I82A. Venus is a man. 11.-.13.15.17.-.
(.35.) .
The Morning Star and/or the Evening Star is a male character.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Tsonga [Evening Star is Moon's husband]: Junod 1927:309 (=Sicard 1966:36).
West Africa. Igbo [Venus - Wise-man-Who-can-Talk]: Thomas 1913:127 in Nilsson 1920:119.
Sudan - East Africa. Hadza [Ishoko's sun ran around the earth like people were running; she had a daughter Tsikayo from a month; when H. was walking, the ground trembled; he lived on the mountain with his daughter and grandson Shashaya; Ts. ran away to her husband, telling Sh. answer his grandfather in her voice; H. rushed in pursuit, S. rose to heaven in fear, became the Morning Star; without catching his daughter, H. returned, a huge snake crawled out of the cave to meet him, bit him, he died, took to heaven]: Kohl-Larsen 1956 in Kotlyar 2009, No. 95:97 (=Col-Larsen 1962:28-31).
Southern Europe. Latins [Venus is "a gracious night star, husband or woman" (Macrob. Sat. III 8, 3)]: Myth 1:232.
Western Asia. Yemen: Lundin 1980b [Astar is the personification of the planet Venus, the supreme deity; apparently depicted as a disc (Venus?) above the lying sickle of the moon]: 115; 1980d: 598; Henninger 1954 [Athtar, as the male deity of Venus, is known in the cultures of southern Arabia]: 108; Yemen [in all Sabean texts The month is men, the Sun is woman, the Morning Star is their son]: Nielsen 1912:591, 594; Ugarit: Lundin 1980b [Astar is the personification of the planet Venus; Iluk transfers power to him after Balu's death; being opposed to B. is the embodiment of an evil beginning, his epithet is "terrible"]: 115; Tsirkin 2000 [the children of Ilu and his wives are good gods to Shahar and Shalim; the first, apparently, embodied in the Morning, the second in the Evening Star]: 47; Phoenicians [The Evening Star is Astarta, the Morning Star is the god Astar; little known in Phoenicia, revered by the Semites, in particular by the South Arabs]: Tsirkin 2000:78; Babylonia: Kurtik 2007:113-114 [in astrological texts, morning Venus is a female deity, evening is male, in other texts, on the contrary (morning - male, evening - female); how masculine was identified with Ningirsu], 234 [names Ashtar/Ishtar comes from the originally West-Semitic male deity Ashtar, who also had the female parallel Attart or Ashtar; both were identified with Venus in its two guises - Morning star (female deity) and evening star (male deity), although the opposite identification is also known; in Mesopotamia, the male aspects of Ishtar were eventually replaced by the cult of Inanna feminine, but remained until New Assyrian era].
Australia. Jauan [brother and sister played far from the camp; Munjarra (Morning Star) came down, killed everyone; the children went to another country, the brother married his sister, their children separated, talked to different languages; one day at the camp, the brother/husband looked for his spear; the sister/wife found it, said they were copulating at this place; the husband hissed not to talk about it, or else he would kill her]: Robinson 1956:64; mungkan [two initiated brothers travel creating a landscape; dancing, singing, fighting each other, clearing the thickets with a magic boomerang; the elder cuts off the youngest genitals, gives a digging stick instead of a spear; makes his wife; boomerang is a young month, older brother is a full month, younger brother is a Morning Star]: Waterman 1987, No. 720:42 (Russian per. McConnell 1981, No. 2:33-38); wick-natara [two brothers are dancing, one is gradually becoming a woman, the other is marrying her, this is the first marriage; McConnel believes that one brother is the Month that has become Woman - Morning Star]: McConnel, p. 466 in Frazer 1937:217; Yualarai: Parker 1905 [Evening Venus - Laughing Star, man; constantly laughed at his own joke, laughs to this day (Venus twinkles)]: 95; Parker 1965 [The seven Pleiades sisters are beautiful, their bodies gleam with icicles; Berei-Berei's youths (Orion's Belt and Sword) watch them find and collect honey; old Varunna kidnapped two girls, tried to melt their icicles, but only put out the fire; they returned to heaven to their sisters, but V.'s fire made them dimmer than others; BB died of grief, also rose to heaven; at night they dance to singing Pleiades; once a year, the Pleiades throw ice on the ground; a piece of ice is pressed against the children's noses, a bone or straw is inserted into the nose; a Pleiades relative laughed watching the two sisters run away from V.; laughs until still, he's the Laughing Star (Venus); when it's thunder in winter, it's the Pleiades who bathe]: 123-125; millingimbi [man turned into an Evening Star to show people where there are lots of edibles in the West bulbs]: Wells 1965:5-9.
Melanesia. The Melanesians of the Finschhafen Peninsula (prov. Morobe, north coast of Papua New Guinea) [when 10 brothers got together, 9 always beat the youngest on the 10th; he climbed a tree, it began to grow, the wind rocked him, threw him into the sky, and he became The Morning Star; his brothers followed and became a group of stars {Pleiades?} ; dew - tears of 9 brothers who cried when their tenth went missing]: Slone 2001, No. 56:4-5; San Cristobal [The Evening Star is "the one watching the feasts"]: Coombe 1911:240.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Lamotrek [the first couple Yat and Yol had two daughters; married, each gave birth to a son; one of them was taken to heaven with her child by the sister of TremesielangeGotu, the leader of the estate in the East heaven; god Eluelap took the boy for himself; all the stars (Venus man, Ursa Major, Eagle, Pleiades, Orion, etc.) began to suggest names; Venus eventually proposed the name "crap"; but Altair suggested the name Lugeileng ("middle of the sky"); for this, E. rewarded him (Altair is always visible) and Venus punished (he is only visible in the morning or evening)]: Krämer 1937:160-161; Bellona: Monberg 1966 [Mautikitiki and his two younger brothers are pinched by a tridact shell; death has existed since then; M. opens the shell, all three rise to the sky, become stars of the Orion Belt]: 86; Elbert, Monberg 1965, No. 57A [Kangokangonga'a asked Ten Teslas to build a boat; he said he had ten tesels, if he gave one, what would be left? Then K. consistently asked each of his younger brothers Ten named Nine, etc., each answers according to their number; but Odin still gives teslo; K. makes the boat, sews it strong vines, and fragile on top of them; replies that he sewed fragile; Ten and his brothers sew their boats with these vines, they fall apart into the sea; each asks K. to take him into his boat, K. answers, let him put his teslo in his boat; only the youngest, whose name is Odin, allows him to climb; One sees his brothers jumping like dolphins, jumping after them; K.'s boat falls apart, K. sails with his things; Stars go down, everyone takes something for themselves; Tungangupe (A Flock of Pigeons, Scorpio) sailed, Teika (Fish) a fish, Kaabei (Handle) an outrigger, Kaukupenga (net-handle, Southern Cross) - net, Tetoki (Teslo) - Teslo, Ma'ukoma'a - large net, Tongungamaaui (Troy Maui, Orion Belt) - paddle, Tengika - coconut shell scoop; so all the things from the boat ended up in the sky, and K. drowned], 57B [Kagokagoga'aa built a huge boat, put all kinds of things in it - cultivated plants, fruits, fish, etc.; he sailed and died; the stars came down to pick up his things; Matagiki (Little Eyes - Pleiades) sailed, Tetinomanu (Bird-body) - fish and fruits of cultivated plants, Kaukupenga (Net-handle - Southern Cross) - net, Teika (Fish) - fish, Tugagupe (Stea pigeons - Scorpio) - pigeons, Gaukoma - a large network; many Stars came down and took all their things]: 159-161, 162; Tonga (Nomuka) [Tapu-Kitea's boy is so mischievous and naughty that his parents kill him; he turns into Venus]: Polinskaya 1986, No. 77:190; Tahiti [King Faiti, a star of the golden sky, slept with his wife, she gave birth to King Fauroua, the Morning Star]: Williamson 1933 (1): 120; Borabora [cf. 1818; first, the god Rua-tupua-nui married, his children are shooting stars, the Moon, comets, Perseus, the Chariot; the Chariot married Chapel, their sons Venus and Mercury; Venus married Capricorn, their son Mars; the children of Mars - Fomalhaut and Southern Fish; then new marriages and births; Southern Cross, Canopus, Raven, Saturn were born; Saturn married the Dome of Heaven, gave birth to many small stars, including nebulae; Jupiter has children The Pleiades, the Orion Belt, other Orion stars, Sirius; Sirius also has many children, including the Magellanic Clouds; the sky was supported by large twinkling stars: Antares, Aldebaran, Spica, Dubhe (in Bolshoy Bear), Alphard (in Hydra), Arcturus, Procyon, Betelgeuse, Faet (in Golube), North Star]: Williamson 1933 (1): 120-121; Mangaia [Morning Venus is God Tane]: Williamson 1933 (1): 132; Maori : Reid 1960 [Maui turned his nephews into Morning and Evening Stars by turning their jaws into fishing hooks; his older brother climbed the web into the sky, his eye is Takiara (Guiding Star)]: 42- 43; Best 1972 [Parearau is some planet considered to be Kopu's wife (Venus); he told her to stay with him until dawn, but she came in the evening]: 43-44.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lakher [Evening Star - Thlaseu, Morning Star - Deiva, both men; T. went to his sister, who killed only one pig, so the party was soon over and T. left his sister in the evening ; D. had many sisters, each slaughtered a pig, the festival lasted all night, he went home at 4 am; at this time great darkness came, the first ancestors experienced a metamorphosis, T. appear in the evening and D. in the morning]: Parry 1932:493-494; miso (lushy): Hutton 1925 [The Morning Star is a girl, the Evening Star is the village elder; they meet at the zenith of the sky when they marry]: 116; McCall 1949 [a young man goes to a girl in a hostile village; at the same time kidnaps children there; he is caught, thrown mud at his severed head; his beloved washes his hair, brings it to her parents; her fellow villagers are hers they kill; the young man turns into Venus, the girl into Jupiter; sometimes they approach each other]: 83-86; rai (tulung) [leaves fell into the primary lake, from which a plant grew, Miyapma originated there; her the immortal Rolasila (Venus) from heaven could have been the husband, but she conceived from another character]: Allen 2011:27.
Burma - Indochina. Vietnam: Coyaud 2011, No. 3B [the son of wealthy parents stole money and ran away; later returned and, unaware of it, married his sister; taking out his wife's lice, he noticed a scar on his head; she explained that As a child, her brother stabbed her while she was eating sugar cane; realizing what had happened, her husband sailed away on the ship and did not return; the wife went in search, they did not bring results; after death, her husband became A morning star, and his wife is an Evening Star; their son, a constellation in the middle of the sky (Fléau - flail or scales), is always waiting for the Morning or Evening Star]: 16; Landes 1886, No. 47 [=Coyaud 2011, No. 3A: 12-14; a young lumberjack sees heavenly fairies bathing in a spring; hides one of them's clothes, she has to go with him, he hides her clothes in a rice barn; when the child is three years old, the wife finds her clothes; leaving his comb for his son, he flies away; taking the boy, the husband comes to the spring; the fairy maids also came there for water, the boy throws his comb into their jug; the wife recognizes the comb, tells them to hand it over to her husband a handkerchief, with which he flies to his wife; after a while she sends her husband and son to the ground in a drum tied to a rope, promising to ask Buddha for permission to marry a mortal; in the middle between earth and sky, the waters began to peck at the rice grains on the drum; the fairy maids took this as a sign that those who descended had reached the ground cut off the rope; the father and son fell into the sea, died; as punishment, Phat Ba turned the fairy into a Morning Star; the husband became an Evening Star; every year, on the 15th day of the 7th month, maids give a sacrifice, and the vórons form a chain for the spouses and their son could get together and meet; that's why crows have a bald head; a funeral ceremony is always held somewhere on this day; the Morning and Evening Stars are always eager to meet]: 123-126 ; zhuang (Yunnan) [the sky was close to the ground, since then the tops of bamboo have been crooked as they rested against the sky; the thunder god emitted lightning, blinking his eyes, creating gusts of wind with his wings, kicking his legs - thunder, an ax and a chisel in his hands, destroyed everything with them; came to visit a man named Bubo; after eating and drinking, he decided that he should collect tax from farmers; B. offered him a choice of tops and roots; he said that he was a celestial, so he chose the tops; B. planted a tarot, the thunder got rotten leaves and dry stems; the following year he chose roots, and B. planted rice; the following year he chose roots, and B. planted rice; the following year the thunder promised to take both the tops and the roots, but B. planted corn and took the cobs; the thunder told his General Lumeng not to send rain anymore; B. told people to open the locks of the heavenly river, water irrigated the fields; then the thunder raised the sky higher, leaving only the sun and moon tree to communicate; B. led the people to take water from the underground dragon, but he was the thunder's brother and refused; then B. grabbed him by horns and told him to pluck his beard; the dragon gave him water; but in the third year there was drought again; the thunder sent General Lumang to repair the locks; B. climbed a tree into the sky, pushed L. into the river; one of the warriors, Qigao, warned that the thunder was going to kill people by drought; B. put his sword to the thunder's throat, making it rain; the thunder descended to take revenge, slipped on wet mats, caught and tied; B. went to get salt so that, after killing the thunder, he would pickle his meat; telling his children not to let him go, not to drink him, not to give him an ax; the thunder persuaded them (they gave him water with indigo paint, so he turned blue ), gained strength, flew out; gave his tooth, telling him to plant it: during the flood, only Fuyi and his sister will be saved; the thunderstorm opened the locks of the heavenly river, and the dragon released the waters of the underground lake; B. swam in an inverted umbrella; the thunder wanted to hack him with an ax, but B. cut off his legs himself; the thunder was afraid that B. would be in the sky with the waters of the flood, threw off the water; B. fell with his umbrella on the mountain, crashed, his heart bounced to heaven and became Venus; F. and his sister escaped in a pumpkin (which grew out of a thunder's tooth); came out when the waters came down; turtle, bamboo: you must marry; brother and sister: if you come alive, let's get married; they killed a turtle, cut bamboo, they were reborn; Venera-B. also told them to marry: light fires on two mountains, if the columns of smoke merge, then you can; sister gave birth to a piece of meat; they had it cut and scattered, people came out of the pieces; the thunder attached cockclaws to his feet instead of the severed feet; after the dragon's beard was pulled out, two pieces were left: his carp children had them ; Qugao has become an earthworm; when it crawls out, the thunder tries to cut it in half; if worms crawl out, it means a thunderstorm; shamans begin to know the future through turtle shells and bamboo stalks]: Miller 1994:137-150.
South Asia. Ancient India (Aryan) [Savitar wanted his daughter Surya (a female version of the solar deity) to marry the moon god Somu; but Surya was harassed by many, so it was decided that Surya would receive the one who will be the first to ride to the sun in chariots; the Ashwins defeated, Surya became their companion; the Ashwins (Nasatya and Dasra) became the gods of twilight and the morning and evening stars]: Erman, Temkin 1975, No. 5:22, 205 (note) [Ashwins' association with certain natural phenomena is assumed; sources do not accurately identify them]; Tamils [Śukra - Venus is considered a male character in India]: Natesa Sastri 1884-1888:152; Sinhalese [Venus in an ominous aspect has a masculine image in one picture and a female image in the other]: Krasnodembskaya 1982:69; cond [the girl met a rooster, gave birth to two big eggs; they were born to Begabadori and Barahasukhan; they were sent to heaven to become the Morning and Evening Stars; the rest of the stars were their children]: Elwin 1954, No. 10:62.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Temuan (mantra) [there were three Suns, wife, husband and child, some of them are always in the sky; To' Entah asked the Moon to hide the Evening Star and child stars in her husband's mouth, to suggest The sun swallow its husband and children; the Sun did so; after learning the truth, it said it would swallow the moon if it ended up on its path; this is the cause of the eclipses]: Skeat, Blagden 1906:338; eastern Toraja [Morning and Evening Stars are separated spouses; but the husband wants to see his wife again, tries to grab her]: Adriani, Kruyt 1950, No. 16:387; Tchailoru (Timor) [Tchailoru-Ratum came from the sea to A star shone in his head (he is associated with Venus), summoned Timor from the sea; the island first staggered, he fixed it with a wave of his hand; seven days later he rose to heaven]: Azevedo Gomes 1972:25-26; Seram (nusavele, hatuolu, huaulu) [Alahatala man-sky met Pohun, a woman earth; she gave birth to the first human couple Tomoa and Binawalu; they pushed the sky away; the earth also gave birth to the Male Sun and the Moon- a woman who gave birth to an Evening Star boy and a Morning Star girl; Mount Hatuolo is the bosom of the Earth]: Röder 1948 in Stöhr, Zoetmulder 1965:139.
Taiwan - Philippines. Sulu [the little prince is captured by a foreign king, made his heir; his little sister was raised by a shepherd; the prince marries a shepherdess; the couple understand that they are brother and sister, separated; brother goes west, becomes Evening Star, sister is Morning Star, gets up east]: Eugenio 1994, No. 74:141-142; bontok [star girls fly in to swim in the lake; young hunter hides wings one of them; marries; she gives birth to a son, the placenta turns into a second boy with greater strength; while playing, the brothers turn the stone over, find wings, return to the mother; the placenta boy puts his foot on the edge of his spear, pushes off, flies to heaven, becomes the Evening Star; the brother cannot take off; the mother flies away, promising him that he will be the ancestor of Europeans]: Eugenio 1994, No. 7: 15-16; atayal (Mpaynox Buanan village) [a woman met a man who did not carry a tokan bag (which, among other things, wears trophy heads); she doubted whether in this case he man; he said that if he was a man, he could turn into a star that appears at dawn and shoots a bear {not clear}; became Morning Venus; the woman was ashamed of her words, became Evening Venus]: Yamada 2009b, #6:70.
China - Korea. The Chinese [Taibo is the name of Venus; the spirit of T. was revered as the deity of autumn; descends to earth on the fifteenth day of each lunar month; he was associated with the 2nd century BC dignitary Dongfang Shuo, involved in Taoist magic; in folklore, T. is often a Taoist monk]: Riftin 196:12 (=1972:332); Chinese (Shanxi, wu. Zhangzi) [The Fire Lord married the daughter of the deity of the Chishui River; son Yanju and daughters Yaoji and Nuiwa were born; Y. was beautiful and kind, and she was married to Rain Lord Chisong Tzu; he abandoned her, and she died of resentment; turned into yaosao grass on the shore of the Jade Pond (Yaochi) on Mount Kunlun; any girl smells it becomes gentle and beautiful; the youngest Nuiwa loved the Great Sea; once drowned; her mother fell ill and died; N.'s soul turned into a bird that swore to raze the sea to the ground; every evening she shouted: Jingwei! Jingwei! , people called her that; she flew to Mount Fajiu, picked up dry branches and pebbles in her beak, threw them into the sea; the souls of her mother and sister helped dig stones on the mountain, a large hole formed there, and a pond Four Stars (Sysin); The Jade Lord made mother and daughters goddesses and ordered the spirit of Venus to build a temple in their honor near the pond; he did not know which goddess to take to the temple main place, I decided to arrange a competition: which goddess will be the first to get from the village of Kansi ("Looking at the Temple") to Lake Four Stars on Mount Fajiu, she will be in the central place; and sat on a bay horse, Yaoji for a black mule, and N. got a gray donkey, she was driving behind; the mule gave birth to a foal on the way, I angrily pulled out his uterus, and since then the mules have no offspring; I went on foot; mother she tore her skirt against the thorns, sat down to sew it up; when she saw that her daughter was far behind, she went to bed; when she woke up, N. had already reached the pond, I. Soon too; therefore, in the center of the hall there is a sculpture of N., and her sister and mother on the sides; the stone on which N.'s mother fell asleep is called Grandma's couch]: Zhou Yang et al. 1999, No. 8:11-12; Chinese (Henan, wu. Anyang) [In ancient times, the sky stood on five pillars, each holding its own turtle. One day, the water in the seas dried up, the turtles in the four corners were left without water, became angry, began to spin, and the pillars supporting the sky collapsed. Nuiva sent a heavenly spirit to cut off these turtles' legs and prop up the sky with them. However, holes remained in the sky, and through them black mist descended from the sky, causing people to die. Nuiva and his heavenly army used three hundred and sixty methods, patched the sky for three hundred and sixty years, but never finished. Eventually, the spirit of Venus suggested taking stones from Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, and Saturn, melting them and patching the sky with them. Nuiva went to the center, where the sky did not collapse, made a fire there, melted the stones and began to patch the sky with them. Because there were not enough five-color stones, a hole remained in the northwest corner, and Nuiva covered it with a piece of ice, so the northwest wind is cold and sometimes brings black clouds and hail with it. Nuiva finished patching up the sky, was very tired and began to look for a place to relax. She didn't like it anywhere, and as a result, she settled in a place where she melted five-colored stones. The slag left after Nuiva melted the stones turned into a mountain that kept warm. It was reaching the sky, and the Jade Lord sent thirteen dragons to cool it down. The dragons were icy, and when they got down to the mountain, it immediately cooled down. Even in the hottest summer, this place is cool, so people nicknamed it "Cool Mountain" (Qingliangshan)]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001b, No. 10:17-18; Chinese (Shandong, Wu. Dingtao) [in honor of her birthday, Mother Wangmu arranges a holiday at the Jade Pond, which brings together all immortals; the immortal Hundred Flowers prepares noodles from cereals, heavenly dew and flower nectar, and whoever tastes it prolongs his life; once the Immortal Hundred Flowers carried noodles for Vanma, but saw unusual clouds at the Jade Pond, froze in surprise and did not want to leave; at that time, the moon goddess Chang'e approached her, and the Immortal Hundred Flowers asked her to take the noodles to her mother; when she reached the gate, Chang'e tripped over the threshold, dropped her noodle casket, and when he fell to the ground, he crashed; Wanmu decided to help her maintain her dignity, and pretending to be angry, asked Chang'e if the Heavenly Dog had bitten her; Chang'e understood Wanmu's plan and said that Heavenly Dog, wanting to eat the wonderful noodles, he grabbed her leg; the Heavenly Dog, offended, said that it was not true, but Wangmu scolded him and threatened to execute him; when he saw Mother favor Chang'e, the immortals became indignant, but did not dare to say anything; the spirit of the planet Venus felt sorry for Heavenly Dog and said that he had been guarding the heavenly palace for many years and deserved leniency; c given that it takes place on his mother's birthday, he should be spared and exiled to the ground instead of execution; his mother sent him to people; the Heavenly Dog has not forgotten Chang'e's resentment against him, and waited at night for the moon to appear to swallow Chang'e; Chang'e knew she was to blame, and when she saw the Sky Dog approaching the moon, she hid; until now, how long the Sky Dog could not bite Chang'e]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, No. 7:7-8; Tsï Ntzï and Tsï Seo told silversmiths to shackle a black stone, it turned into a Morning Star; later became Ch'en Kiang , the emperor's bodyguard; only he was skillful in writing hieroglyphs]: Graham 1954:18.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece. The son of Eosphorus (Morning Star) Keik marries Alcyon. She calls his wife Hero, she calls him Zeus. Zeus turned it into a kingfisher, him into a seagull; the Moldovans [the prince breaks the old woman's jug with a stone, who tells him to go around the earth, enter the immortal kingdom, but he will not find peace there either; the old man tells him to go around the earth, enter the immortal kingdom, but there is no peace there either; say hello to animals on the way, greet the snake, he will let him into the castle; in the castle, another old man gives a ball, tells him to follow it; the acorn promises that the young man will die when the oak tree that grew out of it decays acorn; the same is a grape seed (he will drink wine as long as the grapes that grow from it are alive); the eagle asks not to shoot at it, heal it; the king of fish will push it into the water; the fox - save it from dogs; the mosquito - take it out of the web; the thread ends at the castle; the bride will be given if the young man hides; the eagle hides behind the clouds (the eldest daughter finds), the fish in the sea (finds the middle one), the fox among the flowers (the youngest picks off) a flower, puts it in a basket, does not recognize it); the king gives it if the young man identifies it among three (the mosquito sits on the youngest's nose); the king does not tell you to go out the gate through which the young man entered; he goes out, sees the thread his ball, decides to go visit his parents; the vine has grown, the oak is huge, the dragon has grown old, his father's castle has fallen apart (many years have passed); the 300-year-old hermit says that once everyone died of the plague; the young man goes back, sees a mortar, Death comes out from under it; the young man runs away, the old man gives him a belt, the oak gives him an iron staff, the vine gives them to Death, let him come when he wears out, when the sword rust ; time comes, the young man runs to his wife, she grabs his hand, Death by the leg; the wife turns it into a golden apple, throws it into the sky (Evening Star); sisters turn it into an apple, throw it (Morning Star) Star); Death turns the king and sisters into stone pillars]: Botezatu 1981:27-37; Romanians [after a long prayer, the queen gives birth to a daughter; she is a goat during the day, a girl at night; she marries a prince; he burns goatskin; wife soars to heaven, becomes evening Venus, her husband becomes Morning]: Mladenova 2006:58; Romanians [long text; childless king is instructed that his wife should eat what he has caught fish; the maid also tried it; two boys were born, grew up, inseparable; at the end of the story, one turned into the Morning Star, the other into the Evening Star]: Kremnitz 1882, No. 17:203-212; Bulgarians: Kovachev 1914 [Stana and Milo (Miho) are brother and sister who were kidnapped and separated by Turks as children; they met and fell in love; during the wedding, icons in the church moved, the candles went out; they turned to God and he made them Morning and Evening Venus; once a year they get closer; if they meet, an earthquake occurs]: 25; Stoynev 2006:140-141 [Denitsa and Vechernitsa were sister and brother ( Yanka and Yankul, Stana and Milo, Denitsa and Jurak); they were kidnapped by the Turks; they returned, met, did not know each other, got married, they have a child; their mother recognized them; for sin, they were understood to heaven by their pleas , became stars], 141 [1) a childless woman asks God to give birth to at least a snake; a snake was born, grew up, asked the royal daughter Denitsa as his wife; on her wedding night, the mother peeked through the keyhole that the serpent became a young man; St. Peter and St. Maria, and Denitsa served them; the bride became Denitsa, her fiance became the Evening Star (Yunak); 2) Zornitsa and Vechernitsa were brother and sister Milan and Militsa]; Greeks: Mladenova 2006 [in Greek versions ATU story, No. 450 brother and sister are either Morning Star (Zornitsa is brother) and Pleiades or Janos and Maro]: 57; Megas 1970, No. 31 [father is happy that a daughter was born; she must be bathed; he sends seven sons for water, they broke the jug; they were afraid to return, the father cursed them, turning them into crows; repented, but late; the sister found out everything from her mother, went to look for brothers; the Sun is too hot, the Month is cannibal; The stars are friendly; the Morning Star let the bat's foot bone open the tower where the brothers are; the servant let her in, prepared food and wine; she drank and ate from each serving, threw her younger brother into the glass mother's ring; he realizes that his sister is near, brothers immediately become people]: 79-81.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [the elder brother got stuck on a rock, called his younger brother; to prevent the elder from falling asleep, the younger brother sang songs all night saying that he would take his wife and turn the children into slaves; in the morning the eldest went down, on the way home, pushed the youngest into the river off the bridge; the mother explained that the youngest wanted to save him by not letting him fall asleep; the eldest rushed into the river; the eldest became the Evening Star, the youngest was the Morning Star ]: Hvartskia 1994:61-62.
Baltoscandia. Estonians: Kuperjanov 2003:55-56 [in the song (regilaul) The Bride of the Star (Tähemõrsja) marries the Sun, Month, Star (specifically Evening or Morning, Eha- or Koidutä ht)], 104-105 [Venus is the owner, Mercury is an employee; if the worker is ahead, a good year for laborers, if it is a difficult year behind the owner (same Loorits 2005:234-235)]; setu [Morning Star -" The Russian King", Evening - "The German King"; one day Evening disappeared, so we found out that the German king was dead]: Loorits 2005:234; Latvians [A month takes the bride away from Auseklis (Morning Star); Apparently, this bride is Saule's daughter (sun woman); Perkon cuts him with a sword]: Tsivyan 1988:228-229.
Turkestan. Uighurs: Najeep 1968:396 [cholpan 'Venus', translated poet. 'heavenly musician', 'Cholpan' (male name)], (cf. 476 [zur' Venus', translated poet. 'heavenly musician', 'Zukhra' (female name)]).
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats: Agapitov, Khangalov 1883 (Balagan) [Following Galy-ezhin, it is appropriate to put a deity that is related to Sahyad Noyon in origin, is a star or planet - Solbon, his ezhin Solbon-Sagan-Tengari, or Uha-solbon, is therefore a heavenly deity, as Baendai Bashenkhaev, the shaman of the Olkhon Department, said, was the son of Esege-Malan-Tengeri and therefore the brother of the fire master, who is also is considered not a grandson, but a son of E. M. T. Solbon is a star that can be seen in the evening and in the morning; if a foal is born in autumn after the star appears, it is believed that the foal will be a good horse. Solbon protects horses and humans. They dedicate a chubar horse to him and make a huray, that is, not a bloody sacrifice, but only use tarasun, tarak and salamat. In the past, Balagan shamans say, they made sacrifices. Solbon had three wives, the last was a simple Buryat, the daughter of a Buryat of the Verkholensky Department of the Olzon family, Ukhandaya, named Harhan-Sharalgan; she had already been married, but Solbon kidnapped her at the time how she was on her way to the groom, surrounded by wedding guests; Solbon grabbed her and took her to heaven; the first two wives had no children, and the third marriage gave birth to a son, Sogto-Mergen]: 229-300; Ivanov 1957 [Uhaa Solbon is a Western Tengri; a wealthy pastoralist, livestock maker; his ongon was given an accentuated sign of gender (Figure 29); his mistress is the heavenly goddess of fertility Khatan Mulgan]: 144; Sandschejew 1928 (Alar) [Solbon - Venus, man, master of herds; harsh, broke his shepherd's arm and leg and knocked out his eye for daring to take part in the meal of the gods (am Göttermahle teilzunehmen gewagt hatte)]: 975.
Western Siberia. Nenets: Barmich 2014 [elderly spouses are childless; the old man suggested making a wooden idiot instead of his son, carved him out, put clothes on him; one day someone goes; old man: this is our child; guest came in, he was fed; guest: tomorrow will be a good day, it is very hot, go outside naked; they did so; suddenly there was a thunderstorm; the hair was wet; the old men ascended to heaven; the old man became the morning star of dawn, the old woman in the evening]: 622-623; Lehtisalo 1998 (tundra) [the old spouses are childless; the old woman makes herself a wooden seat instead of her son; a stranger comes, tells her to go out in the morning naked; in the morning the fire began to fall in the form of rain, the hair on the skin burned, the couple flew, the husband became the evening star]: 12-13; Nenyang 1997 (Taimyr) [childless spouses are old, old man decides to make a wooden idol instead of the child; dresses, puts it at the entrance to the plague; a stranger comes, asks who this idol is, advises him to go outside tomorrow without clothes; a fiery rain has begun, spouses freed themselves from their bodies, flew to heaven; the old man became the Morning Star, the old woman became the Evening Star]: 36-37; (cf. nganasana [reprinted in Barmich 2014:530-631; people killed an elk, left half of the carcass in place; a wolf and a man came to steal the meat at night; the wolf told the man that his face had turned red in advance out of shame, he told him to stick to the edge of the sky, turn into a red star, blink all the time; the Wolf will eat deer at night, because he knows no shame; this is how the Thief Star (Venus) appeared {Venus is blue, identification is questionable; maybe Aldebaran or Betelgeuse? ; in winter, both low above the horizon}]: Voskoboynikov, Menovshchikov 1951:112).
Eastern Siberia. Evenki Birary: Vasilevich 1969 [evening star Cholbon is a woman, morning Eden is a man, master of all stars]: 210-211; Shirokogoroff 1935:43 in Yakhontov 1992 [Shirokogorov cites the myth of the Birar Orochons, in which evening and morning Venus are represented by two anthropomorphic deities, female and male]: 139.
Amur - Sakhalin. Nivhi [six sisters lived, the eldest found the baby in the cradle; each consistently notices that when left alone, the baby swings in the cradle, licks the wall with a long tongue; they cover the house grass, set fire, run away; the demon consistently catches up, gutts the four eldest, the youngest two come running to the river, asking for help from his tall grandfather; he tells him to pick up, bring him a bundle {grass?} , stretches out his leg like a bridge, the sisters cross when they step on their knees, he pulls his foot, they jump to the shore; he tells us to enter the house, it's empty, they resort to the rock, they understand the crack the man at the top, becomes small; the man throws a sword at the demon, cutting off his head; the man turns into a bear, girls cling to his wool, he comes to the house of a woman, a girl become of normal height, live in a house; they come to the house they first visited; that man (both sisters are now his wives) puts iron chains on wolves, harnesses them into iron sledges, with thunder and lightning takes off to heaven, fights with wind, thunder, lightning; gives his eldest wife to a Venus man; fought where Mars, Orion, Ursa Major; lowered Pegasus to the ground, he was eager; the informant does not remember further]: Ulita 2011:38-40.
The Arctic. The Aleuts [Pleiades - Asxinlikda-n, possibly "those who beat or kidnap a girl" (girl beaters or robbers)]: Bergsland 1994:218; Igloolik (Smith Sound) [Venus - "Standing and Hearing"; the children played, disturbed the old man; he made the crevice in the rock close above them; people attacked him, drove him to heaven, he became the Evening Star]: Rassmussen in Miller 1997:91-92; polar [N& #226; lagssartoq guarded seals at the hole; children playing side by side on the rock made a noise, did not heed his warnings, he made the rock close behind them; one girl managed to jump out and complained to people ; they rushed to N., but he went up to the sky and became Venus; people tried to give the children food and water through a crack in the rock, but they soon died of hunger; the voice of the girl, locked with as a small child in her arms]: Holtved 1951b, No. 7:19-20; NW Greenland [old man Nâlagssartoq stood by the hole, waiting for seals, the children played, disturbed him, he made them find themselves inside a cliff; a girl with a small child in her arms had her hem clamped; people tried to pour water into the children through a crack; they attacked N., but he took to the sky and became Venus]: Rasmussen 1908 in MacDonald 1998: 281.
Subarctic. Koyukon [people are dying, the Raven is looking for the cause, the Ermine follows to the big house; the big man screams that he feels like an outsider is looking at him; the Ermine and the Raven eat together, the Raven Ermine puts something black in his food; he says that if he dies, the Raven will die; the Raven gets home and dies; finds himself on the river bank; meets Ermine; he decides to fly north , The Raven goes east; when the Ermine takes off, the Raven throws a spear in his ass; the Ermine turns into the Big Bear, the Raven becomes the Morning Star]: Nelson in Vanstone 1978:56-58; inhalic [ The Morning Star goes to see the peaks in the morning, then returns home, is not visible in the afternoon; the Evening Star goes out to bring darkness, then returns home]: Osgood 1959:53.
The coast is the Plateau. Puyallup [a woman gives birth to the Month when she descends from heaven to earth; his father is Venus; a woman makes the Sun out of his cradle; when she returns, the Month destroys monsters; marries the Frog's daughter, because she returns. only she can carry a heavy bag with his possessions]: Clark 1953:144-146; catlamet [see motif A4; a young man climbs a pine tree, shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows; attaches it to the bottom bow and climbs to heaven; meets an old woman, takes away her burden, opens the cork, becomes dark; plugs the vessel, becomes light; meets Lice, Fleas, Itchy; walks along the left path; in the house of the cannibal Evening Star spends the night with his daughter Moon; he is offered a basket of human eyes; he runs away, comes to the Morning Star, marries his daughter Sun]: Boas 1901a, No. 1:9-19; cous [four girls looking at the sky; one wants a dim, one bright, one Evening, one Morning Star; when they wake up, husbands are near]: Jacobs 1940, No. 21:169-170; upper coquil [Coyote with five companions a whale harpooned, who dragged their boat into the open sea; five days later they find themselves in an unknown pestle; a person says it's the sky, the dead come here; the other person (this is the Spider) agrees bring the Coyote down to the ground on a rope, telling him not to open his eyes; the Coyote opened, fell, his corpse was carried ashore, he came to life from the bite of worms; he left his companions in the sky, telling them to become the Morning Star Evening Star, Ursa Major and two other stars or constellations (untranslated)]: Jacobs 2007:146-148; takelma [Daldal (dragonfly) lived at the mouth, chopped bodies float along the river; goes upstream; shoots an arrow into the sky, it falls to the top of his head, a second person, his younger brother, separates from him; they successfully fight oaks and fir trees; they come to Blue Jay, she is the mother of the forest man K'uk'u; reluctantly agrees to give them her son's big shell in exchange for bundles of money dentalium; son comes, kills her for it; catches up with brothers, demands that the shell be returned; D. breaks with a stone his leg; he weakens and dies, repeats everything they say in front of him (he is probably an echo); the old man always turns into blood, travelers taste it, die; his younger brother almost died choking, D. drew blood from his throat with a flint squeezer; the woman offers to warm her back by the fire, D. tries, burns, turns the woman into a burning plant in the swamp; another woman lies with her legs spread apart offers to have sex; Brother D. tries, is wounded; D. puts a push-up in her vagina, turns her into a freshwater shell, throws it into the water, it will become people's food; two blind women crush seeds; brother D. takes them quietly, ties the women's hair; they accuse each other of stealing, fighting; D. touches their eyes with the burning end of the stick, they see the light; D. looks into the house, there are tendons, this is a character, tries to burn those entering; D. turns him into reindeer tendons, attach feathers to arrows; in another house, D. sees baked salmon, eats, Ostrog attacks him; he turns it into a jail to beat it salmon; brothers look into two empty houses, in the fourth an old woman and a girl; the girl is afraid to go for water; D. sends her, she is grabbed by Cancer, D. turns him into cancer, crayfish are boiled; brothers meet two bad people, older and younger brothers; defeat them; D. turns the elder into the Evening Star, the youngest into the Morning Star; tells the Coyote to catch not salmon, but gopher; turns into a low mountain, his little brother - tall]: Sapir 1909, No. 2:34-42.
The Midwest. Fox [The Milky Way is a river; Morning and Evening ("Red-eyed") Stars living on its banks Manitou]: Jones in Miller 1997:65; Ojibwa [(Squire, Ne-she-Kay-be-Nais, or the Lone Bird: An Ojibway Legends, 256); an evil sorcerer guessed that people decided to kill him, collected his sparkling possessions, rose to heaven, seen as the Morning Star; those who want to turn to him for help kill others with witchcraft]: Miller 1997:269-270; Winnebago [(zap. Louis L. Meeker); having created the earth, Ma-ona created a man in the sky Wah-reh-ksan-ke-ka ("man with one leg"; M.); he dried by the fire (it was the sun), his leg cracked, M. threw him to the ground; created another , Koo-noo-ha ("first young man"; K.); together with seven other people, they are ancestors of eight families (apparently they were lowered to earth); brothers take turns chasing the beast, disappear; seventh brother Nah-ghee-gho-no-neenk (N.) comes to a hollow tree; six pairs of skis nearby; M. descends from the sky, N. wounds him with an arrow, he hits him, takes him to heaven; K. hears his screams, comes to heaven to M.; he took off his skins from six brothers, prepared their meat for food, N. hung up to suffer, avenging the wound, and he is small for food; M. and K. compete in a ball game (the ball must be handed over with a club); each hits the other's head, the head takes off, returns to the neck; for the fourth time, Ma-ona agrees that N.'s head does not return; she turns into the Morning Star, the murdered brothers into the clouds; each brother married the sister of another but N. who was single]: Smith 1997:105-110.
Northeast. Montagnier [Tshakapesh rose to the moon, placed his sister's husband on the Morning Star; the fate of his sister and wife is unknown]: Savard 1979, No. 1:11; seneca [a spark burns a woman's finger; she puts it in his mouth, feels blood, eats his hands and feet; tells the dog to warn her husband and others that she is now a cannibal; the husband turns the dog into a rotten hollow; gives the old man fish by the river and peanuts; he stretches his neck like a bridge; the husband crosses the river, runs to his aunts; the wife eats the brain out of her bones, puts pebbles inside, her bones rattle when she chases her husband; she scolds the carrier, he turns his neck, she falls into the river; aquatic creatures devour her; the stomach remains; the husband's aunts catch him and crumble him, finally killing the cannibal; the survivor marries his granddaughter a little woman; she beats her granddaughter; the first night she puts her son-in-law in her bed, covers her skins, tries to poison him with intestinal gases; his fetist cleans the air for him; his mother-in-law takes his son-in-law to the island to hunt, swims away; in the evening the water rises, the man climbs a tree; asks the Morning Star to speed up the dawn, he accelerates, the water falls; the mother-in-law comes to look at the bones of his son-in-law; he sails away in the boat; Morning The star does not accelerate dawn, aquatic creatures eat the old woman; the man lives peacefully with her granddaughter]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 100:464-469 (=Curtin 2001:76-81); penobscot [Morning Star - "(the most) late"; dressing, he lingered behind other stars]: Speck 1935b:20; passamaquoddy [Chief M'Suru's son (Morning Star) often goes north for a long time, does not say where he has been; father walks in his footsteps, he finds himself in a brightly lit country, where, however, you can't see the heavenly bodies; local people are playing ball, they have rainbow belts, shining heads; a local old man explains that these are the Northern Lights, that he himself once came here along the Spirit Trail (Milky Way) from the lower country, now a young man comes to them; tells two birds to take M'Sartto home safely]: Miller 1997:41-42.
Plains. Sarsi: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 17 [the girl says she will marry a young man only if the scar disappears from his face; he tells his mother to make him many pairs of moccasins, goes to the Sun; sparrow, bear, snake say they can't help him; son of the Sun and his wife Moon The morning star meets him, he lives with the Sun's family; he does not tell him to go to the lake, he goes, geese and swans attack, a young man without labor kills them; they were the terrible enemies of the Sun family; the young man with the Morning Star enters the steam room, after which the Moon cannot distinguish between son and boy, the scar disappears, now the boy's name is "Second Star"; the young man returns to people, bringing them knowledge of the steam room, sun dance and hair-lock shirt; the young man, followed by the Morning Star, enters the tipi to his ex-bride; she goes crazy, dies; the young man returns to heaven becomes an Evening Star], 21 [the girl rejects the grooms; sees the Evening Star, says she would like to be his wife; in the morning she meets a young man, this is the Evening Star, he tells me to close her eyes, raises her to heaven, they have a son; the husband does not order to dig up wild parsnip bulbs, the boy asks for an onion, the mother pulls out parsnips, a hole in the sky opens, his home on earth is visible; after learning why the wife is sad, the husband tells starmen to make a belt out of buffalo skins, lowers his wife and son; on the ground, only a half-blind boy notices those descending; the belt ends, but people safely catch those who have fallen into the buffalo skin]: 18-19, 21-22; Blacklegs (Piegan): Curtis 1907-1930 (6): 59-60 in Edmonds, Clark 1989 [The Morning Star is the son of the Sun and Moon; the Chief's daughter rejects the scarred boy; the Morning Star takes him to heaven; The sun puts him in the steam room, makes him indistinguishable from his son; the young man easily kills the birds that killed all the Morning Star brothers; when he returns to earth, he teaches people the rituals of the steam bath, marries the leader's daughter]: 228-230; Fraser 1990 [just like Josselin de Jong; the girl rejects the grooms, the Sun promises to find the right one for her; when she returns to earth, the Scar on the Face teaches people the Dance of the Sun, happily marries that girl]: 49-56; Josselin de Jong 1914 [the girl rejects the scarred young man; he comes to the Sun and the Moon; the Sun tells their son the Morning Star to prepare four steam rooms; turns the young man into them; the moon cannot distinguish him from his son; the Sun tells him to set up a steam room on the ground; the girl rushes around the neck of the returnee; he copulates with her and drives her away]: 80-82; Spence 1985 [two sisters sleep outside; the eldest Feather wants a Morning Star as her husband; he descends, takes her to heaven; he is the son of the Sun and Moon; a woman gives birth to a son; the Month tells me not to dig it up a large rhizome; two Cranes help her dig it up; through a hole in the sky she sees her house; her husband tells Spider to bring her and her son down to the ground; she returns to her parents, dies soon; her son Singing a scar on her face, the girls laugh at him; the old woman says that only the Sun can fix the defect; the young man walks across the sea along the sunny path, comes to heaven in the guise of a ragged man; the Sun tells the moon Kill him, but the Moon and the Morning Star protect him; he kills the birds that attack the Morning Star, the Sun and Moon are grateful to him; the Sun removes the scar from his face, teaches the Sun Dance; on the Milky Way, a young man returns to earth, teaches people; marries, goes to heaven with his wife]: 200-205; assiniboine [{the main story seems to be European (cf. J62), but two brothers do not turn into two stars in European fairy tales}; at a fork, two brothers move in different directions; whoever rust appears on his knife is in trouble; one is chasing a bison, spends the night in the forest; an old woman comes to the fire; when the young man falls asleep, she turns him, his horse and dog into trees; the brother arrives, everything repeats, but he does not sleep, but snatches out a stick with the potion from the hands of an old woman, turns her into a tree; with the same stick he splashes his brother and all the trees; at home, the father tells the brothers to become Morning and Evening Stars]: Foustar, Blue Talk 1978:1-23; Crowe: Lowie 1918:74-85 [see J27 motif; The Red Woman comes to the hunter's wife; she forgets to tell her husband about her every time; mice raise the Domestic Boy before his father finds him; sharp teeth The River Boy is sawed; brothers kill and burn the Red Woman; the mother turns into the Moon, the father into the Morning Star, the Domestic Boy into the last star of the Ursa Major, the River Star into the Evening Star]; hidatsa [the girl goes beyond the Months; her son digs a rhizome in the sky, making a hole through which the ground can be seen; she and her mother go down a rope from their tendons, the Month kills his mother with a stone, boy is unharmed; lives with an old woman; kills monsters; turns into a Morning Star]: Beckwith 1938:117-130; Lowie 1942:2-7; mandan [Rohanka-Tauihanka lives on the planet Venus, the patron saint of humans on earth]: Maximilian in Bowers 1950:155; Dakota (Sioux, band not specified; Dakota identification in Thompson 2000, No. 92:299) [for Bubble (same character as Spider) seven brothers were created; the youngest is captured but not killed like the others; became a Morning Star; sometimes seven are considered Seven Stars]: Meeker 1901:162; Santi [old shaman turned into the Morning Star after death]: Wallis 1923:44; arapaho: Dorsey 1903 [A month wants to marry a woman, Sun on a frog because she doesn't blink when she looks at him; The month has become a porcupine, one of the two girls climbed a tree for him, ended up in the sky; The sun brought a toad or frog, saw that the girl was better; the girl works hard, crunches loudly while eating, old people like her teeth; the frog is lounging, she has no teeth, crunches coals; the frog jumped on the chest of the Month and stayed there; the wife of the Month gave birth to a boy; the Month does not tell her to dig up rhizomes with withered stems; she dug up, making a hole in the sky, saw her camp, began to descend on a rope of tendons, holding the baby behind her back; a month killed her by throwing a stone, her son survived, sucking her chest; the old woman at night picked him up, called him a Star; the boy notices that an old woman leaves someone food, kills a beast with sparkling eyes with an arrow and a club, lets the grandmother of his horns make spoons, she replies, This is your grandfather; the young man has grown up, left, kills snakes; alone crawled into his anus, then into his skull, leaving his skeleton; he caused the sun to heat, the snake crawled out, he grabbed it, she gave him her skin for his spear; he became the Morning Star]: 212-228; Osage: La Flesche 1928 [Sun, Morning Star, Ursa Major, North Star, Sirius - Grandfathers; Moon, Evening Star, Double Star, Pleiades, Orion's Belt - Grandmothers]: 74; Mathews 1961 [Morning The Star is male, the Evening Star is female]: 11, 17; throw off the Pawnee: Chamberlain 1982 [see motif B5A; the Morning Star reached the Evening Star's home, defeated her; she gave him everything she owned; both gave to the other his strength for the benefit of people; the power of the Morning Star is a scattering of flint, the Evening Star put flint into storms, so lightning turned out]: 22-26; Dorsey 1904b, No. 11 [two Morning Stars in guise blind old people live on earth; they lure a young man from the village, give him a ceremonial package, and teach him secret rituals]: 50-55; Marriott, Rachlin 1975 [Moon and Evening Star - Women, Sun and Morning The star is men; God (Power) puts two rattlesnake teeth into the bosom of the Evening Star; the Sun brings the Morning Star a knife and a hammer (in the form of a ball) of obsidian; he knocks out her vaginal teeth with a hammer picks up their roots with a knife, copulates; the Evening Star gives birth to a girl, the Moon from the Sun gives birth to a boy; they are lowered to the ground, people come from them]: 16-19; Monroe, Williamson 1987 [at the Morning Star - Mars, Evening - Venus]: 45); wichita [a young man wanders alone; a handsome young man approaches him; happy when a young man asks him for a phone and an eagle feather; he is the Morning Star; returning to parents, the young man tells them to remember the Morning Star at sunrise; when they meet again, the Morning Star tells them not to tell outsiders about what happened; respect the elderly]: Curtis 1976 (19): 87-90.
Southeast USA. Caddo [after death, people go to heaven and turn into stars; the Morning Star has freed the world from monsters, he has three brothers; he wakes people up to prevent enemies from attacking unexpectedly, so it's too early gets up; in the evening, one of the brothers goes far back to see if there are any enemies, it's the Evening Star; the North Star and the Southern Star are guarding from the north and south; all brothers are children of the Great Star; {Lankford 2007: 66: Most likely it's the North Star}]: Dorsey 1905:15; caddo: Dorsey 1905, No. 13 [people take an orphan to the island to collect bird eggs, throw them there; a horned water monster carries him on his back to the shore; asks for warning if the young man sees a star in the blue sky; the young man warns, the monster returns; for the sixth time the young man is silent, jumps ashore; the Evening Star kills the monster (with lightning?) ; in the form of a man, thanks the young man for his help in killing the monster; takes him to the sky, which turns into a star next to the Evening Star], 24 [the ground is covered with grass as tall as trees; monsters hide in it; people gather for advice; a respected man, the Morning Star suggests setting fire to the grass, climbing into the sky themselves; the Crow fixes the rope in the sky, the Fire clings to the tail of the Black Snake, sets it on fire, that runs around the world; the Bat gnaws through the rope, telling monsters it eats corn; monsters fall; others hide from the fire inside one giant monster; the Bat pulls his hairs out of nose; it sneezes out the hidden, they die in the fire; people return to earth]: 26-27, 48-50.
California. Shinkyon [Sun Father and Mother Moon are parents of Cloud Woman and her younger brother, the Morning Star]: Nomland 1935:170; pomo [The Rat (Woodrat) marries the eldest of the Morning Star's daughters Stars; she warns that her father protected her with thorns; The rat knocks them out with a stone; her father-in-law offers to swing it on the swing, spins it, the Rat does not fall; the father-in-law shakes, he falls off the cliff, dies]: Barrett 1933, No. 81:305-306; mivok: Barrett 1919 [The Puma and the Morning Star are the leaders of the third generation of Earth's inhabitants; all but the Morning Star have become birds and animals]: 3; Merriam 1993 [Evening Star and Puma - Leaders of the First Men]: 92-99; Oloni [Morning Star - Fortune Teller, Sorcerer, Shaman]: Hudson 1982:110; Kitanemook [Morning Star is a woman with hair to toe; holds a rainbow with both hands, the grandmother of the Three Thunders; the Evening Star is a man]: Blackburn, Bean 1978:568.
Big Pool. Northern Payutes [The Month has seven Pleiades; Venus is his son]: Powell 1971:229.
The Great Southwest. Yavapai [The Sun and the Morning Star are male, not related; The month is also a man]: Gifford 1936:317; Zunyi: Gifford 1940, No. 2269 [The morning star is the big star, the real morning star star; first comes mokwanosena, "he's a liar," a false morning star; bilashiwani is also a "guardian of the sun"; Kroeber: this name means bow-priest]: 156; Miller 1997 [Morning and Evening Stars - Abayuta, twin sons of the Sun and Moon man; the eldest is usually the Morning Star]: 187; teva: Ellis 1975 (Hano) [The Morning and Evening Stars are associated with the Gods of War {twins}]: 72-73 c Lankford 2007:105; Erdoes, Ortiz 1984 (San Juan): 173-175 [The Deer Hunter marries the Corn Maiden, the wife dies; for four days her spirit must wander near the village; the widower searches for the dead, begs return; day by day she turns more and more into a corpse, persecutes her husband; Someone enters the village, demands spouses, says that they have broken the law and angered the spirits; placing them in arrows, sends both to heaven; in the western sky, the Corn Maiden (weak star) forever pursues the Deer Hunter (bright star)], 295-297 [Ka-ping's young wife Willow Flower dies; through For several months he notices a light in the distance; at night he comes to a lonely house with his wife in it; she drives him away, then agrees to return to the living if K. can stay with her until dawn; at night K. wakes up to the smell of corpse; runs away, his wife chases him; by the river he asks the old man for help; he puts him in an arrow, launches him into the sky; the same with the pursuer; now in the sky in the west you can see two stars, one chasing the other]; Parsons 1939 [(plot summary); spouses - Morning Star and Evening Star]: 205; Harrington 1916 [Morning Star is male, Evening is female]: 49; Parsons 1926 (Sun- Juan), No. 23 [The skeleton comes to the festival disguised as handsome; two Yellow Corn girls go with him, marry him; in the morning they see a skeleton in bed; run away, he chases them; the Morning Star sends an arrow with a rope from the sky, takes them to heaven; each gives birth to a son; the grandfather does not tell them to go north; they go; they come first to the old man, then to the old woman; he has Raven as a watchman, she has an Owl; an old man and the old woman owns commercial animals and birds; they offer to play in order; if the brothers win, they will receive animals and birds; they are also recognized as children of the Morning Star, not the Skeleton; the old man (and then old woman) and boys turn into various animals and birds, into objects (lake); the old man (old woman) can't guess, the younger brother always guesses (the elder doesn't); the brothers get what they promised; grandfather sends them to earth with their mothers; with them animals and birds that weren't on earth]: 81-86; 1939 [plot summary in Erdoes, Ortiz 1984; The Morning and Evening Stars were married]: 205; Schaafsma 2000 [Morning and Evening Stars - Gods of War, Twins, Sun Guardians]: 150-151; tova (Hemes) [Sun's wife Moon went to get water, carried her away by the Bear; kept her in his cave, bringing a rock to the entrance; The moon gave birth to the son of the Sun; when he grew up, she said who his father was; he pushed back the rock, they ran west, where the Sun was setting; the bear almost caught up with them, but they managed to jump into the hole; the young man went out protect the Sun Palace, with him another son of a heavenly deity; the first became the Morning Star, the second became the Evening Star, they guard the places where the Sun rises and sets; the Bear was placed in the cold night sky]: Reagan 1927:726-727; Tiwa (Picouris): Harrington 1928 [see motive J4; The sun cuts off the hunter's head, takes him to heaven, takes his wife; two sons of the murdered man rise to heaven, kill the Morning A star (son of the Sun?) , they reach out their father's head, take their mother, return to earth]: 313-323; lipan [see motif K62; ferocious animals play against harmless ones; you have to guess which moccasin the bone is under; the bet is life; The Sun, the Morning Star, playing on the side of good animals]: Opler 1940:93-95.
NW Mexico. Tarahumara [The Sun Father keeps people during the day, Mother Moon at night, and is especially connected to women; she is helped by the Morning Star, their son]: Lumholtz 1902 (1): 295; Huichol [all stars are gods or goddesses; Tonoámi Morning Star ("singer") - knowledge giver, protects the Sun]: Dutton 1962:18; Nahuatl Zap. Mexico: Preuss 1925:459-463 [(=1955:377-382; =1968, No. 18:151-154); the couple began to prepare for the holiday šuravét (464: cf. Cora: šuruabe, Huichol: šuráve - "star"); father sent two sons to get a deer; the youngest was hit by an arrow, killed, the eldest missed; the father sent to get protein, they killed two; sent to bring flowers; two women met them, asked for flowers; the youngest said that the father would be angry, passed by; the eldest gave it, stayed; the mother said that now the youngest will be the eldest; after the holiday, the parents said to the youngest: You will sit down in the morning, and your brother in the evening, once he gave flowers; the youngest was given a bow and arrows, said that he would get up when the rooster sings], 466 [(No. 2); the sun wears a crown of flowers and a bow and arrows; the light of the crown illuminates the world, scatters demons; the Morning Star is ahead; on the way of the Sun there is a snake, a wolf, a bear, a jaguar; the Sun fought off the Jaguar by shooting a bow]; bark, Nahuatl Zap. Mexico [(by Preuss 1912:163-166; 1925:459-463; 1998:335-339; Coyle 2001:116-119; Ziehm 1968:113-115}; The Morning Star (at Hatsikan's crust) and the Evening Star (at Sautari's crust) are running on different roads; the elder meets a girl, which causes him to lose his birthright and changes his position with the younger one; H. introduces agriculture and agricultural rituals]: Neurath 2004:96-97; tepecano [Morning A star hunts deer; one day a deer turns into a woman, she is dead; when the Morning Star lies with her, it feels cold; his father, the Sun, says he warned him; deer ever since they only go at night, and there are few of them after the Morning Star appears]: Mason 1914, No. 6:162-163.
Mesoamerica Aztecs: Caso 1936:62 in Romero 1969 [apparently Quetzalcoatl was associated with Venus in the morning and his twin brother Sholotl (sometimes depicted with a dog's head) with evening]: 166; Domí nguez Núñez 2007 [by Aveni 1997:211; one of the names of Venus, who was considered a male warrior, is a "flaming arrow"; fired arrows at other deities and people; depending on the date, at children, in rulers]: 49; Milbruth 1999 [associated with Venus Quetzalcoatl was the sun in an earlier era]: 35; Tarascas: Corona Núñez 1957:18 [The Morning Star is a messenger and priest of the Sun], 48 [ Venus is the son of the sun (Curicaueri) and the moon (Xarátanga)]; Totonaki [the mother did not like children because while her husband was hunting, she worked with other men; complained about the children to her husband; persuaded leave them in the forest; they came back because they had scattered ash on the trail; the next time their father took them further; they were met by San Jorge, he told them to go to the sun god, not to touch the fruit on the way; the girl became the Moon boy - Morning Star]: Arenas 2000:27-28; kekchi, mopan [old man T'actani has a daughter, X't'Actani; she is a weaver and a spinner; Kin killed an antelope, filled the scarecrow with ash and grass, every evening Sh. carried Sh. past the house; T. advised his daughter to pour water on the path; K. slipped, the scarecrow burst; then K. asked the hummingbird for his skin, giving cotton wool in return so that it would not freeze; S. asked his father Shoot the hummingbird, he stunned him; at night in S. K. became a man; asked S. to get her father's magic stone mirror and wind tube, covered the mirror with soot, poured pepper into the tube; K. did not smoke one place in the mirror, T. saw K. and S. in the boat; not was able to shoot, almost suffocated; asked his Uncle Chac (Thunder) to kill the fugitives; K. turned into a turtle, S. turned into a crab, both dived to the bottom; after being hit, K. swam out, saw S.'s blood on the water; told the fish to collect it, but they began to eat flesh and drink blood; then he told the dragonflies, they collected them in 13 wooden decks; K. left them to the woman, promising to return in 13 days; opening the decks, K. found them in them various poisonous snakes (in the 1st), non-venomous snakes (2nd and 3rd), mosquitoes (4), sand fleas (5), green hornets (6), yellow wasps (7), small black wasps (8), the same but with white wings (9), white caterpillars with with poisonous hairs (10), flies (11 and 12), S. (13); K. sent a man to throw the first 12 decks into the sea; he heard a noise, discovered it out of curiosity, the creatures broke into the world; S. does not have a vagina; on the advice of old woman K. put S. between two hills, told a small deer to run, the trail was too small; the big one was just right; when he met S., K. decided that it was too tempting for people, told the Rat to write in vagina; since then, sex has been followed by disgust; K. found out that S. was cheating on him with his brother Shulab; he asked the turkey and another bird to give him their bile, asked the old woman for pepper, tinted everything with uruku, told the old woman to make a cake out of it, baked it in his armpit, gave it to her lovers; they began to spit, could not quench their thirst, S. ran to the river for a drink, agreed when Vulture offered to pick it up; takes Vultures to the village; the leader's house is supposedly made of stone, but this is guano; K. turned into a dead antelope, told the fly to lay down larvae; catches Vulture, tells him to be attributed to the leader; in the land of vultures hides in brushwood carried by a lumberjack, then comes to the village, holes 7 grains of corn, which causes Vulture to hurt his teeth, he lets him in to cure him; K. cures, puts them to sleep, takes Sh., tells two vultures to take them back; turns into the Sun, S. into the Moon, Shulab to the Morning Star, younger brother to the Evening Star; K. places a mirror at the zenith; each the day seems to be moving further west in the afternoon, but in fact he returns east; at first, S. is bright like him; she feels sorry for the people who work all the time, K. takes one eye out for her]: Thompson 1930:126-132; lacandons: Davis, Standard 1997 [stars are called "the ones in the sky" and vary in color (white, red, blue, yellow) and gender (Spica is female, Venus is male)]: 47; Milbruth 1999 [Sucunyum (Sukunkyum, "Our Master's Big Brother," Venus) carries the Sun on his shoulders across the underworld]: 21; Yucatan Maya: Milbruth 1999 [The Evening Star - "The One Who Introduces the Sun" (to the lower world?)] : 34; Thompson 1930 [Xulab - Morning Star, patron of hunting, fishing and farming; bearded and ugly]: 63; tsotzil: García de Leon 1973:304-305 [Sun Brothers, Mercury, Morning A star rises to the sky; their mother Luna decides to follow them; urinates in every garden, Chayota edulis (Mexican cucumber) appears; buries (her own?) finger, chilacayote appears; similar texts in Guiteras-Holmes 196:157, 182], 307 [The moon fights with a mukta canal (Venus) who is trying to kill her]; Milbruth 1999 [Venus is associated with St. Thomas and Lucibel (Lucifer, one of the first two suns Jesus replaced)]: 35; quiche [Venus is associated with Santiago]: Milbruth 1999:34; chol [Venus is the Sun's elder brother, their Mother Moon is forced to protect her youngest son from him]: Guzman et al. in Milbruth 1999:35; Micah Veracruz (=Sayula Popoluka) [direction colors: North is dark greenish-blue (host is Satan) ); East is red or lead (hosts Sun and Old Morning Star); South is white or red. (the owner is the Sun); the West is yellow. (the hostess is the Moon)]: Lehmann 1928:768-772, Table 1.
Honduras - Panama. Kuna: Holmer 1951 [Brothers Sun and Morning Star throw an old woman in whose house their mother died; she turns into a frog]: 145-155; Nordenskiöld 1938 [see G8 motif; woman carries fish, sings about Palu-huala (salted wood); Ibelele Olovaipilele (Sun) spends the night in the surba (a special section in a house where girls' initiations are celebrated), finds out where This tree is located; on it and in it all cultivated plants, fresh and salt water, fish, game; Wild pigs (Dicotyles torquatus, D. labiatus) and Coati (Nasua sociales) are I.'s nephews; he tells them cut down a tree; in the morning the trunk turns out to be intact; the Jaguars, the Snakes, the Chief of the Frogs licked the felling at night; I. sends his brother Equaquinialilele (Venus) to guard the tree; he kills Jaguar, the Snake, A frog; people cut down a tree]: 175-178.
Llanos. Kuiva [The sun and his wife Luna lived on earth; the moon ate the brains of her nephews (or daughters-in-law); this is how two boys and two girls died; the Morning Star weaved a fish trap (like a basket) invited the son and daughter of the Sun to go there; {they call him "uncle", apparently he is the brother of the Sun or the Moon}; they were thrown into the river, they turned into the mythical caiman mereika; first the Moon, followed by the Sun They rose into the sky; at first both are equally hot, people are sitting in the water, the earth is unbearable; the Sun invited the moon to moderate the heat so that it would be night; people were frightened at first; one pre-dawn bird sang, the other is finally dawn; at first people slept with their wives {in the daylight}, now they are ashamed]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 5:27-28; shikuani [The sun is married to the moon; kills and eats her brothers; hunts in the form of a jaguar; capybaras eats the caught with the Moon Wife and their star children, does not give meat to others; people throw the Sun and Moon into the fire; the Sun is red hot, and the moon only has a burnt stomach; when the moon in one quarter, it is said that her stomach is burned; the moon jumps into the water, loses its fever; the Sun and the Moon rise to the sky; their son The Morning Star is covered with ulcers, the girl rejects him; it is being done handsome, now he rejects the girl himself, rises to the sky]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 1:25-29.
Southern Venezuela. Makiritare [Kuamachi and his grandfather Mahanama decide to take revenge on the Stars for killing K.'s mother; lure the Stars and their leader Wlaha (Pleiades) to trees for fruit; M. says he will weave baskets to put fruits in them; K. climbs a tree, drops the fruit; water floods the forest; M. with his baskets and K. jump into the boat; M. throws baskets into the water, they turn into anacondas, caimans, piranhas; devour many Stars, which K. knocks down from trees with arrows; W. shoots into the sky, making a chain of arrows, climbs there with the remaining Stars; from the moment W. begins to climb and then they are no longer alone in the sky a character, but seven; they are a sign of union and peace; when they enter in May, it's raining time, when they rise in July it gets dry; Ihette (Orion's Belt) climbed slowly, bleeding and dragging his caiman's leg bitten off; among the stars is the Morning Star (male primacy); K. followed to chase the stars in the sky; the demon Ioróka also climbed; the cancer hesitated, the piranha had time to eat chain, Ioroka fell into the water, the fallen chain became a vine; K. (The Evening Star) is visible away from the rest of the stars for the first two hours after dusk]: Civrieux 1960:179-180; 1980:110-114.
Guiana. Arecuna [see motif A18; Kalapijéima tries to catch a frog sitting on a tall tree; it drags him to an island in the sea; leaves him under a tree where vultures nest; they get dirty him with his excrement; it's cold; K. asks the Morning Star to give him fire to take him to heaven; he refuses, because K. gave cakes not to him, but to the Sun (he dried them in the sun); the same episode with the Month; the Sun takes him into his boat]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 13:51-53; makushi: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890 [two single brothers live far from a married man; one single person kills another in the woods (piercing him with a sharp stake), cuts off his legs; a married man's wife finds a corpse; the murderer throws her legs into the river; the body of the victim turns into Orion, his legs turn into fish; the same legs are visible in the sky near Orion; the murderer is Venus, a married brother - Sirius]: 229-230 (German translation in Teschauer 1906:735-736); trio: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 9 [younger brother warns the elder not to catch the frog whose voice they hear in the forest; older tries to catch it, it becomes huge, takes him to a rock in the middle of the river; the evil spirits passing by, the Moon (Nunnë), Venus (Urutura) refuse to help; the Sun (Wei) sails in the boat, there is a lot of it grilled meat; he makes a ladder, brings the young man back to his mother]: 49-52; Magaña 1987, No. 20 [a man tries to catch a frog, it drags him to a rock in the middle of the river; Month, Urutula star, a bird tokoro, illness, wind refuse to take it with them under various pretexts; the Sun takes him to its boat, carries him ashore]: 135-136.
Western Amazon. Napo: Carpenter 1992 (dep. Loreto) [boy and girl rise from the fire on a column of smoke; their lazy mother follows them to heaven; they split her chest with a stone (the origin of women's breasts); she falls, turns into a small fox (Eira barbaral); children become Morning and Evening Stars]: 125-129; Foletti Castegnaro 1985, No. 1e [the twins have risen to heaven, play with bows, producing lightning; the younger Cuillur shoots further; Rayu Runa (Thunder) got angry; the main Thunder shot K. in anger, who fell to the ground, disappeared; his brother Duciru had been looking for him for a long time, began to tear mushrooms from the roots of the trees, K. screamed, ah-ah; this mushroom was Oreja-de-Cuillur ("Kuillur's ear"); D. pulled it out of the tree; the brothers took to heaven to become the Morning and Evening Stars]: 71; Mercier 1979 [wife is pregnant, her month-old husband is missing somewhere; she goes him search, asks about the twins' path in her stomach; she picks flowers for the twins, she gets bitten by a wasp, she claps her stomach saying they are to blame; the twins fall silent; she comes to the Jaguar grandmother ; she hides it under the roof, the woman spits; Murupuma, Puka-Puma can't reach it, Wimba-puma jumps; they eat it, grandma asks for giblets, takes it out, hides twins in a pot; they grow up , they invite her to the plot where they quickly grew corn; she almost got lost in it; she tells them to bring water, they bring a lot, the grandmother almost drowned; asks for firewood, they bring a lot of firewood, they bring a lot of firewood they filled her up; they eat wood-grown mushrooms, it turned out that her grandmother's ears were still alive; the brothers' name was Kuillurkuna ("Stars"); they lured her into a cave with musical instruments, asked her to dance, she sat on a glued bench, stuck; she was closed, she would come out at the end of time; the brothers lured the jaguars to the bridge over the abyss they had dug, brought them down; hid in two rubber bags, gave themselves Carry the cannibal eagle Anga, who brought them to a nest on a rock; when he fell asleep, the eldest killed the male, the youngest did not finish off the female, she flew away at sunset; the duck replied that she could not transport the brothers across the river; Cayman drove, asked what it smelled like; the eldest said he didn't feel anything, the younger one smelled like caiman; the eldest had turned into a fast Suwisuwi bird, and the youngest into a sluggish Partridge, Cayman bit off his leg; the eldest dried the pond, found that caiman, tore off his jaw, took his leg out, put it back; they climbed the vine to the sky, the eldest became the Evening Star, the Younger became the Morning Star, the Younger became the Morning Star, his jaw took it with them (Hyades)]: 28-39, 51; Wavrin 1937 [The moon sister came to her brother, the Morning Star, under cover of night; he smeared her with his genip; in the morning she rose to heaven in shame, the spots are still visible ( a similar incest story of the month - Man and sister)]: 607; napo or canelo [see motive A31; the girl became pregnant by her brother; he went to heaven, became a month; she became an ilucu bird ( with a nightjar? ; but then the story continues; the same below with the mother of the jaguars, who became a toad but continues to act as before) has left home; the Cuillor (younger) and Docero twins from her womb show the way; ask her to pick a flower, then a leaf, a fruit; when she picked the fruit, she was bitten by a wasp; she clapped her stomach because of you; the twins fell silent; the parrot on her shoulder began to point the road, but he was carried away by a falcon; the woman came to the mother of the jaguars; she hid her under the roof, warned her not to spit; the jaguars came, she spat, the eldest climbed, did not find it, the youngest found the woman, they spit her they were torn to pieces, the twins were given to their mother (tender meat), but they asked them not to eat; the mother of the jaguars hid them, a month later they had already grown up; the old woman asked them to prepare firewood; they collected a huge pile, told pull from below, the old woman filled up the firewood; the next time she asked for water, they directed the river, when the old woman opened the door, the water carried her; the twins told the old woman to collect corn in the middle fields, made it endless; she can't find her way back; the voice of the toad "ooh" can be heard; since then, where corn grows, the toad unculu screams; the brothers brought the old woman home; the elder brother tells the younger not throw the leftovers wrapped in leaves into the water; he threw them away, they turned into a stingray, and when he started fishing, the stingray plunged his thorn into it; the mother of the jaguars asked them to make a bridge over the river for them; brothers turned into birds, made clubs, came back; the elder told the youngest to cut off the bridge at the signal, but he said there was no need for a signal; when all the jaguars stepped on the bridge, the elder cut off his end, and the younger he fiddled for a long time and a pregnant jaguariha ran away; her traces are still visible on the river rocks; the brothers told the Old Jaguar about their adventures; he asked them to set traps and the brothers caught almost all birds and animals; the Old Jaguar decided to eat them; his brothers killed him, took out his spine, filled him with ash, put insects in his eyes; shouted that the jaguar wanted to eat them; the old mother of jaguars ran, hit the scarecrow with a stick, the ash blinded her, the brothers washed her eyes; the ancient Jaguar devoured everyone; the brothers made a room inside Mount Galera, put a lot of food and musical instruments there, they lured Jaguar with a game; he started playing himself, did not notice how the brothers came out; they told the hole to close; the Jaguar started rushing, one leg was left outside; there was still a roar; other jaguars brought him food; a huge harpy eagle devoured everyone; Cuillor hid in a rubber bag; the eagle could not tear it, threw it on the clouds; C. does not know how to go down; the old man Uchitican says he is also from the ground; ordered sit on his back, close his eyes, open him after the second whistle, flew; but C. opened after the first one, fell into the forest; Docero went to look for him; began to pick edible mushrooms from the trunk; scream from the trunk {apparently mushrooms are C.'s ears, but it's not directly said}; the woodpecker cut the hole; for this D. gave him a red handkerchief over his head; C. made glue, the eagle stuck, D. broke his wing with a blow of the club; the brothers turned him into stone; it is visible now - it looks like an eagle with a broken wing; a huge anaconda devoured people; the brothers made a trap, persuaded them to climb into it, turned the anaconda into stone; the thunder killed many; the brothers found him sleeping on a tree branch; they cut his neck with an ax, told him to petrify; there are thunderstones in this place now; the evil frog spirit ("devil") took the form of a mother, told the children to dance; the brothers hid, told him to become a stone; the brothers asked the caiman to transport them across the sea; when the first one sailed, he answered the caiman every time that it smelled like fragrant flowers; when he jumped ashore, he said that he was like a caiman; But when the Cayman took the second one, but he had time to bite off the young man's leg; the bees pasted his leg with wax; the brothers made a fire, the smoke rose to the sky, became a staircase, and the brothers climbed into heaven; C. as a morning star, and D. as an evening star]: Orr, Hudelson 1971, No. 2-15:7-49; shuar: Pelizzaro 1990 [Iwia cannibal dogs are jaguars, they are like his own children; a woman got lost in the forest, a pet parrot showed her where the fruit was; the parrot was eaten by eagles; she came to his wife Iwia, who wants to pass her off as Shiáshia's youngest jaguar son, hides her under the roof; the woman spits on the meat that S. eats, who finds it, marries; I.'s wife warns not to bite through lice, gives coal to bite it, making a sound; one day forgets, bites through the louse, S. kills his wife, I.'s wife keeps two eggs that were in the uterus ; they were born Yánkuam' and Stars; when they grew up, Y.'s wife told them about their mother's fate; they collapsed the bridge that the jaguars crossed the abyss, but S. escaped because he was walking first and little Yaa (stars) could not detain him; so there are jaguars in the forest; Yankuam pushed the large Yampinkia jaguar into the abyss; the brothers threw darts into the sky, climbed them into the sky, became stars, and Yankuam - Venus]: 38-40 (=1993:35-39); Rueda 1987, No. 19 [mother de los Yawá (jaguars) found two eggs, of which Yánkuam and Yá hatched; she raised them in secret, they became strong young men; when The jaguars were returning from hunting and stepped on the bridge, the brothers brought it down, went down into the ravine, and began to kill the jaguars; but there were too many of them; so the brothers took to heaven, throwing Wáchi flowers ("flower peach palm") behind him; Yanquam became the Morning Star and Ya became another star]: 109.
NW Amazon. Uitoto [Morning Star is the son-in-law of the Sun and Moon]: Wavrin 1932:135; 1937:547; bora [water is everywhere first; an anaconda man appeared, took a Matchutahemegua woman out of the water, then Mekheretchieieko - The Morning Star, he married Navene; Anaconda lived on a piece of land; he is eternal, lives under water; created the Sun, which later rose to heaven, his wife is the daughter of the Heron, his children are pineapple, peach palm, etc.]: Wavrin 1937:637; Ocaina: Blizen 1999, No. 1 [Tio? o:ia chewed coca and tobacco, others said he wasn't doing it the right way; then he told him to build a fire, jumped into it and burned down; T. had a brother Ko:ma:ndio, the Morning Star; invisible to others, he I went down, saw that tobacco grew out of the burnt man's heart, a weaker type of tobacco from his blood, coca from his fingers, various trees from other parts of the body; according to one version, T. = sa:bocho, this is another a star that appears in the morning but later than Venus (p.39, comment: S. - apparently the Evening Star); K. tells his brother to appear to people in visions and thus respect him], 9 [(western 1980); at Gotá tzika daughter, her suitors (these are the people of Ñamrako:Ma:ndio, Morning Star) disappear; then her son marries her ñ; father-in-law 1) gets up at night to kill him with a club, but her son-in-law only pretends to be asleep, jumps up; 2) tells you to get the game out of the trap, the son-in-law does not fall into it; the son-in-law finds the skulls of previous sons-in-law; 3) does not fall into the trap when sent to get fish out of it; 4) G. tells you to cut down the tree unnoticed puts chips back; the son-in-law asks his father for help, he sends rodents, they carry the chips to the river, throw them into the water, they turn into all kinds of fish; the cut trunk continues to hang, from above holds a sloth, this is the spirit of G. himself; the son-in-law's father sent various biting insects, the sloth let go of the tree, it collapsed, the earth trembled (the origin of earthquakes); 5) burn the vegetation on the site; around The fire sent by the young iguana's father carried him out of the fire; now his son-in-law left his father-in-law in the burning area, which burned down; the daughter found his father's bones; his son-in-law revived him with tobacco, told him to be good; they went to Ñ., father-in-law swallowed the fish, his son-in-law took it out alive]: 13-28, 205-238; desana [all the food is from the Balí bó creature; his wife is a howler monkey; the eldest son Doé (Evening Star), youngest - Abé (Month); A month began to sleep with his wife D.; D. killed him, buried him, did not tell his father and wife; BB became a japu bird, began to fly over four women, ask for food; heard from them how the Month was killed ; BB found him, revived him, but his penis was cut off; made a new "moon penis" out of wood mushroom; A month came into the house, his brother sang, the Month ran into the forest; all animals and birds came to cry with BB; all cultured the plants disappeared; BB went south to look for a new wife, left the old one with D.; rejected agouti, a tapira (skinny legs, yellow eyes), stayed with the father of two daughters; he was given a tasteless cake made from forest fruits; he gave them manioc, drew a circle, created a cassava field; the sisters broke the ban on watching DD create everything, cassava peeled; the eldest's urine grew a weed; the eldest gave birth to the Evening Star, the youngest is Morning; BB told Morning to go after D.; he brought him, D. brought cassava to people]: Kumu, Kenhiri 1980:141-147; barasana [two species of otters, two species of monkeys, squirrels serve as rowers; Month, Venus also travels in boats]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 6A: 287-288; Yagua [After the Month met his sister, people got drunk at the festival, turned into herons and flew away; Sister of the Month went to look for them; asked Heron's ancestors about the path, they almost killed her; Aguti ordered her to turn at the fork not to where the parrot's feathers were, but where the pineapple peel was; on that way she would reach her uncle; she did not I understood, turned where the feathers were, got to the Jaguars; the old woman hid her under the roof; Jaguar came, she dropped something, he copulated with her; the second Jaguar ate her; the grandmother took the embryo, he jumped into the water; The woman's uncle's sons are swimming, they see him; he lit a fire, threw himself into it, became the Sun; one of his uncle's sons rushed after him, became the Evening Star]: Chaumeil 1983:193-194.
The Central Andes. The Incas: Guaman Poma 1956 [Tokai Capak was declared the son of the sun; his father was the sun, his mother was the moon, his brother was the Morning Star, the idol was Wanakauri, and they came out of Tambotoko or other title - Pacaritambo]: 80; Silverblatt 1990 [same as Golte 2009:86; Pachakuti Yamqui's diagram (1950:226) contrasts two rows of creatures and objects above which there is a single Creator; into one the row is placed Sun-man, Morning Star (male; chasca coyllur, achachiurur), Lord Earth, male; in the other Moon Woman, Evening Star (female, choque chinchay, apachi ururi), Mother Sea, woman]: 33; Cuzco (?) [Chisin Chaska, Cuskatuta Chaska, Ilyariucha Chaska are three sons of Kake (now a small animal living in Pune); their mother sends them to plant potatoes, they just pretend to work, sow seeds tubers; after learning this, the mother turns them into Evening, Midnight and Morning Stars]: Urbano 1993:298; prov. Konchukos (dep. Ancash): Mejia Xesspe 1952 [four versions; during a drought, parents put their son and daughter in a bag, throw them into the abyss; the bag clings to the thorny bush; The swallow can't, Condor brings the bag to the valley, to Chavin de Huantar; The swallow shows the children a potato field; his owner is old Achkay; she fattens the boy, gives the girl stones to eat; kills the boy, he screams, she explains what she is looking for naked; tells his daughter to send the girl to bring water in a leaky vessel, push her into a boiling pot; the frog teaches the girl what to do; she plugs holes, brings water, pushes the old woman's daughter into the cauldron , puts his brother's bones in a bag, runs; A. eats his daughter; Condor hides the girl under her wings, Skunk in a hole; Fox, Deer, and other animals also hide; Dove puts the bones in the basket, says not open; the girl opens; there is a living brother, but he turns into a white dog; Vicuna gives the girl a golden rope, she and her brother climb into heaven; the sister turns into the Evening Star, brother into the Pleiades, or The Morning Star; the old woman Vicuña gives a straw rope; the parrot cuts it; A. falls, asks his own to spread a cloak for her; her screams can still be heard - an echo; her blood turns into a lake, her body turns into a lake, her body into mountain; hands and feet in cacti; blackberry nails; nettle hair; eyes in potatoes, ulyuku; teeth in corn; toes in eye and mashua; etc.]: 238-242.
Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita [at first the sun is always at its zenith, there is no night; the boy laughs at Kumpanama; he creates the night, turns the boy into a Morning Star]: García Tomas 1994:173; machigenga [there were no cultivated plants; people ate pottery; having no teeth, they pecked it like chickens; the girl is sitting in a menstrual hut, the Month (Kashiri) brings her cooked cassava, teaches her how to chew; parents are happy with their son-in-law; The month does not give cassava to another girl who also has her period; she throws blood in his face, the spots are still visible; A month leads his wife to swim in the river, she is touched by a fish, she becomes pregnant, He successively gives birth to four sons; these are Pariáchiri (Sun), Sarípoto (Venus), Kientiámpa (the sun of the lower world, shining weakly), Koriénti (Kiénti, Tábanti), the sun itself the upper world, illuminating and warming celestials; stars take their shine from it; by the birth of every Month he plants pumpkins; during the last pregnancy they dry up; the baby is hot, the wife dies of burns; The woman's mother, in anger, said that after the Month killed her daughter, he could only eat the corpse; the Month resurrected his wife, but she (her soul) decided to go to the lower world, leaving her body on earth; then the Month reluctantly ate the corpse and painted his face red, establishing a funeral custom (endocannibalism); he liked the man; now, through the fault of the old woman, Month has become a corpse eater and decided to retire from people; his third son began to live in the lower world; this sun is evil and weak; it sends rains when it is necessary to burn the vegetation on the site; with other sons The month has risen to heaven; the last was too hot, rocks cracked on the ground because of the heat; so the Month placed it so high that it is impossible to see it from the ground; only our Sun and Venus live with the Month; the Moon has set a peak on the River, for corpses to fall into it (machigenga throws the dead into the river); the toad watches the top and as soon as the corpse hits it, reports the Month; he comes running, kills (so!) the corpse hits a club, cuts off, roasts and eats limbs; the rest turns into a tapir; only daughters of the month are left on the ground - cultivated plants (cassava, sweet potato, corn, bananas, etc.; if people they scatter peels, do not clean the tubers well, etc., the manioc girl cries and complains to her father; if cassava is eaten without everything or with only hot pepper, the manioc girl is angry: she is left alone or burned; if eaten with meat or fish, the daughter of the Month is happy; especially happy when cassava is made into beer; the same applies to other daughter plants of the Month; if they are mistreated, the Month will take them to itself and people we'll have to eat land again]: García 1942:230-233; shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987 [after the flood, a pair of parrots conceives the ancestors of the red, blue, white and black races (symbolized by ribbons appropriate colors); Venus comes to call them for a new life; those who answered will be the first to rule; white answered]: 65-66; Roe 1991a [see motif A17; man grabs the battleship by the tail, that drags him to the lower world; standing by the river, he sees boats going upstream, asks him to take him with him; Regulus or Venus, many other stars say he will freeze with them; the Sun takes him in his boat, he comes home]: 23-25.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [cannibal Echua Rihi is killed, his body is dismembered; his head rolls back to the edge of the world, turns into the Morning Star; his body into the Andes, his legs in the Biboshi tree, his hands in Wurgfaige , guts into vines, penis and testicles in sayal palm, lungs and heart to wild papaya, ass to peanuts (?) , buds in cane, spine with ribs in bamboo, blood in biboshi latex, urine in a large lake in the mountains (Titicaca?) , fingernails in river shells, fingers in grass of a certain type, oily film excrement on water, hair under the arms and groin in hard herbs, navel in black shells, face in the hills]: Hissink, Hahn 1961 , No. 24:63; chimane [Luna-Kiri is sister, Evening Star is brother; K. comes to her brother's field to steal cotton; he lay in wait for her, threw a fruit (probably a genipu) in her face; the moon is hiding in the house doesn't want to go out, says her teeth hurt; people have had toothache ever since]: Hissink, Hahn 1989, No. 3:62; marubo [Sheta Veka's woman met a snake/worm; copulates with him while sitting on the floor; he was getting fruit and fish for a woman; his mother noticed; her husband and other men killed a snake; a pregnant woman goes to the forest, encourages a jaguar to eat it; gives birth to two twins Wani (Morning Star) and Yawewa ( Evening star); if she wears black, a hood, night, if white, day; meets Topane, the son of a forest woman Shoma Wetas; she ate her children; she had knives in her elbows, but her husband broke them off; of Shoma Vets' children, only T. escaped; when Sheta Century came to T., her mother-in-law and her sister began to eat her children; T. pushed both into a fire pit; T.'s children became creoles]: Melatti 1984:110-112; chiriguano [Tatu-tunpa (Battleship) got together with a girl; she left him pregnant; twins from her womb each ask to pick a flower for him, put it on her chest (en su seno); when asked Again, the mother replies that there is no more space on her chest; the twins fall silent, do not show the way at the fork, the woman goes to the Jaguar Mother; she hid her; the jaguars came, the last Yawa with two heads, one is sleeping, the other is awake; the woman has flowed milk, the jaguars smelled her, lowered her (from under the roof); the mother of the jaguars asked for her insides, hid the twins in a vessel; birds reproach when hunting them, that they feed their mother's murderers with their meat; that the mother of the jaguars has a medallion (medallita milagrosa) that belonged to their mother; at the watering hole, the twins kill the jaguars one by one; the double-headed one was cut off only one head; he jumped to the moon, the twins behind him; Luna the woman hid it under her clothes, told the twins she did not have a jaguar; the jaguar ate it, the moon called for help (eclipse); the twins they said that one day he would eat the moon, the sun, the stars, come out from under the moon's clothes, the earth would end; one of the twins was Kembiliá (Venus), the other Yasotátobos (Orion's Belt)]: Cipolletti 1978, No. 1:48-51.
Southern Amazon. Rickbacza [on frosty nights, the Morning Star copulates with girls in different villages while they sleep]: Pereira 1994, No. 116:266; paresi: Pereira 1986, No. 2 [see E5A motif; Wasaré attached the feathers of eagles to the bodies of seven sons, turned them into Pleiades; turned the other sons into Mars, the Evening Star, Aries, the Morning Star]: 34-69; 1987, No. 109 [The Evening Star was then the sun; married to two sisters, Enoaré went to the forest; at this time, the clouds covered the "sun"; both wives ran into the woods to see if her husband had turned into something during the eclipse; he became a fig tree, the youngest sister in a forest spirit; the eldest ran to her mother, who turned into a Dusicyon thous wolf; the eldest was left alone, made all kinds of bees out of latex]: 594-595.
Araguaia. Tapirape: Baldus 1970 [The sun is single; his sister Luna is married to Ampua Nuna (Venus in the morning); A.N. lived on earth, gave people corn, cassava, yams, bananas, etc.; his wife Tapiriha died, he went up to heaven with his son, his son became Mercury]: 357-359; Wagley 1977 [Apuwenonu descended from heaven, married Anuntero; she gave birth to a son, Imauawango; Apuvenona brought cassava, corn, yams, peanuts, cotton and other cultivated plants; people did not know how to grow them; A. told herons, wild goose, parrots and other birds to help them in the field; his wife taught how to spin cotton, make hammocks out of it, and bracelets; when old, A. took his son, rose to heaven; both are visible among the stars (A., possibly Venus, and his son Vega); his wife was carried away by water, some believe that she turned into a freshwater dolphin; ( in Wagley 1940:256, the son is identified with Jupiter)] :178.
Eastern Brazil. Sherente: Nimuendaju 1942:91 [a man's story about his soul's journey to heaven and his return; the road goes along the lake; a dog began to bark heartily in front of the trail; she warned of a monster hiding in reeds; it looked like a black man with a monkey tail and a knife in his hand; I killed him; a narrow bridge for robbers led across the river; I took a straight road past the village of the dead to heaven; there there were houses of the Sun, the Month, Venus and others; Venus helped my soul return to my body], 91-93 [Venus man lived on earth, was covered with ulcers, everyone drove him away; only Vaikaura (V.) invited him to his the house, put his virgin daughter on his knees, washed him in this position, curing the ulcers; Venus deflorized the girl, but V. did not want compensation; warned that Vaptokvá would destroy people with a flood; cut the pigeon's carcass, crucified it with chopsticks, turned it into a boat; during the flood, only V. and his family escaped in this boat], 93 [they fear the lunar eclipse less than the sun eclipse; the moon darkens due to the fact that Venus or Jupiter throw blood at her during the battle of the stars; no details could be found].
Chaco. Matako: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 1 [(Metraux 1959:15); Venus is the Father of All Stars], 8 [(Metraux 1959:18); The Morning Star is an old man; it has a big but cold fire; a female star, who came down to an earthly man is the daughter of this old man]: 37, 48-49; caduveo [a woman looks at the sky, wants a star for her husband; he goes down, plants corn and cassava, they ripen in a day; he returns to heaven; his two sons stay with their mother, become shamans; the Morning Star (Nibetad-Lalae) is a feather headdress on Nibetad's head - Pleiades men]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 27: 49.
The Southern Cone. Selknam [Venus is a man following the Sun]: Gusinde 1931:680; yagans [Lëm - The Sun, he has many daughters (various waterfowl, Fox, Rat) and sons; one of sons - Venus, still followed by]: Gusinde 1937:1147.