Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I76B. A mouse is made by a bat. . (.51.)

After a certain time or after performing certain actions, an ordinary mouse turns into a bat.

Italians (Lombardy), Gagauz people, Macedonians, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Vologda), Ukrainians (Volyn), Poles, Slovaks, Mongols (Ordos), Oirats (?).

Southern Europe. Italians (Lombardy) [when a mouse gets old and can't eat anymore, it grows wings, it becomes a bat]: Kabakova 2006, No. 81A: 137.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Gagauz people [a domestic mouse will become a bat if it manages to eat a piece of prosphora]: Moshkov 1901:62 (=Moshkov 2004:263); Macedonians [a mouse in the church ate a wafer; then it grew wings and she flew; but God punished her by telling her to fly only in the dark, hide in abandoned places]: Douma 1893:284.

Central Europe. Russians, Ukrainians, Poles: Gura 1997 [a mouse that has eaten something consecrated (e.g. Easter cake) turns into a bat]: 604; Russians (Vologda) [after eating swirls, bats turn into bats; God punishes them this way]: Belova 2004, No. 361:171; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Shenkursky y.) [bats come from ordinary mice, to which wings grow for eating a tiny little lamb left over on the throne]: Efimenko 1874:187; Ukrainians (Volyn) [if a simple mouse eats Easter food will become a bat]: Chubinsky 1872:55; Poles [if a mouse manages to avoid cat claws in seven years of its life, it turns into a bat]: Gura 1997:604; Slovaks [a mouse that will live for seven years will turn into a bat]: Valentsova 2014:319.

(Wed. Baltoscandia. The Finns [a large water mosquito (vesi-itikka) rises from under the roots from the swamp when the tree turns upside down; the mosquito turns into a large black butterfly and then turns out of it bat; so you can't see a bat in winter]: Pogodin 1895:448).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols (Ordos) [if an ordinary mouse eats salt, it becomes a bat]: Potanin 1893, No. 2:343; the Oirats (Xinjiang) [the motives of B98 and I76B correspond to the fairy tale "Die Fledermaus" from "Betege caγān boqširγ", published in 1981 in Urumqi in the series "Xinjiang Oirat Folklore" {no details; original verification required}]: Ubushiyeva, Damrinjav 2020:18.

(Wed. NW Mexico. European borrowings.? Varigio [shrimp turns into scorpion, fish into muskrat, leech into scolopendra, mouse into bat]: Gentry 1963:136)