Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

I81B. Charybdis (tide and low tide).

.20.24.-.26. (.27.) .37.38.42.

At high tide, a creature spews out sea water or displaces it with its body, and at low tide it swallows water or makes room for it.

Maori, Viets, Andamans, Dongos, Mentawai, Malays, Kalamians, Mandayas, (Ancient Greece), Koreans, Nivhi, Ainu, Bellacula.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Maori [when the sea monster Te Parata swallows water, low tide occurs]: Best 1972:25.

Burma - Indochina. Vieta [Taen Bien turtle rests at the bottom of the sea; if it breathes in, water flows into it, low tide occurs; exhalation is the tide]: Nikulin 1982a: 535.

Malaysia-Indonesia. The Andamans [the ebb and flow are caused by big fish that swallows water and then spew it]: Radcliffe-Brown 1933:146 (=Nippold 196:122); dongo (Sumbawa) [a creature lives in the sea penu; when it gets into its house, there is a tide, when it comes out, it's low tide]: Arndt 1952:487; mentawai [a giant crab living in the sea comes up and then sinks in search of food again; it causes ebbs and tides]: Schefold 1988:71; Malays [there is a huge tree in the middle of the ocean, a crab lives in a cave at its roots; when it comes out of the cave, water rushes there, low tide occurs; when the tide comes in]: Skeat, Blagden 1900:6-7.

Taiwan - Philippines. Kalamians [ebbs and flows cause huge fish that either absorb ocean water and then spew it back]: Worcester 1901:497; Mandaya [Crab in the sea causes ebbs; when she opens her eyes, lightning flies out of them; when she tries to eat her mother Luna, an eclipse occurs]: Cole 1913:172.

China - Korea. Koreans [there is a hole in the sea at the bottom, it has a huge catfish; when it gets out, the water rushes into the hole, it's low tide; when it climbs back, displacing the water with its body, the tide]: Choi 1979, No. 735:320 .

(Wed. The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Charybdis is a whirlpool monster that swallowed up and spewed three times a day the waters of a narrow strait on the other side of which Skilla lived; Odysseus swam past her]: Hom. Od. XII 85-107, 234-250).

Amur - Sakhalin. Nivhi [everything you can see around - sky, sea, and land - is called kurn" and is considered alive; when the kurn breathes in, it draws water and low tide occurs; when exhales back - there is a tide; there is a navel of the sea, through which water draws in at low tide; through it then comes out; one day, when it was low tide, a boat with nivkhs was dragged into this navel]: Krejnovich 1973:36-37.

Japan. Ainu [the ground lies on the trout's back; when it moves, earthquakes occur; it swallows and spews water, causing ebbs and flows; when it is especially strong, tsunamis; first earth it was a swamp, there was a huge trout, God told it to keep the land]: Batchelor 1927:128; Ainu [The Sea Old Man is a bag-shaped monster that sucks everything with his mouth; once I was about to swallow the boat, but one of the sailors threw his loincloth into his mouth; in disgust, the monster spit it it out and the boat was saved]: Chamberlaine 1888? # 45:.

NW Coast. Bellacula [Selsats, a sea-living creature, swallows and regurgitates water twice a day; this is the cause of ebbs and tides]: Boas 1898:37.