Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I66. Ash on the Milky Way .

The Milky Way is ash or smoldering embers.

Bushmen, Wirageri, Marind-Anim, Tanna, Transylvania Germans, Russians (Vladimir), Oirats (Karashar's merchants), hidatsa, patvin, cahuilla, zunyi, navajo, pima, oyana, trio, manao, quechua (Huanuco?) , kamayura, bororo, karazha, matako.

SW Africa. Bushmen: Kotlyar 1983, No. 59 [the first girl on earth, pretending to be sick, stayed in the hut her mother made her; she was angry that her mother brought her too few edible roots, threw them into the sky; mature roots turned into red stars, young ones turned white; she threw ash into the sky, which became the Milky Way]: 106-108; Dornan 1925 [daughter was angry at her mother for not giving her her some tuber, which is forbidden for girls who undergo certain rituals; threw the food she baked into the sky in their hearts; food became stars, ash stuck to the Milky Way]: 166; Bushmen: Bleek, Lloyd 1911:73-75 [a girl threw a handful of ash into the sky, the Milky Way arose; she also threw an edible root; old pieces of red color became red stars, and young and white ones - white], 77-79 [about like Kotlyar].

Australia. Virageri [The Milky Way - "smoke from fire"]: Kötz 1911 in Gładyszowa 1960:87; a band in the Encounter Bay area [The Milky Way - a row of huts with heaps of ash smoking under]: Kö tz in Gładyszowa 1960:87.

Melanesia. Marind-anim [The Milky Way - Little Dema Girls Scatter Ash Across the Sky; Brighter Spots Are Graves Scattered With White Lime Powder]: Wirtz, Neverman 1981:163; Tanna [The Milky Way is sometimes referred to as "ash"]: Humphrey 1926:100.

The Balkans. The Germans of Transylvania [the world burned down; God raked up the heat, it turned out to be the Milky Way, it gradually cooled down; sometimes the last embers fall - shooting stars]: Müller 1857:4.

Central Europe. Russians (Vladimirskaya) [on the Annunciation they began to clean the stove; all the ash was young in the face and across the sky]: Dobrovolskaya 2010:153.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Oirats (Karashar's merchants) [the sky was not ready yet, it slowly slid on both sides; the old woman became pregnant; years pass, the child from the womb asks if the heavenly gate will close soon; the mother replies that not soon; once she got angry, said that they closed; the child immediately came out through the left armpit as an adult man; because of this, people are short-lived; threw up a handful of ash, closing it not A space still occupied by the sky; this is the Milky Way]: Benningsen 1912:6-7 (Taube 2004, No. 3:16).

Plains. Hidatsa [Milky Way - 'ash way']: Dorsey 1894:517

California. Patvin [Milky Way - scattered ash]: Gibbon 1972:240; cahuilla [Tukwishhemish woman laughed without opening her mouth; once opened, three girls saw that she had three rows of upper teeth; began to laugh; she rose to heaven out of shame, became a star; those three girls also turned into stars (apparently the Pleiades); until she rose to heaven, no one thought about marriage; Isilihnup (Coyote) and Holinach, two men, started looking for these girls; I. woke up at night, saw them in a smoke hole; put a stick in the hearth, threw them into the sky, followed her, became a star; ash has been pouring off the stick since then ash to frost]: Hooper 1920:365-366.

The Great Southwest. Zunyi: Benedict, p.38 in Parsons 1939 [The Milky Way - a handful of ash thrown into the sky by the Brothers Gods of War]: 213; Harrington in Young, Williamson 1981 [The Milky Way is ash (ashes stretched) across)]: 186; Hodge 1993 [people scattered corn uselessly, the Corn girls decided to leave; they were led by Yellow, followed by Blue, Red, White, Variegated; Black was behind so that their pursuers would not be pursued found; Pautiva (head of kachin) called them to the village of Kachina to then return them to the people; he did not want them to go elsewhere; in Itiwana, the middle place, people collected grain, but it was sick and useless; the priests sent in search of the Medicine Flower Boys, then the Jimson Weed Boys, but they did not find the Corn Girls; then the twins Gods of War sent a fly; kachina women they put a freshly brewed pumpkin soup, the fly burned his tongue, since then he could not speak; they sent arrows, but they found only the wind; the Gods of War invited the priests to look for someone wiser than them; they sent Newekwe, he sits on the Milky Way and sees everything; he told the priests not to eat or drink for four days until he returns; N. threw ash up, the Milky Way appeared, he climbed it, went south, north, east, descended to the west, told the Milky Way to remain what he did to protect people; N. came to P., who gladly returned him the Corn Girls who were in the Holy Lake; N. went ahead, Girls behind him, P. with a calebass of water from Sacred Lake behind them; since then N. has always brought the Corn Girls after Shalako (early winter after solstice ceremony), then P. brings rain]: 29-32; Navajo [First Woman and First Man baked corn tortillas on ash; Coyote stole a piece of tortilla, leaving a trail of crumbling ash in the sky]: Bahti 2000 [when pictured Heaven and Earth The Milky Way ("flowing ash", fluft ashes) is depicted by intertwining zigzag lines]: 26; Gifford 1940:156; Griffin-Pierce 1992:169; Pima: Olmos Aguilera 2005 [Shaman He poured the earth (Chamán de la Tierra) into a bowl of water, it froze, he threw this piece of ice into the sky, the sun appeared; he also created the moon; he threw both first to the west, then to the south, but went too far quickly; when I threw it east, they swam across the sky like now; I sprayed water from my mouth - stars appeared; broke my magic crystal, threw fragments, they turned into bright stars; took his staff, sprinkled ash (colocando cenizas en la orilla), drew the Milky Way in the sky; made people out of clay; they did not die, multiplied, began to kill each other; the Earth's Shamn decided to connect Heaven with Earth, like husband and wife, as well as the Sun and the Moon; picked up the sky with his rod, pulled it up; everyone on earth died, he created a new race Rsasanatc; the Moon gave birth to the Coyote, the Earth to the Big Brother (SB); people multiplied again, SB promised to destroy everyone; created a young man who began to be consistently combined with all women; the first child was born in 4 months, the last child immediately; came to the wise Shaman of the South; began the flood, SHU made a hole to the other side of the earth with a rod, some people left; others and SHU climbed the mountain; the dog brought people to the top; after the flood they began to make people and animals; at the Coyote - snakes and birds (the SB told him to throw them into the water); the SZ sculpted a dog with one leg, huge ears, holes in the body, boils on his knees; diseases spread on the ground]: 172-180; Russel 1908 [Creator Earth Doctor takes some dust from his chest, makes a cake out of it, grows a bush on it; creates a termite that makes the earth as big as it is now; first it trembles; the Creator turns gray The spider, which cobwebs the edges of the earth and the sky, the earth ceases to fluctuate; the Creator makes water, mountains, plants; pours water into the bowl, it freezes, he throws this piece of ice west, north, south; that every time it slides down; thrown to the east, it turns into the sun, it begins to move as expected; a month is similarly created; after taking water in his mouth and spraying it into the sky, the Creator makes stars; The Milky Way is his staff, at the ends of which he put ash]: 51 (quoted in Judson 1994:29-31).

Guiana. Oyana [Kuyulu and his companion (twins) burned a huge seiba, now the Milky Way; the fire fell to the ground, then it started raining]: Goeje 1943, no. d25:111; trio [The Milky Way - a burnt tree; Orion (Yalawale) placed it in the sky]: Magaña 1987:183.

Central Amazon. Manao (?) [It was not night; the river pulls up the girls, the Month (Kadaua) sails after them; he is bald and the girl's hair is gray; they blame each other for it, come to her parents; then with parents come to the two-womb old women, hoping that they will cure their gray hair and bald head; the house smells disgusting; K. set fire to the house, the Twombs burst from the heat; night has come; K. rushed into the burning hut, hoping to get the girl's hair; she and her parents are behind him; they all burned down, rose to heaven; turned into the Month and into constellations, apparently the Milky Way]: Brandão de Amorim in Levi-Strauss 1968, No. 104: 144-145, 147.

The Central Andes. Quechua (Huanuco?) [{it's not clear what text I'm talking about; Hanaq Patsa is probably in Quechua Huanuco, not Cuscan}; going up to the upper world (Hanaq Patsa), the girl meets an old man; he tells her brother's bones to be left in the cave and return exactly 24 hours later; she comes back a little earlier, sees her brother come to life, but immediately turns into a pile of ash; the girl throws her into space, creating an ashy river (Mayu) - the Milky Way] : Weber, Meier 2008:17-18.

Southern Amazon. Camayura [Jaguars have come to heaven, their smoldering embers are the Milky Way]: Münzel 1973:157 (note 371); bororo: Fabian 1982 [The Milky Way - "star ash"]: 287; Steinen 1897 [The Milky Way - ash]: 400.

Araguaia. Karazha [Milky Way - Ash Road]: Ehrenreich 1905:39.

Chaco. Matako {less likely to be toba; not specified exactly} [yulo burned a road through the forest, it is still in smoke and ash - the Milky Way]: Metraux 1936b: 138.