Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I73. Stars are sparks .

Stars (rarely suns and months) are sparks, hot coals.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Embu [God descended from Mount Kenya at night to collect honey; climbed a tree, the sparks from his torch flew to the sky, became stars; a shooting star blew out a spark]: Bernardi 1978:186.

West Africa. Scrap [stars are sparks from God Gala's torch]: Schwab 1947:413.

South Asia. Baiga [the ground was unstable; Bhagavan sent Bhimsen to strengthen it, but he asked for permission to smoke first; the smoke turned into clouds, sparks into stars]: Elwin 1949, No. 3:82; koya [ they built a road, blew up a rock, hot shards flew into the sky, became stars]: Elwin 1954, No. 7:61; Juang [Rusi lived in an anthill; sometimes went out and drummed a grain grater (grindstone); once drummed for 12 years, the stone and everything around him caught fire; the gods asked Fire to settle in a certain place, promised to respect, offered to live in stones and trees; therefore, Fire is offered to smoke earlier than the rest of the gods; The grain grater became the sun, the grinder became the moon, the hot pieces that flew off the grater became stars]: Elwin 1949, No. 12:114; sora (Hill Saora): Elwin 1954, No. 11 [the husband is tired of waiting for his wife to cook, gave the cake when she brought it; the cake turned into a cloud, the coals from the hearth to the stars], 15 [the man lit the pipe, added salt, blew, sparks rose into the sky, became stars]: 34, 65.

China - Korea. The Chinese (Shaanxi) [there was a large stone egg in the world; it rotated, the stone inside crumbled, turned into soil; a man grew out of the soil like a chicken; he lay in a curled position, and so he was called Panren ("curled up man"); he was the first human, so he was popularly called Pangu ("curled up ancient"); when his body was formed, he woke up and found only stone and darkness around him; sculpted an ax out of the ground and began waving it; the stone around it split easily, and the one next did not give in; then P. cried, his tears mixed with breakaway stones and formed mountains; he continued to cry, tears flowed like rain, formed seas; therefore, the sea water was bitter and salty; P. continued to cut the stone, sparks fell, and took off up, turned into stars; one day he hit with all his might, cut off two large stones, they flew up and turned into fireballs - the moon and the sun; the stone egg split and blew through the cracks cold wind; P. strained and began to grow, lifting the upper half of the stone egg, and it turned into a blue sky; while P. grew, the breakaway stones also grew and turned into mountains, and their fragments into yellowness and plains; the sky separated from the ground, P. grew old, he felt lonely, he made many clay men out of yellowland and breathed life into them; one day he injured his hand, and where he dripped it blood, herbs and flowers grew; he was happy and began to water the ground with his blood, but soon died, and his bones turned into trees; when P. raised the Sky, he looked down, saw Mount Jifeng, and stuck it in she has her own ax; the mountain has settled and took its current form with a crevice in the middle]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, No. 2:4; miao [the god of heaven Gulo took out a piece of iron, carved out many sparks from it that became suns- women; the god of the earth Gulong took out a piece of copper, cut many sparks out of it, they became month-old men; the sky dried up, the earth turned to dust; Gulong asked Ndeo Mba for help; he found the only a fig tree growing in the middle of the sea, made a crossbow out of it; Yang Ya struck the stars out of it; one sun and one month were left, they hid; the tiger, the cow did not call, went out to the rooster scream; Gulo awarded Also, place the comb on his head with the teeth facing upwards]: Graham 1954:172-173 (paraphrase in Ho 1967, No. 10:216-217).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays: Aliyeva 1994, No. 2, Appendix [Teyri (Tha) creates mountains from his bones, from the smoke emanating from his smoking pipe - clouds, sparks flying out of the pipe, - stars, leather (sweat?) - rivers, from bile to cyclops; then sledges were created], 144 [when Debet began to strike iron, sparks turned into stars; when it forges now, sparks fall and turn into starfalls]: 304-305, 597; Karaketov 2001a [=Aliyeva, No. 2]: 49; Karachays, Balkarians: Lipkin 1973:38-41 [Yoryuzmek met with the eldest of the Emegens (one-eyed giants); he tells the eldest goat to herd the herd, brings YE. to his cave, treats him to raw, rotten meat; asks YE. to make an extinguished fire; he hits the rock with a rock fragment; some of the sparks rose to the sky, turned into stars; when emegen fell asleep, E. plunged a hot spit into his eye; leaves the cave with goatskin on; talks to emegen; he advises him to smear the blood of a black goat, then you will see the treasures in in the depths of the earth, and smear the goat's eyes, emegen, with bile, he will see the light; Ë. does the opposite (filling the goat's gallbladder with blood); after spreading blood on his eyes, emegen suffers from pain; advises to tie one end of the intestines to the horns of the black goat, the other to itself, then all the goats will follow it; Ë. ties it to the tree; the tree begins to creak, emegen rejoices, falls off the cliff, breaks], 81-82 [(straight Teiri's speech, he tells us what he did); breath is the sky, clouds are tube smoke, stars are sparks from labor, earth is his skin, mountains are cartilage, trees and herbs are hair]; Ingush [blacksmith wanted to marry a girl who lived in the tower; she was radiant; he did not know that she was his sister, but she knew; replied that fire and ash would remove her radiance; at night he followed her, taking a golden shank; she ran, he followed her, so they ran after each other to death; the sparks from the head turned into stars; the girl had radiance, the young man had a gun; they became the sun and the moon; the Sun is still striving catch up with the Moon]: Dalgat 1972:257-258 (same as Aliroev 1976:222-223; Malsagov 1983, No. 156:295).

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [at first there was only Niflheim (the dark world); rivers flow out of the Boiling Cauldron in the middle of Niflheim; to the south, Muspell, where it's hot, with Surt (black) sitting on its edge, His flaming sword is in his hands; at the end of the world, Surt will burn the gods and the whole world; the sparks that flew out of Muspelheim are lights in the sky]: Younger Edda 1970:15-18; 2005:18.

The Arctic. Labrador Eskimos [girl smears her chest with soot to identify her night lover; sees soot on her brother's lips in the morning; parents scold them; brother runs away, turns into a Month; sister grabs burning smut, chases him, turns into the Sun; sparks from smut are stars; when sister catches up with her brother, eclipses occur]: Turner 1894:266.

NW Coast. Tsimshian [the chief has two sons and a daughter; the youngest son wears a burning resin mask and becomes the Sun; because people want him to move more slowly, his sister stops him for a while in noon; stars are sparks falling from his mouth; the father scolds the eldest son for not being as skillful as the youngest; he smears coal on half of his face, telling the slave to greet him when he will rise in the east, become the Month; their sister produces fog by shaking off her wet clothes on the fire]: Boas 1916, No. 8:113-116; bellacula [the woman (she is a bird) has a son Winter Wren ( Troglodytes troglodytes); someone steals dried salmon soaked under a stone; Wren guards, it's Grizzly; he sucks it with his nose three times, but he flies out of his anus three times; Grizzly covers his nose and the anus with plugs; with the help of a fire drill, the Wren makes a fire inside the Grizzly; the Grizzly has fallen, his womb burst, sparks have risen to the sky, become stars; other Grizzly, Black Bears and Wolves have come take revenge; Wren sang, grew a stone uphill, with his mother they heated stones on top, killed animals by rolling stones down]: Boas 2002, No. XXII.10:521-522.

California. Pomo [Coyote cuts an acorn with a knife to make it pentagonal; throws it into the sky, which turns into the Sun; makes the moon out of blue clay; throws coals into the sky, they turn into stars]: Barrett 1933 , No. 14:93-94; chumash [The sun carries a torch in its hands, stars sparks from this torch]: Blackburn 1975, No. 21:164.

Honduras - Panama. Sumu [the brothers fell into the river, lit a fire on the other side to keep warm; they found corn in the forest, began to bake it; after eating, they threw the remaining plots on the ground and water; they turned into different types of fish, animals and birds; the elder Papang caught fire, rose into the sky, became the sun; then the younger one caught fire and began to rise; he tried to shake off the fire, the sparks became stars, he himself A month; the bags were created by the rays of the Sun]: Houwald, Rener 1987 (3): 12 (=1984:54-55).