I61A. The Milky Way is a belt.
The Milky Way is a heavenly belt.
Latins, Transylvania Germans, Romanians and Aromanians, Slovenes, Bulgarians, Greeks, Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles, Latvians.
Southern Europe. Latins [Coeli cingulum ("Sky Belt")]: Allen 1899:475.
The Balkans. Transylvania Germans [sometimes referred to the Milky Way as the Heavenly Belt or God's Belt without explanation]: Müller 1857:5; Romanians and Aromanians [(Light) sky belt, Earth's belt, Gypsy Belt, St. Virgin Mary]: Mladenova 2006:179; Bulgarians (rare) [Belt]: Mladenova 2006:180; Slovenes (near Ljutomer) [Belt]: Matičetov 1972:76 in Mladenova 2006:180; Greeks [Heavenly Belt, Nun's Belt]: Mladenova 2006:180.
Central Europe. Russians: Bondaletov 1983 (the fixation area is not specified, but probably the Penza region or neighboring territories of the Middle Volga region, where the author worked in the field) [Belt]: 208; Dal 3:376 in Belova 2004c [Milky Way - "Belt"]: 266; Dobrovolskaya 2010 (Vladimirskaya) [Milky Way - "Gods Belt", "Bogoroditsyno Towel", most commonly referred to as the road of God, Jesus or saints ( Ilya, Nikolay Ugodnik, George the Victorious)]: 146; Belarusians (Dyakovichi, Zhitkovichi District, Luchin, Rogachev District, Morozovichi, Buda-Koshelevsky District, Gomel Region) [The Milky Way - Belt. "The Belt of Good Bachna Perad Rankam"]: Materyyaly 1978:207; Ukrainians (Yekaterinoslavskaya) [Thus, they said that "God often walks at night with angels, knocks to take him to the night, and when they refuse, The angel writes down the yard in the book, and then the owners are punished. One day he went to see a man, and he said to the woman: "Well, welcome guests! Four are here! "How can we take it, you know, we only have one cow that has almost stopped giving milk, and we have three more kids!" - "And you go, with a blessing, milk a cow, maybe a jug or two will run up to the travelers." The woman went, because she had never contradicted her husband, she was blessed: "God, happiness to Your travelers!" and I started milking, but I was tired of the bucket, and it would still have to be milked. The milk is thick, full, just like from a young cow on the first day. The woman brought a bucket, and the eldest of the travelers said: "Would you, baba, a servant of God, milk more!" - "How else," she said, "when no cow gives so much anyway!" - "And you go with God and try it." She went, was blessed again and milked another bucket. She began to make donuts, but such donuts came out, exactly on pure cream! She served all the milk from the oven, no matter how many jugs came out, and said, "Eat, wanderers of God! The Lord gave us profit, so we give it all to you, because I have been blessed for your happiness." The wanderers thanked them and began to eat hot milk and bread, and then tried the donuts. In the evening it became dark, the woman wanted to light up, and the wanderers said: "You can see everything!" It really felt like during the day. The woman laid two people on the stove, and the two on the bed, herself with her husband and children on the floor, lay down on straw. She wakes up early before dawn, and the travelers are already dressed and the elder says to her: "We have a long journey, and we ask you, servant of God, to milk, take a bucket and bring it so that we have something to eat when it's light!" Baba took a bucket, went to milk, and the milk was even better than yesterday. She brought a bucket and asked: "How far is it to carry it?" The elder answers: "Let's go with God for about ten minutes." They came out, the fog was all around, and the stars could be seen shining. Travelers walk quickly, the woman keeps up with them, and milk splashes over the edge of the bucket, spills onto the path, the whole path has turned white. "Well, God bless you too!" "said the elder, blessed her, and then she just saw that she was standing in the sky, in Stozhary, and that where she spilled milk, the Heavenly Belt was visible! The woman was frightened, but the angel picked her up and lowered her to the ground. She came home, and there was milk, milk, milk everywhere: in pots, in a water barrel, and in jugs - and everything was thick and strong! Before the children grew up, the cow gave three buckets every day in the morning and evening]: Mirolyubov 1996:475-476; Poles [Milky Belt, Sky Belt]: Mladenova 2006:180.
Baltoscandia. Latvians (rare) [Deewa jahsta, God's Belt]: Grimm in Mladenova 2006:180.