Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I68. Opening the sky. .26.-.32.34.-.37.41.64.

At a certain point, the sky opens up and you can see what is happening in heaven; it is generally believed that a wish expressed at that time will come true.

Chinese, Serbs, Montenegrins, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Romanians, Gagauz, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Russians (Tula, Terek Cossacks), Ukrainians, Urums, Abkhazians, Abazins, Karachays, Ossetians, Kumyks, Avars, Terekemens, Megrelians, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Kurds, Persians, Shugnans, Turkmens, Setus, Estonians, Lithuanians, Komi-Zyrians, Udmurts, Mari, Chuvash, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Buryats, Khakas , northern and eastern Khanty, central and western (Vilyuisk) Yakuts, Nivkhs, Tagish, Shipaya.

China - Korea. Chinese [a crack appeared in the sky, and two eyes in the middle of it, like boats with pupils emitting bright light; this sky opened its eyes]: Yuan Mei 1977, No. 742:345.

The Balkans. Serbs: Moshkov 1901 [the sky opens for baptism]: 65; Potanin 1899 [a man leaned out the window on Christmas Eve so that when the sky opens, ask God for gold from a barrel; by accident asked for his head from the barrel; his head became big, stuck in the window]: 505; Jankov 1951 [the sky opens on Epiphany, Ivanov's Day]: 25; Bulgarians: Agapkina 2002 [for the holiday (Christmas, Epiphany, Ivanov's Day, less often before Good Thursday and Friday, Easter, Trinity, Yuri's Day) the sky opens, a person can see God and an angel, wishes made at that moment will come true]: 564; Daskalova- Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 775 [on the Annunciation, the orphan looked at the sky without blinking and wished that everything he touched would be gold or silver; food, pets, wife would also become metal], 775* [on the Epiphany (Transfiguration), the man stuck his head out the window to ask for a pot of gold; after saying, he asked his head like a cauldron; his head became big, stuck in the window]: 274, 274-275; Nenov 2004 [on Easter (Entry, Savior), the sky opens, the Lord descends to earth and takes the souls of the dead]: 75; Stoynev 2006 [on Epiphany, Easter, Trinity, etc., the sky opens, paradise and God are visible ; whatever you want at this moment will come true]: 206-207; Macedonians: Tsenev 2004 [the sky opens on Vojordan; then wine flows from the springs instead of water, and any wish will come true; one person became scream that he wants great fame, and the Lord heard that the chapter gave him a big head; one woman saw the sky open when she put her head out the window, wanted to ask for a barrel (shinik) of money, and said" shinik head", her head became like a barrel, she could not pull it out of the window]: 28-29; Douma 1893 [on the eve of August 6 (the Transfiguration of the Lord), around midnight, the sky opens; at this time, trees and everything plants lean towards the ground; only sinless people can observe this, any wish expressed will come true; (hereinafter about three stupid desires)]: 282-283; Montenegrins, Romanians [it is believed that regarding the fact that the sky is opening and the wishes expressed at this time are being fulfilled]: Chursin 1956:157; Romanians [once a year the sky opens on Easter]: Rusu 2009:91; Gagauz people [sky opens on Easter; some saw candles burning through the hole]: Moshkov 1901:53 (=2004:254).

Central Europe. Russians: Azimov, Tolstoy 1995 (Tula, Chernsky University) [on Easter Matins, "when the righteous rise from their tombs," the Milky Way descends to earth and opens the way for them to the kingdom of God]: 118; Kolchin 1988 [sometimes the sky opens during a thunderstorm; it shows there is a chariot of fire, the blue of the second sky is visible in the distance; either the prophet Ilya with angels or the apostles Peter and Paul open and close the sky; only holy and immaculate people can see the open sky; daylight is also visible in the sky]: 3; Afanasiev 1994 (3) [on the first day of Easter, the sky is unlocked, and throughout the Bright Week, the souls of the dead constantly turn between the living, visiting their relatives and friends, drink, eat and rejoice with them]: 289; Terek Cossacks [at times, during storms, thunderstorms, thunder and rain, all six heavens open and the righteous enjoy contemplating the seventh heaven where is the Creator; sinners are deprived of such grace]: Vostrikov 1907:12; Ukrainians: Abramov 1914 (Novograd-Volynsky) [lightning - Ilya on a chariot of fire with three angels; one supports him, the second rules horses, the third cuts through the clouds with a sword; then you can see the real sky - fiery (lightning); thunder - God strikes the evil spirit with a fiery arrow]: 381; Bogatyrev 2007 (Transcarpathia) [ when the sky opens at night, a strong light emanates from there, as if a road across the sky is illuminated; then a person can ask for the kingdom of heaven or wealth, etc.; but if he asks for both else, will not get anything]: 128; Teodorovich 1899 (Monki Starokonstantinovsky y. Volyn Gubernia) [lightning - unfolding sky]: 529-530; Chubinsky 1872 (Podolsk Gubernia, Proskurovsky Uyezd) [there are six more beyond the visible sky; sometimes they open and then the "pleasers of God" see the radiance; through the hole you can see the figure of a man with a sword (portends war) or a vessel (portends a bountiful harvest)]: 2-3; Poles (Kelets Voivodeship) [the sky opens at midnight when the rooster of paradise sings and from his fiery sparks fall in golden feathers; roosters on the ground begin to sing awakened by sparks and his voice]: Belova 2004a, No. 207:122; Poles, Slovaks [for the holiday (Christmas, Baptism, Ivanov's Day, less often before Good Thursday and Friday, Easter, Trinity, Yuri's Day) the sky opens, a person can see God and an angel, wishes made at that moment will come true]: Agapkina 2002: 564; Czechs [at midnight, when the Savior is born, the heavens are opened and all the water on earth turns into wine; this belief is held only among the most devout people]: Grohmann 2015, No. 279:68.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Urums ("Greeks g. Mariupol"; judging by fragments of the original texts and other lexical materials available in the notes, these are urums, not rumei) [on the night before Ivan Kupala, "heaven opens" {no details }; women and girls are preparing for divination this night]: Markov 1892:410; Abkhazians: Kogonia 2017 [if you see how the sky has opened, wishes will come true; it happens that a person from despair will curse herself "Let me not live to see dawn!" etc., and if it falls at the time of revelation, his curse will come true]: 128; Chursin 1956 [sometimes the vault of heaven opens; this is something the lucky ones can see; I must say quickly, Lari, Wari, Hazi, jhuari ("Dog, People, Serum, Hominy Film Left on the Bottom and Walls of the Cauldron"), then any wish will come true; at this time, the waterfall may freeze; one person asked for goats, they turned out to be so much that he exclaimed, God, kill me; died right away]: 156-157 (retelling Zukhba 1995:51); Abaza [during the summer solstice at noon or midnight, the water in all rivers on the moment freezes; the wish expressed at this moment will come true, but it must be done instantly and you cannot express several wishes]: Kunizheva 2012:172-173; Karachays: Dzhurtubayev 1991 [v On the night of June 22, the "divine gates" open in the sky, the water in the rivers stops, the stones melt and all living things "fall asleep"; if a person sees this moment and expresses a wish, it will come true; var: the gates open at any time of the year at night in front of a person with a pure soul; (about the same in Jurtubayev 2007:453)]: 139; Karaketov 1995:136 [when the heavenly vaults are opened, something is needed wish, wishes will come true; the sky opens only to noble people], 182-184 [it was a certain day when the heavenly vaults opened and spring water stopped flowing, and snakes appeared instead of it; at sunrise, he turned into a wheel of fire, killed the enemies of the people; an old dog crept up and ate their skin; they began to fight; a boy appeared, cut off the dog's head; so that the springs would not run out, this boy appeared every time on the night of March 21-22; at the end of June, the heavenly vaults open for the second time, light emanates on earth]; Ossetians [the sky sometimes opens; who will notice, desire will come true; we must express two good wishes and one necessarily bad one; David Begizov, as a church clerk, once saw the sky suddenly burn with different colors; a candle in the church it caught fire by itself and illuminated the whole village; three wishes came true: he gained prosperity, all his sons are alive, and his daughters are dead]: Chursin 1925a: 82; Avars [it is believed that the sky is opening and the wishes expressed at this time are being fulfilled]: Chursin 1956:157; Kumyks [On the 9th, 10th or 18th of uraza, the world is illuminated with wonderful light; all the waters dry up that night; who will see this light may ask God to fulfill three wishes; one woman went to the mill, with her little child; saw the light, wanted the berenk's head to come out of the mill; then to millet; I did not have time to say the third wish, the child was left with a small head]: Debirov 1884:26; Avars [the widow waited for the fifteenth night of Ramadan to make three wishes; 1) let my son's head it will become big (it became like a cauldron); 2) Oh no, let it be small" (it became the size of a grain); 3) Let it be what it was]: Dirr 1920, No. 15:85-86; Terekemen [Terekemen, like all Muslims, believed in gadir geja (happy evening), leilat al-Qadr (predestination night); the plea addressed to God that evening would be satisfied; this evening was considered to be the 27th of Ramadan; at a certain hour this evening, the water in the river stops, then you can ask for anything; one miller saw it, asked God to make him big-headed (in the sense of authoritative); he had a huge head; asked to make my head small, I became like a bird; I barely had time to ask to make it what the head was]: Hajiyeva 1990:195; megrels [sometimes it happens that the sky opens; if anyone sees this one the moment will ask God for something, then everything will be heard and fulfilled]: Stepanov 1903, No. 191:147-148; Georgians: Janashvili 1893, No. 9 (Ingiloyans) [once a year water, earth, fire, air, every creature , angels, etc., fall asleep; at this time the doors of heaven open, the radiant God appears; who, looking at him, prays to him, will receive what he has planned]: 150-151; Japaridze 1896 (Rachintsy) [sometimes opens sky for a few seconds; whoever notices this will get whatever he wants at that moment]: 149; Mamaladze 1893 (Guria) [sometimes the sky opens for a second, whoever notices and wants anything will definitely come true] : 115; Mashurko 1894 [in September and October, at 4 am, the sky opens for 10 minutes; if asked, the wish will come true; one old woman asked for a long life and lived until she was with her little finger]: 375; Stepanov 1894 [the sky opens every seven years; whoever sees gets whatever he wants]: 79; Armenians: Bunatov 1893 [on Ascension and New Year's Eve for one second in all rivers the water stops; whoever scoops water at that time will become gold in the jug]: 180; Ganalanyan 1979, No. 855 [on the night of Ascension, trees and stars greet each other, everything is quiet , light, a wish will come true], 856 [once a year two star spouses meet, everyone is happy, you can ask for what you want; one person wanted to say, "Let my shovel be golden", but by chance said "wooden"; so it was], 857 [Mher's door opens once a year on Ascension; M. circles across the sky on a fiery horse; whoever sees, his wish will come true], 858 [the night the stars meet Leyli and Majnun, all waters freeze; whoever brings a jug of water from the Tiger at that time and does not turn around will become gold]: 274, 274, 274, 275; Lisitsyan 1992 (Nagorno-Karabakh, records from the 1920s) [only righteous people can see God when the sky opens; it does so on great holidays (such as Ascension) or during a severe thunderstorm, when lightning swords sparkle behind deafening thunder (with . Sos); if anyone is lucky enough to look inside the sky at this time and express a wish, it will certainly come true]: 168; Azerbaijanis [there is a belief that the sky unfolds and the wishes expressed at this time are fulfilled]: Chursin 1956:157; Kurds [on the last Wednesday ("akhyr chershembe") before Novruz Bayram, the water in rivers and streams stops, all nature falls asleep, the sky opens; whoever sees this phenomenon and has time to express a wish will come true]: Chursin 1925b: 16.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [it is believed that the sky is opening and the wishes expressed at that time are being fulfilled]: Chursin 1956:157; Shugnans (written by Tusyon Makhbatshoev, a resident of the village of Tusyon Makhbatshoev Maghribi, 80 years old) ["I saw the sky open with my own eyes when I was in grades 7-8. We didn't have a cauldron and we wanted to buy it instead of a ram. At night we went to Khorugh. In the area of the current Botanical Garden, the sky suddenly opened from east to west and it became light. Different colors (green, red, yellow, etc.) appeared in the sky. This phenomenon lasted about five minutes. They usually say: Whoever sees the sky open will come true "]: Yusufbekov 2009; Turkmens [the happiest night of the year is "kadir gije" on the 27th of Ramadan; on this night God accepts Any request why they do not go to bed, but spend time praying; on this night, the prophet Khizir is pious people]: Tolstov 1931:303.

Baltoscandia. Seto [at Epiphany (Ristipäev), the sky opens, it's easy to walk, everyone is healthy]: ERA II 194, 349 (25); Estonians (Rannu) [sometimes the sky opens, you can see what's there]: ERA II 208, 575 (10); Lithuanians [a person sees the sky open, has no idea to ask for anything]: Kerbelite 2001:463; Lithuanians [when the gates of heaven open (suddenly it gets light at night), we must think of something to ask God: everything will come true]: Laurinkene 2019:309.

Volga - Perm. Komi-Zyrians: Nalimov 1903 [sometimes Ian opens the sky to show people his home; at this time the sky shines brightly (northern lights)]: 81; Konakov 2003 [if during the sky opens to conceive a wish, it will come true; the same applies to northern Russians and Udmurts; the Zyryans also believe that opening the sky portends trouble]: 135; Udmurts: Vladykin 1994 [sometimes in the sky special doors and gates are opened; at this time all people's requests are fulfilled]: 72; Kelmakov 1978, No. 6 [if the sky lights up at night, it opens the sky door; if you wish anything at this time , the wish will come true; the woman instead of "make you happy" said "make her bearded", she grew a beard; the man instead of "give me bees" said "give me a beard", his beard grew to his knees; the beggar asked close all his holes (in his clothes), his holes in his body closed, he died]: 119-120; Marie: Akzorin 1991, No. 27 [when the sky opens, you can see Goose and Sickle fighting; Sickle wins, cuts Goose; when the sky opened, the informant saw trees and a rider there in his youth], 28 [the gates opened in the sky; Yumo sat on a cloud playing harp; people have since prayed to him]: 60; Toydybekova 1997 [when the gates of heaven open, you can see people in the sky; you can ask God what you want; the woman did not guess to ask for children, she was childless]: 98; Chuvash: Ashmarin 2003 [northern lights Only a happy person can see; it appears early in the morning, shimmers like the glow of lightning, quickly goes out; if anyone sees and asks for something, it will all come true; others are not afraid they have time to ask; one person asked to close all the gaps, his mouth, nostrils, eyes closed]: 299-300; Egorov 1995 [from time to time Tour ă opens the heavenly gate (kavak huppy) and surveys the earth; then you can beg T. for anything; they usually beg for a halter that turns into herds of cattle]: 121; Holmberg 1927 [if a star falls, the door opens in the sky a wish made at this time will come true]: 336; Bashkirs [kuk abagy asylyu 'opening of the heavenly vault, dome'; kuk apy h s asylyu ' the opening of the heavenly gates'; the dome of the sky opens to the chosen ones; wishes made at this time come true]: Khisamitdinova 2010:159; Kazan Tatars: Vorobyov, Khisamutdinov 1967 [both land and the sky opens from time to time; only worthy people can see the opening of the heavenly gate; people's requests and prayers are accepted only if the gates of heaven are open at that time]: 314; Meszaros 2000 (1906-1908) [every year, once (according to another version, three times a year), the sky, opens for a moment, the "gate of heaven", and at this time, whatever the person wants, Allah will comply with his request; at night, the girl went with with a rocker to get water to the river; while I was walking, I thought to myself how good it would be for Allah to take her to the moon; at that moment the "gates of heaven" opened, and Allah fulfilled her request; since then on the moon I can see a girl carrying water with a rocker arm]: 75-76.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats: Potanin 1883, No. 41 [when there is a "discovery of the sky", the Alar Buryats think that certain poems should be uttered and the sky will give what you want]: 207; Khangalov 1958b [at the visible sky there is a special door that Western Tengrins and Hades in the sky occasionally open and look at the ground to see if there is any misfortune between people on earth; if on earth There will be misfortune, that is, illness and severe mortality, then the Tengrins and Hails will take measures against this; if any of the people on earth see that the door in heaven has opened, he will be very happy; If this person asks the Tengrins for anything, his request will be fulfilled, because the Tengrins and the Hails do not refuse; when the door in heaven (Tengrin Uden) opens, then on earth it becomes extremely bright; a wonderful white light is visible from the sky door; the whole earth shines with extraordinary light, but this, according to the Buryats, does not last long]: 419-420 (note 1); 1960 [occasionally tangerins they open the door to heaven; if a person sees it and makes a wish, it will come true; if the door opens from the south or west, it is good, if from the northeast it is bad]: 13; Khakas: Butanaev 1975 [when the Pleiades connect with the Moon and the night sky suddenly lights up (for example, a meteor flashes), you have to lie on your back, pull the ground out from your shoulder with your hands, say, Tönis bay hollow (I'll be rich as buy Tengiz); then, without taking their hands off the ground, find the first pebble they came across and hide it at home; some lived waiting for such a moment]: 234 (=2003:46); Katanov 1907, No. 74 [moon, changing its own phase, sometimes sheds strong light for a moment; you have to lie on your back, throw a lump of earth, a stone or something else over your shoulder, wish you wealth; if you save this stone and not tell others, you'll be rich]: 583.

Western Siberia. Eastern Khanty (b. Vasyugan) [my father saw the sky open in winter, the fire fell from there; it was necessary to set up the hem, then there would be happiness; my mother saw how the sky opened, there was a cross there; then there was a big war]: Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 204:179; Northern Khanty (Kazymsky, d. Yuilsk) [Torum father sometimes opens his heavenly door; at this time, bright light is pouring from the sky, figures of T. and his wife are visible]: 64 (quoted in Islamov 2006:45): Moldanov 1999; Khanty (without specifying groups) [God will fulfill all wishes when the door to heaven opens]: Holmberg 1927:336.

Eastern Siberia. Western (Vilyui) Yakuts [it was widely believed to "open the sky" when it suddenly became dazzling light in the middle of the night; at this phenomenon, they prayed and asked heaven or God for everything what they wanted, including children: "Put us on a golden knife, put us on gold scissors"; a knife means a boy and scissors a girl]: Popov 1949:261 (=Ergis 1974:136); central Yakuts ["U The Yakuts believe that the sky will be opened. They say "paradise has opened." The disclosure itself lasts no more than a minute. At this time, they pray, bow and ask God for whatever they want, and everything is given at will. Obviously, the concept of an opening paradise is borrowed from the Russians, but the very idea of the sky's ability to reveal itself is based on older ideas. The Milky Way is Hallaan Siigya, i.e. the heavenly seam"]: Pekarsky, Popov 1928:3-4.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nivhi ["If nivh sees the sky cracking suddenly, he must instantly fall and instantly grab what comes under it with his hand; he must get up before the sky closes; then , what he captured with his hand, he must bring, at least wrap it in a shirt, at least wrap it in inau {ritual chips}, and put it"; then he (as a gift) kills an even number of dogs, inau with bells does, throws perfume, feeds Zhukhov. "When he does, he'll get rich"]: Kreinovich 1987:115-116.

Subarctic. Tagish [sometimes you hear a crackling sound like the ice has cracked, it has formed a crack in the sky; there are men, some headless if their heads are cut off; dancing women; those who look at it, they die soon; you have to pour water into the boat and look at the reflection; the crack is gradually closing]: McClelland 2007, No. 94:426-427.

Eastern Amazon. Spiking [Marušawa, son of Kuńarima, broke the vessels from which water poured in and into it male and female Pai (water spirits and Thunder at the same time); Pai asks K. for grass to draw lightning stripes on his shoulders and arms; K. does not give it, P. finds it himself; when his enemy Otter chases him, he throws lightning at her; the sky splits for a while and the upper world is visible]: Nimuendaju 1920: 1029.