Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I72A. Stars are children of the moon, A764.1.3. .11.-.14.16. (.18.)


Stars are children of the moon and/or sun.

Bubi, Fang, North Congo Pygmies, Chagga, Isanzu, Conde, Diola, Loma, Eve, Von, Wute, Sandave, Malgashi, Ancient Egypt, Bretons, Kukukuku, (Tasmanians?) , Society islands including Tahiti, Kachins, Nokte, Oraons, Sora, Birkhor, Bhattra, Santals, Ho, Andamans, Semangs, Senoi, Temuan, Bataki, Mentawai, Java, Toraja, Ataura, Seram, Tagals, Negrito Luzon, Visayas, Bagobos, Belarusians, Georgians, Latvians, Lithuanians (?) , Salars, Blacklegs, Osage, Yana, Northern Payut, Tewa, Tarahumara, Kogi, Mestizos of the Aritama District, Sicuani, Panare, Saliva, Warrau, Whitoto, Quechua (dep. Cusco), kulina, tacana, mojo, guarazu, chorote (?) , kamakan.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Bubi [The Month is the father of stars; there is only a special name for the Evening Star]: Tessmann 1923:152; fang [The Sun is the husband, the Moon is the wife, they have many children, they are stars; they all ate with fire; a handsome and rich man seduced the moon; the Sun threw sparks with anger, the star children were frightened; he thought they were helping his mother, began to catch and swallow them; every night the Sun chases the stars, and when the moon comes out, she hides them in her hut; the Sun chases the moon; sometimes it bites off a piece; sometimes it creeps up on it and you can't see the moon, but then it reappears; there's a star {obviously Venus}, which guards in the morning and evening to warn the Moon of danger; one day the Sun will grab the Moon and enclose the earth in a deep hole; then it will easily catch child stars; and what then he will be with us, who knows]: Kunze 1990:5-6; North Congo pygmies {the author writes that near Dinka and Zande, although he seems to be referring to Congo-Brazzaville; the author speaks Bantu languages but does not mangbetu} [The Sun and Moon are arguing which of them are older (although they are the same age); Luna says she has many child stars and the Sun is a single mother; the Sun replies that she would have no fewer children if The Moon wouldn't kill them; but now her children are humans]: Trilles 1932:290; chagga [The Moon is the Sun's wife, the stars are their children]: Widenmann 1899:31; isanzu [The Moon is the Sun's wife, the stars are their children]: Millroth 1965:22; conde [Stars are children of the Sun and Moon]: Sicard 1966:42.

West Africa. Loma (loma mende) [The Sun is an uncle, the Month is a nephew, everyone has their own children; when hungry, the Sun offered to eat the children; divided its own in half, ate its share; the Month ate only a little, and He hid the rest and suggested the next day as if it were his child's flesh; the Month distributed some of its light among its star children so that the Sun could not attack them suddenly; after that The Month itself has become dim, shining only at night, fearing the Sun's attack]: Pinney 1973:72; diola [the sun has as many children as the moon; the moon's children are stars, and the sun's children are hot on earth it is unbearably hot; the moon invites the sun to get rid of children to moderate the heat; throws a bag of white stones into the water, and the sun really drowned its children; when night fell, the sun saw that stars are in place; decided to pull her children out of the river, but they died right away; they turned into fish; since then, the sun has hated the moon and sometimes attacks it]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2018:66-67; eve [The sun Lissa married the moon Dsinu (=Suñh); they have many sun children who tried to follow their father; out of jealousy, he rushed to kill them, some killed them, the rest disappeared into the sea; daughters did not tried to follow their father and now with their mother (stars); the word for a star means literally "child of the moon", also "scattered children"; some believe that the Sun and the Moon made man; sometimes The sun goes off its way and rushes to hit the moon, causing an eclipse; then people make noise and shout for it to leave the moon alone]: Ellis 1890:65-66; background: Olderogge 1959 [The moon offers the Sun throw her children from heaven to earth; hides his own, collects stones in a bag, dumps them into the river; the Sun really drowns its children; when the truth comes out, the Moon explains that the Sun's power is excessive and it's better if his children become fish that people catch; from then on, the stars are at odds]: 150-151; Toton 2017 [The moon tells her brother Sun that they each have many children and overshadow fame parents; The Sun agrees to drown the children; first the Moon threw the bag into the river, and then the Sun; but at nightfall, the Sun saw that the Moon's children were stars in place; the Sun's children turned into fish]: 57-58 ; vute [The month and the Sun were friends; the Sun offered to swim, otherwise they both got very dirty in a year; he himself swims upstream, and let the Month buy lower; when it hears that the water is hissing and boiling, let it also rush into the river; the Sun told its people to bring firewood and termite mite; after burning the fragments of termite mite mines in the fire, the Sun threw them into the river, the water hissed, the column of steam rose up; The month believed that it was bathing The sun and also jumped into the water; the cold water cooled down, its light faded forever; the Sun forgot about this prank, but the Month decided to take revenge; after 15 years he said that their people had become stubborn and disobedient, wouldn't it be better to exterminate them; The Sun agreed; the Month told his people to cook more lumps of something red (Rotkugeln ) and throw it into the river; the Sun believed that the water was stained with blood, killed all its people; when the Sun saw the Month with many followers, the Sun asked why it had deceived it; the Month recalled how The sun became cold; they went on different roads; (it is obvious that the people of the Month are stars)]: Siebert 1921, No. 1:54-57 (brief retelling in Lembezat 196:236).

Sudan - East Africa. Sandave [The moon is connected to the south, the Sun to the north; the moon is fertile; stars are its helpers, children; like the Moon, they are connected to water]: Ten Raa 1969:43; Malgashi: Rodman 1965 [little brothers The suns were chickens and the moons were stars; the sun walked with the stars and the moon with the chickens; there was not enough room for everyone to sit down at the festival, the Moon opened the door, the rooster and the chicken fell down, fell to the ground in the middle of the village; Upon learning of this, the Sun Brother told the Moon that they would no longer live together, and his brothers on earth (i.e. chickens) would also hide when the moon and stars appeared; the Moon replied that her star sisters would also hide will hide when the Sun comes; but roosters crow in the morning waiting for the Sun]: 26-27; Haring 1982, № 1.5.01 [The moon invited the Sun to marry him; the Sun warned that he has many children these are stars; the Moon: and the animals in the forest are her children]: 161.

North Africa. Ancient Egypt [Geb Earth, son of Shu and Tefnut, a member of the Heliopolis Enneade; quarreled with his sister wife Nebom-Nut because she ate her children every day (heavenly bodies {i.e. obviously stars}), and then gave birth to them again; S. separated G. and N., leaving G. in a horizontal position, and N. lifting them up]: Antes 1977 [God Shu raised his daughter Nut (sky) over her brother and husband Geb ( earth), so that only the tips of her fingers and toes touched the ground; Geb became angry with Chickpeas for constantly devouring her child stars; hence her name "Pig Eating Its Pigs"; so Shu removed it from Geb]: 58, 97; Mathieu 1956:86; Rubinstein 1980:267.

Western Europe. The Bretons [stars are children of the Sun and Moon; in other regions of France this view is not known]: Sébillot 1904:10.

Wed. Australia. Tasmanians [The Moon is the wife of the Sun; when she was baking fish (this fish is still stained), her husband came and kicked her out, she fell into the fire, burned her side, rolled into the sea, rose into the sky, stayed there with the Sun; rainbow {stars?} - their kids]: Witzel 2012:303 {link to Schmidt 1952:292, but there's nothing like it}).

Melanesia. Kukuku [The Sun is male, the Moon is female, the stars are their children; aged stars fall; dew is the moon's urine, the Sun is ashamed of it, the dew dries quickly in the morning]: Fischer 1968:384.

Polynesia. Society Islands [stars are children of the Moon and Sun; eclipses occur when the Sun and the Moon copulate]: Williamson 1933 (3): 115; Tahiti [Sun and Moon - husband and wife, parents of stars]: Williamson 1933 (1): 108.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kachiny [Sun Brother is the father of nine Sun Girls, Sister Moon has many star children; when people started stealing rice, the Sun released all daughters as punishment, gave dogs 9 tails each, and field dogs mice (favorite game) 9 holes each; people made a large bow to shoot live snakes at the Sun; then the whole Sun family hid; they sent the Battleship, the daughter of the Sun killed him; then the Rooster; he agreed for the Sun to revive the Battleship, give him sturdy clothes and a long tongue; scatter his daughters, breaking them apart (they also became stars); if the Rooster does not welcome the Sun, the Fox will deal with him; if the Sun does not come out, the Toad will swallow it, and if the Moon does not come out, the Dog will swallow it]: Gilhodes 1908, No. 24:691-693; nokte [the great Rango-Kotakrang placed a Sun man and a Moon woman in the sky; They have many children, but the Sun destroyed them and his wife's crops with its heat; she threw buffalo droppings at him; the Sun said that for a few days a year they would change their sex (so the moon is sometimes big, sometimes small); the next time the Sun threw buffalo droppings into the moon, the spots remained]: Elwin 1958a, No. 19:51-52.

South Asia. Oraons [the seven Sun Brothers melted the earth with their heat; the Moon pretended to eat her Star Children, persuaded the Sun to cook its brothers and eat it]: Elwin 1939:332 (note 1); litter [The Sun and the Moon are brothers, both had many children; because of the many little Suns, the earth was hot and impossible to live; the Month hid its children (stars) in a chest, smeared its mouth with red tree sap, said he ate the children; if the Sun eats its own, there would be no one left on earth; the Sun ate, the Month released stars; the Sun sent a serpent (Spirit Eating Month) for the Month, which swallows it once a year; this not always visible, but if you can see, people hit drums and shoot guns; at this time when the snake belches the Month, pregnant women may have a miscarriage]: Vitebsky 1980:56; bondo {just about children The moons are stars, it is not said, but against the background of data from neighboring traditions, this is very likely}: Elwin 1950:138-139 [at first, the Sun constantly copulated with the Moon, it only came out to be relieved; only at this time light appeared in the world; a child was born every day; the Sun loved only its sons and the Moon loved its daughters; to make the Sun shine, Mahabrabhu sent hunger, let the Moon chew bethel; the Sun went out to look I did not find food, I came back, Luna showed her red lips, said that she ate her daughters, hid them in her hair herself; when the Sun ate her sons, she let her daughters go; the Sun broke her head; M. told both never meet, illuminate the earth], 141 [The sun and its sister Luna came out of the water, created the earth, began to live on it; one day the Moon peeled millet, stripped naked; the Sun fired an arrow, warning of their approach; both decided that if he saw his sister naked, they should break up and never meet]; turi [Sun and Moon were sisters, both had children; Luna was afraid that the heat of the Sun would kill her children, hid them in a clay pot, told the Sun that it had eaten them; then the Sun also ate its children; at night, the Moon released its children into the sky, they became stars; the Sun decided no longer look into the face of the moon; since then, the moon has not been seen during the day and there are no stars with the Sun]: Russell, Hirali 1916:591 in Elwin 1949:74; Birkhor: Evans 1927 [Sun and Moon are brother and sister; y everyone has many children; because of the children of the Sun, it is terribly hot on earth; the Moon decides to help people, hides her children, tells the Sun that she has eaten them, advises them to do the same; the Sun eats its children, then the Moon Releases its stars; children of the Sun are the brightest stars, including the surviving Morning Star]: 167 in Hatt 1949:75; Roy 1925, No. 15 [sun (Singi) and moon (Chāndu) - brother and sister; bright stars - children of the sun, the rest are moons; the Sun and its children emanated unbearable heat; the moon gave the sun an unusually tasty curry and said it was made from her children; then the sun ate its own, from which The only thing left was Venus, who at that time went to dance somewhere far away]: 486-487; bhattra [The sun is brother, the Moon is sister, both have children; the Moon gave her daughter for the son of the Sun, and he did not give his daughter for the son of the Sun, and he did not give his daughter for son of the Moon; Luna hid her children, said she killed them; the Sun killed her own; the children of the Moon are back; they only appear with their mother so that the Sun does not kill them]: Elwin 1954, No. 1:57; Santals: Bodding 1942 [The sun is the moon's husband, their children are stars; daughters stayed with their mother, sons with their father; they made the earth unbearably hot; the Moon offered to eat the children to make it cooler; Sun suggested that Luna eat her daughters first, if he did not help, he would eat his sons; Luna hid her daughters under the basket, said she ate; The sun ate its own and saw stars at night; wanted to kill The moon, but softened when she gave him two daughters, the Morning and Evening Stars; the Sun is still chasing the Moon, cutting off pieces from it for half a month]: 132-133; Bompas 1909 [the sky was low , rice grew peeled, clothes grew on bushes, people's heads could be removed and cleaned; the girl went to relieve herself, while plucking and eating rice growing nearby; this angered god Thakur Deo and he did all things are as they are now; people threw away used plates of leaves, one wind brought to the sky; after that, TD raised the sky; then he decided to destroy people altogether; Thakur Baba, aka Sing Chango is the sun, his wife is the Moon; they shared their child stars, who were as many during the day as at night; people and animals began to die from the heat of the sun; the moon felt sorry for people, but the Sun said that ready to save only one human couple; he hid them in the cave, covering the entrance with his skin, and then sent a fiery rain for 5 days and nights; when the man and the woman went out, nothing alive around; The sun did not burn humanity again, Luna hid her children in a basket and painted her lips red; the Sun believed that she ate her children and ate her own but two; these are the Morning and Evening Stars; seeing that the children of the moon are alive, the Sun attacked them and they scattered all over the sky; the Sun cut the moon in half, so it grows and grows old; the first man and woman have 12 children; 12 peoples descend from them; The difference between them is that they chose different foods during the festival]: 401-402; ho (Chota-Nagpur) [(source?) ; the children of the Moon are stars, the Sun has the same number of children; so that it is not too hot, the Moon and the Sun agree to eat their children; they hide their own, the Sun really eats their own; the Sun splits the Moon in two; she has since split and grown together again, her star daughters accompany her]: Taylor 1989:171 (Tylor's retelling in Lang 1899:114).

Malaysia-Indonesia. The Andamans [The month is the husband of the Sun, the stars are their sons and daughters; no idea of the constellations]: Man 1932:97; Nippold 1963:124; Semangs (Jehai) [Sun is female, Month is male, y Everyone has many children, just like their parents; because of the children of the Sun, the Earth is terribly hot; the Month decides to help people, hides its children under their arms, tells the Sun that it has eaten them, advises them to do the same; The Sun eats its children, then the Month releases its stars again]: Schebesta 1937:101; Semangs (Kintak) [The Moon and the Sun are the elder and younger sisters; the Moon hides her children in her hair (hair- knot), tells the Sun that it has swallowed them; the Sun is eating its children; if this did not happen, people would not be able to survive the heat of many suns]: Evans 1937:167 (quoted in Ho 1967, No. 18:222); haybirds ( sakai) [The moon told the Sun that people cannot bear the heat of his children; let him eat his own and she eat her own; but the Moon has only hidden its star children; since then, the Sun has attacked the moon when it meets, causing eclipses]: Evans 1918:191; temoan (mantra): Skeat, Blagden 1906:320 [The Sun and Moon are women; the stars are the children of the Moon; the Moon has arranged with the Sun to eat its children, hid them, and the Sun really ate; if the Sun were as many as stars, it would be unbearable heat; the Sun is still chasing the Moon; when it catches up, an eclipse occurs; during the day the Moon continues to hide its children], 338 [(=Hervey 1883:190-191); there were three Suns, a wife, a husband and a child, some of them always in the sky; To' Entah asked the Moon to hide the Evening Star and child stars in her husband's mouth, invite the Sun to swallow her husband and children; the Sun did so; when she found out the truth, she said it would swallow the moon if it ended up on its path; this is the cause of the eclipses]; bataks: Knappert 1999 [Si Borudea made the earth out of wet clay; her father Mulojadi created 9 suns to dry the earth; it was too hot, people turned to the Moon for help; she asked for a betel, hid her star children behind her , told the Sun that she ate them, let red betel juice out of her mouth; the Sun really ate its sons; now it is chasing the Moon; at the end of the month it catches up, the Moon decreases, hides for a while]: 292-293 ; Warneck 1909:43-44 (retelling in Erkes 1926:42-43; in Hatt 1949:75); mentawai [The Sun and Moon are women, both had many children, the Sun's children were extremely hot; to save people, the Moon hid her children, smeared her mouth with red juice, told the Sun that she ate them with pleasure; the Sun ate her children; in the evening, the children of the Moon, stars, appeared; the Sun hit the moon with a knife, now it visible in parts; the Moon has hit the Sun, now the edge of the Sun is jagged, and the Sun and the Moon do not meet]: Schefold 1988:71-72; Java [text on the story of how the Moon provoked the Sun to destroy its own children, A. Bastian recorded in Java (Bastian, Vö1ker des östl. Asien, Bd. V, S. 117)]: Kühn 1936:74; Western Toraja: Kruyt 1938, No. 24 [1) The Sun Husband and the Moon Wife have many child stars; they walk with their mother, for if they went with their father, the fever would be unbearable; 2) The Sun and the Moon were men, each with their own children; one man killed the children of the Sun because they were too hot on earth; the Sun, out of envy, also tries to kill the children of the Month, but he tells them to go out only when the Sun is not visible; 3) The Sun and Moon agreed to kill their children; the Moon hid their own and then released them (these are stars), but the Sun really fried their own]: 370-371; Eastern Toraja [sun and the moon is considered spouses; but there is an idea that both are women; the sun came out with their children, people were dying from the heat; the moon promised to help people; she hid her star children in a bamboo vessel, told the Sun that its light kills people, and children, like an extra burden, only interfere; the Sun also placed its children in a vessel, they died there from the heat; the Moon has released its star children back into heaven; since then The Sun is chasing the Moon; one child of the Sun has escaped, it is the Morning Star]: Adriani, Kruyt 1950, No. 7:377; atauru [The Sun is God's son, the Moon and all stars are his daughters]: Barroso Duarte s.a.: 192-193; Seram (honitetu and other western Seram mountain groups) [stars are children of the Sun and his wife Moon] Vries 1927:77-79 in Maaβ 1933:302.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tagaly [The moon is afraid that its star children will die from the heat of the Sun's children; suggests that everyone eat their own; the Sun has eaten, the Moon hid its own, now releases only at night; The Sun is chasing With the moon; when it bites, the new moon, the wounds heal, the moon grows fat]: Rybkin 1975, No. 109:261; Negrito Lusona [The moon asked her husband The sun not to approach their children, because he is too hot; but he was approaching, the children were burning; the moon ran away from the Sun, he was chasing her unsuccessfully; her face was scarred by the hot smut he hit her with]: Garvan 1963:207; visayas [children of the Sun and Moon - Stars; when the Sun tried to hug them, they burned; the Moon banned the Sun from approaching them; the Moon went to wash, the Sun approached the children again, killing many; the Moon hit the Sun with a banana stalk, and The sun threw sand in her face; the spots remained; the Sun is still chasing the Moon, sometimes almost catching up]: Cole 1916:201 (=Eugenio 1994, No. 61:124; bagobo [all stars are children of the Sun and Moon]: Cole 1913:108.

Central Europe. Belarusians [in Belarusian folklore texts, stars are children of Mother Sun and Father Month]: Sanko 2004a: 195.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians: Bardavelidze 1957 [meteorite fall - star gets married (to Mtiuls); stars are sisters and brothers; Month is man, stars are his children]: 14-15; Mashurko et al. 1904, No. 8 (Imereti) [ King Solomon picked a rose, she became a girl, he married her; to find out who her relatives were, he pretended to be dead; the wife cried out, the Sun, my father, the Moon, my mother, the stars, my brothers, take me! A staircase came down from the sky, Solomon got up from his coffin, then lived happily with his wife]: 62-63; Chikovani 1954 (Kakheti) [the prince has two beds: leek and dill; he found a piece of paper there, it became Anana's girlfriend; replies that her name is leek and her belt is dill; the prince married another; A. brought deer from the mountains, fed up with milk, began to swim in boiling milk; the wife decided to do the same, cooked; the same episode again; A. dropped her spindle from the mountain, cut off her nose, sent him to bring the spindle, her nose grew back; his wife cut off her nose, died of blood loss; the prince ordered to stab the pig, smear it take him in blood to A.; A. laments: my mother is the Sun, my father is the Month, the Stars are brothers, let them throw my bench down to me; the sky opened and the bench came down; the prince jumped up; wedding]: 59-60.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [The Sun married the Month, their children are stars; one day the Sun woke up and saw that her husband was gone - he fell in love with the daughter of the Sun, who was the bride of Auseklis (Morning Star); or A. and is the name of the daughter of the Sun; the Sun cut the Month with a sword or silver whip, or Percunas did it; as soon as the Sun falls, the Month goes to take care of its beloved; the Sun, out of jealousy, does not move away from Morning Star; Daughter of the Sun collects silver pieces of the Month]: Brivzemniaks 1887, No. 1:5; Lithuanians [Lithuanian tradition indicates that stars were originally considered children of the Sun and Months]: Běťáková, Blažek MS

Turkestan. Salara [Luna was a huge beautiful woman and the Sun was a huge man. The sun asked Luna to marry and she agreed. When married, they did not separate day or night, lived 10,000 years and gave birth to 108,000 children. Their faces filled everything like golden flowers, they were called "stars". One summer, a flood began on earth, people burned smokes and bowed, asking the heavenly gods for help. Luna smelled the smoke and asked her husband to help people. The sun arrogantly invited the Moon to figure it out for itself However, the Moon was unable to evaporate the flood waters because it emanated only light, not heat. Along with the stars, she began to beg the Sun again. He put all his heat on the ground and in three days it dried up. The sun called itself the ruler of the world, but the Moon objected that it could not control it. The sun became angry and its heat became unbearable, the earth caught fire, people turned to the gods again, and smokes reached the sky. Offended by the Sun, the Moon and the Stars left it. The sun has repented and improved, does not cause people suffering, but can't see his wife and children anymore]: Chen, Wang 1989:413-416.

Plains. Blacklegs [The moon made the Sun beautiful legs; at night he slept with them under his head; Napa ("The Old Man") went there (the Moon and their star children were working at the time), took the moccasins, went far, went to bed; when he woke up, he saw the Sun take the moccasins, left laughing; the next night N. stole them again; the Sun angrily called him a fool, for the whole world is the house of the Sun, and you can't hide from it]: Linderman 1995:36-39; Osage (fratria vazhaje) [people lived in the sky (sometimes stars); the Sun told them it gave birth to them; the Moon said it gave birth to them from the Sun; that they should go down to earth; but there was only water below, people hung in the air; asked for help, the elk fell into the water, began to sink; the winds called, they began to blow, the waters came down; first only stones, then soil appeared; the elk became joyfully lie on it; its fur stuck to the soil has turned into beans, corn, potatoes, wild tubers, trees and herbs; people meet members of other Osage units and decide to live with them together]: Fletcher, LaFlésh 1911:62-64 at DemAllie, Park 2001:1066 and in Erdoes, Ortiz 1984:119.

California. Yana [stars are daughters of the Month, meteors are daughters of the Sun; False Sun is the Sun's wife]: Curtin 1898:285-286.

Big Pool. Northern Payutes [zap. De Quille by Chief Payute {northern?)} Tooroop Eenah (Desert Father), published in a newspaper in San Francisco; the moon is the wife of the Sun, the stars are their children; they are afraid of it, they run away when it appears; at night, the Sun goes underground through a deep hole sleep; the visible sun is the round belly of the Sun full of swallowed stars; it looks like a snake or lizard; the moon sleeps underground in the same hole, is afraid of her husband, leaves when he approaches; phases are the Moon in mourning for Sun-swallowed children]: Lang 1899:113-114.

The Great Southwest. Teva (Isleta) [stars are children of the Sun and Moon]: Dutton 1983:23.

NW Mexico. Tarahumara [stars are children of the Sun and Moon]: Bennett, Zingg 1935:349.

The Northern Andes. Kogi [all stars are wives and children of the Sun; they walk along the Milky Way, returning home in the morning]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (1): 228; 1985 (2), No. 4.3 [The sun is the wife on the moon, the stars are their children]: 34; mestizos Aritama District in St Columbia [the main deity is Káke ("father", the Sun); the Moon is his wife, the stars are their children]: Reichel-Dolmatoff, Reichel-Dolmatoff, 1961:350; (cf. yupa [there were two Suns when one came in, the other rose; the Kopecho woman invited one of them to the party, began to lure him with her dance in front of a hot coal pit; the sun fell into a hole, his body turned white, his eyes became like hot coals; he got out, threw K. into the water, it became a frog; he himself rose to heaven, losing his brightness and becoming a Month; the Sun and the Month are brothers; the Stars are people of the Sun, they don't like the Month because he refused to marry the Star one of his many daughters; every month the Stars attack him, the Month becomes small; the Son of the Month is a star that is not visible; daughters You can't see the month either, they're always at home; the Milky Way is the road of the Sun and the Month]: Wilbert 1974a, No. 2:76-77).

Llanos. Sicuani [The Morning Star (male) and other stars are children of the Sun and his wife Moon]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 1:26.

Southern Venezuela. Panare: Delgado 2004 [when the Month copulated with a woman, she menstruated; his children are distant stars]: 128; Dumont 1976 [stars are children of the Sun and Moon]: 93-94; 1979:250; saliva [ Luna (Besho, Vesho, Veho) is the wife of the Sun (Mimeseke-Koko); stars are their children]: Morey, Morey 1980:283.

Guiana. Varrau [the couple has two children, the wife is expecting a third; the husband has decided to leave; if the wife wants to follow, let her ask the one she carries in the womb; climbed a tree, jumped on the clouds, two days later people saw the sun for the first time; the wife is following her husband; the son says from the womb that the father climbed into the sky on a tree; she does not understand it; an old woman sits under the tree, the woman makes her answer; she explains how climb a tree, jump on a cloud; a woman turns into the moon; her children are stars from the Sun]: Barral, p. 62-64 in Wilbert 1970, No. 109:229-230.

NW Amazon. Uitoto [stars are children of the Sun and Moon; bright ones are men, weak stars are ear pendants]: Wavrin 1932:137 (=1937:549).

The Central Andes. Quechua (prov. Canchis, dep. Cusco) [stars are children of the Sun and Moon]: Itier 1996:164.

Montagna - Jurua. Kulina [stars are children of the moon; they are fireflies; if you can see a shooting star, this heavenly firefly went to friends on earth; then they come back]: Adams 1962, No. 8:109-110, 179 [abadsico ( Moon) bedi (children)].

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana (Ixiamas) [Seguameji ("the one who creates") wanted his daughter; she refused, he decided to eat her; she ran to a man named Ena ("water") cuashri ("hot") Cuati bueda ("fire") Rara ("pit") Dsamaji ("close, cover"); he guards the hole; if he dies, boiling water and fire from it will spread all over the earth; he hid the girl in a part of the hole where there was no stench; his stalker father was weaned his right leg, put him in the smelly part; released both, took the father to a place where he could see his daughter, but would not be able to catch up; the father became the Sun, the daughter the Moon; the father married the Earth, the stars their children; himself the owner of the pit became Lightning]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 33:80-81; moho [stars are children of the Sun and Moon]: Metraux 1942:75; guarazu [when the month decreases, it is devoured by a blue jaguar; little remains blood, hair and bones; they are collected and thrown into the pit by the children of the Month - Stars; The Month is reborn from the remains]: Riester 1970:472.

SE Brazil. Kamakan (kutasho) [The moon is the wife of the Sun, the stars are their children]: Metraux 1930:289.

Chaco. Chorote [stars are women; the Morning Star descended to the young man; then he rose to heaven to her; her father is the Month; {it is not explicitly said that all stars are daughters of the month, although it is likely}]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 137:257-261