I74A. Stars are fireflies.
Stars are fireflies.
Egap, scrap, western dan, mende, e-nan, Malayali, Belarusians, Bari, Kulina.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Egap [stars 1) fireflies, 2) lights in the sky, 3) people whose chief Month]: Malcolm 1922:373.
West Africa. Scrap [shooting stars - "heavenly fireflies"]: Schwab 1947:412; Western Dan [stars are beetles that spread their wings at night, from which light emanates]: Fischer 1967:698, 734;
mende [holy star]: Vydrin, MSMelanesia. E-nan [stars have the same word as firefly beetles]: Nevermznn 1942:192.
South Asia. The Malayals [two fish, Shiva and Vishnu, were gutted; the scales that rose to the sky became stars, and those that fell to the ground became fireflies]: Payyanad 2006:205.
Central Europe. Belarusians [stars are candles that angels light in the evening; others consider stars to look like Ivanovo worms (fireflies)]: Demidovich 1996:95.
The Northern Andes. Bari [saimadoyi (the first ancestors walked through the forest, scratched against thorns, blood drops turned into cocuyos (totobí) insects, saimadoyi frightened them, they rose to the sky, became stars; other stars originated from the fruit of araktogba]: Villamañan 1975:5.
Montagna - Jurua. Kulina [stars are children of the moon; they are fireflies; if you can see a shooting star, this heavenly firefly went to friends on earth; then they come back]: Adams 1962, No. 8:109-110, 179 [abadsico ( Moon) bedi (children)].