Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I6A. Male and female: different types of precipitation.

.34.41.-.43.46. (.47.) .50.

The male and female of a huge bird carry different types of precipitation (for example, an eagle carries snow, and an eagle carries rain). Or (Buryats of Mongolia), the same bird carries different types of rainfall, depending on whether it is angry or not. See motive i6. The list of traditions related to Na-Dene languages is shown in italics.

Chelkans, Buryats of Mongolia, Koyukon, Tanana, Khan, Upper Tanana, Southern Tutchoni, Kuchin, Tagish, Inner Tlingit, Helmet, Beaver, Hea, Slevi, Chipewayan, Yellowknife, Tlingits , coutene, grovantre, crowe, omaha and ponca, arpahoe, (choctaw), hopi, zunyi, lipan, chiricahua, jicarilla, western Apache, Mescalero, Navajo.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Chelkans: Kandarakova 1988 [after calling a shaman, the wife of childless Ak-Kaan gives birth to seven sons; after the second vocation, six-eyed Karagys; eldest son Maka-Maatyr Sees a girl get up from her cradle, devour animals, lie back; MM runs away, marries the youngest daughter of a great khan; two other sons-in-law are persuaded to give MM difficult tasks, the wife explains how to do them; 1) get the golden eagle's feather; MM cuts off the heads of a seven-headed snake coming out of the lake to devour the golden eagle chicks with an arrow; they hide it from their parents; it is said that their father arrives with with rare snow, the mother - with heavy rain (these are the tears of golden eagles), will bring deer in their claws; the chicks explain that MM saved them, the golden eagle does not kill MM, but gives a feather; 2) get the tooth of a monstrous wolverine (one of her horns stuck in the ground, the other supports the sky; MM jumps between horns, wolverine runs under the clouds, cannot shed it, gives two teeth); sons-in-law do not know how, MM makes a cauldron, working with these teeth as tools; 3) bring Altyn-Tan, daughter of God; wife gives MM fur coats to have them, the AT brothers ask her to show MM face, drink araki from a thimble; AT loses consciousness, MM takes her away; brothers catch up, she sends them back; turns the khan into a fox, his people and property into black land; MM climbs the mountain, sees his camp, cries; says that the branch, pipes, wind have damaged the eye; AT punishes them, mother Wind explains what's going on; MM gets home on a six-legged horse; six-eyed K. ate everyone, chases MM, tears off all the horse's legs one by one; AT tells her not to touch her husband, K. leaves]: 44-72; Sadalova 2002, No. 20 {the same text as Kandarakova's, but retold in more detail?} [after turning to a shaman and sacrificing a horse, the wife gives birth to seven sons, the elder Maka-Maatyr; next time she asks the girl, but donates not to a mare, but a dog, gives birth to a six-eyed Karagys; MM sees K. getting up from the cradle, eating a calf, lying back; then a foal, a goby; MM says he will leave for a while, leaves altogether; marries the youngest of three daughters, Ulug-Piya ; other sons-in-law advise her father-in-law to tell MM to bring 1) the feathers of the Purush bird; the wife says that her nest is on top of one of the seven larches; a seven-headed snake crawls from lake to nest, MM kills seven heads with arrows, climbs into the nest; the chicks say that this snake always eats chicks; Father P. flew in with wind and light snow, then the mother with wind and rain (these are her tears), gives two feathers; 2) the tooth of a wolverine living at the confluence of seven rivers to make a tagan; the wife says that one horn is stuck in the ground, the other is raised to the sky, you have to cling to both; wolverine gives two teeth; 3) Kudaya's youngest daughter Altyn-Tana; his wife teaches how to make a home where K. takes water; his three sons will come; ask for half of his sister's face for a fur coat made from collected from the mountains; for sewn from the meadows - button under his arm; from rivers - let him drink araka from a thimble; AT is intoxicated, MM takes it away; the brothers who have received fur coats catch up, AT sends them; turns the UE cattle into black ground, them into a fox; MM marries AT ; she says that only six-eyed K. remained at Father MM's camp; AT gives him a six-legged trotter; K. eats his parents' bones, sees MM on the chimney, chases, cuts off, eats the horse's sixth and fifth legs, fights with her brother; AT tells her to leave, she returns home; AT and MM live on]: 173-201; Mongolian Buryats (close to Khorin) [Tsoloo J., Gantogtokh G. Arvan Gurvan noyodyn dun. Sub. 2007:489; a Russian and a Mongolian woman ate a pink flower and gave birth to a son; the eldest left an arrow for the younger one - if it rusts, trouble; flew on horseback, saw a yurt, became a sparrow, looked into the upper hole; hears those sitting talking about Han Sun's daughter Shiren Dun; all the herds are hers; the young man asks the shepherd how he eats, sleeps, brings calves; recognizes the shepherd as his younger brother; he marries SD, and her father was not told; in his herd there was a foal with a golden chest and a silver back, Garuda stole it; the mare must give birth again, 33 heroes fell asleep again; the elder brother grabbed Garuda by the tail, she released a foal; Khan's youngest wife was stolen from the Sun himself; the elder brother finds the first kidnapped foal and the khan's wife; she says that if Garuda is in a good mood, it rains a little before she arrives , and if she is angry, then a strong hail; first the vulture will arrive, then Garuda herself; the young man shot the vulture, then Garuda, freed the prisoners; brought living water, cured the khan's son; the khan pardoned 33 heroes, forgave his daughter for leaving without his knowledge; he gave his second daughter to his older brother]: Egupova 2012:21-23.

Subarctic. Koyukon; tanana; khan; upper tanana; southern tutchoni; kuchin; tagish; inner tlingits; helmet; beaver; hea ; slevy; chipewayan; Yellowknife.

NW Coast. The Tlingits.

The coast is the Plateau. Koutene.

Plains. Grovantre; Crowe; Omaha & Ponca; Arapahoe.

(Wed. Southeast USA. Choctaw [Thunder is a female bird, Lightning is a male; thunder in the clouds - a female lays an egg in the nest; if the tree is split to pieces, it is the male's business, if only slightly damaged, the females]: Swanton 1931: 212).

The Great Southwest. Hopi; Zunyi: Cushing 1901:65-92; lipan; chiricahua; jicarilla; Western Apaches; mescaleros [in this text, both parents bring simply" rain", but the text is generally full of omissions]; Navajo.