I72. Stars are people. .10.-.29.31.33.-.
Stars are anthropomorphic creatures. See motif K19 (marriage to a star). It does not take into account cases when the Star is a unique object, such as Venus, and not one of many Star People.
Bushmen, Egap, (Tswana), Bena-Mitumba, Bubi, Fang, Bafia, Ngala, Kuta, Bantu-speaking Congo Pygmies, Lamba, Karanga, Lunda, Tetela, Malela, Fariala, Chagga, Isanzu, Comorians, Conde, manja, gang, zande, luya, loma, mukulehe, ashanti, krachi, eve, von, loma, diola, hausa, vute, mbuti, sarah, masai, suk, tigre, sandave, malgashi, ancient Egypt, Catalans, Etruscans, Bretons, Ugarit, Tiwi, wilman, ramingeri, (mara and anula), marind-anim, e-nan, dugum dani, keva, kukukuku, German New Guinea, vedau, yakamul, adzera, Manus, Siouai (Bougainville), Santa Cruz, Eromanga, Borabora, Bellona, Lamotrek , Marshall Islands (Ratik), Nauru, Tongareva, Society Islands, Samoa, Maori, Garo, Lakher, Sema, Rengma, Nokte, Angami, Minyong, Kachin, Khasi, Thais, Viets, Ancient India, Hinduism, North India, Sora, Birkhor, Santals, Ho, Bondo, Bhuya, Baiga, Kondas, Oraons, Maria, Muria, Binjwar, Bhattra, Haria, Andamans, Semangs, Senoi, Bataki, Mentawai, Toraja, Dongo, Mangarai, Timor, Tetum, Fataluku, Seram, Apayao, Nabaloi , Ibaloi, Bontok, Tingyan, Tagals, Negrito Luzon, Bagobo, Chinese (including Shaanxi), Chuan Miao, Ancient Greece, Greeks, Ukrainians (Volyn, Voronezh), Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Abkhazians, Georgians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Salars, Siberian Tatars, Khakas, Tuvans, Southern Selkups, Ents, Udege, Nivkhs, Ainu, Japanese, Aleuts, Kodiak, Copper, Netsilik, NW and West Greenland, Tanana, Upper Tanana, Tagish, South Tutchoni, Tsetsot, Helmet, Taltan, Slevi, Hyda, Tsimshian, Quakiutl, Nootka, Chilcotin, Kutene, Quinolt, Quileut, Lkungen, Clallam, Twana, Snookualli, Pujallup and Niskally, Puget Sound, Upper Chehalis, colitz, wasco, wishram, yakima, tillamook, cous, shuswap, thompson, kalispel, kalapuya, winnebago, chippewa, northern ojibwa (Sandy Lake), Eastern Cree, Ojibwa, Steppe Cree, Mikmak, Passamaquoddy, Penobscot, sarsi, blacklegs, assiniboine, grovantre, santi, teton, sheyen, oto, wichita, mandan, osage, arikara, pawnee, kaddo, koasati, choctaw, chiroki, yurok, viyot, maidu, nisenan, yana, northern payut, washo, oriental shoshoni, luiseño, pima, western apache, zunyi, taos, teva, tarahumara, huichol, aztecs, otomi, tepehua, totonaki, kekchi, lacandons, mestizos Soconusco, hikake, kuna, taino, guajiro, kogi, mestizos Aritama, yupa, paes, inga, panare, saliva, maquiritare, yanomami, warrau, carinha, pemon, akawai, makushi, colorado, shuar, aguaruna, achuar, kofan, mayhuna, barasana, tatuyo, kabiyari, yukuna, desana, macuna, baniwa, uitoto, bora, ocaina, central and southern coast of Peru, quechua southern Peru, chayahuita, shipibo, amuesha, machigenga, ashaninka, piro, kulina, characterbet, takana, yuracare, mojo, guarazu, aikana, nambikwara, iranshe, paresi, umotina, bororo, tapirape, karazha, kayapo, apinaye, ramkokamakra, shavante, sherente, kamakan, ayoreo, chamakoco, chorote, nivakle, maka, matako, toba, mokovi, caduveo, araucana, Tehuelche, Selknam, Yagans.
SW Africa. Bushmen [stars used to be animals and humans]: Dornan 1925:166; Bushmen! ko (western Botswana) [stars are not spirits, but eyes of the dead]: Heinz 1975:25; San Bushmen [individual stars, sometimes two or three adjacent together - animal people from the time of creation; α and β Centaur - male lions, α, β and γ of the Southern Cross are lionesses, Aldebaran male wildebeest, Betelgeuse is female wildebeest, Procyon is male elan antelope, Magellanic Clouds are stinboks, Orion's Sword and Belt are male and female turtles]: Warner 1996:311.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Egap [stars 1) fireflies, 2) lights in the sky, 3) people whose chief Month]: Malcolm 1922:373; diamonds [Month is the father of stars; only for the Evening Star there is a special name]: Tessmann 1923: 152; fang [The sun is the husband, the Moon is the wife, they have many children, they are stars; they all ate fire; a handsome and rich man seduced the moon; the sun sparks with anger, the star children were frightened; he decided that they were helping his mother, began to catch and swallow them; every evening the Sun chases the stars, and when the Moon comes out, she hides them in her hut; the Sun chases the moon; sometimes bites off a piece; sometimes sneaks up on her and you can't see the moon, but then she reappears; there is a star {obviously Venus} that guards in the morning and evening to warn the Moon of danger; one day the Sun will still grab The moon will be enclosed in a deep hole on earth; after that, it will easily catch child stars; and then what will happen to us, who knows]: Kunze 1990:5-6; bafia [Stars are like the Month - also cold and afraid Suns]: Tessmann 1934a: 219; (cf. tswana {it is very likely that Europeans; their own idea of stars are holes in the sky} [stars are the souls of the dead; brightness depends on the status of a person during life or on the past since he died]: Clegg 1986:34); ngala [stars are slaves of the Month]: Overbergh 1907:289; uta [1) The Sun and Moon are Nzambi's son and daughter; stars are wives of the Sun; 2) The Sun has few children, they dying of heat and hunger; married to the Evening Star for a month and has many child stars with her]: Andersson 1974:35; North Congo pygmies {the author writes that he is next to Dinka and Zande, although apparently I mean Congo-Brazzaville; the author speaks Bantu but not Mangbetu} [The Sun and Moon argue which ones are older (although they are the same age); Luna says she has many child stars and the Sun is lonely mother; The Sun replies that she would have no fewer children if the Moon hadn't killed them; but now her children are human]: Trilles 1932:290; luba-hemba [Month-man Kaiye; creating it Kabetya mpungu gave him two wives; the first accompanies him from the new moon; the second, the Morning Star, accompanies him when he gets old and dies; the Evening Star is the wife of the Sun; the rest of the stars are subjects of the Month]: Colle 1913:715-716; bena-mitumba [stars are eyes of the dead]: Janssens 1926:561; luya [some believe stars are the souls of the dead; there is no idea of constellations]: Wagner 1955:32-33; Lenge [dead children turn into stars]: Sicard 1966:42; lamp [stars are Chief of the Month's favorite servants; stars twinkle because they make fires; sometimes it is said that the starry sky is the village of God, the stars are the fires at the entrances to the houses; Venus is the fire at the door of the main wife's house]: Doke 1931:224; karanga [stars are the eyes of the dead looking at their wives and children; when a person dies, a new star appears in the sky]: Sicard 1966:42; aunts, malela, fariala [Tshingoloti (Pleiades) is the leader of the stars, only he is important; when he appears, people begin field work; its host is Vedi (Month); there is also the star Lukunga in the west, which appears when the moon dies]: Frobenius 1983:81; chagga [The moon is the wife of the Sun, the stars are their children]: Widenmann 1899:31; isanzu [ The Moon is the Sun's wife, the stars are their children]: Millroth 1965:22; Conde [Stars are children of the Sun and Moon]: Sicard 1966:42; Comorians [three brothers are orphans; one has big eyes, he sees everything in the distance; the second hand can stretch as far as you like; the third has a head like a watermelon; the first sees that the princess never laughs on another island, the sultan promises to give her for who her will laugh; the second weaves the carpet that brings to the island; at the sight of the third, the princess begins to laugh; the servant says that he noticed that the princess is not laughing, the cook says that he sent the servant into the room princesses; etc., everyone says they were participants; God divides a princess into thousands of princesses, everyone gets a wife; these princesses are stars in the sky]: Hatubou 2004, No. 21:94-99; Lunda [Sun quarreled with the Month, threw mud at him; The Month has no hands, so he can't wash off the stains; the stars are wives of the Month]: Melland 1967:163.
West Africa. Ashanti [Kweku Tsin, Anansi's eldest son, caught a deer; stayed guarded while A. himself went to get the meat basket; that's not the case, the COP called out to him, someone responded; it turned out to be a dragon; here A. also came up; the dragon took them both to his castle, where there are many other prisoners; they are guarded by a rooster; the COP poured him a whole mountain of grain so that he would bite and not give a voice, told them to make a hemp ladder, threw it into the sky; everyone climbed the stairs; the COP told people to take the meat of the cows and give him the bones; he climbs last; every time the dragon approaches, the CS throws him a bone, he goes down to gnaw it; when the bones are over, playing the violin, the dragon goes down to dance; jumping into the sky, cuts off the stairs, the dragon fell and crashed; CS became the sun, A. became a month, the rest of the people became stars]: Barker, Sinclaire 1917, No. 18:97-101; terns [The Sun and Moon have many child stars; the Moon has a lover; the Sun has divorced her, they have shared children; those left with the Sun are fighting with the rest with the Moon (reason storms); trying to reconcile everyone, the Moon sends a multicolored rainbow cloth; sometimes the Sun grabs and tries to eat the Moon, causing eclipses; people make noise, driving the Sun away from the Moon]: Parrinder 1967:67-68; scrap (loma mende) [The Sun is an uncle, the Month is a nephew, everyone has their own children; when hungry, the Sun offered to eat children; divided its own in half, ate its share; the Month ate only a little, and the rest He hid it and suggested the next day as if it were his child's flesh; the Month distributed some of its light among its star children so that the Sun could not attack them suddenly; after that, the Month itself dim, shines only at night, fearing the attack of the Sun]: Pinney 1973:72; scrap [The Evening Star is considered the Wife of the Month; the Son of the Month is behind his main wife; the rest of the stars are their children]: Schwab 1947: 413; eve: Ellis 1890 [Lissa's sun married the moon Dsinu (=Suñh); they have many sun children who tried to follow their father; out of jealousy, he rushed to kill them, some killed them, others disappeared into the sea; daughters did not try to follow their father and are now with their mother (stars); the word for a star means literally "child of the moon", also "scattered children"; some believe that the Sun and the Moon made a man; sometimes the Sun goes off its way and rushes to hit the moon, causing an eclipse; then people make noise and shout for it to leave the moon alone]: 65-66; Spieth 1906 [stars are children of the Moon; Milky The way - they make a rope together]: 557; background {the children of the moon are obviously stars}: Olderogge 1959 [The moon invites the Sun to throw its children from heaven to earth; hides its own, collects stones in a bag dumps them into the river; the Sun does drown its children; when the truth comes out, the Moon explains that the Sun's power is excessive and it's better if its children become fish that humans catch; from then on the stars are at odds]: 150-151; Toton 2017 [The moon tells her brother the Sun that each of them has many children and overshadows their parents' fame; the Sun agrees to drown the children; first, the Moon threw the bag in the river, and then the Sun; but at nightfall, the Sun saw that the children of the Moon were stars in place; the children of the Sun turned into fish]: 57-58; mukulehe [1) The moon is the wife of the Sun; 2) planets and stars are wives and Children of the Month]: Lembezat 1950:57; hausa [boys started throwing stones at the old woman sweeping the front yard; she let them empty the calebass with the garbage, they immediately began to get up and God turned them into stars]: Scheub 2000:224; vute [The Month and the Sun were friends; the Sun offered to swim, otherwise they both got very dirty in a year; he himself swims upstream, and let the Month buys below; when it hears that the water is hissing and boiling, let it also rush into the river; the Sun told its people to bring firewood and termite mite; after heating the fragments of termite mines in the fire, the Sun threw them into the river, the water hissed, the column of steam rose up; The month believed that it was bathing The sun and also jumped into the water; the cold water cooled down, its light faded forever; the Sun forgot about this prank, but the Month decided take revenge; after 15 years he said that their people had become stubborn and disobedient, wouldn't it be better to exterminate them; The Sun agreed; the Month told his people to cook more lumps of something red (Rotkugeln) and throw it into the river; the Sun believed that the water was stained with blood, killed all its people; when the Sun saw the Month with many followers, the Sun asked why it had deceived it; the Month recalled how because of the Sun it got cold; they went on separate roads; (obviously the people of the Month are stars)]: Siebert 1921, No. 1:54-57 (brief retelling in Lembezat 196:236).
Sudan - East Africa. Mbuti pygmies [stars are the eyes of people who lived on earth until it changed places with the sky]: Dupré 1963:82; zande, mbuti [little data on stars, comets and meteors; in In some societies they are considered spirits; in such societies as zande, mbuti, and chagga they are God's children]: Mbuti 1969:53; manja, gang, zande, bum ("myths are the same for everyone") [Sun began to fight with the Moon and stars; the Moon hit the Sun with an arrow in the eye; the Sun ran and now appears only during the day, and the Moon and stars living in the same village only at night]: Eboué 1933:29; sarah ( mbai) [only Sou and his old barren unloved wife Bou-Guéré lived on earth; Su once saw girls dancing, but they ran away; Su tripped over a stump and he (Su calls him "aunt") told him that these girls are stars; let Su sow white eggplants behind the house; then they should be poured with sticky red juice of the vine; the stars will come down to collect eggplants, they will not be able to fly off right away because of the glue ; we must grab one; Su caught three; each gave birth to him a son; they inhabited the earth]: Fortier 1967:115-117; the Masai [The Milky Way is the road that stars walk, the children of the god Ngai; they look at people and tell parents what they saw]: Sicard 1966:52; Tiger: Littmann 1910, No. 44 [The Big Red Star (Antares) is the leader of the stars; those around him are his warriors or bodyguards; he is married to the daughter of the Pleiades (Kema)), avoids her like a mother-in-law; when he ascends, the Pleiades do not ascend], 45 [Kema (Pleiades) and her son Ali (aka Edris - Aldebaran) had goats (Hyades); they were stolen; some say they stole Qeren (two stars of the Dragon constellation), others say that Orion (Aslam; in whole, not just the stars of the Orion Belt); Ali found thieves and returned goats; these are stars between the Pleiades and Aldebaran ( Hyades)]: 60-61, 61; rest [the supreme god Tororut is a man with wings flapping lightning and thunder; his wife is Seta (Pleiades), the eldest son is Arawa (Month), the other son is Ilat (Rain), the rest of the children are stars; his younger brother Asis (Sun) is angry during the dry season; alternatively, Asis (Sun) is the wife of the Month or the wife of T. Sky itself]: Beech 191:19; sandave [The moon is connected to the south , The Sun is with the north; the moon is fertile; stars are its helpers, children; like the Moon, they are connected to water]: Ten Raa 1969:43; Malgashi: Rodman 1965 [the little brothers of the Sun were chickens, and the Moons were stars; The sun was walking with the stars, and the Moon with the chickens; there was not enough room for everyone to sit down at the festival, the Moon opened the door, the rooster and the chicken fell down, fell to the ground in the middle of the village; upon learning of this, the Sun Brother said To the moon, that they will no longer live together, and his brothers on earth (i.e. chickens) will also hide when the moon and stars appear; the Moon replied that her star sisters will also hide when the Sun arrives; but roosters crow in the morning waiting for the Sun]: 26-27; Haring 1982, № 1.5.01 [The moon invited the Sun to marry him; the Sun warned that he has many children, these are stars; Moon: and the animals in her forest children]: 161.
North Africa. Ancient Egypt [Geb Earth, son of Shu and Tefnut, a member of the Heliopolis Enneade; quarreled with his sister wife Nebom-Nut because she ate her children every day (heavenly bodies {i.e. obviously stars}), and then gave birth to them again; S. separated G. and N., leaving G. in a horizontal position, and N. lifting them up]: Antes 1977 [God Shu raised his daughter Nut (sky) over her brother and husband Geb ( earth), so that only the tips of her fingers and toes touched the ground; Geb became angry with Chickpeas for constantly devouring her child stars; hence her name "Pig Eating Its Pigs"; so Shu removed it from Geb]: 58, 97; Mathieu 1956:86; Rubinstein 1980:267.
Southern Europe. Catalans: Amades 1930:123 and 136 [stars are souls of the dead], 244-245 [(=Valriu 2015, No. 3:12-13) The sun and moon are husband and wife; var.: When the stars found out that the Sun chose the Moon to marry, all stars were going to see the beauty; out of vanity, she raised her cloud cover to reveal her beauty to others; the jealous Sun said she would not marry then, threw ash in the face of the moon, her light and beauty have faded]: the Etruscans [in the image, Usil (the sun) is floating in a shuttle (that is, apparently, through the underworld), accompanied by smaller satellites, apparently stars]: Krauskopf 1994:128.
Western Europe. The Bretons [stars are children of the Sun and Moon; in other regions of France this view is not known]: Sébillot 1904:10.
Western Asia. Ugarit [Celestial stars were seen as the army of the sun goddess Shapashu]: Tsirkin 2000:54.
Australia. Tiwi [above the sky is Tuniruna's upper world, where female stars and men who form the Milky Way live; Tuniruna is like land, but there is no sea, only freshwater bodies; when a woman- The sun goes below the horizon, men and women who have returned from hunting and collecting roots, etc. make fires, they illuminate their world as brightly as the Sunwoman's torch]: Mountford 1958:171; wilman [ stars live in tribes like humans on earth; planets are healers passing from one tribe to another]: Hassell 1934:233; Mara, Anula [old hawk Kakan discovered fire by friction; quarreled with the White Hawk, as a result, the ground caught fire; before that, men, women and children climbed the pine tree into the sky every day; now the pine tree has burned down, some people did not have time to go down, remained in the sky; stars are crystals implanted in their heads, elbows, knees, and other joints]: Spencer, Gillen 1904:628-629 in Maddock 1907:187; Ramingeri [stars were human leaving their homes in the evening to do the same things they did on earth]: Clarke 1997:129; Lower Murray [stars (listed) are deceased ancestors and their families]: Clarke 1997:129
Melanesia. Marind-anim: Wirtz, Neverman 1981:161 [dema stars, mostly girls or boys], 8 [Mundy was lazy and Ohom was coming home late from the precinct; men found M. sleeping, wanted to find them sleeping M. , hom came home late from the station; beat and eat, she ran to heaven, became the Morning Star; R. became the Evening Star; all the stars were women married to the Month; in heaven M. began to work, took it with her scoop, horses, trenney Star; Ryto wash sago, pickaxe, mallet - they can be seen among the stars; threw her jewelry - these are heavenly comet birds (=Permyakov 1970, No. 5:53-54)]: 207-208; e-nan [stars are wives of the Month (half of the Sun is unknown); there are special names only for the Morning and Evening Stars and the Pleiades, but they are also known to few]: Nevermznn 1942:192; dugum tribute [large stars - bigmen's heads touching the sky; constellations do not stand out]: Heider 1970:209; keva [a man named Sumi Sama is at the head of the village but is single; at night he hears singing and music from Mount Sumi; came there; there's a tree to the sky; female stars go down and smear their faces with white clay, as it should be during the holidays; took shelter, hid, grabbed the last woman to go down for clay; she leader of heavenly women; turned into a snake, crocodile, boar, wood, stone, water, prickly ratan; at dawn agreed to go with the SS, but let her do as she says; three weeks later, a holiday; wife warned that the SS should not dance there with other women; made a thread of vegetable fiber and tied it to the SS's back; if it breaks, trouble would happen; but on the holiday, the woman carried the SS into dancing and the thread burst; the SS ran home but saw his wife climb the tree trunk; the SS made a ladder, but when he wanted to grab his wife's hand, he fell into a hole in the stone and broke to death; since then, the bones The SS is gone, but men still use his skull during rituals; if the SS hadn't violated his wife's ban, men would still receive women freely, not for payment]: Slone 2009:96-98; kukukuku [The Sun is a man, the Moon is a woman, the stars are their children; aged stars are falling; dew is the urine of the moon, the Sun is ashamed of it, it dries the dew quickly in the morning]: Fischer 1968:384; bogajim {probably because Western missionary Hoffman, and the next text he wrote down was bogajim} [the man saw Stars sailing in boats; they were wearing ornaments made of dog and boar teeth and shells; seeing a man The stars took to the sky in fear, where they can be seen along with their jewelry; there are adults and children]: Hagen 1899:288; yakamul [two friends went fishing; masalai overheard their conversation; called in the morning a man in the voice of his friend and got into the boat with him; after catching fish, the man looked around and saw that the boat was empty: the masalai ate the fish raw; the man did not betray himself, but asked his imaginary friend to wait in the boat until he goes ashore for a bucket of fish; told the crabs on the shore to be responsible for him; he saw two star sisters in the sky, asked them for help; they lowered the rope; the masalai asked him to pick him up; the stars lowered rotten rope; it broke off and the masalai broke; the ants gathered his body again and he came to life, began to crush ants; left; relatives think man is dead; star people, turning into flying foxes, they brought him down to his house on earth; but the star sisters who saved him are upset that they lost him; during the festival, they still use the products (yams, tarot, etc.) that gave the stars; descended from the sky man taught people to sing and dance]: Slone 2009:100-102; Vedau [men went to get jewelry from shells; when they arrived at one place, everyone went inland, and one went along the shore; met he brought the boy to his father, who has low shells; the man called companions; with low shells, people swam home; on the way they stopped at an unfamiliar shore to try on whose lower is longer; the last {is this the boy who met?} was much longer than the others (he threw it to the top of the pandanus); he was thrown ashore and sailed away; he asked those who got up and passed {swam?} Take it past the star; Magamaia, then Deboroia replies that the next one will pick it up; Maratomton (the Morning Star); Marathomt takes him to heaven; he stays with heavenly people {obviously stars}, gets married; their son has grown up, starts throwing spears at coconuts on the ground, asks his father to make new spears; he is surprised, his son shows him the ground below; he weaves a rope, asks his son to lower him on it, it turns out on a coconut tree in his garden; his grown-up daughter saw him, his mother called him; the man invited those who left him to a feast, set fire to the house; their charred bones turned into flying foxes whose voices looked like screams suffering]: Ker 1910:7-13; Adzera [The young man goes hunting in the forest. There's a tree where birds feed on its fruits. He shoots birds from the shelter, but they all get stuck in the branches of a limbum tree (a type of palm tree). Same thing the next day. Then the young man climbs the tree for birds. The limbum tree grows and it ends up on the moon. When I got there, the tree was small again. An old woman lives on the moon - she feeds a young man. At night, stars come to sing and dance, but they dance on one leg - the other is smoked on fire (???). After a while, when the young man has already been mourned on earth, the old woman decides to let him go. It teaches you to harvest the right fruits (only green ones). When he comes down, he is badly scratched and loses his eye. The old woman gives him two wives. The young man returns to himself, his younger brother is jealous of him and asks him to give one wife to him. The older one teaches him how to go to the moon, but the youngest doesn't listen well. He hits the moon and eats one of their legs while the stars dance. The stars are killing him. He becomes a flying fox]:??? 1979, № 265-267 (no pages?) ; Manus [The month was sick, his brother Sun went fishing alone; at this time the Month had sex with the Sun's wife; the Sun found them; sailed away with his people; the Sun is now rising from the east, Month from the west (otherwise they would both rise from the east); the people of the Month are stars; the people of the Sun live in Nauna]: Meier 1907, No. 5:940-941; New Britain [stars are the souls of the dead]: Brown 1910:244; Siouai ( Bougainville) [stars are spirits, denoted by the same word as fireflies (keva), associated with death; one of the constellations is a group of spirits going to the cremation site and carrying a pig; meteors are the souls of people high-ranking, hurrying to their ancestral sanctuaries]: Oliver 1955:68; Santa Cruz Islands (Reef) [the young man works on the site only at night; others don't like him; the tree invited him to live in his hollow ; Female stars go down to fish, he takes it from them; they pick it up to them; later, after giving them valuables, they bring it back]: O'Ferrall 1904:230-231; Eromanga [The sun sends rain; if It hasn't rained for a long time, the stars throw stones at the Sun in anger, which sends rain]: Wiliamson 1933 (1): 118.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Lamotrek [the first couple Yat and Yol had two daughters; married, each gave birth to a son; one of them was taken to heaven with her child by the sister of TremesielangeGotu, the leader of the estate in the East heaven; god Eluelap took the boy for himself; all the stars (Venus man, Ursa Major, Eagle, Pleiades, Orion, etc.) began to suggest names; Venus eventually proposed the name "crap"; but Altair suggested the name Lugeileng ("middle of the sky"); for this, E. rewarded him (Altair is always visible), and Venus punished (he is only visible in the morning or evening)]: Krämer 1937:160-161; Marshall Islands (Ratik) [first the creatures were two snakes, a man Ullip and a woman Lejmān ("rock woman"); W. began to spread the world around them with a stick until he reached the height of the sky and the width of the sea; Lew came out of the abscess on his forehead 333; j and Lanēj, W. sent them to heaven to place stars; Ledgman gave birth to two girls, Lino (Tidal Wave) and Ni; W. collected blood in a coconut shell from an incision in his leg, from which Etao ("Greedy ") and Jemelud ("Rainbow"); they took to the sky to crush its inhabitants; it was in the north, so the north of the sky is less populated than the south (i.e. there are few stars); Liködaner lived on Aylinglapalap, she is a mother all bright stars (see p. 154 and 167; motifs I108, M7)]: Erdland 1914:310-311; Nauru [heaven and earth were close to each other like two halves of a shell; Buaminirongo was inside; asked Riiki , Abowe, Amwanang, Kawitoro raise the sky; for Am. and K., the load was excessive; R. and Ab. raised; the stone sky fell, crashed, crushed those who raised, pieces became eels and other animals of land and sea; old Areou was above the sky, created the Sun, Moon, Thunder and Lightning, Stars; every star is a human; Thunder is a bird whose wings flapping causes thunder to flapping; Lightning is a woman, wife A.]: Maude, 1994, No. 1:37 -38; Society Islands [stars are children of the Moon and Sun; eclipses occur when the Sun and the Moon copulate]: Williamson 1933 (3): 115; Borabora [western 1818; first god Rua-tupua-Nui married, his children are shooting stars, the Moon, comets, Perseus, the Chariot; the Chariot married Capella, their sons Venus and Mercury; Venus married Capricorn, their son Mars; the children of Mars Fomalhaut and Southern Fish; then new marriages and births; Southern Cross, Canopus, Raven, Saturn were born; Saturn married the Dome of Heaven, gave birth to many small stars, including nebulae; Jupiter has Pleiades children, the Orion Belt, and others Orion stars, Sirius; Sirius also has many children, including the Magellanic Clouds; the sky is supported by large twinkling stars: Antares, Aldebaran, Spika, Dubhe (in Ursa Major), Alphard (in Hydra) Arcturus, Procyon, Betelgeuse, Faet (in Golube), North Star]: Williamson 1933 (1): 120-121; Tokelau (Fakaofo) [souls of the dead go to the moon (if they are priests and chiefs) or become stars]: Williamson 1933 (1): 117; Society Islands [stars are children of the Moon and Sun; eclipses occur when the Sun and the Moon copulate]: Williamson 1933 (3): 115; Tongareva [stars are dead people]: Williams 1933 (1) :136; Tahiti: Williamson 1933 (1) :108 [Sun and Moon are husband and wife, parents of stars]; Marquises [Vergnes: people's souls are (or were) stars; von den Steinen: stars are women]: Williamson 1933 (1): 208; Maori: Best 1972 [celestial bodies in general, including stars - "noble family"]: 30; Makemson 1941 [Tongatonga ("Deep Darkness") - The Milky Way; Te Ikaroa ("The Long fish") - part of the Milky Way, probably a dark rift on it; stars (these are young children) were sent in a boat (Scorpio tail) to the sky; Te Ikaroa must look after them; first The Milky Way shared the areas of responsibility of the Sun and Moon with stars; then the Sun was placed on the head of Heaven, and the Moon with stars on its back; because of this, it was light all the time; then the Sun was on the navel, and The moon and stars on the back]: 153-155; Reed 1999, No. 1 [Rangi (Father Sky) and Papa (Mother Earth) were lying close to each other; their children decided to raise the Sky; only Tane (the father of the forest, birds, insects) could do it; planted trees on the ground, placed the sun, moon, and stars in the sky; the stars ("Shining Ones") played, then gathered on the mountain, T. collected them in a basket; the Milky Way was this basket; T. placed it, then tore them off a red cape; its remnant is dawn; the gods made a Hine-ahu-one woman out of clay, washed in heavenly waters, married T.; their children inhabited the earth; (translated into Reed 1960:9-17; retelling in Dixon 1916:30-31)]: 11-21 , 194 [same as p.14-15 in other words].
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Sema [stars are people carried to heaven after death; comet is the soul of a great war]: Hutton 1968:250; Western rengma [stars are the souls of the dead, for some reason not in the underworld, and to heaven]: Mills 1937:244; angami [people turn into stars after death]: Sorhie 1993; thado kookie [shooting stars go to the bachelors' house and invite other stars to join them]: Hutton 1968:251; garo: Bertrand 1958 [some stars have married people; now they go down from time to time to see those they can't forget]: 85; Playfair 1909 [stars are spirits, placed in the sky to control the calendar cycle]: 85; nokte [{it does not directly say that we are talking about stars, but from context and in comparison with neighboring traditions this is very likely}; great Rango-Kotakrang placed a Sun man and a Moon woman in the sky; they have many children, but the Sun destroyed them and his wife's crops with its heat; she threw buffalo droppings at him; the Sun said that for a few days in the year they will change their sex (so the moon is sometimes big, sometimes small); next time the Sun threw buffalo droppings at the moon, the spots remain]: Elwin 1958a, No. 19:51-52; Lakher: Parry 1932: 488-489 [humans did not die, they multiplied, behaved badly; Khazangpa told the dog to swallow the sun (Nateu has two dogs, they swallow the sun and a month during eclipses); it has become dark; everything is dead except la, came to life, tigers and bears began to kill people, deer ran out of the forest; some people turned into stars, some into monkeys; rotten and dried trees turned green; baskets and other utensils turned into small animals and insects; only those scorched by fire remained the same; only the bones of animals that had undergone the la rite could be burned in fires; they soon they ran out and the lights went out; people survived as long as they kept their eyes open, but no one was awake for more than seven days, all died; only brother and sister hid under the feeder for pigs, and predators did not find them; when the Nateu dog relieved and the sun came out again, brother and sister reaped, became the ancestors of people; in order not to send a new disaster, K. made humans mortals; (brief retelling in Elwin 1948:26-26)], 495 [before the great darkness, all stars were humans or animals]; miniong [son of two Stars died, fell (a shooting star) into the water, hit the top of the water the spirit he ate it; the Bat reported this to the Stars; the War of the Stars against fish and frogs began; the gillholes of fish are traces of star arrows]: Elwin 1958b, No. 7:346; kachin: Elwin 1958a, No. 13 (jinpo) [people did not die, decrepit old men suffered; the kite killed the squirrel, the man picked it up, wrapped it in a shroud, let the Month and the Stars mourn, telling them that the man had died; they were angry when they saw what it was animal; man replied that humans would also like to die; The Month and the Stars split the squirrel into pieces, told all people to eat this meat; humans became mortal]: 294-295; Gilhodes 1908, No. 24 [brother- The Sun is the father of nine Sun Girls, Sister Moon has many child stars; when people started stealing rice, the Sun released all daughters as punishment, gave dogs 9 tails each, and field mice (favorite game) 9 hole; people made a big bow to shoot live snakes at the Sun; then the whole Sun family hid; they sent the Battleship, the daughter of the Sun killed him; then the Rooster; he agreed that the Sun should revive The battleship, gave him sturdy clothes and a long tongue; scattered his daughters, breaking them apart (they also became stars); if the Rooster does not welcome the Sun, the Fox will deal with him; if the Sun does not come out, the Toad will swallow it, and if the Moon is a Dog]: 691-693; khasi: Latham 1859a (1) [the stars were human, they climbed a tree; the tree was cut down, the ones above became stars]: 119; Mannhardt 1875 [("Kasias" in Bengalen, citing Tylor, Anfänge der Kultur, I, 287); the stars were human; they climbed to the top of the tree, and some remained on its lower branches]: 227; Rafy 1920, No. 23 [the brightest Star sees how a turtle girl swims in a lake; goes down to marry her; the wife is lazy and sloppy, the Star leaves her; turtles still pull their necks to the sky]: 108-110.
Burma - Indochina. Thais [The sun fell in love with a girl on earth, spent all his time with her without appearing in the sky; the stars stole her out of jealousy; agreed with the Sun that the girl would become the Moon and they would be share it; the Sun will be with it during the day, the stars at night; if the Sun and the Moon do not meet according to schedule, an eclipse occurs]: Plenge 1976:127; Viets (Central Vietnam) [boy Quay ("merry man, entertainer") flies into the sky in a tree to tell the Sun and Moon how he killed the tiger; The stars tell them how to get to the Sun and the Moon; they quarrel, the moon shines hotter than the Sun; K. invites them to take a walk near seas, throws sand in the face of the moon, the moon loses its heat]: Karpov, Tkachev 1958:80-83; Cadière 1908 [it is often said not just sao (stars), but ngôi sao (ngôi - "character, personality"); the same in Chinese]: 252.
South Asia. See motif A41. The moon pretends to kill her children, and in response, the Sun really kills its own. Stars are children of the Moon. Sora: Krylova, Renkovskaya 2017, field materials [The sun is the elder sister, the moon is the younger. The Sun has many, many children, little suns. There are people on earth because it has become unbearably hot. Luna also had a lot of kids. The children of the Sun were cocky, and the children of the Moon were humble. One day, sunny children beat the moon badly. The moon complained to the Sun, but the Sun said the kids were just naughty. Then Luna hid her children in a chest, went to the forest, where there was a tree with blood-colored juice, smeared this juice on her mouth and hands, and came to the Sun. The sun asked what it was. Luna said her kids are so naughty that she got tired of putting up with it and ate them. The sun said her kids were even worse and ate them. People on earth have calmed down. The moon took her kids out of the chest, and they're stars now. Since that day, the Sun and Moon have become enemies, the Sun is chasing the Moon, so the Moon is only visible for 15 days and the remaining 15 are hiding in fear]; Vitebsky 1980 [The Sun and Month are brothers, both had many children; from- because of the many little Suns, the earth was hot, it was impossible to live; the Month hid its children (stars) in a chest, smeared its mouth with red tree sap, said that it ate the children; if the Sun eats its own, There will be no one left on earth; the Sun has eaten, the Month has released stars; the Sun has sent a serpent (Eating Spirit Month) for the Month, which swallows it once a year; this is not always visible, but if you can see, people hit drums and shooting guns; at this time when the snake belches the Month, pregnant women may have a miscarriage]: 56; ho: Taylor 1989 (Chota-Nagpur) [(source?) ; the children of the Moon are stars, the Sun has the same number of children; so that it is not too hot, the Moon and the Sun agree to eat their children; they hide their own, the Sun really eats their own; the Sun splits the Moon in two; she has since split and grown together again, her star daughters accompany her]: 171 (Tylor's retelling in Lang 1899:114); Elwin 1949 (Kharwar of southern Mirzapur) [Sun and Moon are shadow of Paramesar, stars are their children]: 75; bondo: Elwin 1950:138-139 [At first, the Sun was constantly copulating with the Moon, only coming out to be relieved; it was only at this time that light appeared in the world; every day was born child; The sun loved only his sons, and the Moon loved daughters; to make the Sun shine, Mahabrabhu sent hunger, let the moon chew betel; the sun went out to look for food, did not find it, returned, the Moon showed red lips, said she ate her daughters, hid them in her hair herself; when the Sun ate her sons, she released her daughters; the Sun broke her head; M. told both never to meet, to illuminate earth], 141 [The sun and its sister Luna came out of the water, created the earth, began to live on it; one day the Moon peeled millet, stripped naked; the Sun fired an arrow warning of its approach; both decided that if he saw his sister naked, they'd better break up and never meet]; turi; birkhor; santals; bhuya; baiga; orahons [seven Sun Brothers melted the earth with their heat; the Moon pretended to eat its Star Children, convinced the Sun to cook its brothers and eat it]: Elwin 1939:332 (note 1); muria; binjwar; binjwar; battra; Maria (Bison-Horn Maria) [the first boy and girl Kawachi and Kuhrami found the Sun and the Moon in the fish's belly; married, sent them to heaven, now they're full of their children]: Elwin 1949, No. 2:57; haria [The Moon is the Sun's wife, stars are their children or people turned into stars]: Roy 1937:431; Konda Dora [Mahaprabhu is Moon's husband, stars are their children]: Elwin 1954, No. 9:61-62; conds [girl came together with a rooster, gave birth to two big eggs; of these, Begabadori and Barahasukhan were born; they were sent to heaven, they became the Morning and Evening Stars; the rest of the stars were their children]: Elwin 1954, No. 10:62; Ancient India [blissful in heaven, righteous people shining in holiness are seen from earth as stars]: Vasilkov, Neveleva 1987:616; Hinduism [blessed righteous become stars, but when the accumulated benefactor is depleted, they return to earth, they are shooting stars]: Enthoven 1924:69; northern India (Hindi, possibly Bengali) [stars - race of celestial beings; shooting stars - descending to earth for a new incarnation; if in the evening, they won't live long]: Crooke 1891, No. 356:47.
Malaysia-Indonesia. The Andamans [The month is the husband of the Sun, the stars are their sons and daughters; no idea of the constellations]: Man 1932:97; Nippold 1963:124; Semangs (Jehai) [Sun is female, Month is male, y Everyone has many children, just like their parents; because of the children of the Sun, the Earth is terribly hot; the Month decides to help people, hides its children under their arms, tells the Sun that it has eaten them, advises them to do the same; The Sun eats its children, then the Month releases its stars again]: Schebesta 1937:101; Semangs (Kintak) [The Moon and the Sun are the elder and younger sisters; the Moon hides her children in her hair (hair- knot), tells the Sun that it has swallowed them; the Sun is eating its children; if this did not happen, people would not be able to survive the heat of many suns]: Evans 1927:167; senoi (sakai) [The moon told the Sun that people can't bear the heat of his children; let him eat his own and she eat her own; but the Moon has only hidden its child stars; since then, the Sun has been attacking the moon when it meets, causing eclipses]: Evans 1918: 191; bataks [(paraphrased in Erkes 1926:42-43; Hatt 1949:75); the Sun has seven sons, all shining together, the earth is burning; people sent a Swallow to the Moon asking for help; the Moon hid its sons; people gave her lime, betel, tobacco - this is needed for siri gum; Luna told the Sun that she ate her sons, showed seven bowls of their blood (actually chewing gum); when the Sun also ate her sons, the Moon released its own; the Sun let evil spirits (eclipses) on the moon; other spirits, the Moon's associates, cause solar eclipses]: Warneck 1909:43-44; mentawai [The Sun and Moon are women, both were many children, the children of the Sun were extremely hot; to save people, the Moon hid her children, smeared her mouth with red juice, told the Sun that she had enjoyed eating them; the Sun ate them their children; in the evening, the children of the Moon appeared - stars; the Sun hit the moon with a knife, now it is visible in parts; the Moon has hit the Sun, now the edge of the Sun is jagged, and the Sun and the Moon do not meet]: Schefold 1988: 71-72; Western Toraja: Kruyt 1938, No. 24 [1) The Sun Husband and the Moon Wife have many child stars; they walk with their mother, for if they went with their father, the heat would be unbearable; 2) The Sun and the Moon were men, Everyone has their own children; one person killed the children of the Sun because they were too hot on earth; the Sun, out of envy, also tries to kill the children of the Month, but he tells them to go out only when the Sun is not visible; 3) The Sun and Moon agreed to kill their children; the Moon hid their own and then released (these are stars), and the Sun really fried their own]: 370-371; Eastern Toraja: Adriani, Kruyt 1950, No. 7 [sun and The moon is considered spouses; but there is an idea that both are women; the sun came out with their children, people were dying from the heat; the moon promised to help people; she hid her child stars in a bamboo vessel, told the Sun that its light kills people, and children, like an extra burden, only interfere; the Sun also placed its children in a vessel, they died there from the heat; the Moon has released its star children back into heaven; since then The sun is chasing the Moon; one child of the Sun has escaped, it is the Morning Star], 17 [in the afternoon Stars in the form of humans descend to earth, help poor people; marry each other, have children; sometimes they marry people, but always return to heaven because they can't stand the smell of human bowel movements]: 377, 388; dongos (Sumbawa) [although the Sun and Moon are spouses, they have no children; stars instead children]: Arndt 1952:486; mangaray (West Flores) [male stars except Pleiades, Mars and Rigel]: Arndt 1931:840; fataluku [stars in general and especially constellations are associated with ancestors; one of the "seven stars" (Orion, Pleiades or Ursa Major?) associated with an eagle]: Azevedo Gomes 1972:65-66; Tetum (Wehali) [Sun male, Moon]: Vroklage 1952:136; Timor {tetum?} [the old woman went to heaven for fire; one day she lingered, her son cut off the stairs, the sky moved away from the ground; told his uncle Beiduro that God did it so that the old woman could not return; B. collecting more four people, waged a war against heaven; God ordered all animals to attack humans, but they eventually won, cut off the heads of the Stars; since then, the blood of the decapitated has colored the sky (a sangue) borbota daqueles corpos decapitados a reluzirem no firmamento)]: Correia 1973:89-90; honitetu and other mountain groups of Western Seram [stars are children of the Sun and his wife Moon]: Vries 1927:77-79 in Maaβ 1933:302.
Taiwan - Philippines. Apayao [Uguy notices that it is the Stars who are ravaging his sugarcane field; he catches the smallest one; she turns into a girl, he is handsome, they become the rulers of the country]: Wilson 1947b : 123-125; nabaloi [women ask who broke off the tops of the tarot; Pig, Dog, Monkey answer that they are not; men hide, see female stars go down to swim in the sky, hide them clothes, marry them; men are old, but the Stars are not; they took their clothes, returned to heaven; marriages with stars are spoiled]: Moss 1924, No. 26:259-261 (translated to Rybkin 1975, No. 16:48-49); ibaloi [(western 1976); stars went down to swim, broke off the tops of the tarot planted on the field; a pig, a dog told the women that they were not to blame, advised that women's husbands should fight field; at midnight they saw stars come down from the sky, took off their clothes, began to swim; men hid them, married the stars; former wives either committed suicide out of jealousy or left; men grew old and weak, and women stayed strong and young; they took their clothes locked in the room, returned to heaven; their children became our ancestors]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 24:235; bontok [all stars are men in white clothes; one day they went down to eat sugarcane, but when they were caught they returned to heaven]: Jenks 1905:216; Tinghian [Aponitolau (A.) planted sugarcane, it grows in a few days; his wife Aponibolinaen planted gold beans; from the sky, Moon Woman's daughter, the star Gaigayoma sent stars for reeds and beans, then herself goes down to the field; A. watches, frightens the stars, sits on G.'s clothes; she tells him to go to heaven with her, otherwise the stars will eat him; a chair comes down from the sky for him; five months later, G. and A. A son Tabyen is born; he comes out between his mother's fingers after being injected into the hand; G. lets A. go to his former wife; he wanted to stay, but the stars came for him]: Rybkin 1975, No. 38:105-111; Tagaly [The moon is afraid that its star children will die from the heat of the Sun's children; suggests that everyone eat their own; the Sun has eaten, the Moon hid its own, now it releases only at night; the Sun chases the Moon; when bites - new moon, wounds heal - Moon gets fat]: Rybkin 1975, No. 109:261; Negrito Luzona [The moon asked her husband The sun not to approach their children because he was too hot; but he was getting closer, children burned; the moon ran away from the Sun, he pursues her unsuccessfully; her face is scarred by the hot smut he hit her with]: Garvan 1963:207; bagobo [all stars are children of the Sun and Moon]: Cole 1913:108.
China - Korea. Chinese [Vietnamese often says not just sao (stars), but ngôi sao (ngôi means "character, personality"); the same in Chinese]: Cadière 1908:252; Chinese (Shaanxi, Wu. Lintong) [There is a huge rock in the Shiwen Gorge in the Lishan Mountains, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. It is said that this is not really a stone, but a weight of scales that God Erlan used to weigh Mount Lishan. Erlan's god was named Yangjian, had three eyes, and he walked everywhere with a Heavenly Dog and a two-pointed trident. It was said that he was the older brother of three adult mothers of Mount Huashan. He noticed that the sun always goes westward, but it's not known what it does there. So he decided to follow him. However, he walked very fast, could overtake the sun in two or three steps, and was afraid that if he saw it, it would stop going west. So he decided to raise two mountains, hide behind them, and follow the sun so slowly. The mountains didn't have to be too big because otherwise they wouldn't have been moved, but not too small, because otherwise they wouldn't slow it down. He saw that Mount Lishan was just right, but it was not clear how much it actually weighed. So he decided to weigh it. Erlan reached out, pulled out a huge mulberry growing on the East Sea coast and turned it into a scale rocker, and then collected the stones left after Nuiva repaired the sky and turned them into a kettlebell. wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. The stars in the sky found out that Erlan decided to weigh Mount Lishan and were very happy, because their older brother Sun always traveled alone and never took them with him. When they found out that Erlan wanted to follow him, the stars happily came to his aid. Erlan was delighted and told the stars to climb onto the scale rocker and tell him the measurement result. Six stars of the Southern Bucket and seven stars from the North, as well as the stars of Happiness, Wellbeing and Longevity, were the first to sit on the rocker arm, and Erlan told the rest that since each star weighs one liang, they are already There were sixteen lians, that is, one jin. After saying this, he lifted the scales and hung up a kettlebell. It turned out that Mount Lishan, although small, is very heavy. The kettlebell kept sliding over the rocker arm, and it still couldn't get back to balance. Erlan moved the kettlebell to the very edge of the rocker arm, but it fell down with a terrible crash, the rocker broke and flew to Longan County in Shangzhou, and the stars sitting on it jumped into the air in fear and from there they look at the kettlebell and constantly clap their eyes]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, No. 20:20-21; Chuan Miao [sun, moon, stars, rainbow and everything else are considered living beings]: Graham 1954:9.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece [in Greek art, stars in the form of boys or boys accompany the rise of Helios]: Krauskopf 1994:128; Greeks (Skyros) [princess rejects grooms, makes young man made from almonds, sugar, semolina, he comes to life, marries her, her name is Semigdalenios ("Made from semolina"); another princess is jealous, sends a ship with expensive goods; when S. comes there, the ship sails away; S.'s wife goes in search, consistently comes to the mothers of the Sun, Month, Stars; each hides S.'s wife so that her hungry son does not eat her; Sun, Month, Star men say that they do not saw S., only the smallest Star shows the way; each mother gives a nut with a gift; under the guise of a poor gypsy, the wife is hired by the kidnapper S., asks for permission to spend the night for the gift (each nut contains a gift); two nights S. is put to sleep, on the third, the servant warns S., the wife tells her story, the spouses are reunited, come back]: Sike 1993:131-135.
Central Europe. Ukrainians: Zaglada 1929 (p. Starosill Ostersky University, Chernihiv Region [How Many Stars, So Many Angels in the Sky]: 137; Chubinsky 1872:3 (Volyn Gubernia, Lutsk County) [The Sun is the "king of heaven", its family consists of the moon and stars], 14 [ Kholmskaya Gubernia, Grubeshovsky Uyezd: stars are angels sitting on the steps of the sky with lit candles; Kholmskaya Rus: stars are the souls of the immaculate dead; Podolsk Gubernia, Ushitsky Uyezd: stars are sinful souls ( less sinful people shine brighter); Zhytomyr Uyezd: stars are children of the sun and moon, or the souls of the dead; Kharkov Uyezd: stars are the souls of people]; Fedorov 1903 (Voronezhskaya, Zemlyansky u., pp. Edovishche, Latanoe, Shumeiki) [stars are the souls of the true]: 258; Belarusians [in Belarusian folklore texts, stars are children of Mother Sun and Father Month]: Sanko 2004a: 195.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars ["there were a thousand and one girls, we sat on the same board, disappeared at dawn" (proverb)]: Samoilovich, Faleev 1915:66; Kalmyks [Dolan Burkhi (Bolshaya Bear), Sar Mechin ("Monkey" - Pleiades), Alti Gasi (Polyarnaya) and other Stars lived on earth, the Sun and Moon were with them, they were still children; they took arshan from the sea, Arakha ran up, put his finger, licked it, became immortal; the Moon indicated where to shoot, arrows cut Araha in half; the bottom went to the ground, the moon swallows the moon once a year, the Sun every three years; the stars rose to heaven; the gods chained Araha to the iron cart on the moon (dark spots)]: Basayev 2004, No. 9:41-43; Abkhazians [the prince's son saw an arapka in the forest, she was placed in a stable; he saw how the arapka took off her black skin by the river, turns out to be beautiful, He strings rings on a branch, bathes, puts his skin on again; he took one ring; married an arapka, the prince left them to live in the stable, the arapka took off his skin for the night, light emanates from it; the prince saw, ordered to move her son and daughter-in-law to the palace, but the son refused; threw his skin into the fire; the former arapka replied that she was from the Kudaph Psha family ("daughter of red beans"); people laughed; she agreed to have her husband take another wife, gave gold for her palace; the new wife's maids see K. bathing in boiling milk; the new wife says she can do it too, tells me to put the cauldron, cooked; the husband married again; this one since the maids see K. sitting on a gold nail hammered into the wall and spinning with a golden spindle; the new wife wants the same, jumped on a nail, he pierced her, she died; the husband leaves to find out what kind of K. in fact; the old woman tells him to pretend that he went hunting and died, let them bring him bloody; then a golden chariot descended from heaven after his wife on a gold chain; we must jump up and cut the chain with a sword; wife: let the one to whom the small stars were maids and the big stars were servants, to whom the sun was the father and the moon the mother, take pity on me; the chariot descended, the prince's son cut off the chain; feast]: Shakryl 1975, No. 44:233-239 (=Bgazhba 2002 [girl - daughter of God Ayerg]: 133-137); Georgians: Bardavelidze 1957 [meteorite fall - star gets married (to Mtiuls); stars - sisters and brothers; The month is a man, the stars are his children]: 14-15; Mashurko et al. 1904, No. 8 (Imereti) [King Solomon picked a rose, she turned into a girl, he married her; to find out who her relatives are, he pretended to be dead; my wife cried out, Sun, my father, Moon, my mother, stars, my brothers, take me! A staircase came down from the sky, Solomon got up from his coffin, then lived happily with his wife]: 62-63; Chikovani 1954 (Kakheti) [the prince has two beds: leek and dill; he found a piece of paper there, it became Anana's girlfriend; replies that her name is leek and her belt is dill; the prince married another; A. brought deer from the mountains, fed up with milk, began to swim in boiling milk; the wife decided to do the same, cooked; the same episode again; A. dropped her spindle from the mountain, cut off her nose, sent him to bring the spindle, her nose grew back; his wife cut off her nose, died of blood loss; the prince ordered to stab the pig, smear it take him in blood to A.; A. laments: my mother is the Sun, my father is the Month, the Stars are brothers, let them throw my bench down to me; the sky opened and the bench came down; the prince jumped up; wedding]: 59-60.
Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [Month {translated as "Moon") and the Sun decided to divorce because the Sun is too hot, the Month is cold; they are arguing who will get their daughter Earth; Perkunas decided to look at it during the day Sun, Month at night; when the Month is gone, its sisters Stars shine}]: Lebite 1965:290-291; Latvians [The Sun married the Month, their children are stars; one day the Sun woke up and saw that her husband no, he fell in love with the daughter of the Sun, who was the bride of Auseklis (Morning Star); either A. is the name of the Sun's daughter; the Sun cut the Month with a sword or silver whip, or Perkunas did it; as soon as The Sun goes down, the Month goes to look after her beloved; the Sun, out of jealousy, does not move away from the Morning Star; the Sun's daughter collects the silver pieces of the Month]: Brivzemniax 1887, No. 1:5.
Turkestan. Salara [Luna was a huge beautiful woman, and the Sun was a huge man. The sun asked Luna to marry and she agreed. When married, they did not separate day or night, lived 10,000 years and gave birth to 108,000 children. Their faces filled everything like golden flowers, they were called "stars". One summer, a flood began on earth, people burned smokes and bowed, asking the heavenly gods for help. Luna smelled the scent of smoke and asked her husband to help people. The sun arrogantly invited the Moon to figure it out for itself However, the Moon was unable to evaporate the flood waters because it emanated only light, not heat. Along with the stars, she began to beg the Sun again. He put all his heat on the ground and in three days it dried up. The sun called itself the ruler of the world, but the Moon objected that it could not control it. The sun became angry and its heat became unbearable, the earth caught fire, people turned to the gods again, and smokes reached the sky. Offended by the Sun, the Moon and the Stars left it. The sun has repented and improved, does not cause people suffering, but can't see his wife and children anymore]: Chen, Wang 1989:413-416.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans [heavenly people are seen from the ground like stars; they live there in glass yurts, wear belts at armpit level]: Potapov 1983:103 (retelling in Dyakonov 1976:287); Siberian Tatars (Middle Irtyshye) [stars are the souls of Alyp heroes who ascended to heaven after death]: Urazaleev 2007:4; Khakas [stars are the souls of great heroes who rose to heaven to continue the unearthly exploits]: 47; (cf. Altaians [solar eclipses are caused by stars that cover the star (probable Indian influence; cf. Yevsyukov 1976:32]: Maadai-Kara 1973:318, 463).
Western Siberia. Southern Selkups: Tuchkova 2004:70 [stars are the souls of the dead, rising in the form of glowing spiders along the roots and branches of a sacred tree to heaven; or that they are heavenly people]; Kudryashova 2000:230 v Tuchkova 2004:73, 266-267 (Ivankin sheshkups) [people lived in a warm rocky country, a "thin island with five capes" spread out like fingers; it became dry and hot, people cursed salty seawater; Nom got angry, the ground caught fire, the island split, sea water poured into the cracks, the island exploded, few on the mountain tops escaped (stones, fire and water ceased to serve people, go to them"); N. took the souls of the dead to heaven, where they follow the contours of the island (the Orion constellation) with stars; people were divided into five families, went to look for new lands, from which Ivankin sheshkups came]; Ents [stars are lakes in the lower tier of the sky; these are the people of Irio-Casa; the Sun is a woman, he has a daughter; the Month is a man; spots are the Moons, the husband with a tambourine mallet in his hands; his people are stars]: Gemuev et al. 2005:534.
Amur - Sakhalin. The Udege people [Vaikta stars are living creatures. Among them, there were female shikini zones and male amine shikini, believed that there were more females than males; cocia tailed comets: a young man goes on a date with a girl, the disappearance of the star meant that the young met]: Podmaskin 2006:419 (=1998:39; =Podmaskin 2013:40; =Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010:13-14); nivkhs [stars live in seventh heaven and help people appear on earth in human form to marry the smartest women here]: Sangi 1986:43, 57 in Podmaskin 2004:94 (=2006:419).
Japan. Japanese: Ikeda 1971 [husband and wife stay on opposite sides of the Milky Way; can only meet once a year on the eve of July 7, when the stars celebrate]: 96-97; Ten Kate 1906 [in full moon two white rabbits are visible on the moon; they are making rice cakes, this is the food of the stars]: 126; Ainu [stars are the eyes of heavenly spirits; the Morning Star is a good spirit]: Spevakovsky 1988:65.
The Arctic. Aleuts (Unalashka) [while digging roots, the sister of the Month makes a hole in the sky, sees the village below; weaves a rope, goes down, marries two men, gives birth to a son; he grows up; before she dies tells him how to take to the sky by sunlight (?) ; describes the people he will meet; these are the constellations: Three Stars (Orion), Evening Star (working with the turn of day), Cod Ligaments (Pleiades), Caribou (Ursa Major; at the same time, all stars these constellations are humans, obviously men); the young man comes to the Month; burned by lifting the mat (behind which the Sun is apparently a man); the Old Month gives him clothes for the new, half, old moon; makes it New Month, dies]: Jochelson 1990, No. 15:149-155; Kodiak: Golder 1903, No. 3 [the chief's daughter rejects suitors; two come to her at night, take her away in a boat, make her their wife; three days later locked in a house without food; an old woman invites her to marry her son; carries her to heaven in a basket; the husband, like all Stars, has only half of the person (vertically), with moss and mice on his head; a woman gives birth same son; Stars let her see the earth, let her down in a basket; she visits her parents, returns to heaven]: 21-26; Pinart in Lantis 1938 [Kodiaks undoubtedly consider the Month and Stars to be men when generally animate them, but differ in their ideas about the Sun; stars are the souls of the dead]: 136; copper: Jenness 1922 [stars are humans and animals; Orion's Belt - three seal hunters]: 179; Rasmussen 1932 [almost all stars are humans, dogs, bears, or caribou]: 23; netsilic [stars are people who have risen to the sky for various reasons]: Bailikci 1976:210; NW Greenland [dead rise to the sky, become stars; there are more dead than alive, so there are so many stars]: Whitney 1910:244 on MacDonald 1998:33-34; West Greenland [if two stars converge, it's one a woman came to visit another or two rivals clutched each other's hair]: Egede 1818:211.
Subarctic. Tanana: De Laguna 1995, No. 15 [a girl thinks about who will take care of her and her brothers when they are old; goes to the end of the world, from there to heaven, becomes the Moon; brothers follow her; the elder becomes the Sun, the rest become stars]: 161; Rooth 1971:314 [two sisters look at the sky, want a star for their husbands; he takes them to heaven]; tagish; southern tutchoni; tsetsot; helmet; taltan; slevy; McKennan 1959 [all northern atapaskas, including Chipewayans and the quarry, have very undeveloped ideas about stars]: 110; upper tanana [before In sleep, the Marten pees on the star; for this, the Stars kidnap him; his friend Lynx shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows, climbs into heaven, finds Marten, both go down, destroy the stairs; the Stars decide make the Otter his friend; when the Marten is about to shoot the Otter, the Stars kill him]: McKennan 1959:211-212; Chipewayan [The stars quarreled, one Young Star was forced to go down to earth; people were frightened when they saw the light, but one girl fell in love with it; in the summer she got lost, drowned; one young man saw the light on the lake; this is a Star who is looking for her beloved]: Clark 1960:78-79.
NW Coast. Hyda (Masset) [the woman pointed her finger at the star, mocked her; the stars dragged her to the sky, placed her on the roof to fry in the chimney; the woman's brothers brought her back, replacing the wooden one a figure screaming like a human being; the stars came down to look for her, the brothers ran, throwing red paint; the stars wasted time picking her up, stopped pursuing her; the woman pointed her finger at the moon, she did it when she went to get water; she thought someone was sitting in a well, she pointed her finger at this man; at home she saw the same face in a bucket of water; splashed out the water, returned to the well, saw again same face, did not drink; at night she felt thirsty, returned to the well; the big man grabbed her hand; she turned to the full moon, showed her tongue; she was dragged up, she grabbed the saral bush ; now with a bucket and holding on to the bush, she is visible on the moon]: Swanton 1908a, No. 28:450-452; Tsimshian [starved an aristocrat woman and her daughter were left alone; at night someone came in and slept with her daughter; after that when it touched the fir bark, it fell down and under it were increasingly large animals: squirrel, partridge, porcupine, beaver, mountain ram, black bear, grizzly; that man appeared (he is also often appears nearby as a bird whose scream brings good luck), said that he is sending game; then the animals fell two by two; they built two houses to store meat; the father tells him to name his son Asdi-W& #226; 'l, he became a great hunter; chases a polar bear, he makes passages through the rock, A. puts an onion in the crack and follows; after the bear he climbs the stairs to the sky; there is a blooming plain; a bear turns out to be the Evening Star, the daughter of the Sun; she warns that her father killed many of her suitors; her father-in-law tells 1) to hunt mountain sheep; the stars think A. is frozen in place, but he is only left his cloak and hat on the pole; A. entered the house where the mountain sheep were gathering; they beat the rhythm, and the shaman was kamlal; the shaman and the lamb jumped over his head, and killed the rest A., brought a lot of fat; 2 ) bring mountain water; she is in a cave, the entrance to which closes and then opens; the slave was crushed, and A. took out water; the Sun told the daughter to step over the bones of the crushed man and he came to life again; 3) bring firewood; wife: as soon as you touch the tree, the bark will fall and crush; under the tree there is a pile of bones of the dead; the tree fell on the slave, and A. is unfaithful; the father-in-law revived the slave again and put the fallen tree; 4) lie down on hot stones (The Sun wants to bake and eat his son-in-law); A.'s father gave him pieces of ice under his arms, A. safe in the oven; since then, the Sun and all its star people have fallen in love with A.; A. wants to return to the mother, together with his wife, who has 4 baskets of meat, berries, etc., rolls down to the ground in the sunlight; every day the wife orders to bring water, puts a feather into the bucket - the water is clean; once A. met another girl, the water is covered with mucus, the wife has returned to her father; he follows her, falls when he almost reaches the sky, breaks, the Sun revives him; he lives with his wife again; they again return to earth; then the wife leaves altogether, and A. marries the chief's daughter; argues her four brothers, claiming that he is a better earner of marine animals than they are land animals; brings four bears, brothers come back empty-handed, pick up their sister; A. marries another girl, she gives birth to him a son; A. hunts walruses better than her four brothers, who leave him on a rock in the middle of the sea; a mouse takes him to an underground walrus house; he heals a wounded walrus; the owner of walruses sends him home in a walrus stomach; his wife helps him kill her brothers; he goes hunting in the mountains, turns into stone]: Boas 1912:71-146; Quakiutl: Boas, Hunt 1902, No. 14 [The Pillar of Heaven told his starmen that he would descend into the world below, told the servants to lower the copper pillar of our world there, went down on it with his son and servants]: 401; Boas 1935 [a pillar of heaven stands in the ocean; the Pillar of Heaven is also the name of the leader of the upper world, whose people are stars; he descends down the copper pillar of heaven]: 126; chickpea [ stars are people living in the upper world]: Carmichael 2006:42.
The coast is the Plateau. Chilcotin; shuswap; coutene; quinolt; quileut; lkungen; clallam; twana; snookually; puyallup; puyallup-niscually [stars are people; there are rivers in the sky, but informants didn't talk about the Milky Way; meteors are star people on their way]: Smith 1940:134; Puget Sound; Upper Chehalis; Cowlitz; vasco; vishram; yakima; tillamook; kus; shuswap [nameless stars are warriors who go on a hike to heaven and kill with heavenly people]: Teit 1909a: 597; thompson [stars are generally considered transformed humans; in one myth they are the roots of plants growing in the upper world]: Teit 1900:341; kalispel; kalapuya; kalapuya [people don't die, there are too many; five hunters go hunting with a dog; the dog comes back alone; when asked by a little girl, five deer have been killed; the ground is turning over, people are turning in the stars, a girl and a dog remain; a girl gives birth to one puppy and one child, then a puppy and a child again; they give birth to new people; the chief says that new people will come; people of the second century creations turn into pebbles; two women steal, hide a girl; a boy finds her, brings her to her mother; women dance, cause rain, third-century people die from the flood, turn into beavers, fish; A sliver boy escapes, he hid the girl under his arm; after the flood, he kills and burns those women, the ashes turn into fog, clouds]: Gatschet et al. 1945, No. 4:173-174 (translated. c. Romanova 1997, No. 115:405-406); shuswap [Fish and Birds under the guidance of the Black Bear and Wolverine are fighting the inhabitants of the sky; only Wren's arrow pierces the sky; the warriors of the earth rise a chain of arrows; The bear quarrels with Wolverine, knocks him down on the ground; earthlings are broken, the stairs fall, Pisces and Birds jump down; Pisces who fall on the rocks are crippled: the skull of sematsai fish flattened, kwaak broke his jaw, tcoktcitcin bleed his mouth, sucker broke all bones (the origin of the anatomical features of fish species); those left in the sky are killed, become stars]: Teit 1909a, No. 57:749; Thompson [stars are generally considered converted humans]: Teit 1900:341.
The Midwest. Winnebago; Chippewa; Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake); Eastern Cree; Western Ojibwa, Eastern Ojibwa (timagami); Steppe Cree.
Northeast. Mikmak, passamaquoddy; penobscot [stars are special celestial creatures; the souls of the dead are stars]: Speck 1935b:18.
Plains. Sarsi; blacklegs; assiniboine; grovantre; santi; teton; sheyen; oto; arikara; pawnee; wichita; pawnee (Pitahauirat) [at the end of time, the Southern Star will be the master of earth and people; stars will descend to earth to humans as a sign that it is time for them to turn into stars themselves and climb to the Southern Star]: Dorsey 1906, No. 35:136; blacklegs [The moon made the Sun beautiful legs; at night he slept with them under his head; Napa ("The Old Man") went there (the Moon and their star children were working at the time), took away the moccasins, went far, went to bed; when he woke up, saw the Sun take the moccasins, left laughing; the next night N. stole them again; the Sun, in anger, called him a fool, for the whole world is the house of the Sun, not hide]: Linderman 1995:36-39; teton [The North Star is the chief of the rest of the stars that surround him]: Walker 1983:219-220; Mandan: Bowers 1950 [comets and constellations - humans who lived once on earth]: 298; Will, Spinden 1906 [stars are people; when a person is born, a star descends to earth, and when it dies, it returns to heaven]: 134; Osage (fratria vazhaje) [people lived on the sky (sometimes stars); the Sun told them that it gave birth to them; the moon said it gave birth to them from the Sun; that they should go down to earth; but there is only water below, people are hovering in the air; asked for help an elk, he fell into the water, began to sink; the winds called, they began to blow, the waters came down; first only stones, then soil appeared; the elk began to lie happily on it; its fur stuck to the soil turned into beans corn, potatoes, wild tubers, into trees and grasses; people meet members of other Osage units, decide to live with them]: Fletcher, LaFlésh 1911:62-64 in DemAllie, Park 2001:1066 and in Erdoes, Ortiz 1984:119; arikara [four male stars come to the village; a woman marries their chief; cheats on him with the Red Dog; the stars go away, she follows them, four times, from different sides hangs up in front of her husband; he doesn't pick it up, but since no one should step over the phone, he goes around it on each side, creating a winding path that can be seen in the sky when stars appear ]: Parks 1996:96; (Crowe stars are not anthropomorphic, but some egg-shaped objects or creatures endowed with "power"; McVleary 1997:15-16); Pawnee: Fletcher 1903 (skidi) [stars are humans; one warrior lay on top of the mountain, seeing star people go from east to west; the last to pass was a powerful warrior, the Red Morning Star (he is the warlike brother of the White Morning Star, also men, he is brought to human sacrifice]: 3; Monroe, Williamson 1987 [Basket Woman (Moon) is the mother of stars]: 59.
Southeast USA. Caddo [after death, people go to heaven and turn into stars; the Morning Star has freed the world from monsters, he has three brothers; he wakes people up to prevent enemies from attacking unexpectedly, so it's too early gets up; in the evening, one of the brothers goes far back to see if there are any enemies, it's the Evening Star; the North Star and the Southern Star are guarding from the north and south; all brothers are children of the Great Star; {Lankford 2007: 66: most likely it's the North Star}]: Dorsey 1905:15; koasati; choctaw [two brothers decide to go find out where the sun is dying; as adults they reach the sea; walk on water, they come to women; these are the stars and the wife of the Sun, the Moon; the Sun cooks and rubs those who come, removing their skin; on a vulture, sends them home; the mother began to ask her sons, they violated the ban for four days keep quiet, told, died]: Bushnell 1909:35 (Quail in Swanton 1931:200-201); teals [some say stars are bright balls, others say they are human beings, but most say they are alive creatures covered in glowing hair or glowing feathers]: Mooney 1900, No. 9:257
California. Yurok: Kroeber 1976, No. P7 [Pleiades dance at night; Coyote wants too, dies from fast dancing, is thrown away; he comes to life, jumps down from the sky; only his bones reach the ground; he comes to life again]: 368-369; Sapir 1928, No. 5 [in the spring it snowed after the heat, the Coyote's children froze to death; Coyote went to look for the Sun; gave man dentalium shells, he brought him to heaven; Coyote came to at home, heard the Sun calling him by name; when everyone fell asleep, hit him on the head and killed him; came to seven star girls, they were always dancing, moving, always together; wanted to be with them; they he was dragged, his second leg came off; in the morning he jumped from heaven to earth; his grandmother collected his bones, and the next day Coyote came to life; {it is likely that other heavenly people are stars}]: 256-257; viyot [twinkling stars are working women; sharpen their digging sticks; during the day, when they go to dig roots, they are blind and see at night]: Kroeber 1908:39; Maidu: Dixon 1902, No. 8.1 [ The cannibal sun lived in the north in a huge ice house; to the north of her lived a Frog with three children; the Sun stole one, the second child, came for a third; The frog sat outside the house, waving a basket; The Sun grabbed the child, ran away with him, created willow thickets behind her, from which baskets were woven; the frog chased, saw the willow, began to collect; when it ran on, the Sun had already run into its house; the ice house is slippery, but the Frog still climbed onto the roof (where the entrance is), invited the Sun to go out, swallowed it; the Sun began to grow in her stomach, the Frog burst, the Sun came out; told the frog to live in the water, decided that they would both be harmless to humans; asked her Month-brother if he wanted to walk day or night; the Month invited the Sun to walk at night, but all the stars fell in love with her, the Pleiades followed; The sun has decided that it will walk during the day], No. 10 [after coming of age, two girls sleep outside, dreaming of star husbands; the eldest wanted a bright red star as her husband, the youngest wanted a blue star; in the morning they did not pierce their ears, did not swim to wash away evil; the next night they find themselves in heaven with their husbands; Red eats only hearts, Blue eats fat; everyone gives birth to a child; wives tell husbands that children they want to play with their tendons, they weave a rope from their tendons, they go down; husbands cut the rope, women break; brothers find them, put them in water, they come to life]: 76-78, 183-189; nisenan [about stars little know; Big Dipper: three girls and a boy; 1 informant said that once stars move, they must be human]: Beals 1933:357; Yana [stars are daughters of the Month, meteors are the daughters of the Sun; the False Sun is the Sun's wife]: Curtin 1898:285-286.
Big Pool. Northern Payutes: Lang 1899 [western De Quille by Chief Payute {northern?)} Tooroop Eenah (Desert Father), published in a newspaper in San Francisco; the moon is the wife of the Sun, the stars are their children; they are afraid of it, they run away when it appears; at night, the Sun goes underground through a deep hole sleep; the visible sun is the round belly of the Sun full of swallowed stars; it looks like a snake or lizard; the moon sleeps underground in the same hole, is afraid of her husband, leaves when he approaches; phases are the Moon in mourning for children swallowed by the Sun]: 113-114; Lowie 1924, No. 19 [stars used to speak paviotso (northern payut), lived like people; two blind old stars tied ropes to their ears from a trap for rabbits; the Eagle takes and eats the food they pass on to each other; one of the blind recognizes Orlitz as his father's sister; Orlitsa restores their sight by running his pen over their eyes; warns not name the objects they see; they name, they will soon go blind again]: 238-239; washo; eastern shoshones.
The Great Southwest. Pima [Stars are living things]: Russel 1908:252; Western Apaches (White Mountain): Goddard 1919 [see motif I5; the hero ends up in the sky; stars bring him down to the top of the hill, from there he is flies to earth]: 132-135; teva (Isleta) [stars are children of the Sun and Moon]: Dutton 1983:23; Zunyi, Taos, Tewa [stars are humans, heavenly creatures, connected to war]: Schaafsma 2000:144; Zunyi [all stars are priests and chiefs, "our night fathers and night mothers"]: Parsons 1939:182; luisenho [The Milky Way is the abode of souls of the dead; stars are the first humans to go to heaven seeking to avoid death after Ouiot died, which became a month]: Beck et al. 2001:88; DubOis 1908:162.
NW Mexico. Tarahumara [stars are children of the Sun and Moon]: Bennett, Zingg 1935:349; Huichol [all stars are gods or goddesses; Tonoámi Morning Star ("singer") is a knowledge giver who protects the Sun]: Dutton 1962:18.
Mesoamerica The Aztecs [stars were seen as characters, deities; apparently they are 400 brothers who, in the birth myth of Huitzilopochtli (Sahagún 1985:191-192), tried to kill him]: Domínguez Núñez 2007:49-50; otomi: Galinier 1990:526 [The stars are women, they are attached to the sky, they are the flowers of peace; at night, stones try to stand up and attack people, but shooting stars kill them; stars are also jealous women fighting over a man], 542-543 [The sun fights against the moon and stars; the half of the moon is different in separate texts]; tepeua [at night, while the Sun is resting, the Stars are watching so that the stones do not move and become jaguars; meteors shoot arrows at them]: Williams García 1972:32; Totonaki [at the first sunrise, the former inhabitants turned into stones trees, animals, grain grinders, kitchen pots; remembering past life, stones sometimes move; stars (at least on the south side of the sky) hit such stones with arrows - meteors; they also shoot poisonous snakes; if a snake dies bloodlessly, then the Star killed it]: Kelly 1966:396; kekchi [see motif K16; seeing the Sun and Moon for the first time, 400 people and animals turn into stars]: Becker-Donner 1976:122-124; lacandons [stars are called "the ones in the sky", vary in color (white, red, blue, yellow) and gender (Spica is female, Venus is male)]: Davis, Standard 1997:47; mestizos Soconusco [woman gives birth to two twins; dies herself, turns into the land we live on; grandmother wants to eat twins, tells her many sons to kill them; they jump into the sky, turn into the Sun and the Month; uncles jump after them, become stars, can't grab the Month]: Navarrete 1966, No. 1:422-423.
Honduras - Panama. Hikake [stars are night monkeys, kinkaju; first lived on earth, fled to heaven from coyotes and jaguars; jump on trees, eat fruits (when it's night, it's day in the sky, and vice versa); them the excrement looks like burning coals; it falls to the ground and the seeds they contain grow into the earth's forests]: Chapman 1992, No. 26:152; kuna: Howe 1991 [parents fear their four sons they will leave them when they marry; they give them a potion, an overwhelming interest in women; they go to the forest, live alone; someone cooks, cleans their hut; they wait for four Stars descending on gold dish; only the youngest manages to keep Inanatili's girlfriend; he marries her; she explains that the Great Father sent them to marry young men, but they ruined everything in an attempt to seize them by force; I. gives birth daughter, later she dies; I. teaches women to sing lullabies and mourn the dead]: 240-241; Wassen 1934b [four heavenly women (they were wives of stars) descend on a gold platter; two single men catch two women]: 17.
The Antilles. Taino [stars are dead, bright stars are leaders (".. entendían que las estrellas eran los índios difuntos, y los luceros los reyes y caciques que estaban en la casa mayor de su semi" { the source is not entirely clear}]: Rodríguez Alvarez 2009:328.
The Northern Andes. Guajiro [evil monkey spirits look at a young woman, she dies; her husband buries her, seeks death, leaves, telling his four children he will return with the Pleiades season; went to Mars (or Venus); when he reached the sea, he met a man, told him that he was the son of Iiwa (Pleiades) and the grandson of Spika (α Virgo); the bird offers to report about him to the stars; the Pleiades tell Orion, the uncle of man in mothers; Pleiades, Altair, other stars lift a person beyond the clouds; the Pleiades ask him to go to his mother's house, this is Earth; makes his body like their body, without joints; advises to get along with girls who turn into calebasses; young men turn out to be corncobs; a man wants to go home, stars put him on a cloud; Orion, other stars, and Rain raise his dead wife to heaven, leaving cultivated fields on earth with a rich harvest]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (2), No. 67:661-673; Kogi [all stars are wives and children of the Sun; they walk along the Milky Way, returning home in the morning]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (1): 228; 1985 (2), No. 4.3 [The sun is the wife on the moon, the stars are their children]: 34; the mestizos of the Aritama district in St Colombia [the main deity is Káke ("father", the Sun); the Moon is his wife, the stars are their children]: Reichel-Dolmatoff, Reichel-Dolmatoff 196:350; yupa [there were two Suns, when one came in, the other rose; the Kopecho woman invited one of them to the party, began to lure him with her dancing in front of a hole with hot coals; the sun fell into a hole, his body turned white, his eyes turned like hot coals; he got out, threw K. into the water, she became a frog; he himself rose to heaven, losing his brightness and becoming Month; Sun and Month are brothers; Stars are people of the Sun, they do not like the Month, because it refused to marry the Star one of his many daughters; every month the Stars attack him, the Month becomes small; the son of the Month is a star that you can't see; the daughters of the Month are also not visible, they are always at home; the Milky Way is the road of the Sun and the Month]: Wilbert 1974a, No. 2:76-77; paes [Thunder muddied the lake water, throwing trees at him; among the stars there was a special kind of moving (i.e. planets), they rushed from the sky into the lake to clean it; the thunder roared with anger, his mouth opened to ear, his tongue fell out; forgave the stars, when they filled the lake again; they gave him the means to make his mouth small again, returned to heaven]: Nachtigall 1955, No. 12:302-303; inga [at first sunrise, some of the first ancestors petrified, others became "star stones", others rose to the sky (and became constellations)]: Levinsohn 1976a: 113
Southern Venezuela. Panare: Delgado 2004 [when the Month copulated with a woman, she menstruated; his children are distant stars]: 128; Dumont 1976 [stars are children of the Sun and Moon]: 93-94; 1979:250; saliva [ Luna (Besho, Vesho, Veho) is the wife of the Sun (Mimeseke-Koko); stars are their children]: Morey, Morey 1980:283; makiritare [Kuamachi (Evening Star) and his grandfather Mahanama decide to take revenge on the Stars for killing their mother K.; lure the Stars with their leader named Wlaha (Pleiades) into trees for fruit; M. says he will weave baskets to put fruit in them; K. climbs a tree, drops fruit; water floods the forest; M. with their baskets and K. jump into the boat; M. throws baskets into the water, they turn into anacondas, caimans, piranhas; they devour many Stars, which K. knocks down from trees with arrows; V. shoots into the sky, making a chain of arrows, climbs there with the remaining Stars; Mönettä, a scorpion, became Ursa Major; Ihette (Orion's Belt) climbed slowly, bleeding and dragging his leg bitten off by a caiman; Amaduwakadi became the Morning Star; a sloth, a tapir and others also climbed into the sky; to prevent demons from climbing into heaven either, K. climbed himself, followed by Ioroko, the creature Orosha antagonist; K. asked Cancer to cut off the stairs, he hesitated, then piranha had a snack, I. fell to the ground; there is a vine in the forests - the remains of that staircase]: Civrieux 1960:179-180; 1980:110-116; Yanomami [stars are rejected women in the sky]: Cocco 1972:458 in Eguillor García 1984:149.
Guiana. Varrau [the couple has two children, the wife is expecting a third; the husband has decided to leave; if the wife wants to follow, let her ask the one she carries in the womb; climbed a tree, jumped on the clouds, two days later people saw the sun for the first time; the wife is following her husband; the son says from the womb that the father climbed into the sky on a tree; she does not understand it; an old woman sits under the tree, the woman makes her answer; she explains how climb a tree, jump on a cloud; a woman turns into the moon; her children are stars from the Sun]: Barral, p. 62-64 in Wilbert 1970, No. 109:229-230; carinha [early authors write that stars count either by humans or by spirits; the authors found no claims that stars are people now]: Magaña, Jara 1982:108-109; Caribbean Lesser Antilles [1) Borde 1674: First Man Lukwo descended from the sky, created the earth, the moon, stars that are also human; 2) Gilij: stars are the eyes of people looking from the sky]: Magaña, Jara 1982:108-109; pemon, akawai, macushi [y all Pemon and Capon Indians (Akawai, Makushi) Sun, Month and Stars are considered to be once human]: Butt Colson, Armellada 1989:154.
Ecuador. Colorado [The Sun is male, the Moon is a little woman blind in one eye, so it gives little light; stars are small people]: Wavrin 1937:516-517.
Western Amazon. Shuar [Iwia cannibal dogs are jaguars, they are like his own children; a woman got lost in the forest, a pet parrot showed her where the fruit was; the parrot was eaten by eagles; she came to his wife Iwia, she wants pass her off as Shiáshia's youngest jaguar son, hides her under the roof; the woman spits on the meat that S. eats, he finds her, marries her; I.'s wife warns not to bite through lice, gives coal to bite him, making a sound; one day he forgets, bites through the louse, S. kills his wife, I.'s wife keeps the two eggs that were in the uterus; of which Yánkuam' and the Stars were born; when they grew up, I. told them about their mother's fate; they collapsed the bridge that the jaguars crossed the abyss, but S. escaped because he was walking first, and the little Yaa (stars) could not stop him; so there are jaguars in the forest; Yampinkia's large jaguar was pushed into the abyss; the brothers threw darts into the sky, climbed them into the sky, became stars, and Yankuam threw darts into the sky]: Pelizzaro 1990:38-40 (=1993:35-39); Aguaruna ; achuar; kofan [stars - people]: Calífano, Gonzálo 1995, No. 10:73; mayhuna [on the way to the world of dead souls, two female characters and two male characters meet que los hace pasar por diferentes etapas; turn into stars a year after death]: Bellier 1991a: 246-247.
NW Amazon. Bara [a sick star girl is sent to earth; a man has cured her, she has risen to heaven with him; it's night when it's day, everyone sees him sleeping with his wife; he returns alone to earth]: Jackson 1983:204; Barasana: S.Hugh-Jones 1982:185 [all stars count as human], 188 [Dolphin constellation - the body of a corpse-bundle killed by a swarm of wasps sometimes identified with the Pleiades ; she fell to the ground, came to life, married a mortal, rose to heaven with him, her husband was killed by a snake star; the chain of stars nearby is the vine they climbed]; Torres Laborde 1969 [a man sat by the water on stone; female stars took it to the sky; stars dance; cleared the area overnight, ate only the drug yazhe, koku, mingao; a man marries one of the stars, returns to earth with her; stars they work in his field, night is day for them; in summer, stars went fishing at night; but they became lazier from year to year; finally, they were gone forever, the man had to work in the garden himself]: 55-56; macuna [A female star fell from the sky; a man met her in the forest, married her; she worked hard, but only at night; so other people did not love him; the man went up with her to her relatives; there he unable to work at night, worked during the day while others were sleeping]: Århem et al. 2004:303; tatuyo [star people live on one of the tiers of the sky; their lives and activities are like tatuyo; the star descends and marries a mortal; both first live in their husband's baby, then rise to heaven; other stars laugh at a man who walked with a torch during the day, because night is day for stars; and a star while it was on land, went to work in the garden at night]: Bidou 1972:56-57; Kabiyari [The star went down to the ground to a young man Maraji, who did not know women before; the star and her father decided to kill him; he climbs on tree for fruit, father-in-law in front; warned his daughter that the "game" would fall, she must be finished off; M. pushed his father-in-law down himself, his daughter killed him thinking that she was hitting M.; then drove her husband away]: Correa 1989:107-113; yukuna: Hammen 1992:143 [brothers Kamu (Sun) and Keri (Month) are moving along a heavenly river; stars travel along it], 152 [star food is poisonous to humans]; desana [star sphere is far away and has little effect on people's lives; a shooting star is a sign that two Stars have had sexual intercourse; Stars fertilize the earth with their saliva, dew]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1971:74, 98; macuna: Århem 1981 [Star People are at the highest level of the sky; below Thunder, Heroes, Sky Jaguars; even lower than kite and the Royal Vulture]: 70; Århem et al. 2004:243 [stars - people like us, but active at night and sleep during the day], 303 [a person met a female star who fell from the sky in the forest; married her; she worked at night, slept during the day, so others did not love her; spouses went to heaven, but my husband worked and slept there at odd hours]; baniva (ethnicity is not specified, the data apply to both Arawaks and Eastern Tucanos) [half of the stars are men, half are women; Sun and Month are both men]: Brüzzi 1994:6; uitoto: Rojas 1986 [stars are people of the upper world; they want to eat us at night; because some animals scream like humans at night, Stars think that people don't sleep or go down]: 116; Wavrin 1932 [stars are children of the Sun and Moon; bright are men, weak are women; very small stars are ear pendants]: 137 (=1937:549); bora: Wavrin 1932 [stars are people like us]: 141; 1937 [The Morning Star is the daughter of the Sun and Moon; the Moon and the stars are cannibal women]: 550; Whiffen 1913 [stars are the souls of the great people of the tribe]: 57; okaina [stars] - Sisters of the Month]: Girard 1958:137.
The Central Andes. The central and southern coast of Peru from the Chillon Valley (Caravillo) to Arica [the god Pachacamac sent four stars to earth - two men and two women; they (obviously one couple) gave birth noble and generous kings and (second couple) poor, commoners and servants]: Calancha 1638, vol.2, ch. 19:414; Quechua (prov. Canchis, dep. Cusco) [stars are children of the Sun and Moon]: Itier 1996:164; Quechua of southern Peru.
Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita [at the beginning of time, there were very few women on earth; men went to heaven to marry star girls; a little Wichshu hummingbird took one man and told him close your eyes, took me to heaven; you could only enter heaven through a thunder door (pynka, or ya'kuana), which opened and closed; when it opened, the hummingbird flew into he left his burden on the other side; as soon as the door opened again, the wichshu returned to earth; the men stayed in the sky and never went down; they married there]: Shlyakhtinsky 2008; shipibo [see motif A17; a man grabs a battleship by the tail, which drags it to the lower world; standing by the river, he sees boats going upstream, asking him to take it with him; Regulus or Venus, many other stars say he'll freeze with them; the Sun takes him into his boat, he comes home]: Roe 1991a: 23-25; amuesha [(Yompor A'penerr (Our Father the Milky Way) wanted to take people with they went to heaven, but they refused to let at least one child go; Europeans listen to God's Indians {probably replacing snakes by Europeans}; these people are stars; the Milky Way are hand in hand dancers ; changing the position of the Milky Way in the sky - the movement of these dancers]: Santos Granero 1991, No. 4:68; 1992:116-117; Machigenga: Baer 1984:157 [stars are special people, good spirits, as tall as children; we only see their glowing feathery crowns; they fish with poison on the celestial Meshiaréni River (Milky Way); dew is the urine of stars], 236 [The sun is bright because its crown contains the feathers of all birds; in pale crowns Months and Stars are only yellow corpse feathers (Psarocolius)], 241 [in the sky, star-people are born without sex or pain]; Ashaninka: Weiss 1975:255 [stars are not elements of celestial topography, but living things], 280 [dew is the urine of stars]; pyro [stars used to be considered human, just like the Sun and the Month]: Minna Opas, personal report, January 13, 2009; kulina [stars are children of the Moon; this fireflies; if you can see a shooting star, it's a heavenly firefly that went to friends on earth; then they come back]: Adams 1962, No. 8:109-110, 179 [abadsico (Moon) bedi (kids)]; character: Calí fano 1995, No. 12 [the light of the stars (always women) comes from their silver pendants in their nose; one woman jokingly asks the Stars to work on her field; they go down and do their work in a day]: 185; Gray 1997 [ a woman asks the Star to help her cultivate the site; in the morning she sees that all the work has been done; a young star comes to her and says that he worked]: 56-57.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana (Ixiamas) [Seguameji ("the one who creates") wanted his daughter; she refused, he decided to eat her; she ran to a man named Ena ("water") cuashri ("hot") Cuati bueda ("fire") Rara ("pit") Dsamaji ("close, cover"); he guards the hole; if he dies, boiling water and fire from it will spread all over the earth; he hid the girl in a part of the hole where there was no stench; his stalker father was weaned his right leg, put him in the smelly part; released both, took the father to a place where he could see his daughter, but would not be able to catch up; the father became the Sun, the daughter the Moon; the father married the Earth, the stars their children; himself the owner of the pit became Lightning]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 33:80-81; Yurakare [Tiri kills all Jaguars except the four-eyed; he asks trees, Sun, Stars, Moon to cover him; the Moon covers him the silhouette is visible on the lunar disk]: Orbigny 1844:210-212; moho [stars are children of the Sun and Moon]: Metraux 1942:75; guarazu [when the month decreases, it is devoured by a blue jaguar; some blood remains, hair and bones; they are collected and thrown into the pit by the children of the Month - Stars; The month rises from the remains]: Riester 1970:472; aikana [a lonely young man admires a star in the sky, wants her as a wife; that goes down and stays with him]: Becker-Donner 1955:285.
Southern Amazon. Nambikwara; Iranshe; paresi; umotina; bororo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 18 [boy steals corn from women; asks his grandmother to cook it; to talk about stealing they didn't know, he and the other boys cut off their grandmother's tongue and hands, cut off the pet parrot's tongue; ask the Hummingbird to tie a rope to a tree in the sky, climb the rope; women climb after them; boy cuts the rope; women fall, turn into various forest mammals; boys turn into stars, should be punished to watch what happened to their mothers], 19 [women eat all the corn on field secretly from husbands and children; a little boy accidentally comes there; women feed him, ask him to remain silent; next time the boy wants to stay at home; his mother beats him trying to force him to go with her; he spits out red clay, pretends to bleed from his mouth, stays at home; after the women leave, shares the secret with their peers; as in (18); the rope turns into a forest vine; boys turn into stars]: 47-48, 48-50; nambikwara [the young man wants two stars to be his wife; they go down to the village, take him to heaven; the brothers of the stars call him to play ball; they kill him by hitting the knee with the ball or the head is eaten; the brothers of the stars, their wives and children die; the Milky Way is their sign (footprint?)] : Pereira 1983, No. 90:116-117; paresis [Énore tells various stars how to move and where to stay; gave each of the Pleiades stars clothes to keep them warm; one of the three stars of the Orion Belt broke another arm, it's still hanging (Orion's Sword?)] : Pereira 1987, No. 84:545-547
Araguaia. Tapirape; carage.
Eastern Brazil. Kayapo; apinaye; cracho; ramkokamekra; shavante; sherente; kayapo (kuben-kran-kegn): Dreyfus 1963, No. 1 [people lived in the sky, some there and left, these are the stars; one old man climbed into the hole for the battleship, saw the ground; people went down the rope; the ants gnawed the rope so that no one else would go down]: 167-168; Wilbert 1978, No. 28 [Metraux 1960:7-8; a hunter in the sky climbs into a hole for a battleship, sees the ground, tells others; people go down the rope; some are afraid to go down, cut off the rope, turn into stars]: 104-105.
SE Brazil. Kamakan (kutasho) [The moon is the wife of the Sun, the stars are their children]: Metraux 1930:289
Chaco. Chamacoco [also see K19A motif; the sky was low above the ground, and people went there to hunt for honey, climbing wood (quebracho blanco or bottle tree); the old woman and her orphans they gave almost nothing; it turned into a locust-like insect, gnawed through the tree trunk; when it fell, the Sun and the Month rose to heaven; people who did not have time to descend became stars]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 2:31-34; chorote; nivakle; maka; matako [stars as a class of creatures are humans]: Braunstein 1989:45; toba [stars are women, they have a cold body ]: Metraux 1935c: 136; mocovi [the sun is considered a woman, a month is a man; stars are generally considered human, predominantly female]: Giménez Benítez 2002:42; caduveo; aioreo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 4 [Sky decided to rise, Stars with him, they are happy; those who remain on Earth are happy too], 5 [Heaven lived on Earth, rose out of aversion to human waste ; Earth said it was also disgusted, but it stayed; the Sun, the Month and the Stars rose with the sky, the Stars were hunters, hunted in the rain, so they now appear during the rainy season; those in the zenith are called Dayade and Dayojideo, and the ones low above the horizon are Ghigina-Piagode, the "door of my house"], 6 [the stars were women and men but then went with the Sun to heaven; the Sun went off earth because of disgust for the stench that reigns here; the Month is the son of the Sun; both, as well as the star Gedokaraté and other stars, were made of clay by the god Dupade living in the sky], 7 [The Month, the Sun and the Stars were human; out of disgust to the stench emanating from the ayoreo, they rose to heaven, became luminaries; some return to earth, become jaguars]: 29-30, 30, 31, 31-32.
The Southern Cone. Araucans: Dowling Desmadryl 1971:118 [recorded "half a century ago" by folklorist S. de Sauniére; the main Spirit, the Sun, suppressed a rebellion against him, enemies turned into mountains, volcanoes, stars ; their tears are rain; the first man is the son of the Sun and Moon; the Sun sent him a Star woman to marry him]; Latcham 1922 [stars are people who lived before the flood; those who fall are those whose souls return to earth]: 807; South Tehuelches [Karro is the Evening Star, daughter of the Sun and Moon; Elal flew to her on a swan, completed difficult tasks; now the souls of the dead are coming to heaven, they are brought there by Uendeuk; they turn into stars]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 7:21; selknam: Gusinde 1931:177-180 [the earth was first flat, the sky was close to the ground; Kenós made ancestors out of clods of earth; then they turned into mountains, rocks, rivers, lakes, animals, birds, winds, stars; the strongest shaman became the sea; the Milky Way - many ancestors, close to each other], 679-680 [all stars are first ancestors, once who lived on earth; Orion - Kwányip (Betelgeuse), his wife (Bellatrix and δ), mother of Sasán twins (π), S. () themselves; groups of stars are generally interpreted as husband, wife and their children]; Wilbert 1978, No. 2 [Kenós and his three companions (one of them Čénuke) fell asleep, came to life young; others began to do the same; everyone came to K., who washed him, removing the smell of corpse , man grew younger; those who did not want to be reborn again experienced a metamorphosis, becoming birds, animals, mountains, or rising from K. to heaven and becoming stars; K. left C. to wash and rejuvenate dead; Kvánip later banned him from doing so]: 23-25; yagans [all stars were people on earth; groups of stars were families, the biggest star in the group was husband and father]: Gusinde 1947:.