Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I81. The waters fall into the abyss.

. (.53.) .62.66.

Earth's waters are falling into the abyss.

Lakher, Vancho, Bontok, Igorot, Paywan, Ancient Chinese, Finns, Karelians, Sami, Nenets, Mansi (Sosva), Evenks of the Turukhansky Territory, Udege (or Orochi?) , Tlingit, Quakiutl, (Eastern Panama?) , macuna, tatuyo, uitoto, ashaninka, machigenga, characterbet.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lakher [all waters have a single drain; at the entrance to it, crab and shrimp release the duct from floating debris with claws; then water falls between two hot Hapa stones and Longlang, evaporates; once the crab and shrimp grew old, lost their claws, garbage blocked the runoff, water flooded the ground; all living things gathered on Mount Leiparang (ancient land), which remained unflooded; after the girl was thrown into the waters, the flood ended; the shrimp and crab grew new claws, there was no more flood]: Parry 1932:490-490; vancho [the earth rests on the head of a snake swimming in the lake; snake movements cause earthquakes; rivers flow into this lake and then rise to god Rang, fill the pool, from there R. sends water back to the ground]: Elwin 1958b, No. 24:90.

Taiwan - Philippines. Bontok [a stranger with a leashed boa constrictor tells his brother and sister to ask his parents to perform a ceremony in his home; otherwise, his boa constrictor will close the hole in the north they are rushing into rivers, a flood will begin; parents laugh; brother and sister flee to the mountain; a dog and a cat bring fire for them to drive away wild animals; an old man with a giant crab on a leash says he will crab remove the water barrier; tells brother and sister to marry, making them forget about their relationship]: Eugenio 1994, No. 128c: 227-229; Igorot: Eugenio 1994, No. 132a [hunters loudly shouted, Lumawig was furious about it, told the crab to close the water drain, saved a man and a woman from the flood; then told the crab to release the water; when the water ran off, the waters formed a rugged terrain], 132c [learning that people do not reproduce, God told the eel to close the runoff to the waters; brother and sister saved the tree; God sent a crab to pinch the eel, which opened the water; when the water ran off, the water created a rugged terrain; brother and sister refused marry; then God touched his brother's navel, men came out; his sister's navel was female]: 234, 236; paivan [the Taruvar monster in the plain, all the waters fell into his mouth; when this the mouth was closed, water began to arrive, flooding the low mountains; only three high mountains remained above the water; people gathered on Mount Yumapalapalai had no fire; they sent a munjaq deer to the mountain Palasidang; he swam back and forth and brought fire; when Taruwara's mouth opened again (was unblocked), the water subsided; worms remained hanging on the trees, the leaders began to feed them; worm excrement formed the soil; so there is soil, and the land is owned by the chiefs - they fed the worms]: Whitehorn, Earle 1983, No. 68:302.

China - Korea. Ancient Chinese: Late 1967 [east of Bohai, how many billions are unknown, there is a bottomless abyss; all waters from all eight sides of the world, nine deserts, and A heavenly river, but it does not overflow]: 85; Yanshina 1977 [retelling the same; Bohai - East Sea]: 140, 201.

Baltoscandia. Finns: Harva 1948 [the entrance to Pohjola is guarded by the Dog Pohëla; there all the waters of the earth fall into the abyss - the lower world]: 50-58, 63-65 in Napolskikh 1992:6; in Holmberg 1927:78-79; Toivonen 1937: 95 [see motif K22; according to Fellman, p.126; there is a huge whirlpool in the sea that draws ships into the lower world; water rushes into it for 7 years, comes back for 7 years; if you take food for 7 years, you can visit in that world; Ääreläiset lives there, they only feed on bird eggs; they are described in the same way as lintukotolaiset], 121 [at the end of the world there is a giant whirlpool where &# lives 228; äreläiset, this is the "Kurimus whirlpool", the "Turya waterfall", the "navel of the waters"; the Sami, Karelians and Russians also believe that the Turja Peninsula has an abyss that are addictive and pushing water, which causes ebbs and tides].

Western Siberia. Nenets {apparently everyone}: Golovnev 2004 [Hey gartha (possibly from he - 'whirlpool) 'is the spirit of sacred whirlpools in the form of a huge hairy monster; his Whirlpool sanctuaries are located at the mouth of the Ob River and at the mouth of the Tazovskaya Bay, where river water goes underground and returns to its origins underground]: 325; Lekhtisalo 1998 [in the sea at the mouths of rivers there is a whirlpool, where water goes underground and then protrudes again in bottomless lakes and river springs]: 12; {Lehtisalo 1924 [Somewhere in the north at the mouth of the Ob River there is an abyss where waters fall; in spring they return to land from sources]: 14, 43-44; not in the bibliography}; Mansi: Kannisto 1951, No. 6 (Sosva) [two Tatars sailed on a barge down the Ob River to the place where water rushes to the lower world; along with water they came to the lower world; everything is like ours, but the sun is like the moon; the locals gave them moldy fish, they threw it away; they swam on and are back on the ground; in the upper reaches of the Ob there is a sacred birch tree and between its roots they climbed back to earth]: 20-21; Sadovszky 1995 [the soul of the deceased descends down the Ob River into the Arctic Ocean, entering the afterlife through a narrow hole; under the ground, the waters of the Ob flow back south (up) to the source, where they come to the surface and flow north again]: 160.

Eastern Siberia. The Evenki of the Yenisei basin [the main shamanic river endekit ("place of prohibition") flows out of the upper world in the east, flows west, turns north, flows into bukit, place deaths, it's also dolbonitsky - an abyss where eternal darkness and cold reigned]: Vasilevich 1959:169-170.

Amur - Sakhalin. Udege people: Arsenyev 1995 (1) (probably; but possibly Orochi; at Arsenyev without specifying) [the boy tells his father that he will go looking for his wife in heaven (the name of both son and father is Egda); birds fight from- for nests, E. makes a second nest, the birds are grateful, since then they have been able to nest; E. takes stranded fish to the river; measures the boar's fangs of the required length (they have grown into the ground); the same to the bear; that teaches you to climb to heaven by the horns of red deer, whose horns have grown into the sky; old Kanda, his wife Bolihe and their daughter will be in the sky; K. orders to pour chumiza into the sea, then the shells, collect them back (the fish are collected); catch a 10-tailed fox; the fox teaches you to bring a parcel from the upper sky that will give the Month; E. cut off 10 tails to the fox with an arrow, one remains; K. asks to bring a month; in the sky, the old woman says where is; gives a parcel, tells him not to open it on the way; E. gives it to K., he opens it, the flame burned him and his wife; E. measured the horns of the right length with a red deer, drank it off, the red deer is happy; E. got a wife, goes to get it second; overtakes, kills hazel grouse, black hazel grouse; shoots at someone at night; nuthatch explains that E. killed the monster Amba, which killed everyone who reached the ends of the earth; the old woman praises for this shows a river that falls into the underworld as a waterfall; there are fish, toads, skeleton, monsters; E. returns, then talks about what he saw to people; the old woman gave seeds, since then berries have been growing on the ground; E. again overtook killed hazel grouse, black hazel grouse; found a farce, got a second wife, brought him home]: 124-131; Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010:71-76 [], 76-80 [a childless old man raised a wild boar pig, brought as a victim by a huge poplar; at night, an old woman dreams: there is a hollow at the base of the poplar, the second at the top, each woman decides to give their spouses a son, throw a donut; the old woman ate it, gave birth to a boy Egdiga, 3 days later he went hunting, 10 days later he went to the ends of the earth for his bride; invented skis on the way; accidentally pierced the girl's bucket with a ski stick, promised to return to her; fired an arrow, she pierced her heart monsters, nuthatch says it was the terrible Ambu; aka Tsaulomya; old woman: he did not miss the swamp; red sunset - his soul is burning, he cannot enter the world of the dead; the old woman led him to the stairs down, near a large river falls into the ground with a waterfall; E. went down the stairs to the lower world of Dokini Eni; there the serpent is wise; the skeleton says that the red fish with a flat tail ate him; E. rises back; old woman: earth and sky are like shell leaves, when they close - night, when they open, light from the outside world falls into the gap; the old woman gave bags of berry seeds; returning to earth, E. He scattered them, since then there have been berries on the ground; when he returned, he took the bride].

NW Coast. The Tlingites [the earth is square, oriented at angles to the cardinal points; there is a hole in the northern corner into which ocean water rushes to the lower world at low tide; at high tide, it spills out back]: Boas 1895, No. XXV.2:319-320 (=2002:623).

(Wed. Honduras - Panama. Eastern Panama (kuna?) [God created animals, birds, and plants; created a turbulent river into which all the rivers in the world flow; on its banks he grew a tree whose branches began to prevent the sun from moving; ordered two squirrels, a large and small, to knock down a tree; a large sliver that flew off injured the spine, since then it has been humpback; the small one has fallen; when the tree fell, the tree blocked the river, formed a sea; the leaves of the tree turned into fish pieces of bark in crocodiles, turtles and iguanas; to prevent the tree from sprouting again, told monkeys, eagles (gavilánes) and ants to eat them]: Adrian de Santo Tomás in Wassen 1933:122-123).

NW Amazon. Makuna: Århem 1980 [the soul of the deceased goes to heaven, then returns to earth from the east through the water gate; those who fall underground travel along the underground river from east to west ( the earth's river flows from west to east); frogs live there, they bring diseases]: 39-40; 1981 [Romi Kumu (Shaman Woman) creates the world with the help of Mythical Male Heroes (MG, including the Sun); the earth is hers body; the Eastern Outlet is the vagina of the RK; the northern and southern outcrops of the earth are its ribs; the calendar cycle is its menstrual cycle; when the vagina is closed, the rivers flow to the mountains and from there to the sky, falling down in rain; When closed, the Milk River, which has absorbed the waters of everyone else, flows into the lower world (dry season)]: 70; tatuyo [Romi Kumu is at the mouth of the world, where all waters flow into another world; she is Pleiades, whose periodic appearance determines the timing of pohe wi (male rituals with mountains and flutes forbidden for women); causes water to rise and fall on the Mid-World River; when it reduces thighs, waters rises, spreads, falls; when it moves, earthquakes occur]: Bidou 1983:40; uitoto [the round earth is flat, surrounded by water; all rivers merge together, falling into the abyss and more without going back; exactly where this abyss is not known]: Farabee 1922:145.

Montagna - Jurua. Ashaninka [the waters of the rivers flow east, where they fall into the lower world; the hole is partially blocked by a huge crab; when it moves to the side, the water level in the rivers drops; if at all will close the hole, the flood will flood the earth]: Weiss 1975:251-253; Machigenga: García 1935-1937, No. 17 [the Meshiaréni (Milky Way) sky river is crystal clear, flowing to the ground, along with the waters Earth's rivers fall into the abyss; there are more fish than the earth's rivers; a path leads to the sky along it; both the river and the path are visible only to shamans]: 171-172 in Baer 1984:345 (note 1249), in Weiss 1975:257; Baer 1984 [Irioshi (aka Tasurinchi, Taso'Rintsi) lives in the sky, created all good things; Kenti'vakori is underground in a dark, smelly world surrounded by his disgusting creatures; created all bad things; first, water is everywhere; I. proposes to create land; K. does not dare; I. throws his rod into the water, the water is covered with an even crust; K. also throws something, but creates unusable, infertile plots of land (sand, clay, rocks); I. creates useful animals, useful plants, machigenga people; K. - harmful animals, demons, foreigners; if the land was flat, it would be cut through numerous canals that would make it easy to swim anywhere; and now rivers flow down to where all the water at the edge of the earth falls into the abyss; if I. were the sole creator, people would not die or suffer from hard work; children would be born without sex and without pain, like I.'s creatures in the sky (in particular star people)]: 237-241; characterbet [the main river ends the abyss into which the waters fall]: Alvárez 1956-1957, No. 27:179 in Weiss 1975:498.