I69. Celestial litter .
Glowing celestial objects or atmospheric phenomena are the bodily secretions of celestial beings.
(Kuta [grad - excrement of God's children]), akposo, malgashi, Germans [snot], (cotton wool [dew - saliva]), Marquises, Kuki, Sema, Lahker, Himachali plowmen, baiga, gondas, maria, santals, Marathi [Garuda excrement], Aceh, Kankanai, Chinese (Sichuan), Kalash, Asian Eskimos, Northern Alaska Inupiates, Copper, Igloolik, West and Northwest Greenland, Koyukon, Kuchin, Thompson, Screams, cahuilla, cupeño, luiseno, northern shoshoni, goshiute, utah, southern payute, diegueño, seri, huichol, otomi, tlapanecas, kakchikel and all Maya, hikake, bari, chiriguano, nambiquara.
(Wed. Bantu-speaking Africa. Kuta [hail - excrement of the children of the supreme god Nzambi]: Andersson 1974:37).
West Africa. Akposo (or close groups, Atakpame area) [meteors - Sun excrement]: Lagercrantz 1964:319.
Sudan - East Africa. Malgashi (gelding) [meteors - star excrement]: Molet 1979:29
Western Europe. Germans [starfall - Sternschnuppen ("stars blow their nose")]: Schultze-Jena 1938:157
(Wed. Melanesia. Vatut (Melanesians west of Huon Bay) [dew is the "saliva of the stars"]: Fischer 1963:99).
Micronesia-Polynesia. Marquises [meteors - excrement (in the source - the shooting stars themselves)]: Williamson 1933 (1): 116, 134.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Cookie [meteors - star excrement]: Elwin 1949:75; sema [shooting stars - "star droppings"]: Hutton 1968:252; Lakher [meteors - falling star excrement]: Parry 1932:498.
South Asia. Baiga [meteors - star excrement (along with other explanations: a sinner's burning soul; a spirit descends to get pregnant with a woman; a star descends to get caught]: Elwin 1939:336; gondas [ meteors are star excrement; sometimes also human souls falling down from their heavenly abode]: Vahia et al. 2019:55; maria, santals [meteors - star excrement]: Elwin 1949:75; colam [meteors - star excrement]: Vahia et al. 2019:56; Marathi (Bombay) [meteors are the excrement of an aquatic bird, Garuda, or the fairy bird Anal; if applied to the eyes of a blind person, that will see the light]: Enthoven 1924:70; himachali plowmen [shooting stars are star excrement; they are like fluff (rui jaise) or cotton wool, soft, light green, round, beautiful, small balls; if burned, crush and pour ash into the ear, the ear stops hurting]: A.S. Krylova, E.A. Renkovskaya, field materials, October 2016.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Aceh [shooting stars - star excrement]: Maaβ 1921:56
Taiwan - Philippines. Kankanai [meteors - "star litter"]: Vanoverbergh 1972:91
China - Korea. The Chinese (Sichuan, Wu. Guanghan) [the evil Gungun killed many people, he had a horn growth on his head; the more people he killed, the bigger the growth became; when he finished killing people, the growth became tall, as big and heavy as a mountain, began to press down Gungun; he became angry and hit Mount Buzhou, which served as a pillar of heaven; the mountain collapsed, the ground shook, and large and small holes through which the waters of the heavenly river flowed to the ground; Nuiva realized that all living things on earth would die in the waters of the flood, collected stones and filled large holes with them, and filled them with small stones small; stars are small stones that Nuiva used to patch the sky; after a long time, the stones decayed, loose and began to fall down; people say that stars defecate]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998 , NO. 4:26.
Iran - Central Asia. Kalashi [meteors - star feces]: Ali Shah 1974:73
The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [shooting stars have diarrhea]: Bogoraz 1939:29 (=Bogoras 1907:314); St. Lawrence [agyan anaa - shooting stars, "star excrement"; falling, they turn into haze mushrooms (Lycoperdon sp.)]: Jacobson 1984:18; central Yupik [Alaskan Eskimos call falling stars by star litter]: Nelson 1899:449 in Bogoraz 1939:29; Northern Alaska Inupiate (Point Barrow) [meteors - "star bowel movements"]: Ray 1885:46 in MacDonald 1998:143; copper (Coronation) Gulf) [shooting stars - star excrement]: Rasmussen 1932:24; igloolik [meteors - "star excrement"]: MacDonald 1998:142; NW Greenland [meteors - "star excrement"]: Le Mouël 1978:33; West Greenland [starfalls - falling star excrement]: Birket-Smith 1924:437.
Subarctic. Koyukon [meteors - star excrement]: Jetté (archive) in Nelson 1983:39; Kuchin [shooting stars - star excrement]: Petitot in Andrew 1878:111.
The coast is the Plateau. Thompson [seeing a shooting star, it is said that another star has relieved the need]: Teit 1917b:44.
Southeast USA. Screams [the earth is square, the sky is hemispherical, the sky rises and falls; the stars are attached to its lower surface; the Ursa Major is the "image of a boat", the North Star is "a fixed star"; meteors are "excrement falling to the ground"]: Swanton 1928:478.
California. Cahuilla, cupeño, luiseño [meteors - star excrement]: Drucker 1937a:26
Big Pool. Northern shoshoni, goshiute [meteors are star excrement; at Promontory Point it's snail shells]: Steward 1943b:353; utah [shooting stars are the excrement of dirty little ones star gods]: Powell 1981:27 (retelling in Lowie 1909b: 231); Southern Payut (Shivwitz) [meteors - star excrement]: Drucker 1944:164; Utah, South Payut [meteors - excrement] stars; some Utah have snail shells]: Steward 1943b:324
The Great Southwest. Diegeño series [meteors - star excrement]: Drucker 1937a: 26.
(Wed. NW Mexico. Huichol [Relieved the need for a month, his excrement gave rise to the Morning Star and three more stars]: Zingg 1938:515).
Mesoamerica Otomi [shooting stars - star excrement; cause diseases and ulcers in humans and animals]: Galinier 1990:526; tlapanecas [meteors - "stellar bowel movements"]: Schultze-Jena 1938:157; Maya in general [obsidian, meteorites and shooting stars are "star excrement" in Mayan languages]: A.I. Davletshin 2005, personal; kakchikel [meteors - star excrement]: Remington 1977:82.
Honduras - Panama. Hikake [stars are kinkaju nocturnal monkeys; they jump on trees, eat fruits (when we're at night, it's day in the sky, and vice versa); their excrement looks like burning coals; they fall to the ground, from the seeds they contain grow terrestrial forests]: Chapman 1992, No. 26:152.
The Northern Andes. Bari [biddarí - Thunder when angry comes thunder; lightning is their excrement]: Villamañan 1975:16
Bolivia - Guaporé. Chiriguano [shooting stars - star excrement]: Nordenskiöld 1912:295
Southern Amazon. Nambiquara [a huge hawk Taupt ú sits on a tree of human bones on the shore of a shallow sky lake; shooting stars are his excrement; he urinates in the lake, it overflows, rains on the ground; the hawk eats the sick, brings them to its tree; shamans fly to it on the back of a nightjar]: Oberg 1953:99-100.