Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I7C. Rain or dew - urine.


When a character in the upper world urinates, it rains (dew falls) on the ground.

Lunda, Malgashi, Melpa, Kukukuku, Kate, Chukchi, Reindeer Koryaks, Itelmen, Asian Eskimos, Baffin Land Eskimos, Polar Eskimos, Taltan, Sanpual, Kokama, Southern Quechua and central regions of (mountainous) Peru, Aymara (?) , ashaninka, machigenga, tupari.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Lunda [Chinawesi is a space serpent, the mother of all things, the mistress of the earth, her husband is Lightning, they shared the world; Lightning has gone to heaven and pours rain on the ground, that is, its urine; when C. hears thunder, she tells rivers to flow]: Scheub 2000:29.

Sudan - East Africa. Malgashi: Molet 1979 (Merina) [The sky was looking for a wife; the bird invited him to marry the Earth; the Earth began to unite with Heaven, everyone was afraid; the bird advised Sky to give up marriage; Earth said that the sky does not respect her, it wets her every day; some parts of the Earth have risen and remained mountains, the sky has decorated them with vegetation]: 32-33; Haring 1982, No. 1.5.09 (Sakalava or Tsimihety, recording the beginning of the 20th century) [Heaven was looking for a wife; a sparrow-like bird invited him to marry the Earth; Earth agrees, began to reach for Heaven to unite with him; everyone was afraid to be crushed; then the bird advised Heaven give up marriage, because the Earth has fainted; Earth was told that Heaven pees on it every day; some parts of the Earth had risen and remained mountains, where the Earth grew trees]: 163.

Melanesia. Melpa [among heavenly people is a Rangkopa woman; when she urinates, it rains on the ground; during the dry season, she clamps her skirt between her legs and the urine does not pour out, and during the wet season, the skirt hangs freely ]: Vicedom 1977, No. 6:8; kate [other Papuas also have a rain-mochi motif, including kate]: Vicedom 1977, No. 6:8; kukukuku [The Sun is male, the Moon is female, the stars are their children; the aged stars fall; dew is the moon's urine, the Sun is ashamed of it, dries dew quickly in the morning]: Fischer 1968:384.

SV Asia. Chukchi [lightning is a half man who drags his half sister intoxicated by a fly agaric by the leg; thunder is a gnashing from a dragging body, rain is his sister's urine]: Bogoras 1902, No. 19:628 (=Bogoras 1907:323); reindeer Koryaks [it rains continuously; Keikynnyaku (Quikinn. a'qu; Big Raven) tells his eldest son Eme'mqut that the World (Universe) is doing something wrong; wearing crow clothes, they have risen to heaven; the world is sitting in his home and hitting a tambourine, There is a Rain Woman next to him; as soon as the World saw them come in, he stopped beating and the rain stopped; but as soon as they came out, it rained again; then they turned into skin hair lying on the floor reindeer to watch the World make rain; he cut off his wife's vulva, tied it to a tambourine; took his penis instead of a stick; when it hits, water pours out of his vulva; K. put them to sleep, held their penis, and the vulva above the fire so that they dry and harden; when the World woke up and began to beat, beautiful weather began; but K. and E. cannot catch game; the world promised that animals would be; on earth K. and E. they hunt on land and at sea; K. pulled out a stake to which dogs are tied, and a deer came out of the hole]: Jochelson 1908, No. 9:142-143; itelmen [lightning: gamula spirits, burning their yurts, throw them outside the remaining smut; thunder: Kutkh drags boats from the river to the river; if the peals are rare and strong, Bilyuchey is angry, throws a tambourine to the ground; the rain is the urine of Bilyuchei and his gamulas, and the rainbow - embroidery on the hem of his new kitchen]: Krasheninnikov 1994 (2): 167-168.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [the idea that thunder is produced by two girls playing with a spread seal skin, and that rain is one of them's urine, is well known to the Chukchi, but I think it is borrowed from Asian Eskimos, who have a similar story]: Bogoras 1902, No. 19:628; Baffin's Land [two sisters Kvitu and Kadlu play noisily in the evening; their parents tell them go away; Kv. offers to play caribou, whales, agdlaq, polar bears, belugas; sister replies every time that people will catch them; girls decide to become lightning; rain is their urine]: Boas 1901b, No. 11:175; polar Eskimos [two var.: a girl and her younger brother are playing noisily; stepdad sends them away to play; they find flint and a piece of caribou skin; the boy wants to come back, the girl reminds his stepfather's words to him; the boy offers to become a seal, walrus, white whale, bear, caribou, musk ox, hare, fox, lahtak; he cannot do it; offers to become thunder; the girl turns into lightning boy in the thunder; they pee as they go up to the sky, it causes a downpour; their mother calls her son to suck milk, but it's too late]: Holtved 1951, No. 5:40-50.

Subarctic. Taltan [(two var.); Warm and Cold Winds are constantly fighting; first the Warm ones go north, then retreat, and vice versa; rain is the urine of the Warm Winds]: Teit 1919, No. 8:230.

The coast is the Plateau. Sanpual: Ray 1933, No. 12 [Excrement is sent for fire first; dogs eat it in the sky; Beaver pretends to be dead, grabs coal; fire owners urinate to extinguish the fire; it is raining , but the fire is preserved], 13 [as in No. 12; Excrement and the Dog are sent first, one eats the other]: 153-156, 157-159; sanpual [brother and sister live alone; brother eats salmon, lies as if he caught nothing; his sister finds eggs in his bed, runs away; makes a cradle, puts a piece of resin in it, a boy appears; he cannot walk; she leaves him fishing on the shore; when he returns, he is already turned into resin; she puts a piece of flint that has broken off in the fire in the cradle; this son is one-eyed (no explanation why); makes his brother out of a baked root; brothers come to people trying to create the sun and the month; the toad lets urine into the sky, the rain floods all the hearths except her; the brothers come to her, call her aunt, she jumps on the younger one's neck, says she is his wife; she can't be ripped off; When burned with fire, her skin shrivels; everyone consistently tries to become the sun; the Hummingbird is too hot; the Crane's day is too long (its head reaches the horizon in the west and its legs are still in the east) ; the one-eyed flint brother becomes the sun, the root brother becomes a month, and a toad is visible on it]: Ray 1933, No. 4:135-137; the lower chinook [the youngest of five brothers feels that the Glutter is coming; the brothers are fleeing, they dig a hole in the ground, tell their female to show the monster another way; but he catches up, eats four brothers; the fifth runs to the river; Thunder stretches its long leg like a bridge when a man calls him not grandfather, uncle, but father-in-law; warns not to touch his leg with a stick; when a monster crosses, he touches, Thunder bends his leg, the monster falls, is carried to the sea, turns into the sound of the surf during a storm; man marries Thunder's daughter; he does not tell him to watch him catch whales; a man watches a whale leaves the Thunder net; a man's wife gives birth to two boys; Thunder requires his son-in-law 1) to bring wolves (then bears; grizzly) with whom Thunder played as a child (son-in-law brings, they bite his father-in-law), 2) help split the log (father-in-law takes out a wedge, pinches his son-in-law, he tears the log), 3) bring metas that are shot powerful people (son-in-law steals metas at night, he is chased with torches; Thunder's daughter tells the children to beat her grandfather; Thunder urinates, it rains, the torches go out); the son-in-law goes out to the village, lives with two old mice; loses a shooting competition to local people; his hair is cut off, hung in a chimney; his children come with their meth and arrows; win; turn the local leader into a sturgeon, his messenger in the blue jay; revive the father]: Boas 1894a, No. 2:31-36.

Southeast USA. Chiroki [The Fire Woman lives in a hollow; every hunter is asked to lick a piece of meat; it is roasted immediately; birds and a mole cannot steal fire; thunder urinates on a tree with rain; some fire stays, Thunder passes it on to people]: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 2:387-388.

NW Amazon. Kokama [Mui Vaso is a huge water serpent, also a rainbow arching its back to the sky; rain is his urine]: Girard 1958:198.

The Central Andes. Central and southern regions [(generalized version): Koa (Koacha, Titi, etc.) is a feline predator flying in clouds near springs, from whose eyes lightning flies; he It also produces thunder and rainbows, rain is its urine]: Kauffmann Doig 1991:1.

Montagna - Jurua. Ashaninka [dew is the urine of stars]: Weiss 1975:280; machigenga [stars are a special people, kind spirits, as tall as children; we only see their glowing feathery crowns; fishing with poison on a heavenly river Meshiaréni (Milky Way); dew is the urine of the stars]: Baer 1984:157

Bolivia - Guaporé. Tupari [stars are holes in the sky; the inhabitants of the upper world look at the ground through them; it rains through them - the urine of celestials]: Caspar 1975:188.