Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I80. Thunder apprentice.

.12. (.16.) . (.35.) .

A person who finds himself in the role of an assistant or guest of a heavenly character, or who secretly penetrates him, violates certain prohibitions or instructions, thereby causing excessively strong thunderstorm, rain, wind.

West Africa. Sarah [Loa did everything well and beautifully: boats, ornaments, tops; his brother Sou did everything badly, carelessly; Loa was always silent; to make him speak, Sou broke his traps, Loa said Are you really a destroyer? Sou accused his brother of insulting him at first words; Loa went up to heaven; Sou found him there, went into his house, took a rock to cause rain, it started raining when people were in the fields; Loa told him come back, lowered the rope, asked them to fight off the birds without throwing weapons at them; he started throwing, his knives and blades ran out, the birds cut off the rope, Sou fell, fell into the ground, now he's there]: Belcher 2005:349-351.

(Wed. Western Europe. The Germans (Austria) [the blacksmith sold his soul to the line, but then shod St. Joseph, asking him to work on a bench that only the owner can let go of without the owner's permission, a cherry tree grabbing cherry thieves, a bag in which only the owner can let go; the first The blacksmith puts the devil sent by the Prince of Darkness on a bench, whips; the second is beaten when he releases the Prince of Darkness himself from the bag on a cherry tree for promising not to take his soul; after the death of the blacksmith, neither to heaven, not to hell; he pretends to be an old woman, slips into heaven; seeing his widow's wedding with another man below, he throws a hammer, killing both; the blacksmith is kicked out, he always wanders between earth and sky]: Steblova 1999:214-218).

Burma - Indochina. Vieta [in the absence of his father, the little son of the Wind god pulled the magic fan and began to wave it; the poor man was washing rice at that time, a gust of wind knocked the sieve into the pond; the poor man complained to the Jasper Lord; he exiled the boy to herd buffaloes from the poor man, then turned him into a tree whose leaves cringe before bad weather]: Knorozova 2000:36-37; Thai Vietnam (told in Vietnamese) [woman gave birth a son without arms and legs; he is smart and knowledgeable; the spirit asks his father how many times he walked from end to end of the field with a harrow; father cannot answer; son asks to bring the spirit to him next time; promises the spirit answer if he explains why Pó Fã created land, trees, etc., and made him crippled; the spirit takes him to heaven to the thunder Pó Thén; he puts the young man in the mold four times and redoes; the first time he lacks legs, the second time he lacks his head; the third time the thunder takes a royal shape, but still does not have an arm; the fourth time he takes his own shape; the young man becomes whole and finds everything the properties of the thunder, he becomes the master of heaven; the old thunder shouts that the new one is doing everything wrong, does not observe the seasons, so people are starving; these screams are thunder; when he hits the sky and throws pieces, it's lightning]: Degeorge 1925:965-967.

China - Korea. Chinese [see Japanese; Chinese version in "The Rainmakers" in Chinese Myths and Fantasies, p. 101-110]: Ikeda 1971:185-186; Chinese (Shaanxi, W. Mianxian) [The Jade Emperor was busy and forgot to send rain. The sun had been burning on the ground for more than 300 days. Rivers and wells dried up, plants, animals and people were dying from the heat. Sun Wukong decided to go down to earth, saw what was going on there, and reported to the Jade Emperor. He sent SU to Mother Wanma for a pitcher of clean water. She warned SU that if you pour out a drop, it would rain a little, two drops would rain heavily and three drops would rain, and you should not pour out more than three drops. However, SU thought the drought was too severe, so he poured five or six at once. The rain lasted 81 days, and the water flooded the plains and reached the mountain peaks. People, cereals and livestock died. But brother and sister lived at the top of the mountain. Their mother and father worked at the foot of the mountain and were washed away by the flood. The baby's crying reached the ear of Taibo (Venus), a star living at the Southern Gate of Heaven. She looked down, saw the flood and the last people and animals that had taken refuge on that mountain, took two gorlyons from her bosom and blew on them. The pumpkins grew in size and swam to the mountain. Birds and animals climbed into one pumpkin, and brother and sister climbed into the other, taking cereals, as well as chickens, ducks, dogs and pigs with them. After the flood, the pumpkins descended to the top of the mountain, and people and animals sitting there came out of them. Brother and sister have grown up. One day, chickens and ducks started talking and began to convince brother and sister to marry. The brother thought this was Heaven's will, and the sister was embarrassed. She invited her brother to go to the east mountain and plant a pueraria there. She herself will go to the western mountain and plant another pueraria. If the shoots of these plants meet in six months, then marriage is really pleasing to Heaven. Five months later, the shoots of the planted plants descended from the mountains and intertwined with each other. The brother asked his sister again, but she could not make up her mind. After a few days, pigs and dogs began to convince them to marry again, and the sister offered to go up to the southern and northern mountains and lower them down the millstone. If they meet, it means that the marriage is pleasing to heaven. The millstones joined together, brother and sister got married, and two years later the sister gave birth to a lump of meat. She got angry and cut it into many pieces, carried some to the mountains and threw it to bulls and horses, brought some to the river bank and threw it to fish and prawns, and some hung peaches and plums on the trees, and some of them were brought back home and left to pigs and dogs. These pieces of meat have become human beings. To distinguish them, brother and sister gave each a name: those who were abandoned in the mountains, gave the names Niu (Cow) and Ma (Horse), those who were in the water Yui (Fish) and Xia (Shrimp), and those who were on the trees are Tao (Peach) and Lee (Plum), and those who were brought back home were Zhu (Pig) and Go (Dog). This is how a hundred names appeared]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, No. 11:13-14; Koreans [young Park is an orphan, cut and sold marsh grass for fuel; once a deer asked him to hide it from hunters; for this said that eight heavenly maidens go down to the lake once a year; you should hide the skirt you like best and not give it back until he has three children; Park hid the youngest's skirt; his wife created a fanza, tiled, barn, bull; Park gave his skirt when there were only two children; everything was gone; the deer gave three pumpkin seeds: if planted, they would grow to the sky, but you can't look back; Park looked, fell; the deer gave it again - the last one; in heaven, the children recognized Park; the wife said that for her father she had to ask for her skirt, but she wanted to live on earth; the old father of the virgins tells me to find him, becomes a rooster, hog (wife prompts); the elder son-in-law fired an arrow: let Park not allow her to fall either to the ground or to the sky; the wife turned to the gyrfalcon, picked up an arrow; the son-in-law at the eagle, set off for the gyrfalcon; that dropped the arrow, it fell on the son of the leader of the nobility; his son-in-law demands an arrow to be delivered to him; Park's wife: ask for a horse and take the poor foal; he immediately brought Park to the leader's house nobility; they cry for their dead son; the arrow is so thin that people can't see it in the young man's body; Park quietly pulled out the arrow, the young man came to life; Park got a wife, but he was persuaded to stay with her in heaven in heaven service at Okonshante {distorted Okhwan Sanje, whale. Yuhuang Shandi - "The Jade Lord"}; they went to him in a dragon, his wife was pouring rain from a marble bottle; Park asked him to pour more, grabbed the bottle, poured it himself, dropped it; he fell into the mouth of the volcano, which went out, and Great Dragon Lake formed in the crater, from which three rivers have flowed since then: Amnoka, Tumangang and Sungari; the great Okonshante was not angry with his wife Park, but he dismissed her and did not give any service to her husband; they remained in heaven]: Garin-Mikhailovsky 1958:.

Baltoscandia. Lutsie (told in Russian in Latin) [the father drove his son and bride into the forest, they live in a poor hut, no one is around; the husband goes to look for a godson for the child; the old man meets him; scattered around the house and around the coals, cattle and a wealthy farm appeared; parents came to visit, the son put them away, and the old man was nearby; the furious father left; the old man invited the man to his place, promised to send a gray one for him horse; man rides, sheep graze on bare ground, but happy and full; ask: you are going to God, ask if we still have so much fun living; other sheep in thick grass, near water suffer from thirst and hunger; a snake fights a toad; a toad asks to know how long it takes for them to fight like this; a woman pours water from a full well into an empty one: how long? the godson, that is, God, explains; fractional sheep are poor, suffering from fat grass are greedy rich; the snake and the toad are your parents; the mother gave onions to the beggar, and her father began to scold her; the woman of the K5 people did not topped up vodka in the tavern; the first night the godson left the man to spend the night in a room with knives and needles; he did not sleep well; then conditions improved every time; when the pillows were soft, he slept without waking up, and then, when the rooms were luxurious, he could not fall asleep, because he looked at the treasures; the godson told him not to go into one room; the man came in, the father was covered in resin; he pulled his hair, but only tore off his hair; the godson all He knows, I had to admit that I came in; godson: tell my father - if he does not improve, he will be in that room; the rooms in which the person slept belong to his father, mother, himself, wife, son; a man persuaded his godson to let him sit on his throne; saw the whole world from there; saw an old woman stealing milk from a poor widow; hit her in the face with a staff - there was thunder, the whole city burned down, including widow; God sent him to earth, telling his father to distribute property to the poor; when he returned; the father repented, distributed property; all five (parents, son, daughter-in-law and grandson) rose gold stairs to heaven]: Annom et al. 2018:39-44; (cf. Estonians: Stern 1935 (Saarema) [the tobacco stalk grows to the sky, the man climbs there, the wind knocks down the stem; the man asks Pitkne to make the rope out of the chaff he found in his two boxes; one of them has rain, the other has snow; P. does not allow, but lowers a person to the ground with rain]: 135 in Hatt 1949:57; (cf. Kreutzwald in Talvet 1991 [Gromovne and Vanapagan are eternal enemies; C. stole his bagpipes from sleeping G.; G. turned into a boy, hired a fisherman; noticed that C. was stealing underwater from a seine fish; they catch him with a net and hit him; agree to release him, C. invites them to his son's wedding, hoping to take possession of their souls there; takes out the stolen bagpipes to the guests, undertakes to play, does not know how to; the boy asks for to him, G. again, plays, devils fall to the floor; G. makes the fisherman an intermediary between humans and gods; his name is Lijon]: 111-117).

Volga - Perm. Marie [the Mari is ready to donate his son Yumo; the son asks Yu to spare him; since then, the Mari people have donated to Yu cattle; that young man Yu raised to heaven; does not tell him to touch the silver staff, barrels of water and other objects; tells when the cloud approaches, to scoop water from the barrel with a spoon - first a drop, then two, three; the young man rattles the staff (thunder), began to pour water with a bucket, then knocked over the entire barrel; the flood began, people died]: Aktsorin 1991, No. 10:44-45.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats: Agapitov, Changalov [the archery told his wife and children that he was old and his days were numbered; he rode off on horseback, chose the middle road, went to heaven; four young men told him to guard him their house, forbidden to open the chest, wear winged robes; he broke the ban, found colorful stone arrows in the chest; looking at the ground, he saw a thief in his neighbor's garden, threw a red arrow at him ; the owners of the house said that his lightning covered the whole village; wearing his robe, he flew and became Thunder]: 6 in Holmberg 1927:441-442; Buryat tales 1889 [a person sees a ladder to heaven, goes up to Ewege-Malan-Tengeri; he asks to be his servant; he looks at the ground, sees a thief stealing sheep, throws one of the stones EMT keeps in his chest; he sends him to look like lightning struck the thief; he becomes Thunder, now lives in heaven]: 7 in Holmberg 1927:442; Khangalov 1958a [Khokhodoy-Mergen had a wife and three sons, grew old; said that his earthly life had come to an end said goodbye to his family, came on horseback to a fork in three roads; chose the middle path; found an empty house; four people drove up, welcomed the guest, ordered to protect the house; forbidden him to open the box and wear it winged clothes; XM opened, found colorful stones in the form of arrowheads; saw one person steal potatoes from another on the ground, threw a red stone at them, locked the chest; owners said that he burned down an entire city; the next day, XM put on winged clothes and started flying around the house; the returning owners said that if he flew outside, he would kill all people on earth; did XM keeper of thunder (a box of stones), ordering thunder only to be produced by order of the gods - to defeat evil spirits and sinners]: 300-301; baoan [there was a severe drought, the lion called the animals for advice , the hare volunteered to go for the rain; flew up into the sky, found the god of rain; he replied that there was a divine vat behind him, let the hare splash three tablespoons of water into it, but no more; he did so, three days and It rained for three nights; the hare was so happy that he fell down and hit his head against a boulder; he thought it was dry ground and that the rain god had deceived him, went back to heaven; the rain god repeated his instructions, but this time the hare poured 24 tablespoons of water into the vat; it rained 24 days and 24 nights, the water was boiling, flooded all the plains; the current plains and slopes in Kashgar and Qinghai were formed at that time]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001a, No. 263:375-376.

(Wed. Western Siberia. Southern Selkups {probably not Russian, but Turkic-Mongolian influence} [Ivan the Fool mowed the rich man's hay; every time it almost dried up, it rained; man made a smoky fire; God sent an angel to find out who was smoking the sky; he demanded I. to himself; he explained that he was smoking the sky because God was wetting hay; God invited I. to live with him; leaving him animal seeds (sic!) and berries, "so that the poor get sick, the rich get rich"; I. did the opposite, so for three years; God drove I. back to earth]: Porotova 1980:65-67).

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais [poor Giohaton lives with his mother; the dog tells him to take her with him, otherwise he will bite; in the morning, the mother is surprised that she sleeps under a good blanket, shoes on the floor; sees a beautiful woman next to her son ; they show the old man miracles, he complains to the head of the city, G. tortures him, throws him into prison; his wife takes him out and heals him, destroys soldiers, blinds the treasurer, tortures the ruler; treasurer (he himself was sent from heaven to earth) in a dream finds out that she is the daughter of a heavenly god; her father takes her, agrees to make her son-in-law God, makes her son-in-law Thunder; he sends a storm, hail, his father-in-law shows him what troubles he has done on earth; makes a god of luck and happiness; since then he has been helping the poor, not helping the rich]: Keele 1996, No. 41:363-375.

Japan. Japanese: Ikeda 1971, No. 800 [old, stupid or lazy, bochar or umbrella maker goes to heaven; (1) climbs a wonderful plant; (2) grabs an umbrella, blows up the wind; (3) the bamboo hoop from the barrel sprung, threw the master to the sky; he is made Thunder's assistant; following him on the cloud, pours water, causing rain; once over his native village, it makes a downpour; at this time there is a holiday in the local temple, everyone runs away, looking for shelter; with excitement, a person stumbles, falls down; spilled water formed Lake Biwa; the hero falls into it, becomes a gibel fish; his name was Gengoro, a fish now called Gengoro gibel; (2) falls on the roof of a famous temple, calls for help; jumps on a cloth that four men hold in the corners, they collide with their foreheads , sparks fly from their eyes, the temple burns down; (3) he falls into the sea, serves as a gatekeeper (gardener, servant) in the Dragon's house; he is not told to take certain food in his mouth; he takes it, is caught by a fisherman on the ground, returns home; (4) falls from the sky on mulberry; Thunder feels sorry for him, hasn't hit this tree since; Chinese version of "The Rainmakers" in Chinese Myths and Fantasies, p. 101-110]: 185-186; Markova 1956 [the bochar pulled his hoop over the barrel, he bounced, threw the barrel into the sky; the thundermen asked them to carry bags of water for them; the bochar made a terrible downpour, stumbled, fell on a tree near the temple; the monks began to hold a handkerchief, the bochar jumped, the monks hit their foreheads, sparks flew, the tree caught fire; now it is the "fire tree" - hinoki (cypress genus)]: 121; 2000, No. 43 [old man finds a huge bean, plants, the bean grows to the clouds; the old man climbs to harvest, sees thunder sleeping, one wakes up, tells him to help, hits the drum himself, tells the old man to spray lightly water from the bucket; when he sees his house, the old man splashes out half a bucket; a stream takes his house away, the old man shouts to save his wife; wakes up], 65 [Torayan, on his mother's orders, cooks eels; one slipped away, T. frightened to return to his mother, began to work for a peasant; pulling out the radish, flew with her, fell to the bochar; bending his hoop, flew to the umbrella maker; the wind carried him to heaven; the thunderers ordered Pouring water, he pours uncontrollably, falls into the sea; Oto-hime calls him to a feast, he is told to fear food coming down from above; he grabs a piece of meat, fishermen fish for him, takes him to his mother for reprisal]: 183-185, 252-255.

The Midwest. Atticamek [Wisekejak met the old man, agreed that he was lonely, the old man brought him to Thunder; he showed V. how to produce thunder and lightning, warned him not to do it where people live ; V. began to frighten people, killed some with lightning; Thunder took away V.'s ability to produce thunder and lightning, since then people rarely die from lightning]: Davidson 1928a: 269.

The Great Southwest. Navajo [see motif K21; pueblo enslaves a young man, called Scavenger; lowered onto a rocky cornice, telling them to throw off their eagles; Wind and Talking God advise not to abandon chicks; pueblo leave the young man on the rock; the eagles bring him food; wrapped in a cloud and tied with lightning and rainbows, they carry him to the heavenly hole; they get tired; they give feathers to the sky's lightning snakes, which help carry the burden into the hole; Eagles warn not to touch the blue vessels in the house; the young man opens them, the rain begins on the ground; the young man runs in fear, the Spider catches him; the Eagles help him out; when he touches the young man, the coyote turns him himself into a coyote; Eagles find him, let him through his hoop, the young man takes on his true form; the swallow knocks stones over him, the Eagles revive him; the young man helps the Eagles defeat enemies, marries, stays in the sky]: Reichard 1977, No. 4:26-36; Zunyi: Bunzel 1932 [The sun sends its two sons to bring people to earth; they put a lightning arrow into the rainbow, shoot down, go down to fourth underworld; light a fire; see people with membranes, tails, horns; lead them to the ground]: 584-593; Cushing 1901 [Áhaiyúta and Mátsailéma live with their grandmother; when they hunted gophers, it rained, a thunderstorm began; they were M. (younger) offered to steal their lightning clubs from the rain gods; giant steep steps lead to heaven; the brothers woke up their centipede grandfather; said they wanted to steal thunder and lightning; the centipede climbed into heaven and entered the sanctuary of the rain gods; they meditated and did not pay attention; the centipede quietly took the club and went down to A. and M.; then brought lightning; the younger one began to play with with lightning, and the eldest with a thunderstone; it starts to rain, the grandmother inside the house drowns; the twins bury her, after 4 days red pepper grows from her heart; the brothers scattered the seeds so that people could grow this plant; the rain gods punish the centipede by touching it with lightning and handing it over as small]: 175-183; Handy 1918, No. 13 [gods of war Uyuevi (elder) and Matsailem ( younger) live with their grandmother; come to a house full of lightning and thunder stones; play with them, take them with them; the rain gods are angry, send a downpour, the grandmother drowns; brothers throw away stolen items]: 462.

Mesoamerica Totonaki: Arenas 2000:88-90 [the man did nothing, only dreamed that the Angels (i.e. the Groomers) would take him home and work with them; they took him, left him at home, flew away themselves wearing them clothes, shoes, taking swords; man found the same set, took a sword, flew; there is a terrible storm and rain on earth, people are dying; God asks the Angels what is wrong; they find the Thunder Man, but they cannot get closer, his weapon is the strongest; when he strikes a tree with lightning, he gets stuck in it; he is returned to the ground with some corn seeds and beans; he dropped the seeds, they turned into huge piles; up these are still the best corn and beans], 93-94 [orphan Juan came to the cave of four land keepers (vigilantes de la tierra); they offered to stay with them, told them to cook one bean, not to open it chests; he put a lot of beans, it poured out of the cauldron, opened the chests; he was forgiven; the next time he put on the thunder's clothes, sat down in the cauldron, grew many times in size, flew, causing catastrophic hurricane; Tepscoyotl (a woman, one of the vigilantes) gave her hair, it turned into snakes, tied Juan, became shackled, placed at the bottom of the sea; before June 24 it storms because it breaks and asks if his saint's day has come; but he is not told exactly when this day is; if he finds out, he will break out to celebrate it], 99-102 [the eagle takes people away; the rest, when they enter the field, hide behind baskets, then the eagle only grabs the basket; the orphan Juan let himself be carried away, killed the eagle and the chicks with a knife, went back; saw the machete cutting wood itself, the bundles of firewood go away by themselves; H. follows, comes to 12 gods; they leave him at home, tell him only to tell him to have bananas, cook one grain of corn; H. asks for a lot of bananas, they crushed him; cooks a lot of grains, corn falls asleep; puts on rain the cloak, takes a lightning sword, flies away, causing a hurricane; only by putting 12 cloud cloaks over it, the gods manage to grab it; St. The virgin gave his hair to tie him, he became a chain; H. is waiting for her saint's day at the bottom of the sea, but he is not told when it will come, otherwise he will cause a flood], 106-108 [the orphan Aktzin (San Juan) asks his grandmother a basket of tortillas for the whole day; does not work on the site, but weaves a cage from vines, sits in it; the cage with the young man is carried away by a seven-headed eagle; the young man kills the chicks first, then the eagle itself; cuts him off wings, descends on them to the foot of the cliff; in the forest he sees how the firewood is cut down, tied, a bunch comes to the Gromov house; they leave it, tell him to cook one bean; the orphan cooks a lot, a pile of beans crushed him; the same with a grain of corn; on the third day, an orphan puts on Gromov's clothes, flies; the Thunders remove him from the tree; for the fourth time he wears clothes that will cause the end of the world; St. The Virgin of Guadalupe tells the Thunders to provoke A. to break a rock by the sea; he gets stuck in it because the rock was a cloud; St. The maiden washed her hair, gave the Thunders hair, they tied A., left it at the bottom of the sea; but they could not take away his cloak], 113-117 [people cover themselves with wicker baskets or mats so that they would not be carried away by the eagle; he takes them away Juan, a drunkard sleeping on the ground; he wakes up, cut off the eagle's head with a knife; descends from the nest, goes to the knock of an ax, the ax works by himself; the axe asks H., who shows the eagle's head cut off, proving the veracity of the story; the firewood binds themselves, moves, the Axe sends X. to the Thunders; San Miguel leaves X. to cook; he does not cook 12 beans, but a lot, they swell, crush H. to death, SM revives him; the next day the same with bananas; on the third, H. opens the chests, puts on his cloak, takes a sword, releases water and clouds, breaks into a tree, SM catches it; H. promises not to be ugly anymore; one day causes a monstrous storm again; sees a girl washing her hair in the sea, asking for her hair; this is Maria, she throws hair at H., he turns into a chain; SM puts X. on the bottom of the sea, tells him not to tell him that today is his saint's day, otherwise H. will break out]; Williams García 1954 (El Tajin) [twelve Gromov sheltered an orphan; they tell him not to touch the chest of clothes and weapons; he opens, takes the contents, The storm begins; the thunders have caught up with him, tied him up at the bottom of the sea; he always asks if today is Ivanov's Day; if he finds out that today he will be free, he will cause a flood]: 77 (=Williams García, García Ramos 2001:50-52); tepehua [the man came to viejos; he is asked not to touch the robes and the rod hanging on the wall, put only four beans to cook; he puts a lot, the beans fall over the edge of the pot, fills the whole house; the next day he puts on his cloak, picks up his rod, takes off; viejos grab him already dead at the last moment, the world could end]: Williams García 1972:81; Huasteca [The young man saw the bathing man's clothes and staff left on the shore; he put them on, hit them with a staff, flew to the sky, there was thunder, it rained, the rivers overflowed; the gods placed him far to the north , from where he brings thunderstorms and showers]: Relatos Huastecos 1994:8-11; Veracruz Nahuatl, poluka [a hunter chases a deer; he asks to cling to his tail, brings him to the Gromov Cave; wife Thunder shows a man a raincoat, clubs that emit thunder and lightning, frogs and toads that can cause a flood; a person puts on a cloak, takes a club, touches frogs; A storm begins; Thunder throws him into the sky, making him one of the Thunder; this Thunder is the intercessor of humans]: Münch 1983a: 169-171; chontal [older brother warns younger brother not to touch the raincoat ; he puts on his cloak, it rains, the flood begins; the elder sends the turtle and others to stop the younger one; only pejelagarto (the predatory fish Lepisosteus, a bit like a crocodile, can do this osseus), on whose mucus the younger one slipped; so Thunder pursues pejelagarto, this fish's mucus attracts lightning]: Relatos Chontales 1994:24-27 (=Vásquez Dávila, Hipólito Herná ndez 1994:154-155); Puebla Nahuatl: Argueta et al. 1987 [p. 7-27; father resettled the lazy son; he went to earn money making tortillas; his wife sent him to work, he fell asleep on the site; when he saw Gromov, who came, asked God to make him Thunder; the Thunders took him home; ordered him to cook five beans, he poured a lot of beans; saw the Thunders dress, put on their clothes himself, flew, causing the storm, the mountains collapsed; he was returned to his wife; p. 27-44; he fell asleep on the site, vultures (zopilotes) flew in; he wanted to be one of them, agreed with one to change his appearance; the wife is glad that the husband (this is a human-made Vulture) began to work well; the former man flew in, the former vulture gave him a cake; God restored the vulture to its human form; he came to his parents, told him everything died a day later]: 7-44; Heller et al. 1993 [the cannibal corshun carries people; they work with baskets covered with their heads; one person neglects it, is carried to the top of the mountain; kills a kite with a bone blow when he falls asleep; he goes down on his wings; the Thunders take him as a servant; instead of five beans, he puts a lot of beans to cook, the beans pour over the edge; in the absence of Thunder, he opens vessels with wind and clouds, rain, puts on Thunder's cloak, flies across the sky with lightning; Thunders catch him, send him to his village]: 140-153; Reynoso Rábago 2003, No. R51 [starting as in Heller et al. 1993; for the Gromov, man must first give them tortillas made by frog cooks for the Thunder; then he is instructed to cook beans and corn; you have to put 7 grains each; once he put two handfuls each, the beans and corn filled everything around; Thunders forgave him; forbidden him to remove the lids from the pots; the man began to shoot - in one cloud, in the other the wind, in the third rain; on the ground there was a storm with a thunderstorm; opening a chest of thunder clothes, a man put it on and started flying across the sky - like one of the Thunders; Thunder: he put on his best clothes, and we have an old one, how do we catch him? he was picked up with lightning, scolded: he wanted to be in charge, although only a servant himself]: 481-484 (similar tax No. R52:484-485); Taggart 1983, No. 16 [a man goes hunting when the Thunders banned hunting; they meet he is in the form of woodcutters, asked to help their cook dinner; when a person sees a frog, he does not understand that it is Gromov's cook, beats it; puts more than one grain of corn and beans in the pot, the brew pours over the edge; puts on bright clothes, blows a horn, opens vessels of rain, hail, wind, cannot close; Thunders come running, sending him home; forbids hunting, but gives crystals calebasu, a ring that will provide him with food forever]: 223-224; Hakalteki [a naughty boy comes to an old man; he does not know that it is Keech Mum, the owner of the rain; he tells him to cook 13 beans; the boy puts more, the brew shimmers over the edge; opens the forbidden door, behind it there are three vessels, inside there are red, green, yellow cloaks; he opens one vessel, clouds come out of it, a storm begins; puts on a red cloak, turns into Thunder, rises to the sky; KM saves and forgives him]: Montejo 1991:46-49; mom [Mr. Oblakov brought the man to him; he sees angels who produce rain, running, lightning (and thunder) with their sparkling swords; the storm is the sound of their cloaks; left alone, a person puts on his cloaks; the angels stop the storm, scold the person; leave him some beans to cook; that puts a large portion, beans swell, fall out of the cauldron; Angels bring man back to earth]: Morales 1977, No. 10 in Bierhorst 1990:116-117; juice: Sulvarán López 2007 [after the rain The young man met Thunder; he offered to close his eyes, the young man ended up in Thunder's house; he tells him to cook beans, put some, the young man puts a lot, the beans overflow, burns; to eat a banana, I must say, let it fall; a young man tells all bananas to fall; kills a frog when he sees it where the tortillas are; Thunder says it was his wife, she made tortillas; Thunder forgets the key to the chest, a young man puts on his clothes, there is a terrible storm on the ground; Thunder sends the young man back to the ground]: 52-54; Villa 1975 et al. [the wife dies, the husband takes another, his son Pedro cries; the thunder takes him; tells him to cook, put only one measure of beans, P. puts two, the cooked beans pour over the edge; the same with other types of food; he puts on Thunder's clothes, comes to where Thunder works; Thunder is angry; Toad is Thunder's wife, cooks food for him, cow dung tortilla for her; P. kills her, makes a drum out of her skin; The thunder is angry; people are building a church, they can't lift a heavy log; P. picks him up alone; people are afraid of him, they want to kill him; he turns into an eagle, now lives at the top of Cerro Tres Picos]: 227-229; cakchikel [?] : Redfield 1945 (microfilm) in Bierhorst 1990:216; kekchi, mopan [Mahanamatz forest spirit asks a person for honey; eats with wax; when a person climbs a tree, M. makes it tall, leaves; various animals refuse to help, because humans hunted them; coati form a chain, tell them not to step on a pregnant female; a person steps, but manages to jump to the ground; runs, gets to Chuck, he hides the man, tells the cougar and the jaguar to tear M. apart; makes the man his assistant; tells him to work in the garden, but not to look under the roots; the man looks, sees through the hole his house on earth, brother, wife; goes down a rope, but hangs between heaven and earth; Chuck pulled him out; C. is waiting for guests, telling them to sweep, man sweeps frogs, but they were guests and musicians; in the absence of C. The man puts on his clothes, opens the bag of the wind, takes a calebass of water, a drum, thereby causing a hurricane, rain, thunder; falls into the sea, C. revived him, sent him home, giving calebass with endless wax and honey; allowed me to go to heaven if he does not hello anyone with him; the wife follows the man; Chuck asks her about the names of parts of the body; when she points to the genitals, she wants answer, but the hurricane takes both her and her husband away]: Thompson 1930:146-150; tseltal [two fishermen see a man sitting on a branch above the pool; he explains that after swimming he got out to sunbathe, but the Master Waters noticed his shadow; asks him to go to his grandmother, she will help; fishermen find a frog, this is his grandmother; she gives a bunch of cotton, malacate and calebass; Thunder asks him to hide, hits the river; one fisherman picking fish, another died because he looked out; the thunder revived him; he came back to that frog, asked for a job; the frog told him to sprinkle the water with his finger, and he scooped up his hand; it rained ; a person cannot cause thunder, only lightning flashes; Thunders have suspended him from work; when lightning without thunder is him]: Montemayor 1996 (2): 73-77; tsotsil []: Gossen 1974, No. 173:341; yucatec [no details]: Andrade (MF) in Bierhorst 1990:217;.

Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 92 [a man finds a strange egg; comes with his young son before dawn to see whose it is; instead of an egg, he discovers a vulture woman; she takes him as a husband, teaches him and his son to fly, they fly to heaven; a man kills a deer, buries meat to get peppers; in fact, they are worms; this food makes a man and son they are losing weight; the Thunder woman calls them to her village, cleans their stomachs of the rot they have eaten, drives the Vulture Wife with lightning; the former lover of the Thunder woman invites a man to hit a tree from the sky not at the root, as his wife taught, and from top to bottom; the man gets stuck, the Thunders free him; he stays in the sky, people call him Turtle Thunder], 93 [a person is told about a strange egg, he finds a woman in this place- Vulture; she takes him as her husband, brings him to heaven, feeds him rotten meat; Lightning People live nearby (on a higher tier), they have cassava, sweet potato, and other good food; they cleanse the stomach the man, the Vulture Wife is driven away, he marries Lightning; the wife's brothers teach him how to hit trees correctly; the rival offers to hit from above; the man dies, the Thunders revive him, he returns to land]: 344-350, 351-352.

SE Brazil. Botokudo [Tarú (Sky), he has a daughter and son-in-law; T. had otter skin; if hung on a tree, it is good to pick Lecythis ollaria nuts; Ngan-Nhin's son-in-law asked for permission to take it with him into the forest; T. ordered to clear the area around him well; NN cleared badly; began to throw nuts from the tree, the skin began to beat against the tree, causing thunder; it began to rain, water clogged from under the tree, carried NN to the sky; Maret (which is the common name for spirits) sheltered NN in the sky; otter skin is also in the sky, if it moves, a thunderstorm occurs; after that, the sky has moved away from the ground]: Nimuendaju 1946b: 110-111.