend, not so terrible: one day, a stream of milk poured out of the snow-white chest of the queen of the gods and left its color in the sky; this place is called milky: the name explains the origin. Or did a dense crowd of stars combine their light here, and it is all the more bright because it comes from the combination of many stars? Or do the heroes' souls, freed from their bodies and leave the Earth, rise up and live in the sky they deserve for centuries?" (per. E.M. Steerman)]: Manil. Astr. I. 750-761; Italians (Friuli, Abruzzo, Sicily) [The Milky Way formed from a spilled drop of Madonna's milk]: Volpati 1933b:42; Italians (Abruzzo: Bari) [feeding Jesus, Madonna spilled a drop of milk; the swallow picked it up, carried it to God in heaven; he threw it across the sky, forming the Milky Way]: Kabakova 2006, No. 5B: 16, 16-17.
Western Europe. The French (Dauphinay): Joister 2005 [The Holy Virgin had too much milk for Jesus, some of it spilled, became the Milky Way]: 504; 2007 [baby Gargantua sucked the wet nurse's breast, the milk sprayed, forming the Milky Way]; (cf. Irish [Dagda is the main solar god, master of knowledge; he met with the goddess Boand, the White Cow, who is associated with the moon; the Milky Way is her trail, she sprayed the sky with her milk, so stars appeared {it's not clear - Milky Way stars or any}]: Roberts 2016:11-12).
Malaysia-Indonesia. Western Torajas [the fisherman noticed that the water in the pond was muddy; he remained guarded, seven moon maidens came down in the morning and began to swim; the fisherman hid his clothes alone, married, the name of the virgin Topitoe, she gave birth to a son; cooked red food, her husband said she was cooking blood; this was not the case, the wife was offended, asked her parents to lower her stairs, told her husband to take care of the child, went up rainbow; the husband took the child, climbed the banyan tree, he grew up to the moon; the wife allowed her husband to stay only overnight; when he woke up, he was on the ground; the baby stayed, T. began to breastfeed him, he was dirty, his bowel movements are grasshoppers; T. was frightened to take her breast, milk spilled across the sky, became the Milky Way; the banyan tree now grows on the moon, can be seen there]: Kruyt 1938, No. 40:390-391.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece ["On Nature" by Parmenides (late 6th - first half of the 5th century BC): "... like the earth, and the sun, and the month, /And the adjacent ether, and the heavenly milk, and it/Extreme Olympus, and ardent stars in their hot power/They rushed to appear" (trans. M.L. Gasparova)]: Parm. Fr. 11 (DK); [comment by M.L. Gasparov: "Heavenly Milk" - the Milky Way, "Extreme Olympus" - the sky]: Gasparov 1999:469; ["Apparitions" by Arat Soliysky (c. 315 - ca. 240 BC): "If it is filled suddenly your heart is surprised, /You will see a circle when, split from edge to edge/The whole sky, or someone looks at it/A hoop full of stars, then know that it is called Milk" (trans. A.A. Rossius)]: Arat. Phaen. 473-476; ["Catasterisms" by Pseudo-Eratosthenes (1st to 2nd centuries): "This circle is one of the visible ones in the sky and is called the Milky Circle. The fact is that the sons of Zeps could not receive heavenly honors if they did not taste from Hera's nipples. That is why, they say, Hercules, as soon as he was born, brought Hermes to heaven and put Hera on his nose. The baby began to suck, but Hera, noticing this, shook it off, and the rest of the milk poured out and formed the Milky Circle" (trans. A.A. Rossius)]: Ps. -Erat. Cataster. XLIV; [Astronomy, attributed to Guy Julius Gigin (line of eras): "There is also a circle among white constellations, which some call Milky. Eratosthenes in Hermes says that Juno, not knowing who it was, fed the baby milk. When she discovered that she was Maya's son, she pushed him away from her, and so milk sparkled among the constellations. Others say that Hercules was put on Juno's sleeping chest, and when she woke up, she did what we said above. Some say that because of excessive greed, Hercules sucked too much milk from his breast and could not hold it in his mouth; it flowed out of his mouth, and so a circle appeared. Others say that this happened when Ops gave Saturn a stone instead of a baby, and he ordered him to be fed milk. She clenched her chest, and the splashing milk formed a premature circle" (trans. A.I. Ruban)]: Hyg. Astr. II. 43; Bulgarians [Milky Way - milk on the month and stars ("a few on Mesicinata and on the star")]: Stoynev 2006:176; Romanians: Mladenova 2006 [in Europe, except Ancient Greece, only Romanians have explanations for the name "Milky Way"; 1) milk that leaked from the chest of a woman looking for her child, carried away by an eagle; 2) a girl carrying buckets of milk was attacked by pagans; 3) a shepherd, holding buckets of milk, hit by a snake]: 178; Murgoci, Murgoci 1929 [a man harnessed oxen, took property, went to consult God; on the way he was attacked by the Devil, let in a dragon, a snake, a bear, a scorpion, a wild horse, skull; the battle in heaven is still ongoing; the dog grabbed the horse's leg, he galloped; the shepherd hit the dragon with a rocker arm carrying buckets of milk; the shepherd chases the snake, he is helped dancers; the chariot cuts the skull with a hatchet; the scorpion has bile spilled out of anger, his eyes turn red; the man is the constellation of Hercules; the Milky Way - milk spilled from overturned buckets]: 153-155; Hungarians [in many areas the Milky Way is called the "Milky Way" (téjút); in the village of Banatsko-Arandjelovo (Oroszlámos) they say that their ancestor Árpád dreamed of his mother; milk began to flow out of her breast; Árpád headed with his army in the direction in which this milk spread across the sky; milk is still visible in heaven; a similar story, about Almoshe, reported by an anonymous author of The Acts of the Hungarians (Anonymus Belae regis Notarius, turn of the 12th-13th centuries)]: Kálmány 1893:29.
Central Europe. {In Polish and German sources, the Milky Way cosmonym has been recorded since the 16th century, and book influence is extremely likely. It is also likely for Belarusians and Russians, however, like Romanians, in these cases there is not only a cosmonym itself, but also an elementary accompanying ideology}. Russians: Dobrovolskaya 2010 (Vladimirskaya) [Our Lady fed the baby, she splashed milk; or St. Anna fed Mary; Nikola drank, and Andrew the First-Called, because of his haste, spilled most of it; the poor orphan stumbled and spilled milk, her stepmother suspected her of stealing; St. Nikolai placed milk in heaven; a baby bit his mother's breast, milk splashed]: 151-152; Yermolov 1905b (Tula) ["in the old days, a goddess walked across the sky and spilled milk - that's why the Milky Way became] : 309 (quoted in Holy 1913:164); cf. Also Holy 1913 [source (Sakharov 1836:63) is somewhat questionable and does not indicate the place of recording; "Once upon a time, a Basurman mother fed her child at Stanoshche breast milk, but the Basurman offspring did not know how to suck milk and it spread across the sky. Then old servicemen developed from this milk, who lived to the point that they did not own their arms or legs in old age"]: 163; Belarusians: Avilin 2015 [1) The Milky Way is called On the way south (on the road), God spilled milk and created a road; 2) Three saints spilled milk; 3) The man milked the cow, God did not tell him to give milk to the devil, but the man sold it; God chased the line and he spilled milk; 4) an orphan girl carried milk to her sisters and brothers and spilled it; the Milky Way was formed, and the girl's tears became big stars]: 62; Pyatkevich 2004 [ The Milky Way is the Milk Road or Goose Road; the milk yield of dairy cows decreases when the Milky Way is less visible in the sky; "When all the milk flows down Goose Road, it's like this it will turn white that every alien bird knows where to fly to warm lands"]: 283; Ukrainians (Yekaterinoslavskaya) [Thus, they said that "God often walks in the night with angels, knocks to receive him for the night, and when they refuse, the angel writes down the yard in the book, and then the owners are punished. One day he went to see a man, and he said to the woman: "Well, welcome guests! Four are here! "How can we take it, you know, we only have one cow that has almost stopped giving milk, and we have three more kids!" - "And you go, with a blessing, milk a cow, maybe a jug or two will run up to the travelers." The woman went, because she had never contradicted her husband, she was blessed: "God, happiness to Your travelers!" and I started milking, but I was tired of the bucket, and it would still have to be milked. The milk is thick, full, just like from a young cow on the first day. The woman brought a bucket, and the eldest of the travelers said: "Would you, baba, a servant of God, milk more!" - "How else," she said, "when no cow gives so much anyway!" - "And you go with God and try it." She went, was blessed again and milked another bucket. She began to make donuts, but such donuts came out, exactly on pure cream! She served all the milk from the oven, no matter how many jugs came out, and said, "Eat, wanderers of God! The Lord gave us profit, so we give it all to you, because I have been blessed for your happiness." The wanderers thanked them and began to eat hot milk and bread, and then tried the donuts. In the evening it began to get dark, the woman wanted to light up, and the wanderers said: "You can see everything!" It really felt like during the day. The woman laid two people on the stove, and the two on the bed, herself with her husband and children on the floor, lay down on straw. She wakes up early before dawn, and the travelers are already dressed and the elder says to her: "We have a long journey, and we ask you, servant of God, to milk, take a bucket and bring it so that we have something to eat when it's light!" Baba took a bucket, went to milk, and the milk was even better than yesterday. She brought a bucket and asked: "How far is it to carry it?" The elder answers: "Let's go with God for about ten minutes." They came out, the fog was all around, and the stars could be seen shining. Travelers walk quickly, the woman keeps up with them, and milk splashes over the edge of the bucket, spills onto the path, the whole path has turned white. "Well, God bless you too!" "said the elder, blessed her, and then she just saw that she was standing in the sky, in Stozhary, and that where she spilled the milk, the Heavenly Belt was visible there! The woman was frightened, but the angel picked her up and lowered her to the ground. She came home, and there was milk, milk, milk everywhere: in pots, in a water barrel, and in jugs - and everything was thick and strong! Before the children grew up, the cow gave three buckets every day in the morning and evening]: Mirolyubov 1996:475-476.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Terek Cossacks (Naurskaya) [The Milky Way ("Bokeev Road") was formed from the fact that a huge witch was defeated by angels and milk oozed from her chest]: Vostrikov 1907:4; Armenians: Ganalanyan 1979, No. 340 [the werewolf daughter-in-law went to bite the guest; he stabbed her in the chest, milk from her chest splashed across the sky, became the Milky Way]: 127 (=Harutyunyan 2007:21-22; =Abeghyan 2012: 773); Lisitsyan 1992 (Nagorno-Karabakh, 1920s recordings) [The Milky Way - "The Way of the Thief Who Decorated the Adobe"; the man did not have enough adobe for oxen (according to another version, for camels, p. Mardakert) and no one wanted to lend it to him; then the man stole the adobe from his neighbor, but when he was carrying the bags home, a storm arose and he was taken to heaven; the adobe scattered along the way: his trail is now visible in the sky (p. Atherk); this explanation is given in Khachen and Jraberd districts; in Varandin and Dizak districts, the Milky Way is called the "Saman Way" and at the same time as the story that someone stole adobe and scattered it along the way, it is said that a werewolf woman, who turned into a wolf at night, washed the guest's feet and noticed how fat they were; at night, when everyone was sleeping, she climbed into his room to eat it; the guest, defending himself, wounded her with a dagger in the chest; milk splashed from her chest - the trail is still visible in the sky (p. Sos)]: 169; Azerbaijanis [the only Turkic language that has tracing paper from the European designation for the Milky Way (most likely from Russian) is Azerbaijani (südyolu); {considering Armenian data, this may be an early substrate, and not later than a Russian borrowing; then the Terek Cossacks also have a local borrowing]: Gyarmati 1993:225.
Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens [milk from a camel looking for her camel (reported to the author in 1975 by Rajep Kuliev, a resident of the village of Meana)]; Turkmens [seven hunting brothers tell a pregnant mother hang a doll at the gate if a daughter is born; evil neighbors replace her with a bow and arrows; brothers do not return; born Ak-Pamyk does not know that she has brothers; neighbors tell her to squeeze her mother's hand, when she takes hot grains of wheat, tells her mother about her brothers, gives a rolling cake that shows the way; AP cleans up the brothers in the cave; the youngest does not fall asleep, the AP grabs, she tells me who she is; eats the berry promised to the cat, he blows out the fire; AP comes to the diva for fire; he gives, when he comes, kills his brothers; the old woman says that only the milk of the cannibal camel Ak-Maya; her camel will revive them AP helps, sucks, pours into the wineskin; AM chases AP, which splashes some of the milk, forms the Milky Way; AP revives the brothers, but the youngest does not have enough shoulder blades; brothers are married, wives hate AP, lead is poured into her ears, she is dumb and deaf; she is sent on a camel to look for a husband; she is married by a prince, and a vizier's son takes a camel; advises the prince to look for a second wife; son pushes AP, lead falls out of it; after learning that his wife has recovered, the prince sent a new one back; Uncle Bayram meets AP's son; she sends bags of scorpions to the brothers' wives, they die]: Sokali et al. 1955:69-81 (= Erberg 1953:92).
(Wed. Volga - Perm. Chuvashi [material sent by K.Yu. Rakhno. The Chuvash fairy tale says that one girl lived in Milk Lake and it was possible to catch her only if the hero rides a heroic mare. (Here is a link to the archive). Before leaving the hero (future soldier), his parents blessed him with the words: St çulpe kaisa çulpe tavrăn "Go along the milky road and return along the oil route ". Another soldier's song says that heroes are waiting for paths through the stars: Çăltăr vitr çul kurănat, /Epirus kayas çul mar-shi. For a hero who compares himself to a flying swan, this path is a milky path through the stars. This is followed by the lines: Hvel vitr xr kurnat/Epirus iles xr mar-shi? "A girl can be seen through the sun, /Isn't she ours?" Based on this, we can assume that recruiting songs have incorporated a myth with a cosmic plot. The hero travels along the Milky Way to Milk Lake]: Rodionov 2017:68-69).
Turkestan. Kyrgyz [Milky Way - Kush Zholu, Kustin Zhul ("Bird Road") or Ak Mayanung Shuidi ("white camel milk")]: Fielstrup 2002:217, 227.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Baikal Buryats: Khangalov 1959c (Balagan) [the Chinese king's beloved wife died; he began to mourn her and told his subjects to do the same, leaving their jobs; the youngest of the seven Black brothers Kuznetsov is sent to Abai Geser Bogdo Khan for help; he says he needs the severed heads of seven Black Kuznetsov; the sent talks about this to his wife, the demand is made famous , people send Geser the seven heads they need; he makes bowls out of skulls, fills her with wine, goes up to heaven to his grandmother Manzan-Görmö, solders her, kidnaps Erdeni ( magic objects), begins to descend to earth; MG discovers the loss, tells the grandson to fall into the courtyard of Albin Tama's failure (tama is hell); then feels sorry for him, squeezes milk from his right breast, throws after him; G. is at home, milk turns into the Milky Way; bowls abandoned by MG form the Big Dipper; G. comes to the sleeping king, tells him to bury the deceased, put the dog in her place; says to the awakened person that it is a sin to mourn; the king orders G. to be placed in a tama with lice, little lice, snakes, frogs, worms, fire, frost, tar, in a burning tama; with the help of Erdeni G. everyone once destroys tama; the king gives him his daughter as his wife]: 221-226; Abay Geser (Osinskaya version of Geser), poems 960-975 in Sharakshinov 1980 [Abay Gaser went to Mount Sumeru and from there the stairs of the gods to heaven; followed by his wife Almad Mergen; his grandmother Manzan Gurman saw an earthly woman climbing after her grandson, cursed G., he began to fall to the ground; she felt sorry if it will break, she sprinkled heavenly space with her breast milk; the milk that formed the Milky Way held G., he smoothly descended]: 60; Balagan Buryats [Manzan-Görmë-ë then, after milking her milk, she threw it, it became the Milky Way; others say that this is the road that heavenly burkhans judge and walk]: Khangalov 1960, No. 5:13.