Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I63. The Milky Way is a tapir trail.


The Milky Way is a tapir trail; the tapir is visible on the Milky Way.

Warrau, lokono, akawai (possibly), cariña Guiana, Oyampi, Siona and Sekoya, Napo, Tupinamba, Kanamari, Chacobo, Bakairi, Kamayura, Cuikuro, Botocudo, various Guarani groups.

Guiana. Warrau [The Milky Way means 'where tapir splashes in water']: Armellado, Napolitano 1975:43 in Roe 1982:143; curl [The Milky Way is the tapir trail; the tapir chasing his dog and The jaguar haunting both has three dark spots on the Milky Way]: Roth 1915, No. 205:260; the akawai or cariña of Guyana [Vavaya (wawa means sister or wife) takes Tapira as a lover; he promises to take her to where heaven meets earth; her husband Serikoai (sirikio means star) climbs a tree for fruit; when he begins to descend, she cuts off his leg with an ax; his mother cares for him; he walks east on crutches in the footsteps of lovers; kills Tapir with an arrow, cuts off his head; V. and Tapir's spirit run to heaven, S. after them; V. turns into Pleiades, Tapir's head into Hyades (Aldebaran - eye), S. into Orion]: Brett 1880:191-200 (=Roth 1915, No. 211:265-266); carinha [The Milky Way is the "tapir trail"; along it, a jaguar and a forest dog chasing tapir]: Magaña, Jara 1982:117; oyampy [Milky Way - Tapir Road]: Grenand 1982, No. 17, 18:148

Western Amazon. Siona, Sekoya [Baira creates land after the flood, helps people get out of the ground, kills his father-in-law, who turns into Tapir; B. goes to heaven, tells his nephews to pursue Tapira; they follow the trail of Tapir's excrement, it's getting fresher; Cayman carries them across the river, bites off their younger brother's leg; they kill Cayman with an ax, reach out their leg; the Pleiades brothers, the axe - Orion's belt, Hyada - Cayman's jaw, Milky Way - tapir trail]: Vickers 1989:161-167; Zion [Ñañagüé Nianyague (Month) no longer liked his wife because she had to look for in his head; climbed a Juansoko tree, threw fruits at them, they became intoxicated from them and fell asleep; N. pulled piranha teeth out of his wife and sister's vagina (further as in 134-136); on the way he took the trapped birds , put rotten leaves in them, sent his father-in-law to check the traps; his father-in-law returned, asked his daughters to remove the thorn from his leg; N. told him to lie not in a hammock, but on a bark bed, to become a tapir; the tapir ran, leaving a trail - the Milky Way; N. told him to become Mother of Earth; when he moved, there would be an earthquake; N. changed his appearance, came to his wife; she fell in love with him, smeared his face with soot at night; he washed it away; then a genipa, these spots are still visible; the Turtle hid all the water; N. cut down the bamboo, the grove turned into a river, both women swam; N. did not let his wife go ashore, her sister came out; she stood in the water palm tree, his wife went to her; M., if you approach the shore, storms would begin; told the turtle to eat rot; his wife's sister to be the mother of the living, the patroness of the dead, sent her to the country dead]: Chaves 1958:143-145; for example: Mercier 1979 [a man stalked Wagra ("tapir"), found his excrement, asked how long ago their owner had passed; they consistently answer that a year, six months, a month ago, the day before yesterday, today; this is how man learned to count days and months; man caught up with tapir, cut it in half, the front part fell to land, became a tapir, the back into the water, a manatee; manatee ("sea cow"); its path in the sky has become the "sea cow road", the Milky Way; in winter, during the rainy season, this road goes from west to east, and during the dry season it runs across the Napo River, from south to north]: 49-51; Wavrin 1979 [two brothers kill their mother's monstrous Penis, their lover; walk towards the Morning Star; Cayman takes them across the river, bites off the younger one's leg; they kill Cayman with an ax, reach out his leg, put it back; for several years they follow Tapir's trail, find fresher droppings; the elder kills Tapir with a spear (the spear is now visible in the sky); the brothers chop Tapir; the back part turns into a manatee, the front into a tapir; later the brothers turn into a constellation (Pleiades?)] : 65-66.

Eastern Amazon. Tupinamba [both Guarani and Tupi have the Milky Way "tapir trail" (Tapi'í Rapé, Mboreví Rapé); so in Tesoro.. Montoya and in "Vocabulario na lingua brasilica"]: Cadogán 1968a:80.

Montagna - Jurua. Kanamari: Carvalho 2002 [same as Reesink]: 285-286; Reesink 1989 [The Milky Way is a tapir trail; there are also various constellations with animal names (deer, jaguar, battleship, paka, turtle), i.e. the Milky Way is also a trail in general]: 123, 127.

Bolivia - Guaporé. The Chacobo [(apart from the sun and moon) and the chacobos do not know celestial objects except the Pleiades and the Milky Way, the "tapir trail"]: Kelm 1972:206 (note 146).

Southern Amazon. Bakairi [Ewaki, Keri and Kame's aunt, told them to get the sun owned by the red urubu, Urubu-ray; there was a red hole at the zenith of the sky; the tapir fell into it at night and can be seen on the Milky Way; Keri saw a tapir, climbed into his paw; (var. in Oberg: Keri made a tapira out of áka wood as soft as cassava, then created smelly flies to attract vultures); Kame became a yellow bird, sat next to him on a tree to tell his brother what was going on; Red Urubu opened the sun, it was light, the urubu saw a tapir; they pulled him out of the hole with ropes; Kame warned Keri, he puffed up, urubu they could not tear the tapir with their beaks; they called for help Urubu-ray; he opened the tapir, Keri grabbed it; promised the sun for freedom; sent his brother a white urubu, who brought a red dawn; then the moon; finally, the real sun; the moon was made of japú feathers, the sun was made of toucan feathers and red macaw, dawn was made of toucan feathers; at first it was a constant day; Keri covered the sun with a vessel, it became dark; took it off again day]: Oberg 1953:78-79 and Steinen 1897:324; kamayura: Münzel 1973 [Turtle boys throw Tapira from the tree not the fruits of the genipa, but the peel; he shakes them off the tree, tramples them, leaves; part alive, following Tapir's trail for a year, finding more and more fresh excrement; finding themselves in the sky; killing Tapir, cutting to pieces; deciding to stay in the sky; these are the Pleiades, rising after the constellation that exists Tapir grilled meat]: 187-190; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [as in Münzel; some boys turn into turtles after falling off a tree; do not end up in the sky, but go up there after Tapir's assassinations]: 171-173; kuikuro [Kuantïnï decided to visit the sky where all animals are; he was surrounded by jaguars in the forest; their chief, the black jaguar Nitsuengï, agreed not to kill him when K. promised him his two daughters; N. put K. on his bow, untwisted it, threw it from the sky to the ground; K.'s daughters refused to go to the jaguar and K. carved the girls out of wood; 6 of the 8 left in hammocks came to life; hair made first from buriti fibers, then pineapple fibers - very wet; then from algae; made teeth from chips (black), piranha teeth (ate too fast), seeds; tried different fibers for triangle on the pubis; cut out the vaginas himself; told tifigu trees (at that time people) to have sex; penises are scratched; then lined the vaginas with cotton - good; Owl said to the eldest of the girls, Itsanitsegu, that their father was going to send them to a jaguar; the battleship told the girls about the difficulties of the journey, in return demanded permission to meet one of them; forgot his penis in the village and while he was running after him, the girls left; he blew, spreading witchcraft to make them die on the way; then meeting a kingfisher, he gave fish, had sex with one of the girls, she put in a tampon to avoid getting pregnant; the same with a monkey- howler, gave fried fish; the seagull offered fried oysters, the girls refused, so the seagull could not get along with them; another species of kingfisher; the girl who stayed with him asked him to throw the necklace on back so as not to interfere during copulation; poured sperm on him, taking out her tampon; since then this kingfisher has white spots and necklace marks on its back; the girls sent the most beautiful one to the tree to throw off buriti leaves; I. turned the stumps of their nails into biting flies; from their bites, the tree who climbed the tree fell, the leaves pierced it, others buried it; the deer refused to copulate, although I. wanted it; she gave him salt and since then the deer have died quickly from the wound; on a slippery path, one slipped, fell and died; K. warned the girls not to drink from the poisonous river; one drank, died, she was buried; tapir cut down trees, warned of a fork - if you go the wrong path, you will get to the wolf's village; I. told one girl to get along with him, his thick penis split her; I. hit him in anger, since then the tapirs had a narrow ass; when they saw that the split one was made of wood, the remaining two girls were upset, which means that they were sent to the jaguar; Tyra (Tayra barbara) gave honey, but it's strong, girls began to cough; he got along with them, the cough stopped; at the fork in Itsanitsegu went to the left to the wolf village, and Anafukuagu went to the right, to the village of the jaguar; I. climbed a tree above the river; the wolf's wife seriema I saw the reflection, thought it was her own, began to show off beauty; then I realized; threw a nail stump, it became a fly, she bit the series, she dropped the calebass with water, it crashed; the same time again; then she called her husband; I. followed the wolf, thinking it was a jaguar; a fish fell out of his ass, he said that the fish was in the shell of the necklace; the wolf's mother greeted I., but she realized that she was mistaken: her they were treated to fruit, i.e. food for wolves; from her sister, Jaguar N. found out that I. was in the wolf's village; took her; gave her potions to drink, she regurgitated the fish, got rid of the wolf's pregnancy; when I. was 8 months old, N. hid it under the roof, told her not to spit if his mother Kafisatïgo came and let the winds go; I. spat the cotton seeds, Kafisatigo decided that, out of disgust, she threw her claw at her, that compartment for her head; sister I. raised the alarm; N. said it was his third wife killed by his mother; Agouti told the girls' father, who sent an ant into I.'s vagina, the ant said there were two boys in the womb; Quantini put them in a basket; they grew up quickly; the wild dog gave them the names Taoguiñï and Aulukumá; the grasshopper gives them the names Sun (Giti) and Month (Nune); A. asked the Sun to dig peanuts in the garden partridges; she said in revenge that A. was the Sun's aunt, and his mother killed her mother-in-law; the brothers took her mother's body from the roof of the house, where they put it to dry; the Sun sent a fly in her nose, she came to life, he was with her spoke, but she cried and died again; digging animals dug up the grave, I. buried; The sun told the bird to eat wasps, the hawk to eat snakes, the anteater to poison ants, the tapir to trample the thorns; the road to N.'s mother opened up; her brothers came to her disguised as young children; she began to tell how she killed I.; the Sun killed her; evil butterfly spirits flew out of her body; the Month looked out from behind the tree, his nose was torn off; The sun has attached it, but now that the moon is in profile, you can see that there is no nose; Quantini gave A. to eat the ashes of bamboo, she gave birth to a zhurun, suya and other wild Indians; took the possumiha child, N. said that it's her, he's glad; but the opossumich took him away; the wild Indians killed all the jaguars; the Sun saved his father and aunt by placing them in heaven, and to have what they have, he put tapir and deer there (now the constellations on Milky Way); after making a life for wild Indians, the Sun rose to heaven]: Carneiro 1989:4-14.

SE Brazil. Botokudo [The Milky Way is called the tapir trail; (it seems that someone is chasing him - a hunter or another animal)]: Krenak 2003.

Southern Brazil. Various Guarani groups [no details; The Milky Way is Mborevi rapé, the tapir trail]: Strelnikov 1930:301; Cadogán 1968a [both Guarani and Tupi have the Milky Way the "tapir trail" ( Tapi'í Rapé, Mboreví Rapé); so in "Tesoro.." Montoya and in "Vocabulario na lingua brasilica"]: 80.