Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I62. The Milky Way is a river, A778.3.


The Milky Way is a heavenly river, a pond, a chain of creatures floating in water.

Nandi, Iraku, Nyamwezi, Gogo, Bretons, Ancient Egypt, Akkad, Garageri, Maung (NW Arnhemland), Millingimbi, Enintiliaqua (Groote Island), Yirkalla, Narrineri, Adelaide, Arunta, Dieri, Western Victoria District, Virajuri, Akkad, Assyria, Hawaiians, Tahiti, Maori, Viets, Thai Vietnam, India (Puranas), Karnataka (Kannada?) , Hindi in the Presidency, Himachali Pahari (Kullu Valley), Kashmiris, Marathi, Bengalis, Sema, Rengma, Angami, Miri (?) , Qinghai (Amdo) Tibetans, Kalimantan, Java, Atauru, Atoni, Ami, Tibetans Yunnan, Asi, Lisu, Chuan Miao, Ancient China, Chinese (Liaoning, Sichuan, Hebei), Koreans, Ancient Greece (?) , Greeks, Poles, Russians, Nogais, Ossetians, Armenians, Turks, Persians, Tajiks, Dongxians, Southern Selkups, Nanais, Tazi, Manchus, Japanese (including Okinawa and North Ryukyu), Ancient Japan, Ainu, Chukchi, Koryaks, North Alaska Inupiate (Nunamiut), Tanaina, Snohomish, Skagit, Snookually, Cutlamet, Quinolt, Puget Sound, Sunpual, Klikitat, Yakima, Klamath, Modoc, Ottawa, Fox, Ojibwa (Mississauga), Blacklegs, Santee, screams, villot, pomo, maidu, luiseno, aztecs (?) , tlapanecas, tequistlateca, kekchi (?) , quiche, bribri, (embera?) , yanomami (?) , warrau, wapishana, kalinha, macushi, akuryo, napo, desana, barasana, mura, quechua (Huanuco), Huarochiri, Huanca, Quechua Peru and Bolivia, Calahuaya, Aymara, Machigenga, Ashaninka, Waura, Calapalo, Matako, Mokovi, araucans.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Nyamwezi, gogo [The Milky Way - "heavenly river"]: Lagercrantz 1952:68; (cf. bast [an invisible heavenly river flows from east to west perpendicular to the Milky Way; at the intersection of the river and the Milky Way, the fate of the souls of the dead is determined; some go to the upper reaches east into a banana village, others to the lower reaches to the west, to the red underworld, there are unkind gods who get there do not revive]: Studstill 1984:102).

Sudan - East Africa. Nandi [The Milky Way ("sea of stars") is a lake where children swim and play]: Hollis 1909:100; Iraq [The Milky Way is the "heavenly river"]: Lagercrantz 1952:68

North Africa. Ancient Egypt [According to Virginia Lee Davis's mostly unpublished works, the Egyptians described the Milky Way as the celestial Nile dividing the sky into land and water; the southern constellations Isis and Osiris have always been depicted sailing in boats]: Gingerich 1982:334.

Western Europe. The Bretons [stars are diamonds left on land after the sea has ceased to cover the heavenly firmament; they still have enough water to form a river (probably the Milky Path), in which billions of stars are "en formation"]: Sébillot 1904:10.

Western Asia. Akkad, Assyria ["Snake River"]: Allen 1899:475; Arabs [Al Nahr - "river"; hereinafter referred to the Greek constellation Eridanus; in Hebrew, N'har di Nur," The River of Light "]: Allen 1899:475.

Australia. Garageri [The sun and his sister lived on earth, shivered, went to heaven, moving from east to west, carrying a rainbow snake in a vessel; the sister promised the Sun a husband, but did not find it; the women lost the Rainbow; their trail became a river - the Milky Way]: Capell 1950:150-151 in Waterman 1987, No. 132:29; oenpelli [The Milky Way is a river; it has no fish or birds, but water lilies, their tubers are small stars; they and celestials feed on the fruits of a large plum tree (Coal Sack)]: Mountford 1956:481 in Waterman 1987, No. 200 (1): 32; maung (Goulburn Islands, NW Arnhemland) [a person waits for a long time for him will be transported across the river in a shuttle; his turn does not come, he decides to become a crocodile; he sculpted his nose out of the crushed bark, became a crocodile, turned the shuttle over, ate people; three girls he ate - mounds on the back of his head; three stars are visible on the Milky Way - a crocodile, and the other three are a shuttle]: Kudinov 1980:125-126; Arnhemland [Tjulpan or canoe stars, including the Pleiades, are visible during the wet season; these are fishermen shoveling in boats along the heavenly river (the Milky Way); men in one boat and their wives in another; they caught a lot, but at Cape Arnham they were caught in a storm and drowned, now in the sky]: Mountford 1956:493, 498-500 in Johnson 2011:295; SE Australia [in Southeast Australia, the Milky Way is a river everywhere; sometimes heavenly Murray]: Clarke 1997:134; Adelaide District [dark spots on the Milky Way - water bodies, in who live the "monster" Yura (or several similar creatures); he taught the practice of circumcision; women and children should not have known this]: Clarke 1997:134-135; millingimbi: Mountford 1956:487-488 in Waterman 1987, No. 200 (1) [like oenpelli]: 32; Wells 1965 [The Milky Way is a river, with a large crocodile visible among its stars; the Raven and the Marsupial Cat caught a lot of fish and went to dance, at which time the enemies they ate some of the fish, released the rest; the Raven and the Cat began to fight, lost, went to heaven; along the Milky Way you can see traces of their fire and traces of the Cat; Coal bags - Raven and Pole]: 31-34; Enintiliaqua (Groot Island) [stars on the Milky Way River - water lily tubers, Coal Sack - plum tree; celestials feed on them]: Mountford 1956:481 in Waterman 1987, No. 200 (2): 32; yirkalla [two brothers in the boat drowned; they tried in vain to revive them with ant bites; the river became the Milky Way; in it brothers, fish, boat, shores, ants]: Mountford 1956:497-498 in Waterman 1987, No. 201:32 (The Milky Way as a river also off Adelaide, western Victoria District); Narriñeri (South Australia; {the band is not localized}) [Nepelle throws a spear into the sky to escape the flood with a rope, climbs a rope, throws his boat into the sky, since then it has been seen on the Milky Way]: Pettazzoni 1924:162; Dieri [Milky Way - Sky River]: Howitt 1904:431; Virageri [The Milky Way is called the same word as the neighboring Lachlan River]: Howitt 1904:432; arunta [The Milky Way is a river (lara), a stream (ulbaia) with freshwater]: Thomas 1905:429; south- Eastern Australia [The Milky Way is a lake with lizards or snakes; Murray was created by one of these snakes from a heavenly body of water]: Bonwick 1870:188

Micronesia-Polynesia. Tahiti: Makemson 1941:69-70 [After Heaven has risen to its current height, Maui goes to the upper sky for the sky builder Ra'i-Tupua, who is swimming in the Water of Life (Milky Paths); places stars and stars in the sky], 186 [in Central Polynesia, the Milky Way is the water of Tanya's life in tenth heaven; the beautiful blue shark was the favorite of the gods, but became an ogre; two young men decided kill her, but the gods took her to heaven where she can be seen]; Maori: Beckwith 1970 [Vai-ora-a-tane - Milky Way, Tane's living water; when a royal baby is first bathed, it is believed that he bathes in this water]: 74; Makemson 1941 [Living water is one of the names of the Milky Way]: 186.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Angami [The Milky Way is associated with the Barak River, which also flows from north to south]: Hutton 1925:115 (=comm. J.H. Hutton in Parry 1932:95); sema [Milky Way - "River of Souls", maybe "river reflection" (combined the words soul (deceased) and river]: Hutton 1968:251; rengma [Eastern Rengma: two arms of the Milky Way: the Diyung River and the Tulo River; Western Rengma: Souls of the Dead (for some reason they fell not into the underworld, but into the sky)]: Mills 1937:244; (cf. Hill Miri [the river flows on the ground, turns to the sky and fills the pond from which it rains]: Elwin 1958b, No. 4:67); Yunnan Tibetans (western early 1960s; probably literary influence) [Nuiva creates people (or one person) from clay, leads them into the forest, shows which animals and insects will be their friends (hare, bee) and which enemies (tiger, leopard); one of N. fell asleep and died; afraid that they would all die, N. advised them to join in pairs and disperse to different areas; the spirit of the water defeated the spirit of fire; he angrily hit Mount Buzhou; the wreckage fell into The Heavenly River (Milky Way), water flowed from it; the dragon began to eat people, N. overcame him; the Crab offered to cut off his legs to support the sky; N.'s long legs supported the eastern edge, short western , so the sky is tilted to the west, the sun sets in the west; N. patched up the sky and earth with colorful stones; there were not enough stones on the south side of the earth, so the rivers flow south below]: Riftin 1987b: 394-395; Tibetans of Qinghai (Amdo) [The Milky Way - tshwu1 na1 ("heavenly river")]: Safronov 1968:153
Burma - Indochina. Vietnam: Karpov, Tkachev 1958 [the daughter of the god Thick Ny fell in love with shepherd Nguu Lang; God placed them on the opposite side of the Milky Way, the heavenly river; with pity, allowed them to meet on the seventh day seventh month; ordered the carpenters to build a bridge; they did not have time, God turned them into crows; on the seventh day of the seventh month, crows stretch out in a chain, TN and NL go along it towards each other; turned Carpenters quarrel in ravens, plucked feathers out of their heads]: 321-322; Landes 1886, No. 47 [a young woodcutter sees heavenly fairies bathing in a spring; hides one of them's clothes, she has to go with him, he hides her clothes in a rice barn; when the child is three years old, the wife finds her clothes; leaving her comb to her son, she flies away; taking the boy, the husband comes to the spring; the fairy maids also came there for water, the boy throws his comb into their jug; the wife recognizes the comb, tells her husband to hand the handkerchief, with its help he flies to his wife; after a while she sends her husband and son to the ground tied for rope to the drum, promising to ask Buddha for permission to marry a mortal; in the middle between earth and sky, the barons began to peck at the rice grains on the drum; the fairy maids took this as a sign that those who descended reached the ground cut a rope; father and son fell into the sea, died; as punishment, Phat Ba turned the fairy into a Morning Star; husband became an Evening Star; every year on the 15th day of the 7th For months, maids make a sacrifice, and the vórons form a chain so that the spouses and their son can get together and meet; therefore, crows have a bald head; on this day, it must be done somewhere funeral ceremony; The Morning and Evening Stars are always eager to meet]: 123-126: Sun 1967 [Chuc Nu is one of the daughters of the Jasper Emperor; on the banks of the Silver River (Milky Way) she woven clothes for all celestials; she was seen by the shepherd Ngau Lang, fell in love; the emperor agreed to the marriage on the condition that the shepherd and weaver would continue to do their job; but they only walked and had fun; then he told them to stay on different banks of the Silver River; they are allowed to meet once a year in the seventh month; they cry, it's raining; it's the rainy month of Ndau]: 39-41; Vietnam's white and black thai [ The Takhai Sky River (Milky Way) separates the world of the living from the world of the dead; flows out of the grotto in the sky, next to which there is a grotto, from where the sun comes out; flows below the sun's paths and flows into another grotto]: Chesnov 1982b: 490.

South Asia. Ancient India: Zimmer 1946 [the demon in the form of a goat turned into meat, his brother gave this dish to others, called the demon back, he jumped out whole, tearing the eater apart; the great ascetic and Agastya, an archer associated with South India, destroyed the demon by digesting it; to destroy other demons hiding in the ocean, he swallowed the ocean, leaving the world without water; King Bhagiratha, a descendant The Solar Dynasty, dating back to Manu Vaivasvata, needed water to supply it to the ashes of its ancestors who died in an earlier space catastrophe; came to the Shiva Worship Center in Gokarna ("The Cow's Ear "), there he was tested by the Five Lights for a thousand years (four fires on each side under the scorching sun); Brahma agreed to bring down the heavenly Ganges, the Milky Way, to earth, but for this purpose Shiva must he put his head under the stream so that the water would not wash away the earth; B. stood in the Himalayas for a year on one leg with his hands up, addressing Shiva; S. put his head up, the water spilled (in rivers) in the Himalayas, filled the sea]: 113-114; Allen 1899 [Al Birūni quotes a Sanskrit source: The Milky Way - Akāsh Gangā, "The Channel of the Ganges"]: 475; Kulkarni 1962 [The Milky Way - the heavenly Ganges; to the Vishnu Purana The Ganges originates from the Milky Way]: 37 in Urton 1981:212 (note 5); Hookahs 1962 [The Ganga, Himalaya's daughter, originally flowed in the sky and then fell to earth and reached the underworld, causing it called "Current in Three Ways"]: 177; Witzel 1984 [the Vedas hardly mention the Milky Way (perhaps once in Atharvaveda); but it is likely that the Vedic designation for the Milky Way was Sarasvat& #299;, "with many bodies of water"; in post-Vedic literature, "The Celestial Ganga"; note 31: among the many synonyms are Nāgavīthī ("snake route")]: 9; Hindi in the Presidency [Milky The path is a heavenly river where the gods bathe]: Enthoven 1924:73; Dravidians (language not specified - probably Kannada, Karnataka) [The Milky Way is the trail left by the sacred Ganges when it descended from heaven to earth]: Enthoven 1924:72; Himachali plowmen (Kullu Valley) [Akash Ganga (Heavenly Ganga)]: A.S. Krylova, E.A. Renkovskaya (field materials, October 2016); Kashmiris [ The Milky Way - the heavenly Ganges (ā k āshe -gang)]: Grierson 1932:21; Marathi [The Milky Way - the heavenly Ganges, the heavenly river, the current of the heavenly Ganges]: Molesworth 1857:34, 242, 368, 444; Bengalis [Milky Way - Mandakini Sky River]: Biswas 2000:1038

Malaysia-Indonesia. Kalimantan [Pulled tier, "stream channel"], Java [Kali saray, "fast flow"], Timor [river]: Nikonov 1980a: 253; atauru [three brothers sailed in a boat, they were carried current to the east; they saw a coconut palm on the horizon, it was rising, the sea and the boat were also rising; they managed to tie the boat to a palm tree, collect coconuts; but when they tried to untie, the bee did not gave; they had to untie the end of the rope tied to the boat; the boat was carried away again, they began to row back to the palm tree; they were threatened by a shark; the Milky Way (Lútur) - foam from the brothers' oars; boat, rope, shark - groups of stars]: Barroso Duarte 1984:255-257; atoni [The Milky Way - "Heavenly River Road"]: Fiedler 1929:78 in Maaβ 1933:277.

Taiwan - Philippines. Ami [(according to de Beauclair 1957:11-12; =Yamada 2009b: 66); the giant separated the sky from the earth, which were initially close to each other; they were then connected by a golden staircase; along it (Kano 1941 data) the first humans descended from the sky; while the sky was near the ground, fish jumped out of the sea and stayed in the sky, forming the Milky Way]: Yamada 2002:66 (=Benedek 1991).

China - Korea. Ancient China; Chinese (Liaoning): Liaoning 1994, No. 144 (St. Dalian, Lushunkou District, 1981) [by the time July was on the doorstep, the Weaver missed the Shepherd, did not want to weave, and negligently dropped the weaving shuttle into the sea; he turned into fish; since then, pelengas fish (shuttle fish) have been found in the sea; has preserved its nature; pierced everything all day long, other fish and crayfish were afraid of it; once pelengas broke into the Emperor's Garden dragons, where the Emperor's three daughters took a bath naked; they screamed and called the servants; the pelengas were kicked out, forbidden to approach the palace; the carp taught pelengas how to slip through the dragon's gate and enter the palace again; but the emperor blew cold air towards the pelengas and blew it ashore, showing a thorn; since then, pelengas has flashed only on the shallows and reefs; pelengas are caught in autumn]: 317-318; Chinese: Potanin 1881 [Milky Way - Thian-he, "heavenly river"]: 127; Riftin 1972 [Nyu-lan's younger single brother works hard, the older married eats well; ox suggests N. to break the plow, the plough, the handle of the plough, return home early, eat the cooked; the elder suggests sharing, the ox tells N. to take only him, the ox, to go south; says that on the seventh day the seventh moon will open the Southern Gate of Heaven, Wang-mu's granddaughters will fly to wash clothes; the seventh from the west side will open Ji-nyu; N. hides her clothes, C. becomes his wife, her sisters fly away doves; when the daughter is 6 years old and the son is 3 C. offers N. to return her clothes; N. returns, C. flies away; the ox tells him to slaughter, burn his bones, put on his skin, take his son and daughter in baskets; guards heavenly gate (gold, silver lions, devil) say, I am the husband of your seventh aunt, and these are her children; in the house you need to identify your wife among the seven girls; you have to let my son go, he will rush to suck mother's breast; father-in-law suggests 1) hide; C. says that her father will first become a bug, then an apple in the chest; when it's N.'s turn to hide, C. turns him into a needle, father-in-law does not find it; 2) run race; you have to throw red seeds and chopsticks behind, father-in-law picks them up; at the end throw the hairpin in front of you; N. throws behind, a heavenly river appears; wife, children, mother-in-law remain on the other shore; on the seventh day of the seventh moon, all birds rise into the sky, mother-in-law pulls a feather from each, builds a bridge from feathers - the Milky Way; N. (Volopas) and C. (Weaver); on the sixteenth day, C. returns, during which time he washes all the dishes (each item numbered 360), washes, darns the sky, an-mu's granddaughters will arrive to wash clothes; gray from the west]: 294-303; Reiter 2004 (Taoists in Sichuan) [Thunder is the North Bucket and the North Bucket is Thunder; the six stars of the South Bucket are a handle that crosses the Heavenly River (Milky Way); the Sky River goes down, connects with The Yellow River, flowing with it, ascends; the thunder gate and rain window are hidden in the Sky River; the handles of the North and South Buckets are directed at each other]: 220-221; Wilhelm 1921, No. 16 [the shepherd always has well-fed cows; in the mountains, one of the cows tells him that this evening nine daughters of the Jade Emperor are swimming in a sky lake; the seventh is spinning cloud silk for Heavenly Lord and his wife, so she is a Weaver; the one who hides her clothes will become her husband; the cow brings the Shepherd to heaven, where there are jade trees, jasper grass; the Shepherd hides the Weaver's red robe; she agrees when, on the advice of a cow, asks the willow if she can marry; the willow replies that yes, it is the seventh evening; seven days later the Weaver runs away to prepare clothes for the Heavenly Lord; the Shepherd pursues, but she draws a line across the sky with a hair clip, the heavenly River - the Milky Way appears; every seventh evening, the Shepherd and the Weaver converge again, at which time crows are not visible on the ground, they all form a bridge across the heavenly river; the rain at this time was the tears of the Shepherd and the Weaver; one day the Shepherd was angry with the Weaver that she had not crossed over to him, threw a yoke at her; it can be seen in the form of stars under the Weaver's feet; she also threw a spindle at him, it's under his feet]: 31-34; Williams 1974 [story by philosopher Huai Nan Tzu; "shepherd Ch'ien Niu (cow shepherd, Altair) and Chih Nü (the maiden who spins, Vega) came down to the ground, met got married; when they returned to heaven, they only worked together, quit their jobs; the ruler and ruler of Heaven decided to separate them; the ruler drew a line between them with her silver pin - Milky The path, the river; the ruler took pity, allowed them to meet every seventh day of the seventh month; magpies make a bridge out of their bodies in the morning of this day; the tears of lovers are the heavy rain that falls at this time"; two The stars next to Vega are her children from Altair; the Yangtze is the earthly extension of the Milky Way, whose waters become dirty from contact with the ground; the Spinning Maiden is the patron of embroidery and weaving]: 373-374; Chinese (Sichuan): Zhou Yang et al. 1998, No. 4 (w. Baxian) [Gungong fought for supreme rule with Yellow Lord Zhuanxu's grandson, was defeated, angry, and hit Mount Buzhou with all nine heads, knocking it over; this mountain was one of four pillars of heaven and supported the sky in the west; when it capsized, the sky became covered with holes and tilted to the west; the waters of the Heavenly River began to flow through the holes and the flood began; people and the animals began to flee to the high mountains; Mother Nuiva saw this in the sky and decided to patch the sky; went to the East Sea and caught a huge turtle there, cut off its leg, and supported the sky in the west with it; collected colored stones in all parts of the world, borrowed Lao Jun's Furnace of Eight Trigrams, melted the stones 49 days to liquid, and patched the sky with them; then it became bright, even more beautiful, than before], 4 (y. Guanghan) [the evil Gungun killed many people, he had a horn growth on his head; the more people he killed, the bigger the growth became; when he finished killing people, the growth became tall, as big and heavy as a mountain, began to press down Gungun; he became angry and hit Mount Buzhou, which served as a pillar of heaven; the mountain collapsed, the ground shook, and large and small holes through which the waters of the heavenly river flowed to the ground; Nuiva realized that all living things on earth would die in the waters of the flood, collected stones and filled large holes with them, and filled them with small stones small; stars are small stones that Nuiva used to patch the sky; after a long time, the stones decayed, loose and began to fall down; people say that stars defecate]: 25, 26; Chinese (Hebei, wu. Funing, d. Jiuxian, 2005) [Mount Tuershan resembles two bunny ears in profile, and there are always bright clouds above it; after Chang'e stole Houi's elixir of immortality, she flew to the Moon Palace, where she I often talked about the human world with the Jade Hare, who was preparing potions; the hare wanted to visit this world, and one day, taking a jade pestle with him, he slipped out of the palace; on the evangelical flew in clouds to the area south of Funing; remained by the clear waters of Yanghe, with fragrant grass and flowers along the banks; one day a turtle came out of the water; the hare came to knock on the shell with a pestle; this the turtle liked it: "Hey, sucker, can't you see grandpa's shell is itchy, come knock on it {more}!" Hare: "What kind of grandfather are you?" Turtle: "Millennial Prince, Eternal Turtle, I overestimated you by calling myself your grandfather"; at that moment, the pestle crushed the turtle's shell, its eyes almost came out of its orbits; the turtle realized that the hare - celestial, and asked for mercy; the hare removed the pestle, began to boast of the splendor of heaven; the turtle listened to how large the Heavenly River was, and decided to practice Taoism until, with the help of a hare, he was in waters of the Sky River"; offered to compete in running; if the hare wins, she will give him 3 gems; the hare laughed at the turtle and rushed like the wind; between Jiuxian and Xitaoyuan he waited a turtle; then stuck the pestle in the ground and fell asleep; at which time Chang'e discovered that it had disappeared and told Wu Gang (he always cuts a tree on the moon) to go in search; flying over the place where the mountain is now Tuershan, he noticed a pestle, went down; pointed his finger at the sky and the spirit of the Jade Hare flew back to the moon, and his body turned into a mountain; in the sky, the hare found that he was not carrying a pistil, flew back; But Wu Gang had already cut off the head of the pistil with an ax; flew to heaven, and his body turned into stone, remaining next to the hare's pestle; the turtle crawled to the hare all this time to give him what he had promised treasures; she was hit by a spell that Wu Gang cast at a hare and it turned into a stone, and the three gems she carried also became ordinary stones]: Bai Gengsheng 2007a: 148-150; asi [brother tells sister how the sky was made from a butterfly, sister to brother how the earth was created from another butterfly; the "river of the night sky" served as the rocker arm of the scales on which the sky was weighed and earth; the sky turned out to be lighter, rose up in the void; the earth fell down in emptiness]: Vakhtin, Eats 1956:17-24, 168 [comment]; fox [a human widow from the Ngwâp'à family lived with 6 daughters; in During the storm, a tree fell on them, everyone died; a man of the same kind invited their spirits to his place, but they refused; (then) he invited them to go to heaven to protect the family; they became stars; alone separated from others by the Black River (Salwen's heavenly correspondence); this is the eldest daughter who has married a man who also became a star]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:243; Chuan Miao [a river flows in the sky - The Milky Way]: Graham 1954:13; Koreans: Zhdanova 1995 [in the preface to her "Seven Word Verses Describing Dae's Power" Choi Chiwon (857-?) notes: "[By belonging to] a group of [those who have mastered] knowledge perfectly, this is Keith spewing the ramparts of the sea, while the refinement of [his] syllable is a sword that rests on the Milky Way (dosl.: Cloud River)"]: 309 -310; Nikonov 1980a [Eunhasy - "silver stream"]: 253; Choi 1979, No. 723 [the king's daughter is Jinknyeo (Weaver), her father passed her off as Kyeonoo, a good shepherd; then he got angry with the young, sent her son-in-law east, daughter to the west; heavy rains cause them to cry; they may meet once a year on July 7, after which the rains stop; for this purpose, the crow and magpie make a bridge out of their bodies; their heads are bald because the shepherd (Altair) and Weaver (Vega) are stepping on them]: 315.

The Balkans. Greeks: Mladenova 2006 [everywhere "The Jordan River"; in Samos and Tsakon dialect, it's just a "river"]: 181; Volpati 1933b [only modern Greeks have a "river" in Europe]: 16; Ancient Greece [The Milky Way was compared to Eridan, the ocean around the world]: Allen 1899:474.

Central Europe. Poles (Czestochowa Voivodeship) [The Milky Way is a sign of that river that flows underground; it is a winter river]: Gładyszowa 1960:88; Russians: Bondaletov 1983 [among Russian names The Milky Way is the River, the Sky River, the Stream; {the author does not specify the place of recording, but it is most likely that this is the Penza Region or neighboring regions of the Middle Volga region, where he conducted field research}]: 208; Dobrovolskaya 2010 (Vladimirskaya) [God is in seventh heaven, angels, seraphim, cherubs, sinless souls, the Virgin and saints; the river flows through all seven heavens - the Milky Way; also" God's River"; "The River of Fire" is one branch across the sky, the other is underground, through which the soul must cross a thread; the reflection of the fiery river of that world]: 153.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Nogais [The Milky Way means the bed of a dried heavenly river, from which all the water poured to the ground during the flood; the dried riverbed turns white and glows from the remaining gems in it]: Aleinikov 1893:5; Ossetians [evil Akhsaktemur walked with zeds (angels) across the sky; at certain times of the day he went to the river; oppressed seven brothers on earth; to gain protection Vodyanoy (Donböttär), the brothers took his son as a pet; A. killed him; D. invited the brothers to watch A. by the river, but he stopped going to the river, sat down in the middle of the sky, putting two guards stallions; brothers (stars of the Ursa Major) began to wander crooked towards the river (Milky Way); before dawn they notice the North Star and head towards it, but every time it disappears in in sunlight]: Miller 1882:300; Armenians: Harutyunyan 2004 [The Milky Way - the place where heavenly waters spilled to earth during the global flood]: 198; Ganalanyan 1979, No. 338 [The Milky Way - the place in the sky that broke through, from there it rained for the first time]: 127; Turks [the dialect name of the Milky Way is G ökdere 'Brook of the Firmment']: Gyarmati 1993: 226.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians ("Lily and Majnun" by Nizami Ganjavi, 1188) ["The calf drove the Horse to the vanguard /Delivered the Ship to the flank of the River" (from the comments of the translators: "The river (shat) is the Milky Way. "Flank" - janah, letters. "wing, flank, side"; the combination "River flank" (janāh-i shat) is based on the same model as the names of parts of a number of constellations <... >, but activates a different meaning of the word janāh - "flank, edge". Idea: Farcade, the bright star closest to the pole, seems to place an army of stars, sending the Pegasus constellation to the vanguard, that is, to the edge of the visible sky, and placing the many stars that form the Ship on flank of the River - the Milky Way, i.e. launching the ship")]: Nizami 2008:423; Tajiks [Milky Way - "Chaff Carriers Road (Adobe), the name "darjo" ("big river)" is less common]: Andreev 1927c: 25; Tajiks (Panjshir) [Milky Way - River (Daryo). This is a river that flows down, one year to one side, another year to the other, the Milky Way can move either way]: Andreev 1927e: 64-65.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Dongxiang ("Dongxiang Shirongolas") [The Milky Way - the mustache meren, the "water river"]: Potanin 1893:340.

Western Siberia. Southern Selkups: Tuchkova 2004:70 [The Milky Way is a "stone river" that flows through the sky, then passes to the ground where the Ob flows, connecting the world], 239 [the Peck constellation ("Elk", i.e. Ursa Major) wears the Month "on the shoulder blade of horns"; sometimes the Month descends to the ground, the Moose carries it; the furrows on the moose antlers are the traces of the Month; in them you can see "the entire great river" - the Ob or the Milky The way].

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais: Sam 1990 [The Milky Way is a "reflection of Cupid"]: 124; Bäcker 1988, No. 31 (Manchuria) [the woman has a son, Uschachta ("star"); she fell ill, the shaman said she could only be cured if you bring fish from the sky (i.e. from the heavenly river - the Milky Way); told W. to get into the boat, close his eyes, sent him to heaven; there W. met an old man, ordered him to sail north to the fork in the river; W. noticed that the water in the heavenly river is motionless; he plunged the prison, pulled out a carp with golden fins; the old man told W. to close his eyes and sent it to the ground; the mother ate the carp and recovered; a year later she fell ill again, W. asked the shaman to send him back to heaven; he sent him; the old man in the sky said he had been waiting for W. to replace him and become a watchman on the heavenly river himself; now you can see a boat in the sky among the stars a wooden paddle (steering wheel), and the bright star is W. himself, watching the sky river {the constellation has not been identified; Lyra?}] : 212-215; basins [Milky Way - Silver River (Thun Hae); husband, wife, two daughters and mother-in-law lived; mother-in-law did not love her son-in-law, divided the starry sky into two parts with a comb, formed an impassable stream, the son-in-law is left alone on the right (smaller) side; in the seventh month of the lunar calendar, husband and wife meet, cry with joy; on this day, you can overhear their conversation through the stem of a hollow plant]: Podmaskin 2013:184; Manchus: Zakharov 1875 [ula, bira - Milky Way; Sungari River names]: 635; Shrenk 1903 (3): 61 in Podmaskin 2004:97 (=2006:431, =2013:39); Manchus saw in The Milky Way has two branched and merging rivers - Sahali and Sungari]: 3; Bäcker 1988 [a Taoist monk sent by the emperor in search of beauty sees a waterfall falling from the Silver River ( The Milky Way)]: 84.

Japan. Japanese: Borovkov 1937 [the prince's maid washed clothes in the river; a serpent from the river told her to give the prince a letter demanding that one of her daughters be married to him; the youngest Otohime agreed; the serpent ordered To cut his skin, a young man came out; said that he was the son of a dragon, Prince Boopas, must go to heaven with his father for 7 days; if he was not 21 days old, he would never return; left his casket, did not order open it; if you go to the witch by the oak tree, ask her for a ladle, you can use it to go up to heaven; O.'s sisters beg her to open the box, steam comes out of it; the husband does not return, O. finds ladle, rises to heaven, asks for directions from various stars; Boopas hides his wife from his father, he finds her, gives tasks, her husband helps to complete; 1) drive a thousand oxen into stalls; 2) carry a thousand oxen rice coca (ants carry); 3) spend the night in a house with centipedes; the dragon agrees to leave O. Boopas's wife, but allows him to meet once a month; O. hears that once a year; the dragon creates a river - The Milky Way; O. (Weaver's star) meets Boopas on the seventh day of the seventh month]: 149-161 (trans. Konrad); Ikeda 1971, No. 400 (including Okinawa and Northern Ryukyu) [(59 versions); a man goes to the lake (1) after praying for a wife, (2) having received a divine revelation, because he is honest and hardworking, (3) sent by a deer (badger) to save his life; sees girls bathing, hides clothes from one of them's feathers, she has to marry him; they have sons (from one until seven); she learns from the children where her clothes are; in some versions she understands a hint from a song that the child sings; flies away with her children; leaves her husband instructions on how to get to heaven: (1) making 1000 straw sandals or by collecting a thousand oxen, the plant will grow to the sky, (2) or by planting a magic seed; (1) the husband slightly violates his instructions, for example, by preparing only 999 sandals, but reaches the sky with the help of a dog or wife taking him with her looking out the window; (2) climbs a magical plant whose seed was left by his wife; (3) a rope (bucket, basket) descends from the sky to pick up the remaining child (and husband); father-in-law gives difficult assignments 1) cut down the forest under the field in a day, plow the field in a day, grow melons in a day, harvest them in a day; his wife helps do it all; (2) he must identify his wife among her sisters, who look the same; the bee he saved points to his wife; he is told not to eat melons; he cuts one, a stream gushes out of it, the husband and wife remain different sides of the Milky Way; can only meet once a year, on the eve of July 7, when the stars celebrate; some versions end with episode (1) marrying a heavenly girl, (2) her return to heaven, (3) reuniting a person with his wife and children in heaven; (4) if a father-in-law tests his son-in-law, he usually cannot stand the latter, so he and his wife remain separated by the Heavenly River (Milky River) By way); but if a grateful animal helps him, he overcomes everything]: 96-97; Ancient Japan [The Weavers and Shepherd's story is recorded in many written monuments, the earliest is Fudoki in the 8th century]: Ikeda 1971:97; Markova 2000, No. 6 [typical Shepherd and Weaver]: 27-32; Ainu: Etter 1949 [Japanese and Ainu believe that the Milky Way is a winding river and gods fish there] : 27; Munro 1963 [The Milky Way - Pet Noka (River Likeness)]: 14; Arutyunov, Shchebenkov 1995 ["In the middle of a snow-white sky river, there is a constellation in the shape of a captive seine spread out on a double boat. This is the Cassiopeia constellation. It is called the "Star of the Quest Seine" (Yasi Noka). The stars at the top are called "rowers" (chipukoru), and the two lower stars supporting the seine are called "yashi koro kuru". The central star symbolizes the seine itself"]: 186.

SV Asia. Chukchi [The Milky Way is a river called the Sand River; it flows westward and has many islands; there are five male deer in the water (Cassiopeia)]: Bogoraz 1939:25; Bogoras 1902:593; Koryaks (deer and coastal, various groups, no other names) [The Milky Way - 'sandy river', 'muddy river' or 'clay river']: Bogoraz 1939:29; Bogoras 1917:106; Jochelson 1908:123; itelmen ("coastal Kamchatka") ["river" (kīx. )]: Bogoras 1917:106.

The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate (Nunamiut) [Milky Way - Sky River]: Etalook 1983:91 on MacDonald 1998:91.

Subarctic. Tanaina [The Milky Way is 'dark current' (meaning "flowing waters, river")]: Kari 2007:148.

The coast is the Plateau. Snohomish [the boatmaker knocks at night; the chief in heaven tells him to be picked up, tied to the roof of the house for a year; to get him back, people make a chain of arrows (the little bird can do it); Winter and Summer Robins find the boatmaker tied; Beaver pretends to be dead, swims to the salmon top; a little girl notices that the dead is smiling but is not believed; Beaver grabs fire, descends; four bear shamans are camlaing, the chain of arrows breaks; the Beaver and others fall but are not injured; the Snake and the Lizard stayed hanging and descended only in spring; since then, people have not made boats at night; Milky The path is the heavenly leader's river]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 21:411-412. {It is very likely that in other traditions from the Plateau region, where fire is brought from the sky and extracted from the top of the Beaver, the sky river is also associated with the Milky Way. See: skagit [fire owners live in the sky; Woodpecker makes a ladder out of arrows; only Beaver can pretend to be dead and not laugh when his skin is removed; blows fire away; heavy bears tear stairs; Spider lowers animal people to the ground]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 11:389-391; snookually [The Fox and the Blue Jay climb a rope into the sky; the Fox turns into a beaver, falls into the trap of the Month; that it refreshes him; while the Month sleeps, the beaver comes to life, takes fire and sun out of his house, takes small pines and cedars with it; turns back into a Fox, brings the stolen goods to the ground; when the Month climbs for him, the rope breaks, the Month breaks, turns into Mount Xi]: Hunt, Kaylor 1917:515-516 in Clark 1953:38-39; katlamet [five SW winds are blowing continuously; Blue Jay tells people to sing, the sky goes down , he is tied to the ground; people climb into heaven; Blue Jay and Stingray duel; Stingray turns sideways, Jay is wounded by an arrow; Beaver goes to steal fire; he is caught, scorched, he comes to life, takes away fire; Robin is sent to scout the entrance to the celestial house; she remains basking by the fire, her breast turns red; Skunk did not scout, returned in fear; Mice and Rats gnawed through bow bowstrings, ties on women's clothing enemies; Eagle, Owl, Golden Eagle, Turkey, Hawk grab five Winds; four are killed, the youngest has slipped away; people return to earth, Blue Jay cuts off the rope, the sky rises again; Stingray stayed there, turned into a constellation]: Boas 1901a, No. 9:67-71; quinolt [a bright star turns out to be a young man, marries an older sister; red is an old man, takes the youngest; a father of girls organizes a trip to heaven; large animals fail, Wren makes a chain of arrows; animal people climb into the sky; it's cold there; the flycatcher is sent for fire, it stays warm; the Beaver allows himself trap; brings fire to expedition members; Mice gnaw through celestial bowstrings, expedition members attack them, return to earth with both girls; Stingray and Marten remain in the sky; Stingray turns into Ursa Major; Marten causes eclipses by biting the moon and sun]: Clark 1953:158-160; Puget Sound [The old woman fire goes out; The beaver comes to the fire owners, pretends dead, blows fire away, places it in tree roots]: Ballard 1929:51, 52-54 [fire owners live in the sky; the raven orders to make a chain of arrows; the little bird succeeds; only the Beaver can pretend to be dead and not laugh when his skin is taken off]; sanpual [fire in the upper world; Woodpecker or Chickady shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows; the bear is the last to climb, breaks the chain; Animal people fall when they return to earth with fire; arrows pierce fish, they now have lots of bones]: Clark 1953 [in different versions of Chickady, Little Woodpecker, Great Woodpecker, Flycatcher makes a chain of arrows; The Eagle Chief sends the Dog and the Frog to scout, they are lazy, they do not find fire; the Beaver pretends to be dead, hides the coal under his claw, puts fire in the trees on the ground]: 189-192; Ray 1933, No. 11, 12 [first for Excrement is sent by fire; dogs eat it in the sky; the Beaver pretends to be dead, grabs coal; the owners of the fire urinate to extinguish the fire; it is raining, but the fire is preserved], 13 [as in No. 12; first Excrement and Dog sent, one eats the other]: 152, 153-156, 157-159; clickitat [fire owners live in the sky; animal people make a chain of arrows; Sapsucker woodpecker manages to plunge his arrow into the sky; the young leader Beaver pretends to be dead, swims along the river to the top; when he is skinned, his friends frighten the heavenly inhabitants, Borr hides the fire under his arm, runs; everyone returns to earth destroying the stairs; heavenly inhabitants send rain; the flood begins; the Beaver hides the fire in the trees]: Jacobs 1929, No. 1:179-181; yakima [the inhabitants of the sky own fire; the eagle flies for exploration; The Coyote offers to make a chain of arrows to the sky; only Wren succeeds; everyone agrees that the Beaver will let himself be trapped; when it is fried, the Eagle will distract attention, the Beaver will take him away fire; and so it happened]: Hines 1992, No. 6:33-40}; Klamath, Modoc [The Milky Way is a white river, branching out at one end; reeds grow on its sides]: Voegelin 1942:146, 236.

The Midwest. Ottawa (from an informant who grew up on Parry Island, George Bay) [The turtle waited for boats, surfaced, ate people; the Great Spirit tells two young men to shoot it; the turtle tries to escape, sailing north; when it emerges, arrows pierce her tail; she twists her tail, splashes fly into the sky, forming the Milky Way; since then, the Turtle has helped the Ojibwa]: Miller 1997:60-61; Ojibwa ( mississauga) [a giant sturgeon lives in a clear sky lake; from time to time it shakes up the silt at the bottom, the water becomes cloudy and we see the Milky Way]: Chamberlain 1896:94; fox [The Milky Way - River; Morning and Evening ("Red-Eyed") Stars Living on its Banks Manitou]: Jones in Miller 1997:65.

Plains. Blackfooted (piegan) [Wolves dance on the ice of the river, create whatever they want out of ice; give their dance to the Old Man, tell him not to dance on other rivers; the Old Man breaks the ban, the Wolves take their gift they put the river in the sky, now it's the Milky Way]: Josselin de Jong 1914:29-31; santi [Bado'za bird and Beaver competed to see who would dive deeper; all animals and birds took part; the Milky Way - bubbles rose; Beaver dived the deepest]: Wallis 1923:44.

Southeast USA. Screams [the idea of the Milky Way as a river is recorded in screams]: Gibbon 1972:241.

California. Villote [The Milky Way is associated with the ocean, probably with foam]: Miller 1997:138; Maidu: Beck et al. 2001 [The deer warns her daughters that if the Grizzly kills her, they must go to theirs Crane grandmother; while collecting greens, Grizzly invites Olenikha to look in her head, gnaws through her neck; tells the Reindeer that their mother is ill and will come later; Deer and Grizzly daughters play, covering each other friend in a smoky cave; Deer smoke Grizzly daughters to death, bake, put meat pieces and heads with limbs separately; tell all objects to remain silent, forget about the pine needle, run away; Grizzly eats the meat of the daughters, discovers the heads; the needle shows the way to the Grizzly, the Deer climb the rock, throw a hot stone into the Grizzly's mouth, come to the Crane; when the Grizzly wakes up, asks the Crane to hold out a leg across the river; in the middle of the river, the Crane dumps the Grizzly into the water (she allegedly scratched her leg with her claws; Women Water Beetles ate the Grizzly; the Milky Way is the Crane's leg stretched across the river, and in at the same time, the river itself; two stars are Deer, in front of them their mother, then Grizzly daughters playing; the Horned Owl looks at the rock that goes into the heavenly river]: 83-86; Maidu (mountain) [Milky Way - creek]: Voegelin 1942:146, 236.

The Great Southwest. Luiseño [The Milky Way is the abode of the souls of the dead; stars are the first people to go to heaven to avoid death after Ouiot died, which became a month]: Beck et al. 2001:88; DuBois 1908:162.

Mesoamerica Tlapaneci [Cassiopeia is a scorpion, the Milky Way is a stream of its poison and letters. "water from the back of a scorpion"]: Schultze-Jena 1938:157; Aztecs: Milbrath 1999 [in Codex Vindobonensis 47b, Eecatl-Quetzalcoatl supports a strip of celestial water placed in the sky with the glyph of Venus, so perhaps the Milky Way seemed like a river]: 275; Ruiz de Alarcón (a Mexican-Spanish playwright of the early 17th century) in Szoblik 2008 [in the first era when those who are now animals, allegedly human, priest Yappan was fasting and chastity; many women tried unsuccessfully to seduce him; then the goddesses citlalcuehye and chlchicueye (embodying the Milky Way and water; que son la uia lactea y el agua), knowing that this Yappan would become a scorpion and that by observing such abstinence he would gain the strength to kill anyone he stings, and trying to find a remedy for such a misfortune, did so that their sister (his? su hermana) goddess Xochiquetzal went down to seduce Yappan; he succumbed to the temptation of the goddess of love, did not gain divine power, became a scorpion, from which, if not everyone dies]: 206; tequistlatecs [The Milky Way - river reflection in the sky]: Carrasco 1960:107; kekchi [while the great kasik was hunting turtles in the forest, the Sun covered his face with a tortoiseshell shell that threw away a pleasant shadow on Kasik's daughter; took the girl away with one of his rays; Kasik ordered a giant sarbakan and clay balls to be made; when he was about to shoot, the Sun threw pepper into his sarbakan; since then people they cough; the second time the casik managed to shoot, the Sun dropped the girl, she fell into the sea, broke into small pieces; the fish collected pieces, each covered with its shiny scales; each took a tail in her mouth another, they formed a chain, lifted the girl to the sky; they lost their way home, became the Milky Way; the girl became the Moon, trying in vain to catch up with the Sun; he cannot stop because he hurries to wake up in the morning birds]: Gordon 1915:116-117; quiche [The Milky Way and the ecliptic are associated with the four rivers of mountainous Guatemala, flowing from the intersection of the Milky Way and the ecliptic; the Milky Way is a river, in Where a crocodile swims; where its mouth is open is the road to the afterlife]: Bassie-Sweet 2008:266-267.

Honduras - Panama. Bribry [The Milky Way is the sea turtle road created by their Mother so that they can find the shore to lay eggs; lightning is grandma (=mother?) turtles light their way with a white reed torch]: Segundo Sánchez 1997:54.

(Wed. The Northern Andes. Embera [(Vasco 1985:127); one of the human souls goes through a stream of steam and rejuvenates; this is the Awandor heavenly river, from awa-awanu, "snake skin change"]: Isacsson 1993:71).

(Wed. Southern Venezuela. Yanomami [Yanomami do not distinguish constellations; some believe stars and planets are fish]: Chagnon 198:91).

Guiana. Varrau [The Milky Way means "where tapir splashes in water" (Armellado, Napolitano 1975:43); elsewhere, the Milky Way is associated with a flowing river]: Roe 1982:143; vapishana [The Milky Way - river of the dead]: Farabee 1918:102 (quoted in Goeje 1943:83); macushi [Milky Way - Parana, with the same word they call the sea; {parana - "river" on the tupi}]: Roth 1915, No. 205:260; Schomburgk, II: 328 in Andrew 1878 [The Milky Way-parana, "the sea"]: 110; Akuriyo [The Milky Way is a heavenly road or river connecting terrestrial and celestial waters]: Jara 1990:69; kalinya [The Milky Way is a river, and a kalinya they suspect that fish fall to the ground with rain]: Magaña 1989a: 217.

Western Amazon. Napo: Mercier 1979:48-49 [people chased Wagra ("tapir") for a year, cut it in half by the lake; the front part became a tapir, the back part became a manatee; he ran along the river, its shadow reflected in the sky, this shadow is now visible at night in the sky, as is the river foamed by animals - the Milky Way], 49-51 [a man chased Wagra ("tapir"), found its excrement, asked how long ago it was master; they consistently answer that a year, six months ago, the day before yesterday, today; this is how man learned to count days and months; man caught up with the tapir, cut it in half, the front part fell to land, has become a tapir, the back into the water, a manatee; a manatee ("sea cow"); its path has become a "sea cow road" in the sky, the Milky Way; in winter, during the rainy season, this road goes from west to east, and dry season - across the Napo River, from south to north].

NW Amazon. Desana: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1971 [The Milky Way is a river flowing from the lower world of Ahpikondia from east to west; people with visions come here; diseases and vultures also live here - "the ancients eagles"]: 25, 42; 1975 [since August, many edible caterpillars have appeared; they are believed to sail in boats along the Milky Way; these boats are dark spots on it]: 115; 1978 [The Milky Way is a big and turbulent sky river]: 32; 1982:170 [The Milky Way can be seen as a river, a path in the forest, a crowd of people walking, dropped snakeskin, a stream of fertilizing seed, etc.], 171 [The Milky Way is two snakes; the starry, glowing part is the rainbow boa constrictor, the masculine part, and the dark part is the anaconda, the feminine part; the cycle of fertilizing power descending from the sky is marked by the movement of the Milky Way, understood as wriggling snakes]; barasana [The Milky Way is described as a reflection or as an extension of the Earth's Milk River; the Milk River is a giant river in the east, often identified with Amazon and Rio Negro; the sky is described as half a pumpkin vessel covered with black glaze, often used to store coca powder; on the horizon, the sky's dome joins the ground, and The Milk River continues in the Milky Way]: Hugh-Jones 1982:195; tarian {without accurate attribution, but p. 664 mentions Renstalro - "moon" on tarian} [early in the world, the disease destroyed men. except for a few decrepit old men and one payet (shaman); the women gathered on the shore of Lake Muypa, where Seucy (Pleiades in Lingua Geral) went swimming; they did not ask Payet for advice; he said that the generation that will soon be born will exclude women from discussing important things; went swimming with the women, they came out of the lake, became pregnant; Payet climbed Serra du Dubá, rushed into the lake, leaving The water was a white powder that disguised his youth; Seushi also came, leaving a white stripe in the sky covered with small stars]: Stradelli 1890:659-660.

Central Amazon. Mura [Southern Cross Coal Sack is a manatee carrying a fisherman (α and β of the Southern Cross) on his back; his boat was overturned by a fish; his companion (α and β Centaur) was ready to throw harpoon; the lightest part of the Milky Way is the foam that manatees raised in the water]: Nimuendaju 1948:265.

The Central Andes. Quechua: Weber, Meier 2008 (Huanuco?) [{it is not clear what text I'm talking about; Hanaq Patsa ("upper world") is probably in Quechua Huanuco, not Cuscan}; going up to the upper world (Hanaq Patsa), the girl meets an old man; he tells her bones to be left brother in the cave and return exactly 24 hours later; she returns a little earlier, sees her brother come to life, but immediately turns into a pile of ash; the girl throws her into space, creating an angry river (Mayu ) - The Milky Way]: 17-18; Weber et al. 1998 [The Milky Way - Goyllar mayu ("star river")]: 233, 345, 770; Uarochiri (dep. Lima) [The "black constellation" Yakan (llama) moves along the Milky Way (mayo, river); in the middle of the night, when no one sees, Yakana drinks water from the sea; if she does not drink, the sea will overflow and flood the earth]: Salomon, Uriosto 1991, ch. 29:132-133; huanca [The Milky Way is named after famous major rivers (Jauja, Mantaro), also Wankamayu ("river huanca"), but primarily Hatun Mayu ("great river") )]: Sergio Cangahuala Castro, Personal Report, 08.06.10; Quechua Dep-ta Cuzco: Bauer, Dearborn 1995 [Milky Way - Mayu, River; the brightest part (Sagittarius - Scorpio) - right above your head; Chacana - Orion Belt]: 138-139; Urton 1978 [Milky Way - Mayu, river; Cusco stands at the confluence of the earth's rivers, and the seke system (diverging lines that divided the lands of ancestral units and connected everyone's sanctuaries) - along a heavenly river]: 158, 164; 1981:69 [The Milky Way is a heavenly river that forms a single system with the Vilcanota River, due to which there is a constant water cycle within earth and sky], 201-204 [same as Bernabé Cobo 1653; Viracocha was probably associated with the Milky Way; altar in the village of Tomanga (dep. Ayacucho?) crowned with the pusuqu arc - "foam", the foam of the heavenly river, the Milky Way]; Quechua in mountainous Bolivia (Chuquisaca department, author's field observations) [Mayu ("river") - the Milky Way; Lama, Shepherd (Llamero), Lama Baby, Dog, Woman (Mamalita) - dark constellations (i.e. spots on the Milky Way); Lama's eyes - α and β Centaur]: Ciancia 2018:14; Calahuaya [three star sisters, the youngest is Chchasca (Venus), the middle is Ñusta Wara, or Coillor Ttalla, the eldest is Qoto (prolific); the Milky Way is Chachascañan, or Koillor mayu (mayu - river), Venus walks along it]: Oblitas Poblete 1978:107-108; Aymara: Arnold, Díos Yapita 1998:194 [The Milky Way is the Big River in the sky, and its dark spots are a red path], 214 [God the Father (=Sun) created the Great River in the sky, the place of creation animals; then he created the earth's rivers so animals could live]; Eyzaguirre 1956 [Warawara - "star", Wawawarwilli - "group of scattered stars, constellation", Warawarhawira - "star river" (Milky Way) )]: 87.

Montagna - Jurua. Machigenga [good spirits bathe in the sky river (Milky Way), change their skin and rejuvenate; spirits catch fish in it (the image of the universe in the shaman's picture and description)]: Baer 1984:157 [people- stars fish with poison in the sky river Meshiaréni], 227-228, 345 [approx. 1249, García: the celestial river Meshiaréni (Milky Way) is crystal clear, flowing to the ground, along with the waters of the Earth's rivers falls into the abyss; it has more fish than the earth's rivers]; ashaninka [kampa is called the Milky Way iyámore henokisáti, i.e. "celestials have blocked the river sleeve (to fish)"]: Weiss 1975:254.

Southern Amazon. Kalapalo [The Milky Way is "River"; most of the constellations around it are associated with Taugi or Kafanifani; Heron is the Orion Belt; Duck is Procyon and Canopus; "The Duck that Raises Hands" - Castor and Pollux; Jaguar chases Tapir; Heron; Deer]: Basso 1987:359-360; vaura [Milky Way - unione ("sky river")]: Andrey Matusovsky, field observations 2011, personal electrical communication. 30.05.11.

Chaco. Matako: Braunstein 1989 [the matako part calls the Milky Way a river, or rather the heavenly equivalent of Rio Bermejo]: 59; Lehmann-Nitsche 1923 [The Milky Way is a river, stars are sand on the bottom]: 258, 265; mocovi [(padre Guevara 1908); people (souls, las almas) went to heaven to fish by climbing a tall tree; they deprived an old woman of fish; she turned into a capybara, gnawed on her trunk; since then, heaven has not climb]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, #20:46; (comm. Lehmann-Nitshe 1927 [The Milky Way has a network of rivers and lakes]: 159).

The Southern Cone. Araucans: Lehmann-Nitsche 1935b [Milky Way - "river", Magellanic Clouds - two small bodies of water]: 551; Cavada 1914 (mestizos of Chiloe Island) [The Milky Way - Jordan, where Our Lord was baptized Jesus Christ]: 121.