I75. Previous worlds.
Before the present world or people of today, there were others (at least two worlds or races).
Ancient India, Ancient Greece, Western Ukrainians, Ossetians, Karachays and Balkarians, Kalapuya, Flethead, Teton, Pomo, Vintu, Mountain Mivok, Navajo, Hopi, Zunyi, Western (Laguna, Akoma ) and Oriental (Sia) ceres, Tiva (Isleta), Pima, Aztecs, Maya Yucatana, Tzotzil, Quiche, Kuna, Cimila, Yabarana, Quito, Macuna, Huanca, Incas.
South Asia. Ancient India [the idea of the four souths ("team", "couple", "generation"; the name is borrowed from the dice game, this was the name of the sides of the bone, containing 4, 3, 2, 1 label) - eras of the world's existence; 1) kritayuga (satyayuga) - "good age"; 2) tretayuga - justice is gradually decreasing; 3) dvaparayuga - evil and vices begin to prevail; 4) kaliyuga - people they exterminate each other as warriors, kings rob subjects, women indulge in debauchery, etc.; four yugas form one Kalpa; at the end of each Kalpa, 12 or 7 suns appear in the sky, burning the world; One kalpa is one day of Brahma, and Brahma lives for 100 years; after his death, 100 years of chaos occur, then a new Brahma is born; now it is the 51st year of present Brahma and the sixth millennium of Kaliyuga]: Toporov 1982c: 676.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece [the first generation of people created by the gods was golden; they were people without flaws who lived happily when Kron was the lord of heaven; they later became demons that live on earth and protect people; the second generation of people was created by the gods from silver; these people were proud, did not honor gods and eventually became spirits of the underworld; the third generation gods created from copper; brass men were warlike and died fighting each other; after that, Zeus created the fourth generation, a generation of demigod heroes; some of them died in the battles of Thebes and under Troy, Zeus carried the rest to the borders of the earth and settled the blessed on the islands; the current generation - the fifth and iron - spends their lives working and worrying]: Hes. Opp. 109-201; ["About the Incredible" Palefate (probably 4th century BC): "And many others talked about ridiculous things, including that the first generation of humans arose from ash trees. I think it's incredible for people to emerge from trees. In fact, there was a man named Ash and his relatives were named after him, like the Hellenes from Ellina and the Ionians from Jonah. But this tribe was completely destroyed, and its name was lost. And there have never been iron and brass people at all, but all this is idle chatter" (trans. V.N. Yarkho); the last sentence in the original uses the term "genus, generation, tribe" (sydördək k ; αkalka hodpōti, llla' φ laart tea)]: Palaept. XXXV; ["Apparitions" by Arat Soliysky (c. 315 - ca. 240 BC): people of the golden generation did not sail, the land gave them everything in abundance, and the Truth was always there for them; silver the generation of people was worse, the truth avoided them, but still stayed on earth and gave them orders; the copper generation of people was warlike and cruel, Pravada was indignant and ascended to heaven, where still remains (Virgo constellation)]: Arat. Phaen. 108-137; [epigram of Antipater of Thessaloniki (turn of the era), included in the Palatine Anthology: "The age was golden and copper, silver was before that, /And we have Kieferea in each of these centuries. /They give gold - she appreciates it, but she also loves it with copper, /And she will not reject someone who brings silver" (trans. YU. Schultz)]: Anth. Gr. V. 31.
Central Europe. Western Ukrainians (Hutsuls) [first dwarfs with long beards (lectobeards) lived on earth, followed by giants of great power; they did a lot of evil and God decided to exterminate them 40 days of rain; God told righteous Noah to build a ship, but the hell broke the ship; Noah made a new one, sailed; hell became a mouse and gnawed a hole in the ship; the snake plugged it with its tail, and then Noah hammered the plug ; the unicorn bird said that it did not need a ship, it would be able to fly for 40 days; but it fell and drowned; a horn sailed on the water and two people on it, from them today; over time, people will grind and become like dwarfs]: Kindl 2003:130-131; (cf. Eastern Ukrainians (Podolsk Gubernia) [God did not create man on earth but somewhere else a long time ago. And when that world came to an end, God, in order to preserve the human race, ordered the angels to take several pairs of people and demolish them to the ground to multiply. Angels were throwing people away. Where a couple fell, they live and multiply. And when this world comes to an end, God will move people somewhere again to reproduce]: Levchenko 1928:1).
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians: Byazirov 1974:161 [(Western 1898); having created the world, God decided to create people; this is how the Wadmirs appeared - huge, strong, it was difficult for them to pass through the gorges, it was difficult for the earth to withstand; through For three hundred years, God created flounders with intelligence and strength similar to Wadmirs, but no taller than ten years old; they were too small; three hundred years later, God created gamers, too big in size and size strength; after another three hundred - gumirs; also did not match the earth; after another three hundred years, God created the Waigs - too big; after another three hundred - sledges, they succeeded], 162 [(zap. 1832); gumirs were strong but unintentional people; unable to move away from the fire, they covered their foreheads with stone slabs; once they saw a dog sleeping by the fire; when the fire broke out, it moved away; this is how they learned protect themselves from the heat], 163 [the tsartsiats lived after sledges, there were heroic people; God was angry with them; during the day their fields became suitable for harvest, and at night they managed to mow with arrows remained, the rest turned into green grass; so they starved to death, their fields became suitable for harvest, and at night they managed to mow by throwing]; Karachays and Balkarians [first Harra was created, Allah (?) He destroyed them for their cunning; then shadymeile and hamyreyle for debauchery; after them, God created hur-jurs and jur-jurs, who could transform into animals and have two pupil in eye; God could not kill them, created emegenes (cyclops giants) to fight them, designating them as head of Mingbash; they became friends, opposed God; after consulting, the gods created modern humans; they destroyed emegenes and subdued the Jurs; sledges flew to heaven after the death of emegenes]: Karaketov 2001a: 52-53.
The coast is the Plateau. Kalapuya [people don't die, there are too many; five hunters go hunting with a dog; the dog comes back alone; when asked by a little girl, she says five deer have been killed; the earth turns over, people turn into stars, a girl and a dog remain; a girl gives birth to one puppy and one child, then a puppy and a child again; they give birth to new people; the chief says that new people will come; people of the second century of creation turn into pebbles; two women steal, hide a girl; a boy finds her, brings her to her mother; women dance, cause rain, third-century people die from flood, turn into beavers, fish; a sliver boy is saved, he hid the girl under his arm; after the flood he kills and burns those women, the ashes turn into fog, clouds]: Gatschet et al. 1945, No. 4:173- 174 (translated into. Romanova 1997, No. 115:405-406); Flethead [Skomeltem gave birth to a son Amotken, the creator of heaven and earth; the first people he created were evil, he destroyed them by a flood; he destroyed the second race sent from the sky was fire, the third by an epidemic; his mother asked him not to destroy the fourth; there was no sun; the Coyote was the first to try to be the sun, talked about everything he saw from above, he was dragged to the ground by the tail; The raven was black, gave little light; A. sent Spokani's own son to be the sun; people refused to give him a wife, he came to the frogs, volunteered alone to be his wife, jumped on his cheek; in the afternoon S. covers his face with a radiant cape; takes it off at night, is the Month; spots are a frog on his cheek]: Clark 1966:66-68.
Plains. Teton (Brule) [a big Ungtehi snake with one horn on its head dammed Missouri, and its children dammed other rivers; a flood, few people escaped on the mountains; four great cloud-clad (so their bodies not visible) ancient Wakinyan Thunderbirds fight them; Western: black (main), northern: red, eastern: yellow, southern: blue; lightning is coming from their eyes; the earth is burning; snakes are affected, turned into stone; this battle took place in the first of four world eras - Tunka (Stone Age)]: Erdoes, Ortiz 1984:218-222.
California. Pomo [Marumda makes the first people out of wool, feathers, flint; they are strange, monstrous, M. destroys them with rain and flood; with his word he creates a village of people; they are also not good, he says The fire man burns the earth; he fires arrows in four directions and at the zenith, the world lights up; M. himself escapes every time in the sky; after a fire, he digs a hole near the river, places willow sticks around; He falls asleep, goes to watch; after the third attempt they become people; he teaches men to hunt, women to dig roots, appoints elders, etc.; this third world has been destroyed by snow and cold, the fourth is a hurricane; each time M. makes people out of sticks again]: Angulo 1935:239-260; screw [there were three ends of the world; the first people were short, the next ones did not walk, but rolled, and others were tall like pine trees; after that, Thot-Who-Upstairs (Olelbes) created the screw and other peoples, also made animals]: Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 6:290; the southern mountain mivok [1) the first humans were eaten by a giant; he is killed when the Fly finds a vulnerable speck on his heel; the one who later finds bones dies; 2) new people were mostly carried away by a huge bird, the rest fled under the onslaught of black ants; 3) new humans were birds and animals with anthropomorphic characteristics; stalactites in the cave were the remains of their leader's food; to make it easier to hunt, the white Raven turned black; people turned into animals; 4) Skunk, the leader of the new people, takes all the meat from hunters; he is lured into a trap, killed; when he dies, he creates mountains; people turn into animals; 5) [the informant does not remember]; 6) Coyote makes land from a piece of land experienced with the bottom of the Frog; creates vegetation; creates people with fingers like a Lizard; he and humans become animals]: Barrett 1919, No. 1:2-5, 24 [summary].
The Great Southwest. Except pima: worlds change not only in time, but also in space: people rise from the lower world to earth, stopping in three or four intermediate ones. Navajo: Goddard 1933 [The first ancestors rise from the lower world first into the blue world of birds, then into the yellow world of ants; this is where the flood begins; they plant reeds, climb it to the ground; woodpecker opened a hole in the sky of the yellow world]: 128, 130-131; Klah 1960 [underground worlds from the bottom up: dark, blue, yellow, white]: 1-6; O'Bryan 1956 [first they climb fir, it does not grow to the sky]: 3-10; Matthews 1994, No. 1 [people climb through the four lower worlds: red, blue, yellow, black and white; pine, juniper, fir miss the sky in the last of the underground worlds]: 63-76; Stephens 1930 [ The spider spins the net, the Coyote catches the child of the water monster Teholtsodi with it, gives it to the Spider; the flood begins; two young men plant reeds, people climb into it, he grows, the Badger breaks through a hole through the sky into the upper world; people dry it; water follows them; a spider throws a child into the water, the water goes underground]: 100-102; hopi [if not otherwise: people climb reeds across the lower three worlds]: Cushing 1923, No. 1-8 [the lower world cave is full, everyone's garbage stains the rest; two twins have grown to the ceiling, made a hole; they have grown reeds, people have grown reeds on it went up to the second world, then to the third world; here the twins got fire, lit torches, built houses; here women abandoned their children, confused their husbands, occupied kivas; men carried babies to them, for them to feed them; then the men got out to the fourth world; it was also dark here, also wet; people made a deerskin shield, decorated it with turquoise, sent it east, it became the sun; the cape became the moon; The coyote opened the vessel, stars flew out of it, burned its face; the Vulture drove the water away with its wings, mountains appeared; the twins laid canals, and water gushed through them]: 163-166; Fewkes 1923 [people went to the ground, rising through the four lower worlds; the kiva depicts one of the underground worlds; the hole in its floor is a symbolic link to an even lower world]: 490; Stephens 1929, No. 1 [fir cannot penetrate the sky lower world], 4, 20 [from a small container underground; reeds planted in a crack breaks a stone shell]: 5, 10, 52; Wallis 1936, No. 1:2-5; Waters 1977 [(mid-20th century version; consecutive the rise from one world to another is replaced by a change of worlds in time); the first world is destroyed by fire, the second has overturned and froze, the third is flooded, we live in the fourth]: 12-22; zunyi [three- the four lower worlds, the earth is the fourth or fifth level]: Bunzel 1932 [The sun sends its two sons to bring people to earth; they put a lightning arrow into the rainbow, shoot down, go down to fourth underworld; light a fire; see people with membranes, tails, horns; lead them to earth]: 584-593; Cushing 1883 [two sons of the Sun lead people through the three lower worlds; every world is everything lighter; on earth, people see the light of the sun]: 13-14; Cushing 1896 [Avonavilona (All Father, All-Content) revealed himself to be the Sun, created the ocean that holds the world; the foam that has risen turned into a Four-layer Mother Earth and the All-Enclosing Father is Heaven; they gave birth to humans and all creatures in the four-layered womb of the world; becoming a woman (she is warm) and a man (he is cold), they spoke to each other, created clouds, rain, corn to feed people; the Sun sent its two sons to bring people out of the lower world, gave them a cloud bow with thunder arrows; each of the four underground worlds was brighter previous; at first humans were unfinished, half-animals; when they climbed to earth, they took a fully human form]: 378 in Judson 1994:19-23, in Thompson 2000, No. 6:17-19; Parsons 1923a [by reed]: 136- 137; Marriott, Rachlin 1968 [The first people to come out of the lower world are Áshiwi; they have membranes on their fingers, bare tails, moss covers their bodies, one ear is covered, the gods are covered by the other; the gods they cut off their tails and ears, told them to swim, they became normal people; other peoples came out after the Zunya, the last Apache and Navajo; people do not want the sorcerer and witch to come out; they say otherwise it will not rain; they are allowed to kill a young man and a girl; after a man's rain, a young man rises alive from the grave, after a woman's rain, a girl; sorcerers sow corn, it ripens in the evening; bitter as pepper; it has been eaten a crow, an owl, a coyote, it has become sweet; but these animals and birds have been stealing crops since then]: 96-99; Quam 1972 [The Great Spirit (the Sun) tells the stars to descend into the fourth underworld and summon people from there; Jaatdon and Chuatdon planted plants that reached the surface; yucca and willows grew in four corners, humans rose to the ground; soon there was a noise as members of the Coyote family remained on halfway; the stars helped them rise; again the noise, it's the sorcerer, they picked him up; people set off, the girl was left behind; the brother came back for her and they committed incest; the girl gave birth to Clayheads; those They now live under a hill and Kachina under another; people crossed the river, their children turned into fish, frogs, turtles; then they became Kachina]: 129-130; Stevenson 1904 [The sun and moon were above, and Shi'wanni and his wife Shi'wanno'c Kia in the lowest tier of the world gave birth to many A'shiwi; they step on each other's feet in the dark; the Sun sent their sons Kow'wituna and Wats'usi to them, they extracted the fire by friction; for people to go up, place a pine tree, fir in the second world below, an aspen in the third world; A'shiwi who has risen into our world had tails and long ears; their tails and ears were cut off, washed, they became zunyas; the same - with other nations following]: 25-29; Western ceres: Boas 1928a (Laguna) [there are four more below our world: yellow, blue, red, white; in the lowest water is everywhere, in the middle of it a piece of land; Thought-Woman lived there, looked like a man; people climbed notched fir prayer sticks]: 228; Stirling 1942 (Akoma) [one of the four pines]: 1-2; White 1932 (Akoma): 142 [people crawl like grasshoppers out of the Shipap hole on the north side; Mother tells the sun to shine, people grow stronger and larger], 147 [two sisters command a possum dig deep; he gets to people; people crawl to the ground; sisters put them facing east; the sun rises, people's eyes open]; eastern ceres (Sia) [people climb the reed; two sisters tell Grasshopper to make his way through the ground]: Stevenson 1894:36-37; Tiva (Isleta) [mythical creatures dig a hole in the ground; people climb it from the underworld]: Parsons 1932c, No. 2:362; teva (Hano): Parsons 1926, No. 1:169-172 [var.1; women decide they can live alone; stay in the village, men go across the river; every year men collect more abundant, and women are poorer crops; the flood begins, women try unsuccessfully to build a tower to the sky; men plant a pine tree, it grows to the sky but does not break through it; reeds break through; first Badger, then the rest climb into the upper world; half of the women failed to get up, drowned; the Mockingbird gives its tongues to speak; in the lower world, people were with tails, now they have lost them; it is dark around; two young men (Son of the Sun and Son of Ooting Water), together with Coyote, are instructed to place stars in the sky; young men place the Pleiades, the Big Dipper, Orion, the Morning Star, and some others; The coyote gets tired of this job; he throws out the remaining stars in disarray; young men put a month in the sky made of a wedding cape and the sun from bison skin, white fox skin and parrot tail; the sun does not move; Coyote: someone must die; the girl dies, the sun moves before noon, stops again; now the young man dies; Coyote explains that every day in the morning, at noon and in the evening a person must die, then the sun will move; first the dead returned on the fifth day; Coyote says this is wrong, dies and does not return; the widower looks into the hole from which people came out, saw their dead wife and Coyote below], 172-175 [var.2; in the lowest world, people were black ants; when they rose to the second, they became tailed creatures; in the third they became human; in the first the world was dark, the second light dawned a little, the third world was like the moon; further like var.1; languages are given by the Bear; Mockingbird explains that people must die regularly to ensure movement suns]; pima [Earth Doctor (ED, Earth Wizard) appears in the dark abyss; takes some dust from his chest, makes a cake out of it, grows a bush on it; creates a termite that makes the earth big as it is now; first it trembles; ED makes a gray Spider, which webs the edges of the earth and the sky, the earth stops fluctuating; ED makes water, mountains, plants; pours water into a bowl, it freezes he throws this piece of ice west, north, south; it slides down every time; thrown east, turns into the sun, it begins to move as it should; similarly, a month is created; typing it in his mouth water and sprinkling it into the sky, the Creator makes stars; the Milky Way is his staff, at the ends of which he poured ash; people did not die, multiplied, began to eat each other; ED told Sky to copulate with Earth, and Sun and Moon; the first pair gave birth to Big Brother (SB) and the second Coyote; by pulling Heaven to Earth, ED crushed all its inhabitants, created a second human race; the SB shortened the human age, then destroyed second race; to do this, he sent a young man who met all women; every next pregnancy was getting shorter; South Doctor's daughter (SD) immediately gave birth, the tears of an abandoned baby flooded the ground by the flood; the Coyote escaped on a log, SB in a clay vessel, ED in a reed rod, some people left through a hole made in the ground by SD with his staff, were on the other side of the earth; five escaped from the flood birds, including Woodpecker and Vulture (they clung their beaks to the sky, their tails fell out, the trail remained; they made nests for themselves in the waters); some people escaped on the mountain with SD; he sent the dog to watch, tall whether water is water; these people are petrified; Coyote and ED argue who first appeared after the flood; recognize that it was the SB, which is becoming the ruler of the world; Coyote and the SB ran west and east to determine where the center was lands; returned at the same time - here is the center; SB sat facing west, Coyote to the south, ED to the east, began to create; Coyote created webbed animals, snakes, birds; ED created people with defects (without legs, with big ears, no holes in his body, with a flame burning from his knees, etc.); the SB told Coyote to throw his creatures into the water and ED to the west; ED fell into the ground; the SB tried to hold him, got his hands dirty, shook off, so diseases appeared; SB created humans; stung a rattlesnake, it bit the Rabbit, he died; the Coyote was sent away, the Fly made the first fire drill, the Rabbit's body was put on the fire; the Coyote broke through, took the Rabbit's heart, ate it; the food began to fall through the Coyote, the Wolf and the Puma sewed him; he pretended to be sick, asked Puma's wife to carry it, began to copulate; the sorcerers hid everyone ungulates in the cave; Coyote released the animals, ran away; one young man was told to close the deer passage, and he began to build a fence from hill to hill; shoot a pregnant woman (deer) - he killed a woman; an old man (horned male) - killed an old man; the player beat everyone; the girl gave him a drink with ground feathers; he became an eagle, began to carry people away; ED climbed into his nest, asked Eagle's wife to put Eagle to sleep when he would come back, hid a fly under the corpses; killed Eagle and his son, revived them with the blood of people; people tried to kill the SB; he fell into the ground, brought out people who had hid from the flood; the Coyote came up, laughed, the hole closed, some people remained; those who came out killed many (Pueblo Indians?)] : Russel 1908:206-230.
Mesoamerica The first human races were different from the current one and were destroyed. Aztecs: Bierhorst 1992 [Codex Chimalpopoca; the people of the first Sun were devoured by jaguars, the second were blown away by the wind, turned into monkeys, the third one was destroyed by the fiery rain, turned into turkeys the fourth was a flood, turned into fish; at that time the heavens fell; Titlacahuan told Tata man and his wife Nene to hide in a hollowed out trunk, sealed it; they took corn seeds with them; when went out and began to fry fish; the gods Citlalinicue and Citlalatonac smelled smoke; Titlacahuan, Tezcatlipoca went down, put their heads to their ass, turning them into dogs; (more on creating our world)]: 142-144; Kö hler 1977:271; Nicholson 1967 [by Annales de Quauhtitlán; the first era ("the sun") ended with the appearance of a jaguar and darkness; the second by the wind, humans turned into monkeys; third world inhabitants destroyed by fire, the fourth by the flood; our era is fifth]: 54; Maya Yucatana: Morley, Brainerd 1983 [modern North Yucatan Indians believe there were three more before our world, each destroyed by the flood, ours will also die in the flood; the first world was inhabited by dwarfs who built ruined cities; they lived in the dark, petrified at the first sunrise; the second world was inhabited by dzolob," offenders"; the third world was already inhabited by the Maya, and their descendants also live in ours, the fourth]: 466-467; Villa 1945:153; Tsotsil: Gossen 1974, No. 131 [second race made of wood], 106 and 133 [real people ( third race) from clay], 164-165 [the first race was destroyed with boiling water], 169 [until people knew about sex, they made children out of clay and sticks]: 308, 321-322, 336, 339]; 1979 [demons, monkeys live in the first world , Jews; Mother Moon gives birth to a Sun Son, demons die from the heat after it rises; The Sun makes clay (according to one version, wood) the first man and woman; they cook their children to eat them; Sun destroys this world with a flood of boiling water; the Sun revives the world twice, cultivated plants and pets appear in it; beans from Mother Moon's necklace, potatoes from her milk, peppers from blood from the sun's heels, maize out of his groin; at the end of the third world, everyone spoke Spanish, the Sun creates many languages, the third world was destroyed by an earthquake; 150-400 years ago, our world was created]: 445-446; Kö hler 1977:265-268 [The first were people with broken heads, they left, disappeared into the woods; then, with their nostrils open up, they were flooded with rain; then people whose feet sparks flew, and those from their legs who were falling ash; people with sparkling legs dragged large stones to build the Church of San Pablo, built mountains; they were destroyed by a rain of fire], 273 [informants talk about three disasters: flood, fire, collapse of heaven and earth]; quiche [The Creator and Creator make the first man out of clay, he soaks in water; they make people out of wood; they are devoid of reason, destroyed by the flood, animals, animated objects; monkeys are their descendants (the appearance of modern humans has not been described)]: Popol-Vuh 1959:14-18.
Honduras - Panama. Kuna: Chapin 1989:13-16 [the first humans went bad; to punish them, God sent hurricanes and earthquakes, the earth turned upside down, those on the surface ended up in the fourth lower world; new generations deteriorated again, God destroyed them first with fire, darkness, wind, then flood], 97 [first God destroyed the earth by fire, then by the flood; the waters lifted ash to heaven; the lost fell into the fourth underworld].
The Northern Andes. Cimila: Niño Vargas 2008:116-117 [Originally there were 4 more similar worlds above the ground; they fell successively to the ground, destroying everything on it; when the last remaining one falls the upper world, space from the three-part to two-part (earth and lower world)], 118 [the inhabitants of the last of the destroyed worlds fought brutally with each other, Mother Earth's back was soaked in blood; Yaau destroyed this world with fire, water, and hurricane wind]; 2014 [several worlds were destroyed before ours arose; the latter was destroyed by water and fire; it was where ette chorida and waacha fought against each other chorida, i.e. "ancient" chimila with "ancient" whites]: 111.
Southern Venezuela. Yabarana [originally a man and a woman with no bodies below the waist; they spewed what was eaten through a hole in Adam's apple; their excrement gave rise to an electric eel (Electrophorus) electricus); Mayawoca was the older brother, Ochi the youngest; M. saw a man without a bottom catch piranha; M. realized that O. had turned into a piranha to steal the golden hook; became a vulture, attacked the fisherman, drenching his club with droppings; at this time O. jumped into the water; M. became a hummingbird, took the hook; the legless caught the sun bird, which was then always at its zenith; gave M. for making the bottom of his body to him and the woman; they began to copulate; the legless warned not to open the basket; M. told O. to climb the tree for fruit; he stayed on the ground, opened the basket; the bird flew out, her singing turned into a scream; darkness came, it began to rain, a cold flood flooded the ground; only a hill remained; O. created four-legged animals on it; M., in the guise of a bat, created birds and monkeys above; a few years later M. sent a konoko bird looking for the sun; she found it at the edge of the world; the sun rolled to its zenith, began to fly across the sky (the origin of the time of day); this is how the third world was created; the first was destroyed by fire to punish people for incest; the second by the flood; the third will be destroyed by the evil mawari spirits (their leader is ucara; the fourth will be the Lighthouse world, in which the souls of humans and animals will be eternally blissful]: Wilbert 1963:150-156.
Ecuador. Quito [the legendary list of scyri (rulers of Quito) is divided into seven eras; the first four are pre-Inca, and the last three are historical (Inca, Colonial, Republican]: Bollaert 1860:93-94.
NW Amazon. Makuna [Adyawa {is a group of brothers, everyone works, then one of them} had an egg, and all people, animals and objects came out of it; this era is called the time of "pauhil bones"; people they fought with each other, A. destroyed them, brought new ones out of the new egg, this is "the time of Yurupari"; people did not obey, A. they were destroyed again, and people of the "water parrot" era were brought out of the third egg (Idé kirkö, perico de agua - possibly an otter); Idé kirkö owned a fruit tree, Adiyava decided to kill him; A. sailed to the children of IK in the form of a fish, who replied that their father was on a tree; A. picked up fruits, they made the fruit mass together, it petrified, threw it into the AK, but did not get into the branches, the mass became termites; AK climbed to the Sun by sunlight, wrapped around it, it became dark; A. began to urinate, watered rain flooded the ground; A. climbed a tree, told him to grow; threw fruits at AK, hit him on his fingers, he released the sun, fell, the rain ended, the water came down, the earth was empty; from the new egg A. again created humans, the first man was Reha; A. has another egg, he can destroy humans again]: Trupp 1977:85-86.
The Central Andes. The Central Andes as a whole: Molinié Fioravanti 1987 [the Indians of the Central Andes imagined time cyclically; therefore, the Spaniards were called Viracochi, the god of the era when in heaven there was no sun; Viracocha Inca is associated with it and Pachacuti Inca is associated with the sun]: 71-81; Randall 1982 [chronicler data integration: there was an idea of three or four eras before the Incas]: 49-51; huanca [after Noah's Flood, four generations of humans existed before the Incas; These are Uariuiracocha, Uari, Purun, Auca; later ones are descendants of earlier ones; (change of races without catastrophe; noticeably binary division into wari (valley farmers, other population) and purun, auka - warlike mountain pastoralists)]: Guaman Poma 1956:35-58; Incas, Quechua of southern Peru [Qallaj-pacha - beginning of time; Tutayaj- pacha - time of darkness (there was no sun in the sky); Purun-pacha - ferocious times (wars); Purun-pacha-rasphyajtin - pueblos antes del tiempo salvaje; Inca-pacha - Inca era]: Pachacutiyamqui Salcamayhua in Imbelloni 1952:16.