I7B. Lightning is a crack in the sky. 27.-.29.
Lightning is a crack in the sky through which the vault of heaven is visible for a moment.
Hungarians, Czechs, northern Ukrainians (Volyn), Terek Cossacks.
The Balkans. Hungarians [lightning is a crack in the sky; you can see the true sky; its light can be seen through star holes]: Sebők: 107.
Central Europe. Czechs [when lightning flashes, "God opens windows or doors in heaven"; when the heavenly gate dissolves, the rays of heaven sparkle, and when they are framed, thunder sounds; when lightning flashes, people say it's the heavens that have opened; lightning is only slightly open skies; when lightning flashes, it opens up fiery skies]: Grohmann 2015, No. 205-208:57; northern Ukrainians ( Volyn): Abramov 1914 (Novograd-Volynsky) [lightning - Ilya on a chariot of fire with three angels; one supports him, the other rules horses, the third cuts through the clouds with a sword; then the view opens the real sky - fiery (lightning); thunder - God strikes the evil spirit with a fiery arrow]: 381; Teodorovich 1899 (Monki Starokonstantinovsky y. Volyn Gubernia) [lightning - unfolding sky]: 529-530
Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Terek Cossacks [at times, during storms, thunderstorms, thunder and rain, all six heavens open and the righteous enjoy contemplating the seventh heaven where the Creator is located; sinners of such grace deprived]: Vostrikov 1907:12.