I80A. Junior Thunder. (.11.) .
When a person meets Gromov, he himself becomes one of them.
(Lenje), Buryats, Hurons, Seneca, Tuscarora, Delaware, Tseltal, Veracruz Nahuatl, Popoluka, Sicuani, Pemon.
(Wed. Bantu-speaking Africa. Lenje [one of the most popular stories in the Zambezi region; when she leaves, the chief says that if one of the wives gives birth to a boy, he must be thrown away; one has given birth to a boy, put it on a cane bed, the old lady promised to take care of him; his mother called him Kalombe, but the old lady called him Mandu; his first cousin Ngoma ("drum") and her friends hear his song and try to get him out of the hole in the anthill where he is He hides like a rabbit; they dug it up, brought him to his mother; he came to his father, who is not going to kill him, gives him half of the village, slaves and cattle; he goes to marry the daughter of the rain god; sees an unusual bird, follows her; meets an old woman, spends the night with her; she gives him the feather of this bird; then the feather leads him along the right road, removes dangers and obstacles from her (excrement; a herd of elephants; mountain with steep cliffs; buffaloes; snakes), teaches and guides him, completes tasks; he is asked to enter different huts, saying that this is the abode of the daughter of the rain god; they offer the girl herself; the pen many times reports deception (the girl's mother herself and others take her form) and shows the right choice (which mat is the daughter of the rain god and which are not); he is given wine and food, but these are only transformed father-in-law and mother-in-law, he does not drink or eat; the god of rain orders him to get bark from the top of the tree; the other two applicants fall, the pen assures that M. will get the bark; then they bring the bride for M., but they also want to deceive: daughter the god of rain is in ash and covered with skin, and the maid is wearing jewelry from head to toe; the pen reports everything; the father-in-law tells me to dig a hole that she hid M., but he tells the pen to grab his father-in-law, he is forced to let M. go from pits; then the same episode when the pen takes his father-in-law hostage, with a tree (must throw M.), with a bunch of dry trees (the father-in-law himself starts to burn, tells the fire to let M. go), with a hammer in the forge; the father-in-law tells fill the pot with tears, M. asks that other sons-in-law fill the second pot; the father-in-law has to order that the roof does not throw off M.; M. and his wife, servants, cattle, and provisions leave; M. gives his wife, servants, cattle, provisions his feather and the skin of a wild cat; he goes ahead, she and her companions fall behind; it rains, but M. tells it to be sunny; when a liar comes out of the forest almost at the goal, she takes the form of the daughter of a rain god; M. discovers deception, because the imaginary wife does not have his pen; does not believe that she forgot him while swimming; the liar runs away, M. returns for his wife, she is solemnly accepted; after 10 days she says that she is not can live here, incest is everywhere, leaves; M. rushes after her; follows her into the abode of the rain god; stays there; in the version of Sera's relatives, if one thunder thunders from one side of the sky, and another answers him, it is his son-in-law who claps his hands, and his father-in-law claps back]: Torrend 1921, No. 18:97-144).
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats: Agapitov, Changalov [the archery told his wife and children that he was old and his days were numbered; he rode off on horseback, chose the middle road, went to heaven; four young men told him to guard him their house, forbidden to open the chest, wear winged robes; he broke the ban, found colorful stone arrows in the chest; looking at the ground, he saw a thief in his neighbor's garden, threw a red arrow at him ; the owners of the house said that his lightning covered the whole village; wearing his robe, he flew and became Thunder]: 6 in Holmberg 1927:441-442; Buryat tales 1889 [a person sees a ladder to heaven, goes up to Ewege-Malan-Tengeri; he asks to be his servant; he looks at the ground, sees a thief stealing sheep, throws one of the stones EMT keeps in his chest; he sends him to look like lightning struck the thief; he becomes Thunder, now lives in heaven]: 7 in Holmberg 1927:442; Khangalov 1958a [Khokhodoy-Mergen had a wife and three sons, grew old; said his earthly life had come to an end, said goodbye to his family, came on horseback to a fork in three roads; chose the middle path; found an empty house; four people drove up, welcomed the guest, ordered to protect the house; forbidden him to open the box and wear it winged clothes; XM opened, found colorful stones in the form of arrowheads; saw one person steal potatoes from another on the ground, put a red stone at them, locked the chest; owners said that he burned down an entire city; the next day, XM put on winged clothes and started flying around the house; the returning owners said that if he flew outside, he would kill all people on earth; did XM keeper of thunder (a box of stones), ordering thunder to be produced only by order of the gods - to defeat evil spirits and sinners]: 300-301.
Northeast. Hurons [warriors throw a wounded comrade; the old man promises to cure him if he hunts for him; the Thunders ask the man for help; he lures the old man into the open to drag the carcass bear, lies as if the sky is clear; Thunders attack an old man, who turns into a huge porcupine, is killed; Thunders give man cloud clothes with wings, he flies to his mother's garden; finds a pond, in where the giant larva lives; Thunders kill it]: Hale 1888-1891:290-293; Seneca: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 28 [an old man and a boy are boating across the lake, getting to the Thunders; they have many corn, beans, pumpkins; Thunders ask for help kill giant porcupine, sunfish, butterfly; boy easily kills monsters with onions; Thunders come to people, dance; return to heaven taking a boy; now he is one of the Thunder], 119 [a group of young men goes to the horizon, then reaches the sky; the Thunders cannot kill a squirrel, one of the people kills it; for this they make him the Warm Spring Wind; his flesh is crushed like grain maize; his companions descend to earth; they've been away for years]: 162-166, 622; Marriott, Rachlin 1968 [one of the three brothers breaks his leg; others carry him first, then throw him into the gorge; his mother tells his mother that his son was killed by enemies, that he was buried; a gray-haired old man heals an abandoned man, tells him to hunt himself, forbids him to leave the gorge; chasing a bear, a young man comes out of the gorge; four Thunder ask him to lure the old man here; the young man leads the old man to the bear, the old man raises the carcass on his back, tells him to warn him if a cloud appears; the young man lies that the sky is clear; Thunders kill the old man with lightning, he before death, he becomes a porcupine, throws his needles at Gromov; the Thunders give the young man cloudy clothes, he flies to his mother; in the spring he puts these clothes back on, flies with the Thunder; drinks from the lake, on his lips a brilliant coating remains; this is how the Thunders know that their mortal enemy, a giant larva, lives in the lake; they kill it; since then, people begin fieldwork only after the first thunderstorm, when the Thunders purify pest fields]: 34-40; seneca (or onondaga) [young man Dehaehyowe leads 28 young volunteers to sunset to scrape unknown people; many months go by killing people; giant Half a tree tall tells them to stop killing, otherwise they will die themselves; they agreed; when they reached a large lake, they walked across the surface of the waters; on the opposite bank they saw the sky rise and then descends; flocks of pigeons flew from the world beyond the edge of the sky, then came back; by this time 5 were alive; they hid the scalps they carried, four slipped under the edge of the sky, the fifth was crushed; in the country beyond the corner of the sky, the trees are beautiful, their flowers give off a bright light that illuminates the whole country; local people play lacrose; one plays rude, the chief throws him away as punishment while playing head into the tree, the body pierces the trunk, the head is visible from the other side; after the game, the chief frees the intruder; each of the four visitors is disassembled, the bones are washed, the bodies are reassembled, the bodies become strong, light; the mistress of the house (later admits that she is the Moon) weaves a cape out of human hair; as soon as she leaves, her dog unweaves everything; later Luna says that from everyone who dies to she gets one hair; when everyone dies and no new hairs stop appearing, she will finish her cape; local people come (these are Thunders), eating not food, but the smell that comes from it (exhalations); hostess puts corn grain and pumpkin seeds in the ash, immediately they germinate and bear fruit; one of the people accidentally fires an arrow into the pond; when they return, the owners smell game; go to this pond with lightning they kill a terrible enemy, the Great Blue Lizard; they are grateful to the people for helping to find it; people see the ground below; there is a thunderstorm, a downpour; people see how the Thunders drive and kill a huge horned serpent with lightning; horned snakes live underground; they will come to earth at the end of the world; the heavenly leader tells the Thunders to rest, half of his body is made of ice; every day (i.e. year) turns one (winter) and then another (summer) half a body; Thunders fight a monster, for humans it's a squirrel; people easily kill her, give her skin to a grateful housewife; one of the visitors agrees to become a thunder named Thaw, or Warm Spring Wind; for this purpose they push it in a mortar; people visit the village of the dead, it is impossible to talk to them; they visit the house of the Sun are men; in the spring they go down to the ground, but the place where the village was overgrown with forest; they find a village, only an old woman heard from her grandmother how people took the path of the Sun as a child; D. and his two companions talk about what they saw]: Hewitt 1928:792-806 (=Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 119:607-632); Tuscarora [a man collects his cobs, sees a cloud, runs home; lightning strikes a tree next to him; one day he falls asleep in a boat while hunting; when he wakes up, his boat sails on its own big water to the island; Thunders invite to their place; they eat huge scary green lizards; the elder Thunder offers man venison; among the Gromov there is a young man, he knows what people eat; this thunder is the son earthly woman; he was not as good as others, he was the one who hits trees and dwellings near which people; Old Thunder tells one of his sons to take a man home]: Rudes, Crouse 1987, No. 36:616- 620; Delaware [an old man and a young man go traveling; a well-dressed stranger brings them to the house of the Thunder, who asks them to help defeat enemies; the young man has strength, kills 1) a huge porcupine, 2) sunfish, 3) a cloud-sized flying creature that spreads diseases; the old man returns home; the young man stays with the Thunders; after the voice of the old Thunder, his high voice is heard]: Bierhorst 1995, No. 42:37.
Mesoamerica Tseltal [two fishermen see a man sitting on a branch above the pool; he explains that after swimming he got out to sunbathe, but the Water Master noticed his shadow; asks him to go to his grandmother, she will help ; fishermen find a frog, this is the grandmother; she gives a bunch of cotton, malacate and calebass; Thunder asks to hide, hits the river; one fisherman collects fish, another died because he looked out to see; his thunder revived; he came back to that frog, asked for a job; the frog told him to sprinkle water with his finger, and he scooped it up with his hand; it rained; man cannot cause thunder, only lightning flashes; thunders suspended him from work; when lightning without thunder is him]: Montemayor 1996 (2): 73-77; Veracruz Nahuatl, polka [the hunter chases the deer; he asks to cling to his tail, leads him to Thunder Cave; Thunder's wife shows a man a raincoat, clubs that emit thunder and lightning, frogs and toads that can cause a flood; a man puts on a cloak, takes a club, touches frogs; a storm begins; Thunder throws him into the sky, making him one of the Thunder; this Thunder is the intercessor of humans]: Münch 1983a: 169-171.
Llanos. Sicuani [a man finds a strange egg; comes with his young son before dawn to see whose it is; instead of an egg, he discovers a vulture woman; she takes it as a husband, teaches him and him a son to fly, they fly to heaven; a man kills a deer, buries meat to make peppers appear on it; in fact, they are worms; such food makes a man and son lose weight; a thunder woman calls them to her the village cleans their stomachs of the rot eaten, drives the Vulture Wife away with lightning; the former lover of the Thunder woman suggests that a person hit a tree from the sky not at the root, as his wife taught, but from top to bottom; The man gets stuck, the Thunders free him; he stays in the sky, people call him Turtle Thunder]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 92:344-350.
Guiana. Pemon [during the downpour, the Thunders came down to replenish their gunpowder; the downpour is their clothes, boat, and river at the same time; a flying termite bit one of them; for Thunder it it's like a snake bite; he fell behind comrades, remained sitting on the ground; the man easily cured him with a jam; Thunder gave him his gun, told him not to put much gunpowder; the man put a lot, threw him into the air by the explosion, he himself became one of the Thunders; Thunders are red-faced dwarfs with curly hair]: Artmellada 1988, No. 2:19-20.